Guida alla compilazione
Guida alla compilazione
Guida alla compilazione Sommario How to submit a proposal? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................3 RESERVED AREA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 ANAGRAFICA ORGANIZZAZIONE//PERSONAL DATA OF THE MAIN INVESTIGATOR ................................................................................................................. 10 A. DATI GENERALI//PROFILE INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 B. SEDI//HEADQUARTERS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 ALLEGATI//ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 PART II - PRESENTATION OF PROJECTS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14 A NEW PROJECT .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 QUICK LAUNCH NAVIGATION BAR .................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 PROJECT DATA ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 A. GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 B. LOCATION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 C. PARTNERS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 D. TARGET ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 EXEMPLARY FEATURES .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21 OTHER DATA PROJECT .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 IL PIANO DEI TEMPI ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 PROJECT DURATION........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23 PROJECT ACTIONS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 GANTT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 HOW TO DELETE AN EMPTY ACTION ................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 IL PIANO ECONOMICO//BUDGET ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 I. COSTI DI PROGETTO//PROJECT COSTS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 31 1 DISPLAY COST ACTIONS .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Ii . Contributo della fondazione//foundation’s grant ............................................................................................................................................................ 34 III. COMPARTECIPAZIONE CONTRIBUTO//GRANT DISTRIBUTION ..................................................................................................................................... 34 PARTNERS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 APPLY FOR A PARTNERSHIP............................................................................................................................................................................................. 35 MODIFY OR DELETE A PARTNER ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY PARTNERS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 41 SENDING THE PROJECT ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 BUDGET CONTROL.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47 2 How to submit a proposal? 1) Start your registration from here: 2) and click on the “Registrati//Register” button 3 3) fill the fields on the screen with: a. Denominazione//Name and Surname b. Codice Fiscale//If you don’t have an Italian Fiscal Code, enter an Identification ID composed by 16 numbers as it follows: 00000000ddmmyyyy (your date of birth preceding by eight zeros) c. Choise “I.Persona fisica/Natural Person”: 4 4) Complete the registration, in the next page, with the information required and confirm it with the button “Registrati//Register”: In case of successful registration, the following message will be displayed on screen: “La registrazione è avvenuta correttamente. La mail di conferma verrà spedita all’indirizzo indicato.//Registration is successful. A confirmation email will be sent to the address indicated.” and an email, containing the link to complete the registration, will be sent to your email address: “Dear XXXXXXXXXXXX, Thank you for registering in the reserved area of the Fondazione CON IL SUD. Click the link below to complete the registration process. link Please do not reply to this email. For communications contact: [email protected] Best regards, Fondazione con il Sud” 5 Click on the link to select and confirm your PASSWORD (minimum 6 characters). 6 FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? If you lost or forgot your password, you can set a new one by selecting the specific function, in the login page: Enter your username (the registration email) and you will receive an email to set a new password: 7 RESERVED AREA Insert your Username and password to enter into the Reserved Area: A welcome page will be displayed. Press the button “Accedi//Access” at the bottom of the page and you will enter in your personal profile. Here you can display the following information: I. II. III. IV. V. Anagrafica organizzazione/Personal information; Elenco Progetti/List of Projects; Progetti in Partenariato/Projects in partnership; Torna alla Home dell’Area Riservata/Home reserved area; Logout 8 Press on “Compila/modifica anagrafica organizzazione//Complete/modify your personal data”: and enter your personal information data: A. Dati generali//Profile information B. Sedi//Headquarters C. Allegati//Attachements 9 ANAGRAFICA ORGANIZZAZIONE//PERSONAL DATA OF THE MAIN INVESTIGATOR A. DATI GENERALI//PROFILE INFORMATION In the first screen the user will displayed data relating to the Main Investigator: Denominazione//First Name and Last Name; Acronimo (not required field); Sito web//Web site (if you have one); Codice Fiscale//Identification ID; Partita Iva (not required field); Forma Giuridica//Legal form Altra forma giuridica (not required field). 10 B. SEDI//HEADQUARTERS To enter your personal address, fill the fields with the following information: Indirizzo//Address (required field) Civico//Number Nazione//State Provincia// Comune//City Cap//Zip code Telefono//Phone (required field) Fax Email (required field) and press “Salva e Avanti”//Save and Go”. 11 ALLEGATI//ATTACHMENTS This section allows you to upload the electronic files of the attachments required, depending on the legal form of the Organization. The complete list of Annexes to be sent appears in a drop-down list in the field “Tipo//Type”. Each Annex (maximum size of 8MB ) properly uploaded on the platform (via the button "Browse" and then "Aggiungi//Add" ) appears listed under the label “Allegati caricati//Annexes loaded”. In the "Descrizione//description" field provide a brief specification of the attached document. 12 Once the document is charged, you will display the message “caricamento ok//loading ok” and the document saved on the platform. THE PRESENTATION OF ALL THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED IS A CONDITION OF ELIGIBILITY OF THE CALL. ANY ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS COULD BE SENT ONLY WITHIN THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THE CALL, IT WILL NOT BE REQUIRED SUBSEQUENT ADDITIONS. 13 PART II - PRESENTATION OF PROJECTS A NEW PROJECT You must log in to insert a new project, then: 1) click on the link “Inserisci nuovo progetto//Insert a New Project”. 2) and select the Call for proposal “Brains2South” in the drop-down list: The project has I. II. III. different sections that must be filled: Dati progettuali//Data project Piano dei tempi//Timeline Piano economico//Budget 14 QUICK LAUNCH NAVIGATION BAR Hereafter a Quick Launch Navigation Bar (“Navigazione Rapida”) will be displayed on the left Menu, for the compilation of data concerning the project. You must enter the following information: A. Dati generali//General information B. Localizzazione//Location C. Partner D. Destinatari//Target Group E. Caratteristice esemplari//Innovative Features F. Allegati//Attachments G. Altri dati di progetto//Other project data. 15 PROJECT DATA A. GENERAL INFORMATION In the first section, you are asked to enter: - a Project Title - the Main investigator: choose the name from the drop-down list; - a headquarter (non required field). Once you press the “Salva e Avanti//Save change" button, the project is saved and visible in the list of projects. 16 B. LOCATION Enter all headquarters (Country - Region - Province - City - Zone) in which the research project will be carried out. Start from the nation field and select gradually the other fields in the expected order. Country and Region are the only two required fields. For example, if a project covers the entire Campania region, select “Campania” in the drop-down list. Before moving on to the next page, you have to press the button "Aggiungi//Add" to add to the project the location inserted. Only after you have added at least one territorial headquarter you can select the "Salva e Avanti//Save change". 17 C. PARTNERS This screen display the identification codes. Both codes should be communicated to Partners who wish to become part of the project. Codes allow to apply for partnership (see also "Apply for a partnership"). On this page , the Main investigator can verify if partners have completed and closed their section (“COMPLETATO//CLOSED”). If some of these sections are still in compilation, their status is “APERTO//OPEN”. See also “Data submission by partners”. The lack of information might adversely affect the evaluation of the proposal submitted. MAIN INVESTIGATOR DATA Always in the PROJECT - PARTNER, you are asked to complete important information regarding the Main Investigator profile: - Role in the project; - Previous experience in the field of research, etc... The screen to be filled is displayed using the "Compila Dati Capofila//Fill Main Investigator Data": 18 D. TARGET Give information on the target, direct or indirect, of research: 19 EXEMPLARY FEATURES In this page , the Main Investigator should describe three important features of his/her project: - Social and Economic impact; - Strategy Innovation; - Sustainability and future replicability. Numbers on the right indicate characters remaining. 20 ATTACHMENTS This section allows you to upload electronic files required by the Call for Proposals. The complete list of Annexes appears in a drop-down list in this field type. All attachments with the mention "Other -..." are optional. Each Annex properly loaded on the platform (via the button " Browse " and then " Add " ) will be listed under the label “Allegati caricati//Annexes loaded”. N.B. The system will prevent you from sending of the Project Proposal in case one, or more, of the mandatory annexes is missing, while it signals only the absence of the optional one. 21 OTHER PROJECT DATA This is the most important part of the on line form. It contains the specific data required by the Call for Proposals (e.g. Host Institution, Synthesis, objectives, results, etc…). 22 IL PIANO DEI TEMPI PROJECT DURATION In this page you need to define the overall duration of the project, expressed in number of months. After entering the total number of months, click "Salva e Avanti//Save and forward." Fields "Project Start Date" and "Project end date" are shown by the system by way of illustration. ATTENTION : In the field it is important to insert only a number that express the total number of months of project duration: eg . 24 , if the project lasts two years. The inclusion of a non-integer number or of a date may block the project. 23 PROJECT ACTIONS To insert a new action, click on the link “AZIONI/ACTIONS” and then on “NUOVA AZIONE//NEW ACTION”. 24 For every action fill the fields shown: - AZIONE//ACTION (eg. 1.Needs Analysis; 2.Monitoring; 3.Research); MESE DI INIZIO// STARTING MONTH: insert the starting month of the action in number. Write 1, for example, if you think the action will start during the first month of the project; MESE FINE//ENDING MONTH: insert the conclusion month of the action. Write 5, for example, if you think that the same action will end during the fifth month of the project (you can specify, in the next page, if the action takes place every month of the range 1-5, or only during some of these months); DESCRIZIONE//DESCRIPTION: Provide a short description of the action; PARTNERS COINVOLTI//INVOLVED: select partner(s) that will take part in the action. The list of partners will appear only if Main Investigator has before accepted one new partner in his/her research project (See "Request a partnership for a project"). Click “Save and forward” to the next page. ATTENTION : In the "Mese inizio/First Month" and "Mese fine//Last month", you should type only a number (eg . 1 and 24 , if the action begins in first month and ends on the 24th month of the project). The inclusion of a non-integer number in this field or of a date may block the compilation of the project and the need of a technical intervention of the Foundation office. 25 GANTT In this page you can indicate the exact months during which the action will take place, during all those in the range selected or only during some of them. Note: Actions are sorted by month start: 26 Finally, for each action you shall provide some additional information such as: - Headquarters - Expected results, by selecting one or more of the three specific results reported (see pages 35-36) - Outputs. 27 HOW TO DELETE AN EMPTY ACTION To remove one or more actions follow these 3 steps: Select: COMPILA/MODIFICA PIANO DEI TEMPI//MODIFY PLAN OF THE TIMES press the button AZIONI//ACTIONS displayed on the left of the screen now, next to each action, will appear the "delete" option (“elimina”) NOTE : Deleting an action from the floor of the Times also entails its automatic deletion from chart of accounts. WARNING : Once deleted, the action cannot be restored, so you should be very careful. 28 IL PIANO ECONOMICO//BUDGET In this section it is possible to detail all the elements of the Project Chart of Accounts. COSTO COMPLESSIVO DEL PROGETTO//TOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT COFINANZIAMENTO COMPLESSIVO//TOTAL CO-FUNDING RISULTATO LORDO//GROSS BALANCE: difference between total costs and total co-funding CONTRIBUTO RICHIESTO//CONTRIBUTION REQUIRED to Fondazione CON IL SUD % FINANZIAMENTO//% GRANT COSTI RIPARTITI//SHARED COSTS: not applicable % RIPARTIZIONE DEI COSTI//% OF SHARED COSTS: not applicable COFINANZIAMENTO PARTNER//PARTNER CO-FUNDING: Total of co-funding provided by members of the partnership. The compilation is completed if it corresponds to the “Total co-funding”. % RIPARTIZIONE COFINANZIAMENTO//% CO-FUNDING DISTRIBUTION: It indicates the co-funding percentage share among Partners (a full compilation corresponds to 100%). CONTRIBUTO RIPARTITO//GRANT DISTRIBUTION: Total grant allocated among members of the partnership. The compilation is completed is it corresponds to the “Contribution Required”. % RIPARTIZIONE CONTRIBUTO//% GRANT DISTRIBUTION: It indicates the grant percentage share among partners (a full compilation corresponds to 100%). 29 Menu on the left also displays the links to the compilation of the various sections required: I. Costi di Progetto//Project costs , II . Contributo della Fondazione//Foundation's grant , III . Compartecipazione contributo//Grant distribution. 30 I. COSTI DI PROGETTO//PROJECT COSTS You can start filling in the business plan of the project by pressing the button "Costi di progetto//Project costs" (after having completed the compilation of the plan of the times (as pointed out by the error message that appears at the bottom of the screen). Where it has already completed the section of activities, a list of the same appears on the screen and you can give details of their costs, by selecting the appropriate link "Compile/modification costs action". 31 DISPLAY COST ACTIONS If project actions do not appear on screen, first select " project costs ": 32 You can view all the actions previously included in the Timeline and fill in or edit their costs: On the next screen you can detail, for each action, all costs involved (Human Resources, Equipment and Supplies, Services, Other costs). 33 II . CONTRIBUTO DELLA FONDAZIONE//FOUNDATION’S GRANT Once completed the inclusion of all costs related to the planned activities in the project, you should indicate the requested grant, by selecting the appropriate link on the left "Contributo della Fondazione//Foundation’s Grant." Automatically, the total of co-funding allocated is calculated as the difference between project total cost and grant required. III. COMPARTECIPAZIONE CONTRIBUTO//GRANT DISTRIBUTION Later you can detail the co-funding distribution and the grant distribution per partners, until the field "grant to be allocated" and "co-funding allocated by other parties" run down to zero, which means that all Foundation's grant and the co-funding amount are allocated among the different partners (see section "Partner co-funding"). 34 PARTNERS APPLY FOR A PARTNERSHIP In order to join a project, the organization must register and, thanks to the codes identifying the Main Investigator and the Project (see Project - Partner page 28), request a partnership by selecting the link on the left "Richiedi una partnership per un progetto//Request a partnership for a project". Enter the couple of codes communicated by the Main Investigator: 35 36 The Main Investigator in the "Project - Partner" section can display all the partnership requests pending: and ACCEPT the partnership request, stating: - The role played by the partners in the project - The contact person’s data for the project (biographical data, email, phone number): 37 or REFUSE the received requests: In both cases, the Main Investigator may enter OPTIONAL NOTES for the applicant. 38 MODIFY OR DELETE A PARTNER If you decide to delete one single partner, previously accepted, you must follow this procedure: COMPILA/MODIFICA IL PROGETTO//COMPLETE/MODIFY THE PROJECT Using the Quick Navigation bar, select the button "vai//go" next to the "Partner" link Select "modifica la partnership//change the partnership" link next to the partner you want to delete/modify: In the screen you can MODIFY the partner’s information: - Ruolo//Role - Referente del progetto (nome e cognome)//Contact person (name and surname) - Telefono referente//Telephone number - Mail referente//Contact person’s email Changes will be saved by pressing the "Avanti//Next" button. 39 or DELETE the partnership by pressing the button "Cancella la partnership//Delete partner": 40 DATA TO BE COMPLETED BY PARTNERS Once you accept a request for partnership, the Partner can find the project in its list of "Projects in Partnership" and, depending on its role, a form to fill out, through the link on the right of the screen "Data to be filled by partners" (ie . Previous experience of working with other Subjects of the partnership; Previous experiences in similar projects; role assumed in the project, etc ...). 41 You can save your entries and edit or integrate them later by selecting the "Salva//Save" button. When the compilation is complete, select "Salva e chiudi la compilazione//Save and close the compilation". 42 SENDING THE PROJECT Once the project compilation is complete, you can send it to the Foundation though the link “Invia il progetto//Send the project”. 43 The system, before sending the project, proceeds to perform a series of checks: The first check is related to the expiring date of the call. You cannot send a project if the call for proposal is no longer available. The second check refers to data and documents: 1. LISTA ALLEGATI DI ANAGRAFICA MANCANTI//PERSONAL ANNEXES LIST MISSING: non-blocking control. These are the required documents during the registration of the Main Investigator (CV, identity document). 2. LISTA ALLEGATI DI ANAGRAFICA MANCANTI PER I PARTNER//LIST OF MISSING ATTACHMENTS FOR PARTNERS: non-blocking control. 3. LISTA DOCUMENTI DI PROGETTO MANCANTI//LIST OF MISSING PROJECT DOCUMENTS: blocking control. These Annexes are required by the Call for Proposal (eg. Annex A – Host Institution). The lack of one or more of these documents prevents the sending of the project. 4. LISTA QUESITI NON COMPILATI//LIST OF NOT COMPLETED QUESTIONS: non-blocking control. They show the fields not completed. The Main Investigator can check the missing documents/elements for him/herself and for the partners, in order to supplement them and proceed to send the project. 44 45 On the bottom of the page, if there aren’t blocking attachments you will see the button: “Puoi proseguire con il controllo del piano economico//You can continue with the budget control” (See next page). 46 BUDGET CONTROL In this section, the system verifies that: - the minimum contribution required to Fondazione is at least €100.000; - the maximum does not exceed €400.000; - the co-funding is at least 10% of the total project cost. If the amounts are correct, an “OK” message is displayed, otherwise an error message will warn you and block the project sending (see the example image below). 47 If all the requested economic conditions of eligibility of the research proposal are respected, the button to send the project will appear on the top of the screen…and you can send the project! 48 You can control the status of your project in the “Elenco progetti” section. If the project was correctly sent, you will see it under the label “Progetti inviati//Sent Projects” “Stato invio: Inviato”//Sending state: Sent. Otherwise it will result under the section “Progetti in compilazione//Project in developing”. 49