eu-gugle - gewoge Aachen


eu-gugle - gewoge Aachen
Housing company since 1891
Tel. +49 241 47704-0 |
Sustainable renovation models
In you have any queries about the EU-GUGLE project,
for smarter cities
feel free to contact our colleague, Mrs Greiner-Lövenich.
Ulrike Greiner-Lövenich
Tel.: +49 241 47704-46
[email protected]
at home in Aachen
What is
Sustainable renovation models
for smarter cities
Measures within the
scope of EU-GUGLE
EU-GUGLE aims to demonstrate the feasibility
of nearly-zero energy building renovation models
Investments in property are pivotal to developing the value
of housing stock. gewoge AG also makes annual investments
and to simultaneously trigger large-scale replication
Some 400 apartments, covering a total living space of around
in other smart cities across Europe by 2020.
41,000 m², are set to be renovated in the district of Aachen
in energy measures with a particular view towards improving
the quality of life in residential areas, as well as towards
North over the next 5 years, running up to spring 2018.
Find out more about this at
The building work being undertaken under EU-GUGLE will
upgrading the technology in extensive areas of housing
on an ongoing basis.
A total of six European cities, including Aachen, are involved
in EU-GUGLE*, a project that aims to take an holistic approach
to the renovation of buildings. It is not only concerned with
the introduction of energy-efficient technologies, it also seeks
to integrate those technologies into district planning strategies.
Cost efficiency and raising public awareness on using energy
are central to this. While the construction work is carried out,
the residents will receive special guidance on using energy
initially be chiefly concerned with insulating the envelope of
pilot cities:
Aachen (DE) – Sestao (ES) –
Milan (IT) – Tampere (FI) –
Bratislava (SK) –
Vienna (AT)
Renovation of more
associated cities:
than 220,000 m²
Gaziantep (TR)
of gross floor space
Gothenburg (SE)
on listed buildings.
In addition to comprehensive building renovation, innovative
heating supply through heat recovery from sewage ducts is
also planned and is of great significance.
40 % to 80 %
saving in primary
energy sources
in each pilot city
the buildings. In some cases, the work is being carried out
"smart renovation
models" transferrable
to other cities
Over the course of the project, gewoge AG will be carrying
out renovations to the urban apartment blocks at Josefvon-Görres-Straße 1-15, Jülicher Straße 156-164,
Dennewartstraße 47, Hein-Janssen-Straße 15-17,
The models developed for renewal in the pilot districts are
Sigmundstraße 9, 11-17, 22-24 and at Reimannstraße 2-12.
intended to be replicated by other districts and to stimulate
In addition, the company will also be investing in renovating
the exchange of experiences between the partners.
its own properties at Wiesental 1-29, Burggrafenstraße 1-5,
Jülicher Straße 224-234 and at Josef-von-Görres-Straße 19.
In addition to gewoge AG, the other project partners in Aachen
are Aachen City Council and the local utility, STAWAG.
The holistic approach to district development and the
integration of technical measures into the "Aachen North
Social City" project are to the fore in the plans.
* EUropean Cities serving as Green Urban Gate towards Leadership in sustainable Energy