Court gives verdict without plainti `s deposition


Court gives verdict without plainti `s deposition
Long Form
Acceptance of
lesbian love: Too
much to expect?
Bhadra 12, 1420
Shawwal 19, 1434
Regd. No. DA 6238
Vol 1 No 155
Hundreds homeless
after Myanmar
religious unrest
TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2013 |
Court gives verdict
without plaintiff’s
n Md Sanaul Islam Tipu
A Dhaka court on May 16 gave its verdict in the Jubo League leader Mohammad Ibrahim murder case, apparently
without taking the plaintiff ’s deposition.
The court ordered unconditional release of five of the accused while only
Kamal Hossain Kala, driver of Awami
League MP from Bhola 3 constituency Nurunnabi Chowdhury Shaon, was
sentenced to 10 years rigorous imprisonment.
Dhaka Third Additional Metropolitan Session’s Judge Md Akhtaruzzaman passed the verdict, freeing Shaon’s
APS Delwar Hossain, Mazaharul Islam Mithu, personal secretary Sohel
Ahmed, Jubo League activist Golam
Mostafa Shimul and Nur Hossain Munna from all charges.
The name of the ruling party MP
Shaon, who was accused by the victim’s brother with seven others, was
3 Yesterday the civil surgeon of
Bhola made a phone call to Professor
Dr Be-Nazir Ahmed, the director of
communicable diseases control at
the health directorate, to seek advice
about issuing an International Health
Certificate (IHC) to an elderly man.
6 Hilsa selling centres of Barisal district
have become busy again with the start
of the monsoon season. Fishermen
started netting Hilsa after an interval of
around three months.
7 The lake located between sector
9 and 11 in Uttara Model Town of the
capital is being desecrated by land
grabbers. Encroachment is blamed
on Rajuk’s negligence, with officials
unconcerned about the innumerable
structures mushrooming around the
9 Peace talks between Israeli and
Palestinian negotiators expected on
Monday have been cancelled after
Israeli security forces shot dead three
Palestinians during clashes in the West
Bank, a Palestinian official said.
dropped from the case when police
filed the charge sheet.
And interestingly, the Additional Public Prosecutor of the court Md
Ashaduzzaman Rochi did not consider
it as a murder case.
Ibrahim, 38, a Juba League leader of
ward 56 of the Dhaka City Corporation,
was shot and killed on August 13, 2010
inside the Parliament complex while
reportedly handling a licensed gun belonging to Nurunnabi Chowdhury.
Masum Ahmed, younger brother
of Ibrahim, filed a case with the Chief
Metropolitan Magistrate’s Court in
Dhaka on August 18, 2010, accusing
Shaon and seven others of murder.
The plaintiff claimed that the accused did not want Ibrahim to succeed politically. So, Shaon called Ibrahim over and asked him to give up his
dream of becoming award councillor.
Masum also claimed that the accused
had killed Ibrahim and later filed an
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Nahida Akhtar rides a surfboard with her dog in Cox’s Bazar. She hopes to popularise the water sport in Bangladesh. Story on Back Page
Militant outfit Ansarullah Diplomats likely to
also operated abroad
call for dialogue in
meeting with EC
Kailash Sarkar
At least two members of Ansarullah
Bangla Team, the Bangladeshi militant
group newly discovered, who are followers of international terrorist organisation al-Qaeda, have been detained
abroad for militant ties and activities.
One of those arrested by Detective
Branch (DB) of police along with eight
others during drives on Saturday and
Sunday, Kazi Mohammad Rezwan
Sharif, 30, had already served time in
Yemen after he was arrested in 2009
while taking part in a militant training
In a different case, Rajeeb Sharif is
serving a 20-year term in the UK after he was arrested in 2009. He was a
member of an outfit led by Izaz Hossain
who fled to Pakistan.
The startling facts were discovered during interrogation of the nine
detained, who include Izaz’s brother
Naimul Hasan, Rezwanul Sharif and
Junnun Sikder, DB officials said.
The trio along with Rezowan’s
brother Moyeenuddin Sharif, Tehzeeb
Karim, his brother Rajeeb Karim, Shehjad alias Turaj, Rezaur and Razzaq had
gone to Yemen under the leadership of
Izaz using the banner of Jam’atul Muslemin in 2008.
DB Joint Commissioner Md Monirul Islam said: “During Yemen visit,
they closely communicated with Samir
Khan, a close aide to Yemen based
al-Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki, who
was killed in 2011 in the US.
“They also took part in militant
training programmes there. But Rezowan Sharif was arrested in 2009 during training along with several others
of Yemenis.”
The other members of the outfit
detained are Saiful Islam, Abu Hanif,
Aminul Islam, Zahidul Islam, Ali Azad
and Asad Ullah alias Piyas alias Abdullah.
ring-leader Jasim Uddin Rahmania,
chief of Markajul Ulum Al Islami from
Dhaka’s Mohammadpur, along with 30
associates from Barguna district.
DB’s Additional Deputy Commissioner Saiful Islam said Jasim, who
was also an influential leader of Hefazat-e-Islam, wanted to be a leader like
Laden in Bangladesh.
Another 10 members were arrested
in connection with the killing of blogger Rajeeb Haider and attacks on two
other bloggers. l
n Sheikh Shahariar Zaman
Foreign diplomats in their meeting
with the Election Commission today
are likely to emphasise on holding a
dialogue between the major parties in
Bangladesh to hold free, fair and credible elections.
The EC has called an emergency
meeting with foreign diplomats of 14
countries and donor agencies on August 27 to discuss resolving the crisis
regarding the next parliamentary elections.
Masayuki Taga on Monday told the
Dhaka Tribune over phone that the
next parliament election must be free,
fair and credible.
“It must also be an all-party election,” said the diplomat of Japan, the
biggest bilateral development partner
of Bangladesh.
Subscribing to the same view, Press
and Information Officer of the US Embassy in Dhaka, Kelly McCarthy told
the Dhaka Tribune through an email
Oishee case should
go under 2013 law:
NHRC chief
n Our Correspondent, Rajshahi
on Monday, “We have repeatedly urged
leaders of the major parties in Bangladesh to come together and agree on a
way forward that will ensure free, fair,
and credible elections in the coming
“What the way forward looks like,
is for the parties of Bangladesh to decide,” she said.
The EC invited ambassadors and donor agencies from the USA, the UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Netherlands,
Norway, Denmark, Sweden, United nations/UNDP and European Union.
When contacted, the Australian
High Commission denied providing any
public statements prior to the meeting
between diplomats and the EC.
“Moreover we are still working on
issues which can be discussed in the
Election Commission’s meeting,” Research and Communications Officer
of the Australian High Commission
Fairooz Nigar Aditi told the Dhaka Tribune through an email.
Chairman of National Human Rights
Commission Professor Dr. Mizanur
Rahman has said the trial of Oishee
Rahman, accused in killing her parents,
should be conducted under the Children Act enacted in 2013 not through
the law of 1974.
Mizanur Rahman was speaking at a
round table conference held at a local
restaurant on Monday. NHRC and Relief International jointly organised the
Mizanur Rahman said trial of a child
should be conducted through the rules
enacted by the government for the trial of accused children, which is why
he had protested the police remand of
Oishee, that it was a procedural error.
“But I am not against the trial of
Oishee,” he said.
The chairman said if Oishee had killed
her parents she must be punished, but
the trial should be conducted through
the rules enacted by the government.
As the law for punishment of child
criminals has been signed and approved, it should be applied to Oishee’s
case, he said.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Yunus illegally
used GB’s name
for business
purpose: Muhith
n Asif Showkat Kallol
Finance minister AMA Muhith yesterday said Muhammad Yunus had illegally used Grameen Bank’s name for business purposes as 54 Grameen tagged
firms operate under that name.
“We will refrain from taking severe
action against GB and other associations because our main responsibility
is to protect the Grameen Bank and
its poor shareholders,” Muhith told reporters after a meeting with an Indian
business delegation.
When asked whether the government would execute the recommendations of the commission, the finance
minister said the government would
decide within a month which recommendations will be executed and they
would be implemented in the present
government’s tenure.
Grameen Bank Commission member Ajmalul Hossain QC submitted a
partial report on Saturday which looks
into the legal issue of the bank and its
54 associates.
Ajamlul Hossain’s report also revealed that Professor Yunus illegally
appointed directors, and that only 5.3m
borrowers of the bank were now shareholders. The report suggested all 8.3m
borrowers should be shareholders, the
minister said.
Muhith also said the Professor
Yunus had created illegal pressure
through foreign governments and international civil societies.
“Several foreign ministers and US
congressmen had sent letters, I have
tried to reply to their queries and response,” he added.
The minister also said allegedly
Grameen Telecom had siphoned off
Tk100bn aboard and Professor Yunus
knew the matter.
The finance minister said the report
had also revealed that Grameenphone
had illegally obtained its licence.
“But I have assured the GP authority
we will not cancel the license,” he said.
Muhith said the government needed
to look further into the GP licence issue
to find the real truth. l
The capital’s Nayapaltan area gets submerged in rainwater after the evening downpour yesterday
Power to be decentralised, if
AL returns to power: PM
n Partha Pratim Bhattacharjee
Ruling Awami League chief and Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday
vowed to decentralise power, if the party comes to power again, to continue
the country's development activities.
She said her party believed in equal
distribution instead of political development.
If decentralisation could be ensured,
then district-wise development would
be carried out smoothly, Hasina said
while addressing a views exchange
meeting with the district council administrators at her official residence
She reiterated her firm resolve to
conduct the next general elections in
line with the constitution and asked
party activists to start preparations.
The government in December 2011
appointed administrators to 61 district
councils (zilla parishads) with a view to
hold elections for local government.
"The central will do the planning,
monitoring and disbursement of budget," she said adding that in that case,
every work would be outlined.
At the meeting, Panchagarh Administrator Abu Bakar Siddique requested
the party president to drive out traitors
from the party, but he did not mention
any name.
Siddique said some 10 honest and
dedicated leaders would be enough to
materialise the government's dreams
instead of “a bunch of corrupt and traitorous leaders.”
Many other administrators supported Siddique’s statement.
One administrator said if anyone did
not work for the party, then the organisation didn’t need them.
Sources said they blamed ruling
party lawmakers for not “willing to coordinate with party leaders and activists.” They requested their party chief
to change the nomination of “isolated
However, Hasina did not say anything in response to their demands,
instead she asked everyone to remain
united and work for the party for the
upcoming national elections.
Rejecting the opposition's demand
for restoration of caretaker government to oversee the polls, the premier
said elections would be held following
those in other democratic countries.
Hasina ridiculed BNP Chairperson
Khaleda Zia for her statement that if
voted to power, the latter would run the
country according to a “new formula”.
She said the opposition leader would
indulge in corruption again under different names by “opening a new bhaban."
During the tenure of the BNP-Jamaat
government in 2001-2006, Tarique Rahman’s office, Hawa Bhaban was considered to be the alternative powerhouse.
Regarding the government's failure
to get the World Bank loan to build the
Padma Bridge, Hasina said the construction work had stopped due to an
“international conspiracy.”
"But finally, we have again started the
construction work of the Padma Bridge
with our own resources," she said.
Hasina said more universities would
be set up. “We are examining which
districts have no universities.”
Senior party leaders including Syeda
Sajeda Chowdhury, Matia Chowdhury,
Abdul Latif Siddique, Kazi Zafarullah
and Joint General Secretary Dipu Moni
were also present at the meeting. l
Trawler capsizes
in Khulna, 1 body
n Tribune Desk
Police ‘harassment’
provokes traders’ protest
The body of a victim has been recovered after a trawler sank at Khulna’s
Batighata upazila.
Two persons are still missing.
The three persons had gone missing
after the vessel sank in river Kazibacha
at sadar’s Jolma Kheyaghat around 10am
Monday, according to
The dead victim has been identified
as 48-year old Kefayet Sheikh of the upazila’s ‘Birat Gram’.
Sobur Fakir, 55 and Nur Ali, 60 are
still missing.
Locals said almost a hundred villagers of ‘Birat Gram’ were travelling in the
trawler to sadar upazila to watch a football match. It sank near Jolma Kheyaghat.
Most of the people swam to shore
while others were rescued with the
help of boats. But the three could not
be rescued. There were no divers and
the rescue was conducted by locals.
Batighata Station SI Shahadat Hossain said the body was found three to
four kilometres away from the site of the
accident. Two more are still missing. l
Businessmen block a stretch of Dhaka-Aricha Highway at Aminbazar protesting police harassment.
Members of Aminbazar Police Outpost have been accused of extortion
and harassing local businessmen, according to
A group of local businessmen demonstrated against the ‘extortion’ by blocking a stretch of the busy Dhaka-Aricha
Highway at Aminbazar near Dhaka.
The nearly one-and-a-half-hour
long blockade starting 10am on Monday led to huge tailbacks on both ends
of the road.
Demonstrators called off their protest only after senior police officials assured them of a proper probe.
Vendors allege the outpost’s Assistant Sub Inspector Lutfur Rahman and
his staffs often visit the local market
and take goods without paying.
They claim the cops have feasts in
their camp using vegetables and foodstuff taken away by force.
The policemen never pay for the
n Tribune Desk
goods, the businessmen alleged.
They were also forced to pay up the
Four policemen went to the market
on Monday for ‘shopping’ and the businessmen asked them to come later.
These policemen came back minutes later with several of their colleagues. A fracas broke out between
the law keepers and the traders.
At one stage, the businessmen closed
their shops and started protesting on
the road blocking vehicular movement.
One of the vendors, who preferred
anonymity, said the policemen regularly
took away goods without paying. “They
behaved rudely when we asked them to
come later. We were forced to protest as
we are fed up of their bullying,” he said.
Speaking to, ASI
Lutfur Rahman admitted that his men
regularly ‘take goods’ from the market.
“The businessmen turned away four
of our men when they went to take vegetables and fish in the morning. I heard
they had a brawl with the businessmen
after they went back with Subedar Yunus
Mia and several others,” he said. l
Assign army to uproot drug peddlers: Ershad
n Tribune Desk
Voicing deep concern over the widespread use of illegal drugs, Jatiya Party
Chairman HM Ershad yesterday urged
the government to assign the army to
stamp out drug peddlers to save the
young generation from the claw of
drugs like Yaba and Phensydil.
The former army chief cited the ex-
ample of other countries where army
was given the responsibility to deal
with the menace. “Situation had gone
out of control in Thailand. Thailand is
now free from drug like Yaba following
stern action by its army.”
Ershad urged the government to
give magistracy power to the army so
that drug peddlers can be uprooted and
the guardians could get rid of anxiety.
“I think we don’t have time to waste
to save our beloved country from the
drug abuse,” he said adding that no
one other than the army can make the
country free from drugs.
Ershad said people have the full
trust on the army in tackling such social
problem as they have been appreciated
for their role in various natural disasters like cyclone, tornado and floods. l
Govt worried about
militants: Law minister
n Sheikh Shahariar Zaman
Law Minister Shafique Ahmed yesterday
said the government was worried about
militant terrorists whose recent activities had affected the country’s development, growth and democratic journey.
These fundamentalist terrorists, who
receive training both at home and abroad,
not only attacked innocent people but also
the law enforcement agencies, he said.
That is why the government had
taken the matter seriously and passed
a number of laws, the law minister said
while speaking at the inaugural ceremony of a conference on money laundering
and terrorist financing yesterday.
Asked after the programme who
those terrorists were, he said a few political parties were engaged in terrorist
activities in the name of religion.
He, however, declined to name any.
In his speech at the programme,
Shafique said the government could
not fight against terrorism alone and
needed support from other countries,
especially the neighbours. Subscribing
to the view, US Ambassador in Dhaka
Dan W Mozena said the countries in
the region and beyond must cooperate
with each other and share information.
Borders and questions of sovereignty historically constrained the ability of
the nations to work together but criminals and terrorists do not have such constraints. “We cannot become victim of
our own narrow, nationalistic thinking,”
Mozena said. The three-day Regional
Judicial Conference on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing is conducted by the US Department of Justice and
some 55 judges from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Maldives, Nepal
and Bhutan attended the conference. l
Diplomats likely to call for
dialogue in meeting with EC
The agenda of the EC meeting includes
election methods, stance of diplomats
regarding the next general elections,
election preparations, solving the political crisis, discussion on holding
election under the incumbent EC and
reforms of electoral laws.
Canadian High Commission declined to make any comment on the
However, on June 16 at a meet the
press programme, Canadian high Commissioner to Bangladesh Heather said
that Canada would suggest Bangladesh
follow the UN recommendations of forming a small negotiating team that comes
up with political solutions through discussions in and out of parliament.
If a solution was found, amendments to the constitution could be
made, the ambassador suggested.
On Friday, UN Secretary General Ban
Ki Moon called Prime Minister Sheikh
Hasina and opposition chief Khaleda
Zia and urged them to sit for dialogues
to ensure that all parties participate in
the next parliamentary elections.
In May, the European Union urged
all political parties to engage in constructive discussions, at the earliest
opportunity, so that the country could
find a way forward towards free, fair
and credible elections.
“They (EU members) called on the
main parties to engage in constructive dialogues, inside and outside the
parliament,” EU ambassador to Dhaka
William Hanna said at a press briefing
in May.
The representatives of the EU missions expressed deep concern over the
excessive level of confrontation in Bangladesh, Hanna said. l
Policemen injured
when an accused
is snatched from
n Our Correspondent, Barisal
Two policemen were injured when a
detained accused was snatched from
their custody as they were on their way
to a police station at Ranirhaat in Bakerganj yesterday.
Nurul Islam, Bakerganj police station in charge, said Sub-Inspector (SI)
Nazrul Islam Majumdar and Constable
Enayet Hossain had gone to Ranirhaat
to arrest Asif Talukdar, 29, accused in
an assault case. When the policemen
and the accused reached Ranirhaat Bazaar around 7pm, armed associates of
Asif reportedly attacked them and fled
with the hand-cuffed detainee.
AKM Ehsan Ullah, Barisal district
police superintendent, said police are
trying to arrest the fugitive. l
Oishee case should
go under 2013 law:
NHRC chief
“In many countries, trial is conducted even through draft laws,” Mizanur
“Since we want to prove ourselves
civilised, the trial of Oishee should be
conducted through the revised law enacted in 2013,” he added.
He said, in a country where there
is no minimum rule of law, it is not
possible for any single state, society
or any institution to establish human
It is the responsibility of all people
and that is why everyone should come
forward in this respect.
The round table conference was
attended, among others, by Deputy
Commissioner of Rajshahi Mesbauddin
Chowdhury, Superintendent of Police
of Rajshahi Alamgir Kabir. l
Court gives verdict without plaintiff’s deposition
unnatural death case to divert the investigation process.
In line with a court directive, Criminal Investigation Department Inspector Shah MdMoshiur Rahman filed a
murder case with Sher-e-Bangla Nagar
police station on September 3, 2010.
On January 11, 2012, CID’s Assistant
Superintendent Khondaker M Abdul
Halim, who was investigating the case,
submitted the charge sheet against six,
excluding Shaon.
The investigator rather made Shaon a prosecution witness instead of
charging him with the murder.
Metropolitan Magistrate Kamrunnahar Rumi then cleared Shaon, the
ruling party lawmaker and Juba League
leader, of the charges following an appeal by the CID, saying the charges
brought against him were not proved.
Four other Jubo League activists –
Mizan,Jibon, Riton and Alam – were
also cleared as the court said evidence
of their involvement in the killing was
not found.
The court, however, took into cognisance the charges against Shaon’s APSDelwar Hossain, driver Kamal Hossain
Kala, Personal Secretary Sohel Ahmed,
Jubo League activists GolamMostafaShimul, Mazharul Islam Mithu and
Nur Hossain Munna.
On February 26, 2012, the court
framed charges against the six accused,
including Kamal Hossain, saying he
had shot and killed Ibrahim.
On September 3, 2010,Kamal had
confessed to shooting Ibrahim during
a tussle.His statement was recorded by
the magistrate under section 164.
However, the plaintiff and first investigation officer of the case, CID Inspector Shah Md Moshiur Rahman, did
not appear before the court as prosecution witness. The court even issued an
order on February 21 to force him to appear before it, which was also ignored.
When asked how the court gave its
verdict without recording the plaintiff ’s deposition and cross examination, Additional Public Prosecutor
Md Ashaduzzaman Rochi said: “The
witnesses did not mention that the accused had committed the crime. This
is not a murder case at all. The bullet
went off accidentally. It was not a preplanned murder.”
Ashaduzzaman also claimed that
the plaintiff had made his deposition,
but when the case docket was searched
no deposition and/or cross examination of the plaintiff was found.
It also appeared that on April 18,
2013, the court summoned plaintiff
Shah Moshiur Rahman through Inspector General of Police Hasan Mahmud
Khandaker for prosecution witness,
who did not appear before the court.
The court examined 29 out of 43 prosecution witnesses.
Meanwhile, the gun, which belonged to MP Shaon and seized, was returned to him on July 8 through a court
“This is illegal as any weapon used
in a killing and seized as evidence is destroyed at the end of the case,” criminal
legal practitioner advocate Sanjib Kumar Shaha told to the Dhaka tribune. l
Former chef
at a razakar
camp describes
Mobarak’s role
n Muktasree Chakma Sathi
A prosecution witness yesterday said
war crimes accused Mobarak Hossain along with another person was in
charge of a razakar camp named “Razakar Manjil” in Brahmanbaria during the
1971 Liberation War.
Eighth prosecution witness Abdus Samad also told the International
Crimes Tribunal 1 that Razakar Manjil
was set on a Hindu temple which had
been occupied by local Peace Committee members later vandalising the idols
Seventy-three year old Samad said
he had been with Mobarak and his
team members since he was confined
by them to do the chef’s duty for the
razakar force. He also said they his
wife, two cousins and one aunt were
violated by the Pakistani occupation
army during the war.
“Pakistani’s took the decision to
form razakar force in Bhadra [fifth
month of Bangla year] in 1971, in our
Mobarak along with one Kachu
Miah was appointing youths as razakar
members. Nazrul, Mannan, Azad, Alim,
Abul, Tajul, Nuru and many others
were recruited by Mobarak then. Mobarak told me ‘You know how to cook,
come with us.’ Since he threatened me,
I went with them,” Samad said.
Then he along with Mobarak and
his team went to Brahmanbaria by
train. Later they walked to a Kali Temple. “Local Peace committee members
came and unlocked the door. There
were some idols inside. They vandalised those and threw in the nearby
pond. Later, they settled the camp
there. And I was their chef,” the witness said.
He also narrated the fate of a
wounded youth who was brought to
the camp. “One day, a Hindu youth
was brought to the camp. His wound
was decomposing and he had no
stamina to walk. The razakars asked
him to say ‘Pakistan Zindabad,’ but he
did not say it. I gave him some food.
He refused it too. He had a strong will.
After four or five days, I did not see
him in the camp anymore. I heard that
razakar commander Mobarak and Kachu killed him.”
Witness Samad, who hails from
Nayadil of Akhaura, said: “Our house
used to be a place where the freedom
fighter came and take rest. During
Baishakh [Bangla first month], our
house was burnt down to ashes by
the Pakistani occupation army. The
armies were angry at us when they
found some ammunition at our
Following this, Samad said he along
with his family members had fled to
Akhaura border check post and came
back few weeks later.
“One day, some Peace Committee
members including Mobarak came to
my grandmother’s house. I was living
there with my family then. He asked
me to go and work for Mugra Bazar
Pakistani camp. Since I did not have
any other choice, I went with them.
At the camp, I and several others dug
holes and trench which were secured
by sharp-edged bamboos,” Samad
War crimes accused Mobarak, who
is facing five charges of crimes against
humanity, was in the dock.
The tribunal set September 4 for further procedure of the case. l
Three witnesses
give statements
in Oishee case
n Md Sanaul Islam Tipu
A rickshaw-van puller struggles to move his vehicle loaded with goods as the DND Road used for travelling to Sadarghat from Gabtoli is almost in ruins. The photo was taken
yesterday from the Lalbagh intersection
Age bar fazes elderly pilgrims
Doctors find it difficult to convince that people with kidney or heart diseases and
those aged above 65 are discouraged to seek Saudi visas
However, the elderly man dismissed The IHC is a prerequisite for all pilgrims Secretariat Clinic.
n Moniruzzaman Uzzal
Brigadier General Mustafizur Rahthe health risks. “It would be good for to get Hajj visa.”
Yesterday the civil surgeon of Bhola made a phone call to Professor Dr
Be-Nazir Ahmed, the director of communicable diseases control at the
health directorate, to seek advice about
issuing an International Health Certificate (IHC) to an elderly man.
He said the man had been suffering
from heart disease and had already
been operated for a blockage.
The Hajj medical board members at
Bhola told him the Saudi government
was not in favour of those above 65 years
of age and those suffering from heart
and kidney problems, diabetes and other
complications, performing Hajj this year.
The move has been prompted due to
an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome Corona virus (MERS-CoV) in
the country, which has already killed
38 people out of the 68 who had been
infected, between September 2012 and
July 2013.
The elderly and those already suffering from health risks are more vulnerable to the MERSCoV.
me if I die while performing Hajj in the
holy Makkah and Medina,” he told the
medical board.
He repeatedly requested all doctors
of the medical board to issue him an
IHC so that he could go to Saudi Arabia
to perform Hajj.
It would be good for me if I die
while performing Hajj in the
holy Makkah and Medina
Director Ahmed told the civil surgeon to explain to him the health risks
involved but also instructed that if he
still insisted, he should not be disappointed.
Speaking to this correspondent,
Dr Be-Nazir Ahmed said: “I get phone
calls almost every day not only from
the civil surgeon of Bhola but also from
different district medical boards who
say they are facing an awkward situation while issuing IHC to the pilgrims.
“It is the tradition in our country that
most of the people go to perform Hajj at
an old age. The number of pilgrims this
year is about 90,000,” he said.
The Directorate General of Health
Services has opened medical centres
throughout the country, including district hospitals and medical college hospitals from August 17 onwards to conduct health check-ups on prospective
Civil surgeons are heading the medical boards in district hospitals and professors are leading the team in medical
college hospitals.
They are in charge of issuing IHCs
to the pilgrims. Before issuing the IHC,
each pilgrim is being administered two
vaccines of influenza and meningitis
free of cost.
The vaccines are available in the
capital’s Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Salimullah Medical College Hospital, Suhrawardy Medical College
Hospital, Sarkari Kormochari Hospital,
Kurmitola General Hospital and the
man, the director of Dhaka Medical College Hospital, told the Dhaka Tribune
yesterday that they have opened two
booths for medical examination and for
providing vaccination to pilgrims.
“More than 1,500 IHCs have been issued so far. Most of the pilgrims are elderly, but we try to be strict about sick
pilgrims before issuing IHC,” he added.
A medical centre will be opened in
the Ashkona Haji Camp today.
A total of 42 doctors, nurses,
ward boys and cleaners have been
appointed to give medical services, administer vaccines and issue IHCs at the
Dr Be-Nazir Ahmed told the Dhaka
Tribune that a 162 -member medical
team, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, ward boys and cleaners has
been formed to go to Saudi Arabia and
provide services to Bangladeshi pilgrims over there.
They will be divided into three
teams and will stay at Makkah, Medina
and Jeddah. l
gave statements under the section 164 of criminal code in front of
three Dhaka metropolitan magistrates in connection with the killing
of Special Branch police inspector Mahfuzur Rahman and his wife Swapna
Dhaka metropolitan magistrates
Keshob Roy Chowdhury, Md Ashaduzzaman Nur and Md Rezaul Karim recorded the statements.
Md Amjad Ali, caretaker of Chameli
Manson, where the couple used to live,
and the guards Md Shahinur Islam and
Md and Abdul Motaleb gave their statement.
The couple’s daughter, Oishee Rahman, on Saturday gave a “confessional” statement before a Dhaka court at
the end of her five-day remand admitting to the murder.
Investigating Officer Md Abu-AlKhaiar Matubbar produced the witnesses before court with a 164 statement recording prayer.
In his forwarding report the officer said the three prosecution witness
had mentioned that on the day
of the incident, early in the morning
Oishee, her younger brother Oihee and
housemaid Sumi left the house with a
travel bag and a side bag by auto rickshaw.
He also said the witnesses may abscond during the period of trial so their
statements need to be recorded.
On Saturday, Metropolitan Magistrate Muhammad Anwar Sadat recorded the confessional statements of
Oishee and domestic help Sumi under
section 164.
On August 25, the court rejected the
bail petition including other three petitions of Oishee and Sumi.
On August 16, Oishee’s father Mahfuzur Rahman, 48, and his wife Swapna Rahman, 40, were found dead in
their Chamelibagh flat.
Oishee, an O-level student of Oxford
International School, along with Sumi,
went into hiding after murder of her
The couple had lived in the rented
flat with their two children Oishee and
Oihee, 7, and Sumi.
Twenty-two hours later, Oishee surrendered at Paltan police station. DB
police arrested her friend Rony and
Sumi the same day.
On August 18, a Dhaka court granted five-day remand for Oishee, Rony
and Sumi in connection with the killing
On August 21, the prime suspect
Oishee, underwent various tests at
Dhaka Medical College Hospital to determine her age.
Oishee and Sumi are now at the National Juvenile Development and Correction Centre at Konabari, Gazipur. l
Housewife burnt by in-laws Tribunal rejects Yusuf’s review petition
dies at DMCH
Muktasree Chakma Sathi
n Tribune Report
After a 24-day fight for life, a housewife
of Feni succumbed to her burn injuries at Dhaka Medical College Hospital
(DMCH) yesterday morning.
Farzana Akhter Rumi, 24, was admitted to the burn unit of the hospital
after her in-laws allegedly set her on
fire on August 2.
Rumi was the wife of expatriate Sobir Ahammed of Pathannagar village in
Feni’s Chhagalnaiya Upazila. The couple has a two-year-old child.
She was rushed to Feni Sadar Hospital
from where she was shifted to DMCH’s
burn unit with 80 percent burn injuries.
OC of Chhagalnaiya Police Station
Aminul Islam said, they have arrested
Harisa Begum in this connection. l
The war crimes tribunal yesterday immediately rejected a review petition on
charge framing against Jamaat-e-Islami
leader AKM Yusuf, the alleged founder
of razakar force, which helped the Pakistani occupational army in committing
atrocities during the 1971 Liberation War.
“We are not inclined to entertain
such application and the application is
summarily rejected,” said the Interna-
President, speaker also partisan people: Moudud
UN chief hinted at polls under non-partisan government: Moudud
and the last three elections had taken
18-party alliance’s stand that it would restore it.”
n Mohammad Al-Masum Molla
He said the government’s tough place under the system. The Awami
not participate in the next parliaBNP Standing Committee member
Moudud Ahmed yesterday claimed that
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in
his recent telephone conversation with
the two top leaders essentially talked
about an election under a non-partisan
interim government.
“He [Ban] spoke about a participatory election. Basically, he talked about
polls under a non-partisan government
so that everyone can participate.
“Public opinions both at home and
abroad favour the demand for an election under a non-partisan interim government and the latest example of this
was Ban Ki-moon’s telephone calls…
The prime minister knows it,” Moudud
“A few newspapers are writing about
a national government headed by the
president or the speaker, but they are
also partisan people,” he said while
addressing a discussion at the National
Press Club to mark the founding anniversary of Noakhali Web.
Moudud reiterated the BNP-led
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
mentary elections under the prime
The former law minister said there
was no option apart from reaching
an understanding to avoid confrontation.
“The government wants confrontation, but we do not want to
go for violence. We want a solution
through understanding,” he said,
adding that the BNP was ready to hold
the dialogue inside or outside parliament.
“But without any agenda, the dialogue could not be successful. The
government has to take decision in
principle on polls under a non-partisan
government,” he said.
Moudud said his party would not
place any proposal on polls-time interim government in parliament.
“The provision of holding elections under a non-partisan caretaker
government was in the constitution, which this government has
scrapped. So, the government has to
stance on the polls-time interim
government would start softening
after October. “Non-stop programmes
will be announced towards the end of
October until the government steps
Meanwhile, Rafiqul Islam Miah,
another member of the BNP Standing
Committee, yesterday said if the UN
secretary-general’s initiative failed, a
constitutional crisis would arise in the
“UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
urged the two leaders to sit for a dialogue to hold a participatory polls…A
constitutional crisis might arise in the
country if the UN secretary-general’s
initiative fails,” he told journalists.
Rafiqul along with the leaders and
activists of Jatiyatabadi Muktijoddha
Dal placed wreaths at party founder
Ziaur Rahman’s grave to mark the 24th
founding anniversary of the organisation.
Rafiqul said the system of caretaker
government had been a settled issue
League government cancelled the provision as it had absolute majority in
“The Awami League has created the
crisis, so it has to take the initiative to
resolve it. We support the UN secretary-general’s proposal for a dialogue.
We want a participatory and fair election and for this a non-partisan government is necessary,” he said.
Regarding Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus’ remarks on polls-time interim government, the BNP leader said
the ruling party leaders and lawmakers
could not tolerate criticism.
“Every citizen has the right to talk
about the country’s situation and crisis. There is nothing wrong with that!
Muhammad Yunus also expressed his
concern. We thank him.”
Jatiyatabadi Muktijoddha Dal President Sohrabuddin, BNP chairperson’s
Adviser Shahjahan Omar, Dhaka city
unit BNP’s Member Secretary Abdus
Salam and some 100 leaders and activists were present at the time. l
tional Crimes Tribunal 2, comprising of
Justice Md Mozibur Rahman Miah and
Justice M Shahinur Islam.
The tribunal also observed that
the application filed by Yusuf did not
comply with the International Crimes
(Tribunals) Act, 1973 and the tribunal’s
rules and procedures. The Act says an
accused can file a review petition, if s/
he files the petition within a week after
framing of the charges.
However, Defence lawyer Saifur
Rahman submitted in the tribunal that
they were late to lodge the appeal since
the certified copy of the indictment
order reached the defence team on August 18.
Prosecutor Rana Das Gupta opposed
the application filed by the defence.
Yusuf was indicted on August 1 on 13
counts of charges including genocide,
looting, arson attacks on Hindu houses,
abduction and torture in confinement
during the war in Khulna. l
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
BCL activists beat
up CU Shibir leader
n FM Mizanur Rahaman, Chittagong
‘Phulbari Day’
n Tribune Report
An Islami Chhatra Shibir leader was
beaten up yesterday, allegedly by
Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL)
activists at the Chittagong University
(CU) campus, over a trivial matter.
The injured was identified as Ariful Islam, a third year student of the
economics department and a “Shibir
Shathi” of Alaol dormitory.
Following the incident, BCL leaders and activists blocked the citybound CU shuttle train for nearly half
an hour from 1:30pm.
Witnesses said Mohammed Mansur Alam, the education affairs secretary of BCL CU unit who also belongs
to General Secretary MA Khaled’s
group, was locked in an altercation
with the Shibir man at the economics department over a trivial issue.
Later the BCL leader, along with his
cohorts, allegedly beat up Ariful near
the social science faculty around
Upon being informed, police
rushed to the scene; so far, no one
has been detained in connection to
the incident.
The injured Ariful was taken to the
university medical center and later
shifted to a private medical hospital
in the city for better treatment, said
Assistant proctor Anwar Hossain. l
The National Committee to Protect Oil,
Gas, Mineral Resources, Power and
Ports yesterday accused the government of taking a stand against national
interest and its failure to fully implement the Phulbari agreement.
The government is working to protect the interests of multinational corporations and imperialist United States,
leaders of the committee said at a rally
at Central Shaheed Minar in the capital
yesterday, marking the ‘Phulbari Day.’
On August 26, 2006, three people
were killed and two hundred more
were injured as the then Bangladesh
Rifles members opened fire on a demonstration against Phubari coal mine
project by Asia Energy.
The committee placed wreaths at
the altar of Shaheed Minar in memory
of the victims of the tragedy.
Staying away from implementing
the Phulbari agreement, the incumbent
government is treading the path of BNP
government, speakers at the rally said.
Communist Party of Bangladesh
(CPB) acting president Haidar Akbar
Khan Rono, Dhaka University Prof MM
Akash, Columnist Abul Maksud, Rajekuzzaman Ratan, Nur Mohammad,
Bimal Biswas, Saiful Haque and Advocate Abdus Salam among others, attended the rally. l
A group of garment workers climb over a central reservation to cross the road and reach their workplace in Tongi, risking their lives yesterday
Mistreated in Qatar, they return
home empty-handed
Communications ministry
now at the helm
Recruiting agency staff beat the 2 women up before putting them aboard a Dhaka-bound flight n Mohosinul Karim
n Rabiul Islam
A Bangladeshi woman who went to
Qatar to work as a maid has returned
home with severe injuries all over her
body after she was allegedly beaten up
by employees of an employment agency in the Gulf Arab nation.
Kulsum Aktar Sathi, 35, said she was
kept confined in a house for about a
week and beaten up mercilessly after
she went to complain about her job
situation to Al Haramain Manpower
Agency in the Qatari capital, Doha.
“I went to Qatar in the first week of
July with the help of a middleman and
a recruiting agency (in Dhaka) to work
as a housemaid,” said Sathi, while talking to the Dhaka Tribune yesterday
upon her release from the One Stop
Crisis Centre at Dhaka Medical College
Hospital (DMCH).
“They told me that I would work for
a small family and take care of only one
child. But in reality, I had to look after
five children,” said Sathi, who is from
Chawkbazar in Old Dhaka.
“But that was not the main issue. I
quarrelled with my employer when he
paid me Tk16,000, instead of Tk19,500
a month,” Sathi said.
She also alleged that her employer’s
brother-in law had tried to seduce her.
“One day, he grasped me with an illmotive and I slapped him,” Sathi said.
“I shared the matter with my husband,
and he advised me to return home.”
When she requested her employer
to send her back home, he took her to
the offices of Al Haramain Manpower
Agency at Doha’s Al Ali market, Sathi
said, showing this correspondent a visiting card with the agency’s name and
address. However, there was no reply
when the phone number on the card
was called.
“I was given a mobile phone to talk
to the recruiting agency in Bangladesh.
While I was talking on the phone, I was
given a hard slap and the mobile set fell
from my hand and broke into pieces,”
Sathi continued, describing how she
was mistreated by the agency, apparently run by other Asians from Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
“They took away my own mobile
phone and about Tk25,900 that I had
on me,” she said.
Sathi claimed that between August
11-18, she was kept locked up in an
agency house, where some women employees assaulted her.
“They kicked me and dragged me
across the floor with my hair and threw
me against walls. They also scratched
me with sharp key rings,” she said, narrating her harrowing experience.
Sathi said her husband kept calling
her employer, who compelled the manpower agency to return her home.
She, along with another badly beaten-up Bangladeshi woman, Asia Begum of Brahmanbaria, was finally put
aboard a Dhaka-bound flight.
“We were taken in wheelchairs to
board a Qatar Airlines plane,” Sathi
said. “We landed at Shahajalal Airport
on August 19.”
Sathi then contacted the Bangladesh
National Women Lawyers’ Association
(BNWLA), who took them to a safe
home in the capital’s Agargaon area.
Two days later, the two women were
admitted to the DMCH, where Asia is
still undergoing treatment. She could
not be reached immediately for comment.
Meanwhile, Bangladesh Obhibasi
Mohila Sramik Association, which
works for the welfare of migrant female
workers, said it would give Tk3,000
a month to each of the victims for six
months, its founding director, Sumaiya
Begum, said over phone.
Tahmina Nadira, a lawyer working
with BNWLA, said they would provide
legal assistance to lodge cases against
the local agencies that recruited the
Sathi claimed that the agency had
promised to get her a job in a garments
factory or as a cleaner in a hospital.
“But just a day before the flight,
I was told that I would have to work
as a housemaid,” she said. “I was in a
fix, as my husband had already paid
them Tk35,000 as service fee. So, I was
obliged to go.”
Sathi’s husband, Zahurul Haque,
said he was forced to send his wife
overseas to earn money after falling
into serious debt.
“I had borrowed Tk250,000 to send my
brother-in-law (Sathi’s brother) abroad,”
said Zahurul, who comes from Faridpur
and works in an office in the capital. l
‘Freedom fighters
wouldn’t reveal
Temperature likely identity during
military rule’
to fall
n Manik Miazee
Light to moderate rain or thundershowers accompanied by temporary
gusty wind is likely to occur at many
places over Chittagong, Barisal, Khulna, Dhaka and Sylhet divisions and at a
few places over Rangpur and Rajshahi
divisions until 6pm today.
Day and night temperature may fall
by 1-2 degree Celsius over the country,
Met Office said.
The sun sets in the capital at 6:22pm
today and rises at 5:39am tomorrow.
Country’s highest temperature 35.2
degree Celsius was recorded yesterday
at Rajshahi and Sayedpur and lowest
26.0 degrees at Teknaf.
Highest and lowest temperature recorded in some major cities yesterday
Cox’s Bazar
Writer Kazi Shahid Ahmed yesterday
said two former military rulers – Ziaur
Rahman and HM Ershad – had been responsible for the times, when freedom
fighters did not want to reveal their
Liberation War identities.
He was speaking as the chief guest at
the launching ceremony of two books, titled “Shaat Bulleter Chouddo Khoto” and
“Confession of a terrorist” written by Prof
Abul Kalam Mohammad Shamsuddin, a
professor of pathology at the University
of Maryland’s School of Medicine.
The programme was held at the Liberation War Museum in the capital.
“There were no books based on the
Liberation War until 1988. Just after
1988, freedom fighters started writing
on a small scale and becoming associ-
From left, Habibul Alam, Bir Protik, writer Dr Abul Kalam M Shamsuddin, Kazi Shahid
Ahmed and Dr Akhtar Ahmed, Bir Protik, take a group photo yesterday at the launching
ceremony of Abul Kalam’s Liberation War-based books “Shaat Bulleter Chouddo Khoto”
and “Confession of a Terrorist”
ated with history,” he said.
On the book, Kazi Shahid said: “In
his books, Shamsuddin has illustrated
the facts and history of the Liberation
War truthfully, which will ultimately
benefit the nation.”
Afsan Chowdhury was the key speaker
at the programme, which was also attended by Major (retd) Akhtar Ahmed, Bir
Pratik, and other noted freedom fighters. l
Fake magistrate, journos remanded
n Md Sanaul Islam Tipu
A Dhaka court yesterday placed a fake
magistrate and four fake photo journalists on a three-day remand each for their
alleged involvement with extortion.
The remanded were Mohammad
Wahiduzzaman, 30, who introduced
himself as a magistrate, and M Saiful Islam, 30, Mahmudul Hasan, 31, Md Nazrul Islam, 38, and Md Bulbul Ahmed,
21, who claimed that they were photo
Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Emdadul Haque passed the order after In-
spector Sheikh Goni Miah of Khilgaon
police station produced the accused
before the court with a 7-day remand
The lawyer for the accused filed a
bail petition as well as a remand rejection prayer before the court. The magistrate rejected both and placed the accused on a three-day remand.
Earlier on Saturday, Rapid Action
Battalion (Rab) arrested the fake magistrate and the photo journalists from the
city’s Khilgaon area. According to a case
statement, they conducted a Mobile
court in the area and collected fines.
However, their real identity was exposed after Md Mominul Haque, owner
of Turag Water Pump, challenged their
authority while being fined Tk50,000.
A team of Rab-3, on information,
raided house 338/7, block-C under Khilgaon police station and caught accused
The team recovered Tk7,000 in
cash, a Cami jeep, a motorcycle and a
video camera from them. The accused
collected Tk7,000 as fine from a bakery
owner in the same area.
Later, Rab filed a case against them
with the Khilgaon police station. l
The communications ministry is going
to undertake the maintenance tasks
of 22 roads under the districts of Chittagong Hill Tracts which were once entrusted with CHT affairs ministry.
According to the CHT Treaty of 1997,
the road-maintenance task was with
the Chittagong Hill Tracts affairs ministry.
The decision came at an inter-ministerial meeting held yesterday among
the communications ministry, three
hill district councils and CHT affairs
Following the meeting, Communications Minister Obaidul Quader told
reporters his ministry had decided to
take up the road-repair tasks in the
CHT districts.
The CHT affairs ministry has failed
to continue its repair to those dilapi-
dated roads since it has much want of
manpower and required fund.
The minister said most of the roads
in Rangamati, Bandarban and Khagrachhari districts were run-down.
“We have taken up road-repair
task considering public interest,” said
The roads will be returned to the
CHT ministry again after their repairs,
he said.
The minister also urged the leaders of the CHT regional council and
three district councils in the hill area
to cooperate with the ministry in this
The communications ministry will
send letters to the finance ministry to
provide fund for the repairs.
State Minister for CHT affairs ministry Dipankar Talukdar and chairmen
of three hill district councils were also
present at the meeting. l
DAB to stay away from
BSMMU dean election
n Moniruzzaman Uzzal
Doctors Association of Bangladesh
(DAB) will not contest in the upcoming dean’s election at Banghabandhu
Sheikh Mujib Medical University
(BSMMU), scheduled to be held on September 5. DAB has withdrawn all of its
eight candidates - who earlier submitted nomination papers to contest for
the four dean’s post.
DR Saiful Islam Selim, President of
BSMMU unit of DAB, a BNP-backed
doctor’s organization, told Dhaka Tribune that a four-point demand - for
holding a free and fair election – was
made on August 24 for the Vice-Chancellor’s consideration.
“We were compelled to withdraw
ourselves from the election, as we did
not get any response from him,” Selim said, demanding that the election
be postponed until DAB’s demands
are met.
The demands include a faultless
voter list, the appointment of teachers
at their previous posts as per a court
order and to include their names in
the voter list, appointment of new
doctors as teachers and their inclusion as voters.
On the other hand, Awami Leaguebacked Shadhinota Chikitshak Parisad
(Shachip) has finalised its candidates
list, which includes Prof M Iqbal Arslan
of Basic Science, Prof Konok Kanti Barua of Surgery, Prof ABM Abdullah of
Medicine and Prof Ali Asgar Moral of
Dentistry faculties. Other than Prof Ali
Asgar Moral, the other three have been
working as deans of their respective
Other Shachip members who had
previously submitted candidacy, have
withdrawn their nomination papers in
favor of the four.
The final list of the candidates will
be published today.
Shachip leaders told Dhaka Tribune
that DAB leaders have assumed that
participation in the election will only
end in defeat. “The teachers have not
yet forgotten the huge corruption committed during the BNP-Jamat regime,”
they added.
DR Akramullah Sikder, a Professor
of Dermatology, who claimed himself
as a DAB candidate, did not withdraw
his nomination. However, DAB president of BSMMU said, “He is not even a
member of DAB, so there should be no
doubt that DAB is not participating in
the dean’s election”.
The withdrawal of DAB from dean’s
election has doused the election excitement that prevailed at the BSMMU
for the past few day.
Seeking anonymity, a few teachers
told Dhaka Tribune, “We are really disappointed. We thought both DAB and
Shachip will compete against each other and it will be a tough election fight.
But Shachip will now shoot at an empty
goal post”
Commenting on the effect DAB’s
withdrawal might have on the poll,
Prof Sayedur Rahman, the Election
Commissioner and Registrar of the
university, told Dhaka Tribune that the
election will be held in accordance with
the rules.
Among the total of 427 voters from
different faculties, Medicine has 179,
Surgery 185, Basic Science 45 and Dental 18 respectively.
The DAB candidates who withdrew candidacies include: DR Md
Saiful Islam, professor of pediatric Surgery, DR Aftabuddin Ahmed,
professor of Cardiac Surgery (Surgery Faculty), DR Nuruddin Ahmed,
chairman and professor of Herpetology department, DR ABM Eunus,
chairman and professor of Hematology, DR ASMA Raihan, professor of
Gastroenterology, DR Shafiquddin
Ahmed, associate professor of Cardiology (Medicine Faculty), DR Kuddusur Rahman, professor of clinical
pathology (Basic Science faculty)
and assistant professor Dr. Mujibur
Rahman (Dental Faculty). l
Long Form
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Acceptance of lesbian love:
Too much to expect?
n Syeda Samara Mortada
eema is a twenty something
year old girl who is not
sexually attracted to the
opposite sex. When she
finally understood this
“problem” latent in her, she decided
to keep it to herself. Since then, Seema
has found many like-minded people
around her, but whatever happens
between them remains behind shut
doors. “Living in Bangladesh as a
lesbian is like living in hell,” says
The news of two girls being
arrested in Dhaka for falling in love
and getting married has become the
talk of the town. The younger girl,
Shibronty Roy Puja, is a Hindu of 16,
and Sanjida Akter, is a Muslim aged
21. Puja’s father filed a complaint
that confirmed she was missing,
after which the police searched and
finally found them in a house in
While many sneer at this recent
incident, it by far remains the only
reported case of lesbian love being
talked about, rather becoming news
in mainstream media. The fact that
Puja was underage seems to come up
as a reason for their marriage to be
unacceptable, and of Sanjida using
her “vice” ways to lure the underage
girl (added to the fact of it being an
interreligious marriage).
Had it been a heterosexual
marriage, arranged by the parents, the
age of the girl, even if she were a ten
year old, would not have been cause
for opposing their marriage.
Bangladesh, being a dominant
Muslim country with a very
conservative attitude towards social
digresses is possibly a pothole
for members of LGBT (Lesbian
Gay Bisexual and Transgender)
Lesbians (or gays) have become
synonymous to transgenders, more
commonly known as hijras. That
these are separate entities (even that
transgenders are not the same as
hijras) remains an alien concept to
most. While members of such groups
rarely come out in the open, they
become objects of ridicule and jest if
somehow spotted.
Societal norms
Many seem to think of same-sex
relationships to be an influence of
western culture, much like live-in
relationships. The fact that gay-ism
has been in the root of our society
since time immemorial does not
register in the minds of such bigots.
It is safe to say that while the government acknowledges the fact
that LGBT rights need to be protected, nothing worthwhile is/will
be done about it because of the country’s ‘conservative’ attitude
on such matters
Thus, while a lot of work is being done
on gender equality, violence against
women, and even transgenders, lesbians remain a neglected entity. There
are no laws or legislations to protect
such women who are termed as being
a “minority.”
According to “In
Bangladesh, people belonging to the
LGBT community range between
1.6 and 4.8 million. They are not
recognised and receive no form of
social, religious or legal support and
are often victims of persecution.”
Often, lesbians live their life without
acknowledging this part of their
identity, sometimes overlooking it
even when they do come to terms
with reality.
The law
Rainer Ebert and Mahmudul
Hoque Moni, in a blog titled “LGBT
Community Calls for the Repeal
of Section 377,” published in, said: “The status
of homosexuality as a social and
religious taboo is also reflected in the
Bangladeshi Criminal Code.
“Its Section 377, a legacy of British
rule, refers to consensual oral and
anal sex as ‘carnal intercourse against
the order of nature’ and subjects it to
punishment up to imprisonment for
life.’ Effectively, this section makes
homosexual intercourse illegal in
This does not go to say that there
is a dearth of lesbians in the country.
But social stigma and pressure make it
extremely difficult, almost impossible
for women to come out. Not that being
gay is a walk through Ramna Park, but
gay men have an advantage simply
because male bonding is common in
our country, as is male mobility.
Thus, it helps same-sex male
partners to spend more time
together unlike lesbians, who are
almost unheard of and the topic of
lesbianism in dearth of discussion.
Under such circumstances (where
it is safe to say that no research has
been conducted on lesbian groups),
it is possibly best to put lesbians and
gays under a broader category and
look at some of the work that has
been done so far.
Starting out as an online group in
2002, an organisation called Boys
of Bangladesh (BoB) has become a
central forum for gay and bisexual
men in Bangladesh.
BoB currently has more than 2,000
registered members, including school
students as well as PhD holders. Their
ages range between 16 and more than
50 years. BoB is run by around twenty
young men and has increasingly become public in recent years.
In November 2010, it conducted
the second edition of a festival titled
“Under the Rainbow,” in cooperation
with the Goethe Institut in Dhaka.
Under the slogan “accept diversity
and end discrimination,” the five-day
festival included movie screenings, art
exhibitions and musical performances
and brought together leading human
rights activists from within the
country and abroad.
Some movements in Islam, such as
the US-based Al-Fatiha Foundation,
accept and consider homosexuality
as natural and work towards the
acceptance of non-heterosexual
love-relationships within the global
Muslim community. Some argue that
while the Quran speaks out against
homosexual lust, it is silent on
homosexual love.
On April 29, Bangladesh Foreign
Minister Dipu Moni in a United
Nations meeting in Geneva said:
“On LGBT rights … we recognise the
need for protecting all vulnerable
groups of our population, given
their constitutional equal rights
and freedoms. Moreover, we do
not condone any discrimination or
violence against any human being on
any pretext.”
After the media published articles
based on her speech, a press release
was issued from the government
saying that Dipu Moni rejects calls
from the international community to
repeal Section 377 (which criminalises
sexuality against “the order of
nature”) as it clashes with Bangladeshi
societal and cultural values.
According to an opinion based
article on bdnews24 by Shakhawat
Hossain and Rainer Ebert, titled
“Bangladesh’s LGBT community
and the UPR 2013,” the government
did agree to train law enforcers and
judicial officers on human rights, also
suggested by UN members during
the Universal Periodic Review (UPR
examines the human rights condition
of all UN members), but as mentioned
above, it neglected the UN’s
suggestion to drop the penal code of
Section 377.
Thus, it is safe to say that while
the government acknowledges the
fact that LGBT rights need to be
protected (as gathered from Dipu
Moni’s speech), nothing worthwhile
is/will be done about it because of the
country’s “conservative” attitude on
such matters.
Now whether Moni’s speech in the
meeting was simply delivered due to
pressure from the other UN countries
seems to be another debatable topic.
But it is safe to say that in the
midst of political turmoil, such issues
become drawn to dust and lie at the
bottom of the government’s to-do list.
(Note: To know more on the different
types of sexual orientation, and what
each of them entails, read “Society
and the Freedom of Choice in the
Personal Sphere” by Rainer Ebert).
Yes, it is not enough; the work that
has been done is inconclusive to
say the least. It is de-motivating to
think of the lack of concern amongst
influential people – the government,
court of law, and more importantly,
society in general – to build a secure
home for same-sex couples. Perhaps,
educating the aforementioned
groups on the existence of same-sex
attraction can be a starting point.
Many seem to think of same-sex relationships to be an influence
of western culture, much like live-in relationships. The fact that
gay-ism has been in the root of our society since time immemorial
does not register in the minds of such bigots
Or maybe those two young girls already gave us the much-needed start
when they took on such a challenging
venture. Which is why when the news
of these two brave young girls was all
over the media, I for one cheered for
nothing more than their courage.
The way they stood up for their
love for one another, and more
importantly for themselves, deserves
praise. Not that it did them any good,
and God only knows what happened
to them after they were arrested
(as the media did not think it was
newsworthy to investigate what
happened to them after that), but
maybe it could open the mind gates of
prejudiced people in our society who
think of gay-dom to be an illness, an
abnormality at best. Or maybe I am
just being too much of an optimist.
I am a married heterosexual, not
a member of the lesbian community.
But I am a big fan of rights of all sorts:
for men, women and even animals. I
dream of a tomorrow where any living
being will be allowed to live the life
he/she desires for his/herself without
being judged for their actions and
without being called names.
Yes, of course there will be
norms decided on by society, but
those norms will not be inflicted
on individuals; rather the option
to choose which ones befit me best
should be mine to decide. Again,
maybe I am being too much of an
optimist! l
The article was first published on
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Hilsa selling centres of Barisal busy again
Traders demand resumption of export
weighted 700gm-950gm, at Tk16,000n Anisur Rahman Swapan
18,000 and less than 700gm was being
Hilsa selling centres of Barisal district
have become busy again with the start
of the monsoon season. Fishermen
started netting Hilsa after an interval of
around three months.
Traders demanded that export of
Hilsa be resumed soon. Ajit Das Monu,
president of Barisal Zila Motsya Arotdar
Samiti, said the monsoon was delayed
this year due to climatic change, making Hilsa netting in the region scarce.
Generally, Hilsa season starts in late
May, but last year it started in late July.
This year the monsoon was further delayed and started in late August.
Monsoon season is important for
Hilsa netting as monsoon winds and
rains raised the water level in the Bay
and rivers, making it easy for Hilsa fish
to move towards the coast and rivers,
the traders explained.
There are at least 11 big Hilsa wholesale centres in the Barisal region – Port
Road, Hizla, Patar hut, Alipur, Mohipur,
Golachipa, Patharghata, Monpura, Ilisha, Gupter Bazar and Machghat.
After visiting the Barisal Hilsa trading centre it was learnt that Hilsa, as big
as one kg, was being sold at downward
prices of Tk20,000-22,000 per 40kg
as export is restricted, while Hilsa,
sold at Tk13,000-14,000.
Acknowledging the vast netting
of Hilsa this year, different traders of
Ilisha and Monpura said if the government did not withdraw restrictions on
Hilsa export, the price of Hilsa would
fall in local markets. However, they
also expressed concerns that investors
would incur losses if the price of Hilsa
fell in local markets, adding that investors would resort to smuggling in order
to cover losses. Moreover, smuggling
from trawler to trawler would also increase, they said.
Golam Mustafa Chowdhury, president of Barguna district unit Matsya
Trawler Sammittee said about 4,000
trawlers were fishing Hilsa round the
clock in and near the Bay, including
Sonar Char, Rupar Char, Gangamotir
Char, Fearway Boyuya, Dubjahaj, Chitagonger Kharri, Char Montaj, Asar
Char, Charfession, Patharghata, Dhal
char, and Baushiya points.
Masum Bepari, President of Mohipur Matsya Aratdar Samity of Kalapara coast of Patuakhali, said a single
sea-fishing trawler was able to carry
200-500 maunds of Hilsa, preserved in
ice, taking at least 7-10 days to reach the
coast and inland Hilsa trading ports. l
Labourers unloading hilsa from boat
Sramik League
leader held for
n Our Correspondent, Tangail
A Sramik League leader of Silimpur
ward 3 under Tangail sadar upazila
was held on Saturday on allegation of
extortion and other illegal activities in
the area.
The detained was Zahangir Alam,
38, president of Tangail Mistanno Sramik Union and member of secretary
panel of Sramik League Tangail Unit.
He was caught in a police raid from
his Babystand Nimtoli Road residence
around 12:30am.
“We recovered an Italian 9 mm pistol with six round bullets from his residence,” police said in a press conference arranged on Sunday.
They said Zahangir was involved in
ultra-left activities in Tangail town and
adjacent village areas for long. He and
his associates used to collect extortion
from the Kandapara brothel and West
Shoal areas in the district by intimidation.
Sub Inspector Salauddin filed a case
with Tangail Model police station in
this connection.
Mamun Khan, president of Baruha
Bazar Committee told that after hearing the news of the arrest, the locals of
ward 3 were celebrating by distributing sweets among them, especially the
traders and shopkeepers of the area. l
51 rounds of
Mahadebpur-Porsha Road
ammunition and
cries for a fresh lease of life
military uniforms
tricts, adding that consignments of
rice cannot reach their destinations
time due to the road’s decrepit
n Our Correspondent, Khagrachhari Naogaon lies in a very dilapidated incondition.
Four cops closed
for dereliction of
duty in Pirojpur
n UNB, Pirojpur
Bhola rental power
plant yet to be fixed
Four policemen of Mathbaria Court
were closed to the Pirojpur Police Lines
on Monday on charges of dereliction of
The punitive action was taken
against Habildar Mohammad Bazlur
Rahman, constables Mohammad Ali,
Mofazzal and Johar Ali.
Police said drug trader Saddam
Hossain, who was arrested along with
yaba tablets, fled from a police van at
Golchattar in Bhandaria upazila when
he along with several other accused
was being taken to Pirojpur jail on August 23.
The four cops were on duty during
the incident.
However, police arrested Saddam
the following day.
Assistant police super (Headquarters) Abbas Uddin was entrusted with
the task of looking into the matter and
he found the four policemen guilty of
negligence of duty. l
Power generation from 34.5-megawatt
gas-fired rental power plant in Bhola
has become uncertain because of technical glitch.
Engineer Hamidur Rahman, director
of the power plant, said a ten-member
team of Alstom Company of France,
which has set up the plant, have been
trying to identify the technical snag
at the power plant. They will bring all
necessary equipment from France to
start repair work.
Besides, additional eight megawatts of power is being produced from
Bhola-Barisal gridline under Kalabadar
River since Sunday.
Earlier on August 10, the entire district had reeled under a power cut due
to technical glitch in the rental power
plant. Later, the district started getting
8/9 megawatt electricity after 74-hour
long blackout from a national grid as
a submarine cable under Tetulia River
was replaced and connected to the grid.
Passengers face woes on dilapidated
Sonapur-Subarnachar road
Elderly woman
slaughtered in
n Tarek Mahmud, Chittagong
Members of Bangladesh army recovered 51 rounds of fresh ammunition
and two military uniforms from a jeep,
locally known as Chander Gari at the
Chengi Bridge area under Panchhari
upazila in Khagrachari district yesterday afternoon.
Officer-in-Charge of Panchhari police station Mohammad Alamgir Hossain said a military team, headed by
Captain Anik Raj stopped a suspicious
jeep, which came from Taindong under
Matinga upazila of the district around
Both driver and helper of the vehicle ran away abandoning it on the road.
Later army personnel recovered the
ammunition and uniforms from a sack.
Ammunition and uniforms were
handed over to Panchhari police station and a case would be filed in this
regard, the OC added. l
n Our Correspondent, Noakhali
A 35km stretch of the Sonapur- Subarnachar highway, on the way to
Noakhali Science and Technology
University (NSTU), remains in a pitiful
condition, causing immense suffering
to thousands of commuters from six
On a recent visit, this correspondent found big cracks on the highway,
caused by poor construction standards. Reportedly, low quality equipment, along with small amounts of
bitumen, cement and sand were used
during construction, while lack of repair and maintenance has made the
condition worse.
As a result, local officials, villagers,
traders, and NSTU students – from the
state, hampering the movement of
both pedestrians and vehicles.
Lack of maintenance work is the
main cause for the condition of the
45km road that leads from Mahadebpur to Porsha upazila, turning the
road into a virtual death trap.
Consequently, heavy vehicles like
buses, tractors and trucks laden with
goods often cause fatal accidents, resulting in a loss of lives.
The road is particularly vulnerable at points – from Shibgighi intersection to Shibpur Bazar, form
Mahadebpur to Kalna intersection,
from Debipur to Nutunhat and from
Shisha Hat to Saraigachi Road.
Abdur Rashid Shah, owner of Shah
Rice Mills of Porsha upazila, said
there were 30 rice mills in the upazila, which supply rice to Naogaon,
Dhaka, Chittagong and other dis-
upazilas of Hatiya, Subarnachar, Sadar
Kabirhat, Companiganj, Sandip and
Maijdee town – face difficulties while
traveling on the dilapidated road every
The past year has seen a rise in the
number of buses, trucks, vans, autorickshaws, and rickshaws plying the
highway regularly.
Villagers claimed that no inspection
of the highway has been made following its construction. Immediate steps
by the authority to repair the busy road
would solve the woes of around 20,000
people who use it regularly, they added.
Vehicles use the road to access
NSTU, Subarnachar upazila parishad, Char Jabbar police station, several banks, 12 educational institutes
Some businessmen of the upazila
travelling on the road said it becomes
extremely risky when and after the
sun goes down.
Residents of the upazila have demanded that the authorities reconstruct the road immediately to reduce accidents and help promote the
economy of the region.
MM Selim, executive engineer of
Naogaon Roads and Highways Department, said work to repair the
damaged patches on the road started
several days ago and that the road
would be fit for vehicular movement
within a short time.
When asked if the authorities had
any plan to reconstruct the road immediately, the engineer said a project proposal for the reconstruction
of five roads, including this one, had
been sent to higher authorities. l
along with four colleges and madrasas.
Teachers and students at Noakhali
Science and Technology University
said they risk accidents every day.
On the other hand, Maijdee residents and students of Noakhali Honours College are also regular users of
the highway.
People from all walks of life recently
formed a human chain in the area, demanding the urgent repair and development of the road.
When asked about the highway’s
condition, Engineer ABM Najmol Karim, an LGED Executive at Noakhali,
told this correspondent that necessary
plans would be formulated under the
second phase of the rural development
project. l
Unidentified miscreants slaughtered
an elderly woman at her residence in
Chittagong’s Chaktai area on Sunday
According to the police, the deceased has been identified as Laila Begum, 67, wife of Anwar Chowdhury, a
resident of Haji Abdus Sobhan Road.
Quoting locals, Mohammad Mohsin,
officer-in-charge (OC) of Bakalia Police
Station, told the Dhaka Tribune that
Anwar Chowdhury found his wife dead
at their residence, when he returned
from the mosque after Esha prayers
around 9pm.
Receiving information, police recovered the body and sent it to Chittagong
Medical College Hospital morgue for an
autopsy, added the OC.
A case has been lodged in this regard, and the police are now trying to
identify the killers, the OC also said.
Initial findings suggest that people
known to the victim committed the
murder after failing to rob valuables
from the house, said a senior official of
Chittagong Metropolitan Police, seeking anonymity. l
3 held with 1,700 Yaba
tablets in Chittagong
A huge traffic congestion was created on Tarabo road at Rupganj in Narayanganj yesterday as a truck went out of order in the middle of
the road
Members of Rapid Action Battalion
(Rab) and Narcotics Control Department in separate drives arrested three
alleged drug peddlers along with 1,700
pieces of Yaba pill from Khulsi and Reazuddin Bazar in Chittagong on Sunday.
Rab-7 sources said being tipped
off, a joint team of Rab and Narcotics
Control Department conducted a drive
in Khulsi area around 4:30pm and arrested two men— Ismail Hossain Azad
and Al Azad Masum –along with 1000
pieces of Yaba. l
n Tribune Report
The demand of electricity in the district is around 27 megawatt.
Tapash Kumar, deputy assistant engineer of West Zone Power Distribution
Company Limited, said: “Local people
are receiving additional eight megawatts of power through Bhola-Barisal
gridline since Sunday.”
Meanwhile, the High Court (HC) has
stayed the suspension order of Executive Engineer of West Zone Power Distribution Company Muhammed Ali who
was temporarily suspended by Power
Grid Company due to negligence of duty.
On Sunday, the vacation bench comprising Justice Md Habibul Gani and
Muhammad Khurshid Alam gave the
Moreover, the HC asked power secretary, chairman of power development board, managing director, executive director and caretaker engineer of
WZPDCO to reply within four weeks
whether the suspension of Muhammed
Ali by Power Grid Company would not
be declared illegal. l
BSF recovers electrocuted
youth’s body in Satkhira
Members of Indian Border Security
Force (BSF) recovered the body of
a Bangladeshi young man, who died
from electrocution on Boikari border
at Sadar upazila in Satkhira on Sunday.
The deceased was Babu Mia, 35. BSF
sources said Babu came in contact
with a live electric wire while entering
India illegally through the border and
died on the spot. Later, BSF troops of
Koijuri camp of India recovered the
body of Babu. Major Mazhar, operation officer of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) Battalion 38, confirmed
the incident and said the body will
be brought home through a flag
meeting between BGB and BSF after
a post-mortem examination. But the
victim’s family alleged that BSF troops
had beat Babu to death and kept the
body hung with an electric pole while
he was returning home after receiving
treatment from an Indian physician.
Youth commits suicide in
beloved’s house in Gazipur
A young man allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself in his beloved’s
room at Banmala at Tongi upazila in
Gazipur on Saturday failing to marry her.
The deceased was Rubel, 18, resident of
the area. Mojibur Rahman, sub-inspector of Tongi Model police station, said
Rubel hung himself with the ceiling fan
of his beloved’s room around 9:30am
as her mother, Farida, did not agree to
accept their relationship. Farida and her
daughter were not present in the house
when Rubel committed suicide. Being
informed, police went to the spot, and
recovered the body while they sent it to
Gazipur sadar hospital for post mortem.
Minor boy drowns in river in
A minor boy drowned in the Padma
river at Chawk Rajapur village under
Bagha upazila in Rajshahi on Saturday.
The deceased was Swadhin, 6, son of
Nazrul Islam of the village. Locals said
Swadhin drowned while taking bath in
the river near his house at noon. Later,
local people recovered his floating body
around 1pm. – UNB
2 held with pistol, bullets in
Detective Branch (DB) of police arrested two young men along with a pistol
and two rounds of bullet in bus stand
area of Kashiani upazila in Gopalganj
on Sunday evening. The arrestees
were Abu Hanif, 35, and Zamilur Rahman, 28. Being tipped off, a team of DB
police led by Sub-inspector Shahdat
Hossain conducted a drive in the area
around 6:30pm. They recovered a
pistol and two rounds of bullet searching Jamilur’s body and arrested the
duo. Both the arrestees were taken to
DB office for interrogation. A case was
filed against Jamilur under the Arms
Act. – UNB
Two held with heroin in
Members of Border Guard Bangladesh
(BGB) arrested two alleged drug dealers along with 660 grams of heroin
worth Tk6.6m from Chittagong city’s
AK Khan Gate area early Monday. The
arrestees were Aminul Islam, 31, and
Saddam Hossain, 23, both of them hail
from Barura upazila of Comilla district.
Major Sabbir, an officer of BGB Battalion-28 of Chittagong, said on secret information that some people along with
a consignment of heroin were going
to Chittagong from Comilla by a bus, a
team of BGB conducted a drive in the
area at about 3:15am and intercepted a
Cox’s Bazar-bound bus. The BGB team
recovered 660 grams of heroin after
searching the bus and arrested two
men— Aminul and Saddam. Later, the
detainees along with the heroin were
handed over to the Narcotics Control
Department. – UNB
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Land grabbers desecrate lake in Uttara
Illegal structures mushroom while Rajuk hibernates
n Abu Hayat Mahmud
The lake located between sector 9 and
11 in Uttara Model Town of the capital is
being desecrated by land grabbers.
Encroachment is blamed on Rajuk’s
negligence, with officials unconcerned
about the innumerable structures
mushrooming around the lake.
Furniture shops, a rickshaw repair
garage, a makeshift mosque, automobile workshops and other illegal structures have taken up a large portion of
the water body.
Shops have been built on bamboo
structures that extend on to the lake.
A makeshift mosque occupies part of
a pavement and open space situated
along the lake.
There are several workshops, including one belonging to Navana
Group - the Navana Toyota 3s Centre,
as well as three others called Hasan
automobiles, Israfil automobiles and
Molla automobiles. A rickshaw repair
garage and scores of other establishments have taken over open space by
the lake in sector 9.
The Uttara Model Town’s Sector-9
Welfare Association has also established its head office and a community
clinic by the lake.
Residents said all the establishments were illegally built by filling up
the lake.
A resident of sector 11 Abdur Rashid
said: “At first the grabbers filled up a
small portion of the lake with waste
and debris and later they raised the
Initially, the furniture shops occupied the walkway along the lake, and
began to encroach on the lake recently,
he added.
Another resident of the area said no
one protested against the illegal activities out of fear. “The capital’s development authority – Rajuk, seems to
be hibernating,” said the resident who
preferred to remain unnamed.
Rajuk admitted land grabbers have
encroached on parts of the lake, but
Illegal dwelling structures have already gobbled up a portion of Uttara lake thanks to the negligence of Rajuk officials
authorities were yet to take any steps
to prevent further encroachment.
ASM Raihanul Ferdous, Rajuk’s superintending engineer, told the Dhaka
Tribune all structures were illegally
built on the lake.
The encroachers however said the
land was rented from local “owners.”
The land along the water body in
fact belongs to the lake. When contacted officials and owners of the automobile workshops said they were not willing to comment on the matter.
According to the Rajuk official all
Rajuk authorised officer (2A) Parvez
Khadem, entrusted with Uttara Residential Model Town said: “We have already
sent letters to the encroachers to remove
the illegal structures from the lake area.”
“But they did not pay heed to us.”
The official said they sent letter to
21 Shibir activists sued for
attacking RU BCL leader
Korea to support
with disaster
n RU Correspondent
n Tribune Desk
The Korean government will provide
Bangladesh with $3m as food assistance to reduce food insecurity and
nutrition shortfalls among the poorest
sections of the population living in disaster prone areas.
A press release yesterday said supported by the World Food Programme
(WFP), assistance will be provided
through the Korea International Cooperation Agency (Koica) for 2013-2015 under
the Food for New Village (FFNV) project.
Assurance of assistance came following a visit by the Korean Ambassador to Bangladesh Lee Yun-young
today to communities in Patharghata
upazila of Barguna district.
The delegation included Resident
Representative of KOIKA Kim Bokhee, WFP representative to Bangladesh
Christa Rader and managing director
of LG electronics in Bangladesh Song
Changkeun. l
the automobile workshops, the rickshaw repair garage and tin-shed structures were illegal.
He said an eviction drive had been
conducted once before, and action
would be taken against the current encroachers immediately.
School Cleaning Awareness Campaign was launched in Government Laboratory High
School yesterday. Switch, a youth-led voluntary organisation, in association with Asian
Association of Education and Exchange organised the campaign
Procession at Dhaka University
demanding punishment of
Tuhin’s attackers
n Arif Ahmed
Activists of Chhatra Shangram Parishad
yesterday brought out a procession and
staged a protest rally at the Dhaka University premises demanding punishment of
the Shibir activists who attacked Rajshahi
University BCL general secretary including
other leaders recently.
The platform also demanded ban on Jamaat-e-Islami and its student wing, Islami
Chhatra Shibir, as a political party for their
violent activities.
The activists brought out the procession
from Madhur Canteen and marched different streets. Later, they held a rally at the
base of Aparajeyo Bangla.
While addressing the rally, BCL President
HM Bodiuzzaman Sohag said: “Jamaat-Shibir men have increased their vandalism
activities across the country with a motive
to foil the judicial proceedings of the war
criminals and to impede the development
activities of the government.”
“With an attempt to accomplish their
motive, the ‘fanatic’ forces brutally attacked on a brilliant student and BCL general secretary SM Touhid Al Hossain Tuhin
of Rajshahi University and SUST student
Ruhul Amin,” he added.
Later, the BCL president urged everyone to protest against the anti-liberation
BCL General Secretary Siddique Nazmul
Alam said Jamaat-e-Islami had been stated as an illegal political party by the High
Court and they could not continue their
party activities. “The conscious mass will
protest them,” he added.
Siddique also demanded exemplary
punishment of the miscreants who committed the brutal attack on Tuhin.
Chhatra Moitri President Bappa Ditto
Boshu, Jashad Chhatra League President
Shamsul Islam Shumon, BCL Vice-President Joydeb Nondi, Joint Secretary Shamsul Kabir Rahat, Sharmin Sultana Lili and
leaders of Bangladesh Chhatra Andolon
and Bangladesh Chhatra Oikkyo, were present at the rally, among others. l
Twenty one activists of Islami Chhatra
Shibir’s Rajshahi University unit, including the president and general secretary
have been sued for their alleged involvement in the attack on Touhid Al Hossain
Tuhin, general secretary of Bangladesh
Chhatra League’s (BCL) RU unit.
Shawan Sarkar, one of the victims
of the brutal attack and BCL RU unit
social affairs secretary, yesterday filed
the case with Motihar police station
around 10am.
According to Motihar police, Shibir RU
unit President Ashraful Alam Emon and
Secretary Saifuddin Eyahia have been
made the prime accused in the case.
Among the accused, Abdullah al Masum, Rajshahi city unit sports affairs
secretary of Chhatra Shibir who was arrested on Saturday night from the city
area, admitted his connection in the attack on Tuhin at a press conference in
the RMP office on Sunday.
Masum also confessed that several
BCL leaders and activists who were de-
prived from posts in the new committee were also involved in the attack.
However, in a statement, the university’s Shibir unit claimed that police
forced Masum to read a draft statement
against the Shibir. The statement also
said Masum had been suspended from
the organisation three years ago for violating rules.
Earlier on Thursday night, Tuhin
was hacked allegedly by unidentified
Chhatra Shibir activists inside the RU
campus. The assailants had cut the
tendons of his right arm and legs. He is
now undergoing treatment at the capitals’ orthopaedic hospital – NITOR.
Shawan Sarker, who received a bullet-wound during the attack, was undergoing treatment at Rajshahi Medical
College Hospital.
Following the attack on Tuhin, police arrested 15 Shibir activists, suspecting their involvement in the incident. Nine of them were sent to jail
under section 54 of Criminal Procedure
Code, Officer-in-Charge Abdus Sobhan
of Motihar police said. l
Navana asking the company to show
the building design for the land it is
built on and then a show cause notice
as it did not respond to the first letter.
“Finally, we sent a third letter to Navana authority on July 30, 2012, asking
them to remove the structure. Later,
they came up with a design which was
not approved by Rajuk,” he said.
Despite repeated attempts by the
Dhaka Tribune, Navana authority refused to comment on the issue.
Asked about any eviction drives by
Rajuk, the officials said: “We took steps
to demolish illegal structures, but the
move was suspended because of general strikes called on that day.”
Rajuk officials produced copies of
the letters sent to Navana and other
encroachers, which stated all establishments built in and around the lake
were illegal, and violate the national
building code.
However, furniture shop owner Md
Khalil told the Dhaka tribune it was
normal to erect shops on roadsides and
along lakes in Dhaka.
“We have been running our business
in this area for 12-14 years without paying any rent for the space. Rajuk visits
the area at times, but don’t say anything to us,” he said.
At the same time, waste discharged
by drainage and sewerage lines from
residents and industries include sediment from many under-construction
buildings are continuously flowing
into, and being deposited in the lake.
While on the other hand the embankment around the lake in sector
11 has become susceptible to erosion,
with soil and vegetation along the ridge
eroding away.
Locals alleged the lake water is polluted, the stench from it indicative of
the loss of biodiversity.
A plan to develop the lake is on the
cards as shown on Rajuk’s website, but
practical steps are yet to be taken. An
official of Rajuk, Raihanul Ferdous said
the lake development work would start
from the next fiscal. l
Youth killed in
Chittagong road
n Tarek Mahmud, Chittagong
A youth was killed while three others
were injured in a road accident on the
Dhaka-Chittagong Highway at Sitakunda upazila in Chittagong yesterday
The deceased is identified as Md
Shamim, 27, son of Chan Mia, resident
of Chowdhury Bari of the Banglabazar
area of the upazila, said police.
Sohel Imtiaz, officer-in-charge of
Baro Awlia highway police outpost,
said the driver of a speeding Chittagong-bound truck, lost control and
ran over Shamim, along with three
other pedestrians, who were standing on the side of the highway around
The injured were rushed to Chittagong Medical College Hospital where
on duty doctors declared Shamin dead.
Of the three injured two were receiving treatment at CMCH.
Police seized the bus while its driver
and assistant managed to flee the scene
soon after accident. l
Snipers shoot at UN chemical
weapons team in Syria
The attack forced them to suspend their inspection but no injuries were reported
n AFP, Damascus
Snipers shot at a UN team set to inspect
the site of a suspected deadly chemical
weapons attack on Monday, further
ratcheting up tensions as the West
warned of possible military action
against Damascus.
A defiant Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad declared that any strike by
the US and its allies would be doomed
to failure and key ally Moscow said it
could have dangerous consequences
for the entire region.
A UN spokesman said unidentified
snipers shot at the UN experts looking
into allegations of a chemical attack
near Damascus last week that the Syrian opposition claimed killed hundreds
of civilians.
The attack forced them to suspend
their inspection but no injuries were reported, said spokesman Martin Nesirky.
“The first vehicle of the chemical
weapons investigation team was deliberately shot at multiple times by unidentified snipers,” he said.
The attack came as the West appeared to be moving closer to launching a military response over last
Wednesday’s attack near Damascus,
which shocked the world after grisly
pictures emerged of dead children with
horrific injuries.
Britain said the West could act even
without full UN Security Council backing, with China and Moscow likely to
boycott any resolution backing a military strike.
Washington and its allies have
pointed the finger of blame at Assad’s
regime for the alleged attack, the latest
atrocity in a conflict that has claimed
the lives of more than 100,000 people
Young Palestinian women hold lit candles during a protest against Syria's President Bashar
al-Assad in front of the UN headquarters in Gaza City
since March 2011.
Assad, in an interview with a Russian newspaper published Monday,
angrily denied the accusations as an
“insult to common sense” and said any
military action was doomed to failure.
“The United States faces failure
just like in all the previous wars they
waged,” he said.
A senior Syrian security official told
AFP the regime was ready to face “all
“Western threats of strikes against
Syria are part of the psychological and
political pressure against Syria, but in
any case we are ready to face all scenarios,” the official said.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned his US counterpart John
Kerry of the “extremely dangerous
consequences of a possible new mili-
Fukushima water handling
‘like whack-a-mole’
n AFP, Tokyo
Tepco’s handling of radioactive water
at Fukushima has been like “whacka-mole”, a minister said Monday after
visiting the battered plant, pledging
Japan’s government would step up its
involvement at the site.
The colourful comments come after
300 tonnes of toxic liquid was found to
have leaked from one of the hundreds
of tanks storing heavily polluted water
used to cool broken reactors at the plant.
“With regard to Tepco’s handling of
contaminated water, it has been just
like whack-a-mole,” said industry minister Toshimitsu Motegi, in reference to
the anarchic fairground game in which
players bash creatures that pop up
from random holes.
The trip by Motegi, who was apparently referring to Tepco’s hurried response to events rather than planning
ahead, comes amid growing calls for
the government to take charge of the
clean-up at the plant.
Critics accuse Tepco of being incapable of dealing with the vast – and
growing – volumes of radioactive water
at the site.
Last week’s leak was dubbed the
most serious single incident since the
plant went into meltdown in March 2011
after being hit by a quake and tsunami. l
Social media fuels massive
Philippine anti-graft rally
Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in the Philippine capital on Monday
to voice outrage at corrupt politicians,
in a modern-day “People Power” rally
fuelled by social media. The march, emulated on a smaller-scale in other cities
around the country, was the largest anti-graft demonstration since President
Benigno Aquino was elected in 2010
on a platform to fight corruption. The
protesters ranged from members of the
clergy and students to businessmen,
middle-class families, lawyers and other
professionals. While few called for the
ouster of Aquino, whose personal ratings remain high, there was widespread
fury with politicians.
Japan wife kills cheating
husband with coffee cup
A Japanese housewife battered her
septuagenarian husband to death
with a coffee cup after discovering he
was cheating on her. The 61-year-old
woman allegedly attacked her partner
after learning of his affair, battering him
repeatedly on the face and head with
the mug at their home southwest of
Tokyo on Sunday afternoon, the Asahi
Shimbun and other media reported.
Yasuo Hirose, a 70-year-old honourary
professor with Yokohama National
University, was taken to the hospital but
later confirmed dead. The wife has been
arrested on suspicion of attempted
Adultery website shines
spotlight on Hong Kong
The founder of a dating service promoting adultery, the Canada-based, is setting his
sights on China’s cheating hearts after a
controversial launch in Hong Kong. With
its slogan “Life is short. Have an affair,”
the website boasts more than 20 million
users in more than 15 countries. It has
been expanding aggressively, adding
Japan and India last year. On Friday it
launched in Hong Kong, where religious
and family planning groups have come
together to criticise its message. Hong
Kong has one of the world’s lowest
fertility rates, which experts say is
driven by financial pressures in a city of
extremely high property prices.
Mexico migrant train
derailment kills 6
A cargo train carrying US-bound migrants derailed in a remote and swampy
area of southeastern Mexico on Sunday,
killing at least six people and injuring
several more. The train known as “The
Beast,” which carries Central American
migrants who pay smugglers to sit atop
freight cars, careened off the track near
a river in Tabasco state before dawn,
with eight freight cars derailing, officials
said. National civil protection coordinator Luis Felipe Puente said 18 people
were taken to hospitals, including 17
from Honduras and one from Guatemala, all aged between 19 to 54. He had
said earlier that 22 people were injured.
US businessman held in
Chinese blogging crackdown
Police have detained a Chinese-American venture capitalist on suspicion of
visiting a prostitute in Beijing, as authorities crack down on bloggers who post
sensitive material on China’s already
heavily restricted Internet. Charles Xue,
who has over 12 million followers on
the Twitter-like site Sina Weibo, was
detained on Friday evening in a Beijing
neighbourhood along with a woman.
The naturalised American citizen would
regularly repost reform-minded content, and had made comments on other
issues including China’s air quality and
food safety.
tary intervention for the whole Middle
East and North Africa region.”
Syrian authorities had approved
the UN inspection of the site in Ghouta east of Damascus on Sunday, but US
officials said it was too little, too late,
arguing that persistent shelling there
in recent days had “corrupted” the site.
Mortar shells also hit a mosque in
the centre of Damascus on Monday, the
Syrian news agency Sana said, blaming
“terrorists,” its term for rebel fighters.
The international community has
long been divided over how to respond
to the conflict, with Russia and China
repeatedly blocking UN Security Council resolutions.
The latest allegations have driven
a new wedge between Russia and the
West, with Moscow saying the suspected attack was a rebel ploy to discredit
the Assad regime. China has backed a
UN investigation into the charges, but
urged a “cautious” response.
US President Barack Obama has
been loath to order US military action
to protect civilians in Syria, fearing being drawn into a vicious civil war, soon
after he extracted US troops from Iraq.
But revulsion over video footage
and gruesome photographs of dead
children blanketing the world’s media
has seen mounting pressure on the international community.
“Is it possible to respond to chemical weapons without complete unity
on the UN Security Council? I would
argue yes,” British Foreign Secretary
William Hague told the BBC, refusing
to rule out a military strike this week.
France said the West would decide
in the coming days on a response.
“The only option that I do not envisage is to do nothing,” Foreign Minister
Laurent Fabius said on French radio.
Turkey – a vehement opponent of
the Assad regime – said it would join
an international coalition against Syria even if the Security Council fails to
reach consensus on the issue, while
Germany said there would have to be
“consequences” for the regime if the
accusations against it are confirmed.
US officials said that Obama, who
had said a year ago that the use of chemical weapons by Assad’s forces was a
“red line” that could trigger Western
intervention, would make an “informed
decision” about how to respond.
Experts believe the most likely US
action would see sea-launched cruise
missiles target Syrian military installations and artillery batteries deemed
complicit in the chemical weapons
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Assad warns US of
‘failure’ if it attacks Syria
n AFP, Damascus
President Bashar al-Assad warned the
US of “failure” if it attacks Syria, as UN
experts were Monday to begin probing
allegations Syrian forces used chemical
weapons on civilians.
In an escalation of a showdown over
the suspected attack near Damascus
last week, the United States and its
Western allies pointed the finger of
blame at Assad’s regime.
The Syrian president, in an interview with a Russian newspaper published Monday, angrily dismissed the
allegations as an “insult to common
Assad told pro-Kremlin daily Izvestia that the frontline in the area where
the incident took place was not clear
and the Syrian regime would have
risked killing its own troops if it used
chemical weapons.
“The comments made by politicians
in the West and other countries are an
insult to common sense... It is nonsense,” he said.
Assad warned the United States
against attacking Syria and argued
Washington’s recent military campaigns had all fallen short of their aims.
“The United States faces failure
just like in all the previous wars they
waged, starting with Vietnam and up
to our days,” he said.
A US diplomatic offensive led by
Secretary of State John Kerry, comments coming from the White House
and signs the Pentagon is positioning
ships closer to Syria fuelled an impression that President Barack Obama may
be getting ready to jettison his antipathy to new Middle Eastern entanglements and to order limited military
Kerry has spent days on the phone
with Washington’s foreign partners.
French President Francois Hollande
told his US counterpart that “everything was consistent” with the conclusion that Damascus was behind the
“The two presidents agreed to stay
in close contact to arrive at a joint response to this unprecedented aggression,” the French leader’s office said.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
Lavrov warned Kerry of the “extremely
dangerous consequences” of launching
military action.
Lavrov told Kerry in a telephone
call Sunday that Moscow was “deeply
alarmed” by statements coming out of
Syria’s opposition says more than
1,300 people died when toxic gases
were unleashed last Wednesday as
regime forces bombarded rebel zones
east and southwest of Damascus before dawn.
Doctors Without Borders said 355
people had died of “neurotoxic” symptoms in the affected areas.
If confirmed, the attack would mark
the deadliest use of chemical agents
since Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein
gassed Iranian troops and Kurdish rebels in the 1980s.
The Syrian authorities green-lighted
the UN inspection on Sunday, but US
officials said it was too little, too late, arguing that persistent shelling of the site
in recent days had “corrupted” the site.
British Foreign Secretary William
Hague too warned any evidence of a
chemical attack may have been destroyed by the artillery bombardment.
UN chief Ban Ki-Moon said Monday
there was no time to waste in probing
the allegations.
“Every hour counts. We cannot afford any more delays,” Ban told reporters in Seoul as UN experts prepared to
travel to the site of the alleged attacks. l
Hundreds homeless after Myanmar religious unrest
n AFP, Yangon
Hundreds of people made homeless by
Myanmar’s latest eruption of religious
violence were sheltering in a school
Monday, a local MP said, after mobs
torched the homes and shops of local
Around 1,000 anti-Muslim rioters
rampaged through villages in Kanbalu,
in the central region of Sagaing, on Saturday evening, setting fire to property
and attacking rescue vehicles.
Dozens of houses and shops were
left in charred ruins.
“The fires burned until last night,
but they have now been extinguished
after it rained heavily,” said Myint
Naing a local MP for the opposition
National League for Democracy party, adding that the situation was
He said 160 men and 158 women
who had lost their homes had taken
shelter in a school after unrest which
shocked the local community.
“They had been living peacefully
for many years and this is the first time
they saw violence,” he said.
Attacks against Muslims – who make
up at least four percent of the population – have exposed deep rifts in Buddhist-majority Myanmar, overshadowing widely praised political reforms
since military rule ended in 2011.
The latest violence is the first anti-Muslim incident reported in the
Sagaing region amid signs that the unrest is continuing to widen.
State newspaper the New Light of
Myanmar said the situation was “normal” by Monday morning and authorities were making arrangements to open
camps for those who lost their homes.
No injuries have been reported.
The report said 12 people had been
arrested in relation to the unrest,
which began after a Muslim man was
A man walks on a road near a shop owned by Muslims that was destroyed at Htan Kone village, in Myanmar
detained on suspicion of attempting
to rape a Buddhist woman on Saturday
A crowd of about 150 people and
three Buddhist monks gathered at the
local police station on Saturday demanding that the accused be handed
over to them, according to a message
on the Ministry of Information website
on Sunday.
When the authorities refused, the
mob attacked Muslim property in the
area and the crowd grew in size and ferocity as the night went on.
Religious violence has left about 250
people dead and more than 140,000
homeless in Myanmar – mostly Muslims – since clashes between Buddhists
and the Rohingya Muslim minority
broke out in the west of the country
last year.
This year the unrest has widened,
with attacks on other Myanmar Muslims across the country.
The country’s once-feared security
forces have often proved ineffective
in dealing with the unrest, with rights
groups claiming officials have actively
colluded with rioters -- a claim the government rejects.
Anti-Muslim rhetoric, spread by
radical Buddhist monks, has been
on the rise in Myanmar. Many of the
clashes have featured retaliatory attacks against entire communities in
response to accusations of seemingly
isolated criminal acts.
Last week watchdog Physicians for
Human Rights said Myanmar risked
“catastrophic” levels of conflict with
“potential crimes against humanity
and/or genocide” if authorities failed
to stem anti-Muslim hate speech and
a culture of impunity around the
clashes. l
Sri Lanka monks protest UN rights chief’s visit
n AFP, Colombo
Buddhist monks led protests in the
Sri Lankan capital Monday against the
UN’s top rights official, who began a
fact-finding mission to the country following concerns about war crimes.
Dozens of monks and pro-government activists staged the noisy demonstration outside UN offices, accusing
the international community of drumming up false allegations of war crimes
in 2009 during the final months of a
separatist conflict.
The activists vowed to stage more
protests if UN rights official Navi Pillay
criticised Sri Lanka during her weeklong mission, which they say would
damage the country emerging from de-
cades of ethnic war.
“We will not hesitate to muster the
protest of the entire citizenry against
the UN if attempts are made to fabricate diabolical lies against Sri Lanka,”
the activists said in a petition.
Carrying banners that read “Let us
condemn Pillay’s anti-Sri Lankan visit”, the activists handed the petition
to a senior UN official before dispersing.
Pillay, who has previously been accused by Colombo of overstepping her
mandate, arrived Sunday for her first
visit after the government dropped its
public hostility to her and promised access to former war zones.
On Monday she met Justice Minister
Rauf Hakeem and is due to travel to the
former war zone of Jaffna later in the
Pillay, who has previously called
for a war crimes investigation against
Sri Lanka, told reporters on Sunday
that she was only holding Colombo to
human rights standards agreed by all
“I am not writing my own statute.
I am looking at the (human rights)
framework that was also developed by
Sri Lanka,” she said.
“If I raise criticism, it is on whether they (Sri Lanka) comply with those
standards,” she added. “I have not
come to criticise. I have come to raise
human rights concerns.”
The government’s U-turn in allowing her free access came as Canada
leads calls for a boycott of a Commonwealth summit scheduled to take place
in Colombo later this year.
Sri Lanka has resisted international
pressure for an investigation into what
the UN says are “credible allegations”
that up to 40,000 civilians were killed
in the final months of the war.
A no-holds-barred military offensive crushed Tamil Tiger rebels who at
the height of their power controlled a
third of Sri Lanka’s territory. President
Mahinda Rajapakse has since been
dogged by claims of indiscriminate killing of ethnic Tamils.
Tamil groups are banking on Pillay’s
visit to revive calls for a war crimes
probe, but the government insists that
its troops did not kill civilians. l
Peace meet cancelled over Israeli
killing of three Palestinians
US leaker Snowden
stayed at Russia’s Hong
Kong consulate
Palestinian president’s spokesman says shooting show ‘real intentions’ of Israel
n AFP, Moscow
and others were wounded.”
n AFP, Ramallah
The peace talks formally resumed Edward Snowden, the US intelligence
Peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators expected on Monday
have been cancelled after Israeli security forces shot dead three Palestinians
during clashes in the West Bank, a Palestinian official said.
“The meeting that was to take place
in Jericho... today was cancelled because of the Israeli crime committed in
Qalandiya today,” the official told AFP,
referring to the refugee camp where
the clashes erupted before dawn.
He did not set a new date.
“What happened today in Qalandiya
shows the real intentions of the Israeli government,” Palestinian president
Mahmud Abbas’s spokesman Nabil
Abu Rudeina, told AFP as reports of the
shooting started to emerge.
He called on the US administration
to “take serious and quick steps” to
prevent the collapse of peace efforts.
Medics reported three Palestinians
shot dead and 19 wounded by Israeli
security forces in Qalandiya camp, between Ramallah and Israeli-annexed
east Jerusalem, very early Monday.
They named the dead as Rubeen
Abed Fares, 30, and Yunis Jahjouh, 22,
both shot in the chest, and Jihad Aslan,
20, who died of brain damage.
The hospital officials said all the casu-
Palestinian mourners carry the body of one of three slain Palestinian during their funeral
procession, at the Qalandia refugee camp
alties had been hit by live ammunition.
An Israeli police spokeswoman said
that border police used “riot dispersal
means” to disperse a stone-throwing
crowd of 1,500 people.
“In the early hours of the morning a
border police team went into Qalandiya
camp to arrest a hostile terrorist activist,” spokeswoman Luba Samri told AFP.
“After his arrest a mob of about
1,500 residents began a disturbance,
throwing petrol bombs and stones, en-
dangering the lives of force members,
who responded with riot dispersal
means,” she said.
An army spokeswoman said that
troops did not participate in the initial
arrest raid but were sent in to extricate
the border police.
“An army force was called to help
them,” she told AFP. “They were
obliged to use live fire to protect themselves, and according to preliminary
reports two (Palestinians) were killed
Indian officials promise swift
justice in gang-rape case
n AFP, Mumbai
Indian officials on Monday promised
swift justice over the gang-rape of a
young photographer in Mumbai, as the
final suspect appeared in court over the
attack that sparked angry protests.
Five men have been arrested on suspicion of raping the 22-year-old woman
in central Mumbai on Thursday when
she was on assignment for a magazine
with a male colleague.
The attack reignited widespread anger at the treatment of women in India
that first erupted in December after the
fatal gang-rape of a 23-year-old student
on a bus in New Delhi.
“We will submit a charge sheet in a
court of law as soon as possible and the
case will be done in a fast-track court,”
Mumbai’s police commissioner Satyapal Singh told reporters.
The chief minister of Maharashtra
state, Prithviraj Chavan, has also promised a fast-track case “to ensure speedy
justice to the victim”.
The final suspect was arrested on
Sunday in New Delhi by Mumbai police, over the brutal attack in which the
woman’s male colleague was allegedly tied up with a belt and the woman
raped repeatedly nearby.
The four alleged accomplices were
earlier arrested in Mumbai.
Relatives of two of the accused told
media they are juveniles but Singh insisted they were all unemployed adults
and school drop-outs who were born
and grew up in the city.
A court remand sheet shows the
‘Dreamers’ to create Delhi park
n AP, New Delhi
In a tangle of forgotten, overgrown brush
in the heart of India’s capital, a quiet plan
has been hatched to change the landscape
of one of the world’s most populous cities.
An intricate Mughal garden is being created. Crumbling sandstone tombs nearly
lost to history are being rebuilt. An artificial
lake is being carved out. The renovation
of Sunder Nursery is intended to serve as
the catalyst for an even more ambitious
project: the creation of a mammoth, iconic
park that would rival New York’s Central
Park as a refuge from urban chaos.
“It would be the place where the city
descends. It would be an oasis,” said Ratish
Nanda, project director for the Aga Khan
Trust for Culture, and the driving force
behind the dream of a mega-park.
To create that park would require the
merger of a string of adjoining gardens,
heritage areas and a zoo administered
by different government agencies, an incredibly complicated task in a land where
bureaucratic turfs are fiercely protected.
No formal proposal has been formulated.
But sometimes in India, it takes tenacious dreamers like Nanda to achieve the
seemingly impossible.
Nanda and the Aga Khan Trust have taken on seemingly impossible tasks before.
They helped wrest a 17acre compound in
the area, along with a large monument,
from India’s version of the Boy Scouts. They
are currently fighting with railways officials
to get them to remove a storeroom blocking access to another monument.
The payoff would be considerable. Delhi,
with a population of about 17 million, is a
surprisingly green city, with small parks
dotting many neighbourhoods and Lodhi
Gardens — with a clutch of crumbling monuments of its own — attracting speed walkers
and picnickers in upscale south Delhi. The
mega-park would tower over them all.
It would be 480-hectares, considerably
larger than Central Park. It would have
100,000 trees of more than 300 species,
Nanda said. It would encompass one of the
most impressive collections of medieval
Islamic monuments, anchored by the
grandiose tomb of Emperor Humayun, a
16th Century prototype for the Taj Mahal.
It would have an ancient fort, a Buddhist
stupa, flocks of exotic birds and white
tigers in the zoo.
Nanda imagines families rolling out
carpets on the grass in the winter and
enjoying a book in the shade of a tree in
the summer. He imagines people touring
the tombs or just crossing the park on their
daily commutes.
The heart of the dream is the restoration of Sunder Nursery, a 40-hectare
field adjacent to Humayun’s Tomb, both
of which are being restored by the Aga
Khan’s trust. The nursery was founded
by British colonists to grow experimental plants. In recent years it was barely
functioning, became a dumping ground for
construction waste, and was visited by a
few hundred people a month.
The trust fought back a government
plan to cut the nursery in half — and
destroy a garden tomb — to make way for
a major road planned for the 2010 Commonwealth Games, Nanda said. It had to
remove 1,000 truckloads of construction
rubble scattered about the fields.
The nursery project, Nanda said, is
intended to turn what had been a dead
zone “into a thriving ecological hub.” But
this is just a small step he hopes will create
a creeping momentum toward the larger
He is already eyeing the crumbling
Azimnganj Sarai, an early 16th Century
pilgrim’s motel just outside the nursery on
zoo land. The Mughal garden, in fact the
entire design of the nursery, points directly
at the sarai, and he is hoping to get permission to restore it and add it to the park.
That would bring him a small step closer to
the mega-park dream.
That park, as envisioned by Nanda and
his colleagues, would start with Humayun’s
Tomb and its complex of gardens and monuments. Just to the north is the nursery,
then the national zoo, then the Purana Qila,
the oldest fort in the city. Running alongside
all this is the narrow Millennium Park, which
borders the Yamuna River. These areas are
so cut off now that a trip from Humayun’s
Tomb to Millennium Park, only about
100metres away, would take 5.5km. l
men are aged 18 to 27.
Singh said three suspects had criminal records for theft but police did not
yet have evidence of any previous rape
accusations against them.
The fifth suspect, Mohammed Salim
Ansari, 27, was produced before a magistrates’ court on Monday, barefoot and
wearing a striped shirt. He was remanded in police custody until September 5.
The family of the young woman said
Sunday they were hopeful of the “severest of punishments” for those responsible after a tougher sex crimes law was
introduced in India earlier this year.
The attack shocked Mumbai, a city
that is generally considered safer for
women than the capital. But Singh insisted the attack “does not mean that
Mumbai is not safe any more.” l
this month after a hiatus of nearly
three years, thanks to an intense bout
of shuttle diplomacy by US Secretary of
State John Kerry.
Palestinian sources, speaking on
condition of anonymity, had at the
weekend said they expected a new
round of talks to be held Monday in
the West Bank town of Jericho, but
there had been no official confirmation
from either side, in accordance with a
US-imposed news blackout.
The talks have been overshadowed
by Israeli plans to build more than
2,000 new homes for Jewish settlers on
occupied Palestinian territory.
On Sunday, Jerusalem city council’s
finance committee approved a budget
of $17.3 million (13 million euros) for
infrastructure work at the site of the
planned new east Jerusalem settlement of Ramat Shlomo.
The site hit the headlines in March
2010, when Israel sparked the ire of
the US administration by announcing,
during a visit by Vice President Joe
Biden, that 1,600 new homes would be
built there.
“The daily killings and ongoing settlement activity are all Israeli messages
that aim to destroy the peace process,”
Abu Rudeina said. l
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
leaker who was granted asylum in Russia, contacted Russian officials before
he flew to Moscow and spent several
days at the country’s diplomatic mission in Hong Kong, a newspaper said
on Monday.
The Kommersant, citing a source
close to Snowden, said the former US
National Security Agency contractor
had spent several days at the Russian
general consulate in Hong Kong before
boarding an Aeroflot flight to Moscow
in late June.
Snowden even celebrated his 30th
birthday there, the source was quoted
as saying.
A Western source confirmed the
information to the newspaper, adding
that the West thought it was possible
that Russian authorities had invited
Snowden to come to Russia.
It is likely that “Russians themselves invited Snowden, passing the
invitation on to him via the Chinese
who were happy to get rid of him,”
the Western source was quoted as
A source in the Russian government confirmed to Kommersant that
Snowden was at the Russian consulate
in Hong Kong for two days until he left
for Moscow.
The source however said Snowden
had turned up uninvited, adding that
he had planned to fly to Latin America
via Moscow and asked for help, citing
international conventions on the rights
of refugees.
Snowden flew to Moscow on June 23
but did not board a flight to Cuba the
next day despite having a reservation.
He ended up spending more than a
month in the transit zone of Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow until Russia
gave him a temporary asylum.
Snowden even celebrated
his 30th birthday at the
Russian general consulate in
Hong Kong , the source was
quoted as saying
The move led to a new crisis in ties between Moscow and Washington. President Vladimir Putin has said Snowden
arrived in Russia uninvited and would
leave as soon as possible.
Kommersant said Snowden did not
board an Aeroflot plane to Cuba even
though he had been checked in because Havana said it would not allow
the plane to land.
Citing several sources, the newspaper said Cuba had made the decision under pressure from the United
Pakistanis flee Indian fire in Kashmir
n AFP, Muzaffarabad
Several hundred villagers have fled
their homes in Pakistani Kashmir after
deadly cross-border shelling by the Indian army, Pakistani officials said Monday.
Pakistani authorities on Sunday accused the Indian army of killing two
women and wounding seven other
civilians in shelling across the Line of
Control (LoC) which marks the de facto border in the disputed Himalayan
So far six Pakistanis are reported
to have been killed in firing across the
heavily militarised border since five
Indian soldiers were ambushed and
killed on August 5 in Kashmir.
Delhi blamed the August 5 killings
on the Pakistani army, but Islamabad
denied any responsibility and has
called for restraint.
“Since Sunday at least 40 families
or 300 people have left their homes
in 10 villages in Nakyal sector to escape shelling by Indian troops,” said
Javed Budhanwi, a cabinet minister for
the regional government in Pakistani
Nakyal is around 200km south of
Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistani
The summer holidays for schools
along the LoC have also been extended
until August 31 for safety reasons, officials said.
Most of the displaced, from Datoot
village, have been given shelter at
camps set up in colleges in the town of
Nakyal, Budhanwi said.
About 10 families have moved in
with relatives and more people are
expected to flee in the next few days
if the Indian firing continues, he
“We are requesting villagers to remain inside their houses as Indian
troops are targeting the civilian population with small arms and heavy
weapons,” he said.
Many villagers have dug trenches outside their houses for when the
shelling starts, he said.
Four civilians were wounded by Indian fire on Monday, local government
official Masood-ur-Rehman told AFP.
He also confirmed that families had
started to flee.
The clashes threaten to jeopardise
a planned meeting between the two
countries’ prime ministers on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in
New York next month.
A deadly flare-up along the LoC in
January halted peace talks that had
only just resumed following a threeyear hiatus sparked by the 2008 attacks in Mumbai that killed 166 people.
India blamed Pakistani militants for
the attack. l
China Bo trial ends, prosecutor demands severe punishment
n Reuters, Jinan, China
Chinese prosecutors demanded a heavy
sentence for ousted top politician Bo
Xilai as his divisive, dramatic trial ended on Monday, saying his “whimsical”
challenge to charges of bribery, graft
and abuse of power flew in the face of
the evidence.
Bo was a rising star in China’s leadership circles when his career was
stopped short last year by a murder
scandal in which his wife, Gu Kailai,
was convicted of poisoning a British
businessman, Neil Heywood, who had
been a family friend.
Bo, who was Communist Party chief
of the southwestern metropolis of
Chongqing, has mounted an unexpectedly feisty defense since the trial began
on Thursday, denouncing testimony
against him by his wife as the ravings
of a mad woman.
The court, announcing the end
of the five-day trial, said the verdict
would come at a later date. It did not
provide details, but it could be announced within the next few weeks.
Bo has repeatedly said he is not guilty
of any of the charges, although he has
admitted to making some bad decisions
and to shaming his country by his handling of former Chongqing police chief,
Wang Lijun, who first told Bo that Gu
had probably murdered Heywood.
Summing up the evidence, the state’s
Labourers work to renovate the Neela Gumbad, or Blue Tomb, as part of a project for the creation of the park in New Delhi
prosecutor said Bo should not be shown
leniency as he had recanted admissions
of guilt provided ahead of the trial.
In his final address to the court, Bo
admitted to personal failings.
“I know I’m an imperfect man,” Bo
said. “I’m very subjective and bad-tempered. I have committed serious errors
and mistakes ... I did not manage my
family and subordinates well, I have
made big mistakes and am sorry to the
party and the people.” l
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Take responsibility for what you say in talk shows
n Shafin Fattah
ince the onset of recent
Hefazat and Jamaat activities following the Shahbagh
protests, I have noticed an
increased tendency among
people for them to become more conscious about their multiple identities.
“Perceived” conflicts between
religious and national identities are
suddenly gaining more media attention. Guests in several talk shows are
suddenly talking about what constitutes national and religious identities.
They are raising questions about what
isn’t Islamic and what isn’t a part of
Bangali culture.
It is very natural for this to happen
after a movement started with nationalistic fervour was challenged by one
charged with religious sentiment. However, some of the guests in these talk
shows are making rather inappropriate
comments without carefully thinking
and articulating their opinions.
I feel it is necessary to talk about
two such personalities, Mita Haque and
Shahriar Kabir, and their comments in
two different talk shows that particularly caught my attention. Both of these
guests commented about clothing in
Bangladesh and in doing so criticised
and ridiculed certain segments of the
population. Video clips of their comments have gone viral on social media
and have also drawn criticisms.
To begin with, Mita Haque, the revered Rabindra Sangeet singer, stated
on Ekkator TV that people in Bangladesh are going through an identity
crisis as they struggle to dress up like
proper Bangalis. She carelessly implied that those adorning themselves
in burqas, hijabs, tupis and beard are
not behaving like Bangalis.
Furthermore, Shahriar Kabir, the
famous journalist turned writer,
human rights activist and head of
Ghatak-Dalal Nirmul Committee, went
a step further in Somoy News. He
claimed that hijab is un-Islamic and
is part of Wahhabi culture that came
to Bangladesh, through the efforts
of Saudi Arabia and some returning
expatriates from the Middle East.
According to Shahriar, many of the
expatriates have been brainwashed to
adopt the Wahhabi culture of hijab for
their female relatives. In his defence,
he did point out that back in the 1960s,
hardly anyone wore hijab and films in
Islamic countries like Egypt and Pakistan portrayed women freely wearing
sleeveless dresses and other more
revealing outfits more than today.
I personally found both these
comments rather silly and insensible. However, I would still engage
with them before drawing a general
conclusion about how such comments
inevitably harm the social fabric of
our country.
Response to Mita Haque
When she talked about how Bangladeshis who wear tupis and sport
beards are not Bangalis, the first images that came to my mind were that
of Tagore’s dense beard and Nazrul’s
famous tupi-clad portrait. I will not go
further into what a Bangali should or
should not wear as that is a personal
A single naive or callous
comment can suddenly
jeopardise their credibility
and harm the causes they
However, what I found ridiculous was
how she, as a cultural ambassador
of Bangladesh, singled out men with
“beard and tupi” and “women in
burqas” to associate them with Jamaat
supporters and anti-Bangalis.
I find it surprising that those wearing Indian styled saris, kameez, jeans,
pants, shirts, and western outfits have
not caught her attention all these
years. True Bangalis, according to her
are those who wear traditional secular-themed clothes.
But this is not true. We are Bangalis
by virtue of the collective promotion
of our language, literature, culture,
traditions, food habits, etc. and not
simply by the clothing we choose to
Response to Shahriar Kabir
I always revered him for his efforts in
promoting the war crime trials. However, I was stunned by his argument,
where he chose to rule hijab as anti-Islamist by drawing examples from traditional outfits of Pakistanis, Turks and
Egyptians and what actresses of those
countries wore half a century ago.
Seems it never occurred to him that
he should validate his arguments on
the basis of the Qur’an, hadith and
those Islamic law books which are traditionally considered to be authoritative throughout the Muslim world.
I leave it up to individuals to decide
whether hijab is un-Islamic when
dressing up modestly is reiterated
in the Qur’an and hadith, and major
Islamic schools of law instruct women
to cover their hair.
Impacts of such comments in
Firstly, such comments are divisive
because they hurt the sentiments of
certain significant segments of the
These particular segments already
feel under attack from the more secular segments of our society due to the
Hefazat-Jamaat conjured propaganda
that the secular government is anti-Islamic. At a time of turmoil, such insensible comments only create discord
among the population. Moreover, such
comments only promote stereotyping
to ridicule people, the last thing Bangladesh needs at a time of unrest.
Secondly, many of these personalities are inclined towards the ruling party through overt endorsement. As such,
their comments are often assumed to
reflect the mind-set of the government.
This gives more substance to those
spreading propaganda to create unrest
and divide among the population along
secular versus religious lines.
For example, their comments are
already being circulated by pro-Jamaat activists over social media who
argue those promoting war criminal
trials are anti-Islamist and are working
to undermine Islamist values. This,
in turn, harms the causes people like
Shahriar Kabir and Mita Haque pro-
Monsoon tourism in Bangladesh
A resort on the Padma uses monsoon as tourist attraction
n Ziaul Haque Howlader
n Bangladesh the tropical monsoon
climate can bring much hardship
but it also blesses the landscape
with heavy rainfall each year.
During the rainy season, our minds
can wander as we are spell-bound by the
magic of rain gathered from many lands
passing through cloudy skies. After a
long day of heavy rainfall, a sudden
rainbow can magically flash across the
sky to stimulate the imagination.
Many states of India, especially Rajasthan, arrange different
festivals and fairs during the moonsoon
Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam
and the Nobel Laureate Rabindranath
Tagore wrote many songs and poems
inspired by the beauty of the rainy
season in Bangladesh. Many people
love to hear Nazrul’s songs during
the rainy season. Nazrul portrayed
the hidden beauty of the monsoon
through songs like “Eshoo hey shojolo
shyamo ghono deya, chanchalo shaymolo elo gogone” or “Rum jhum jhum
badalo name.”
Many flowers bloom and enhance the
beauty of the land. Beautiful white kashful makes for an attractive scene beside
the banks of rivers across the country.
Nazrul’s writings reflect the majestic
natural beauty brought by the monsoon
as the fragrances of Kadam, Hizal, and
Juthika spread magic everywhere.
During rainy season, the haors
(wetlands) and rivers become like
seas and natural beauty flourishes.
As streets become muddy, the sound
of frogs, insects and other creatures
grow across the land.
Truly, the monsoon brings much
beauty and many unique blessings.
This is the season of fishes, especially
Hilsha, the national fish of Bangladesh.
Its mouth-watering taste and the smell
of different preparations of the fish are
popular with all.
It is not uncommon for tourists
from many different countries to visit
countries with a monsoon climate, but
often the rainy season is avoided. Yet,
the rainy season can also be of much
interest for visitors and this potential
should be recognised.
In Bangladesh, we traditionally arrange many festivals, fairs and games
in the rainy season. We may offer tourists the chance to experience these
and introduce them to new tastes
such as our native specialty of Hilsha.
Boat races (nouka baich), Kabaddi and
indoor games are common during the
season and can provide a special form
of entertainment.
As Bangladesh is a riverine country,
the Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation
and private agencies could also do
more to arrange and promote boat
tours and luxury cruises offering tourists the chance to experience won-
derful views of our haors, baors and
rivers. Fishing during the rainy season
can offer a mesmerising memory for
many tourists. Attractive healthy
fruits like pineapple, guava, pomegranates, sour berries, and nuncha can
be locally sourced for tourists to enjoy.
There are also many traditional foods
like khichuri with Hilsha fish, chilis,
dried fish and vegetables for all to
appreciate during rainy season.
In our country, the months from October to February are usually promoted
as the season for tourists.
However, every season of Bangladesh can offer different and distinctive
features which may attract interested
Other countries already use the rainy
season as a feature to encourage tourists. In this season, many states of India,
especially Rajasthan, arrange different
festivals and fairs. “Monsoon holiday
packages” bring in a growing amount of
income from visitors who come to enjoy
the beauty of the monsoon climate.
Monsoon tourism can provide a
magnificent experience and it should
be promoted to create new opportunities for Bangladesh’s tourism and
travel industries. Our history and
traditions of enjoying life during the
rainy season can inspire us to develop
this, just as it has inspired our national
festivals, folklore and poets.
The rainy season does not only bring
out blessings, great hazards may also
come with the seasons great blessings.
Heavy rainfall creates flood and many
people in low lying countryside have to
face indescribable sufferings.
Above all, the majestic sound of
rain and thunder creates vivid images
and memories in the minds of the
listeners, different to that of daily life.
Bangladesh forms the world’s
largest delta with our magnificent
rivers like the Padma, Meghna, and
Jamuna. We already host visitors who
come outside rainy season to travel
across the country by boat and explore
its beauty. Bangladesh offers many
special experiences for tourists within
a compact land area. Our traditions
of hospitality and celebrating the
monsoon can be used to interest more
visitors to enjoy Bangladesh in the
rainy season as well. l
Ziaul Haque Howlader is the Deputy
Manager of Bangladesh Parjatan
mote in society such as trials for war
criminals and encouraging Bangali
culture, etc.
Such comments are divisive because they hurt the sentiments of
certain significant segments of the population
The time has come for TV channels
and their talk show guests to become
more responsible and better prepared
so that they can save themselves from
endorsing comments and stereotypes,
which can be misused in such ways
and may encourage division.
It is important for commentators
to understand how a single naive or
callous comment can suddenly jeopardise their credibility and harm the
causes they promote. l
Shafin Fattah is an economics student at
Princeton University.
Brotherhood returns
to underground past
n Haitham el-Tabei
or Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood,
a fierce crackdown has led to
a return to its underground
existence of the past: avoiding phones
and the Internet, changing homes and
blending in.
Ever since security forces forcibly
dispersed two Cairo camps of protesters loyal to ousted Islamist president
Mohamed Morsi, members of his
Muslim Brotherhood organisation
have been on the run.
Authorities have arrested the
group’s top leaders, including its
supreme guide, effectively decapitating the movement and disrupting its
organisational structure.
Morsi himself is detained at a secret
location and authorities have charged
him and other Brotherhood members
with involvement in the deaths of
The campaign of arrests has forced
the Brotherhood back to ways it had
largely abandoned as it inched its way
into the spotlight.
Long banned in Egypt, the group
had become gradually more tolerated in the years before the 2011
revolution, winning parliamentary
seats through candidates who ran as
It took centre-stage only after the
uprising which toppled president Hosni
Mubarak, winning a majority in parliament and then the presidency. But
Morsi’s July 3 ouster has reset the clock.
Members of the Muslim
Brotherhood have been on the
run since the ouster of Morsi
“We’ve gone back to direct contact
after having banned the use of telephones and the Internet, which could
allow us to be found,” said Aisha, an
activist in the Alexandria region of
northern Egypt, giving a false name
for security reasons.
Her father, a Brotherhood member, has gone underground for fear of
arrest after the August 14 break-up of
the protest camps by security forces at
a cost of hundreds of lives.
“It’s worse than under Mubarak,”
she told AFP. “Because in addition to
the violence of the police, there’s the
hostility of the people.”
“Many people no longer want to
have Muslim Brotherhood as neighbours, but luckily there are still some
who sympathise with us.”
The campaign of arrests
has forced the Brotherhood
back to ways it had largely
Another activist based in Tanta,
southwest of Cairo, who asked to be
called Ahmed, said the group’s leaders
were all on the run.
“None of our leaders spend even
two nights in a row in the same place,”
he said.
No rank of the Brotherhood has
been left untouched, from grassroots
members to supreme guide Mohamed
Badie, who was arrested on August 20.
Security sources say more than
2,000 Muslim Brotherhood members
have been arrested in the past 12 days.
But a lawyer close to the group, Ismail Wishahi, says “more than 8,000
activists have been locked up.”
An anti-Brotherhood mood has
been growing for weeks.
The army ousted Morsi after massive demonstrations against his rule.
Ordinary Egyptians have attacked
dozens of the group’s offices and the
local media have lined up behind Morsi’s ouster, dubbing the Brotherhood
“terrorists” and terming the crisis a
“war against terrorism.”
In the past, the Brotherhood has
been able to mobilise tens of thousands
of demonstrators, drawing on a network
of supporters throughout the country.
But the violent dispersal of the
protest camps and the campaign of
arrests has thinned its ranks and made
it increasingly difficult to mobilise en
masse. l
This article was first published by AFP.
Nazrul institute
pays tribute to the
National Poet
n Afrose Jahan Chaity
On the occasion of the 37th death anniversary of National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam, Nazrul Institute organised a three
day long programme and award-giving
ceremony at the Sufia Kamal Auditorium, National Museum, from August 25
till today. The programme features a
discussion on the groundbreaking po-
ems and writings of the legendary bard, by eminent researchers and personalities.
Today, renowned Nazrul
singers Khalid hossain, Shahin Samad, Khairul Anam
Shakil, Ferdous Ara, Salauddin Ahmed and Yakub Ali
Khan will perform on the
celebration programme.
Cultural Minister Abul
Kalam Azad was the chief
guest at the inaguration programme. Cultural Secretary
Dr Ranajit Kumar Biswas
presided over the discussion, while Commissioner
of Dhaka District A N Shamsuddin Azad were special
guests. Among others, Nazrul’s granddaughter Khilkhil
Kazi gave the vote of thanks
and Executive Director of Nazrul Institute Rashid Haider gave the welcome
speech. Noted Nazrul exponent Professor Rafiqul Islam and Mohit Ul Alam
was the speaker at the discussion.
M A Mannan and Anupam Hayat received awards on the occasion. Later, a
brief cultural programme was held at
the venue. Prominent Nazrul signers
performed solo and group songs. l
TV channels observe
Nazrul’s death anniversary
To mark the 37th death anniversary of the national poet of Bangladesh, Kazi Nazrul
Islam, the TV channels have prepared special programmes, featuring the rebel
poet’s music, songs, poem and novels. The various programmes include drama,
telefilm, musical shows, recitation written by the revolutionary personality
‘Nature – Color and Vision’
Khurshid Alam Saleem
Time: 12 pm- 8pm
Shipangan, House 7, Road 13
New Dhanmondi
‘Automated Subjectivity’
By Mustafa Zaman and Shuvo Rafiqul
Time: 12pm-8pm
Bengal Art Lounge
60 Gulshan Ave. Road 131. Circle 1
“Dhriti Nartanalaya” have arranged for
a dance workshop on Uday Shankar
dance style. This 6 days long workshop is conducted by eminent dancer Jaydeep Palit assisted by Maitrali
Chakraborti from Kolkata, India.
The workshop has started on August
25 and will continue till August 30. At
the end of the course, certificate will be
provided to all the participants. Uday
Shankar’s dancing style is not bound
by any particular method, as he freely emerged from various Indian folk
dances and other classical forms like
Manipuri, Kathakali and so on, to come
up with his own unique style.
What he had really taken in from
the west is presentation, duration and
discipline. The mixing, however, is so
3:35pm Fox Movies Premium
The Proposal
4:22pm WB
Blood Diamond
5:20pm HBO
6:00pm Star Movies
Telefilm Kuhu airs on Maasranga
The telefilm “Kuhu” has been inspired by the novel Badhon
Hara (Free from Bonds), an epistolary novel of Nazrul. “Kuhu”
will air today at 3pm on Maasranga Television. Produced by
Nahid Ahmed Piyal, the telefilm features Sadia Islam Mou,
Shams Shumon, Dipa Khondokaar, Majnun Mizan and others.
The drama is a love story of Kuhu and Shamol. When lovelorn Kuhu suggests that they elope and get married, her object
of affection, Shamol, backs off due to lack of courage. Heartbroken and in despair, she marries an affluent Zaminder.
On the rebound of his broken affair, Shamol starts his life
aimlessly and after some time, marries his friend. The story
takes a turn when Kuhu’s husband dies and fate brings Shamol
in her life again. At that time, Kuhu was actively involved in
social endeavors with funds left to her by her late husband. As
it is the norm of the society, people around her starts to talk
about Kuhu in a negative manner. The story moves forward
with Kuhu’s effort to avoid Shamol all over again. l
7:00pm Fox Movies Premium
War Horse
7:10pm WB
The Ring
7:12pm HBO
8:30pm Zee Studio
The Karate Kid Part 2
11:00pm Zee Studio
The Karate Kid Part 3
11:30pmStar Movies
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of
The Crystal Skull
9:30am FX
NTV’s tribute to Nazrul
“Droher Kobi Premer Kobi” is a Nazrul special programme, where renowned artists such as Ferdous Ara,
Yasmeen Mustari, Khairul Anam Shakil and Kolpona
Anam will present songs paying tribute to the National Poet. Along with music, Munmun Ahmed and her
troupe will present a dance recitation in the show and
poetry recitation by Sagor Sen. The show will telecast
in the morning at 10:05am on NTV. The programme is
initiated by Mohammed Muzakker and produced by
Alfred Khokon. The poetry session of Nazrul “Premik
Othoba Bidrohi” will feature Shimul Mustafa, Mahidul
Islam, Sharmeen Lucky, Munira Yusif Memi and Masud
Shezan. The programme will air at 11am.
Special single episode drama “Ragini” will telecast
at 12:20pm. With direction and screenplay by Nahid
Ahmed Piyal, the drama features Aporna, Jitu Ahsan,
Shormi Mala and others. l
‘Here is There – There is Here’
Toyomi Hoshina
Time: 12pm – 8pm
Bengal Gallery of Fine Arts
House 275, Road 27, Old Dhanmondi
Shahabuddin The Painter,
The Fighter
Iftekhar Wahid Iftee
Time: 10am- 10pm
Zainul Gallery-2, Charukala
Dhaka University
The Simpsons
11:00am AXN
1:30pm Comedy Central
Guys With Kids
3:30pm Star World
5:30pm Z Cafe
Just For Laughs
7:30pm Colors
Mrs Pammi Pyarelal
8:30pm Big CBS Prime
It Only Hurts When I Laugh
10:00pm Sony SAB
Jeanie Aur Juju
2:35pm NTV
6:15pm Baishakhi Tv
6:30pm Star World
One Tree Hill
Workshop on Uday Shankar
dance style
n Afrose Jahan Chaity
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
refined, that it is often difficult to distinguish one style from another.
“Dhriti” is a cultural organization
founded by Warda Rihab, a Manipuri
dancer of Bangladesh who, besides her
own genre of classical dance, has also
been working with a fusion of dance
forms for the last couple of years. However, “Dhriti” aims to highlight, not
just dance in Dhaka, but also the various forms of performing arts practiced
in the vibrant cultural arena of the
Through her organisation, Warda,
aims to organize cultural festivals with
a focus on Bangladesh, participate in
festivals with the local dance of the
country, arrange cultural events with
both a classical and contemporary focus. This workshop is one of the initiatives towards her goal. l
7:00pm Colors
Bani Ishq Da Kalma
7:30pm Star Plus
Saath Nibhana Saathiyan
7:40pm Channel Nine
Grontikgon Kohe
8:00pm Baishakhi Tv
Boro Barir Chhoto Bou
10:00pm Zee Tv
Qubool Hain
10:55pm ATN Bangla
Nirbikar Manush
Channel i will telecast Nazrul’s film Meher Nigar at 2:30pm today. Jointly produced by Moushumi and Gulzaar, the film features
Moushumi, Ferdous, Irin Zaman and Probir Mitro
11:30pm Sony
Bade Achhe Lagte Hain
Priyo Nazrul musical session on Desh TV
A unique musical show “Priyo Nazrul” will be showcased on DeshTV
at 7:45pm. The show is produced by
Farida Lima and anchored by Prottasha Kazi. It will feature several Nazrul
songs and poems presented by noted
singer Fatema Tuz Zohra, Tanvir Alam
Sajib and will also include recitations
by Shimul Mustafa. l
10:00am Diganta
Diganta Shongbad
4:00pm Desh Tv
Shongbad shomoi
5:30pm Independent TV
Purba paschim
6:45pm RTV
Shondhar Shongbad
7:30pm Banglavision
11:30pm BTV
7:30am SATV
Shokaleer Diary
9:10am Channel 24
Mukto Baak
9:30am Channel i
Shongbaadpotrey Bangladesh
11:10am Channel 24
Proshongo Rajniti
12:20pm NTV
Ei Shomoy
2:40pm ATN News
Amder Kotha
3:05pm Channel i
Bollywood beauties’ fascination with the
role of a journalist
n Entertainment Desk
Gone are the days when journalism was considered as a boring profession and journalists as nerdy, khadi-clad, dull professionals.
With a slew of Bollywood divas like Kareena Kapoor and Nargis Fakri
playing journalists in their respective films, this profession is now considered to be as glamorous as it is powerful.
Armed with the might of pen, these Bollywood beauties have brought
the much-needed glamour in this profession.
However, this is not the first time that Bollywood actresses are playing
the role of journalists.
Bollywood’s fascination with this profession dates back to 1950s
when the gorgeous Madhubala played an iconic role of a journalist in
1958 hit film “Kaala Paani.”
Her power-packed performance and her dialogue delivery not only
won her many accolades but also became an inspiration for current lot of
Another yesteryear actress who took on the challenge was Dimple
Kapadia. She played a role of a feisty journalist who fights for justice.
Her crusader act in “Krantiveer” has been considered as one of her best
performances till date.
While many other Bollywood actresses have donned the hats of
media professionals from time to time, it was Konkona Sen Sharma who
is considered as one of the most popular onscreen female journalist till
This dusky diva won many hearts in Madhur Bhandarkar’s “Page 3,”
where she plays the role of a Page 3 journalist who explores the lives of
rich and famous.
This movie, which was a satire on the lives of celebrities, helped
Konkona to win several prestigious awards.
If Konkona showed the journey of a Page 3 journalist realistically, Rani
too portrayed the role of crime reporter with utmost conviction in “No
One Killed Jessica.”
She gave a fantastic performance as a courageous crime reporter
who goes through extreme dangers and risks to fight against injustice of
society and questions the judiciary.
Her role was based on the actual Jessica Lal murder case where the
media was instrumental in making people aware and in awakening
With several legendary actresses having played the role of
journalists with conviction, will Kareena and Nargis be able to make a
mark? l
BBC Bangladesh Shonglaap
5:30pm NTV
Apnaar Jigasha
8:30pm ATN News
Ekdin Protidin
9:30am NDTV Good Times
11:30am National Geographic
Amazing Moments
1:30pm MTV
Hit It
3:30pm Fox Traveller
David Rocco’s Dolce Vita
5:30 FTV
F Men
7:30pm Vh1
Birthday Bumps
8:30pm AXN
Top Chef
10:00pm TLC
World’s Weirdest Restaurants
Did you know?
During the 1986-87 season,
goalkeeper Eric Nixon
played in all four divisions
of the Football League.
The Manchester City
player had loan spells at
Wolverhampton Wanderers,
Southampton, Bradford City
and Carlisle United
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
14 Messi-less
Barca too much
for Malaga
14 Lavezzi grabs
winner for PSG
against Nantes
15 England players
celebrate win by
urinating on Oval
blasts BCB
n Minhaz Uddin Khan
Cricket has a long history of financially
swindling its players. As late as the
1950s, players were ‘encouraged’ to be
‘gentleman’ – another way of saying
to not accept money for playing the
game, but to do it only for ‘the love of
the game’. Admirable as the idea was,
it is a fact that those same ‘gentlemen
players’ were filling stadiums with
paying fans. Someone, somewhere
must have been making money out of
it all, but it was not the players.
We didn’t agree to this to
secure our futures, but that
of the upcoming cricketers, to
be honest. We are more than
half way through our careers
and the senior cricketers have
maybe three or four more
years left in them
Sixty plus years later, it is accepted as
self-evident that the players are entitled
to make a living out of the game they
serve. However, it is not a stretch to say
the players are still getting the short end
of the stick. The proposal of a ‘players’
draft’ recruitment system - or ‘Player
by Choice’, as the Bangladesh Cricket
Board (BCB) called it - was strongly
opposed by the cricketers and even
now, after the draft has gone through,
the players are still not happy with it.
The main reason for the players’
outcry was that under the new
system, their salaries would go down.
For some players, earnings under
the introduced system would fall to
as much as half of what they would
have earned under the old system. An
additional objection was that the new
system would mean that the players
had no say in which team they would
be playing for. With the members of
the national team at the forefront of
criticising the system and after much
bickering, the BCB promised that the
system would only be in place for this
season alone.
Tamim Iqbal, one of the leading stars
of the national side, minced no words
in his assessment of the new system.
The left-handed batsman spoke to the
Dhaka Tribune after returning from
the West Indies, where he played for
the Saint Lucia Zouks in the recently
concluded Caribbean Premier League.
“Who is the Board for? Is it for the
players or the BPL (Bangladesh Premier
League) franchises and the clubs?
“The franchises in the BPL wanted
to cut the players’ payment and they
(the board) went along with it. The
premier league clubs wanted them
to slash the players’ payment and
they listened to that too. So what are
you (the Board) actually doing for the
players that the players can be proud
“You want to follow along the
lines of IPL (Indian Premier League),
which is very good thinking. But
why don’t you note that it is the local
cricketers there who are paid more
and the upcoming cricketers are
promoted? While in our BPL, you will
get more if you are a foreign cricketer.
Top class cricketers like Mushfiqur
(Rahim) and Shakib (Al Hasan) are
being paid in thousands while there
are many average foreign cricketers
who are taking away millions.
How is that right?” said an indignant
Tamim went on to explain that the
senior players’ objection to the system
was primarily for good of future
cricketers, not themselves.
“We didn’t agree to this to secure
our futures, but that of the upcoming
cricketers, to be honest. We are more
than half way through our careers and
the senior cricketers have maybe three
or four more years left in them.
“But what about the next
generation? Look what happened in
Sri Lanka. It was senior cricketers like
(Mahela) Jayawardene and Dilshan
who fought for better payment. They
didn’t need to that as they will be
playing, say for another few years
at most. They did that for the future
cricketers and so are we.” l
The women cricketers sweating it out in the ongoing national conditional camp at Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium yesterday. The national women’s team is scheduled to tour South
Africa in September for three ODIs and as many Twenty20 internationals against the host
Players not happy with recruitment: Mushfiq
n Minhaz Uddin Khan
Mushfiqur Rahim, the captain of the
Bangladesh national team, is one of a
long line of players who are not happy
with the players draft system that was
used to recruit players for the Dhaka
Premier League this season. Yesterday,
Mushfiq pointed out to the press that
the method denied cricketer’s independence and gave them no say as to
which team they would be playing for.
It was the clubs who demanded
the grading and rotation system for
players’ recruitment. Most of the players – who faced the prospect of seeing
their wages lowered and losing the
freedom to choose their team - were
against the move but after a long and
often acrimonious series of events, the
Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) eventually approved the system, with the
promise that it would only be in place
for the current season.
“None of the player are happy with
the system, to be honest. The board
has promised the system will only
be used this season only. I hope they
(BCB) will keep their word,” Mushfiq
told the media yesterday.
Asked what he thought of the teams
this year, the wicket-keeper/batsman
said, “There are a few big teams who
failed to come up with a strong lineups. At the same time though, there are
a few teams who seem to be underdogs
on paper but might have good results
on the field. It should be interesting.”
Shakib uneasy about DPL payment
n Minhaz Uddin Khan
Ace national all-rounder Shakib al
Hasan is concerned about possible difficulties that might arise regarding remuneration from the upcoming Dhaka
Premier League in light of the “players’
draft” system that was used for the first
time for player recruitment this season.
Under the old system, the players
negotiated directly with clubs for their
wages, but this year, a draft-lotterygrading system was used, which led
to the players being unable to choose
their team and saw most of the players’
salary being reduced.
Most of the cricketers opposed the
new system and after dubious experiences of delays in being paid in the
last two editions of the Bangladesh
Premier League, whether payments
would be made in time is a major concern for many players and Shakib is
one of them.
Asked if he anticipated problems
with payment, Shakib replied, “I don’t
think so,” before adding, “but I’m sure
there will be. I don’t have much to say on the
issue. The board thought that they
should run the system so they did. If
you are looking for my personal opinion, I will say that I don’t support the
system,” Shakib told the media yesterday at the Shahjalal International
Airport. “I don’t think this (system) will continue for long as hardly any cricketers
support it. There were other issues this
year which might explain why they
agreed to it for this year,” he added.
The all-rounder was returning from
the West Indies, where he played for
the Barbados Tridents in the first edition of the Caribbean Premier League.
While the Tridents reached the semifinals, Shakib was impressive with the
ball (10 wickets in eight games) but
failed with the bat (22 runs in the tournament).
“I think my bowling was much better than the batting. I am not thinking
much about my batting, hopefully it’ll
get into rhythm soon. I couldn’t find
the time to think of my batting there
as I had to rush to West Indies once I
was done playing in England and don’t
want to think much about it to be honest. I want to keep myself away from
cricket for few days now. I look forward to work on my batting once the
premier league begins,” said Shakib
about his performance in the tournament. He continued, “The experience was
a good one. The quality of the matches
and the organizing, everything looked
to be on track and brilliantly organised.
“The format wasn’t much different
from BPL but the difference was in the
organisation and their professionalism. This made the stay there easy for
the cricketer. I had many West Indian
national cricketers in the team with
me, so getting use to the condition
there wasn’t much of problem.” l
train in Nepal
n Raihan Mahmood
Bangladesh national football team had
their first training session in Nepal. The
team practiced for an hour at the Army
Sports Training Facility, Kathmandu
Skipper Mamunul Islam Mamun
and attacking midfielder Sohel Rana,
who are carrying injuries, had a light
training session under the supervision
of fitness coach Muhammet Yamali.
The rest of the team underwent a full
session under head coach Lodewijk de
Kruif conducted the session with steep
hosts Nepal on August 31, face India
on September 3 and finish the group
stage games against Pakistan on
September 5. l
Bangladesh coach Lodewijk de Kruif conducts a training session at the Army Sports Training Facility, Kathmandu on Monday COURTESY
Mushfiq played for Sheikh Jamal
Dhanmondi last season and the club
was able to retain his services again for
the upcoming tournament. In the 201112 DPL, Mushfiq scored 951 runs for his
club, including four centuries and six
“I played for Sheikh Jamal last year
and performed well for them. I will try
my best to maintain that standard this
year too and at the same time, look
to improve the team’s performance. I
think we have much more experienced
players this time,” said Mushfiq.
The national skipper urged the
powers-that-be to get the tournament
under way as soon as possible since
most of the players have not played
competitive cricket recently and would
benefit from match practice ahead of
the home series against New Zealand
in October.
“As we have the teams ready now,
I hope the concerned parties will pay
importance to this and begin the tournament soon. We (the national cricketers) are looking forward to play at least
a few matches before the series against
New Zealand.
“The tournament is important to
us, as the quality of competition in
the tournament is very good. One performing at this level will always have
the confidence to perform at any level
of cricket. We (national cricketers)
have already been practicing intensely
for the last few weeks and now all we
need is to play a few matches.” l
Bangladesh upset
by Oman in Asia
Cup Hockey
n Raihan Mahmood
Bangladesh hockey fell to a new low
as the national team unexpectedly fell
to a 2-4 defeat to Oman in their second
match at the Asia Cup Hockey in Ipoh,
Malaysia yesterday.
It was a substandard showing by the
players. Their body language displayed
a lack of fighting spirit, their control of
the ball was poor and overall, the team
was disorganised. Whatever it was the
team was doing during the preparatory
two months of training under Pakistani
head coach Naveed Alam was not to be
seen. The players were slow and often
clumsy as the 31st ranked Bangladesh
played without vigour against the 36th
ranked Oman.
Bangladesh retained the title of 4th
AHF (Asian Hockey Federation) Cup
with a convincing 6-3 win over Oman
in Bangkok in April 2012. The success
story was continued in the 4-1 victory in
the Men’s Hockey World League Round2 in New Delhi in February this year. The
victory was attained after Bangladesh’s
historical 3-2 triumph over China.
While hockey lovers expecting
a continuation of the good form,
Bangladesh fumbled to the shameful
defeat yesterday. In the group phase,
the debuting Oman was expected to
be the one team that Bangladesh could
dominate, but in the event, exactly the
opposite happened.
In an evenly contested first half,
both sides vied for control in midfield
but were unable to find a clear break
into the opposition’s circle. Six minutes
Roman 53’,
Chayan 69’(PC)
Al Shatri 29’,
Al Shar 42’,
Rajab 45’, 48’ (PC)
before half-time, however, Hashim
Ghanim Ramadhan Al Shatri put Oman
The midfielder was found unmarked
at the top of the circle and he made no
mistake in sending the ball into the net
past onrushing Bangladeshi goalkeeper
Zahid Hossain.
Oman wasted little time in the
second half and struck twice to take
a 3-0 lead within 10 minutes of play
resuming. Mohammad Hoobais Al Shar
sent a powerful drag flick into the roof
of the net from Oman’s first penalty
corner of the game in the 42nd minute.
Three minutes later, Rajab Basim Khatar
extended added another goal.
Bangladesh managed to pull a goal
back in the 53rd minute courtesy of
16-year-old Mohammad Roman Sarkar,
but Oman warded off any revival hopes
their opponents might have had by
restoring their three goal lead in the
58th minute through Rajab Basim.
Bangladesh struck a consolation
goal in the 69th minu te when skipper
Mamunur Raham Chayan dragged a
penalty corner into the roof of the net,
but it was too little, too late by then.
Bangladesh play India in their last
group match on Wednesday. l
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Barca snatch
nervy win
at Malaga
n AFP, Madrid
Adriano scored the only
goal as a Barcelona side
without the injured Lionel Messi laboured to a
1-0 victory over Malaga.
The Brazilian struck
the decisive blow a minute before halftime with a left-footed effort that Malaga goalkeeper Willy Caballero will have
been disappointed to see slip through
his grasp.
However, Malaga were left to rue two
huge chances after the break as firstly
Fabrice struck the post and then Sebastian Fernandez headed straight at Victor
Valdes when completely unmarked inside the area in the closing stages.
And Cesc Fabregas admitted that going forward the Catalans will need to
improve on their performance in the second period.
Despite Messi’s absence, Barca boss
Gerardo Martino once again started
with Neymar on the bench as Fabregas replaced the Argentine, whilst Alex
Song and Adriano replaced Sergio Busquets and Dani Alves from the side that
started Wednesday’s 1-1 draw with Atletico Madrid in the first-leg of the Spanish Super Cup.
Without either of their South American attacking stars, Barca’s build-up play
was somewhat ponderous in the first period as they failed to break down a solid
but limited Malaga side. Andres Iniesta
then fired an effort from the edge of the
area straight down Caballero’s throat,
but the Argentine was forced into a
stunning save nine minutes before the
break as he blocked Alexis Sanchez’s
header from point-blank range.
However, Caballero was slightly at
fault when Barca did eventually take the
lead as Adriano cut inside onto his left
foot and his curling effort flew over the
Malaga keeper’s outstretched arm on its
Arsenal out to
finish job against
n AFP, London
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has
promised to pick a strong team as his
side look to rubber-stamp qualification
for the Champions League group phase
against Fenerbahce today.
The London club swept to an impressive 3-0 victory in the first leg of
their play-off tie in Istanbul last week,
leaving them on the brink of taking a
place in the group stage for the 16th
successive season.
way into the far corner.
Gerard Pique nearly added a fortunate
second after the break as Xavi’s free-kick
rebounded off the defender’s back and
looped off the crossbar before Martino
finally introduced Neymar just after the
hour mark. Malaga then passed up a
huge opportunity to level with their first
clear opening of the match as Roque Santa Cruz rounded Valdes and from a tight
angle cut the ball back for Fabrice, but
the young Cameroonian could only pull
his effort off the base of the post.
Vienna (AUT)
Basel (SUI)
Warsaw (POL)
Arsenal (ENG)
Match Results
Atletico Madrid
Garcia 16, 90,
Costa 20, Arda 34,
Tiago 52
Real Betis
Castro 90
Rayo Vallecano
Adriano 44
Celta Vigo
Charles 67,
Nolito 74
Neymar nearly made it two goals in as
many games with a well-struck free-kick
that Caballero did well to parry to safety.
And Malaga passed up another great
chance in the final minute as Jesus Gamez’s cross found Fernandez completely
unmarked, only for the Uruguayan to
head straight at Valdes, while the Barca
keeper comfortably held Fernando Tissone’s follow-up.
Barca’s win took them to the top the
table by a single goal ahead of Atletico
Madrid after Diego Simeone’s men continued their 100 percent record in the
league with a 5-0 mauling of Rayo Vallecano at the Vicente Calderon.
Raul Garcia, Diego Costa and Arda
Turan had the hosts 3-0 up after just 34
minutes and further goals from Tiago
and Garcia after the break rounded off a
perfect afternoon for Atletico l
Barcelona's Adriano from Brazil celebrates with his team mates after scoring during a Spanish La Liga match against Malaga at La
Rosaleda stadium in Malaga, Spain, on Sunday
Dream start for Benitez in Napoli
Napoli thrashed Bologna
3-0 on Sunday in Rafael
Benitez’s first league
game in charge of the
Partenopei to go top of
Italy’s Serie A on goal
Champions Juventus had kickstarted
the new season with a 1-0 away win at
Sampdoria on Saturday while AC Milan, who finished third last season, were
stunned 2-1 by a Luca Toni brace away at
promoted Verona.
However a first-half opener from Jose
Callejon and a brace from Slovakian forward Marek Hamsik sealed the points
for Napoli, who lead the fledgling championship ahead of Inter Milan and Roma.
Napoli underwent major changes
in the close season with las season’s
top scorer, Uruguayan Edinson Cavani,
moving to Paris Saint-Germain and
coach Walter Mazzarri leaving for Inter.
Former Real Madrid forward Gonzalo
Higuain, brought in by Benitez as a direct replacement, made his league debut
at the San Paolo but failed to hit the net
as Hamsik stole the show with a scintillating performance.
Earlier Sunday Inter, whose 2012/13
campaign ended in a catastrophic ninth
place finish, got off to a winning start
with second half goals from Japan’s Yuto
Nagatomo and Rodrigo Palacio securing
a deserved 2-0 win over Genoa to get
Mazzarri’s reign as coach off to a positive
Prior to this game, Inter had won
only once in their last eight games, and
Mazzarri said: “The boys hadn’t won at
home for several months and suffered a
lot of defeats, so this win has helped exorcise the demons.”
Elsewhere, Cup holders Lazio,
MacKay buoyed by
Cardiff ’s City stunner
n AFP, Cardiff
Cardiff City celebrated their return to
the top flight with a 3-2 victory over
Manchester City that left manager Malky Mackay in understandably buoyant
Second half goals from Aron Gunnarsson and a Fraizer Campbell brace proved
too much for a City side that led through
Edin Dzeko, but looked anything other
than title contenders. Their second, from
Alvaro Negredo, arrived two minutes
into stoppage time.
Mackay, who spent £28 million (32.6
million euros, $43.6 million) over the
summer in a bid to fight relegation, said:
“I am absolutely delighted. For everyone
at this football club, this day was a long
time in coming. But what a day it was.
“It meant a lot to a lot of people so
at the end of the game, I have to admit
that I felt very proud for those people.
Of course I felt proud for the players, but
the fans too and the members of staff
who work here. They have been through
some tough times.”
Not such a joyous afternoon for opposite number Manuel Pellegrini, although
he wasn’t blaming a surprisingly porous
“I don’t think our defence cost us today. There was no problem in central defence,” he said.
“Cardiff didn’t cause us many problems, but the game was decided by two
corners. “Defending set-pieces is a duty
for the whole team, not just the goalkeeper or the defenders. It doesn’t matter who is guilty.
“When we scored the first goal I
thought it could be easy for us because
we were playing a team that had 10 players in their box. But we didn’t play well.
However, we didn’t play badly either.
“It’s important for Edin to score. He
played well. We also have Negredo who
also scored. As an attacking team it’s very
good to score two goals away from home.
But we had another problem.”
Dzeko gave the visitors the lead seven
minutes into the second half with a 25
yard strike that left Cardiff goalkeeper
David Marshall clutching at thin air. l
thrashed 4-0 by Juventus in the Italian
Super Cup last week, made amends with
a 2-1 home win over Udinese. l
Match Results
Inter Milan
Nagatomo 75, Palacio 90+3
Nainggolan 28,
Cabrera 63
Hernanes 13,
Candreva 16-pen
Standerdo 27
Muriel 60
De Rossi 65,
Florenzi 67
Callejon 32
Hamsik 45+2,63
Brighi 40, Cerci 63
Zagreb (CRO)
Razgrad (BUL)
Bucharest (ROM)
Schalke (GER)
Fenerbahce (TUR)
Arsenal also have a high-profile
derby against Tottenham Hotspur next
weekend to think about, but Wenger
does not want to take any chances
when Ersun Yanal’s side visit the Emirates Stadium.
“We have made a big step, but it’s
not over the line. Now we want to finish the job, because that is a big part of
our season,” he said.
“The group stage of the Champions
League is highly important. I will not
rest players on Tuesday night, certainly
Wenger was speaking after his side’s
3-1 victory at Fulham in the Premier
League on Saturday.
The Frenchman came in for heavy
criticism after a shock loss at home to
Aston Villa on the opening day of the
season, but he has been encouraged by
his side’s reaction in their two subsequent games.
Wenger continues to be dogged by
questions about his failure to act in
the transfer market, but he has been at
pains to underline the importance of
the players who are already at the club.
He was particularly eager to emphasise the contribution of Welsh midfielder Aaron Ramsey, who was named
man of the match in the games against
Fenerbahce and Fulham. l
AVB bracing
for Bale exit
Arsenal fans have been
‘brainwashed’: Wenger
Andre Villas-Boas insists Gareth Bale’s
move from Tottenham Hotspur to Real
Madrid has yet to be concluded, but expects negotiations to move on within
the next 48 hours.
Bale was in Madrid when his Spurs
team-mates beat Swansea City to secure a second successive Premier
League win, and is expected to switch
to the La Liga club in a world record
£86 million (100 million euros, $134
million) transfer.
But speaking after the Swansea win,
Tottenham manager Villas-Boas said:
“There is interest from Real Madrid.
Whether the transfer will happen or
not, hopefully you will have more
news in the next couple of days, but at
the moment there is nothing I can tell
you. l
n AFP, London
n AFP, London
Arsene Wenger believes Arsenal fans
have been “brainwashed” by the constant negativity surrounding his team.
Wenger came under fire from large
sections of the Emirates Stadium
crowd following Arsenal’s 3-1 defeat
against Aston Villa on the opening day
of the season.
That barrage of abuse followed several incidents of barracking from angry
fans last season as Arsenal’s trophy
drought stretched to eight years.
But Gunners boss Wenger, whose
side have calmed the critics with successive victories over Fenerbahce and
Fulham since that Villa loss, is convinced the occasionally poisonous atmosphere in north London is due to
fans letting their emotions get the better of them after reading so many negative stories about the club.
“It’s always excessive reactions,”
Wenger said. “We lost one game since
the beginning of March. That’s why it
(the Villa loss) was a shock.
“The defeat was a shock, because
it’s the first game of the season.
“We won in the Champions League
away at Bayern (Munich, in March), we
won 3-0 at Fenerbahce.
“It’s just like that at the moment.
You (the media) have brainwashed a
little bit the Emirates.
“Maybe rightly so, because we
haven’t won trophies for years; everything is always negative.
“We have to live this out and just
play football well.” l
Bayern eye
Freiburg ahead
of Chelsea clash n
AFP, Paris
European champions Bayern Munich
travel to Freiburg today, determined to
pick up their fourth straight Bundesliga
win before heading to Prague to face
Chelsea for the European Super Cup.
Bayern were dealt a blow on Sunday with the news star-signing Thiago
Alcantara is expected to miss the next
seven weeks after tearing ligaments in
his right ankle and is due to undergo
surgery on Monday.
The 22-year-old, who cost Bayern
25 million euros from Barcelona last
month, was the only negative news
from Saturday’s 2-0 league win over
Nuremberg when Pep Guardiola’s side
set a new Bundesliga record with 81
percent ball possession. A Franck Ribery header in the 69th-minute broke
the deadlock before Dutch winger Arjen
Robben cut in from the right to add the
second as Bayern claimed a club record
28th game without defeat.
Now Champions League winners
Bayern head to Prague’s Eden Arena to
face Jose Mourinho’s Chelsea, the Europa League holders, on Friday and Munich chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge
said the Bavarians need another win at
Freiburg to keep confidence high. l
Paris Saint-Germain recorded their first win of
the French Ligue 1 season
on Sunday, beating promoted Nantes 2-1 at the
Stade de la Beaujoire.
When Edinson Cavani
gave PSG a 24th-minute lead, it looked
set to be a long night for their hosts, but
they held on and equalised eight minutes into the second half when a Jordan
Match Results
Alex 53-og
1-2 Paris Saint-Germain
Kalou 37-pen
Cavani 24,
Lavezzi 74
Veretout free-kick was turned into his
own net by Alex at the back post.
However, Ezequiel Lavezzi got what
proved to be the winner in the 74th
minute, firing home the loose ball after
a Lucas effort had been blocked on the
line by Gabriel Cichero.
With his choice of a 4-4-2 formation
coming in for some criticism after the
defending champions were held by
Montpellier and then Ajaccio in their
opening two games, PSG coach Lau-
PSG forward Ezequiel Lavezzi celebrates after scoring a goal during the French L1 football
match against Nantes at La Beaujoire stadium in Nantes on Sunday
rent Blanc opted for a three-man attack here, with Lavezzi brought back
in alongside Cavani and Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
Even against a five-man Nantes defence, PSG threatened to run riot in the
early stages, with home goalkeeper
Remy Riou racing off his line to deny
Ibrahimovic before Cavani’s first-time
half-volley flashed just wide midway
through the first half.
Shortly after, Ibrahimovic and Cavani combined for the opening goal,
with the latter racing on to the Swede’s
pass before firing low past Riou.
Yet the visitors could not build on
that and only a fine Salvatore Sirigu
save prevented Cichero from equalising for Nantes from an overhead kick
just before the break.
The hosts did draw level soon after
the restart when the unfortunate Alex,
under pressure from Papy Djilobodji,
saw a Jordan Veretout free-kick rebound off him and into the net at the
back post. l
England players
celebrate Ashes
win by urinating
on Oval pitch
Quick Bytes
Shimmi wins
Preliminary Phase
Shamiha Sharmin Shimmi clinched the
title of the Preliminary Phase of the 34th
National Women Chess Championship
at the Bangladesh Chess Federation
hall-room yesterday. WFM Nazrana Khan
Eva finished 2nd while Mahmuda Hoque
Chowdhury Moly came in 3rd. Shimmi,
Eva and Moly all earned 5.5 points and a
tie-breaking system was used to separate
the top three. Behind them, six players
earned 5 points. Their positions were:
4th- Dilaran Jahan Nupur, 5th- Jahanara
HaqueRunu, 6th-WFM Zakia Sultana,
7th-Hamida Rahman, 7th-, 8th-Kiswara
Shajrin Evana and 9th-Afrin Jahan Munia.
The top 7 players qualified for the final
phase of the tournament and Evana and
Munia are on a waiting list.
– RM
n Agencies, London
New Zealand
inspectors happy
The four-member inspection team from
New Zealand Cricket visited the Sylhet
Divisional Stadium yesterday after having
a look at the Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury
Stadium in Chittagong on Sunday. New
Zealand are scheduled to tour Bangladesh
for a bilateral series in October-November
and the inspection is to make sure that
the hosts’ arrangements are on track.
The inspection team was happy with the
work-in-progress at the Sylhet stadium
and commented that the venue would
be a beautiful one once it was completed.
four member team is made up of manager
of the New Zealand cricket team Mike
Sandal, security expert Sam Dickson, CEO
of the player’s association Hith Mills and
representative of the players’ association
Henri Moor. upcoming series will be the
first full tour that New Zealand has made
to Bangladesh since 2008. During their
month long stay, the visitors will play two
Tests, three ODIs and one Twenty20 match
against the Tigers.
– Desk
BJMC continue
winning streak
BJMC, Bangladesh’s representative in the
Walton International Invitational Women’s
Kabaddi continued their winning by beating Nepal 15-8 at the Kabaddi Stadium
yesterday. The BJMC players put in a disciplined performance and were the deserved
winners at the end. In the other match of
the day, Andhra Pradesh team outplayed
Assam 25-17.
Thiago out until
November after
ligament surgery
Bayern Munich midfielder Thiago Alcantara
will be out of action until early November
after having surgery on Monday for damaged ligaments, the club said. The hugely
talented 22-year-old Spain international,
who joined in the close season from Barcelona, damaged ligaments in his right ankle
in the second half of their 2-0 win over
Nuremberg on Saturday. “We will miss him
as he will be out for a long time,” coach Pep
Guardiola told reporters on Monday. “He is
a special player and very important for the
team.” Initially ruled out for seven weeks,
Bayern said the player, who was brought in
to add versatility and pace to their midfield,
could be back in early November.
– Reuters
England's Stuart Broad (L) and Graeme Swann (2nd R) celebrate with teammates on the ground after the fifth Ashes Test match against Australia at The Oval cricket ground in London
on Sunday. The match ended in a draw meaning England won the series 3-0
Clarke’s warning to
umpire ends bitter Ashes
AFP, Sydney
Skipper Michael Clarke told umpire Aleem Dar not to touch him as the fifth
and final Ashes Test ended in an acrimonious draw, Australian media revealed Monday.
Clarke’s exchange with the umpires hit the headlines after bad light
ended England’s dramatic late bid to
run down the target set by the tourists’
bold second innings declaration which
injected life into the encounter at The
Oval in London.
England, set 227 to win in 44 overs,
needed just 21 off 24 balls with five
wickets left when the umpires decided the light, even with the floodlights
on, was too dark and ended the match
with England taking the series 3-0.
“Michael Clarke asked umpire Al-
eem Dar to take his hands off him as
the final Test ended amid controversy
and confusion after one of the most
extraordinary days in the history of
Ashes cricket,” The Australian’s Wayne
Smith said.
The daily quoted Clarke as saying: “I
can’t remember what I said. I remember Aleem touching me and I asked
him politely to not touch me because
if I touched him I’d be suspended for
three matches.”
Dar had reached out with his left
hand to push the Australian captain
Clarke later revealed at the postmatch presentations that the lux (light)
reading was 5.7, “no comparison”, as
he put it, to the brighter 8.1 level that
had prompted the umpires to call play
off in Manchester when Australia had
n Reazur Rahman Rohan
Airtel and Bando
Design confirmed
their progression
to the cup phase
of the 8th Ascent 5-A-Side Soccer Cup
after winning their respective group
matches at the STM Hall, Scholastica
Airtel edged past Incepta 2-1 to pick
their second win of the tournament.
Amirul and Mashuk scored one goal
apiece for the telecom organisation.
Incepta’s consolation goal came late in
the game which eventually left them
with no time to find an equaliser.
Bando once again rode on their inform captain Imran as the prolific striker added another hat-trick in as many
games to help his side thrash Aarong
Napoli’s Argentine striker Gonzalo
Higuain had ten stitches on facial injuries
after a fall on the holiday island of Capri,
according to the ANSA news agency.
Higuain, 25, who joined Napoli from Real
Madrid for 40 million euros ($53.5m)
in the summer, apparently slipped on
rocks as he stepped off a boat and cut
his jaw and forehead. He was treated
at the island’s Capilupi hospital where
he had eight stitches in his cut jaw and
two in another cut over his eyebrow.
Higuain, who made his debut for Napoli
in Sunday’s 3-0 opening day win over
Bologna, was on a day out with his wife
on the picturesque island in the bay of
Naples, home to many milionaires.
England coach Flower wants
changes to light rules
n Reuters
England coach Andy Flower has called
on the International Cricket Council
(ICC) to change the regulations regarding bad light after his side narrowly
missed out on a dramatic victory in the
final Ashes test on Sunday.
Chasing 227 after a bold declaration
from Australia captain Michael Clarke,
England were 21 runs short of their target with four overs remaining when
bad light forced the players off the field
at the Oval.
“Where I think the ICC could improve the regulations, and we’ve spoken with ICC officials about this for
years, I think the description that they
use when judging bad light and when
they consider whether it’s dangerous
or not - often it is not dangerous and
it’s a poor description of that particular
regulation,” Flower told a press conference on Monday.
“In my opinion it should be whether
the contest between bat and ball is reasonable and fair.
“If there are spinners bowling, under their regulations at the moment it
almost means you could play until it is
dark because it’s obviously not dangerous.”
Clarke had declared his side’s second innings on 111 for six in a bid to
force a result, but having been criticised for their slow batting in the first
innings, England quickly set about
reaching their target, helped by Kevin
Pietersen’s quick-fire 62 and 59 from
Jonathan Trott.
They were in sight of sealing their
first 4-0 win in a home Ashes series
when the umpires took the players
from the field, much to the displeasure
of those at the ground.
“I do think they need to change
those regulations and cricket will be
better for it,” Flower added. l
Dairy 6-0. The golden boot contender,
Imran, has netted nine goals in just the
two matches he played.
The fourth day of the event saw two
more hat-tricks, the second coming
from HSBC’s Parvez. The bankers registered their first win of the meet after
they comfortably handed Metlife Alico
a 5-2 defeat. Apart from Parvez, Kabir
netted a goal for the winners while
the other was an own goal by Metlife.
Sadi and Jahangir scored one apiece
for the eventual losers. HSBC in their
first game came from behind to draw
3-3 with Bangla Cat and this win keeps
them in the race of progressing to the
cup phase.
Meanwhile, a thunderous strike
from Majed powered Philip Morris
International (PMI) registered a hard
fought 2-1 win over Radio Foorti. Ali
Match Results
2-1 5-0
took PMI in front before Sumon equalised for the FM group. The PMI goalie
kept his side in the game with a series
of brilliant saves before Majed paid the
dividend by snatching the winner.
In the last game of the day, SantosSangu, in the presence of their CEO
Andrew Degaris, blew away Green
Delta Securities 5-0. Anthony Spencer
struck a superb hat-trick while
Salahuddin and Rumi netted the
others. l
Gulshan Youth Club
sports carnival opens
n Raihan Mahmood
Day’s Watch
Star Sports
2013 Asia Cup Men’s Hockey LIVE
Pakistan v Chinese Taipei
Japan v Malaysia
US Open 2013 LIVE
1st Round: Men’s & Women’s
been in control of the Third Test.
“Once they took the reading, I knew
it was going to be darker than what it
was in Manchester. I was batting at the
In a distasteful postscript to their Ashes
triumph, three top England players were
on Monday at the centre of a huge controversy following reports that they allegedly urinated on the pitch at the Oval
hours after the fifth and final Test ended
last night.
The allegations, which originated
from Australian journalists who were at
the press box as darkness enveloped the
ground, involved Stuart Broad, Kevin Pietersen and Jimmy Anderson who had
all made significant contributions to England’s 3-0 triumph in the series.
The players are alleged to have taken
turns to urinate on the pitch after they
sat on the ground with their post-match
drinks, according to an Australian journalist. The three players relieved themselves on the pitch to the cheers of teammates as the England players celebrated
the victory. England wicketkeeper Matt
Prior tweeted a picture of the players
drinking beer on the Oval pitch in darkness, calling it the “best moment of the
Britain’s Sports Minister Hugh Robertson said that the allegations will be examined but England coach Andy Flower
refused to comment.
Robertson said, “If it happened it is
not good behaviour”.
According to media reports, about five
hours after the last Test was stopped due
to bad light with England close to victory,
the players gathered near the pitch to
continue their celebrations. l
Airtel, Bando secure cup spots
Higuain has stitches
after fall in Capri
2013 Indian Badminton League LIVE
Ten Sports
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Ltemulai Daniel Mamai of the Maasai Warrior cricket team hits a shot during a friendly
match against the Charity VIII team during opening ceremony activities of the "Last Man
Stands" World Championships at Lords Nursery ground in London on Sunday. The Maasai
Warriors, a team from Kenya who use cricket to promote social change, went on to lose
the match. Running between August 25 and September 4, the championship sees twelve
international cricket teams compete in 8-aside T20 cricket
Gulshan Youth Club is all set to hold a
nine day sports carnival with the motto
“Sports and Beyond” beginning at the
club playground today.
The sports carnival will feature football, cricket, basketball, roller skating,
tennis, swimming, karate and music
& art. In a press conference held at the
National Tennis Complex yesterday,
club officials expressed the hope that
their endeavor will help promote sports
across society. They also expressed their
desire to make it a regular event. The
sports carnival will be sponsored by
Tamishna Group. Rafez Alam Chowdhury, the president of the club, Shawket
Hossain Jibon, the vice president, Humayun Kabir another vice president and
member Khaled Salahuddin were present at the briefing. l
President of the Gulshan Youth Club Rafez Alam Chowdhury, speaks at a press conference
at the National Tennis Complex yesterday
Dry spell may
threaten food
n Kamran Reza Chowdhury
Perturbed by this year’s unusual rainy
season pattern, farmer Atiqur Rahman
now plans to talk to the people of his village, Kulihar, in the “rice-basket” district
Naogaon, for offering special prayers for
rain as the Aman season passes dry.
According to the local practice,
the farmers plant Aman rice saplings,
which meets at least 38% of the country’s total annual rice production, from
July 15 (Bengali Srabon 1 to Bhadra 7) to
August 22 every year while there is usually plenty of rainwater.
“Most of the farmers here, like other areas in Naogaon, are yet to plant
Aman. At this time, the paddy fields
turn green with Aman saplings in at
least three-inch water,” Atiqur, who
cultivates Aman on four acres of land,
told the Dhaka Tribune yesterday.
“But this year, dust is flying over
the paddy fields and cracks have developed. Only Allah can save us. Many
of the farmers would starve if the dry
spell continues,” he said.
Not only the growers of Kulihar, the
farmers in Mohadevpur, Patnitala, Porsha
and other parts have been crying for rain,
which is essential for Aman cultivation.
Agriculturists and farmers said a
continued dry spell in Naogaon, which
produced around 541,000 tonnes of
Aman rice in 2012-13 fiscal year, and
other northern districts, may hamper
the country’s food security. Naogaon is
the second-largest Aman producer after Dinajpur, which grew over 600,000
tonnes of Aman in 2012-13.
“We don’t know what will happen to
us if the dry weather continues in the
coming months,” Rafiqul Islam, a contract farmer of Gongachara Upzilla in
Rangpur, told Dhaka Tribune yesterday.
SM Quamrul Hassan, a meteorologist
of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department, told the Dhaka Tribune that
the greater Rajshahi region should have
had an average of 354 millimetres of rain
in July, the rainiest month in Bangladesh.
“But it had 56% less rain in July. In
August, the trend of dry spell has continued,” said Hassan, adding that his department was not certain whether September would bless with adequate rain.
He said the greater Rangpur region
should have experienced 416 mm rain
in July, but it had 53% less rain. The dry
spell there was yet to be over.
The meteorological data for the
months of June, July and August (up
to 17th) show prevalence of dry spell in
16 northwestern and 10 southwestern
food-basket districts which produce
more than 50% of the country’s Aman
In 2012-13 fiscal, 11.423m tonnes of
Aman rice was produced across the
country. The 26 Northwestern (greater
Rajshahi division) and Southwestern
districts (Khulna division) produced
around 6.4m tonnes of rice.
Rain is a must for Aman at its different stages, from planting to flowering
and maturing. Poor rain would drastically reduce yield.
“The government should provide
us electricity free of cost for irrigating
the Aman field. Still we have time to
plant Aman,” Md Alamin, a farmer of
Damurhuda upzilla of Chuadanga district that had 179mm rain in July, told
the Dhaka Tribune.
Rafiqul Hassan, a deputy director
(monitoring) of the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), told the Dhaka
Tribune that farmers in some northern
region were suffering from the lack of
“But they still have chance to plant
Aman. If there is adequate rain in September, it will help Aman cultivation,”
said Hassan.
Anil Chandra Sarker, a DAE director
(food crop), told the Dhaka Tribune
that Aman season starts in July 15 and
continues up to September 30.
“Farmers of different places plant
Aman in different times. So, rain in
September could compensate,” said
the director. l
Back Page
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Nahida conquers
waves to popularise
surfing in
n Our Correspondent, Cox’s Bazar
Manik Babu's House, top, at 41 Nil Ambar Shah Road in Hazaribagh of old Dhaka was around a hundred years old and enriched with British
architectural styles. The photo was taken on August 2005. The building was taken down by the owners in 2007 and a new building,
bottom, was erected at the site. The government does not have any schemes that incentivise owners to conserve private property with
heritage value
Cabinet extends retirement age of scientists
Army officer sent
to jail in dowry case
National Integrated Multi-modal Transport Policy, 2013 and Bangladesh Handloom
n Tribune Report
A Dhaka Court yesterday sent Major Board Act, 2013 have been approved
Suman Ahamed to jail in a dowry case
The law would also improve comwere enacted during the tenure of a scientists, they too may submit their profiled against him by his wife Keshowar
n Mohosinul Karim
munication in both rural and urban
posals to the government, he added.
military government.
Sulatana Salma, organizing secretary of
Mohila Jubo League Dhaka Central Unit.
Suman’s Lawyer Nazrul Islam Sultan
filed a bail petition before the court.
After hearing his plea, the court rejected his bail and ordered to send him Jail.
Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Md
Ashaduzzaman Nur passed the order.
According to the case detail, Keshowar Sulatana Salma filed a dowry
case under the Dowry Prohibition Act
section-4 against her husband Major
Suman Ahamed, former CEO of Rab-1.
The plaintiff alleged that her husband Suman used to torture her as
she failed to meet his demand for
Tk10,00,000 as dowry. On July 22 the
court issued arrest warrant against the
accused, after she filed the case. l
The cabinet approved the draft of
“Bangladesh Council of Science and Industry Research (BCSIR) Act, 2013” yesterday, extending the retirement age of
the institute’s scientists by eight years.
The approval came at a regular cabinet meeting held at the secretariat, with
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the
chair. Two other draft acts, “Bangladesh
Handloom Board Act, 2013” and “National Integrated Multi-modal Transport Policy, 2013,” were also approved.
At a press briefing post-meeting, Cabinet Secretary Mohammad
Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan said the
drafts of BCSIR and Handloom Board
acts were tabled as per an earlier instruction of the cabinet, since those
All acts and ordinances passed by
the two past military regimes became
invalidated as a consequence of a High
Court order, which declared nondemocratic governments illegal.
Mosharraf said the cabinet had earlier
decided to revise the most important of
those acts and ordinances and turn them
into laws, and ordered involved ministries to prepare and table new drafts.
Regarding the BCSIR act, he said it
was part of the government’s decision
to “get the most” out of experienced
scientists. The retirement age of scientists employed by the institute was extended to 67 years of age, from 59.
If the authorities of other institutes
want to extend the service period of their
According to the amended law, BCSIR will have the authority to “assist”
scientists who are not involved with
the institute and also to set up scientific research centers anywhere in the
The cabinet also approved the draft
law on multimodal transport policy
giving importance to airways, railways
and waterways in order to reduce dependency on roads.
In this regard, the cabinet secretary
said the law would, among other things,
reduce transport costs and accidents,
ensure passenger safety and make the
transport sector environment-friendly.
“It was prepared considering the future
of the country.”
areas and increase participation of private investors in the sector, he added.
According to the draft, women, senior citizens and physically disabled
individuals will get “special advantages” while travelling.
There will be a cabinet committee to
monitor the improvement of the sector, as well as a national coordination
committee to implement the decisions
taken, he said, adding the latter would
report to the former about its activities.
Mosharraf then told the reporters
that no major changes were brought
in the draft of Bangladesh Handloom
Board Act. Most of the provisions of
the existing act were kept unchanged
in the amended one. l
Principal cuts students’ hair
to maintain school rules
n Our Correspondent, Barisal
Different organisations pay tribute yesterday at Central Shaheed Minar marking ‘Phulbari Day’ which is observed in remembrance of
those killed while opposing the establishment of Phulbari coal mine
The principal of Barisal Model School
and College, in an attempt to maintain
dress code and discipline, has allegedly
cut off the hair of several male students.
The incident took place at an examination hall of the institute yesterday.
This correspondent talked to students, parents and authorities concerned, who all said the disciplinary
action will not be protested, but added
that a warning should have been given
before such action.
Students and parents, seeking anonymity, informed that the principal entered the hall room with scissors, while
students were sitting for the Bangla
second paper pre-test exam for higher
secondary level.
The principal allegedly went on to
haphazardly cut off portion of many students’ hair, in an attempt to force them to
follow the dress code of the institution.
“We felt humiliated and were forced
to cover our hair with handkerchiefs,
before rushing to the hairdresser”, the
victimised students said.
Major Md Masud Rana, the principal
of the institution, acknowledged the
facts and said he had previously taken
similar actions to maintain dress code
and discipline, after issuing several
“Many of the male students fashion
their hair like punks or film stars, and
many female student maintain long
nails – which damages the image and
environment of the educational institution, as well as breaking the discipline. So, after giving several warnings
to the students and guardians, we have
to take such steps,” the principal said.
Md Nurul Amin, the divisional commissioner and the chairman of the managing committee of the institution, said
none of the students or guardians complained against the action of the principal.
“The head of the institution could
take steps for maintaining image and
discipline of the institution.
But it should not violate the rule
against corporal punishment and
should be executed after giving
proper warning to the guardians,”
he added. l
When most Bangladeshi girls her age
are looking to start a career, or families
of their own, Nahida, 18, looks out for
waves breaking on the beaches of Cox’s
Bazar every day, to conquer.
Surfing has been around for hundreds of years and brings joy to millions of enthusiasts around the world,
but for most Bangladeshis the popular
water sport hardly sparks any interest.
In recent years, some adventure-loving young people have taken up the
sport of riding the waves on surf boards
in Cox’s Bazar, which has the world’s
longest unbroken beach.
Nahida Akhtar Joy, president of the
Bangladesh Women’s Surfing Club, is
one such enthusiast. She shares her
love of surfing with others as an instructor at the club, which has about 20
women as members currently.
“I have been chasing waves for the
last six years with immense enthusiasm. And I have won prizes in surfing
competitions as well,” she said.
Nahida started to learn how to surf
at the age of 12 from her uncle, Jafar
Alam, the first Bangladeshi to start a
surfing club in Bangladesh.
Jafar, regarded by his fans as the “father of surfing in Bangladesh,” trains
about 50 surfers at least three days
a week at the Bangladesh Surf Club,
which he opened in 2005.
Nahida, who runs the women’s section of the country’s lone surf club,
credits Jafar’s guidance for her success
as a surfer.
Nahida’s young life had been one of
desperate struggles till she began surfing. She lost her father when she was
five, and so had to stop going to school
with only her mother to support them.
Her mother Rehana Begum said:
“Ours is a two-member family - my
daughter and me. Life is not easy for
us, but we have learned to live with the
anguish. I would be very happy if Nahida achieves her goal of becoming an
admired surfer.”
Nahida, too, wishes to overcome all
of life’s ordeals and become a famous
and successful surfer. Her life’s ambition is to popularise surfing in Bangladesh.
Over the past two years, she has
been working relentlessly to turn the
seaside resort town into a popular global surfing destination.
Talking to Dhaka Tribune Jafar welcomed Nahida’s enthusiasm and said
that he hopes she would become a
surfing icon from Bangladesh. He said
they sought government support to
promote the sport across the country. l
False bomb alert
creates panic in
Jhalakathi court
n Our Correspondent, Barisal
Law enforcers cleared and searched a
district judge court in Jhalakathi yesterday after what turned out to be a
false bomb alert created panic inside
the compound.
Maheb Hossain, secretary of Jhalakathi district bar association, said
Additional District and Session Judge
Kiron Sangkar Haldar raised the alarm
upon hearing what sounded like a timer soon after entering his court room.
The judge then left the room and the
police were called, he added.
Police and members of relevant law
enforcement agencies rushed to the
spot and searched the court room, but
failed to found any suspicious object,
Maheb said.
Md Majid Ali, Jhalakathi district police superintendent, said he knew of
the incident, but was not informed officially. However, he said the police were
called to the court and took necessary
steps. On November 14, 2005, two judges
of the Jhalakathi district judge court
were killed in a suicide bomb attack
by Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh
Six activists of the outlawed radical Islamic outfit, including its leaders
Sheikh Abdur Rahman and Siddiqul
Islam “Bangla Bhai”, were executed
on March 29, 2007 for their involvement in the murder of the two judges.
Furthermore, Haidar Hussein, Jhalakati district public prosecutor, who
conducted the trial of the case, was
also shot dead by JMB activists on April
11, 2007 in front of a mosque near his
residence in the district town. The trial of his killers is still going on, court
sources said. l
Editor: Zafar Sobhan, Published and Printed by Kazi Anis Ahmed at Romask Limited, 184, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-1215. Editorial, News & Commercial Office: FR Tower, 8/C Panthapath, Shukrabad, Dhaka 1207.
Phone: 9132093-94, Advertising: 9132155, Circulation: 9132282, Fax: News-9132192, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Website:
Continue to the
Business section...
B2 Tax education, E-TIN
services to get priority
in Tax Fair 2013
B3 Tk1bn sought to develop
12 land ports
tuesday, August 27, 2013
Stolen assets recovery tough task
Only one case settled so far
nSyed Samiul Basher Anik
Bangladesh has so far settled only one case
of recovering stolen assets out of many cases, going through a very complex procedure.
“The money siphoned off the country in
the case was being repatriated,” Attorney
General Mahbubey Alam told a meeting in
Dhaka yesterday, informing about the progress of the country’s efforts in recovering the
stolen assets.
To speak about the success story, he referred to the repatriation of money laundered by former prime minister’s son Arafat
Rahman. He said some of influential political
persons were involved with money laundering.
“There are many cases still pending but a
case has been finished so far,” he said, terming corruption as a social disease and money
laundering as one of the tools of the illegal
means. “We’ll gradually conclude all other
cases too.”
The attorney general, who led the asset
recovery drive from Singapore, was addressing the inaugural session of a two-day training programme on asset recovery, organised
by Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) of
The training programme is to strengthen
the capacity of multi-agency government
officials to recover the siphoned off public
money from abroad.
The attorney general assured his office
would provide all necessary support to the
ACC in all its attempts to recover the money
laundered so far.
Speaking as the chief guest, Finance Minister AMA Muhith stressed on strengthening
the ACC by using the money they recovered
Finance Minister AMA Muhith speaking at a training on asset recovery in Dhaka yesterday. AntiCorruption Commission organised the event
through their efforts.
“The ACC already recovered some money
which is now being used in looking into the
anti-graft activities,” he said.
About the government’s pre-election
commitment to uproot corruption, he said:
“Corruption could not be eliminated totally
yet, but it has been reduced in our tenure.”
If all the recovered money could be used
in checking graft, it will help the ACC to
strengthen its teeth, added the minister.
Cabinet Secretary M Musharraf Hossain
Bhuiyan said the ACC act has given full financial and administrative independence to the
He emphasised on comprehensive legal framework and institutional capacity in
recovering assets. “We have laws, but enforcement is limited. We need to work more
into it.”
He said the ACC alone cannot recover the
siphoned off money and it needed support
from Bangladesh Bank and National Board of
Bangladesh Bank Governor Atiur Rahman said successful operation of recovering
assets requires intelligence cooperation and
helps from sources and other countries.
“Asset recovery is a complex procedure. It
needs legal framework to recover laundered
money,” he said, speaking about the relatively new area even in the global scene.
“However, we have already recovered
laundered money from a person which is a
ACC Chairman M Badiuzzaman and Secretary M Faizur Rahman Chowdhury also
spoke among others. l
BB releases Tk3bn from stock refinance fund
nKayes Sohel
The Bangladesh Bank (BB) yesterday released
Tk3bn as first installment of the Tk9bn refinance
scheme to prop up the country’s stock markets,
official sources said.
The first installment was made after receiving
a requisition of money from the Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) in line with a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding between the
central bank, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange
Commission (BSEC) and ICB.
Sources said the remaining part of the
scheme will be disbursed in next three months
in two more installments as per the deal. The
installments will be deposited to the ICB account
opened in Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd.
A BSEC official said works are going on to
form a three-member supervision committee for
operation of the refinance fund.
As per tripartite memorandum, the committee
will be formed. BSEC has identified 954,000
stock investors to be brought under the facility of
refinance scheme.
Earlier, the government approved guideline for
the scheme, setting interest rate at 9% on loans
to the affected investors who had lost money
during a market debacle in 2011.
The affected retail investors, who had investment up to Tk1m from January 2009 to November 2011, will be eligible to receive loan from the
specialised fund.
After getting the fund at 5% interest rate from
the central bank, the ICB will lend it to merchant
banks and stockbrokers at 7%, according to the
scheme guideline. The merchant banks and stockbrokers will then disburse the fund to the retail
investors at 9% interest rate.
The borrowers will have to repay the loans in
three-month installments and should give corporate guarantee to the loans to ICB.
ICB will subsequently deposit the received
amount to the refinance fund.
As per guideline, the regulator will have the authority to cancel licence of the merchant banks and
stockbrokers if they fail to repay the loans on time.
An inspection committee led by the BSEC and
with representatives from the central bank and
the regulator will monitor the operation of the
scheme and submit a report to the finance ministry in every quarter of calendar year. l
Dhaka, Manama
to sign investment
promotion deals
nSheikh Shahariar Zaman
Bangladesh is going to sign four instruments, including avoidance of double
taxation, with Bahrain to bolster economic and diplomatic relations with
the Gulf country.
Foreign Minister Dipu Moni is
scheduled to visit Bahrain on September 10 and sign the instruments.
The instruments are avoidance of
double taxation, promotion and protection of investment, establishing a
joint commission and bilateral consultations between the two foreign ministries.
The absence of agreements on several issues such as avoidance of double
taxation, promotion and protection of
investment are reasons behind the
slow progress to tap in investment
from such an important financial hub
of the Gulf region.
“It is unfortunate that the agreement signing issue still remains pending for long, as visit of the Bangladeshi
foreign minister to the country has
been postponed on repeated occasions,” said a foreign ministry official.
The visit of Foreign Minister Dipu
Moni to Bahrain was postponed in
April and September 2012 and later in
May 2013.
“Our main interest is to lure investment from Bahrain as it has huge
liquidity with potentials for investment,” the official said.
Manama, the capital of Bahrain,
hosts over 410 financial institutions
including offshore ones representing
assets worth $195bn.
The official, however, said signing
of the agreements would not alone
guarantee flow of investment but Bangladesh should pursue and try to get
hold of low-cost investment from the
Gulf country.
A Bahraini company, EMP Energy
Fund Holding, has agreed to set up a
225 megawatt power plant in Gazipur
and a joint venture has already been
formed in this regard, he said.
“Bahraini entrepreneurs don’t have
much confidence in our infrastructure
and capacity, but we need to convince
them it is a lucrative destination for investment,” he added.
The potential areas of Bahraini investment are pharmaceuticals, readymade garments, ICT, ceramics, leather,
power generation, tourism, banking
and other financial concerns. l
tuesday, August 27, 2013
Tax education, E-TIN services
to get priority in Tax Fair 2013
nSyed Samiul Basher Anik
Tax education will get priority at this year’s
income tax fair to be held in mid-September
in Dhaka.
The objective of revenue earnings comes
later, said an official as the National Board of
Revenue is preparing for the annual event.
“Revenue earnings will not be the core
concern, but importance will be given on
tax education and awareness,” he said. “So,
there’ll be no target for revenue collection
from the fair.”
The revenue authorities decided to dedicate 10 booths to be set up for the income
tax fair 2013 for tax education and awareness
“This year our main target is to aware and
educate people about the need of Taxpayers
Identification Number. The dedicated booths
will support the existing taxpayers and interested ones to pay taxes through E-TIN,” the
official said.
On previous occasions, NBR set up around
10 booths at the tax circle offices, but this
year, no booths will be there. Instead, all the
10 booths will be set up at the fair venue at
the Officers Club premises.
There will also be 6-7 booths of Sonali
Bank and Janata Bank to facilitate tax-related
transactions, the official said.
This year, the revenue body will award
five top taxpayers from each district and five
top taxpayers from each city corporation for
NBL trains credit officers
nTribune Business Desk
National Bank Training Institute (NBTI) conducted a short training course on “Security
analysis and preparation of credit proposals”
recently for credit officers of the bank.
A number of 35 credit officers of the bank
attended the two-day training, said a press
Managing Director and Chief Executive
Officer of National Bank Ltd Neaz Ahmed
inaugurated the training while Additional
Managing Director AKM Shafiqur Rahman
distributed certificates amongst the participants. l
their contribution to the national exchequer.
To award tax card, it already made a list of
40 entrepreneurs considering their contribution to the national exchequer in the financial years 2010-11 and 2011-12.
The NBR will award 40 taxpayers, including 10 individuals and 10 corporate taxpayers, but the list has not been finalised yet.
“We have initially prepared the list of people to be awarded with the tax cards, but we
will send the list to the finance ministry for
approval. The list will be finalised after ap-
proval by the cabinet division,” the official
The fair will remain open for visitors from
10am to 6pm. The visitors would be offered
to get the electronic TIN registration instantly and other income tax related services.
Last year, the revenue body collected
Tk8.39bn in income tax from the fair. A total
of 347,523 people received services from the
fair and the board had received tax returns
from around 100,000 taxpayers. Fresh TIN
was issued to 16,402 people. l
GE to supply gas
turbines to Bhola plant
Oil price climbs to near $107
nTribune Business Desk
nAP, Bangkok
A French subsidiary of GE will supply two
6F gas-turbines to the China Chengda Engineering Co Ltd for Bangladesh’s Bhola Power
The turbines to be given under a contract
signed will generate 200 megawatts of electricity, said GE in a statement Sunday.
The project of gas-based combined cycle
power plant in the southern district of Bhola is
expected to commence generation by 2015.
Chengda Engineering is an international
contractor engaged in the EPC activities.
The new installation will help compensate and reduce the energy mismatch currently being experienced in the country by
delivering power with high efficiency, availability, reliability and low emissions, said a
press release.
Vishal Wanchoo, Vice President Growth
and Strategy, GE South Asia, said: “GE is committed to provide efficient and reliable power
generation technology that supports Bangladesh’s economic growth and ensures sustainable supply of electricity for its growing needs.
In the first half of 2013, GE received orders to supply 9F 3-series gas turbines for
two power plants in Siddirganj and Bibiyana. Together these projects are expected to
produce 675 MW of power to help expand
Bangladesh’s power generation capacity significantly. l
The price of oil rose Monday after disappointing US housing figures led to speculation that the US Federal Reserve might take
a very gradual approach toward winding
down its economic stimulus.
Benchmark oil for October delivery was
up 9 cents to $106.51 a barrel at late afternoon Bangkok time in electronic trading on
the New York Mercantile Exchange.
The contract gained $1.39, or 1.4%, to
close at $106.42 on Friday. Oil rose after the
U.S. government said that Americans cut
back sharply in July on purchases of new
homes, a sign that higher mortgage rates
may weigh on the housing recovery.
Traders apparently saw the weak data as an
indication that the Fed may need to wait before slowing down its bond-buying program.
A slower phase-out of the Federal Re-
serve’s monetary stimulus could also keep
the dollar weaker, making commodities that
are traded in dollars more appealing to investors with other currencies.
“There are indications that higher rates in
the recent two or three months may already
be dampening the housing market,” said Ric
Spooner, chief market analyst at CMC Markets in Sydney.
The Fed’s policy-setting Federal Open
Market Committee had earlier signalled it
would begin to taper its $85 billion a month
bond-buying programme, starting as early as
September if the economy continued to improve broadly. “In the light of the home sales
data, there might be concern from the Fed to
wait a little while,” said Spooner.
Instability in the Middle East also continued to support oil prices amid the political
crisis in Egypt and allegations that Syrian
forces used chemical weapons on civilians. l
Jamuna Bank
Foundation holds
anti-drug seminar
nTribune Business Desk
Jamuna Bank Foundation organised a seminar on “Severity of narcotics and our responsibilities for combating it” at the bank’s Feni
branch recently.
The bank’s chairman Kanutosh Majumder
and the foundation’s chairman Nur
Mohammed attended the event, said a press
release. l
NUB holds seminar on
untapped energy mine
nTribune Business Desk
The Business Faculty of Northern University
Bangladesh (NUB) organised a day-long seminar on “The untapped energy mine” recently on the campus in the city’s Dhanmondi.
Prof Sajed Kamal, a solar energy expert
and teaching at Brandeis University, USA,
presented keynote speech, said a press release.
The NUB vice chancellor Prof Dr M Shamsul Haque and Business Faculty dean Prof
Saeed Alamgir Jafar were present.
Dr Sajed focused on the revolutionary
scope of renewable energy to fight climate
change, revitalise economy and gain energy
independence for Bangladesh. l
tuesday, August 27, 2013
Tk1bn sought to develop
12 land ports
BLPA wants the amount as interest-free loan to acquire lands
nAsif Showkat Kallol
Bangladesh Land Port Authority has sought
Tk1bn from the Finance Division as interest-free loan to acquire lands for development of the country’s 12 land ports.
“To facilitate export and import business,
the country’s 12 land ports need to be developed, which would require Tk1bn,” Tapan
Kumar Chakravorty, additional secretary
and member of the Land Port Authority
(Development), told the Dhaka Tribune yesterday.
He added: “The Land Port Authority is
now operating with its own fund. We will
be able to repay the loan within a stipulated
As per requirement proposal, the Bhomra
Land Port needs 20 acres of land at an estimated cost of Tk206m, Hilli Land Port needs
12.8 acres at a cost of Tk103m, Khaquir Land
Port 22.4 acres at Tk80m, Banapole Land
Port 10.3 acres at Tk100m, Kilomiagh Land
Port 7.4 acres at Tk30m, Sonachhari Land
Port 14.2 acres at TK70m, Nakugao Land Port
18 acres at Tk70m, Ramghor Land Port 10.2
acres at Tk50m, the proposed Tapamouha
Land Port 10 acres at Tk50m, the proposed
Jibonnagar Land Port 15 acres at Tk50m and
the proposed Mujibnagar Land Port 10 acres
at Tk80m.
Tapan Kumar said the Land Port Authority
earlier received Tk50m from finance ministry. “Of the total revenue earnings from the
ports, 20% comes from the land ports while
80% is generated in the seaports.
Through infrastructural development,
the earnings in the land ports can be increased.”
The Land Port Authority officials alleged
that the government has a lack of interest
in the development of the country’s land
The stakeholders said the country’s land-
ports have a shortage of necessary infrastructures, which should be removed to bolster up
cross-border trading.
Bangladesh’s bilateral trade with its immediate neighbour India is largely dependent on the land-ports.
Nearly 60% of Bangladesh-India trade
takes place through such ports, showed the
statistics of Bangladesh Land Port Authority.
Bangladesh currently possesses 18 land
ports, of which, only nine are in full operation. The other nine ports are not fully functional for lack of necessary infrastructures.
Bangladesh Land Port Authority earlier
handed over six land ports to private operators in line with the government’s policy
Meanwhile, India’s central government,
two months ago, took a project of nearly
Rs4.5bn to develop their land ports located
at the border lines with Bangladesh, said
sources concerned. l
EU supports Bangladeshi bank training
institutions to enhance efficiency
nTribune Report
The European Union will support Bangladeshi bank training institutions to ensure
more efficient and improved training to the
financial sector with particular emphasis on
SME banking, said a statement yesterday.
In this respect, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Bangladesh
Bank Training Academy (BBTA) and Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM)
under the EU project INSPIRED, component 3.
Integrated Support to Poverty and Inequality Reduction through Enterprise Development (INSPIRED) is a project of €19m
provided by the EU and managed by the Ministry of Industries of Bangladesh.
INSPIRED is aimed at improving the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on local and international markets.
Md Ataur Rahman, Executive Director of
BBTA and Dr Toufic Ahmad Choudhury, Director General of BIBM, signed the MoU on
behalf of their respective sides.
The both party expressed the importance
of the MoU which essentially would support
the capacity building of the financial sector.
“The INSPIRED project’s objective was to reduce poverty in Bangladesh by supporting the
development of SMEs in the country and enhance the competitiveness and sustainable propoor growth of SMEs in selected sub-sectors
of the economy of Bangladesh,” said Philippe
Jacques, Head of Cooperation of the Delegation
of the European Union to Bangladesh.
The numerous training and seminar activities which are being delivered to the two institu-
Stocks fall on profit
nTribune Report
Stocks ended marginally lower yesterday as
investors went for quick profit booking after
a two-day rally.
The market moved between positive and
negative territories several times throughout the whole trading session, as investors
played both sides of the fence.
The benchmark DSEX index closed at
4,134 with a marginal drop of 29 points or
0.7%. The blue chip index DS30 was up 23
points or 1.5% to 1,545.
The Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE)
Selective Categories Index, CSCX, lost 150
points to 7,981.
“The day’s price correction and profit taking tendency seemed to be taking the index
down,” said Lanka Bangla Securities in its
daily market analysis.
However, as DSEX was hovering around
psychological support level of 4,100 points,
this attracted some “natural buy” in the
end-session while DSEX showed some positive movement in its window, it said.
Turnover stood at Tk6bn, down 26.56%
over the previous session. Losers took a
modest lead over the gainers as out of 278 issues traded, 104 gained, 149 declined and 25
remained unchanged. “Investors were active
to realise quick return on overvalued scrips,
which helped the market to close in the red
zone,” said IDLC Investment.
Downhill in large cap scrips mostly fueled
to push down the index at the end. Multinational companies stocks fell on profit taking
after rally over the several previous sessions.
Except life insurance sector that rose 4.33%,
most of the sectors closed lower. Food and allied sector was the worst loser with a fall of
2.35%, followed by telecommunications 1.93%,
non life insurance 1.59% and fuel & power
1.53%. Pharmaceuticals and banks ended flat.
Grameenphone was the most traded
stock with shares worth Tk342.6m changing hands. It was followed by Bangladesh
Submarine Cable Company Ltd, Padma Oil,
Meghna Petroleum, Olympic Industries, Tallu Spinning and United Airways. l
BB issues guideline for
banks’ training institutes
nTribune Report
Bangladesh Bank Training Academy and Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management sign MoU to
enhance efficiency of banks’ training institutes
tions by the INSPIRED project aiming at further
dissemination of SME banking would become
more efficient through the MoU, he added.
Philippe Jacques said the project will support also coordination mechanisms between
the two training institutions. BBTA, the training
wing of Bangladesh Bank and, BIBM, a non-for
profit organisation, owned by Bangladesh Bank
and the financial institutions have cooperated
for several years, and the two institutions have
decided to enhance their cooperation through
formalising a written memorandum.
Areas of important cooperation will cover
curricula design and organisation and delivery of training courses including exchange of
It also emphasised to update and operationalise the national strategy for SME development, streamline SME regulations, improve SME access to affordable finance and
enhance support services provided by Business Intermediary Organizations (BIOs). l
Bangladesh Bank yesterday set guideline to
improve the banks’ training institutes for
qualitative development of the manpower.
There is no alternative to the development of human resources to face various
challenges in the banking industry, said a
central bank circular.
It added to develop infrastructures and
improve quality of training institutes, all
banks need to follow the guideline.
Under the guideline, the head of a training institute will be a senior full-time official
appointed on regular or contractual basis.
The number of faculty members of a
training institute must be consistent with
the total workforce of the respective bank.
Besides, a training institute would be required to have facilities including at least two
class rooms, one computer lab, one dining
hall, internet connection and projector. l
China economy showing
clear signs of stabilisation
tuesday, August 27, 2013
Anadarko says to sell
Mozambique gas stake
to India corp
nAFP, New York
Reuters, Beijing
China's economy is showing clear signs of
stabilization, helped by policy support and
some improvement in global demand, and
is on track to meet the government's 2013
growth target of 7.5%, the state statistics bureau said on Monday.
The issue of local government debt also
remained under control, the National Bureau of Statistics said at a briefing organized
by the foreign ministry that may have been
aimed at allaying global concern about China's slowdown.
"We are confident that the economy is
sustaining the positive momentum in the
second half and confident of meeting the
economic growth target," said Sheng Laiyun,
the NBS's spokesman.
"The economy is showing some positive
changes. Signs of growth stabilization are
becoming more obvious," he said.
A private factory survey last week reinforced signs of stabilizing in the economy in
the third quarter after the government took
supportive measures, including scrapping
taxes for small firms and accelerating investment in urban infrastructure and railways.
That followed a raft of July data which
saw factory output grew at its fastest pace
since the start of the year, and surprisingly
strong trade data.
China's annual economic growth slowed
to 7.5% in the second quarter, down from
7.7% in the three months ending March 31
- the ninth such deceleration in the past 10
Beijing has said it is willing tolerate slow-
A man sleeps outside a boutique at Taikoo Li Sanlitun North, in Beijing er growth as it pushes reforms designed to
reduce pollution, social inequity and an economic growth model which has an over-reliance on debt-financed construction and
Sheng said it was very difficult for China to
maintain a fast growth rate due to structural
adjustments and declining surplus labour,
but rising consumption, increasing urbanization and catch-up growth in less developed
regions will be long-term economic drivers.
The government has launched a series
of targeted measures recently to support
the economy, including scrapping taxes for
small firms, offering more help for ailing exporters and accelerating investment in urban infrastructure and railways.
But rapidly slowing growth has also been
putting pressure on China's heavily indebted companies and provincial governments,
raising concerns that the country's explosion in credit since 2008 may be on the verge
of a meltdown.
Credit in China's economy almost doubled between 2008 and last year, pushing
investment to 46% of GDP, much of that into
infrastructure and property.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission has recently begun working with China's securities regulator to encourage the
securitization of loans to help lenders sell
problematic loans and is developing a platform to help banks sell such loans to investors. l
Texas-based Anadarko Petroleum said it had
agreed to sell a 10-percent stake in a natural gas field off the coast of Mozambique for
$2.64 billion cash to an Indian corporation.
Anadarko said in a statement late Sunday
that it had entered an agreement with ONGC
Videsh, a subsidiary of Indian multinational
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, to sell part
of its stake in Mozambique's Offshore Area 1.
Anadarko, one of the world's largest oil
and gas exploration and production companies, will remain the Area 1 operator, with a
working interest of 26.5% down from 36.5%.
The transaction is expected to close in late
2013, and is subject to existing preferential
rights and governmental approvals.
Area 1, located in Mozambique's deepwater Rovuma Basin, off the far northern coast
of the southeast African nation, "holds an estimated 35 to 65-plus trillion cubic feet (Tcf)
of recoverable natural gas resources."
Anadarko's Area 1 partners include Japan's Mitsui (20%), India's BPRL (10%), Indian multinational Videocon(10%) and PTT
Exploration & Production from Thailand
(8.5%), and Mozambique's Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos with 15% interest.
Anadarko said it planned to use money
from the sale to "further accelerate the shortand intermediate-term oil and liquids opportunities" in the United States and the Gulf of
"This transaction demonstrates our continuing ability to create substantial value
through exploration and to again accelerate the value of our longer-dated projects through attractive monetizations and
third-party capital," said Anadarko Chairman, President and CEO Al Walker. l
Global Economy: On a firmer footing awaiting the Fed
nReuters, London
More bricks in the global recovery wall are
likely to slot into place in a week that could
also yield more clues as to when the Federal
Reserve will start unwinding its exceptional
monetary stimulus.
Updated gross domestic product figures are
usually brushed aside as backward-looking.
But with the timetable for Fed ‘tapering'
dependent on the flow of data, any upward
revision to US second-quarter GDP growth
can only strengthen the hand of those who
expect the central bank to move as early as
its September 17/18 policy meeting.
Economists polled by Reuters reckon GDP
expanded at a 2.2% clip between April and
June, up from an initial estimate of 1.7% thanks
to a bigger contribution from net exports.
The US economy is far from firing on all
cylinders. But last week home sales for July
jumped to a three-year high and the fourweek moving average for new jobless claims
fell to the lowest level in nearly six years.
Sam Bullard, an economist with Wells
Fargo in Charlotte, North Carolina, said he
still thought, after the minutes of July's pol-
icy-making Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC), that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke
would start to ease off next month.
"At least on the economic data front,
the numbers are gradually improving and
the plan that Bernanke laid out at the June
FOMC meeting for potential tapering in the
second half of this year still looks as though
it's on pace. We're still in that September
camp," Bullard said.
To be sure, the Fed has to take account of
plenty of headwinds.
Bullard cited the risk of a US government
shutdown due to wrangling over next year's
budget. Congress also needs to raise the federal debt ceiling by November, raising the
specter of a repeat of the brinkmanship that
rocked markets two years ago.
"If the Fed goes for September, they have
to have some faith that there'll be some resolution to these federal fiscal issues and that
they won't throw their economic growth
projections off course," Bullard said. "It's not
a slam dunk."
Figures this week are also likely to show
US inflation according to the Fed's preferred
measure, the core deflator for personal con-
sumption expenditure, remained stuck last
month near June's uncomfortably low annual rate of 1.2%.
And financial conditions have tightened
since the Fed met in July, with mortgage
rates yanked higher by rising bond yields.
But Jerry Webman, chief economist with OppenheimerFunds, said the Fed had talked itself
into a position where it would arouse suspicions
if it did not start buying fewer bonds in September, say $75bn a month instead of $85bn.
"At the moment, expect tapering to begin
in the middle of September; don't expect
it to be terribly disruptive to financial markets," New York-based Webman said.
Statistics this week from developed economies should partly allay another concern
voiced in the Fed minutes - that America's
export markets were sluggish.
Japan, responding to aggressive monetary stimulus and a weaker yen, is forecast
to report a rebound in industrial output and
household spending alongside an acceleration in consumer price inflation - just as the
Bank of Japan wishes.
In Germany, economists are penciling in a
rise in the IFO business climate index for Au-
gust to 107 from 106.2 as well as a solid rise in
retail sales and a dip in the number of jobless.
After data on Friday showed Germany's
0.7% rise in second-quarter GDP was driven
by domestic demand, including a rebound in
business spending, Thomas Harjes with Barclays in Frankfurt said he expected Europe's
largest economy to maintain its underlying 2
percent annualized growth rate through 2014.
"Corporate capital investment should
continue a moderate recovery unless the
euro area crisis intensifies again, or global demand, especially from China, is significantly
weaker than expected," Harjes said in a note.
The data flow from China has in fact improved lately, and economists expect a modest rise in the official manufacturing purchasing managers' index, due on September
1, to 50.5 from 50.3.
That would be welcome news to China's
emerging-market trading partners. The currencies of India, Brazil and Indonesia among
others have tumbled due to growth worries
and a looming end to ever more cheap dollars printed by the Fed - opening up a negative feedback loop for Bernanke to bear in
mind. l
tuesday, August 27, 2013
Eyes online, milk powder firms
count cost of China probes
nReuters, Shanghai
Japan may dip into
budget reserves to
fight Fukushima
toxic water
nReuters, Tokyo
Global milk powder firms are scrutinizing
Chinese social media reports up to four
times a day to gauge consumer reaction to
a high-profile pricing probe and food safety
scare that threaten their squeaky-clean image in the $14.5bn China market.
The stepped-up monitoring of microblogging site Weibo and local online forums
reflects the outsized role social media plays
in China, where access to information is restricted. Chatter about food safety scares
spreads lightning-fast on Twitter-like Weibo,
so companies are learning to keep constant
tabs on their online brand reputation.
"We work with a number of clients in this
sector and we've been busy, very busy, over
the last couple of weeks," said a China-based
senior executive at a social media analytics
He asked not to be identified because
the firm is currently working with industry
brands including those owned by Fonterra Co-Operative Group Ltd, Danone SA and
Nestle SA.
Earlier this month, five international milk
powder firms and one Chinese company
were fined a record $110m after a probe into
price fixing in the sector, while a botulism
scare at New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra
tarnished the wider reputation of imported
milk powder.
Reuters analyzed the frequency of Weibo
posts mentioning the major infant formula
brands and found that the number of posts
began to increase as early as May, and then
peaked at the start of August, around the
time of the Fonterra botulism scare.
The earlier spikes could be explained by
the spread of rumors around the milk powder price probe, which was publicly disclosed in July but had been in the works for
four months. The viral nature of social media can also amplify the chatter without necessarily reflecting wider consumer thinking
because a single message can be re-posted
thousands of times.
Nestle, which was named in the pricing
probe but escaped a fine, saw the smallest
spike in online chatter about its Wyeth infant
formula unit, which flattened in July and August. Mentions of Mead Johnson Nutrition
Co spiked the most, peaking in June, but
then returned close to normal this month.
The frequency of posts about Dumex and
Abbott Laboratories, which makes brands
such as Similac, remained elevated into August, suggesting the firms may have work to
do to reassure consumers.
Chatter about Fonterra, which doesn't
have its own-label brand in China, was little
affected by the earlier price probes, but saw
a sudden steep spike in August at the time
of the botulism scare. In August alone, posts
that mention Fonterra were five times those
in January to July.
Nestle and Danone declined to comment.
Mead Johnson, Wyeth and Fonterra did not
respond to emailed queries.
Late last year, a Fonterra source told Reuters that social media in China was going to
be a priority. Abbott said it is stepping up so-
Japan may use emergency reserve funds
from this year's budget to help Tokyo Electric Power Co, the operator of the crippled
Fukushima nuclear plant, deal with escalating radioactive water problems at the site.
Tokyo Electric, or Tepco, acknowledged
last week that hundreds of tonnes (1.1023
ton) of highly radioactive water had leaked
from a tank, one of around 350 assembled
quickly after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that triggered nuclear meltdowns at
the site. The tanks are used to store water
pumped through the reactors to keep fuel in
the melted cores from overheating.
The latest revelation is the most serious
problem in a series of recent mishaps, including power outages, contaminated workers
and other leaks. Tepco also said last month
- after repeated denials - that the Fukushima
plant was leaking contaminated water into
the Pacific Ocean from trenches between the
reactor buildings and the shoreline.
"It's deplorable," Chief Cabinet Secretary
Yoshihide Suga told a news conference on
Monday. "It is necessary for the country to
step forward and offer support to solve the
problem as well as prevent a recurrence."
Suga said trade and industry minister
Toshimitsu Motegi had been instructed to
come up with measures, including the possible use of reserve funds from the state budget for the year ending March 2014. Japan
put aside a total of 350bn yen ($3.55bn) in reserves for natural disasters and other emergencies in the budget.
Motegi and Tepco President Naomi Hirose
will visit the Fukushima site later on Monday.
Japan is under increasing pressure to contain the toxic water problem at the plant.
The new crisis comes as Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe is pitching the country's nuclear
technology abroad to countries like Turkey,
promising that its nuclear reactor makers
have learned vital safety lessons from the
Tepco shares fell as much as 10% on Monday to their lowest in 12 weeks.
Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida on
Sunday visited Chernobyl in Ukraine, the
site of the 1986 nuclear disaster, and said
he hoped to apply lessons learned there to
"I directly saw that the battle to contain
the accident still continues 27 years after the
disaster. Ukraine's experience and knowledge serve as a useful reference for workers
coping with the Fukushima nuclear crisis,"
the Kyodo news agency quoted Kishida as
telling reporters.
China on Sunday said it was paying close
attention to developments at Fukushima,
noting it has the right to request entry into
waters near the facility to conduct checks
and assess the impact of the nuclear accident
on the Western Pacific.
The country's State Oceanic Administration said it hadn't found any evidence of a
"direct impact" from radiation on Chinese
waters, but will closely monitor developments. l
The logo of Sina Corp’s Chinese microblog website ‘Weibo’ is seen on a screen in this file photo
illustration taken in Beijing REUTERS
‘Many firms are looking at Taobao,
which is a good indicator because
it tells you where demand is, but
where the physical infrastructure
hasn’t yet reached’
cial media engagement worldwide.
"Our use of social media is increasing
globally as we look to better understand,
respond to and connect with our customers
around the world," Abbott spokeswoman
Kelly Morrison said.
Chinese consumers are highly sensitive to
dairy safety after a scandal in 2008 involving
melamine-contaminated baby milk powder.
At least six babies died and thousands more
fell ill.
For the international infant formula
brands, the recent scandals hit a particularly sensitive spot: their reputation for safety,
which was their primary edge over local rivals.
"The picture that is being painted in China is that their quality isn't that much better
that local firms," said Torsten Stocker, Hong
Kong-based partner at consulting firm AT
The social data company executive said
that infant formula companies had made
use of online media to gauge consumer sentiment, track the spread of conversations related to their brands, and work out how to
respond to the crisis.
"There was one brand which was holding
out and didn't admit involvement until the
very end. That made Chinese netizens angry.
Other brands did better, responding quickly
and getting opinion leaders to support the
brand online," he said.
Consultants will now create detailed reports using the data to identify weak-spots
of brands through the crisis, helping milk
powder makers create tailored recovery
drives, he said, adding that some firms asked
for updates four times a day.
Milk powder makers are also using analysis of online Chinese retailer Taobao, owned
by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, to map out
demand hotspots in China's multitude of
lower-tier cities where analysts predict 80%
of sector growth.
China has more than 150 cities with a
population above 1 million, and the major
Western brands have yet to establish coastto-coast distribution channels.
"Many firms are looking at Taobao, which
is a good indicator because it tells you where
demand is, but where the physical infrastructure hasn't yet reached," said Jeff Walters, managing director at Boston Consulting
Group, which advises a number of milk powder firms in China.
Global infant formula firms in China have
traditionally benefited from high prices and
a domestic sector dogged by safety fears, but
analysts said the recent turmoil could mark
the start of a more challenging period for
firms in China.
Chinese authorities are also looking to
consolidate the sector and create stronger
local champions, which means they will be
taking on fewer but more formidable competitors.
"Now companies are going to have to get
a lot smarter. They're going have to come
up with the right pricing, the right brand
image and focus on far better distribution,"
said Shaun Rein, managing director of China
Market Research Group. l
tuesday, August 27, 2013
DSEBroadIndex:4134.12⇓0.70%Turnover:6024.72M.Tk⇓26.56%,PE:13.28 Turnover 6,445.06 MTk.⇓26.83% August26,2013 MarketCap.2,043.23 BTk.⇓1.02% CSEAllShareIndex:12601⇓1.79%,Turnover:420.34MTk.⇓30.49%,PE:13.03
Combined Turnover
BD Submarine Cable-A
ABBANK | 2.95 | 32.60 | Vol. 244289
D: 24.00 ⇓ 0.41% | 23.99 | 24.50 / 21.70
C: 24.10 ⇑ 0.00% | 23.85 | 25.00 / 23.00
CITYBANK | 1.15 | 25.97 | Vol. 363723
D: 17.00 ⇓ 1.16% | 17.07 | 18.10 / 15.60
C: 17.10 ⇓ 1.16% | 17.10 | 17.60 / 17.00
IFIC | 1.10 | 18.34 | Vol. 410416
D: 20.70 ⇓ 0.48% | 20.67 | 21.00 / 18.80
C: 20.90 ⇓ 0.48% | 20.94 | 21.00 / 20.80
ISLAMIBANK | 3.78 | 27.16 | Vol. 344679
D: 37.30 ⇑ 0.27% | 37.25 | 38.00 / 36.00
C: 37.10 ⇑ 0.54% | 36.76 | 37.20 / 36.00
NBL | 1.05 | 15.76 | Vol. 1271508
D: 11.50 ⇓ 0.86% | 11.63 | 12.00 / 10.50
C: 11.70 ⇑ 0.00% | 11.69 | 12.50 / 11.60
PUBALIBANK | 1.92 | 21.18 | Vol. 297512
D: 29.20 ⇑ 1.39% | 28.86 | 29.40 / 26.00
C: 28.80 ⇑ 1.05% | 28.72 | 29.00 / 28.30
RUPALIBANK | 6.70 | 64.27 | Vol. 11582
D: 60.90 ⇑ 0.00% | 60.95 | 61.50 / 60.00
C: 60.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 60.00 | 60.00 / 60.00
UCBL | 1.90 | 21.72 | Vol. 1482981
D: 18.30 ⇑ 0.00% | 18.30 | 19.00 / 16.50
C: 18.20 ⇓ 1.09% | 18.23 | 18.50 / 17.90
UTTARABANK | 3.42 | 26.97 | Vol. 252689
D: 25.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 25.04 | 26.00 / 22.60
C: 24.80 ⇓ 0.80% | 24.90 | 25.10 / 24.60
ICBIBANK | -1.60 | -13.03 | Vol. 56000
D: 5.90 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.95 | 6.00 / 5.90
EBL | 3.91 | 28.22 | Vol. 1858120
D: 26.00 ⇑ 1.17% | 28.02 | 28.10 / 24.00
C: 25.50 ⇑ 0.79% | 25.43 | 25.60 / 25.00
ALARABANK | 2.03 | 14.91 | Vol. 257508
D: 14.80 ⇓ 0.67% | 14.85 | 16.00 / 13.50
C: 14.90 ⇑ 0.00% | 14.83 | 15.00 / 14.50
PRIMEBANK | 2.89 | 22.40 | Vol. 40280
D: 21.80 ⇑ 0.00% | 21.84 | 22.70 / 19.70
C: 21.30 ⇓ 0.47% | 21.38 | 21.50 / 21.30
SOUTHEASTB | 1.89 | 22.66 | Vol. 472463
D: 16.00 ⇓ 0.62% | 16.06 | 16.30 / 14.90
C: 15.90 ⇓ 0.63% | 15.94 | 16.00 / 15.00
DHAKABANK | 1.46 | 18.08 | Vol. 105972
D: 20.00 ⇓ 0.99% | 20.33 | 20.70 / 18.30
C: 20.00 ⇓ 0.99% | 20.04 | 20.20 / 19.50
NCCBANK | 1.90 | 15.88 | Vol. 291833
D: 12.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 11.95 | 13.00 / 10.80
C: 12.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 11.98 | 12.10 / 11.90
SIBL | 2.05 | 14.47 | Vol. 213364
D: 12.00 ⇓ 0.83% | 12.07 | 13.00 / 10.90
C: 12.00 ⇓ 0.83% | 12.04 | 12.20 / 11.00
DUTCHBANGL | 11.57 | 54.27 | Vol. 23000
D: 98.00 ⇓ 0.71% | 98.26 | 99.80 / 97.50
MTBL | 1.17 | 17.27 | Vol. 85350
D: 14.60 ⇑ 0.00% | 14.53 | 14.80 / 13.20
C: 14.50 ⇑ 0.00% | 14.47 | 14.50 / 14.40
STANDBANKL | 2.33 | 14.41 | Vol. 353344
D: 13.40 ⇑ 0.00% | 13.45 | 14.00 / 12.20
C: 13.30 ⇑ 0.00% | 13.34 | 13.40 / 13.20
ONEBANKLTD | 2.35 | 15.34 | Vol. 628590
D: 14.80 ⇓ 0.67% | 14.93 | 15.10 / 13.50
C: 14.80 ⇓ 1.33% | 14.91 | 15.00 / 14.80
BANKASIA | 1.35 | 20.80 | Vol. 298612
D: 19.30 ⇑ 2.12% | 19.38 | 19.50 / 17.30
C: 18.90 ⇑ 1.61% | 18.93 | 19.00 / 18.90
MERCANBANK | 2.07 | 16.59 | Vol. 193076
D: 11.80 ⇑ 0.85% | 11.75 | 12.30 / 10.80
C: 11.80 ⇑ 0.85% | 11.69 | 11.90 / 11.50
EXIMBANK | 1.80 | 14.31 | Vol. 761673
D: 11.60 ⇓ 0.85% | 11.70 | 12.00 / 10.90
C: 11.80 ⇑ 0.00% | 11.82 | 12.20 / 11.00
JAMUNABANK | 2.47 | 18.56 | Vol. 113207
D: 13.90 ⇓ 1.42% | 14.01 | 14.10 / 12.80
C: 13.80 ⇓ 1.43% | 13.72 | 14.00 / 13.30
BRACBANK | 1.51 | 24.87 | Vol. 217451
D: 28.50 ⇓ 0.35% | 28.53 | 30.00 / 26.00
C: 28.50 ⇑ 0.00% | 27.79 | 28.50 / 28.50
SHAHJABANK | 2.61 | 14.47 | Vol. 305171
D: 14.30 ⇑ 0.00% | 14.34 | 14.60 / 12.90
C: 14.50 ⇑ 0.00% | 14.43 | 14.50 / 14.40
% of
Avg. P
Padma Oil Co. -A
Meghna Petroleum -A
Olympic Ind. -A
CompanyCode | EPS | BV | Volume Traded (Share)
DSE/CSE: ClosePrice ⇓/⇑ Chn % | Avg.Price | Hi / Lo
PREMIERBAN | 1.18 | 13.95 | Vol. 427398
D: 10.10 ⇓ 1.94% | 10.11 | 11.00 / 9.30
C: 10.10 ⇑ 0.00% | 10.14 | 10.30 / 9.10
TRUSTBANK | 0.50 | 18.00 | Vol. 82920
D: 17.30 ⇓ 0.57% | 17.36 | 17.50 / 15.70
C: 17.20 ⇑ 0.00% | 16.96 | 17.20 / 17.20
FIRSTSBANK | 1.85 | 13.89 | Vol. 172414
D: 11.90 ⇓ 0.83% | 11.96 | 12.20 / 11.00
C: 12.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 11.99 | 12.00 / 11.30
IDLC | 4.43 | 29.18 | Vol. 270520
D: 64.80 ⇓ 0.46% | 65.69 | 67.00 / 64.00
C: 65.20 ⇑ 0.31% | 65.63 | 67.00 / 64.00
ULC | 1.80 | 14.90 | Vol. 178156
D: 28.30 ⇑ 0.71% | 28.90 | 29.30 / 27.00
UTTARAFIN | 7.16 | 41.54 | Vol. 257648
D: 79.70 ⇓ 1.85% | 81.04 | 82.70 / 73.10
C: 79.80 ⇓ 1.85% | 80.97 | 83.00 / 79.10
MIDASFIN | 0.16 | 10.21 | Vol. 5363
D: 34.70 ⇓ 1.14% | 34.52 | 35.00 / 32.00
C: 32.50 ⇓ 9.72% | 32.50 | 32.50 / 32.50
FLEASEINT | 2.34 | 13.93 | Vol. 507555
D: 26.10 ⇓ 0.38% | 26.46 | 27.00 / 23.70
C: 26.50 ⇑ 0.00% | 26.52 | 27.00 / 26.40
PLFSL | 1.37 | 17.48 | Vol. 1066174
D: 24.00 ⇑ 0.42% | 24.27 | 25.00 / 22.00
C: 24.00 ⇑ 0.42% | 24.31 | 24.70 / 23.90
PRIMEFIN | 0.87 | 17.88 | Vol. 342713
D: 26.30 ⇓ 0.75% | 26.61 | 27.60 / 25.00
C: 26.60 ⇓ 1.12% | 26.77 | 27.00 / 25.70
PREMIERLEA | 0.10 | 11.37 | Vol. 431900
D: 10.20 ⇓ 0.97% | 10.22 | 10.40 / 9.60
C: 10.20 ⇓ 0.97% | 10.32 | 10.40 / 10.20
ISLAMICFIN | 1.03 | 15.48 | Vol. 926856
D: 16.40 ⇑ 1.86% | 16.37 | 16.70 / 14.50
C: 16.50 ⇑ 3.13% | 16.38 | 16.60 / 16.10
LANKABAFIN | 1.61 | 31.07 | Vol. 1097182
D: 58.90 ⇓ 3.92% | 61.21 | 63.60 / 56.00
C: 59.30 ⇓ 2.47% | 61.08 | 63.40 / 58.50
BIFC | 0.15 | 18.58 | Vol. 90490
D: 14.10 ⇑ 2.92% | 14.06 | 14.50 / 12.50
C: 14.00 ⇑ 1.45% | 14.00 | 14.00 / 14.00
IPDC | 1.23 | 19.43 | Vol. 267300
D: 17.00 ⇑ 1.19% | 17.12 | 17.70 / 16.90
C: 16.90 ⇑ 3.68% | 16.84 | 17.20 / 16.50
UNIONCAP | 0.54 | 17.85 | Vol. 33175
D: 28.00 ⇓ 1.06% | 27.98 | 28.50 / 26.00
C: 29.50 ⇑ 7.27% | 29.38 | 29.50 / 29.00
BDFINANCE | 0.57 | 14.77 | Vol. 226563
D: 19.10 ⇑ 2.69% | 19.02 | 19.50 / 17.30
C: 19.10 ⇑ 2.69% | 18.96 | 19.40 / 18.50
ILFSL | 0.35 | 12.19 | Vol. 688888
D: 12.80 ⇑ 4.92% | 12.74 | 13.10 / 11.20
C: 12.90 ⇑ 4.03% | 12.82 | 13.10 / 12.00
PHOENIXFIN | 2.46 | 19.39 | Vol. 432447
D: 33.50 ⇓ 1.18% | 34.11 | 35.20 / 32.00
C: 33.50 ⇑ 0.00% | 34.17 | 34.60 / 31.00
FASFIN | 0.19 | 13.56 | Vol. 769314
D: 13.90 ⇑ 2.96% | 13.99 | 14.40 / 12.80
C: 14.00 ⇑ 2.94% | 13.99 | 14.30 / 13.50
DBH | 3.40 | 16.80 | Vol. 107300
D: 66.00 ⇓ 0.30% | 66.05 | 66.90 / 60.00
C: 66.00 ⇓ 3.51% | 66.00 | 66.00 / 66.00
NHFIL | 0.57 | 12.70 | Vol. 347989
D: 31.00 ⇑ 0.32% | 31.37 | 32.30 / 28.80
C: 30.60 ⇓ 1.29% | 30.80 | 31.20 / 30.30
BAYLEASING | 0.72 | 25.55 | Vol. 173674
D: 30.40 ⇓ 2.25% | 30.88 | 31.60 / 28.00
C: 30.20 ⇓ 3.51% | 30.37 | 31.00 / 30.00
ICB | 109.65 | 595.98 | Vol. 21057
D: 2162 ⇓ 1.51% | 2188 | 2215 / 2100
C: 2165 ⇓ 3.10% | 2178 | 2190 / 2165
GSPFINANCE | 1.63 | 22.23 | Vol. 416184
D: 28.00 ⇑ 1.45% | 28.13 | 28.80 / 25.00
C: 27.70 ⇑ 2.97% | 27.99 | 28.50 / 27.10
1STICB | 64.70 | 137.05 | Vol. 350
D: 873.9 ⇑ 2.81% | 874.29 | 874.0 / 873.6
2NDICB | 33.02 | 76.34 | Vol. 900
D: 285.9 ⇓ 1.24% | 285.56 | 286.5 / 285.3
DSE Loser
DSE Gainer
PragatiLife Insu.-A
Sun Life Insurance-N
Rupali Life Insur.-A
Sandhani Life-A
Meghna Life Ins.-A
3RDICB | 24.83 | 58.91 | Vol. 100
D: 200.0 ⇓ 1.19% | 200.00 | 200.0 / 200.0
4THICB | 23.40 | 58.63 | Vol. 1000
D: 190.5 ⇓ 6.62% | 191.00 | 195.0 / 188.0
5THICB | 18.93 | 41.95 | Vol. 7500
D: 186.3 ⇑ 5.14% | 181.73 | 190.0 / 170.0
6THICB | 10.58 | 26.73 | Vol. 62400
D: 51.40 ⇓ 4.10% | 51.49 | 53.50 / 50.60
8THICB | 12.33 | 29.54 | Vol. 45500
D: 54.70 ⇓ 3.36% | 55.05 | 56.40 / 54.20
1STBSRS | 14.43 | 161.88 | Vol. 40500
D: 104.1 ⇓ 2.25% | 107.65 | 109.7 / 102.2
AIMS1STMF | 3.02 | 15.70 | Vol. 558250
D: 45.70 ⇓ 1.72% | 45.90 | 46.90 / 45.10
C: 46.60 ⇑ 0.22% | 46.31 | 47.20 / 45.30
ICBISLAMIC | 2.21 | 26.81 | Vol. 74500
D: 18.50 ⇓ 9.76% | 18.68 | 19.40 / 18.50
GRAMEEN1 | 6.26 | 33.23 | Vol. 243000
D: 46.60 ⇓ 3.72% | 46.76 | 47.30 / 46.50
C: 46.10 ⇓ 4.16% | 46.10 | 46.40 / 46.00
ICB1STNRB | 4.06 | 35.31 | Vol. 51500
D: 23.60 ⇓ 9.92% | 23.65 | 23.90 / 23.60
ICB2NDNRB | 2.49 | 16.24 | Vol. 301000
D: 10.60 ⇓ 9.40% | 10.63 | 11.00 / 10.60
C: 10.60 ⇓ 9.40% | 10.60 | 10.60 / 10.60
GRAMEENS2 | 2.17 | 16.41 | Vol. 1062500
D: 17.40 ⇓ 2.79% | 17.51 | 17.90 / 17.30
C: 17.50 ⇓ 2.78% | 17.49 | 18.00 / 17.30
1STPRIMFMF | 0.64 | 11.63 | Vol. 217500
D: 16.30 ⇓ 1.81% | 16.56 | 17.00 / 16.20
C: 16.20 ⇓ 0.61% | 16.25 | 16.50 / 16.10
ICBAMCL2ND | 0.60 | 12.12 | Vol. 51000
D: 5.50 ⇑ 3.77% | 5.57 | 5.80 / 5.30
C: 5.50 ⇓ 3.51% | 5.50 | 5.50 / 5.50
ICBEPMF1S1 | 0.52 | 11.32 | Vol. 139500
D: 5.40 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.48 | 5.60 / 5.40
C: 5.30 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.34 | 5.50 / 5.30
PRIME1ICBA | 0.42 | 11.18 | Vol. 100500
D: 5.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.03 | 5.20 / 5.00
C: 5.10 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.10 | 5.10 / 5.10
DBH1STMF | -1.12 | 10.15 | Vol. 487500
D: 5.80 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.82 | 5.90 / 5.70
C: 5.80 ⇑ 1.75% | 5.74 | 5.80 / 5.70
PF1STMF | 0.51 | 11.11 | Vol. 87500
D: 5.10 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.18 | 5.30 / 5.10
C: 5.20 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.20 | 5.20 / 5.20
ICB3RDNRB | 0.00 | 10.60 | Vol. 369000
D: 5.00 ⇓ 1.96% | 5.10 | 5.20 / 5.00
C: 5.10 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.10 | 5.10 / 5.10
1JANATAMF | 0.78 | 10.68 | Vol. 311500
D: 5.90 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.90 | 6.00 / 5.80
C: 5.90 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.89 | 6.00 / 5.80
GREENDELMF | -0.82 | 9.72 | Vol. 516500
D: 5.40 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.51 | 5.60 / 5.40
C: 5.50 ⇑ 1.85% | 5.49 | 5.60 / 5.30
IFILISLMF1 | 0.00 | 10.45 | Vol. 574000
D: 5.10 ⇑ 2.00% | 5.10 | 5.20 / 5.00
C: 5.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.05 | 5.10 / 5.00
PHPMF1 | 0.63 | 10.92 | Vol. 719000
D: 5.70 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.79 | 5.90 / 5.70
C: 5.70 ⇑ 0.00% | 5.71 | 5.80 / 5.60
AIBL1STIMF | -0.07 | 9.25 | Vol. 75500
D: 6.30 ⇓ 1.56% | 6.38 | 6.50 / 6.20
C: 6.40 ⇑ 0.00% | 6.40 | 6.40 / 6.40
MBL1STMF | -0.16 | 9.08 | Vol. 126000
D: 6.10 ⇓ 1.61% | 6.18 | 6.30 / 6.10
RELIANCE1 | 1.05 | 11.36 | Vol. 788000
D: 10.10 ⇑ 1.00% | 10.10 | 10.40 / 9.90
C: 9.70 ⇓ 3.00% | 9.61 | 9.70 / 9.60
LRGLOBMF1 | 0.50 | 10.82 | Vol. 23500
D: 7.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 7.04 | 7.10 / 7.00
C: 8.00 ⇑ 5.26% | 8.00 | 8.00 / 8.00
NCCBLMF1 | 1.16 | 10.48 | Vol. 500
D: 9.00 ⇑ 1.12% | 9.00 | 9.00 / 9.00
ICBSONALI1 | 0.00 | 10.39 | Vol. 314500
D: 6.90 ⇓ 1.43% | 6.95 | 7.10 / 6.90
C: 6.90 ⇓ 1.43% | 6.91 | 7.00 / 6.90
EXIM1STMF | 0.00 | 10.91 | Vol. 9000
D: 7.50 ⇓ 1.32% | 7.56 | 7.60 / 7.40
ICBAMCL1ST | 7.14 | 48.54 | Vol. 106000
C: 59.40 ⇓ 1.66% | 59.40 | 60.00 / 54.40
4th ICB M F-A
AFTABAUTO | 4.29 | 52.65 | Vol. 1057788
D: 123.8 ⇓ 2.60% | 125.81 | 129.7 / 115.0
C: 123.8 ⇓ 2.83% | 126.13 | 128.5 / 123.0
AZIZPIPES | 0.39 | -42.04 | Vol. 3000
D: 15.50 ⇓ 2.52% | 15.67 | 15.70 / 15.10
OLYMPIC | 5.94 | 14.91 | Vol. 822656
D: 224.5 ⇑ 1.86% | 224.81 | 229.9 / 209.0
C: 222.7 ⇑ 1.78% | 225.54 | 235.0 / 220.0
BDLAMPS | -5.31 | 37.07 | Vol. 32870
D: 149.4 ⇓ 6.10% | 152.21 | 160.1 / 148.5
C: 152.8 ⇓ 8.45% | 155.47 | 172.0 / 151.0
ECABLES | 2.04 | 18.87 | Vol. 15180
D: 62.20 ⇑ 3.84% | 62.22 | 65.80 / 60.00
C: 60.20 ⇑ 0.33% | 64.13 | 66.00 / 60.00
MONNOSTAF | 5.31 | 44.78 | Vol. 2250
D: 231.9 ⇑ 8.01% | 231.56 | 233.4 / 229.9
SINGERBD | 9.99 | 45.74 | Vol. 530897
D: 227.3 ⇓ 0.70% | 231.74 | 237.0 / 218.0
C: 227.4 ⇓ 0.09% | 232.78 | 238.9 / 225.3
ATLASBANG | 11.98 | 207.70 | Vol. 119218
D: 200.3 ⇓ 1.18% | 211.02 | 220.0 / 185.0
BDAUTOCA | 0.25 | 6.23 | Vol. 19150
D: 24.90 ⇓ 0.80% | 25.12 | 25.70 / 24.70
QSMDRYCELL | 1.65 | 58.49 | Vol. 823700
D: 40.90 ⇑ 7.07% | 40.73 | 42.00 / 36.00
C: 41.50 ⇑ 9.21% | 40.89 | 41.80 / 38.40
RENWICKJA | 5.62 | -90.00 | Vol. 22250
D: 179.0 ⇓ 4.23% | 181.17 | 187.0 / 173.2
NTLTUBES | -2.52 | 312.10 | Vol. 67736
D: 75.30 ⇓ 3.21% | 75.81 | 77.90 / 75.00
BDTHAI | 0.43 | 39.35 | Vol. 244510
D: 23.30 ⇓ 0.85% | 23.53 | 24.00 / 22.50
C: 23.00 ⇓ 2.13% | 23.27 | 24.30 / 23.00
ANWARGALV | 0.51 | 8.08 | Vol. 59000
D: 16.30 ⇓ 2.98% | 16.39 | 17.00 / 16.00
C: 17.50 ⇑ 2.94% | 17.54 | 18.00 / 16.90
KAY&QUE | -3.89 | 6.03 | Vol. 25000
D: 13.30 ⇑ 0.76% | 13.32 | 13.50 / 13.10
RANFOUNDRY | 2.84 | 18.62 | Vol. 218500
D: 92.80 ⇓ 1.38% | 96.90 | 103.5 / 89.60
C: 98.50 ⇑ 6.95% | 98.48 | 99.00 / 100.0
SALAMCRST | 3.31 | 20.00 | Vol. 313800
D: 42.30 ⇓ 1.86% | 42.87 | 43.90 / 38.80
C: 42.40 ⇓ 2.08% | 42.86 | 43.00 / 42.20
GOLDENSON | 3.70 | 28.70 | Vol. 586311
D: 42.80 ⇑ 0.23% | 43.50 | 46.00 / 38.50
C: 43.10 ⇑ 0.47% | 43.28 | 44.20 / 42.50
BSRMSTEEL | 3.06 | 19.53 | Vol. 503035
D: 76.20 ⇓ 4.15% | 77.19 | 80.00 / 72.00
C: 76.50 ⇓ 3.16% | 77.13 | 79.00 / 76.00
NAVANACNG | 4.09 | 27.04 | Vol. 287787
D: 64.40 ⇓ 2.28% | 65.32 | 66.30 / 63.00
C: 65.00 ⇓ 0.91% | 65.44 | 66.50 / 64.50
DESHBANDHU | 1.16 | 12.02 | Vol. 681204
D: 22.10 ⇑ 0.91% | 22.36 | 22.70 / 20.00
C: 22.30 ⇑ 1.36% | 22.33 | 22.60 / 21.00
GPHISPAT | 2.32 | 16.80 | Vol. 159800
D: 50.80 ⇓ 1.93% | 51.37 | 52.50 / 46.70
C: 50.80 ⇓ 2.12% | 51.16 | 51.50 / 50.20
NPOLYMAR | 2.01 | 324.37 | Vol. 438264
D: 60.40 ⇑ 5.41% | 60.24 | 62.90 / 57.30
C: 60.80 ⇑ 9.95% | 60.38 | 60.80 / 58.00
APEXFOODS | 2.54 | 90.81 | Vol. 81250
D: 89.00 ⇑ 7.62% | 87.97 | 90.00 / 84.00
C: 85.10 ⇑ 1.31% | 89.17 | 90.00 / 85.10
BANGAS | 7.20 | 50.27 | Vol. 75220
D: 468.0 ⇓ 3.23% | 470.39 | 483.0 / 463.0
C: 464.2 ⇓ 3.13% | 470.37 | 510.0 / 457.0
BATBC | 65.69 | 117.22 | Vol. 11500
D: 1590 ⇓ 2.91% | 1600 | 1631 / 1565
C: 1599 ⇑ 0.55% | 1572 | 1599 / 1545
GEMINISEA | 10.88 | 9.69 | Vol. 2700
D: 181.1 ⇓ 2.74% | 181.85 | 187.8 / 176.7
NTC | 29.88 | 110.05 | Vol. 600
D: 849.7 ⇓ 0.46% | 850.00 | 855.0 / 842.0
ZEALBANGLA | -23.01 | -193.09 | Vol. 2600
D: 8.00 ⇓ 4.76% | 8.08 | 8.10 / 8.00
CVOPRL | 2.66 | 13.28 | Vol. 102990
D: 592.6 ⇑ 2.30% | 592.46 | 600.0 / 570.0
C: 591.5 ⇑ 2.57% | 587.84 | 598.0 / 577.0
AMCL(PRAN) | 6.53 | 53.37 | Vol. 262200
D: 274.1 ⇓ 3.35% | 277.60 | 298.8 / 266.0
C: 276.8 ⇓ 3.12% | 277.32 | 295.0 / 265.0
SHYAMPSUG | -36.87 | -355.85 | Vol. 300
D: 7.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 7.00 | 7.00 / 7.00
RAHIMAFOOD | 0.62 | 4.46 | Vol. 221500
D: 17.10 ⇑ 3.01% | 17.04 | 17.80 / 16.20
C: 16.90 ⇑ 2.42% | 16.78 | 17.40 / 16.50
FUWANGFOOD | 1.26 | 12.37 | Vol. 640184
D: 26.10 ⇑ 1.95% | 26.33 | 27.00 / 24.00
C: 26.30 ⇑ 2.33% | 26.45 | 27.00 / 25.50
MEGHNAPET | -0.58 | -1.02 | Vol. 5000
D: 5.30 ⇓ 5.36% | 5.40 | 5.60 / 5.30
MEGCONMILK | -6.68 | -16.22 | Vol. 6500
D: 7.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 7.08 | 7.20 / 7.00
BEACHHATCH | 1.01 | 12.48 | Vol. 417803
D: 19.20 ⇑ 0.00% | 19.37 | 21.00 / 17.70
C: 19.10 ⇓ 1.04% | 19.21 | 19.60 / 19.00
FINEFOODS | -0.11 | 10.58 | Vol. 190970
D: 18.60 ⇑ 0.54% | 18.98 | 19.40 / 17.90
C: 18.40 ⇑ 1.66% | 18.97 | 19.30 / 18.20
RDFOOD | 0.91 | 16.84 | Vol. 1662766
D: 22.80 ⇑ 4.11% | 22.70 | 23.50 / 19.80
C: 22.90 ⇑ 3.62% | 22.89 | 23.60 / 22.10
GHAIL | 1.01 | 22.08 | Vol. 1527420
D: 48.70 ⇓ 0.41% | 49.10 | 50.20 / 44.10
C: 48.80 ⇑ 0.00% | 48.47 | 49.90 / 48.10
LINDEBD | 31.71 | 144.00 | Vol. 39355
D: 720.4 ⇑ 1.02% | 719.40 | 732.0 / 695.0
PADMAOIL | 16.38 | 43.67 | Vol. 728890
D: 376.2 ⇓ 3.81% | 381.47 | 392.9 / 371.0
C: 376.5 ⇓ 3.91% | 381.65 | 395.0 / 375.3
BDWELDING | 0.33 | 16.82 | Vol. 1225354
D: 21.40 ⇑ 5.42% | 21.70 | 22.30 / 18.50
C: 21.40 ⇑ 3.88% | 21.81 | 22.30 / 19.50
SUMITPOWER | 3.17 | 19.26 | Vol. 389861
D: 36.70 ⇓ 0.27% | 36.89 | 37.50 / 33.20
C: 36.90 ⇑ 0.82% | 36.94 | 37.20 / 36.40
DESCO | 2.80 | 35.25 | Vol. 247255
D: 81.30 ⇓ 0.37% | 81.77 | 84.60 / 76.00
C: 80.70 ⇓ 1.59% | 80.90 | 82.00 / 80.30
POWERGRID | 2.56 | 48.08 | Vol. 51165
D: 56.50 ⇓ 0.35% | 56.74 | 57.50 / 55.00
C: 56.30 ⇓ 0.35% | 56.20 | 56.30 / 56.10
JAMUNAOIL | 22.78 | 50.24 | Vol. 464195
D: 234.0 ⇓ 2.66% | 236.81 | 242.9 / 225.0
C: 234.0 ⇓ 2.54% | 236.54 | 242.7 / 233.0
MPETROLEUM | 16.98 | 40.41 | Vol. 812643
D: 275.2 ⇓ 4.11% | 281.45 | 291.7 / 262.0
C: 275.5 ⇓ 3.91% | 281.21 | 291.0 / 274.2
TITASGAS | 9.01 | 36.56 | Vol. 1167926
D: 85.60 ⇓ 1.38% | 85.91 | 89.00 / 78.20
C: 85.30 ⇓ 1.61% | 85.61 | 87.00 / 85.00
KPCL | 4.73 | 15.86 | Vol. 241058
D: 51.10 ⇑ 0.00% | 51.14 | 52.00 / 47.00
C: 51.00 ⇓ 0.39% | 50.92 | 51.80 / 50.00
BEDL | 1.57 | 17.89 | Vol. 926617
D: 36.70 ⇓ 0.81% | 37.26 | 38.20 / 33.30
C: 37.10 ⇑ 0.27% | 37.34 | 38.00 / 36.90
MJLBD | 2.73 | 30.24 | Vol. 115887
D: 75.30 ⇓ 1.44% | 75.80 | 77.00 / 70.00
C: 75.10 ⇑ 0.00% | 75.13 | 78.60 / 68.00
GBBPOWER | 1.86 | 22.63 | Vol. 535556
D: 26.70 ⇓ 1.11% | 26.88 | 27.30 / 24.30
C: 26.60 ⇓ 0.75% | 26.93 | 28.00 / 26.00
SPPCL | 3.81 | 23.34 | Vol. 943785
D: 62.00 ⇓ 1.43% | 62.82 | 64.40 / 56.70
C: 62.00 ⇓ 1.74% | 62.61 | 63.90 / 61.50
JUTESPINN | 2.06 | 17.42 | Vol. 4900
D: 84.30 ⇓ 0.82% | 84.08 | 85.00 / 82.00
SONALIANSH | 5.54 | 218.80 | Vol. 44550
D: 156.2 ⇓ 1.39% | 156.25 | 165.0 / 152.0
AL-HAJTEX | 1.35 | 15.64 | Vol. 157322
D: 71.20 ⇓ 0.56% | 69.70 | 73.00 / 65.00
tuesday, August 27, 2013
August 26, 2013 Sectotal Index: BANK: 33,128.53 ⇓ 0.02% NBFI: 21,221.26 ⇓ 0.82% INVS: 4,847.19 ⇓ 3.31% ENGG: 6,360.13 ⇓ 0.70% FOOD: 8,706.19 ⇑ 0.78% F&P: 11,081.89 ⇓ 1.85% TEXT: 3,068.81 ⇓ 0.96% PHAR: 15,309.31 ⇓ 11.43% PAPR:
804.22 ⇑ 1.08% SERV: 3,203.27 ⇓ 1.06% LEAT: 5,469.64 ⇑ 0.18% CERA: 507.84 ⇓ 0.76% CMNT: 4,536.43 ⇓ 1.21% INFO: 7,439.79 ⇓ 0.61% GINS: 9,626.32 ⇑ 0.29% LINS: 114,019.40 ⇑ 4.09% TELC: 1,519.89 ⇓ 1.62% MISC: 6,557.67 ⇓ 0.46%
RAHIMTEXT | 0.51 | 73.88 | Vol. 1799
D: 237.4 ⇑ 1.32% | 236.12 | 241.0 / 220.0
SAIHAMTEX | 2.75 | 29.50 | Vol. 542700
D: 30.60 ⇑ 1.32% | 30.57 | 31.00 / 30.20
C: 30.70 ⇑ 1.32% | 30.50 | 31.00 / 30.10
MODERNDYE | 0.91 | 10.37 | Vol. 1550
D: 64.90 ⇓ 1.96% | 65.16 | 69.00 / 64.00
DSHGARME | 0.72 | 12.00 | Vol. 13400
D: 31.10 ⇓ 0.96% | 30.90 | 32.30 / 30.20
DULAMIACOT | -8.46 | -27.78 | Vol. 2500
D: 8.50 ⇓ 3.41% | 8.40 | 9.00 / 8.10
TALLUSPIN | 2.56 | 12.06 | Vol. 3883800
D: 43.10 ⇑ 5.38% | 42.31 | 44.40 / 38.00
C: 43.60 ⇑ 6.34% | 42.51 | 44.50 / 40.10
APEXSPINN | 2.01 | 49.32 | Vol. 10600
D: 67.60 ⇑ 1.35% | 67.75 | 69.00 / 65.60
C: 70.00 ⇓ 3.58% | 69.95 | 70.00 / 69.90
MITHUNKNIT | 4.54 | 30.39 | Vol. 569688
D: 127.3 ⇑ 6.97% | 123.30 | 130.9 / 108.0
C: 130.0 ⇑ 7.08% | 125.65 | 133.5 / 119.0
DELTASPINN | 3.06 | 18.12 | Vol. 475900
D: 34.90 ⇓ 2.24% | 35.18 | 36.00 / 32.20
C: 35.10 ⇓ 1.96% | 35.33 | 36.50 / 34.70
SONARGAON | 0.27 | 34.50 | Vol. 72380
D: 14.70 ⇓ 3.92% | 14.81 | 15.30 / 14.00
C: 14.40 ⇓ 5.26% | 14.45 | 15.30 / 14.20
PRIMETEX | 1.01 | 63.54 | Vol. 207000
D: 25.50 ⇓ 1.16% | 25.62 | 26.50 / 24.90
C: 25.70 ⇓ 0.39% | 25.84 | 27.50 / 25.00
ALLTEX | -0.11 | 23.81 | Vol. 368000
D: 9.50 ⇓ 2.06% | 9.87 | 10.20 / 9.40
C: 9.40 ⇓ 5.05% | 9.55 | 9.90 / 10.00
ANLIMAYARN | 1.19 | 11.01 | Vol. 184000
D: 30.00 ⇓ 1.32% | 30.11 | 31.00 / 29.00
C: 29.20 ⇓ 4.89% | 29.20 | 29.20 / 29.20
HRTEX | 2.08 | 14.92 | Vol. 806300
D: 35.00 ⇑ 3.24% | 34.46 | 35.80 / 33.00
C: 34.90 ⇑ 8.72% | 34.53 | 35.00 / 33.00
SQUARETEXT | 4.32 | 31.82 | Vol. 104437
D: 88.50 ⇓ 0.45% | 89.28 | 90.50 / 85.00
C: 88.30 ⇓ 1.56% | 88.81 | 90.40 / 88.00
METROSPIN | -1.00 | 19.59 | Vol. 147168
D: 15.50 ⇓ 2.52% | 15.56 | 16.00 / 14.80
C: 15.40 ⇓ 2.53% | 15.46 | 15.60 / 15.30
MAKSONSPIN | 0.16 | 20.55 | Vol. 2059490
D: 14.90 ⇓ 1.97% | 15.03 | 15.50 / 14.00
C: 14.90 ⇓ 2.61% | 15.01 | 15.30 / 14.80
DACCADYE | 1.21 | 31.13 | Vol. 496975
D: 28.10 ⇓ 2.77% | 28.37 | 29.10 / 26.80
C: 28.20 ⇓ 2.08% | 28.32 | 28.80 / 26.00
RNSPIN | 2.80 | 16.58 | Vol. 3697266
D: 28.80 ⇓ 4.32% | 29.19 | 30.50 / 27.20
C: 28.90 ⇓ 3.67% | 29.33 | 30.30 / 28.70
BXSYNTH | 0.93 | 25.42 | Vol. 228876
D: 14.70 ⇓ 1.34% | 14.91 | 15.20 / 14.00
C: 15.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 15.02 | 15.20 / 14.90
MALEKSPIN | -1.44 | 46.87 | Vol. 1105900
D: 27.70 ⇓ 3.15% | 28.09 | 29.00 / 26.00
C: 27.80 ⇓ 2.80% | 28.09 | 28.80 / 26.00
ZAHINTEX | 1.91 | 35.25 | Vol. 496200
D: 31.50 ⇓ 2.78% | 31.81 | 32.70 / 30.00
C: 31.80 ⇓ 3.05% | 31.91 | 32.10 / 31.60
SAIHAMCOT | 2.48 | 22.87 | Vol. 937750
D: 27.90 ⇑ 1.82% | 27.93 | 28.60 / 27.30
C: 28.00 ⇑ 1.82% | 28.07 | 28.70 / 27.40
GENNEXT | 1.68 | 15.15 | Vol. 2534400
D: 22.50 ⇓ 2.17% | 22.61 | 23.50 / 21.00
C: 22.50 ⇓ 2.17% | 22.61 | 23.00 / 21.00
ENVOYTEX | 3.26 | 39.26 | Vol. 581580
D: 53.60 ⇑ 0.00% | 53.98 | 55.00 / 49.00
C: 53.10 ⇓ 0.19% | 53.53 | 54.10 / 52.60
ARGONDENIM | 1.89 | 38.86 | Vol. 1905060
D: 41.10 ⇓ 0.24% | 41.31 | 43.00 / 37.10
C: 41.30 ⇑ 0.49% | 41.10 | 41.80 / 40.40
FAMILYTEX | 3.72 | 14.68 | Vol. 650000
D: 30.20 ⇓ 2.58% | 30.18 | 30.50 / 30.00
C: 29.80 ⇓ 3.87% | 30.13 | 30.90 / 29.70
Pharmaceutical & Chemical
AMBEEPHA | 3.94 | 26.15 | Vol. 11056
D: 265.0 ⇓ 2.32% | 273.02 | 284.9 / 260.0
C: 278.0 ⇑ 3.58% | 278.58 | 285.0 / 270.0
BXPHARMA | 3.77 | 52.55 | Vol. 180935
D: 49.00 ⇓ 2.20% | 49.63 | 51.00 / 45.10
C: 49.20 ⇓ 1.40% | 49.36 | 51.00 / 48.70
AAMRATECH | 1.17 | 20.44 | Vol. 1450450
D: 42.00 ⇓ 2.33% | 43.37 | 44.60 / 38.70
C: 42.00 ⇓ 1.64% | 43.41 | 44.50 / 41.60
GLAXOSMITH | 20.25 | 123.32 | Vol. 15350
D: 994.1 ⇓ 0.34% | 1009 | 1059 / 990.0
ACI | -5.82 | 126.42 | Vol. 36312
D: 170.3 ⇑ 1.92% | 169.59 | 172.8 / 151.0
C: 169.4 ⇑ 1.19% | 167.97 | 170.0 / 160.0
RENATA | 33.57 | 138.83 | Vol. 44024
D: 746.7 ⇓ 1.35% | 757.65 | 780.0 / 720.0
RECKITTBEN | 27.16 | 78.89 | Vol. 2150
D: 903.4 ⇑ 7.08% | 903.72 | 905.5 / 883.6
PHARMAID | 5.06 | 26.30 | Vol. 81400
D: 211.9 ⇓ 2.93% | 214.10 | 225.0 / 209.0
KOHINOOR | 9.52 | 10.49 | Vol. 130
D: 366.3 ⇑ 0.00% | 340.00 | 340.0 / 340.0
IBNSINA | 3.44 | 34.02 | Vol. 487328
D: 106.0 ⇑ 9.84% | 105.86 | 106.1 / 90.10
C: 98.00 ⇑ 9.99% | 98.00 | 98.00 / 98.00
LIBRAINFU | 4.64 | 1565.37 | Vol. 7800
D: 347.6 ⇑ 8.69% | 347.69 | 347.7 / 346.9
ORIONINFU | 8.72 | 1.73 | Vol. 812400
D: 47.60 ⇑ 7.21% | 47.56 | 48.50 / 44.20
C: 48.40 ⇑ 7.56% | 47.93 | 48.50 / 45.50
IMAMBUTTON | -1.68 | 5.67 | Vol. 11500
D: 7.80 ⇓ 1.27% | 7.83 | 8.00 / 7.50
KEYACOSMET | 1.55 | 21.54 | Vol. 1162371
D: 27.10 ⇓ 2.87% | 27.45 | 28.00 / 25.20
C: 27.20 ⇓ 2.86% | 27.29 | 28.00 / 27.00
BERGERPBL | 32.46 | 100.20 | Vol. 5850
D: 873.9 ⇓ 3.89% | 901.21 | 930.0 / 873.0
C: 900.0 ⇓ 0.23% | 900.00 | 900.0 / 900.0
ACIFORMULA | 3.33 | 38.08 | Vol. 47000
D: 78.90 ⇑ 1.68% | 78.94 | 81.00 / 77.80
C: 78.50 ⇑ 1.68% | 79.21 | 81.00 / 78.00
MARICO | 27.53 | 62.47 | Vol. 87750
D: 727.7 ⇑ 1.68% | 736.44 | 760.0 / 702.0
C: 730.0 ⇑ 3.01% | 726.24 | 747.0 / 720.0
BEACONPHAR | 0.33 | 11.97 | Vol. 416275
D: 15.30 ⇓ 3.77% | 15.72 | 16.40 / 14.50
C: 15.20 ⇓ 5.59% | 15.62 | 16.50 / 15.00
ACTIVEFINE | 3.23 | 13.89 | Vol. 1054948
D: 94.30 ⇓ 0.95% | 93.97 | 96.10 / 85.70
C: 93.90 ⇓ 0.74% | 93.62 | 95.00 / 92.90
SALVOCHEM | 0.68 | 10.57 | Vol. 1672180
D: 22.20 ⇓ 4.31% | 22.62 | 24.90 / 20.90
C: 22.30 ⇓ 3.46% | 22.69 | 23.50 / 21.00
GHCL | 2.14 | 57.31 | Vol. 442000
D: 51.10 ⇓ 2.85% | 52.47 | 54.00 / 50.90
C: 50.70 ⇓ 2.87% | 52.26 | 53.00 / 50.30
ORIONPHARM | 5.02 | 68.68 | Vol. 741020
D: 66.20 ⇓ 1.19% | 67.13 | 68.50 / 60.30
C: 66.10 ⇓ 0.60% | 66.93 | 68.10 / 65.80
JMISMDL | 1.12 | 12.83 | Vol. 432000
D: 137.4 ⇑ 9.74% | 127.09 | 137.7 / 118.1
C: 135.3 ⇑ 9.82% | 126.22 | 135.5 / 117.0
CENTRALPHL | 0.61 | 10.99 | Vol. 608500
D: 33.10 ⇓ 2.36% | 33.44 | 34.40 / 33.00
C: 33.30 ⇓ 2.06% | 33.60 | 34.40 / 33.10
HAKKANIPUL | 0.64 | 11.02 | Vol. 9000
D: 17.40 ⇓ 1.14% | 17.44 | 17.70 / 17.40
SAMORITA | 2.31 | 17.25 | Vol. 36694
D: 93.90 ⇑ 7.81% | 93.18 | 95.80 / 80.00
SAPORTL | 1.23 | 38.39 | Vol. 138870
D: 26.30 ⇓ 0.75% | 26.60 | 27.20 / 24.00
C: 26.40 ⇑ 0.00% | 26.49 | 26.90 / 26.20
EHL | 2.87 | 18.48 | Vol. 874958
D: 57.70 ⇑ 2.49% | 57.03 | 58.50 / 50.70
C: 57.30 ⇑ 2.50% | 56.99 | 58.80 / 55.10
APEXTANRY | 6.57 | 69.38 | Vol. 774350
D: 130.2 ⇓ 1.66% | 130.29 | 134.9 / 125.0
C: 129.3 ⇓ 2.19% | 129.87 | 134.0 / 127.4
BATASHOE | 49.12 | 135.53 | Vol. 38858
D: 775.2 ⇓ 2.27% | 771.81 | 800.0 / 735.0
C: 767.9 ⇓ 3.07% | 754.32 | 768.0 / 740.0
APEXADELFT | 23.01 | 203.26 | Vol. 265300
D: 409.7 ⇑ 2.55% | 413.22 | 424.4 / 392.0
C: 409.8 ⇑ 5.08% | 409.78 | 424.1 / 385.0
LEGACYFOOT | 0.63 | 17.19 | Vol. 67650
D: 15.50 ⇓ 0.64% | 15.71 | 16.90 / 15.00
C: 16.00 ⇑ 1.27% | 15.67 | 16.00 / 15.50
MONNOCERA | 0.71 | 96.33 | Vol. 17800
D: 28.70 ⇓ 1.37% | 28.73 | 29.50 / 27.30
C: 29.00 ⇑ 0.69% | 29.00 | 29.00 / 29.00
STANCERAM | 1.07 | 15.97 | Vol. 103500
D: 35.50 ⇑ 7.25% | 35.11 | 36.40 / 33.20
C: 31.90 ⇑ 10.00% | 31.90 | 31.90 / 31.90
FUWANGCER | 1.43 | 13.25 | Vol. 720855
D: 19.60 ⇑ 4.26% | 19.83 | 20.40 / 17.00
C: 19.70 ⇑ 1.55% | 20.07 | 20.70 / 19.40
SPCERAMICS | 0.62 | 30.92 | Vol. 224606
D: 16.10 ⇓ 1.23% | 16.29 | 16.60 / 14.90
C: 16.20 ⇓ 0.61% | 16.24 | 16.50 / 16.00
RAKCERAMIC | 1.98 | 16.76 | Vol. 558855
D: 53.50 ⇓ 0.74% | 54.47 | 55.50 / 48.60
C: 53.60 ⇓ 1.65% | 53.88 | 54.90 / 53.40
HEIDELBCEM | 22.85 | 111.50 | Vol. 106700
D: 369.3 ⇓ 3.10% | 374.45 | 385.0 / 365.0
C: 366.7 ⇓ 4.53% | 373.19 | 375.0 / 365.1
CONFIDCEM | 6.23 | 90.76 | Vol. 510158
D: 137.3 ⇓ 0.79% | 139.57 | 143.4 / 130.0
C: 137.7 ⇓ 0.58% | 139.18 | 143.7 / 136.9
MEGHNACEM | 6.28 | 33.81 | Vol. 354600
D: 150.7 ⇑ 3.36% | 152.36 | 159.9 / 143.6
C: 151.5 ⇑ 2.85% | 151.53 | 156.0 / 141.0
ARAMITCEM | 3.03 | 14.65 | Vol. 60500
D: 75.80 ⇓ 1.43% | 76.97 | 79.80 / 74.80
C: 76.00 ⇓ 5.00% | 76.00 | 76.00 / 76.00
LAFSURCEML | 1.60 | 7.22 | Vol. 926000
D: 33.50 ⇑ 1.52% | 33.47 | 33.90 / 33.00
C: 33.50 ⇑ 1.52% | 33.31 | 33.60 / 33.00
MICEMENT | 4.14 | 40.00 | Vol. 352579
D: 96.30 ⇓ 3.89% | 97.67 | 100.7 / 90.30
C: 96.60 ⇓ 3.98% | 98.11 | 99.60 / 100.0
PREMIERCEM | 3.59 | 22.92 | Vol. 289800
D: 125.4 ⇓ 3.83% | 127.55 | 132.9 / 124.7
C: 127.0 ⇓ 2.53% | 127.60 | 132.0 / 126.1
ISNLTD | 0.28 | 17.31 | Vol. 28500
D: 13.10 ⇑ 0.00% | 13.13 | 13.30 / 12.90
C: 13.00 ⇓ 0.76% | 13.00 | 13.00 / 13.00
BDCOM | 1.00 | 14.91 | Vol. 550133
D: 22.80 ⇑ 6.54% | 22.63 | 23.20 / 19.30
C: 22.40 ⇑ 3.70% | 22.59 | 23.00 / 22.30
INTECH | 0.94 | 10.08 | Vol. 76436
D: 13.30 ⇑ 0.76% | 13.32 | 13.50 / 12.00
C: 13.10 ⇓ 2.24% | 13.07 | 13.50 / 12.90
AGNISYSL | 1.07 | 25.52 | Vol. 370800
D: 23.50 ⇓ 0.42% | 23.92 | 25.00 / 23.20
C: 24.10 ⇓ 1.23% | 24.70 | 25.00 / 24.00
DAFODILCOM | 1.12 | 11.14 | Vol. 305595
D: 17.50 ⇑ 0.00% | 17.70 | 18.00 / 16.90
C: 17.60 ⇓ 0.56% | 17.52 | 17.90 / 17.10
BGIC | 1.65 | 20.33 | Vol. 116107
D: 30.30 ⇑ 0.33% | 30.63 | 31.30 / 28.00
C: 30.50 ⇑ 1.67% | 30.43 | 31.00 / 30.00
GREENDELT | 4.05 | 64.44 | Vol. 206267
D: 112.6 ⇓ 5.46% | 117.17 | 125.0 / 108.0
C: 119.1 ⇑ 0.08% | 118.31 | 120.0 / 115.0
UNITEDINS | 2.47 | 21.04 | Vol. 22199
D: 49.60 ⇑ 0.81% | 49.82 | 50.40 / 47.50
PEOPLESINS | 2.05 | 20.72 | Vol. 81350
D: 27.10 ⇑ 0.00% | 27.48 | 28.00 / 24.40
C: 27.50 ⇑ 1.85% | 27.50 | 27.50 / 27.50
EASTERNINS | 2.22 | 35.88 | Vol. 38276
D: 39.60 ⇓ 0.25% | 40.13 | 41.00 / 39.30
C: 37.40 ⇑ 10.00% | 37.02 | 37.40 / 35.00
JANATAINS | 7.84 | 170.69 | Vol. 7629
D: 245.0 ⇓ 2.10% | 247.14 | 270.0 / 240.0
C: 247.0 ⇓ 1.32% | 247.36 | 248.0 / 245.5
PHENIXINS | 2.70 | 20.96 | Vol. 48575
D: 42.00 ⇓ 1.87% | 43.05 | 43.80 / 40.00
C: 41.10 ⇓ 3.97% | 41.97 | 43.00 / 41.10
EASTLAND | 4.06 | 23.29 | Vol. 365280
D: 50.40 ⇓ 3.45% | 52.00 | 54.30 / 47.00
C: 49.40 ⇓ 3.14% | 49.41 | 50.40 / 49.30
CENTRALINS | 1.54 | 19.04 | Vol. 42654
D: 29.00 ⇓ 1.36% | 29.56 | 32.00 / 28.00
C: 27.70 ⇓ 8.88% | 27.73 | 27.80 / 27.60
KARNAPHULI | 1.56 | 19.42 | Vol. 68784
D: 23.50 ⇑ 3.07% | 23.54 | 23.90 / 21.00
C: 0.00 ⇑ 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 / 0.00
RUPALIINS | 2.76 | 23.38 | Vol. 247772
D: 33.60 ⇓ 1.75% | 34.39 | 35.40 / 32.00
C: 34.00 ⇓ 0.87% | 35.42 | 36.40 / 34.00
RELIANCINS | 3.93 | 61.52 | Vol. 11500
D: 76.60 ⇓ 0.26% | 76.70 | 76.90 / 75.10
PURABIGEN | 1.05 | 18.71 | Vol. 347719
D: 22.50 ⇓ 3.02% | 23.09 | 23.70 / 22.00
PRAGATIINS | 2.01 | 50.30 | Vol. 23900
D: 60.60 ⇓ 0.16% | 60.63 | 61.80 / 60.20
PRIMEINSUR | 2.14 | 14.14 | Vol. 99402
D: 30.60 ⇑ 2.68% | 31.01 | 32.00 / 27.00
C: 25.80 ⇓ 19.38% | 28.00 | 25.80 / 25.80
PIONEERINS | 3.11 | 23.84 | Vol. 424822
D: 77.00 ⇓ 4.11% | 78.79 | 84.00 / 73.00
C: 82.00 ⇑ 6.49% | 82.00 | 82.00 / 82.00
MERCINS | 1.53 | 14.50 | Vol. 414197
D: 28.40 ⇓ 1.05% | 29.18 | 30.40 / 25.90
C: 28.70 ⇑ 5.13% | 29.21 | 30.00 / 28.50
AGRANINS | 1.73 | 14.39 | Vol. 45509
D: 24.90 ⇓ 0.40% | 25.12 | 25.50 / 24.80
GLOBALINS | 1.09 | 11.78 | Vol. 64500
D: 30.60 ⇓ 3.16% | 31.60 | 32.80 / 30.50
NITOLINS | 2.59 | 15.41 | Vol. 18578
D: 35.90 ⇓ 0.83% | 35.90 | 38.10 / 33.00
ASIAPACINS | 1.84 | 13.76 | Vol. 33500
D: 29.00 ⇓ 0.68% | 29.43 | 30.00 / 28.30
SONARBAINS | 1.68 | 13.38 | Vol. 96732
D: 23.40 ⇓ 1.27% | 23.63 | 24.10 / 22.00
C: 23.50 ⇓ 2.08% | 23.01 | 23.50 / 21.60
PARAMOUNT | 1.26 | 13.19 | Vol. 68805
D: 22.60 ⇑ 0.89% | 22.73 | 23.60 / 21.50
CITYGENINS | 1.65 | 14.26 | Vol. 166319
D: 26.50 ⇑ 1.15% | 26.90 | 27.10 / 26.00
C: 27.00 ⇑ 0.37% | 27.11 | 27.40 / 26.70
CONTININS | 1.41 | 15.68 | Vol. 124277
D: 30.50 ⇓ 1.93% | 31.01 | 32.00 / 30.20
C: 31.20 ⇑ 0.97% | 30.27 | 31.20 / 28.50
TAKAFULINS | 2.19 | 15.17 | Vol. 51497
D: 31.10 ⇓ 2.81% | 31.83 | 33.80 / 30.00
STANDARINS | 2.58 | 13.99 | Vol. 11000
D: 38.30 ⇑ 0.00% | 38.29 | 38.50 / 38.30
C: 37.30 ⇑ 3.61% | 36.88 | 37.40 / 36.40
NORTHRNINS | 1.77 | 11.15 | Vol. 146622
D: 46.90 ⇓ 1.68% | 48.19 | 49.00 / 43.00
C: 47.00 ⇓ 0.42% | 47.62 | 47.70 / 47.00
REPUBLIC | 2.14 | 12.42 | Vol. 461198
D: 57.50 ⇓ 1.03% | 59.40 | 60.80 / 53.00
C: 58.20 ⇑ 1.22% | 58.50 | 58.60 / 58.20
ASIAINS | 1.56 | 17.34 | Vol. 41800
D: 26.90 ⇓ 1.47% | 26.93 | 27.80 / 26.40
C: 26.00 ⇓ 2.99% | 26.04 | 26.20 / 25.80
ISLAMIINS | 1.29 | 11.96 | Vol. 14692
D: 28.00 ⇑ 1.08% | 27.97 | 28.10 / 25.30
PROVATIINS | 1.90 | 14.30 | Vol. 49245
D: 27.40 ⇓ 0.36% | 27.78 | 28.20 / 25.00
C: 27.50 ⇓ 0.36% | 27.50 | 27.50 / 27.50
DHAKAINS | 2.84 | 18.02 | Vol. 93500
D: 40.80 ⇑ 0.25% | 41.24 | 42.20 / 40.40
C: 40.00 ⇓ 0.25% | 40.33 | 40.80 / 40.00
NATLIFEINS | 12.34 | 80.99 | Vol. 117737
D: 269.9 ⇑ 3.61% | 277.34 | 283.2 / 260.0
C: 280.0 ⇑ 6.46% | 281.80 | 284.0 / 240.0
DELTALIFE | 38.53 | 189.40 | Vol. 18150
D: 5546 ⇑ 3.10% | 5509 | 5570 / 5178
SANDHANINS | 2.39 | 28.22 | Vol. 341367
D: 83.60 ⇑ 9.86% | 83.33 | 83.70 / 70.00
C: 82.60 ⇑ 9.99% | 82.37 | 82.60 / 75.00
POPULARLIF | 3.70 | 715.41 | Vol. 185200
D: 170.7 ⇑ 8.59% | 172.11 | 172.9 / 160.0
C: 170.7 ⇑ 9.42% | 170.67 | 171.0 / 170.0
FAREASTLIF | 9.21 | 60.79 | Vol. 245558
D: 123.5 ⇓ 1.12% | 126.36 | 130.0 / 115.0
C: 122.8 ⇑ 0.00% | 125.20 | 130.0 / 122.0
MEGHNALIFE | 10.82 | 48.87 | Vol. 687148
D: 113.8 ⇑ 9.85% | 112.74 | 113.9 / 100.0
C: 111.3 ⇑ 9.87% | 111.16 | 111.4 / 110.0
PROGRESLIF | 2.30 | 31.45 | Vol. 36220
D: 109.2 ⇑ 9.42% | 108.45 | 109.7 / 102.0
PRAGATILIF | 0.60 | 30.15 | Vol. 59940
D: 112.9 ⇑ 9.93% | 112.04 | 112.9 / 108.9
C: 115.2 ⇑ 4.73% | 115.20 | 115.2 / 115.2
PRIMELIFE | 5.51 | 27.10 | Vol. 121979
D: 109.3 ⇑ 9.74% | 108.81 | 109.5 / 94.00
C: 109.4 ⇑ 9.62% | 107.01 | 109.7 / 102.4
RUPALILIFE | 3.75 | 31.25 | Vol. 53568
D: 99.80 ⇑ 9.91% | 98.24 | 99.80 / 90.00
C: 86.50 ⇑ 0.00% | 82.13 | 86.50 / 86.50
SUNLIFEINS | 0.00 | 0.00 | Vol. 416000
D: 56.50 ⇑ 9.92% | 56.02 | 56.50 / 53.00
C: 57.20 ⇑ 10.00% | 56.86 | 57.20 / 54.00
GP | 12.96 | 26.26 | Vol. 1738543
D: 210.5 ⇓ 1.96% | 213.69 | 218.7 / 200.0
C: 211.6 ⇓ 1.58% | 213.93 | 219.8 / 209.7
BSCCL | 7.14 | 23.70 | Vol. 1055990
D: 283.8 ⇓ 1.60% | 284.42 | 291.0 / 265.0
C: 284.1 ⇓ 1.73% | 285.28 | 291.0 / 281.2
Travel & Leisure
UNITEDAIR | 1.60 | 15.12 | Vol. 7297439
D: 20.40 ⇓ 1.92% | 20.60 | 21.00 / 18.80
C: 20.50 ⇓ 1.91% | 20.61 | 21.00 / 20.00
UNIQUEHRL | 4.02 | 86.29 | Vol. 1780725
D: 92.50 ⇓ 0.64% | 98.37 | 102.3 / 84.00
C: 92.00 ⇓ 1.08% | 92.73 | 94.40 / 91.70
ARAMIT | 16.07 | 99.93 | Vol. 29550
D: 264.9 ⇑ 0.34% | 267.13 | 275.0 / 264.0
C: 268.0 ⇑ 7.59% | 268.00 | 270.0 / 264.0
GQBALLPEN | 6.55 | 250.45 | Vol. 160036
D: 157.7 ⇓ 4.13% | 160.92 | 165.0 / 150.0
C: 157.5 ⇓ 3.14% | 159.24 | 164.5 / 155.6
USMANIAGL | 0.50 | 26.03 | Vol. 147254
D: 151.7 ⇓ 6.47% | 155.04 | 165.9 / 147.0
C: 153.2 ⇓ 7.15% | 155.59 | 163.0 / 152.0
SAVAREFR | 0.23 | 12.32 | Vol. 350
D: 62.10 ⇑ 6.52% | 62.86 | 62.20 / 61.90
BEXIMCO | 3.24 | 86.74 | Vol. 862192
D: 33.10 ⇓ 1.19% | 33.34 | 35.00 / 30.20
C: 33.20 ⇓ 1.19% | 33.35 | 35.00 / 31.00
SINOBANGLA | 1.75 | 21.01 | Vol. 140000
D: 19.70 ⇑ 1.03% | 19.91 | 20.20 / 19.70
C: 19.50 ⇑ 1.56% | 19.97 | 20.10 / 19.50
MIRACLEIND | 0.14 | 14.90 | Vol. 106940
D: 12.60 ⇑ 5.00% | 12.50 | 12.90 / 11.00
C: 12.40 ⇑ 0.81% | 12.40 | 12.50 / 12.30
IBBLPBOND | 0.00 | 1000.00 | Vol. 735
D: 954.0 ⇑ 0.21% | 953.10 | 955.0 / 947.0
C: 950.0 ⇑ 1.55% | 950.00 | 950.0 / 950.0
ACIZCBOND | 0.00 | 1000.00 | Vol. 38
D: 848.5 ⇓ 0.24% | 842.11 | 850.0 / 840.0
tuesday, August 27, 2013
New Microsoft CEO faces big choices
nReuters, Seattle
The next CEO of Microsoft Corp has one big
decision to make: press on with retiring chief
executive Steve Ballmer's ambitious plan to
transform the software giant into a broadbased devices and services company, or jettison that idea and rally resources around its
proven strength in business software.
Ballmer's grand design - unveiled just six
weeks before Friday's surprise announcement that he would retire within a year calls for 'One Microsoft' to pull together and
forge a future based on hardware and cloudbased services.
But poor sales of the new Surface tablet,
on top of Microsoft's years-long failure to
make money out of online search or smartphones, have cast doubt on that approach.
For years, investors have called on Microsoft to redirect cash spent on money-losing
or peripheral projects to shareholders, while
limiting its focus to the vastly profitable
Windows, Office and server franchises.
Activist investor ValueAct Capital Management LP, whose recent lobbying of the
company may have played a role in Ballmer's
decision to retire earlier than he planned, is
thought to favor such an approach.
In the last two years alone, Microsoft has
lost almost $3bn on its Bing search engine
and other Internet projects, not counting a
$6bn write-off for its failed purchase of online advertising agency aQuantive. It took
a $900m charge for its poor-selling Surface
tablet last quarter.
For now at least, Microsoft seems intent on
pursuing Ballmer's vision. John Thompson,
Microsoft's lead independent director who is
also heading the committee to appoint a new
CEO, said on Friday the board is "committed"
to Ballmer's transformation plan.
The eventual choice of that committee which has given itself a year to do its work
- should provide a clue to how committed
the board really is, and how open to outside
"Taking an internal candidate like Satya Nadella - the guy nurturing servers - or
some of the other people on the Windows
team, that makes sense to keep a steady
hand through this reorganization and strate-
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer speaks during his keynote address at the Microsoft ''Build'' conference in
San Francisco, California REUTERS
gic shift," said Norman Young, an analyst at
"But a strong case could be made that the
company needs a breath of fresh air, someone who can execute on the strategy but also
bring an outsider perspective," he added.
That could mean selling the Xbox and
abandoning Bing, or cutting short efforts to
make tablets or other computers.
Throughout the last decade, as Microsoft's share price has remained flat, shareholders have called for bigger dividends and
share buybacks to beef up their returns.
Microsoft obliged with a one-time $3 a
share special dividend in 2004 and has trebled
its quarterly dividend to 23 cents since then.
But shareholders still want a bigger slice
of Microsoft's $77bn cash hoard, $70bn of
which is held overseas.
Rick Sherlund, an analyst at Nomura, believes that if the retirement of Ballmer means
the company is listening to ValueAct and its
supporters, then action on the dividend and
share buyback could perhaps happen as early as September 19, when Microsoft hosts its
annual get-together with analysts and is expected announce its latest dividend.
"The momentum of shareholder activism
is well underway and likely to benefit shareholders even though the process of how this
unfolds is not certain," said Sherlund.
The lackluster performance of Microsoft's
stock has long been the stick that shareholders beat Ballmer with, and it has looked all
the worse compared with the staggering
gains made by Apple Inc under Steve Jobs.
Yet Ballmer - who owns just under 4%
of the company - never showed any doubts
about his intention to stay in the job. His
old friend and ally Bill Gates, who still owns
4.8% of the company, never wavered in his
public support.
The first public signs of dissent on Microsoft's board came in 2010, when Ballmer's
bonus was trimmed explicitly for the flop of
the infamous Kin 'social' phone and a failure
to match Apple's iPad, according to regulatory filings.
It was around that time, though not necessarily connected, that the board started
considering how it would manage a succession, according to a source familiar with the
matter. Ballmer and the board began talking
to both internal and external candidates.
About 18 months to two years ago, Ballmer started thinking seriously about a succession plan, the internal source said.
The time since was not marked with glory
for Ballmer, with a tepid launch of Windows
8, the disappointment of the Surface tablet,
and a $731m fine by European regulators for
forgetting to offer a choice of browsers to
Windows users.
Two to three months ago, Ballmer started
thinking seriously about his retirement and
concluded it was the "right time to start the
process," the source said. That was shortly
after ValueAct took a $2bn stake in Microsoft.
July's gloomy earnings, which offered no
immediate hope of quick improvement, may
have sealed the decision. Ballmer said Friday
he made the choice in the few days prior, and
informed the board on Wednesday. Whether
the board urged Ballmer to leave is not known.
The impending exit of Ballmer leaves a
difficult and perhaps impossible choice to his
successor - pushing a large and insular behemoth through a highly risky transformation
to the mobile world, or clinging to an island
of profitable but PC-centric businesses.
"I'm not sure there is someone who can do
Steve's (Ballmer's) job 'better'. It's an incredibly difficult job, perhaps intractable," said Brad
Silverberg, a former senior Windows executive
and co-founder of Seattle venture capital firm
Ignition Partners. "Perhaps the way the job is
defined needs to change, and this is the harbinger of bigger changes to come." l
Asian stocks rise as Fed taper fears wane
nAFP, Hong Kong
Asian markets made modest gains Monday as
speculation eased over whether the US Federal
Reserve will begin an early tapering of its massive
stimulus programme.
Emerging-market currencies suffered a torrid
few days of trading last week as dealers bet on an
end to the Fed's $85bn-a-month monetary easing.
But figures showing a slump in US housing
market sales on Friday allayed fears of an early
stimulus rollback and led to rallies in Europe and
the United States.
The feel-good factor carried on into the start of
the new week's trade in Asia, with Sydney closing
up 0.23%, or 12 points, at 5,135.4 and Seoul gaining 0.95 percent, or 17.70 points, to 1,887.86.
In Shanghai, Chinese shares jumped 1.9%, or
39.01 points, to 2,096.47 boosted by gains in financial
stocks and enthusiasm for plans approved last week
to create a free-trade zone in the city. Hong Kong
closed 0.65%, or 141.81 points, higher at 22,005.32.
Tokyo stocks opened 0.43% higher but ended
down 0.18%, or 24.27 points, at 13,636.28.
Dealers said the early gains were eroded by
In emerging markets, where currencies tumbled last week over concerns that the stimulus-inspired investment splurges in their regions would
end, trade was less positive.
Jakarta ended down 1.18%, or 49.16 points, at
4,120.67 while Kuala Lumpur also lost 0.08%, or
1.42 points to close at 1,722.49.
Mumbai closed up 0.21%or 38.69 points to
18,558.13, its third straight day of gains.
There was some much-needed respite for
emerging-market currencies. The Indian rupee,
which tumbled to a record low of 65.56 to the dollar last week, fetched 64.14 to the dollar in Tokyo
afternoon trade against 64.45 Friday afternoon.
The Indonesian rupiah edged up to 10,770
from 10,963.
In India, however, analysts said tough times
were still ahead for the ailing national currency.
"The rupee is still in a bearish phase and the
demand for dollars is not down," said Param
Sarma, chief executive with NSP Forex.
Expectations of an end to the US stimulus programme have seen foreigners in recent months
repatriate some of the vast sums that have
poured into emerging economies. The pullout has
hit currencies and equities. l