brochure - Healing Hands Of Love Kingdom Connections International


brochure - Healing Hands Of Love Kingdom Connections International
* Healing Center for Women: To serve as a
safe, confidential and quiet healing environment
for women who have been broken in spirit due to
Divorce, Domestic Violence, Rape, Illnesses,
Low Self-Esteem, etc., as we strive to help in the
healing of mind, body and spirit.
* Youth Empowerment Center: This program
is created especially for Youth (ages 9-17) and
will provide small group “JAMM” Sessions,
Afterschool Tutoring, Boot Camp for A Better
Life, and much more. We want to try to respond
to the growing number of youth that are either
falling through the cracks at school or are
already entangled with the juvenile court system.
The goal of the program is to identify youths
who are going to have a turbulent transition to
adulthood and offer positive support system to
avoid the pitfalls that can derail their lives. The
focus is slightly different at each level but the
goal remains the same; empower the young
person to make positive changes in his/her life.
* Adult Empowerment Center: Group Sessions
to help empower men and women to reach
beyond the boundaries and breaks in their lives
so they can deal with the giants and struggles
they face.
* Fit For Life Healthy Living Center: Conduct
Healthy Living Classes, Nutritional Cooking
ideas for well Balanced Diets, etc. We believe
that if the body is healthy then the lives of God’s
people will be strengthened and able to be more
productive, not only in their personal lives, but
they will be empowered to be able to give back
to the communities they live and work in. We
will also focus on how to stay fit with safe
exercise classes, composing of, Stretching Your
Way in Praise, etc.
* School of Ministry: To continue to help inspire
individuals to grow more in the Word, perfect
their Spiritual Gifts, Equip and Empower for
As the Lord leads, we know that there will be more
to come so that we may be able to continue to help
the people of our city and also be able to help in
the furtherance of the Gospel. So pray about it and
maybe the Lord will lead you to come and be a
part of this great move.
Of Our Faith
We believe that God is the Father Almighty and
that He is the maker of Heaven and earth as the
Scriptures have said.
We believe in Jesus, that He is the Christ and is the
only begotten Son of the Father.
He is the way, the truth and the life.
He was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the
Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was
crucified, died and buried.
On the third day, He rose from the dead and
declared victory over the grave, death and hell. He
has gone back to the Father to prepare a place for
us in His kingdom. He will come back as He
promised to judge the world and to deliver the
We believe in the Holy Ghost, the Christian
Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness
of sins, the resurrection of the body, and eternal
life for all true believers.
We believe in using the infallible Word of God to
preach good tidings to the poor, to heal the broken
hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and to
open every prison door of those who are bound.
We also believe that with God all things are
possible, and through the power of Holy Spirit
residing in our lives we can be “Victorious” in our
walk and “Empowered” to stand strong to make a
difference in the Kingdom of God.
Services & Meetings
(Check Web Site for our full listing of all other Ministry Events)
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sunday - 11:00am
Sundays - 11:00am
(Meet In Youth Center After Offering)
(As Announced Monthly)
1st & 3rd Wednesday @ 7:00-9:00pm
Tuesdays @ 7-8:30pm
2nd Wednesday @ 12-Noon
1st Saturday @ 10:00am
(As Announced)
(As Announced Quarterly)
Ages 18 and Up = As Announced Quarterly
Ages 17-25 = As Announced Quarterly
Healing Hands does not discriminate against any
person on the basis of race, color, national origin,
disability or age in admission, treatment or
participation in any of its programs, services,
activities, or employment.
Tuesdays @ 6:00-6:50pm
Non-Discrimination Policy
Ages 8-16 = As Announced Quarterly
OFFICE: (910) 483-6022
P.O. Box 9863
Fayetteville, NC 28311
About the Pastor
Apostle Pate is the Pastor/Founder of
Healing Hands of Love. After medically
retiring from the military, she moved to
Fayetteville, NC where she currently
resides. She is the mother of two daughters and
grandmother of six.
She has furthered her studies in Criminal Justice at
Atlantic Christian College (now Barton College), Wilson
Community College, in Wilson, NC, and Fayetteville
State University in Fayetteville, NC. She began her
studies in Christian Counseling through Broadway
Baptist in Augusta, GA and received her BA with
License in Christian Counseling from Calvary
Theological Seminary and is currently working on
her Masters in Clinical Christian Counseling with
License through Grand Rapids Theological Seminary
Cornerstone Univ. She is a Certified Temperament
Counselor, Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor,
Certified Professional Member of the NCCA and
active member of “GFAM” Global Fellowship of
Apostolic Ministries based in Fayetteville, NC.
The Lord began to use Apostle Pate in the prophetic
at the age of 12 and now He has empowered her to
walk in the Five-Fold Ministry gifting with a strong
healing and deliverance ministry. In 1996 after
completely surrendering to God’s Will, she
answered the call to full-time ministry and in 2000
under the guidance of Apostle William T. Ford, Sr.
of Kingdom Impact Global Ministries she began a
more formal and in-depth Ministerial Training
which empowered her for a greater work. In
September 2009 she was installed as Pastor and in
September 2014 she was confirmed as an Apostle.
The History, Purpose and Vision
Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.
Psalm 34:19
Healing Hands of Love is a Non-Denominational
healing and deliverance ministry flowing in the
apostolic and prophetic. We focus on mending,
restoring, strengthening and building God’s people.
We use the infallible Word of God to preach good
tidings to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to
proclaim liberty to the captives and to open every
prison door of those who are bound.
OUR MISSION: By the leading of Holy Spirit we
continue to reach out to help make a difference in
the lives of those who are yet still waiting for their
total deliverance from all addictions, mental and
physical abuse, and from the many challenges life
may bring.
We stand firmly on the Word of God, as we seek to
encourage every person to come to a place of total
peace and wholeness, as they allow the Lord to
completely heal them; mind, body and soul. For we
at Healing Hands know that "with God, ALL things
really are possible."
While serving in the Military, God favored her with
the opportunity to travel all over the world, and
during this extensive travel, she saw much sadness
and devastation throughout the land. Being moved
by the pain and sorrow of God’s people, she now
has an urgency in her spirit to reach as many as
possible, doing whatever it takes to bring about
healing and change for their lives.
HISTORY: Healing Hands was founded by Apostle
Pate in Columbia, SC in October 1993. It started
out as group “JAMM” Sessions (Just A Mind
Makeover) an Outreach geared towards teenagers
focusing on their unspoken brokenness and the
challenges in their lives.
In December of 1995, after the move to Fayetteville,
NC, the Ministry rested for a season. In 2003,
Healing Hands was revived into a healing and
deliverance ministry reaching out to the broken and
abused. In 2004, the Website was created as an
extended outlet for the broken to make personal
prayer request and receive a word of hope and
encouragement. In March 2009 the church was rebirthed/Incorporated, and on September 6th, 2009
Healing Hands celebrated its 1st Worship Service in
the Fayetteville area at the location of 310 Green
Street, Fayetteville, NC. In July 2011, the church
moved to 1900 Beech Street where we worshiped
for four years. On July 1, 2014 the ministry name
was changed to Healing Hands of Love Kingdom
Connections International. In July 2015, the church
moved into its new location of 601 Ramsey Street.
After being healed physically and mentally from
domestic violence, healed from partial paralysis,
blindness and ovarian cancer; delivered from drugs
and alcohol and being snatched out of the
hands of the enemy, she has vowed to run
faithfully for the Lord, mending the broken
pieces with healing hands of love!
- Restoration and Transitional Home:
A place for released Inmates and the Homeless.
- Healing Center for Broken and Abused Women:
A place of healing from divorce and or domestic
violence, rape, low self esteem, etc.
In the Fayetteville Area, she serves as Director of the
Jail Ministry Program at the Cumberland County
Detention Center. She enjoys sharing a word of hope
with the Inmates, while encouraging them to strive
to make positive changes in their lives. She is a former
Domestic Violence Intervention Counselor and an on
call Rape Crisis Volunteer.
(Ministries underlined are active at this time)
Ministerial /Church Administration
The Ministerial & Administration Department
provides the spiritual and administrative guidelines
and responsibilities within the following ministries.
* Altar Workers
* Mother’s Ministry
* Associate Ministers * Pastoral Support
* Deacon Ministry
* Steward Ministry
* Intercessory Prayer
Membership Departments 1&2
Membership services is dedicated to serving our
members, visitors and community in the spirit of love.
* Church Clerk
* New Members
* Hospitality
* Parking/Security
* Maintenance
* Single’s Ministry
* Marriage Ministry * Usher’s Ministry
* Medical Alliance * Women’s Ministry
* Men’s Ministry
* Young Adult Ministry
We truly believe that in this hour God is
preparing Healing Hands for a greater work
that will help impact the city, the church, but
more so, God’s Kingdom in a great way.
This new facility provides the space of
7200sqft which will allow us to do a much
greater work in serving our community. The
layout of the New Facility consist of:
Education Department
The Education and Training Department is designed
to provide information to enhance spiritual growth
and development. Each ministry has a specific
targeted audience with one purpose, which is to
edify the body of Christ through knowledge.
* Bible Study
* Sunday School
* Children’s Church * Youth Ministry
* School of Ministry
Mission & Outreach
The Mission Department is designed to serve the
church and community with compassion and love.
We have been commissioned by God and the church
to spread the faith of God among believers and
unbelievers alike. We carry out humanitarian works
in the hospitals, individual homes, streets, behind
prison walls and abroad.
* Clothes Closet
* Soup Kitchen/Pantry
* Street Evangelism * Jail & Prison
* Foreign Missions/Disaster Relief
* Nursing Home/Hospital/Outreach
Worship Department
The purpose of this Department is to usher in the
presence of God through song, dance and drama.
* Dance * Drama * Mime * Praise & Worship
Media Department
The purpose of this Department is to provide the Word
of God, by way of video, audio tapes, and CD’s, etc.
* Audio Production * Photography
* Video Production * Web Site
* Sanctuary
* Bookstore
* Fellowship Hall * Nursery
* Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen
* Food Pantry / Soup Kitchen: Our ministry has
been serving hot meals to our community for
over 2 years, and we believe that in our new
facility we will be able to supply the need even
the more by adding on the packaged food boxes
for needy families, etc.
* Clothes Closet: We will continue our annual
Coat Drive & Blanket Distribution as well as
supplying clothing for all needs. We also plan to
implement Dress for Success Classes which will
teach the community how to dress for Job
Interviews, etc.
* Computer Network Center: To aid and assist
the community by way of offering knowledge in
Life Skills, Supply Community Information/
Resources, and valuable Training Skills such as:
Job Searching, Resume Writing, Reading and
Writing Classes, etc, so they can live more
productive lives and give back to their