January 26 Issue
Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 16NEWS.CA 16NEWS.CA www.HIWAY www.HIWAY 1 LOCAL ADVERTISING LOCAL NEWS AND VIEWS Covering the news from the Counties of Lamont, Minburn and Two Hills as well as the Towns of Vegreville and Vermilion, Alberta Volume II • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 • Issue 3 T FREE Historical Scottish Poet Honoured At Annual Supper he Bard of Ayrshire was honoured at the annual Mannville Vermilion Highland Dance Robbie Burns Night in Mannville on January 22. The Address to the Haggis was marched in by a piper with the Lakeland Pipe and Drum band followed by Dr. Stewart Hunter accompanied by dancers Mikaela Storch and Elaina Anderson. The 92 year old Dr. Stewart Hunter gave the traditional address before a full meal, including the honoured haggis, was served. Following the supper the dancers performed a total of 22 dances as the Pipe and Drum Band gave two performances of traditional bag pipe songs. The haunting song ‘Amazing Grace’ Continued on p. 2 Address To The Haggis Dr. Stewart Hunter gave the traditional Address to the Haggis at the annual Robbie Burns Night hosted by the Mannville Vermilion Highland Dancers on January 23. He was accompanied by a bagpiper a well as two of the organization’s dancers Mikaela Storch and Elaina Anderson, both of which are graduating from the dance group this year. Possible Light At The End Of Alberta’s Tunnel ATB Top Economist Advises Albertans To Sit Tight Peter Arnold, Financial Advisor for ATB Investor Services in Vegreville, hosted an informational meeting on January 21 where Chief Economist with ATB Todd Hirsh gave insight into what he feels Albertans can expect of the province’s economy over the next year. Although Hirsh’s overall presentation implied the province will most likely rebound by the end of the year, Albertans may see a further drop in a variety of items, including oil prices. C hief Economist with ATB Todd Hirsh said Albertans will mostly like not see a change in the province’s economy until late 2016 at the best odds. Hirsh was in Vegreville on January 21 at the Vegreville Sunshine Club to give area residents his thoughts on Alberta’s economic outlook for 2016. The event was hosted by Peter Arnold, Financial Advisor for ATB Inves- tor Services, who provides his services to ATB customers in Vegreville, Tofield and Two Hills. Hirsh gave the odds of the economy’s up or down turns according to his best estimates which included the province’s employment rates, oil prices, interest rates and the housing market as well as a number of other economic factors. Hirsh stated that Albertans could expect to see $10 to $20 per barrel oil but added that it will most likely see a rebound in prices later this year. He also estimated the odds of interest rates rising will be 15 to 1 and the unemployment rate to reach eight per cent are probably at 4 to 1 odds but doesn’t think it will be as high as the rates of previous years. He wrapped up his presentation by saying according to his best guess, Alberta will see a modest oil recovery, unemployment rates will still continue to climb slightly, modest growth will occur and we will see a good economic diversification rate in the later part of the year. It seems Albertans will just have to sit tight and ride out the economic storm until later this year, according to Hirsh’s predictions. 2 Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Historical Scottish Poet Honoured At Annual Supper Continued from p. 1 was met with absolute silence by the audience, who thanked the band with a standing ovation as they exited the hall following their final performance. MC for the evening, Jim Storch, kept the audience entertained with Highland jokes and information about the dances while each group prepared for their next dance. Door prizes were handed out before a number of the dancers were presented with achievement certificates from recent dance tests. The club will see two dancers graduate this year, Elaina Anderson and Mikaela Storch, but there are still a number of younger members to follow in their dance steps. A number of dance students received certificates for the recent testing they participated in. The recipients are, back row from left, Shelby Cartier, Mikaela Storch, instructor Jamie McIldoon, Baylee Strowger and Alex Polishuk. In front are Katie Zorn and Amaya Myhovich. Mannville & Area Liquor Store Stop by and see our large selection of local and imported wines and enter our The smallest of the Highland Dancers to perform were the Wee Lassies. They are, in no particular order, Alana Everest, Alexis Foulds and Abigail Schalin. February 1- 13 Valentine's Draw We have all the beverages and accessories you need to make your next event a huge success! All In-Stock Wines Are 10% Off Hometown Atmosphere, Big City Selection! 5004 - 49 Street Mannville, Alberta • 780-763-3966 [email protected] • [email protected] www.hiway16news.ca Published every Tuesday. The Hiway 16 News serves the communities of Lavoy, Ranfurly, Innisfree, Minburn and Mannville, Alberta as well as the Towns of Vegreville and Vermilion. Our Staff: 5119 - 50 Avenue • Box 308 • Innisfree, Alberta • T0B2G0 780-581-0871 Karen Nedzielski Publisher Allan Sharp Circulation Denise Treseng Circulation Kristin Bergman Student Reporter Ads, articles and photos are not to be republished without the consent of the Hiway 16 News publisher. Letters To The Editor: The Hiway 16 News welcomes Letters to the Editor. Letters must be signed and include an address and a phone number for authenticity. The Hiway 16 News reserves the right to edit letters for legal considerations, taste, and brevity. Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Carrier Of The Week Food With Flair 3 Look Who . . .Whoooooo’s Had Their Nose In A Book! Submitted by Village Of Innisfree Library W e want you to flood our Facebook and Twitter pages with pictures of you, your family, friends or even your pet reading. Every person who submits a photo will be entered into a prize draw. By submitting your photo, you are giving us consent to use your photo in promoting our programs. Also watch for Mayor McMann at the Ukrainian Dancers Chili CookOff, where she will be reading a book. Certified Seed For Sale Offered by 6 King Genetics Canola Offered by Lefsrud Seed D onna Brooks has been operating the catering company Food With Flair for 30 years and has been located at 5307 – 50 street, Viking for the past 20 years. The business caters to special events as well as weddings, and Brooks says there is really no event too large for her cater. To book them for your next event call 780-336-2476. Thanks to Food with Flair for being one of our Carriers Of The Week. ~ Allan Sharp Photos DOGS TO GIVEAWAY TO A GOOD FARM OR ACREAGE HOME Border Collie cross female, brown and white in colour. Will be 2 years old in May. 6 Month old male Border Collie crossed with German Shepherd, mostly black in colour. Call 780-632-1935 Baby Julia Smith Born on May 16, 2015 in Edmonton, Alberta. Parents are Jane and John Smith of Vegreville. Baby Julia has an older brother Christopher Grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. Clarke of Hardisty, Alberta. • UA Alfa Gold • UA Bounty Gold • Coleman • Hard Red • Thorsby • Hard Red • Goodeve VB • Hard Red • AC Conquer VB • CPS Red Flax • AC Hanley Barley • AC Metcalfe Canola • SW Wizard • OP • Conventional Green Pea • CDC Razor Wheat To purchase your Spring seeds call Kevin 780-336-2500 (H) 780-336-5700 (C) Edmond 780-336-6700 [email protected] Viking, Alberta Selling certified seed for over 40 years. Are you a parent or grandparent of a baby born in 2015? Do you want to show them off to our readers in our special Baby Publication of the Hiway 16 News? Then Send their information and photo to the Hiway 16 News office for publication in our February 16 issue! Send the photo along with the following information to [email protected] or drop it off at our office in Innisfree. Information needed: Baby's name, Place and Date of Birth, Parents' names, Grandparents' names and if they have siblings send their names too! These birth announcements will cost $25 + gst and will appear in colour. The deadline for baby photos is February 11. Watch for our February 16 Baby Issue to welcome our littlest members of the community! Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4 Mannville Seniors Elect New Executive The Innisfree CurlIng Club is hosting its Annual Mens Spiel January 29-31 160 per Team Entry » $ CASH PrIZES To enter your team call Derek @ 780-632-9786 or Chris @ 780-603-1024 or Bobbi Jo @ 780-581-0599 FOR SALE Don’t forget our other upcoming bonspiels! Ladies Spiel Feb. 26 - 28 $160/Team Open Spiel Mar. 11 - 13 $160/Team Mixed Spiel Apr. 1 - 3 $200/Team John Deere Snowblower 10HP, 32 Inch, Electric Start, Differential Lock, Lights, 10 - 20 Hours on it **Like New** $ 1,450 OBO New 157 Piece Set of Tools, Sockets & Open Ends 85 OBO $ Submitted T he Mannville Seniors elected a new executive at their Annual Meeting on January 20. The new positions for the organization are, standing, Board Members Dave Yake and Dennis Militz. Seated are Marion Ludwig - Treasurer, Alice Stafinski - President, Rose Konieczny - Board Member and Lillian Konieczny - Past President. Missing from the photo is Eileen Kitt - Secretary. The Mannville Seniors are actively looking for more members to fill the three remaining positions on the Board and monthly meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. Mayor Declares Family Literacy Day In Innisfree Various other misc tools for sale Call 780-603-3635 evening calls please T he Village of Innisfree Council are pictured here as Mayor Debbie McMann proclaimed that January 27 as “Family Literacy Day” in the Village of Innisfree. From left, standing, are Councillors Robert Dobler, Morris Anderson and Aaron Cannan. Seated are Councillor John Hlushak and Mayor McMann. ~ Photo Submitted Old Friends Visit in Hospital W hile spending time in-hospital, William Gnyra who celebrated his 96th birthday on the January 11 had a surprise visit from his old friend Nick Bohaychuk, who recently celebrated his 102nd birthday. ~ Photo Submitted Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Home Invasion / Robbery With Firearm Submitted by the Vermilion RCMP O n January 3rd, 2016, at 4:57 a.m., Vermilion RCMP received a 911 complaint of an armed home invasion. A male had stolen two rifles and ammunition from a residence and forced entry into a neighbouring home. The female resident was robbed at gun point, her vehicle and cash were stolen. The male fled the scene in the woman’s car. The RCMP were able to Identify the male shortly after through inquiries and it was found that he was travelling to 5 Carrier Of The Week Vantage Building Supplies Slave Lake, Alberta. Bradley Brazeau, 30 years old, was located and arrested by Slave Lake RCMP after abandoning the stolen vehicle. The arrest came as a result of solid police work, community involvement and communication with Slave Lake Detachment. The stolen rifles were recovered with the vehicle. Brazeau has been charged with robbery with a firearm, break and enter and commit robbery, theft over $5,000, theft of a motor vehicle, as well as several other charges. Brazeau has appeared in Alberta Provincial Court and remains in custody. Revenue Canada – Deadlines H Submitted owever you may wish to emphasize it, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) lives and abides by its deadlines. Some say the emphasis is usually on the first syllable. Unfortunately deadlines have consequences and one of those CRA applies is a penalty charge, to get your attention as a taxpayer. The second which is a function of time is interest. Interest calculation can be the grist of another column. Enough said, CRA‘s rates are currently more attractive than loan sharks. There are a number of dates during the year when returns are due to be filed or payments are due to be paid. When the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a public holiday recognized by the CRA, they will consider your payment to be paid on time and your return to be filed on time, if they receive it or if it is post- marked on the next business day. Generally, your Personal Income Tax return for 2015 has to be filed on or before April 30, 2016. If you or your spouse or common-law partner carried on a business in 2015, your return for 2015 has to be filed on or before June 15, 2016. However, if you have a balance owing for 2015, you have to pay it on or before April 30, 2016. February 29, 2016, is the deadline for contributing to your RRSP for amounts you want to deduct on your 2015 tax return. December 31 of the year you turn 71 years of age, is the last day you can contribute to your own RRSP. This information is taken directly from Revenue Canada’s web site http://www. cra-arc.gc.ca/tx, and acknowledged with thanks. iTax Business Solutions Inc. Mannville Mannville School Has Spirit L ast week Vantage co-owner Darren Davis was caught reading the most recent issue of the Hiway 16 News. The business just held its customer appreciation event to celebrate the newly renovated facility. For all your building supplies check out what Vantage has to complete your new build or next renovation project. The Hiway 16 News would like to thank Vantage Building Supplies for being one of our newest Carriers Of The Week. I Correction n that week’s publication regarding the Vermilion Malanka it was stated that the funds raised were in support of the Promin dancers when in fact it was for the Vermilion Ukrainian Cultural Association and Samotsvit dancers. We apologize for the error. The Cutting Edge Family Hair Care Centre All Family Hair Care Services and Products. Walk-ins Welcome. 780-592-2443 Innisfree, Alberta Mrs. Kerri Lorenson reads ‘Worry Woos’ to the Kinder kids at Mannville School. K Submitted indergarten has been a flurry of activity! The kinders have been learning about how snowflakes are formed, catching snowflakes and looking at them with magnifying glasses, and reading and writing stories about snowmen. Mrs. Kerri Lorenson has been visiting the class each week introducing them to the ‘Worry Woos’ - a group of monsters with very different worries. The kinders are learning and discussing different ways we can help ourselves deal with the things in life that might make us worry, such as loneliness and negative thoughts. The kinders have also returned to the arena to practice their newly acquired skating skills and enjoy playing with the pool noodles and chasing the balls around the ice. Our secondary students’ union wanted us to let you know that activities have been well underway this school year. The last week of December was spirit week which generated lots of interest. The first Continued on p. 11 Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6 Interior Design Technology Program Reaccredited By NKBA Submitted by Lakeland College L akeland College’s interior design technology program has once again met the stringent standards for National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) reaccreditation. Interior design instructors were notified last week that the program’s kitchen and bath curriculum met the educational standards established by the NKBA. It is currently the only NKBA accredited program in Canada and one of only 55 accredited programs in North America. Lakeland first earned full NKBA accreditation in 1999. Unlike previous accreditations when NKBA representatives visited the Vermilion campus to speak with people and review curriculum and student work, this was a digital reaccreditation. Faculty members Fiona McLeod, Greg Plant and Rochelle Horne submitted a Instructor Greg Plant checks out Sydney Melnyk’s design for the 2016 NKBA competition. self-study report and an analysis of competencies related to four categories: planning and design, construction systems, business and project management, and products/materials. NKBA’s evaluation included classroom observations, a curriculum review meeting with faculty, a presentation of projects, and interviews with students, faculty and administra- tion. The accreditation renewal is good for seven years although the NKBA does require the program to submit student work samples every year. Being an NKBA accredited program provides Lakeland with a special niche in the post-secondary education market, says McLeod. “For our students, it means they have the opportunity to enter NKBA student design competitions and they have access to NKBA scholarships. It’s especially valuable for those interested in becoming a kitchen or bath specialist,” she says. Students who graduate from an NKBA accredited program are also uniquely qualified to earn an NKBA certification designation. Lakeland College students have excelled in NKBA design competitions, earning a minimum of an honourable mention every year for the past 12 years. In September it was announced that Laura Cobb placed first in the NKBA/ General Electric Charette Competition while Bree-Anne Hubick finished third. The NKBA Student Kitchen Design Competition was won by Lakeland’s Kayla Soto. Cobb finished in third place. Continued on p. 12 Innisfree Seniors Thank Volunteers Submitted T he Innisfree Seniors enjoyed a dinner at Greg’s Truck Stop Café to thank Morris and Cindy as well as Ruth and Robert for helping members at the fundraiser casino in 2015. The seniors next cribbage tournament will be held on Friday, February 12 at 7 p.m. at the Innisfree Drop-In Centre. They welcome all crib players to this event. Cozy and ready to live in! $119,000 It's a sweetie! MLS E4002575 Vegreville, Alberta Updated 2 Bedroom home on a quiet south-side street. This 675sq.ft. property is move in ready. With an updated eat-in kitchen, updated 4pc bathroom, with good sized bedrooms, and nice living area, and main floor laundry, this home is cozy and ready to live in.The large backyard is fenced and home has also been re-painted. Call Nicole Lakusta 780-603-7386 Vegreville $149,500 Quick possession available! MLS E3435892 Vegreville, Alberta Everything you need. Fully renovated, 3 bedrooms 4 piece bathroom. Newer appliances, garage. Back yard has a fire pit and an old fashioned well pump. It is presently rented for $1200 per month so you can keep as a rental or move in yourself. Call Gary Kuchik 780-632-9454 Vegreville, AB 780-632-7700 www.vegrevillehomes.com $184,900 MLS E3437544 Vegreville, Alberta Two bedroom bungalow in nice quiet area. Upgrades with newer furnace, hot water tank. New stove and dishwasher. There is also a portable air conditioner that stays and the furniture is negotiable. Brand new top of the line windows. Fresh paint in and out. Bathroom renovated to like new. Single detached garage with opener. Quick possession available. Call David Chau 780-603-9138 Our team at Century 21 Vegreville is dedicated to finding you the perfect property! Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 T 7 Recent Losses Drop Rangers In NEAHA Standings he Vegreville Rangers have been battling their way through the North Eastern Alberta Junior B Hockey League as the team faced off against St. Paul on Wednesday evening and Lloydminster on Friday evening with both games giving them the homeice advantage. The game against St. Paul saw the home team dominated by the visitors in the first period as St. Paul’s Ryley Wozniak scored a goal in within the first two minutes of the first period, setting the tone for the game. Only moments later Vegreville’s goalie made a huge save to hold the score at 1 to 0 for St. Paul. Midway through the first period the visitors would sink two more goals past the pads of Vegreville’s goal tender to put St. Paul ahead by three goals. With just over seven minutes left of the first period Vegreville would score their first goal of the game bringing the score to 3 to 1 for St. Paul. Approximately a minute later St. Paul would add another goal to the scoreboard to end the first period at 4 to 1 for the away team. The Rangers came out with the guns blazing, ready for the second period. The end-to-end play kept fans on the edge of their seats as the teams skated, past and sunk the puck in the opposition’s net two more times in the second period, bringing the game to within one goal of St. Paul, 4 to 3. St. Paul would take a hooking penalty late in the second period, giving Vegreville a power play opportunity but the home team just could not capitalize on it and following the penalty, St. Paul would score their fifth goal of the game with just over a minute left of play in the second period. To start the third period, St Paul would slam three more goals past Vegreville to make the score 8 to 3. The Rangers would scramble to try to catch up and Forward Josh Micklich would put the puck past St. Paul’s goalie to bring the game to 8 to 4 at the eight and a half minute mark into the third period. The third period would see St. Paul take two penalties and Vegreville would use that to their advantage and score their fifth goal of the game. With just over three minutes left of play, St. Paul took a penalty which drove Vegreville to call a time out to strategize in hopes of making a plan to score on the one man advantage. With less than a minute left of the game, tempers got heated as a slight scuffle broke out in front of the St. Paul net. With less than 30 second left on the clock, St. Paul would get a break away and scored their ninth goal of the game, making the final score 9 to 5 for the St. Paul Canadiens. The defeat was followed by another loss for Vegreville on Friday against the Lloydminster Bandits with a score of 4 to 1 for Lloydminster. The Rangers are currently sitting in eighth spot in the league just above the Vermilion Tigers and Saddle Lake Warriors. 6HUYLQJHDVWFHQWUDO$OEHUWDDQGQRUWKZHVWHUQ6DVNDWFKHZDQRIIHULQJDIXOOOLQH RIPDFURDQGPLFURVWDUWHUVDQGIROLDUOLTXLGIHUWLOL]HUSURGXFWVDVZHOODV FDUWV VRLOVDPSOLQJ OLTXLGNLWV SXPSV WLVVXHWHVWLQJ RSHQHUV WDQNV YDULDEOHUDWH RWKHUIHUWLOL]HU SDUWV UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV SURGXFWV HTXLSPHQWVHWXSDGYLFH DJURQRPLFH[SHULHQFHDQGJXLGDQFH )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQKRZZHFDQEHRIEHQH¿WWR\RXUIDUPLQJRSHUDWLRQFRQWDFWXV -RUGDQRUMRUGDQ#EUXFHSKRVFRP /HRRUGLUWGRF#EUXFHSKRVFRP .DUHQRUNDUHQ#EUXFHSKRVFRP 8 Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Name: _________________ Phone: _________________ Simply On Main Main Street, Viking 780-336-3366 Prize - Lunch for Two The Hiway 16 News is holding a Valentine’s draw NAME:___________________ PHONE:__________________ Viking Cold Beer & Liquor Store 5320 - 50 St, Viking 780-336-3321 Prize - Gift Certificate NAME:___________________ PHONE:__________________ Mind, Body, Spirit 4934 - 50 Ave, Vermilion 780-853-2950 NAME:___________________ PHONE:__________________ Fantasy 5024A - 50 Ave Vermilion Flowers 780-853-4999 800-823-8897 Prize - In-Store Gift Card NAME:___________________ PHONE:__________________ Mannville & Area Liquor Store 5004 - 49 St, Mannville 780-763-3966 Prize - Gift Basket Valentine’s during the next two issues of our newspaper. Clip out the ballots on this page and stop by any of the following participating businesses to get your Valentine’s name in the draw for some great prizes. The draw will be made on February 5 and the winner must be available to pick up the prizes by February 7. Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Giveaway NAME: PHONE: 'a little bit of everything' – YOUR TREASURE CHEST 5107 - 50 St Mundare 587-785-6551 Prize - In-Store Gift Card NAME: PHONE: The Cutting Edge Family Hair Care Centre 5119 - 50 Ave, Innisfree 780-592-2443 Prize - Gift Basket NAME: PHONE: Liquor Den 5230 - 50 Ave, Vegreville 780-632-6185 Prize - Gift Package NAME:___________________ PHONE:__________________ 5017 - 50 Ave, Two Hills 780-657-2280 NAME:___________________ PHONE:__________________ Hiway 16 News 5119 - 50 Ave, Innisfree PrizeGift Basket 9 10 Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 W By Kristin Bergman, Hiway 16 News’ Student Reporter Innisfree Students Writing Exams e are into our last week of school before the second semester. High school students finished their classes last week and all junior and senior high students are finishing their midterms, final exams, and diplom exams for the semester this week. There will be no school on January 29 or February 1, and the new semester starts on February 2. Last Wednesday we had great participation for Disney Day. Many students and teachers wore costumes, Disney-themed shirts, or Mickey Mouse ears to show their love of Disney. The beginning of the second semester will be celebrated with the annual school ski trip on February 5. Students from Grades 5 to 12 will be going to Table Mountain Regional Park for a day of skiing or snowboarding. For the new semester the Students’ Union is planning to have more activities and fundraisers, so be on the lookout for school events in the coming months. Shopping Spree Yes! Renee & Will Just Came Back From The Las Vegas Furniture Show And We Have to Make Room For All The New Stock! Come Check Out the Deals! January 28th, 29th and 30th MaryAnn’s Magnificent Musts Shanti’s Smashing Savings Bernadette’s Blasting Buys Chelisa’s Crashing Costs Anita’s Awesome Acquires Shanti OFFICE ASSISTANT Matt DELIVERY/WAREHOUSE Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 T he annual Lavoy Cutter Rally took place on January 22 as nine drivers and their horses gathered at the Lavoy Hall at noon to start the rally. Before the trek got underway, hot dogs and snacks were served. There was everything from authentic looking hay racks to classic Santa Claus sleighs. Approximately 40 people of all ages hopped on the wagons, and accompanied by two mounted outriders, took a seven mile round-trip to Akasu Hill with five stops for the horses to rest and snacks and refreshment for the participants. People onboard the sleighs were also given the opportunity to see different wildlife along the way. All returned to the Lavoy Hall after the trip to enjoy a great meal prepared by the volunteers of the Lavoy Action Society. Several door prizes were awarded. 11 Lavoy Hosts Cutter Rally To Akasu Hill ~ Allan Sharp Photos James Grant Bryden 1932 – 2006 Mannville School Has Spirit Continued from p. 5 day they had a candy guess which was won by Roisin Dalton. Great job, Roisin! The next day the students tried to guess which teacher did which Santa interpretation, followed by wrap-a-friend, Christmas dress up and finally the traditional school-wide bingo, which was followed by our first talent show. In January, we have had twin day, flannel Friday and a crazy hair day. We are excited to see the wonderful things the students come up with. Mrs. Riedel’s Grade 5 class was in charge of running the virtue of the month activity and doing the healthy school bulletin board this month. They made 2016 healthy resolutions for the board. Each student made two nutritional resolutions and one physical, and one mental health resolution to work on for the year. If you are in the school, check out their bulletin board in the multipurpose room. The number of school-age children home alone has risen over the last few years. The main factors are thought to be an increase in the number of working parents per household. The Grade 5 students participated in ‘Safety for Kids’ Program that is designed to provide children 10 years or older, with the necessary skills and knowledge to be safe and responsible when home alone for short periods of time. The babysitter’s course is being offered in the Grade 6 class. Mrs. Eli Myhovich will be their instructor as we partner with FCSS to offer this. Our warning bell in the morning rings at 8:50 a.m. and students start the day at 8:55 with the singing of ‘Oh, Canada’. If your child is arriving later than this, they need to go through the main doors of the school and advise the office that they are late. Late arrival of students also disrupts the start of the day so please try to arrive earlier. Students in Grades 6 to 9 will be attending the Annual VIBE Mental Wellness Day on January 27 in Vermilion. Some of the activities they were able to sign up for were Yoga, Basic First Aid, Woodworking and Kick Boxing. It’s been 10 years since we saw you last, So much has happened as time has passed. Loved one lost, new loves found, Things have changed since you were around. We think about you every single day, And there are so many things we’d like to say. Secrets to tell, joy to share, Tears that were shed, because we care. All of your loved ones will stay strong, Until we meet again, however long. ~ Your loving family 12 Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Tom Dwyer Mechanical Little Tykes Plumbing Hair By Sharla Vegreville, Alberta DON POULIN Complete Auto Repairs and Maintenance 5805 Birch Avenue, Vegreville 780-632-6188 Monday - Saturday Daytime & Evening Appointments All Hair Services Gel Nails Tanning 780-632-2043 1818299 AB Ltd. Phone: 780 490 8912 Email: [email protected] ATB Securities Inc. is a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. VegMin Learning Society Learning is our business: Chantal Laforest • Literacy 4923-50 Street Vegreville AB T9C1R4 780-632-7920 Authorized Marriage Commissioner Certified Funeral Celebrant • Numeracy • Essential skills • English Language www.vegmin.com • [email protected] • Digital Technology Office hours: Mon. – Wed. 9-5 and Thurs & Fri. 9-6 • Arts, Crafts, Hobbies & Fithness Caring Professional Compassionate English or French Ceremonies T: 780-592-3946 C: 780-721-9685 780-603-7626 PLUMBING 5434-44 Street VEGREVILLE, AB T9C 1C8 Peter Arnold, CFP, CIM, FMA Financial Advisor, ATB Securities Inc. Vegreville, Tofield, Ryley, Two Hills Public Internet site & Wi fi Hotspot Video & Web Conference technology What did you learn today? What do you want to learn? [email protected] Innisfree, AB Ph: (780) 592-3840 www.thebeachside.ca MARITIME HARDWOOD FLOORS LTD INSTALLATION - REFINISHING CAFE & CATERING LOCATED ON MAIN STREET IN VIKING, ALBERTA 780-592-3946 780-490-8126 Catering to any size function at very competitive prices with homemade foods! [email protected] Innisfree, AB Call 780-336-3366 to book catering for your next event! YOU NAME IT, I CAN DO IT! FARM FRESH EGGS FOR SALE • SPECIALIZING IN DRYWALL • TAPING • MUDDING • INSTALLING WINDOWS AND DOORS • PAINTING • COMPLETE BASEMENT AND MAIN FLOOR RENOS • ADDITIONS • SIDING AND A LOT MORE Call Courtney or Susan PHONE STEVE FOR A FREE ESTIMATE TODAY! 780-592-2259 YOUR or COMPANY APPEAR IN OUR BUSINESS PHAVE 780-657-2066 C 780-632-9352 DIRECTORY FOR ONLY $10 A WEEK! Call our office to book your ad. 780-581-0871 * ads appear in black & white only, all ads prices are plus GST. Hardwood Custom Woodworking Laminate VEGREVILLE MECHANICAL LTD. Complete Auto & Truck Care And Light Duty DSL repairs Also Inspections: School Bus, Out of Province & Insurance 4829 - 50 Avenue Vegreville, Alberta 780-632-4140 Interior Design Technology Program Reaccredited By NKBA Continued from p. 6 Horne and McLeod along with second-year interior design students are in Las Vegas from Jan. 16-23. They are attending the 2016 Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) which is Jan. 19-21. In addition to KBIS, faculty and students are touring the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, an iconic architectural landmark in Las Vegas designed by architect Frank Gehry. They are also visiting the Las Vegas CityCenter which received Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. Lakeland’s interior design technology program is a twoyear diploma program based at the Vermilion campus. Students learn in a studio setting where they master design fundamentals, drafting, space planning and more. Visit lakelandcollege. ca/design for more information. Vegreville New Auto Dealers Help Community In December, 2015, Maddigan Chrysler, Grant Miller Motors and Vegreville Ford donated $7,500 to the new Kinsmen outdoor skating rink. ~ Photo Submitted Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Farm Wife Diaries The Smells of Home O By Deb Barber n one of the recent minus 30 something days with the dough for buns rising on the stove and apple crisp fresh from the oven cooling on the counter, I started to wondering what other people turn to for comfort foods during our wintery months. Using the wonderful technology at my fingertips, I sent out an email and text to a number of friends to just test the waters. The replies announced by the tinging of my IPhone had me smiling as I realized that on this particular cold bound day, I wasn’t the only one looking for some reprieve from the dropping mercury. The results of the summary gave hot soup the number one position with beef barley soup in first spot followed closely by hamburger soup, chicken and/or turkey and potato soup. Most responders also added that a nice light biscuit with melted butter set well with any and all of the soups mentioned. A few other top placers were mac n cheese, chicken pot pie, chili and of course grilled cheese sandwiches which make an awesome side when served with tomato soup. For the more ambitious it was mentioned that any type of meat served roasted (beef, pork or chicken) makes a great cold day supper. Banana bread and chocolate chip cookies ranked high in the dessert placement along with fresh apple pie and one family member even suggested bread pudding topped with cinnamon. There was a huge response saying that hot chocolate was the drink of choice for these cold, wintery days. Some suggested its best served with a dollop of whip cream while others thought its finest with a dash of Bailey’s. Hot apple cider and blueberry tea came up on a few texts and one person suggested their cold weather drink of choice would be rum, which made me wonder if this would be served as a Hot Toddy or on ice. Later in the day I indulged in my comfort food which was the buns pulled hot from the oven and slathered in butter. Sitting at the table with the butter running down my chin and off the edge of my hand had me in seventh heaven. The Apple Crisp was Sam’s choice of the moment and he served himself a man-sized helping which included a healthy scoop of ice cream. Although the high barometer and the low mercury sometimes make me think of far off warm breezes and sandy shores, there is an unmistakable beauty to the crystalized frost clinging to the tree branches and ever green limbs. Today the snow is softly drifting straight down and the fuzzy chickadees are happily zipping from the bird feeder hung just outside my patio window to the tree branches. There is some type of wonderment on these foggy, snow filled, over cast days that has one reaching for an old comfy quilt and their favorite book to snuggle up on the chesterfield and indulge. For the last few weeks while I’ve been hibernating in my favorite lazy boy chair, hands kept busy making toques, scarves and ‘fingerless’ mittens, I’m privileged to have my ever present companion Keiko a Himalayan Siamese with her nose tucked into the side of my leg purring softly, pleased beyond words that her human is held hostage and present to be nestled and adored. On the ‘warmer’ days I bundle up and trudge out to share the meagre rays of sunshine with my horses and outside kitties. The horses are eager to search my hands and pockets for treats and usually are quick to spell out to me that they are sure that they’ve been short changed in the feed department. The kitties who have been spoilt with daily injections of heat from the radiant heater, are far more interested in a cuddle as they are roly-poly and sated with canned cat food and are far more interested in some ‘love’ than nourishment. The residual benefit from my text survey is that I have been provided with some great meal ideas for the next few upcoming weeks and someone in the house will be the benefactor of some higher-end cuisine then he sometimes sees served to him on his plate. Until next week may you remain warm and replenished by the heartiness of the meals that set your tables and fill your bellies. 13 Wranglers Defeat Gibbons In First Provincial Game T he Vegreville Bantam Wranglers met the CNN team from Gibbons in a provincial match up. This is the first of the provincial games for the Wranglers and they were rewarded for their efforts in a final score of 4 to 2 for the home team. They will play a second game against CNN at a later in the season. Roadrunner Water Hauling Innisfree, AB 780-592-2271 • 780-853-7146 [email protected] www.roadrunnerhauling.ca Water and gravel hauling as well as winch truck, grader, dozer and trackhoe work. Community Events – February Calendar of Events January 27 – Family Literacy Day – Village of Innisfree Library VERY MONDAY EVENING@ 7pm – Innisfree Rec Centre Bingo January 28 – Innisfree Ukrainian Dancers’ Chili Cook-Off – Innisfree Rec Centre 5:30 –Day 7:30 Celebration p.m. July 1 – Canada in Innisfree - 1pm – 3pm February 2 – Lakeland College Barrel Racing Jackpot – Vermilion Campus EquineCanada Centre Day Celebration in Mannville – All day February 2 – Ranfurly Ag Society Meeting Canada in Lavoy – 2pm – 8pm February 8 – Innisfree 4H MultiDay Club Celebrations meeting February Pancake Supper Centre July 7 9 – Shrove – Innisfree Block– Innisfree Party – Rec 5:30pm February 10 – Innisfree Library Board Meeting February Seniors Ag Cribbage Tournament – Drop-In Centre – 7 p.m. July 9 12 – Innisfree – Innisfree Society Meeting 8 pm at the Agri-Plex February 13 – Innisfree Fish & Game Annual Supper & Awards – Innisfree Rec Centre July 10 15 & 11 – Hairy HillDay Rodeo February – Innisfree Family Skating Party – Innisfree AgriPlex February 16 – Innisfree Village Council Meeting July 15 – Village of Innisfree Library Board Meeting – 6:30pm February 18 – Innisfree Rec Centre Rec Centre AGM February 4H Multi Communications p.m. - Innisfree July 1719 – Innisfree – COW BusClub visit to Village of– 6:30 Innisfree LibrarySchool Gym February 20 – Mannville Preschool Society Dinner & Comedy Night July 17 21 – 19 – Innisfree February – Innisfree MinburnSlow-Pitch 4H Beef ClubTournament Public Speaking – 1 p.m. Minburn Hall February PAC Meeting July 21 22 – Innisfree – Village of Innisfree Council Meeting - 7pm February 23 – Ranfurly Steak Supper February 26 – Manville Figure Skating August 7-9 – Ranfurly Fair Carnival – 7 p.m. February 27 – Minburn District 4H Communications - Vegreville August Vegreville Fair March 126-8 – Spring–Madness Supper – 5 to 7 p.m. Mannville March 22 – Vermilion Folk Club Harry Manx Show – Vermilion August 12 – Innisfree Fair (Bench Show entriesLegion due August 11) If you have an event you would like included in the Community Events August 16 – Ranfurly North Country Circuit Horse Show please email your information to [email protected] for inclusion in this FREE section. Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 14 VegMin Offers Tip$ And Trick$ Back to Class at VegMin Students in VegMin’s ELL class are, back row from left, Luba Balandina, Anna Neufeld and Cornie Nuefeld. In front is Luci Lui. A Submitted licja Gruntowicz is a financial advisor who has a passion for educating the public on financial matters. She has partnered with VegMin Learning Society to offer seven sessions on a variety of topics. The sessions are free and complimentary refreshments are served. The January 20 the Tip$ and Trick$ with Alicja session focused on Death, Executor’s Responsibilities and Taxes. A small but enthusiastic group of learners had the opportunity to ask questions and gain insight on the role of an executor in a comfortable environment. One participant commented “I am so happy that I took the time out of my day to come, I learned so much. I will be signing up for the rest of the sessions!” The next Tip$ and Trick$ with Alicja will be on February 17 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. and the topic will be Probate of Wills, Costs and Timelines. As space is limited and preparations are required, pre-registration is recommended. E Submitted nglish Language Learning (ELL) classes have started this week at VegMin Learning. ELL classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 - 11 a.m. There is on-site childcare available for parents with young children. ELL Instructor Heather MacDonald stated, “Each learner is working on improving his or her reading, writing, listening and speaking skills while working on their individual goals. Learner goals are as individual as the learner. Some are working to communicate with health care and educational professionals; others want to be employed; others are working toward becoming a permanent resident or a Canadian Citizen. There is one learner who needs to meet the language requirement so her professional designation will be recognized in Canada. Such a variety of students in the classroom makes it challenging but very rewarding.” To learn more about this class, call VegMin Learning Society at 780-6327920 or visit www.vegmin.com GET THE HECK OUTTA HERE X 2 2- $1500 GIFTS TO TRAVEL 2-WAYS TO WIN 2-LUCKY WINNERS TO QUALIFY: ENTER OUR 'ON-AIR' DRAW SIMPLY BY LISTENING TO 'COUNTRY 106.5 FM THE VOICE OF VEGREVILLE AND AREA -ORENTER OUR DRAW AT ONE OR ALL OF THESE GREAT BUSINESSES: Mundare Registries & K-C and Co. Insurance in Mundare The Brick in Vegreville, Old School Diner in Vegreville Vegreville CO-OP, Canadian Tire in Vegreville Royal LePage Homewise Realty in Vegreville Viking Veterinary Clinic, West Wind Veterinary Hospital Tofield Packers, Hiway 16 News in Innisfree FULL CONTEST DETAILS, RULES & REGULATIONS ONLINE AT COUNTRY 106.ca VegMin ELL Instructor – Heather MacDonald Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 15 The Good Life AGM Wrap-Up Candice Anderson T Submitted he year of 2016 brings in many new opportunities for The Good Life Institute (GLI) of Vermilion. One of the most recent changes is welcoming Candice Anderson as its coordinator. Anderson is no stranger to Vermilion and its surrounding communities. As the business manager of Lakeland Funeral Home, she brings her knowledge of local venues, strong organizational skills, the ability to streamline large gatherings, and the innate capacity to pay attention to the fine details. Her cooperation with differing individuals and rapport in her career as a funeral director, easily translates into the coordinator position. And although you may think doom and gloom with her profession, she’s surprisingly energetic, showing her positive spirit and motivation in all tasks. The coordinator position is in addition to her full time career, but confirms that she’s accustomed to being available 24/7 and with the assistance of modern technology, can meet the demands required of her. Anderson says that she is excited about the opportunity to highlight the community of Vermilion and its attributes. “I’ve also had the opportunity to revitalize the website and everything is moving forward in a very positive direction. With our Community Calendar on our website, we also have the ability to advertise other groups activities as well, Directors of the Good Life Institute are, front row from left, Carol Wasylik, Tannis Henderson, new Coordinator Candice Anderson and Colleen Berg. Back row are Caroline McAuley, Audrey Chesterman, Kirby Whitlock, Tannis Frantik and Mary Lee Prior. making a one stop shop for people interested in what’s taking place for events in the area. It’s a great opportunity to partner with other organizations and work towards the common goal of showing all that Vermilion has to offer.” Anderson confirms that she receives the information via email, typically along with the coordinating poster and welcomes organizations who haven’t done so in the past, to begin emailing this to her for future events. Anderson has accompanying her, a board of directors, whom all received confirmation of their appointments in the recent Annual General Meeting, which took place on January 12th of this year. The board of directors is composed of individuals who are involved in local businesses and are like minded in the goals of The Good Life Institute. The 2016 board of directors are: Carol Wasylik (Chair; Extraordinary Extras), Audrey Chesterman (Vice-Chair; Co-op Administration and Vermilion Museum Director), Mary Lee Prior (Treasurer; Vermilion Community Economic Development Coordinator), Caroline McAuley / Dion Pollard (Director; Town of Vermilion Representative), Colleen Berg (Director; previous GLI Coordinator), Tannis Henderson (Director; Elevation), Kirby Whitlock (Director; Christina’s Home Furnishings), and Tannis Frantik (Director; Pomeroy Inn & Suites). The board assists in decision making processes and relays instructions but opinions from the public are also welcomed. Those interested in joining the GLI, volunteering help or receiving information on the status of events are welcomed to contact Anderson to express their interest. For those curious on what The Good Life Institute is, it was a formed as branding initiative for the Town of Vermilion, in consultation with the Vermilion & District Chamber of Commerce, local businesses and community organizations. The mission of The Good Life Institute is to provide top notch handson learning classes and events that allow you to discover your passion: Live it, Learn it and Take it to the next level. The Town of Vermilion and its residents live the good life, and would like to share this commitment with the world. Another exciting attribute to this year is the continuation of four entertaining events that highlight the businesses and clubs located in Vermilion. The first event on their books is the Amazing Race Vermilion, taking place on March 19, 2016. This experience will take teams of four individuals on a wild adventure, solving clues and completing both mental and physical tasks. The cost of this is $25 / person and is a full day event, lasting from 10am until 5pm. Upon completion of the event, participants, along with their families and friends, are welcomed to join for a supper that evening to reveal the winner and receive the grand prize, as well as enjoy pictures of the day’s festivities. Without revealing too much informa- tion about the possible clues, Anderson confirms that the tasks are exhilarating, enlightening and entertaining. It’s a great way to create a team bonding experience while problem solving, using quick thinking, and pushing yourself to learn new skills. For the remainder of the year, there are three other events that are slated to appear in 2016, each having great success the year previous with large numbers of patrons and positive feedback. The event following the Amazing Race will be the Taste of Vermilion. This mouth watering evening accompanies the Canada Day events of June 30th. Multiple food vendors present their delectable goodies for consumption, alongside a beer gardens. Next in the line up is Art in the Park, taking place on October 1st with Alberta Culture Days. A fun-filled day of face painting, artist talent, vendors, food, live music and Vermilion’s very own wood burning oven. Lastly, and highly anticipated, the SAVOR event is November 25th. A night of wine, beer and scotch tastings to satisfy the pallets of many, along with delicious finger foods. It’s an experience of tantalizing taste buds. To contact The Good Life to register for any of these events, either as a vendor or participant, or for more information, visit: www.TheGoodLifeInstitute.ca or contact Candice Anderson at 780-5812410 or [email protected] . You can also find them on Facebook (TheGoodLifeInstitute) or Twitter (@GoodLifeInst). Locked And Loaded - Where Are We Going? Now Taking Bookings For Fall And Winter Work. Gravel & Equipment Hauling, Grain Hauling, Dirt work, Slough Draining, Dugouts, Fence lines, Brushing and Cleanup. Call for Rates 780-853-7146 [email protected] • roadrunnerhauling.ca 16 Vol. II • №3 (40) • Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Beat Winter With The Year's Hottest Deals! 2015 DODGE RAM 1500 REGULAR CAB 2015 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED SPORT 15J6623 15T8140 WAS $29,480 NOW $20,441 WAS $55189 2015 DODGE JOURNEY R/T NOW $31,900 15S5078 NOW $44,361 NOW $32,450 WAS $40,990 2015 DODGE JOURNEY R/T 2015 DODGE JOURNEY R/T 15S2395 15S1424 WAS $40,305 2015 DODGE JOURNEY R/T WAS $40,110 15S7722 NOW $31,690 WAS $39,810 NOW $30,880 CHECK OUT OUR USED INVENTORY 2014 DODGE RAM 1500 SPORT 14T1895A 2012 DODGE RAM 3500 LARAMIE 14T1743A $38,988 $49,889 2013 MAZDA 6 GS 2013 FORD MUSTANG 15T0478AA $12,988 15T1399A $21,889 2013 DODGE 2012 DODGE RAM 1500 LARAMIE LONGHORN GRAND CARAVAN SE 16T0679A $33,889 16V1490A $16,889 2010 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE 2009 DODGE RAM 3500 LARAMIE 15T2468A $13,988 2006 DODGE CHARGER R/T 2015 CHRYSLER 200 15T8061A 15C1896 $34,988 $19,988 2006 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500HD 2012 DODGE RAM 1500 LARAMIE LONGHORN 15T6687B 2013 GMC TERRAIN SLT 15T8356AA 15J6737A $26,889 2012 DODGE RAM 1500 SPORT 15T4357A 15T8499A 2012 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT 14T9621A $59,988 2013 DODGE RAM 1500 SPORT 15T6379A $12,900 $20,998 $34,950 $34,889 $36,889 2015 TOYOTA CAMRY XLE 2005 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT 2013 DODGE RAM 1500 ST 2013 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SAHARA 2015 DODGE RAM 2500 POWER WAGON 15J5729A $32,889 15T5881A $14,850 MADDIGAN CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM 16T7054A $38,995 15T5251A $33,889 7422 HWY 16A W VEGREVILLE, AB 1-877-532-6003 www.maddigandodge.com ***ALL PRICES ARE PLUS TAX. ALL PICTURES ARE FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL VEHICLES MAY NOT BE AS SHOWN. 15T1900A $54,889
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