04 21 Issue - Hiway 16 News
04 21 Issue - Hiway 16 News
Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 LOCAL NEWS AND VIEWS 1 LOCAL ADVERTISING Covering the news from Lavoy through to Mannville, Alberta Volume 1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 • Issue 1 16NEWS.CA www.HIWAY Local News Reporting, A Reality For Highway 16 Communities W ell here it is! The first issue of the Hiway 16 News is out. It is hard to believe that after the many early mornings, long days and late evenings, that I have now reached my dream of publishing my own newspaper. Many of my readers may ask themselves, why have I taken on such a daunting task? I can sum it up in just a few words. I love journalism and love my community. Ever since I was a young girl in school I always enjoyed writing, investigating stories and finding answers. The world of journalism gives me the opportunity to do the things I love and also gives me the means necessary to help keep my community and surrounding area up to date on most of the news and events happening around us. Being a reporter gives me the chance to stay connected with my community and a way in which I can give back by bringing them a venue to discover news events around us. It can also bring information regarding businesses in and around our area such as retailers in neighboring communities which you may not be aware of, if not for advertising in the newspaper. A locally owned community newspaper like the Hiway 16 News can connect our community with other communities in our area and get the word out there of events which are happening, thus bringing citizens from other areas to our communities helping us grow as well. With all the social media resources out there I realize that in some ways newsprint is becoming a less popular means of communication, but I still believe in newspapers and realize that many of us like myself, still very much enjoy having the choice of picking up a physical paper and reading it from start to finish. When the opportunity presented itContinued on p. 3 2 Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Congratulations Hiway 16 News We are excited to see a newspaper in Innisfree again. With the experience and interest in the community, we know that Karen will provide the readers with the current news and activities in the area. It will be refreshing to know our interests will be the priority of the newspaper. Wishing you all the best in your business. From the Mayor and Staff and Council of the Village of Innisfree Crash On Highway 16 On the early afternoon of April 14 a motor vehicle accident was reported near the Town of Vegreville’s east entrance along Highway 16 near Range Road 143. A motorist, one of the first on the scene, reported it appeared the occupants of the vehicle may have been injured but seemed to exit the vehicle of their own capacity. Emergency vehicles responded shortly and the wreckage was soon removed from the roadway. At the time of publication, the cause of the accident is unknown. Winter Activities Come To An End, For Some With what seems like winter behind us, some people are having a hard time letting go of the activities that go along with the more frigid weather. Many snowmobilers have long since put their machines away for the season but one local resident of the Hiway 16 area could be spotted enjoying a ride over a shallow slough with his sled. There always has to be that “one guy” that can’t let go of his winter toys. Published every Tuesday. 5119 - 50 Avenue Box 308 Innisfree, Alberta T0B2G0 780-581-0871 hiway16news.ca [email protected] [email protected] The Hiway 16 News serves the communities of Lavoy, Ranfurly, Innisfree, Minburn and Mannville, Alberta as well as the Towns of Vegreville and Vermilion. Our Staff: Karen Nedzielski Publisher Tammy Lepage Accounts Payable/Receivable Ads, articles and photos are not to be republished without the consent of the Hiway 16 News publisher. Letters To The Editor: The Hiway 16 News welcomes Letters to the Editor. Letters must be signed and include an address and a phone number for authenticity. The Hiway 16 News reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste, and brevity. Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Local News Reporting A Reality For Highway 16 Communities Continued from p. 1 self and I was given the option to start the Hiway 16 News as a branch off from our local newsletter, I could not pass on the chance to do what I really love to do in the world of journalism. I know the road of this new adventure will have its ups and downs, with long hours parked in front of a computer, phone call after phone call, but I am eager to take on the challenge to provide you my readers, with the most up to date, unbiased news coverage possible. I must say the journey of coming this far and producing this first issue entailed a lot more work than I anticipated! I discovered along the way, things I thought would have been simple such as finding a location for the office, internet connections, finding a graphic designer that would fill my expectations, and meeting clients was more overwhelming then I thought. However with a lot of determination, perseverance and support from numerous family and friends, I have achieved these goals and now present to you your gateway to being kept informed. I have worked in the newspaper industry for a number of years now and I will take the knowledge I have obtained along the way and do my very best to bring to you a newspaper containing quality, informative articles and advertising. It is my intent as the publisher of the Hiway 16 News to serve my community in the best possible way. I invite my community and other communities to send in old or interesting photos, submitted articles and letters to the editor or anything else you feel would be of interest to our readers. Please feel 3 free to contact our paper if you have an event happening as we would love to attend it for inclusion in our paper. I am thankful for the help and support from so many family members and friends thus far as it has meant so much to me and the viability of this publication. I also invite you to drop by the office located in the Cut Bank movie’s “Barber Shop” at 5119 – 50 Avenue in Innisfree, for our grand opening on April 30 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. I am looking forward to meeting you at the home of the Hiway 16 News, your local community newspaper. Fortieth Year For Mannville Ag Society T he smell of grilled steaks filled the hallways of the Mannville Rec Centre on Saturday night as the Mannville Ag Society held its steak supper and dance. The evening fundraiser celebrated the fortieth year for the organization and included a silent and live auction where those in attendance could place bids with local auctioneer Gord Misik, on a wide variety of items. A dance followed the auction as DJ Brett Maron looked after of the rest of the evening’s entertainment. PC Candidate Richard Starke and his wife Alison, were among those in attendance of the Mannville Ag Society’s steak supper on April 18. Local public speaker and brain injury survivor Curtis Anderson enjoyed the steak supper with all the fixings. Anderson hosts the annual Courage Canada trail ride each May and donates the funds raised to local charities. Pictured here are Wanda Konieczny, on the left, and Lynn Roland, as they greeted guests for the supper and dance. Greg's Junction of Highway 16 and Secondary 870, Innisfree, Ab Open 7 days a week, Summer Hours:7 am - 10 pm Starting May Long Weekend Full Menu & Take-out available. 780-592-3980 Polled Limousin Bulls For Sale Halter Broke & Semen Tested. Contact Barry McCarty 780-632-7433 Local diners used the evening to catch up on socializing with friends and neighbours. Pictured here are, from left, Walter Prill, Ed and Rose Jacula, Dave Yake, Jim and Eileen Kitt and Rheta Prill. CAR / HOME / FARM COMMERCIAL / OILFIELD TRUCKING Call For A Quote 780 632 2666 1 800 567 0735 LAND Seed & Agro Services Ltd. Independent Sales Representative for Pioneer brand products ® Lisa Anderson Box 83 Minburn, AB T0B 3B0 (780) 632-5526 Tel (780) 593-3769 Fax [email protected] 4 I Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 f you were to pop into the Innisfree Canada Post office you would certainly take note of a number of changes. Namely the new mailboxes in the lobby, which have replaced the older, well used unit that once lined the wall. After years of use it was time for new boxes which Post Master, Julie Sydora says will be a more secure unit. Sydora, who is the newly appointed lead at the post office, has been serving as an alternate employee for the past four year until March 29 when officially being appointed as the Post Master for Innisfree. She said she is settling in well to the position and it has been a “good challenge” with Innisfree Post Office Delivers all the recent upgrades to the facility. The newer mailboxes are anticipated to help deter vandals as the post office has seen a few break-ins over that past couple years. The office will also see a new security system installed to help with protecting box holders from mail theft, which is to be installed soon. Upon installing the new mailbox units and few interesting items were recovered from between the older units being removed. A letter postmarked 1985 was recovered and the postage attached to the envelop was a mere 34 cents, the cost at the time for mailing a letter. The letter was later delivered to its long-waiting recipient. Julie Sydora has been recently named the new Innisfree Post Master. She has been filling the position for nearly a month. A letter post marked 1985, was discovered wedged between the old postal box units. It was finally delivered to the recipient this past month. Workers removed the old postal box units and installed the newer more secure boxes. Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 T 5 Innisfree Curling Wraps Up Another Season he Innisfree curling rink was busy for the last time for the season during its Open bonspiel held on April 10 through to the 12. The weekend was actually set aside for the annual Oilmen’s bonspiel but due to the lack of registration the club decided to rename the event and it proved to be a smart choice. 16 teams signed up for one more chance to claim an Innisfree curling title. The teams came from as far away as the Airdrie area to participate in the weekend of curling. The C event featured the Cam Kuzio team against Jeff Nott’s rink but in the end it was Nott who would take the title for the C side. The B event saw a great game with Jeff Nott’s brother, Chris squaring-off against Airdrie’s Troy Kletzel. In a great game it was Chris Nott beating-out the Kletzel team to take the B event. The A event saw Darryl Fowler’s team face the Aaron Cannan rink, both locals and regular Innisfree curlers, as the rocks gathered in the house. End after end the two battled away but the Cannan rink could not gain enough momentum to take the victory. The Fowler rink claimed the final bonspiel of the 2015 Innisfree Curling season. A predominant change for next season will be the absence of cook Terry Braodhead, as she will be retiring from her position at the facility. Club President Derrek Saskiw said, “We will miss Terry and are hoping to find a suitable replacement.” Next year will see the introduction of a Farmer’s Speil in December for the kick-off of the 2015-16 season. The club hosted regular weekly curling as well as Super League throughout the winter and early spring. The club is always looking for new members and participants in its regular curling season. The A event saw the Darryl Fowler rink face the Aaron Cannan rink. Pictured here are, back row from left, A final winners Darryl Fowler, Larry Rudolf, Andy Strowger and Stacy Fowler. In front are Aaron Cannan, Daryl Cole, Dwayne Drury and Morris Anderson. Taking the C event are, back row, Jeff Nott, Cody Hafso, Bobbi Jo Jackson filling in for Cecil Paranych, and Alden Suddaby. In front are Cam Kuzio, Allan Kuzio, Charmen Kuzio and Stephanie Dargis. For the B event, back row from left, are event winners Chris Nott, Tom Dwyer, Kent Anderson and Brett Lindballe. In front are Troy Kletzel, Stephan Chisholm, Melinda Kletzel and Kelly Hoffer. Tough Call At Innisfree Curling Rink The Village of INNISFREE would like to welcome the Hiway 16 News to the community Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 2008 GMC SIERRA SLE 4WD $166/BW 60 MONTHS 180,666 kms 14MT158A REMOTE START 2008 GMC SIERRA SLT 4WD D L SO $226/BW 60 MONTHS 149,723 kms 15MT053A REMOTE START Visit us online at www.grantmiller 2010 CHEV SILVERADO LT 4WD $189/BW 72 MONTHS 95,120 kms 14CT065A REMOTE START 2013 FOR SE SE $130/BW 84 MONTHS NOW $18,995 NOW $24,995 NOW $23,995 NOW $1 2011 CHEV AVALANCHE LT 4WD $241/BW 72 MONTHS 54,621 kms 14MT098A REMOTE START 2012 DODGE RAM LARAMIE 4WD $358/BW 84 MONTHS 115,194 kms 15MT092A DIESEL, LEATHER, SUNROOF, DVD, NAV 2013 DODGE RAM SPORT 4WD $255/BW 84 MONTHS 29,856 kms 15PU003 LEATHER, NAV, REMOTE START NOW $29,995 NOW $48,995 NOW $34,995 2014 CHEV SILVERADO LTZ 4WD $326/BW 84 MONTHS 57,307 kms 15MT099A LEATHER, SUNROOF, NAV, REMOTE START 2007 GMC YUKON DENALI 4WD $246/BW 60 MONTHS 98,440 kms 15CT020A LEATHER, SUNROOF, DVD, REMOTE START 2012 GMC TERRAIN SLE-2 AWD $154/BW 84 MONTHS 82,130 kms 15CT017A REMOTE START FULLSAL consulted immedia resume to G a grant@grantm 2014 GMC SLE-2 $275/BW 84 MONTHS NOW $43,995 NOW $25,995 NOW $21,995 NOW $3 DID YOU KNOW??? Our standard oil changes include 5W30 Dexos Synthetic blend motor oil http://www.grantm Grant Miller Owner/Dealer Principal [email protected] Visit us online at www.grantmillermotors.com Visit us online at www.grantmillermotors.com Visit us online at www.grantmillermotors.com Visit us online at www.grantmillermotors.com Visit us online at www.grantmillermotors.com motors.com 6 Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Visit us online at www.grantmillermotors.com 2013 GMC TERRAIN SLE AWD RD FUSION EDAN 15,667 kms 14MT111B $138/BW 84 MONTHS KEYLESS ENTRY 2014 GMC TERRAIN SLE-2 AWD 94,814 kms 15MT132A REMOTE START $201/BW 84 MONTHS 35,106 kms 14PU015 REMOTE START Visit us online at 2014 CHEV TRAVERSE 1-LT AWD $256/BW 84 MONTHS 22,536 kms 15PU007 REMOTE START 2014 CHEV TRAX LT AWD -TIME LES d required ately send Grant Miller at $169/BW 84 MONTHS millermotors.ca 2014 GMC ACADIA SLE-2 AWD 13,700 kms 15CT076A REMOTE START $275/BW 84 MONTHS 19,928 kms 15PU006 SUNROOF, REMOTE START 2008 CHEV COBALT LT COUPE $103/BW 60 MONTHS 95,202 kms 15BK002B SUNROOF, REMOTE START NOW $23,995 NOW $37,450 NOW $11,995 C ACADIA 2 AWD 2014 CHEV TRAX LT AWD $169/BW 84 MONTHS SUNROOF, REMOTE START 20,813 kms 15CT049A REMOTE START $201/BW 84 MONTHS 23,736 kms 15PU005 REMOTE START 2014 GMC YUKON XL SLT 4WD $397/BW 84 MONTHS 45,068 kms 15PU004 LEATHER, REMOTE START 37,450 NOW $23,995 NOW $27,995 NOW $52,995 5013-60 Street, Vegreville, AB Sales: (888) 614-1712 Service: (888) 242-0229 millermotors.com Blaine Hitchcock Sales Manager [email protected] Curtis Giebelhaus Sales Consultant [email protected] Shanti Pearson Sales Consultant [email protected] Amanda Phillips Sales Consultant [email protected] Blair Baur Sales Consultant [email protected] Visit us online at www.grantmillermotors.com Danilo Bernardo Business Manager [email protected] Visit us online at www.grantmillermotors.com 19,996 kms 14PU017 2014 CHEV EQUINOX LT AWD Visit us online at www.grantmillermotors.com 18,995 NOW $19,995 NOW $27,995 NOW $34,995 www.grantmillermotors.com rmotors.com 7 Visit us online at www.grantmille 8 Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 AGM Held For Mannville Chamber Of Commerce for the birth of the Hiway 16 News. Koodos to Karen Nedzielski! It’s exciting and an asset ot our Village and community. Sincerely, Betty Saik The Cutting Edge The Cutting Edge family hair care center is celebrating its first anniversary! 5119 - 50 Ave Innisfree 780-592-2443 Stop by on April 30 from 3-5 pm for cake and coffee. Thanks for your support over the past year. Linda Dobler The Hiway 16 News is looking for Part-Time Reporters for the areas of Lavoy through to Mannville. If you enjoy attending local events and own a digital camera, give us a call @780-581-0871 or email your resume to [email protected] Must have a valid drivers licence and own transportation. Also looking for a Student Reporter to cover local school events. Members and executive of the Mannville and District Chamber of Commerce are, back row from left, members Cheryl Jory, Lisa Symington, Sharon Bury and Secretary Erin Hinton. In front are Vice President Kelly Dalton, President Mike Myhovich and Treasurer Shauna Charron. T he Mannville and District Chamber of Commerce recently held its annual general meeting (AGM) and with only a few members in attendance, the focus of the group is on how to obtain more members to help promote the business district of the Village. Elections were held and it was current President Mike Myhovich who stayed on for another term. Village Councillor and business owner Kelly Dalton would retain Vice President and Shauna Charron would take the Treasurer’s chair. Discussion was held as to moving the regular meetings to lunch meetings as opposed to evenings, in hopes of luring more members of the business community. The organization will hold its next meeting at a local restaurant to see if the attendance increases. Also discussed was the thought of providing a discount on memberships when issued it for more than one year. One, two and three year memberships were discussed and possibly setting rates to $25, $45 and $65 respectively. President Mike Myhovich led the meeting and a number of other topics were discussed including the success of the past Extravaganza held in the Village. It was decided that the event would reoccur and possibly look at holding the event more than once per year. With the AGM adjurned, the regular meeting got underway. The organization’s website has been discontinued since the change-over in the Village’s website provider. With the old system, organizers said a link page was provided on the Village’s site but with the change, it was no longer a possibility. The Chamber members decided to use the assistance of social media as a way of informing the public of its activities. The Village of Mannville and District Chamber of Commerce meets every few months and is always looking for more members. Minburn 4H Beef Club Gear Up For Achievement Day Submitted by Tyson Rudolf, Club Reporter O ur club’s last meeting was held April 1 in Innisfree. Here are our clubs public speaking results; Junior - first Tyson Rudolf, second Shelby Sarafinchen, third Dylan Cannan, Intermediate - first Megan Rudolf, second Morgan Nott, third Teagan Nott, Senior - first Olivia Anderson, second Brayden Drury, third Laramie Anderson. Everyone did a fantastic job on their speeches, good job everyone. We are planning our annual show and sale on May 27, at the Minburn Agricultural Grounds. Our next meeting will be held on May 6th in Minburn. Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 What’s Going on at Innisfree School Kristin Bergman is the new Innisfree Delnorte School Student Reporter for the Hiway 16 News. Welcome Kristin! T his week the student’s at Innisfree Delnorte School came back from their Easter break and quickly settled back in to their regular classes and routines. Report cards were handed out on Wednesday and Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held on April 23. School fundraisers such as Milkshake Mondays (milkshakes are for sale in the school servery every Monday) and Friday Hat Days (pay $1 to wear a hat) will be continuing, hopefully with as much success and participation as we’ve seen in the past. If anybody is interested in helping to fundraise our school further, Boston Pizza receipts can be given to the school or village office until May 31 and five per cent of the money spent on your meal will be given to the school. On Thursday, April 16, two workers from the SPCA and their friendly ca- nine friend, Harley, came to give our school a presentation on the things the SPCA does in and around our community to help animals in need. They did this in thanks for our donation of $516, which was fundraised by everyone’s amazing contribution when they bought cupcakes on Cupcake Day. When the presentation was over, students eagerly asked questions and then posed for a group photo. The next day, the Grade 3/4 class had a presentation of their own about agriculture and farm safety. Badminton season will be winding up soon, but not before the BTPS Badminton Finals this week. Conrad Fowler, Justin Fleming, Kolby Oesch, and Madison Nott will be competing in the finals for Sr. High. Unfortunately, no Jr. High teams are moving on despite their great efforts in the playoffs. Also this week, all students participating in the BTPS Superintendent Public Speaking Contest will present their speeches in front of the school in hopes of being the contestant in their category to move on and speak in front of the superintendent. Gold and silver medal recipients will receive a medal and prize money. The categories are: Elementary Division (topics: A person that I admire and why; Why my brother/sister is like my pet), Junior High Division (topics: Is laughter the best medicine?; Things that I can do to make the world a better place) and Senior High Division (topics: The impact of international organizations on national or international events; To what extent should nations give up their sovereignty to international organizations?). Good luck to everyone taking part in these events! 71 Years Celebrated At ATB Beyond Beauty For All Your Family Hair Care Products and Services Tanning Bed & Waxing Available Mannville, Alberta 780-763-2389 Innisfree Hotel Beer, Wine, Spirits and all your off-sale needs. Your hosts: Barry and Maryann 780-592-3765 Innisfree Hotel is a proud supporter of the Innisfree Delnorte School Annual Bike-a-thon (Vegreville ) ANNUAL WESTERN BOOT SALE May 2 to 9 20% Off Regular Price IN STORE SPECIALS UP TO 50% OFF T he Alberta Treasury Branch (ATB) in Vegreville celebrated the retirement of two of its staff members on Friday, April 17. Personal Banking Specialists Polly Walker and Evelyn Boyko were recognized for their 71 years of combined experience as staff and customers enjoyed cake and coffee at the Vegreville branch. Walker, who offi- cially left the branch the end of February, says she is looking forward to spending more time relaxing at her favourite lake as well as traveling more. Boyko said she is expecting her fifth grandchild shortly and will be spending more time with family and friends and will continue to work at their family farm. Congratulations from the Hiway 16 News. 9 VISIT US AT THE MANE EVENT IN RED DEER ON APRIL 24, 25, 26 FOR SPECIALS ON TUCKER SADDLES 780-632-4326 | www.coleswesternwear.com Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10 Lots of learning at Mannville School A Submitted fter playing at the BTJHAA Badminton Northern, three of our junior high students will be going on to the Finals at JR Robson on Tuesday, April 21. Baylee Konieczny and Cole Demas came home with gold and Jordan Borysiuk came home with silver. Lakeland College will again be hosting the regional skills competition for high school students on Friday, April 24. This opportunity shines the spotlight on trades careers and capabilities.Our school will have Braden Mytz attending in the carpentry competition. A VIBE noon hour group called ‘Creativ-i-tea’ has started. For anyone interested in taking part, this is an opportunity to simply create; whether it be art, writing, lego. Time together is spent being imaginative and creative, while also sipping on yummy fruity tea! Kindergarten will be flourishing in April as they opened up a flower shop and are learning about growing plants! Kindergarten parents mark your calendar for the evening of April 23 for the annual KINDERGARTEN CELEBRATION OF LEARNING. The kinderkids will be demonstrating all the skills that they are mastering this year in preparation for Grade 1! The Grade 1’s have been very busy BUILDING! They just completed their marble runs that took time, patience and creativity! In math, the students are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Mrs. Miller’s Grade 2 class’ next science unit is on Buoyancy and Boats. Mrs. Kerri Lorenson, VIBE coach, has been in coaching the Grade 4 class on a new program called BMW. This program assists children in elementary classrooms with stress. Students have discussed what stress is and what they can do to relax and calm themselves. Miss Cusack’s Grade 5 students have finished up their Mechanisms Using Electricity unit. The students were very creative with the lunchbox alarms they built and many of the alarms would keep the lunch thieves out. The Grade 6 students experienced a very motivating novel study titled Indian in the Cupboard. They are just learning about the Iroquois Confederacy in Social Studies and this novel helped them to empathize with differences and appreciate cultures and customs, plus learn how people function in a society. All societies have rules, and the way that they govern themselves can look very different. Upcoming events include the It Can’t Happen To Me presentation on April 29. Who knows friends don’t judge? Village Of Innisfree Sitting In Good Shape T he Village of Innisfree Council members met with the residents and concerned citizens on April 7 in an open house meeting to present the Audited Financial Statement for the 2014 year. Brian King of Brian King Professional Corp went through the details of the statement and answered any questions and concerns from the public in attendance. One expense incurred was the waste management fee of $145,000 associated with the closure of the Mannville landfill, which the Village of Innisfree is a partner in and liable for 9.8 per cent of the closure and post closure cost. This cost includes the covering of the site, landscaping, as well as future ongoing environmental monitoring and site maintenance. Nonetheless, the incurred expense still leaves the Village sitting in the black, which in the history of the Village, has not always been the case. King stated that the viability of the Village has “drastically changed” including the added expense of the landfill closure. The Village accepted the audited financials and will not review the information in the coming weeks. WHEN YOU NEED CANOLA SEED, TALK TO LISA. We do. You’ll do almost anything for a friend. We’ll do almost anything for you. Like give you cash for opening a new personal account— and for every friend you successfully refer. Free money, great accounts, our exclusive—and new!— ATB TrackIt™ and more! Friendship pays with ATB. Learn more at atb.com/friends or drop by the branch. Deborah McMann Agency Manager / Innisfree Agency 5116-50 Ave. Innisfree, AB, T0B 2G0 780-592-2083 (12/14) *To cash in on the $350, open a new personal chequing account (excluding Pay As You Go and HELOC) between Jan 1, 2015 and May 31, 2015, and set up direct income deposit or two unique preauthorized payments to go through your account by July 31, 2015 and that recur for the next two consecutive with ATB. Swing by our branch for more details. ®ATB Financial is a trade name/registered trademark of Alberta Treasury Branches. 45H33 New Pioneer Protector® hybrid 45H33 provides yield, standability and clubroot resistance all in one package. 45S56 New Pioneer Protector® hybrid 45S56 provides strong standability for ease of harvest. Our experts are grown locally For more information and to purchase seed call Lisa Anderson - (780) 632 - 5526 Minburn, AB. Genuity® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. The DuPont Oval Logo is a registered trademark of DuPont. ®, TM, SM Trademarks and service marks licensed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. © 2015, PHL. 9/12/13 6:00 PM 37642-15-Eng-Dealer Ad Mats.indd 1 Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 VIL Implements New Card System Marilyn Newton, VIL Manager T he Village of Innisfree Library (VIL) now have new plastic library cards! These are made of the same material as your debit or credit card, with a built in barcode and they no longer require expiry date stickers. You will receive one when you renew your library membership. Please keep an eye out for your expiry date, missing it may result in a temporary suspension in services. Costs to renew your memberships are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and $20 per family. Innisfree Delnorte School Parents; Have you returned your form so that your child can receive a free membership to the library? Even if your child already has a membership, we still require a form to process their free student card. If you need a new form please call 780-592-2122 or email [email protected] Don’t forget the Library garage sale on Saturday, May 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch and refreshments will be available provided by 4H Multi Club. Gently used items can be dropped off during regular library hours and all proceeds go towards our Summer Reading Program. The Summer Reading program takes place on July 8, 9, 10 and July 15, 16, 17 from 10 a.m. to noon. There will be fun filled mornings of activities, stories, crafts and play! Snacks provided and it is a FREE program. The C.O.W. Bus is coming to Innisfree on Friday, July 17. And will offer free interactive programming for children 6 and under Children’s entertainer, puppeteer Joel Kafka will be here to give a performance on Friday, July 24. The performance will be free for all ages. Don’t forget the Mother’s Day Basket Draw. Tickets are $2 each and available at Deb’s ATB or the Library. There are 3 Baskets to be drawn for and that will take place on May 10 at the Community Mother’s Day Tea. 11 History Lesson At Mannville Care Centre The Mannville Care Centre has a display in its main foyer which displays many hospital items from days past. Previously used for delivering babies from the area, the Mannville Care Centre has not delivered a baby in years. On display are a number of items from it delivery room as well as miscellaneous item from past use. Also lining the wall are photos of the old Mannville village which many display the old spelling of “Manville” on buildings in the photos. Pictured here visiting the display is Mannville school student, Kaitlyn Romain. Homewise Realty INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Ralph Soldan, Realtor 780-603-0944 2009, 2010 2012 & 2013 2011 & 2014 Upper Mann Lake Innisfree Property: Excellent half acre retreat property to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Located 4 km from Ashmount Alberta, at Upper Mann Lake. Pavement right to property entrance. Consists of a 182 sq ft. cottage, out house, 216 sq ft boat house with sleeping quarters above, plus a tandem holiday trailer. Excellent starter home, in Innisfree on 2 lots, 1,100 sq ft, 2 car garage, recent upgrades to shingles, entrance doors and electrical. Lots of character with original interior glass doors. $69,500 $109,900 Sante Estates Million Dollar View! You are virtually right on the lake. Exceptional 1800 sq. ft., 5 bedroom bungalow located in a quiet cove on the north/west side of Lac Sante, less than 1.5 hours from Edmonton. The 2.66 acre of land features cherry, apple, plum & large shade trees, extensive garden area plus plenty of room for recreational activities. Well maintained home, high efficiency furnaces, central air, energy efficient vinyl windows, new flooring, central Vac, custom kitchen cabinets, wood burning fireplace, new shingles. 24' x 26' attached heated & insulated garage, detached 32' x 32' garage. Original Owners! Vegreville Adult Living: Well maintained home, vinyl windows, laminate flooring, open concept kitchen/living room, 2 bedroom, single car garage, rear deck with fenced green space. $899,500 $269,500 Two Hills County – Pasture Land Vegreville Business: 141 acres of Pasture land for sale in the County of Two Hills, only 25 minutes from Two Hills or 5 minutes from Myrnam. 66 acres of hay land with balance pasture, bush and adequate water supply. Some new fence. Great location as only 1/2 mile north of HWY 45. Possibility of land to be broke for crop land. Neighbouring 210 acres with homestead possibility could be for sale. Excellent Main Street corner location in Vegreville. 6000 sq ft building, major renovations and upgrades. Lease in place for 3000 sq ft till February 28, 2016 at estimated $5000/month. Perfect location for restaurant or any type of retail. Plenty of parking space on 100'x200' lot. $250,000 $614,000 5013 - 48 Street, Vegreville, AB | [email protected] | www.royallepage.ca 12 Vol. I • №1 • Tuesday, April 21, 2015
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