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KBLT - Vasulka,org
THE KITCHEN CENTER FOR VIDEO, MUSIC AND DANCE December 29, 1979 Woody,Steina Vasulka 257 Franklin Street Buffalo, New York 14202 Dear Woody and Steina, Enclosed is a rough draft of the videotape catalogue we're trying to put together . A few tapes are listed under your name . Could you please look over this information and make corrections, exclamations and changes where necessary . I would like to have your changes or OK by the end of February if possible . Thanks for the trouble . Board of Directors Robert Ashley Paula Cooper Suzanne Delehanty Philip Glass Barbara London Mary MacArthur Barbara Pine Carlota Schoolman Robert Stearns John Stewart Caroline Thorne Paul Walter HALEAKALA, INC . 59 WOOSTER NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10012 (212) 925-3615 ARTIST ADDRESS PHONE NAME OF TAPE CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS SUGGESTIONS ARTIST (S) AARON , Jane and BLUMBERG , Skip TITLEUS) TIME When I Was A Worker Like LaVerne 29 minutes A straightforward account of both management and labor at a Sears and Roebuck Company mail order house in Chicago . The plant foreman explains some of the operations of the business with a tour through the nine floor structure, spotted along with interviews with workers at a variety of duties, who appear to genuinely enjoy their labors . Note : N~ m cc r 0 K Ga r w x w a n 0 0 0 m r r m w 0 n 0 rt n n a 0 w rr m m n m x R X Xx X C X X X Copy #1 ACCONCI , Vito Red Tapes 140 minutes I, Common Knowledge Picture plane space - novelistic - scheme of detective story . Presents photographs . . . the recipient of myth . II, Local Color Space more sculptural, notions of America are seen in context, blended into overall notions of culture, Now he is the instrument of myth . The voice civilization . 2 in tape is essayist, III, Time Lag Space becomes theatrical space, the feeling of summing up, a kind of mediation - they are acting out a kind of prototype American novel, Note : Tapes on 60 minute cassettes 1977 ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) AGNETTI , Vincenzo Video Cassette 1973 (Documentary #2) TIME 30 minutes If one uses a,language, any discipline, to arrive quickly at a work of art one finds oneself forced to polarize, that is, forced to go back to the starting point, to the discipline itself . This is the moment to instrumentalize the discipline to cancel the structure ; the concepts are thus reduced to pure and simple signals which together form a composition that is, in a certain sense, the equivalent of the signs and colors i n an oil painting . For example in this documentary the polarization occurs by isolating images described from the filmed ambient . In its turn the documentary will develop with a description which is purely phonological . The words deprived of their meaning, are substituted by some numbers . In so far as the word disappears the number which substitutes for it becomes a simple tone-supporter . The visual part recovers spectator-- impact but at the same time declasses the illusion . The word is no longer objective as happens in certain processes which refer the word as a medium back to itself ; instead there is also less of the didacticism of academic inspiration . So it is that the ambient description stripped of ambiguity of language offers a work translated into every language . n r w 7d td w m r 0 N fD w I.r A 0 M 0 w n n w m 0 O m r n G m a w O rt a ro 0 rr m rr rt m X C X 1973 ARTIST(S) ANT FARM TITLE(S) The Cadil lac Ranch Show TIME 30 minutes^_' A tape about conspicuous consumption . Four men stand around a television studio and discuss their involvement with the Cadillac Ranch project . More conspicuous than the auto as symbol are the men themselves and the vulgarity of indulgence as visualized by the installation of several Cadillacs, half-buried in the Texas desert . The tape has little to do with art, but makes a brazen statement about Best part : two old Cadillac contemporary economics . television commercials from 1958 . ASHLEY , Robert Title Withdrawn 1, . w 50 minutes I- ar 0 n W X C X X X X C X X X X w r ro w r 0 fD 0 w n n w rr y m cn 0 0 a n M ry fD 0 3 w 0 cD O H fD rr rr m X 1974 Private Parts I. K " The Park B . The Supermarket People in places described in song with settings for piano and orchestra by the incomparable Blue"Gene" Tyranny . II . The Backyard Grafe (Electronics), Marc Gordon (PolyMoog), Peter with (Video) Koreson Jill X X X C 1978 Note : This tape was recorded live at The Kitchen January 6 and 7, 1978 . Tape defective rewinds after a few minutes w ww A O O M rr O a fn fD K fD 0 m w O0 rt 0 ARTIST (S) BALET , Marc T ITLES) Architectural Tales TIME w z td n W (D Ir O N 4-1 (D r r r) O x o w K 14 minutes n n m rt m rt rr m C BARK, Jared BATTOCK , Gregory A . Slotin's Light B . Irene Joliot Curie Outreach : The Changing Role of the Art Museum X 8 minutes 15 minutes X C X 28 minutes X C 1975 Briefly, "Outreach" is a video spoof on art museums . Battockl asks each participant how their respective institutions are reaching their communities : "What is your museum doing to improve communications? ; How do you plan to accomodate the newest art forms? ; Do you use the 'meat market' approach regarding personnel?", etc . The participants are Gregory Battock, educator, critic, lecturer, author ; Marcia Tucker, art critic, lecturer and Director of the New Museum ; Dr . Judith Van Baron, author, educator, specialist in museum administration, former Director of the Bronx Museum, and currently Director of the Monmouth County Museum of Art ; Charles Hovland, sales supervisor at the Guggenheim Museum . r w w N n n 0 r O I ' ART ISTCS) BENGLIS , Lynda TIME TITLE(S) Female Sensibility An interchange between two women ; and sexual holding of the other's caressing . Voice over from parts country music, commercials, and a about Adam . 20 minutes stylized gestures face, kissing, of radio talk shows, religious lecture 8 minutes Document Bengl-is uses live video image and photographic image Benglis focusing on the differences between the two . writes on the monitor and draws moustaches on both images . BENGLIS , Lynda & KAYE . Stanton BIRNBAUM , Dara The Amazing Bow-Wow 32 minutes Drift of Politics (two women are active in a space) Laverne & Shirley (subtitled/slowed-motion/extras) . Language usages within mass media are juxtaposed to the psychology/sociology of developed relationships (within the system/ towards the 'projected' viewer) . Note : This tape was recorded live at The Kitchen January, 1978 . ARTIST(S) TITLES) TIME ar rt 0 1-4 m a w n 0 am 0 G 0 0 BLACKMAN , Meryl & Window BODE,, Peter (see also : Experimental Television Center) BL, UMBERG, Skip & AARON, Jane (see also : Aaron) When I was a Worker Like Laverne BODE , Peter Blue I-87 BODE,Peter & Window ,~N, BLA Meryl (see also;Experimental Television Center) 0 G a a 3 rt 0 0 0 0 0 m m ARTIST(S) BOLLING , George TIME TITLE S) Space Trilogy A (channel 2) 30 minutes r w N 0 0a. m r 0 ro w r r A 0 x n 0 w n m n m 0 0 0 m w n w rr m m rt rr m C x C N X Space Trilogy_B (Viking Marsat Conjunction Track II - Mars) Spa ce Trilogy C (channel 1) 30 minutes Space Trilogy (Mars Viking at Conjunction Track III - DSN channel 3) Mars #1 10 Mars72Jupiter 10 minutes minutes 7 minutes 1976 x C x x 1976 x C x x 1976 R B ARTISTS) BOWES , Ed TITLE (S) Romance I TIME 32 minutes A feature length romance . "Romance" is a story starring Karen Achenbach, Beth Cannon, Ed Bowes, Britta LeVa, Kathy Dillon, Hannah Weiner, Mary Varnum, Chiam Sprei, Frank Werver, Donald Monroe, Ed Friedman, Richard O'Halloran, and Barry LeVa . Romance II 32 minutes Romance III 32 minutes X Romance III,-III ~ w w r w r r) x w ww m N 0 O n 0 r O n ar 0 n mrt a r O 3 ~c 0 m w O H N. co w n m rr M XX R X C X X X X X C X X X 1976 minutes Note : This copy consists of two cassettes, 52 and 47 minutes . Romance III X Note : Reel III missing Better, Stronger 55 min BETTER,STRONGER is a one hour TV show produced for In it, Lana, a young WNET New York by the Walsung Co . habits ; actress, tries to break the audience of some bad Lana is bad sexual habits, bad television habits . and has a busy lag from jet suffers accident prone, Charles McNulty, Achenbach, John STARS : Karen day . SCRIPT : Ed Bowes, Karen CAMERA : Tom Bowes Ruas . Bowes BY: Ed DIRECTED Achenbach X C X X X 1979 hour the television, affected The French of (perhaps shots long Stuart Susan Carlos existence, above formalized of French studio New &canabalistic) 6 two Wave shorts women as asWhy accent Interference narrative And Love The 'resort' I'm In are interpreted in the ato Formula I combined OK, Woman a Mood footnotes Hurts Hate evoke semantically You're share about Communism #lreferences byan OK afor someone romantic overdub a the minute and cinema weaned TIME mins mins mins mins min, ARTISTCS) TITLE(S) BRISLEY, GUARDEA, - 10 :30 Untitled r-lw NI-~- mm w 0P- a r A 0 r M o w n w w 0 0 0a rr 0 m m 00 Wn Km 0 ro rr m X C BRITTON, X C X X X 1977 R X X X 1978 6 B, Mundane reconditioned with ironic of on reel . X 52 A. An notion Note : X X C, 10 1977 D, 3 1976 E,, F, G, 6 1976 on 30 10 ARTIST(S) TITLE (S)- - TIME w N ~o 0 0 cu It.- 0 w w rt m m M rt BUEYS , Joseph, PAIK, Nam June & DAVIS , Douglas (see also : Davis) Documenta 6 m 10, ar 1-4 0 0 M G m w 0 K 0 n a m 0 ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) - BURTON , Jim Note : TIME Six Solos I. #1 II . #2 III . #3 BYRNE, Jim 0 n x ar 0 0 a pt rt 0 to 0 M o CD 0 m rt m y fD rY M All tapes are on 30 minute z" reels ; master copies BURTON , Jim and STEARNS , Robert §r. 0 70 to r 0 rD w r rA 0 X R X X R X 1973 R X 1973 C x x 1975 Return to , Patagonia I. (Part I) II . (Part II) A. Both X 5 min . B. Translucent 2 min . C .' Handheld 5 min . x 12 ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) TIME N BYRNE , JIM Works for Broadcast w td n 0 w n 0 x n 0 n n r" w rr 2 min . ro Four thirty-second tapes originally made for television in place of commercials, CAGE , John ro ro rt 0 ro ro a w n 0 n ro 0 ro rr rr ro C 36 Mesostics Re and Not Re Duchamp 26 min . 1977 X X Cage says ; "My first Mesostic was written as prose to celebratE one of Edward Denby's birthdays . The following Mesostics, each, letter of the name being on its own line, were written as poetry . . . .I thought that I was writing acrostics, but Norman l, pointed out that they could properly be called MesosO .Brown row down the middle rather than down the end) . tics (a By Cage Interview/Performance CAGE, John and . KOSTELANETZ, Richard 28 min X C X X During the show Cage actually starts a new work, "For the Thir Time", a written piece using words and phrases from James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake , arranged in patterns determined by various cryptic methods . CAIN , Nancy .and FRIEDMAN , Barton Paper Wagons A sociological tape replete with documentary footage at the garage of the Chicago Daily News and interviews with a variety of employees who appear considerably better natured than the somewhat narrow-sighted interviewers . X N R w rt 0 ro 3 P-1 O ro 0 13 ARTIST (S) TITLE(S) TIME w ww N 7d m 0 n n w CAMERON , Eric Artist and Model A . Intimacies B. Rencontres dans 1e temps retrouve C, Piece for - Annie CARDENA Note : Dynamic Field Series (Parts II, VII, IX) 23 min, 14 min, 15 :57 min, 27 :15 min, Taped live at Stedelik Museum, Amsterdam CARDENA III ar n 0 G a. m O 3 0 aO w rr rt rD X CAMPUS , Peter n O i-0 Black & White & Sometimes Colorful pX 1975 X C X X 1971 X C X X 1976 14 TIM E TITLE(S) ARTIST (S) \ N n ro r-~ 0 ro w r~ N A O 0 \ CARDENA CHADEN , Tina CLARK, Ron Eeu een een een minuut in een minuut, uur in een minuut, dag in een minuut, week in een minuut . Three Video Vignettes A The Screening B, Me and Magritte Both C, The Shadow Box DOUBT n ar n 0 rr 0 ro G ro 0 w Pi a. ro n 0 O n w rt 10 minutes m ro ro rr rr ro X X C X X X 10 min . X C X 22 minutes X X 1975 1975 X C X X X X X X 1977 X C X X 1978 w 0 a 0 rt 0 ro r C7 G ro O w O n a. ro 0 Doubt is a subtly scripted tape that uses the on-camera statements of several people to create a vague, allusive account of what in the beginning seems to be the memories of an underground organization . Clark deliberately leaves the relationship of the participants in his tape, and the ostensible subject of their concerns, in doubt . What the viewer is left with is the certain notion that the continuity he has constructed is substantially his own . DIALECTICAL FACTS 28 minutes One man and two women are both interviewed and A triangle . surveiled by a camera that slowly starts to reveal something .about the nature of their personal interrelations and that have something to do with the coup d'etat in Chile the proceeds As the tape the rise of communism in Italy . information only compounds ; never clarifies either the romantic involvements or revolutionary intentions . IDEOLOGY 51 minutes N n n ro 15 ARTIST (S ) COHEN , Maxi TITLE(S) My Bubi, My Zada TIME 28 minutes console in Livingroom environment with an old fashioned video place of a television housing a black and white with her monitor playing a pre-recorded tape of Maxi grandparents . r w r wy N 0r wA 0 n w" w m La Lucha Final 0 0 a o n rt 0 co 0 w n 0 n 0 0 rt rr emanating "The room is dark, except for the mellow light . The room from the floor lamp by the overstuffed chair Forward' . 'The is my grandparents living room . . . . chachkas a tape TV is On the on the coffee table, lace doillies . grandparents . of 'My Bubi',My Zada', my Russian immigrant relationthe The tape is a collage of vignettes exposing with ship between bubi and zada, and their relationship - MC me" . personal "My Bubi, My Zada was on the face of it a But because of documentary of Maxi Cohen's grandmother . a documentary the way Cohen handled the work, it was also of the making of the tape . - a recreatic n Cohen's tape was also part of an installation feel at would of the kind of living room her grandmother monitor on which home in . As the piece de resistance, the carved wood the tape was shown was enclosed in a large set 'console' with doors that closed to hide the TV when not "in use" . CON NELL, Brian ro 0 a t- r 30 minutes 1975 XX C X X C X X C X X 1975 An exploration of documents (photos, reports) relating to a terroist attack on an American embassy . Disparate elements become narrative, the narrative becomes the event, the factors become the people . Very compelling . COOS County TV Common Sense 57 minutes Documentary - Interviews with workers in Coos, Oregon comment on lumber jacks, fishermen, farmers, etc . who . this work and only indirectly on our culture/society X r w w N 0 r O n ar 1974 0 O a rr O m h 0O r{w 0 0 16 ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) TIME a r w to 0 (D Ir O 1910 rt O 0-4 m m w r r m w r 0 0 C) 0 K 0 K a m 0 w O N w m rr m m m m rr rt m CROISET , Nicole La Ro uette Prison de Femmes works by - Bour, Hessie, Janicot, Maglione, Aballea, Blum, Croiset Note : third generation tape, X X 1976 In French r w N w ww 0 0 O r 0 n Cni (n O rr O C m 0 n 0 a m 0 m w 17 TIME TITLES) ARTIST (S) - w x n m r 0rm r 0 O w w N 0 w n n w 0 rt 0 m w 0 r'S O rt 0 a m0 K rt m rt DAGLISH , Jamie X Stretch 2 Stories A. B. X X R X X 1978 R X X X 1975 X Angle_ of Repose The Seashells The Transient X Verbal/Nonverbal X R' X 1978 Soap_ Opera X R X 1972 DAVIDOVICH , Jaime A Jnterior B .Baseboard 30 minutes 15 minutes In Baseboard the character and dimensions of an unknown space are slowly revealed as the camera steadily and silently scans the space . The view seen is a close-up of a wall meeting the floor . The camera passes different objects exposing them only in part . The result is a linear collage of color and texture . A tension develops as the camera relentlessly carries the viewer around the room never showing enough of the space and never slowing or stopping to allow an investigation of a particular element . When the piece concludes the tension is released as the scale and character of the space becomes apparent . X IC X 18 ARTISTS) TITLE(S) TIME rw ww N z tb rD w 0 0 0 x n ar n n 0 rt 0 CD fr m w 0 n 0 n o. m 0 H. w rt rD rt f7 N DAVIS , Douglas , . The Austrian Tapes X C 17 minutes X X X 1974, 1975 B . Three Silent & Secret Acts 'Commissioned to celebrate the coming of cable broadcasts to Soho, this tape asks for participation in a way not usually demanded upon the viewer by television . (A sincere but didactic and frustrating attempt at communicating electronically, THREE SILENT AND THREE SECRET ACTS clarifies some of the potential and many of the limitations inherent in video .) Documenta 6 with works by PAIK , BUEYS , DAVIS X X X X X C X X X X 1977 Note : live via satellite from Kassel, Germany DOWNEY , Juan Chile, 1971 15 minutes Visual : murals & shots of Santiago & Valparaiso executed - during 1971, after the election of Allende . Audio : Allende's Farewell Address broadcast on the morning of September 11, 1973 . 1974 X C X 1974 Video Dances DRYSDALE , Tom Draw Me (15 short segments) Note : 25 minutes X X R first generation r w N w w n 0 0 n rt rr a n a. 0 0 0 0 rD w n 19 TIME TITLE(S) ARTISTS) m r n rO w t- o K 0 n n ww M rt rt cu EMSHWILLER,Ed & A " Meryl BLACKMAN Selected Works 1974 - 76 6 :20 minutes Peter BODE Window B, Ralph HOCKING & Sheryl MILLER Ins & Outs 8 :20 minutes C" Ralph HOCKING & S . 8 minutes D, Peter BODE E" Walter g" Peter WRIGHT BODE MILLER Hat 4:30 minutes I-87 Processed Images Blue O a. rt n 0 O 0 0 (D w n rt to X Scapemates EXPERIMENTAL Television Center n 72, :25 minutes 5 :05 minutes total 44 :40 minutes X X 1974 1976 1976 1976 1975 1976 ARTIST(S) T ITLES) FITZGERALD , Kit & Exchange in Three Parts SANBORN , John (see also Sanborn, Weiner) The Last Videot apes of Marcel Duchamp Interpolation A, Entrophy B, Order C, Watch D, Aphasia E, Interpolation F, Jargon G, Duad H, Motive I, Lux J, Access TIME 28 mins 33 mins 2 :10 1 : 33 1 : 00 2 : 03 2 : 02 6 :44 4 : 00 2 :10 1 :45 2 :05 24 :52 mins FOREMAN , Richard City Archives City Arch ives (tape 2) Out of Body Travel 42 mins 21 ARTIST (S ) TLME TITLE(S) rr w N i10 0 G O r O a. n 0 rt rt G r n G 0 n rt rt FOX, Terry A, B. C, D, E, . F, G, H I. J, K. 1974 Lunedi Childrens's Tapes Fly caught by the bowl Cloth draws water to the spoon Long wicked candle Candle sex Spoon, fork, toothpick & pen Star matches Candle draws water Relighting the wet candle Skinning the flame with the fork Water drops on the spoon Spoon drops on the fly mins mins mins mins mins mins mins 1 :10 mins 1 :30 mins 1 :00 min 28 :30 mins total Lunar Ram bles 3 :10 3 :35 5 :30 2 :25 2 :35 4 :30 3 :40 ( .separate reels) X X C X R X 1974 1976 I Brooklyn Bridge II Brooklyn Bridge III Greenwich Street IV Greenwich Edit V Pedestrian Tunnel VI Fish Market VII Original Fox constructed In the large room at The Kitchen Terry a soundboard as the floor a sound installation using the small it . In across for the strings stretched tapes were the These viewed . room videotapes were that places quiet in results of private performances The City, York New throughout Fox did during the week was shown at The tape of a performance of one day "Lunar Rambles" from Kitchen the next day . Excerpts "D" May 26 Channel TV, were shown on Manhattan Cable exhibition, this and 29, 1976 in conjunction with r-~ N n L n O rt G C1. CD 0 .y 0 G O 22 ARTIST(S) TITLES r_ fJ .a FROST , Jack & WO RSLEY ,Dale Initial Survey of Lindalil Use BV Occupations - for TV Ads Mantra FUJII , Seiichi Video) (see also Hiroba 1977 23 ARTIST(S ) GIBSON , Jon GIGLIOTTI , Davidson GILLETTE, FRANK TITLE(S) TIME Rhythm Study for Hand, Feet and Voice Lines & Masses (Four tapes labeled A,B,C and D) Real Time/Raw Tape 1A/ Center (2 copies) 1B/ Left (2 copies) 1C/ Right (2 copies) 1D/ Right 24 ARTIST (S) TITLE(S) TIME ww ~rr N n n r. w rt Three Tuscan Fields & The Birds of Madagascar GILLETTE , Frank z rD O N F- 0 PVI O n O F-~ O ri a r O G rt m n ~j " . cD 0 0 0 O I-c m w m I . Sunflowers & the Birds of Southern 10 :15 Madagascar rt rt II .' , Vineyards & the Birds of Western 10 :30 Madagascar Olive Grove and the Birds of 6 :45 Eastern Madagascar III, GIUMMO , Joan SW EETNAM , Elizabeth Shopping Bag Ladies X' R 1977 X C X 45 min of the streets as This tape examines the homeless women to survive . The they migrate around the city, struggling myth that shopping reality of their situation banishes the with options bag ladies are willful groups of eccentrics streets . the available to them other than sleeping on GOLDMAN , Robert Romance of the Angel of Lions 18 min . X C X and Three elaborately dressed women meet for high tea at in a cage gossip . Their tea-party is held outdoors while for money the Boston Zoo . They speak of their love ghostly cavemen emerge from the rocks behind them and cavort on the nearby stones . w N w w n b Io n a r Cni Cn G n C. m rD ( 0 O O I-c rD w 25 ARTIST (S) GRASS , Peter TITLE(S) The Mutants of Beta Nova TIME 23 min n a 0 0 rt 0 0 r n 0 n a0 n a 00 w n In a distant universe called Beta Nova a sisterhood of a few planets and dwarf stars is populated by the descendants of the savages of Asterisk, a once interstellarly acknowledg race of advanced technology . X GRAUER , Victor Video Piece I GROSSMAN , Ellen Opening & Closing the Passage (2 parts to be shown simultaneousl GUARDEA , Carlos & BRISLEY , Stuart (see also : Brisley) Untitled X X 1977 n 0 0 n 0 rr o 0 0 co 0 w na n a. m 0 o Pt 26 ARTIST (S) -- TITLE(S) TIME Twenty Years Reprint HAGIWARA , Sakumi (see also : Hiroba Video) HARDING , Noel w N P- (D O n n w Pieces for Circuits/Works for Mind/Body m 15 min X B, No . 1 of 3 pieces for Circuits 15 min No . 1 of 3 works for C, Mind-Body 15 min No . 1 of 3 pieces for D ., Circuits 15 min 15 mir No . 2 of 3 pieces for B, Circuits 15min C, No . 2 of 3 works for Mind-Body 15min D, No . 2 of 3 pieces for Circuits 15min III, A, No .3 of 3 works for Mind-Body B, No .3 of 3 pieces for Circuits C No .3 of 3 works for Mind-Body 0 a rr w 0 r W C: O J n x n a. m w I 0 0 W n O rt rD rr rt rD A, Number 1 of 3 works for Mind-Body No . 2 of 3 works for II . A, Mind-Body rn n rr R X RI R 15min 15mir 15mir w w n w n 0 N O ri 0 Cl~ G n a. rt (D 0 0 0 O m 27 ARTIST(S) HARDING , Noel TITLE(S) TIDE n a +r o w N (continued) D. No .3 of 3 pieces for circuits F~ rr b y r n 0 ri n w 15min 0 rt 0 G 0 n 0 a 0 n r1 rt rr IV, HARDING , Noel A . 15 min of 3 pieces for Circuits 15min X B. 15 min of 3 works for Mind-Body 15min :C. 15 min of 3 pieces for Circuits 15min D. 15 min of 3 works for Mind-Body 15min A. "B,, C. D ., E. Birth's Child Table & Chairs Cathy's Room _Cynthia's Portrait 4 4 3 12 4 min X min min min min BIRTH'S CHILD objectively captures a mother's response to her baby's crying . Both mother and son sit naked nearly on top of the camera . The woman's face moves through a pattern of subtle changes as we listen to the child's wailing .The piece closes with a succession of rapid cuts which create a pulsating sound/visual rhythm as the crying stops . TABLE & CHAIRS opens with a slow pan from one chair to another placed at (diagonally) opposite ends of the table . A man appears on the screen who at certain times establishes a corresponding counter-rhythm to the pan . (continued) N w w R X R X n 0 :> rr r O n cn n 1973 0 C a a. cn rt 0 C W n O n 0 28 ARTIST (S) _ - TITLE(S) TIME HARDING,Noel (continued) In CATHY'S ROOM a pendulum,-like soundtrack serves as of the underlying dynamic to this careful visual study view and bed, windows, including her a woman's space dog . The final tape, CYNTHIA'S PORTRAIT is comprised of her full face and profile superimposed with the sound of a harmonica . N 0 n W rr o Sv r_ 0 o xn wm rt m rt ro 0 C a. rt n 0 0 0 Pc W n 29 TIME - TITLE S ARTIST(S) r w z t- O a O rt O ~c w N (Dr r Wn Or r C7 O OO W xn a. m0 0 W rt m cn rtrt N X X X X C X X X X 1975 X 1975 x C Conscious Knocks Unconscious 25 minutes HEYWARD , Julia X 1977 Multi-layered interiors from voices inside Heyward, directed by Julia Heyward and featuring the same. Classical Conv ersations A narrative/conversation/monologue questioning the dilemma and the pleasures of media, re: Bob Dylan, the energy crisis, getting sunburned . - a Fifi Corday Production HEYWARD , Julia & PAXTON , Steve Classic Conversations 25 mins Peripheral Vision 20 mins HILL , Gary I The Fall 12 minutes II Windows Sums & Differences x X P X X R X X X TV CTR. HOCKING , Ralph & MILLER, Sheryl-see : EXPERIMENTAL HOLT , Nancy Note : Dub # F-4 Underscan copy #1 8 minutes 1973 1978 X C 8 minutes 9 minutes III Windows A rithmetic Images (silent) Sums and Differences (sound) (B W with color burst) C X X 1974 X C X r w w w ww N 41 (7 n b 0r a r On 0 rt 0 W GOa m O HW 0 30 ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) HIROBA Video Matsumoto , Toshio Kobayashi , Hakudo Komura , Masao TIME \ N r-~ I Expansion Earth Object Collection a r O lo 1n m 1~ cn G C ~j O 1c rt 0 ~t 14 minutes 10: 20 7 :40 rt a. ~ 0 1972 1974 1974 m rt co rt rt cD II Statistics of an Egg Water _Twenty Years Reprint Nakaya , Fujiko Yamamoto , Keigo Hagiwara , Sakumi Hagiwara , Sakumi 11 :00 9 :30 5 :35 5 :00 _ Imdeitsu, Mako Fujii , Seiichi III Lets Have a Dream - Yoko Ono in Japan What a Woman Made Manitra 11 :30 13 :25 7 :00 Kawanaka , Nobuhiro Wada ,Morihiro Yamaguchi , Kasuhiro IV Playback Situation Video Portrait 10 : 00 9 : 00 7 :00 Michishita , Kyoko HOCKING , Ralph & MILLER , Sheryl (see also : Experimental TV Center) 1973 1972 1974 1973 X 1974 1974 1973 1974 1974 1973 Ins and Outs Hat What A Woman Made IDEMITSO , Mako (see also : Hiroba Video) w N C7 a 0 N O rt Un 'c 0 rt o , m w a r W G a rt (D 0 o !n 31 ARTIST(S) JOHNSON, Tom & Kushner , Robert - TITLE(S) - - TIME N The Masque of Clouds I, Aurora & Sunrise Lake Aria, Forest Aria Storm Rainbow Forest & Lake Duet Sunset Dew Chorus II Nocturne Aurora's Aria 5 :30 4 :50 7 :47 5 :25 12 :00 6 :20 6 :35 55 :00 mins w fD 0 r-+ 0 a I-- r rn 0ri n n w w rt m 0 a. C 7X 11 : 00 X X "The Masque of Clouds" grew out of a shorter work created by Kushner in 1973, which was roughly based on Elizabethan masque traditions but involved no music . Johnson became interested in the idea as a potential opera, and active collaboration on the expanded work began in the summer of 1974 . One hundred and thirty-two variations make up the music of the work . The theme is never quite stated in its pure form, though it is heard in ten different modes and quite a variety of tempos and moods, Take 2 18 minutes 0 0 rD W n 0 rt rt An opera in three acts and one hundred and thirty-two variations . Performed by William Barone, Lynn Cushman, Kathy Duncan, Pamela Frame, Susan Gayle, Tom Johnson, Penney Kimbell, Robert Kushner, Sylvia Lanka, Joyce Morgenroth, Martha Novick, Mary Overlie, Ellen Saltonstall, Ed Vincent, Janis Wenk. JONES , Philip Mallory & January : Jones , Gunitta rt n X C X ;X 1975 32 ARTIST (S) TIME TITLE (S) M rr o m w w m O KAMM, Tom (Devlin Productions) 20 min Watch o n 1977 X Playback KAWANAKA , Nobuhiro (see also : Hiroba Video) KAYE , Stanton & BENGLIS, Lynda X The Amazing Bow-Wow (See Benglis, Lynda) KEELER , John & ROTKO , Ruth (see also : Rotko) UFO Tapes/ Three Interviews X X the Part of this program presented videotapes on is a Interviews" "Three phenomenon of flying saucers . and spotted video documentary featuring people who had in Lands "Saucer boarded extra terrestial aircraft . begins when an which video spoof, a Lainesville" is Colonel, disembarks extraterrestial disguised as an AirForce about recent UFO sighting , his craft to question towns people, I Was Kidnapped by a UFO Bubble 26 minutes KEHOE, Mark I . Smash-up II . 1975 X X 30 minutes Smash-up (cue to 290) 30 minutes with A half hour version of a feature length script Romance Urban . LoMedico Marian Ferrara & Dominic X N w N O C a. rt (D ro 0 O O W O 33 ARTIST (S) KELLER, David T ITLE(S) - - TIME Demo Tape (audio mix, w w wm N 30 min . 0 n first copy) w An account of a demolition derby is presented as a form of methodical violence . Fans come to the track and local drivers heroes who are mechanics, who work on their own cars aside from their regular jobs . On Saturdays they drive for simple glory & little money as fans watch with satisfaction . As one demolition driver put it, " . . . a lot of them are out here to watch what they are dying to do ." KELLER ; David Conditioner n 0 A 0 m w x ar 0 G a. HC rt 0 M M 0 rt O w Pi m 0 rt m rt rr M X C 25 min . 1979 X C X X. XC X X 1978 This program deals with the concept of human control over animals and media control over viewers . Depicted are sterility operations, poultry slaughter, and caged confinement . Synthesized electronic music, subliminal word messages, and other effects accentuate awareness of media manipulation . =J,LER , David The Only Lonely Show 12 min . Romantic and sexual alienation presented in a montage of unrelated images . This montage attempts to follow the structure of commercial televised programming, where differen t sequences are juxtaposed and produce the sensation of commercial television, w ww z w wi n N on n 0 G a a. rt 0 co G n 0 m 0 m n 34 ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) TIME r N KELLEY ,Joanne & SWEENEY , Skip Oceans Part I Benefit Concert I . Show #1, Tape #1 (original) A rt (D 0 O O W rt r" rt X KITCHEN r X 60 min . 5/20/78 Tape 1 - Philip Glass , Laurie Contemporary Music Series : Anderson . Tape of benefit concert including performances by Philip Glass , Laurie Anderson , Meredith Monk , ." :obert Ashley, Steve Reich Benefit Concert II . Tape #2 X 60 min . X 5/20/7 Contemporary Music Series (Con't) Laurie Anderson (con't), Mered ith Monk r w N rt (D 0 N o '(D o In 35 ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) TIME rw n \ \ co r 0 N fD r-+ rn O 11 O w K n w w rt m m W ar rt 0 "C m K 0 w K n a M 0 0 O O fD rt rt KITCHEN Contact Improvisation (Performance at The Kitchen) The tape demonstrates the diverse ways in which contact/ improvization develops between partners . The movements In the begin slowly with an emphasis on floor work . latter half of the tape the movements quicken and become more stylized . The concentration then is on the active dynamic of bodies relating to each other as mobile - complementary sources of energy . The sound is "verite" . Early_Tapes m 60 mins News Broadcast : Collapse of Mercer Art Center, first home of Kitchen Univ . Hotel B. Robert Stearns : "Acme Strikes Back" . . . Comic Conversation, with marijuana smoking, etc . C. Robert Stearns : "Greenjeans" Acme Commercial for theme of Acme Strikes Back . D. "Draw Me" E. Orchestra Person Conducting Prerecorded Music F. Steve Reich : Clapping 20 mins Documentation (Promotion Tape) Excerpts from Performances, Screenings, Exhibitions . A . Kubota Installation no visuals Note : bad tape, Jackson Mac Low, "A Word Event" Carlotta Schoolman 1977 C X X X C X X 30 mins A. X X C X w n 0 P- 0 K n 1974 1975 rt c m O K a m 0 0 0 O 36 ARTIST(S) TITLE (S) TIME N KITCHEN cont . C, Robert Kushner, "The Persian Line" Performance D, Trisha Brown, "Primary Accumulatio Note : bad tape, no visuals Note: 'no visuals E, Beryl Korot, "Dachau" video installation F, Steve Paxton, 5 dancers and video performance G, Ron Clark, "Give or take a few Words" video screening H, Jean Dupuy, Richard Landry Kipper Kids - Live (see also : Knowles) Emily Likes the TV Part I KOBAYASHI . Hakudo (see also Hiroba Video) Earth KOMURA , Masao (see also Hiroba Video) Object Collection w w m r m w A O w a n O r 0K n 3 O O m a w O H fD O rt 1-c n w w rt ti m rt rt C X 1978 37 ARTI STS) TITLE(S) TIME \ N LANDRY rD Quad Suite Richard o \ n n A. Six Vibrations for Agnes 15 minute : Martin . (guitar) B. Hebe's Grand Bois 8 minute (bamboo flute) C . 4th Registrar Reflection 11 minute (tenor sax) Production engineer, Carlota Schoolman, Kurt Munkacsi Tina Girouard - video LANGE , Darey w n 0 0 n b v r n W 0 R 0 rD G 0 G a. n 0 r" 1973 rt rt 1975 rD X w n 1973 x R Documentation of Bradford , Working Life a . Rolling Mill b . Grinding . Furnaces c d . French Combing e . Traditional Combing f . Spinning - Alice Jennings 'First situation Second situation Spinning - Theresa Hirp Verson Press Piston InsRection Dual Lathes Packing - 1 Packing - 2 II a. b. c. d. e. f. III a . Order Assembly - 1 b . Order Assembly - 2 c . Punch Card Third situation Fourth situation X C 1974 X " The first situation" was a steel smelting works, Osborne "The Second Situation" Steels Ltd, Lowmoor, England . "The Third Situation" Whiteheads Woolen Mills . was at largest producer of & Grandage, England's was Hepworth Situation" was a large rings . "The Fourth pistons and Grattna Ltd . mail order warehouse This art documentation is an attempt to relate an aesthetic truth through three different media . The film and video were shot simultaneously with the same framing. "My intentions are to convey the image of the work as work, as an occupation, as an activity, as D. Lange creativity and as time consumer" . LO N n n ^J O y 0 rf r v) C n a. C/] rt n 0 .y O -11 w a n AhT IST S) TITLE(S) T EM E'. ~ tia O r-+ rW f" N O w` L.A .T .V , The Best & The Worst Using the format of a commercial, this tape incorporates several forms of video, including studio shot imagery, computer fed animation, character generated images, etc . If anything this tape might be about the sort of elegant anxiety that has been made possible with commercial broadcasting, LUBAR, Cindy & KNOWLES , Christopher (see also : Knowles) Note : !D XIC i Emily Likes the TV IX XICIX X X 1977 X 197 6 recorded live at The Kitchen October, 1976 LYON , Bruce A, Color Transformatio ns B, Moving Monument C, Abstract Expressionism 15 min X C X LO 1974 0 G 0 G 39 ARTIST (S) ~ MARTON ,, Michael TIME - TITLE(S) Arvilla 28 :36 mins A documentary about Arvilla Groesbeck, an independent woman who runs a farm with 38 head of cattle near Schenectady, New York . The camera follows her around the farm as she performs th never ending .duties required to keep her small dairy operating p and the frustrating attempts to get a loan in order to consolidate . Anecdotes and personal history are told by her as everyday farm experiences are,seen . A simple, well made and affectionate Best quote : "I do my own documentary/portrait . thinking or I blank out" . MARUYAMA , Yoko & Tsuno, Kieko A . The Cuban Film Festival - Tsuno B. Welfare Reform - Maruyama N .Y . C . Newber r w w w rn N r O n n w rn 0 rt O m C w O Ca. 0 r0 w r O O x n rt rt X C X X X 1978 15 mins 6 mins R 13 mins X X Expansion MATSUMOTO,Toshio (see also : Hiroba Video) MATTLIN,Sharon Teething (Parts I & II) 90 mins Sharon Mattlin and the Bowery Bumettes Repertory Ensemble present TEETHING : a pageant narrated and enacted by a chorus . Teething is about being a child and having a child, (sequentially and in some senses simultaeously) and how we survive - even triumph . Note : recorded live at The Kitchen February 14, 15 197 8 X C X 1978 40 P4ICHISHITA , Kyoko (see also : Hiroba Video) MILLER , Larry V, Jim the Wonder Dog MOONEY , Karen & STROBING, Leandra X 60 mins Art of Influence of charmed healing Absent dolls by psychic healer Dean Kraft, The Suitcase MILLER , Sheryl & HOCKING , Ralph (see also : Experimental TV Center) G ~ `4 Let's Have a Dream Yoko Ono in Jap an X 30 mins 1975 1976 1978 58 mins Ins & Outs Hat Coping with Herpes , Virus of Love 27 :30 mins and Coping with Herpes, Virus of Love is an informative an affects matter that a sexual supportive program about herpes virus is Genital today . enormous number of people has been . It and communicable incurable, recurrent, poses a threat associated with cervical cancer in women andControl Disease for Center The to the newborn . new cases each estimates that there are 300,000 The year - four times the reported syphilis cases . regarding and the anxiety herpes distressing properties of an unusual makes it or guilt sexuality, fear of rejection, sexual problem . help people do Coping with Herpes, Virus o f Love aims to explains the that it just that - cope- at the same time women and two men . Two basic, known facts of the disease felt when they how they (aged 26 to 35) candidly discuss it, and learned about first contracted herpes, what they've tells couple A young how they've learned to deal with it . had a the woman their experience with childbirth when Marvin recurrence just before the birth of their child . Dr . a Rochester and of Amstey, a faculty member of the Univ . during the to time herpes specialist, appears from time program to describe the medical facts of the disease . of Coping with Herpes focuses on the personal experiences both to soothe in order people who are coping with herpes, the body and the mind . The tape was produced with support NY from the Artists' Television Workshop at WXXI/Rochester, are broadcasts . Other It was broadcast there in Aug ., 1978 expected in early 1979 1978 XC 0n 41 ARTIST (S) - TITLE S TDtE IN (D r rn W 0 n n r. w rt rD rt rt MUNTADAS , Antonio MYERS, Rita (D X C Tactile Recognition of the Body 18 mins We are alone here 28 mins X R X Sleep Performance an d Second Tho ughts 24 mins X R n 0 y 0 rt 0 C 0 a r 0 n n 0 rj a. 0 X X m n 1971 1975 X X X ARTIST M TIME TITLE(S) n N NAKAYA , Fujiko (see also Hiroba Video) Statistics of an Egg N,A,S,A, Footage Globule Experiment m r 0 m w IP- 0 rt ca wm m m rr rr A 0 PI a r 0 O O rt m O w rr m Skylab/ Day-off activities Apollo 1 7/ Astronauts on Moon Sky lab Bloodtest, Repairs, VTR Lunar Rover ,Grand Prix Earth Moon, Mars, Jupiter X C X z It-< o H 43 ARTISTS) TITLE(S) TIME r N m F-' w 0 W O 0 n b a r 0 rt 0 C 0 w ("J C O ry a 0 w rt rt rr M OPPENHEIM , Dennis recorded at the Kitchen, September 26, 1975 OURSLER , Tony R X K R X X X A, Life B, Diamond Head C, Goo d Thing & Bad Thing Three short vignettes that tackle large scale,problems Utilizing following the form of a parable or fairy-tale . and forms (puppet animation video an economic style of hand props with an overdub) Ourslet':s narratives vacilate between an ironic and anxious vision . X 1975 44 11?f~I:; r s ~ T tl PAIK, Nam June (see also Bueys , Davis) Documenta 6 satellite Note : Live from Kassel, Germany via Global Groove PAXTON, Steve & HEYWARD, Julia (seealso Heyward) 20 mins 25 mins A, Peripheral Vision B, Classic Conversations Peripheral Vision version 20 min shot firehouse '73, edit '75 video ; Christiansen voice ; Christiansen, Smith, Paxton e improvization - a dance This tape demonstrates contact dancers mutually directing form emerging from two or three and improvising together each other by falling in space involves The form freely - in its earliest stage . the feet don't have where investigating the body in space gravity become and momentum to be on the ground and where of the tape : the sections Some the sources of stability . as to perceive speed movements are recorded at a slower is soundtrack The . the full convolution of the movement reas they performers a dialogue between two of the collegues' gestures . watch and explain their own and 45 TITLE ARTIST) M TIME n b O y 0 rt 0 C w r n C O PI O C n a. 0 w \ \ N n m Nor was this all by any means RAMOS , Tony REICH, Steve m rt 24 mins X n X 4 :50 mins Cla22ing Music (1972) (L) Hartenberger Performed by Russ & Steve Reich (R) A, B, 11 mins Music for Pieces of Wood Bob Performed by (1973) Becker, Russ Hartenberger, Glen Velez, Steve Reich, James Taped at Preiss - tuned claves . York, New composers studio in May 1975 1975 X X without written consent Note : no rentals or dubs of Steve Reich ROSENBACH , Ulrike A,. B,_ C, D, Madonnas of the Flowers Part of Paradise Mon Petit Chou Der Man Sei Das Hauptt B, Glauben Sie nicht daB ich eine amazone bin (1 version) second version (color) A, B, Tanz fur eine frau Sorry Mister A, X C X X X X C X X C X X X color and did not Note : Sorr Mister was originally standard conform we - to N w n 0 r O n b r _, 0 rt 0 C O ri O a. 0 46 a~.~, I ~T( (S Sj TIzLl ;' , C O c K I Semiot ics of the Kitchen ROSLER , Martha (see also SEKULA, Allan, Talk given by Mr . Fr ed Lux . . . :r. cn O n fD n a. n 0 O O 8 mins a midshot of a woman A static camera is focused on On a kitchen counter wearing an apron in a kitchen . kitchen utensils, each of before her are a variety of then proceeds to demonwhich she picks up, names and with often as not have nothing to do strate and that as the tool, developing an ironic grammology . II A Buddi ng Gourmet 1975 17 mins images from picture While the camera examines various towards gourmet foods, a magazines primarily oriented in both Europe and woman narrates about her experience cuisines . Later in South America and their respective at assimilating attempts the tape she relates her Pondering the question she seems to com Brazilian cooking . all a question of to the realization that it's not an accident" . cultivation and that "art is ROSS, Steve 1974 X IX Three Conceptual Artworks The Heights of Macchu P icchu Reading of the piece by Pablo Neruda Untitled r, Y H 47 ARTIST (S) TITLE(S) TIME I-~ W N fD r--~ A~ A r-+ O ar ^Y ("J O n 0 C a. rt 0 O w O n r" m rr r rt x Cr 40 mins ROTKO , Ruth & KEELER , John (see also : Keeler $ John) The Last Space Voyage of Wallace Ramsel RYAN, Paul Earthscore IX _Earthscore - Inventing Triadic Behavior (tape 1) x x Philip Morrison Interview at Cambridge, Mass Dec . 1976 Video as Evolutionary Tool Lecture at Kitchen, April, 13, '7 Ix x R R x R x C 1975 x 1976 48 A11,TIST('S) 1 1- n SANBORN , John & FITZGERALD, Kit see also Fitzgerald, Weiner) A, B, Exchange in Three Parts 28 mins X The Last Video Tapes of Marcel Duchamp 33 mins X 2 :10 mins 1 :33 mins Entropy Order Interp olation ^SCHIFF, Lesley 1977 X X 1977 1978 24 :52 1978 A Functioning Error Saturn, Planet of the Moons Extended Face e SCH~N, Carolee 3,4,1,2 Drawing) A Performance from a performance drawing . Artist, nude, swings harness attached to rope swing and makes marks, line drawings on wall/space/enclosure . Good shadows of aparatus and figure, X 1976 49 ARTIST (S) TITLE(S) TIME r+ N M (D F-~ O K n to CA ED Bits, Chunks, & Pieces SCHNEIDER , Ira A . Echo X M rr rr 45 mins 0 F" O Sv IA 0 K r~ a C rt (D m 0 O H w rr co X X X 1975 X X 1976 15 mins A group of people play and experiment with the video phenomenon of chroma-key in a television studio . Chromavideo key is a mixing process that replaces delayed color of a in place camera information from a single at the Produced monitor . frequency cued on the Synapse Video Center . B. 25 mins More or Les s Related , Incidents in Recent Histor y An information collage juxtaposing various events from . the period in recent history best described as psychedelic a fantasmagoric painting Included are shots of a man of mural on the wall of a boutique, Nixon On TV, hordes Viet Nam, news from reports Hare Krishnas meditating, Jim Morrison in concert, street interviews . rawhide pants" . Best line : "I want two pair of bell-bottom SCHNEIDER , Ira & Korof , Beryl (see also : Korof) X C x 4th of July i n Saugerties A. B. X C X Several Minutes of Several Days in the Hamptons (Eco-Culture i n Eastern Lon g Island) 14 mins Some Scenes in Southern California (Eco-Culture in North San D i ego 14 mins County, California) Bits & Pieces parts I and II X r w X X X 1975 X X 1976 R X X 1977 R X ~`td lE n wA t-4 O O rr O fD r ti ~ C fD O N O O ri O M rt C]. m 0 50 ARTIST (S) TITLE (S) TIME M O K SCHOOLMAN , Carlota SE GALOVE , Ilene a ro 0 n w w w M m rt nm Revolve , Nancy Holt Part I 60 mins Part II 15 mins X The Mom Tapes 27 mins 9 mins Why is the Sky Blue a w c) w sM r 0 0 rr 0 m IN 0 w k- r G m w rA 0 c'] O ri 0 K X X X 1977 X C X 1974 - 78 X C X 1978 A young girl performs an elementary scientific experiment in an attempt to answer the title/question ; disatisfied with the results she affects her own conclusion . California Casual 18 mins California Casual living began for our cast when-,couple by couple-they shook off starched collars and cuffs and Only one individual, Christina, is made for the Coast . California blessed from birth . We see Milt, David Olan, Ben, Nick and Marty photographically surrounding their wives, who espouse the virtues of an iron-free lifestyle, and the impact miracle fibers have had on their lives, Gloria, Christina, Laura, Vicki and Sylvia describe the lives they lead sharing similar attitudes toward washing, starching and ironing . Their husbands, professional men, made real committments to casual living, beginning in one case with a hot-pink leisure suit . For the Westward-bound, the starch out of the shirt and the stiffness out of life are simultaneous . A phenomenon strictly California, Los Angeles in fact, is no longer in danger with no documentation, of passing historically California Casual is videoportraiture . The installation is in a professional environment and viewers will include the Downtown Los Angeles California Casual people, r w ww N 0 z ww0 E r Ori ar 3 "a 0 rr 0 M 0 fD 0 w C7 a H O H a0 0 51 TITLE ARTIST (S) TIME N w i A 0 m w r A 0 x K 0 K n w m m m rr rr m 25 mins Talk Given by Mr . Fred Lux plant Co . at the Lux Clock Mfg . in Lebanon, Tennessee on Wed . Sept . 15, 1954 SEKULA , Alan (see also : Rosler, Martha) SHEETENHELM , David & A . Color Transformations Lyon, Bruce (see also B .Moving Monument Lyon) SIEGEL , Eric SOBEL , Nina A. Einstine B. Symphony of the Planets C. Tomorrow Never Knows Breakdowns 0 w M 1974 X X C 23 :30 0 R X X X C .Abs tract Expressionism M m O I.- X w w X X 1974 X 1968 1974 X 0 0 O PI 0 0 m c m 0 w H O M O0 . m 0 52 ARTIST (S) - TITLE(S) TIME w N rz w M r 0 fD r r A K 0 w K w Southwest Tapes "Himagag" STEARNS, Robert Something to do while wat ching TV X R Sheet Frame X R viden Lecture Notes X C STEARNS, Robert & BURTON, Jim (see Burton) STEELE , Lisa X C X Return to Patagonia 10 mins A. Lisa and the Egg B, A Very Personal Story 17 mins Coping with Herpes , Virus of Love 27 :30 min STROBING , Leandra & MOONEY , Karen (see Mooney for info) ar n 0 rr 0 M m w 0 rt a m 0 0 m rr rr m SONDHEIM , Alan o X C X X 1975 53 STURGEON , John A, Shapes from the Bone Change 4:20 min B o The Two of Triangles 2 :50min C, Water Piece 7 :13 Hunting the Great White SUTHE RLAND , Starr & E, also W LKE Bruce (see Walker) Shopping Bag Ladies a r P0 n rr X C co K m 0 0 0 1975 w w rr m m Xmrt X 1979 13 :25 min An absurd narrative revolving around a theoretical hunt and the taomaraderie of hunters . Two men set out together to search for and hopefully "bag" the Great White, The expedition takes them to a salt flat in the desert but is referred to as a treacherous jungle . The men prevail against all odds (?) and finally down the Great White with In the final sequence they are seen in the a cannon . trophy room meditating on the ways of nature . SWEETNAM , Elizabeth & GIUMMO , Joan (see also : Guimmo) mm X X 54 TITLE(S) ARTIST (S) TIME r w wwm N lD r O rt n m TOP VALUE TELEVISION The Lord of the Universe m 60 min m rt rt n w r O 0 rt O O r; O M O t.0 0 pi w 'rt Im fD Includes Documentary by WNET on Guru Maheraj Ji . ('73), etc . Astrodome interviews, conclave at Houston X C X X X X 1974 Roll Over Alice Trenchmouth Music Live Oak Theater, Berkeley Golden Gate Park Bandshell, San Francisco A. TSUNO , Keiko & Maruyama, Yoko (see also Maruyama) B. C. The Cuban Film Festival Tsuno Wel fare Reform? Maruyama Newberg, New York Tsuno 15 min 6 min 13 min 1974 X 55 ARTIST(S)- - TITLE(S) TIME N w M co r O K r+ w A T n 0 r O ti ar n G 0-4 m w rr O O 4 C. O O 0 M W W w VALIE Export fA fA fD rt rt Space Seeing & Hearing m X C I, II, III, IV, V VAN TIEGHAM , David fD 1974 X Disorderly Conduct Armstrong . The multi-tracked soprano voice is that of Rebecca The Joiner, others, The entry music was performed by, among Bennett, Arkansas Junior High School Band (A . Silas created and director) and Texas Slim . The unique jewelry was . Dennis Kitsz graciously lent by composer/performer Child's from "A The "Peter Percussion" song was excerpted Introduction to the Orchestra", recorded by the Golden Miller, Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Mitch of the The drawings featuring percussionist Terry Snyder . Bulletman from a 1943 drummer used on the flyer were taken & Bulletgirl comic-book episode entitled "The Killer capture Diller Killers", in which our valiant super-heroes subduing the murderers of an unfortunate percussionist by them with cymbals, xylophones and a bass drum . Recorded live at The Kitchen, June 4, 1978 VASULKA, Woody & Steina Golden Voyage 27 min X C X X X 1973 56 ARTIST (S) TITLE (S) TIME r w w w N a n w ~4 r 0 0 rt 0 m m ¢1 I- r 0 rt O w r n 0 0 0 a. m O x Pi O w 0 n N VIOLA , Bill A, W N fD rt rt Information 30 mins X Eclipse 20 mins X C X Red Tape (2 copies) 30 mins X C Selected Works Olfaction (1974) X 1973 X 1974 2 mins A workman (Viola) at a table in a studio fragments-,via video into several persons performing various incomprehensible duties then sits at a nearby chair re-establishing a single image/person, B, Junkyard Levitation ('76) 3 mins A man (Viola) lays down in a cleared junkyard while an off camera electromagnetic crane 'levitates'scrap metal from the yard . He then stands up while a train passes behind, C, Return (1975) 7 mins A man (Viola) takes a series of short walks from a forest into a cabin/workshop and rings the bell he is carrying at each rest, it's peal serving to link the intervals visually, D, A Million_Other Things( 1 76) 5 minE A landscape, The same shot of a house in the country by a lake is seen at several different times over a 24 hour cycle and composed into what might be interpreted as a temporal poem/sentence about transition and change . X C X x 1974 1976 57 TIME TITLE(S) ARTIST (S ) 10 r 0 m w r Pr A 0 H ar "c rt 0 m c] C m n 0 K am 0 0 w pi w m rt m m m m rr Soloman Islands VIOLA, Bill 33mins Four Songs A, B,,' C, D, X X it Junkyard Levitation Songs of Innocence The Space Between the Teeth Truth Through ass Individuatio n X C X Works in Search of a Meaning VOKIET AITIS , Conny A, B, Ars Moriendi Ars Moriendi #1 #2 x r, X X 1974 58 ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) TIME s ww mm w n r a 0 N P- r rA 0 n N WADA , Morihiro Situation (see also : Hiroba Video) 01 0 K n 03 m 1-c rr 0 m m 0 w O H a m 0 r+~ rt N WALKER, Bruce & Sutherland , Starr (see also Sutherland) Hunting the Great White WEGMAN , William Selected Works : Reel 7 A, copies 1& 2 B, Anthology WEINER , Lawrence (see also : Sanborn) 13 :25 rt rt m X C 17 mins X C 10 mins X X K X C X X 1977 X A Bit of Matter & a Little Bit More C X A, A Bit of Matter & a Little Bit More C X B, Exchange in Three Parts - by Sanborn/ Fitzgerald 1977 Green as Well as Blue as Well as Red Commentary: Kathryn Bigelow, Performers : Suzanne Harris, Tina Girouard, Camera : Carlotta Schoolman, Tape uses format, visually and structurally . It begins with a statement spoken by Weiner and repeated throughout : "And they often say, it's not who wins the game but how its played" . The visual game is played by Suzanne Harris and Tina Girouard, Weiner invited Kathryn Bigelow to collarorate with him : The working premise of the tape was that she should make a commentary, while Weiner mixed the soundtrack and answered Bieglow's questions, The final question of the tape,is whether the questions Bigelow raises can operate dislectically or whether they are appropriated and subverted by the structure, The First 1/4 (Part I and II) X C X r w WW N X E X X 0 1-d O 9 r r O H 19 O En rt c n a a m 1976 0 O 0 0 fD m n 59 ARTIST (S) TITLES) TIME n 0I0 K m r 0 K A ar 0 c n 0 a Pe rt 0 m M w n 0 K M 0 m rA rA fD WEINER . Lawrence WESTERN FRONT VIDEO X Affected and/or Effected Do you Believe in Water ? copy #2 43 mins For Example Decorated 23 minj x What House ? 35 minE X x rt rt X X X X R X 1976 X X X R X X 1977 X 1978 A performance by Fern Friedman, Terri Hanlon, Deborah Slater Oct . 28, 1978 WIEGAND , Ingrid Omar is el Uno Jay Clayton Sings Jankay Ensemble the Kirk & with Nurock with Bob Wiegand Snapshots for an Indian Day 12 :30 mins X 28 :00 X X 28 :48 X C X X 1978 60 ARTIST(S) TITLE (S) TIME a rt r 11 m 0 WILSON , Ann Acts from Electric Affin ity X X X C X 45 mins Hands touch, hold, open exotic and ritualistic objects : scarves, beads, bells, boxes and their contents, Tibetan & Christian Beads (with audio cassette tape) S paceman (excerpt) WINTERS , Robin And he Goes to Sleep at Night 03 r'! Music Tibetan Beads WILSON, Robert & HILTON , Ralph 0 20 mins A sequence of environmental metaphoric pieces designed to include performance . The visual elements of the bnvirsuch that they could function together or were onments separately . Each segment of "Electric Affinity" was created in a separate place, as part of a sequential diary-like theme unravelling the specific labyrinth of Sequences included performan one ongoing creative lifetime . of "Ohio Relic", "Tanka", Icon", and a new one for the Kitchen called "Matthew Brady", Performance at The Kitchen June 11 - 12, 1979 . composed by William Tudor . XI1C X X 30 mins X 1976 X 0 rr 0 c M ran K a m 0 0 ~-c m m K 61 ARTIST (S) TITLE(S) TIME N co 0 K n to ra m WONG , Paul A, Gutter (with Valerie Hammer) B, In Ten Sity WORSLEY , Dale & FROST , Jack (see also : Frost) Initial Survey of Lindalil Use by occupation for TV Ads WRIGHT , Walter (see also : Experimental TV Center) Processed Images 7 :30 min X 23 :00 m 0 oa n n w rt rr rr X X R X "e rt 0 m m 0 0 wK a m 0 62 ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) YAMAGUCHI , Kasuhiro Video Portrait (see also : Hiroba Video) YAMAMOTO , Keigo (see also Hiroba Video) Water TIME w w w 7d to r N m N I.- n 0 w K 0 w mto rr m m rr rr m 0 0 r 0 pt 0 0 a. n O "C m m O m rt O pi m 0 63 ARTIST (S-)~-- TITLE (S) TIME w N w n 0 I.O H n wCo m m 0 rj ar n 0 0 O G. Pa rt 0 m m w r't O M m 0 rt rt m ZAMIR, Batya The Kitchen Concert March 13, 1974 X w N R 1974 X n 0r r O H n 0 rt 0 m 0 m 0 w O H O a m 0