Horizon 2020 Calls Fof-2-2014
Horizon 2020 Calls Fof-2-2014
Horizon 2020 12 e 13 febbraio 2014 Aula Harvey Aula Volta Andrea Carini Servizio Ricerca Table of Content 1. Condizioni minime di partecipazione 2. Schemi di finanzimaneto; 3. I costi eleggibili; 4. I Portali della C.E.: Participant Portal, Cordis, Research on Europe; 5. La documentazione necessaria 1. Condizioni minime di partecipazione 2. FORME DI FINANZIAMENTO Research and Innovation actions Innovation actions Strumento PMI Fast Track to Innovation NEW Programme Co-funding Actions NEW Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) Prizes NEW 2.1 Research and Innovation Action RIA mean the whole spectrum of activities of research, technological development, demonstration and innovation, including the promotion of cooperation with third countries and international organisations, the dissemination and optimisation of results and the stimulation of high quality training and mobility of researchers in the Union 2.3 Innovation Action IA means an action primarily consisting of activities directly aimed at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. For this purpose they may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication; 2.3.1 Innovation Action – SME Instr. SME Instrument: Only SMEs may apply for calls for proposals issued under the dedicated SME instrument referred to in Article 22 of Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013. They may cooperate with other companies, and with research organisations or universities 2.3.2 Innovation Action -FTI The FTI call shall be open to proposals relating to any technology field under the specific objective "Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies" or to any of the specific objectives under the priority "Societal challenges“ Proposals may be submitted at any time. The Commission shall set three cut-off dates per year to evaluate proposals. The period between a cut-off date and signature of the grant agreement or notification of the grant decision shall not exceed six months. Proposals shall be ranked according to the impact, quality and efficiency of implementation and excellence, with the criterion of impact given a higher weighting. No more than five legal entities shall participate in any one action. The amount of the grant shall not exceed EUR 3 million 2.3 Coordination e Support Action CSA means an action consisting primarily of accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies, including design studies for new infrastructure, and may also include complementary activities of networking and coordination between programmes in different countries 2.4 Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions will offer mobility and carrier opportunities to researchers (both from academia and industry) around Europe and beyond. HORIZON2020 shows a rationalisation of the FP7 funding schemes as shown below: Innovative training networks (ITN); R&I Staff Exchange (RISE) will include the FP7 schemes IAPP and IRSES; Individual Fellowships (IF) will include the FP7 schemes IEF, IOF, IIF, CIG; Individual co-funding activities: synergies with structural funds. 2.5 ERC – European Research Council European Research Council (ERC) grants as in the FP7, will fund frontier research. The same five funding schemes are foreseen in Horizon 2020: Starting-Grants (0-7); Consolidator Grants (7-12); Advanced-Grants (>12); Synergy-Grant; Proof of concept. 2.6 % di finanzimento per ciascun Funding Scheme FORMS OF FUNDING Types of action Grants - Research and Innovation actions/RIA Min n° of partners 100% 3 70%/100%* 3 - Coordination and Support Actions/CSA 100% 1 - Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions/MSCA 100% 1/2/3 - European Research Council/ERC grants - ERA-Net co-fund 100% 33% (top-up) 1 3 PCP 70% PPI 20% Lump sum (result based) 100% 3 - 1 - Innovation Actions/IA Programme co-fund Funding rate - PCP/PPI co-fund Prizes - Inducement prizes, award prices 1 Procurement - Tenders Financial instruments - Loan instrument SPECIFIC PROCEDURES - Equity instrument - SME Instrument 1. Lump sum 2. 70% 1 1 1 - Fast Track to Innovation (pilot) 70%-100% 1 1 2.7 Impatto nuovo sistema finanziamento 3.1 Costi eleggibili tutti i costi eleggibili che possono essere ricondotti all’attivita’ progettuale: actually incurred by the beneficiary real and not estimated incurred during the action duration ELEGGIBILITA’ DELL’IVA: se non recuperabile 3.2 Tipologia dei costi eleggibili 3.3 Costi del Personale Scelta tra monte ore fisso secondo i principi contabili dell’ente Costi del personale ammissibili solo se riconducibili a persone che lavorano nell’ambito dell’azione tramite un sistema di registrazione del tempo lavorato (eg. Time-sheet) Requisiti minimi per il sistema di registrazione lavorato/definizione numero ore produttive annuali previsti dal ga Sistema di registrazione non richiesto se la persona lavora esclusivamente sull’azione (sufficiente una dichiarazione del resp. Scientifico) tempo 3.3 Costi diretti Travel costs and related subsistence allowances (including related duties, taxes and charges such as nondeductible value added tax (VAT) paid by the beneficiary) are eligible if they are in line with the beneficiary’s usual practices on travel The depreciation costs of equipment, infrastructure or other assets (new or second-hand) as recorded in the beneficiary’s accounts are eligible, if they were purchased in accordance with Article 10 and written off in accordance with international accounting standards and the beneficiary’s usual accounting practices. 3.4 Costi diretti Costs of other goods and services (including related duties, taxes and charges such as nondeductiblevalue added tax (VAT) paid by the beneficiary) are eligible, if they are: Purchased specifically for the action and in accordance with Article 10 or Such goods and services include, for instance, consumables and supplies, dissemination (including open access), protection of results, certificates on the financial statements (if they are required by the Agreement), certificates on the methodology, translations and publications 3.3 Subcontratti If necessary to implement the action, the beneficiaries may award subcontracts covering the implementation of certain action tasks described in Annex 1 Subcontracting may cover only a limited part of the action 3.5 Costi indiretti UNICO TASSO FORFETARIO DEL 25% DEI COSTI DIRETTI NEW standard flat rate (20%) special flat rate (60%) simplified method or actual indirect costs (eccetto i subcontratti e costi delle risorse messe a disposizione da terzi che non vengono utilizzate nei locali del beneficiario, nonché del sostegno finanziario a terzi) 3.6 Il CFS – Certificate on financial statment 4. I Portali della C.E. - RESEARCH on EUROPA: political information http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm - PARTICIPANT PORTAL: interactions with participants http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.ht ml - CORDIS: dissemination of FP7 results http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ 4.1 Il participant portal: registrazione 4.2 Il participant portal: le funzioni Participant Portal Verifica delle calls aperte; Consultare tutta la documentazione necessaria alla presentazione delle proposte Gestire tutto il ciclo di vita del progetto: presentazione, negoziazione, grant execution, reporting Possibilità di inviare la propria candidatura come “Expert”. 4.3 Participant portal: selezione call e topics 4.4 Participant portal: selezione call e topics 4.5 Participant portal: selezione call e topics 4.6 Participant portal: selezione call e topics 4.7 Participant portal: selezione call e topics 4.8 Participant portal: selezione call e topics 5. documentazione Annotaded Model Grant Agreement: La nuova Guide for Applicants Self Evaluation forms: Impostare la proposta seguendo lo schema di valutazione Draft dei moduli amministrativi (Part A) e del tamplate tecnico (Part B) Grazie per l’attenzione! Andrea Carini Servizio Ricerca Tel. 0382/984751 E-mail: [email protected]
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