Bulletin page 1 - Sts. Peter and Paul Honolulu
Bulletin page 1 - Sts. Peter and Paul Honolulu
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14th Sunday In Ordinary Time “The Joys And Sorrows Of Faith” ! July!3,!2016! ! READINGS! GO ON YOUR WAY! Jesus issues a warning concerning the rejection of the Kingdom of God: “I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom on that day than for that town.” This is alarming when considering how secularized our culture is ! today. Again, the first order of business is prayer. Saint ! Clement of Rome writes: “Why are we so lost to all sense and reason that we have forgotten our membership of one another? There must be no time lost in putting an end to this state of affairs. We must fall on our knees before the Master and implore Him with tears to graciously pardon us, and bring us back again into the honorable and virtuous way of brothers and sisters who love one another. For that is the gateway of righteousness, the open gate to life. There are many gates standing open, but the gate of righteousness is the gate of Christ.” The seventy-two men returned from their mission rejoicing because even the demons were subject to them. This is a certain sign of the reign of God. Jesus was acting through His disciples whenever they proclaimed His Name. The same is true today. There’s power in the Name of Jesus. One of the prayer practices of Eastern Christianity from the early days in the desert to this very day is to recall the Name of Jesus simply through one’s normal breathing pattern. With this practice one soon discovers in a very personal way the power that’s in His Name. These men are elated about the power they had over demons in the Name of the Lord. Jesus shares their joy but tells them to be more exuberant about having their names written in heaven. Again, this is a continuation of our Lord’s lesson about staying focused on the Kingdom. 1! First Reading - Isaiah 66:10-14c The idea that the Christian faith is a sad affair is difficult to understand when the word “rejoice” appears so many times in scripture and in our liturgies. Again and again the people of God are given reason to “rejoice and be glad” because of their ongoing relationship to God. Second Reading - Galatians 6:14-18 Joy or happiness in the Christian scheme of things means much more than having a good laugh or going to an extravagant party. Both joy and happiness include that deep sense of peace that comes from knowing that both our present lives and our future belong to Jesus Christ. Gospel - Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 or 10:1-9 The seventy-two disciples that Jesus sent out came back filled with jubilation because they had experienced life’s greatest joy and most sublime happiness. They had been able to make a worthwhile contribution to the world. They had been able to help other people turn their lives around. Next Sunday’s Readings (Cycle C) 15th Sunday In Ordinary Time 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 30:10-14 2nd Reading: Colossians 1:15-20 Gospel: Luke 10:25-27 HOLY%FATHER’S%INTERCESSIONS%FOR%JULY%2016% Please&pray&for&the&sick&of&our&parish,&especially…….& Universal prayer intention – Indigenous Peoples: That indigenous Antonio Mary A. Robert Agpalsa, P. Almeida Anthony Alatan Edward Atalig Marjorie Atalig Jose Atalig Concepcion Atalig Emily Atalig Tony Bacani Dolores Bledsoe Helga Boettger Larry Cabrinha Betty Cecil Joelle Chamberland Wini Chow Louisa Comagis Emma Corrigan Ronald Costa Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Steve Dagali Bernanda DeGuzman Victor & Rita Dizon Odetta Doublet Tina Louise Duncan Jo Dowling Nicky Dresci Robert Fahl Sue Felix Douglas Ferreira Kevin Fong, Chris Foster Serena Fujii Thomas Garcia Helen Garcia Joanna Gates Lorraine & Walter Gonzalves Sadie Gouveia, Magdalena Gualderama John & Barbara Hanao Stanley Ho Jill Ishikawa Frank & Sharla Jensen Christopher Johnson Christoph Jucewicz Jack Jucewicz Joyce Kaanapu Cash Kahoopii Stephen Kalili Renee Kam Sr. Roland & Debra Kamanao Mapuana Kapana Emily Kuhn Christiana Lai Anu Lau peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect. Evangelization- Latin America and the Caribbean: That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. EUCHARISTIC%ADORATION% Now, every Friday after the 7:00 a.m. Mass we will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ending before the 12 noon Mass. There will be communal and individual adoration. International Rosary, Universal chaplet of the Divine Mercy and quiet time for personal adoration and meditation. A priest will be available from 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. for confession and spiritual guidance. Please sign up for a time for adoration. We need at least two people at each time. PRIESTLY!ORDINATION!OF%E.J.%RESINTO% Saturday!July!9th!at!9:00!a.m.! at!Cathedral!Basilica!of!Our!Lady!of!Peace! Please pray for our newest priest for the Diocese of Honolulu and support those who may be discerning a vocation. TH 38 ANNUAL REGIONAL CHARISMATIC CONFERENCE Friday, July 8 - Sunday, July 10, 2016 At Catholic Charities Hawaii, 1822 Ke’eaumoku Street, Thirty eight years ago, the Hawaii Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (HCCRS) began bringing dynamic Charismatic speakers from around the world to stir into flame the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Hawaii. This year's conference theme is “Release the FIRE, United in One SPIRIT” with keynote speakers Fr. William Adams, CSsR and Dcn. Steve Greco. For more information visit www.hcrrs.net or call 781-9254. Pray&for&our&deceased&family&and&friends:& ✝ Robert Cassiero ✝ Florence Wanick ✝ Wilfred Tom ✝ George Gouveia, Sr. ✝ Keith Pederson ✝ Jimmy Borges ✝ Paula Gambol Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, may the perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen ! ! 2! Herbert & Thelma Lee Uilison E. Leuta Jamieson Longoria Theodora Luke Violeta Luna-Hill Jennifer & Santiago Maldonado Claudia Maldonado Stanley, Jr. & Marion Medeiros Wilma R. Medeiros Glenn Medeiros Sr. Tammy Medeiros Bob Mendoza Houghton Meyer Jim Meyer Thomas Mistysyn June Nakamoto Larry Nakamura Betty Ann Nault Sylvia Nelson Susan Nelson Leona Oliveira Dan O’Leary Shirley Onishi Judy Orlando Sherrie Pacatan-Gentry Michael Pacheco & Family Earl & May Phillips Cushman Pinao T.J. Pochinski Roseann Poyzer Elsie Quinn Neva Rego Alfred & Judy Robolledo James & Peggy Saballa James Sandobal Marilyn Sciortino Donald Secor Myong Soon Sim Charleen Sliger-Saucedo Clifford Smith Dorothy Suchar Theresa Sung Dolores Suredam Jean & Ken Takaki Janet Tavares Kristen Tavares Mary Teves Ellen Tomita Fr. Dave Travers Soane Uiagalelei Peter Uiagalelei Jane Vasconcellos Betty & Art Watkins Eleanora Wedge Larry Wong, Sr. Teresa Yu, and your special intentions! STEWARDSHIP+ ! ! ! !! + TIME+–+TALENT+–+TREASURE+ TREASURE CRS RICE BOWL UPDATE! We are grateful to all who so generously contribute to our Parish. The Collections for June 25-26 are as follows: Total: $15,088.08 Thank you so much for your monetary donations. Together, 19 Hawaii Catholic Schools that participated in the 2016 Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Lenten Rice Bowl, raised a whopping $25,000. The solicited donations will be distributed to both local and international aid programs focused on eliminating hunger and poverty. According to the CRS Rice Bowl Website, 75 percent of donations are used to support CRS’ worldwide humanitarian programs. These include projects that help to improve agriculture, water and sanitation, microfinance for small businesses, mother and child nutrition services and education. Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass Intentions, Baptisms, $9,779.38 Blessings, Weddings, Funerals Electric & Votive Candles 430.00 508.05 Total: $10,717.43 ENVELOPES IDENTIFIABLE 41% UNIDENTIFIABLE 59% Bldg Fund $776.00 Outreach 148.00 Donation 280.00 Father’s Day Cards 10.00 Mother’s Day Cards 10.00 Peter’s Pence 3,141.65 Subtotal: $4,365.65 Special Collections: Catholic Communication Subtotal: 5.00 $5.00 (We apologize that the collection for June 18-19 was not reported in last week’s bulletin. Please call the office for a copy of the bulletin report.) Holy Father’s Peter’s Pence Thank you for your generosity to our 2nd collection last weekend, which was for Peter’s Pence. This is taken up worldwide to support the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and natural disaster and others in need of emergency assistance. ! 2nd COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND Our 2nd collection next weekend, July 9-10, will be for the Seminarian Education Fund. The Seminarian Education Fund is a permanent fund made up of designated gifts. Distributions are made on an annual basis to support tuition, room and board and other expenses related to training seminarians. 3! The remaining percent of funds raised will help the hunger and homelessness programs of the Diocese of Honolulu’s Office for Social Ministry. For the past 41 years, this faith-in-action program has created an avenue for many local students to deepen their faith through almsgiving and prayer, especially during the Lenten season. ! SAVE THE DATE October 2—5, 2016 The 54th Annual International Catholic Stewardship Council Conference in New Orleans, LA See bulletin board or call the office for more information. Deadline to register July 31st. PARISH+FEAST+DAY+CELEBRATION!+ Mahalo to you, our parishioners and volunteers who helped make a Sts. Peter and Paul Feast Day celebration such a success. The planning began with the Pastoral Council, especially Bernie & Vince Lopez who coordinated the weekend activities, John Marius for planning the Friday and Iwalani White who helped the parish honor our kupuna, with a dinner and dancing and to our Faith Formation team and all those who brought an international dish to the Fellowship after the 11:00 a.m. Mass. . . countless volunteers who cooked, cleaned, set up, sang and served. And thank you to our Patron Saints for their prayers and example of sacrificial service and unity to the Body of Christ. ! Basic Christian Community of Hawaii Youth Retreat #52 July 15 - 17, 2016 St. Anthony Retreat Center, Kalihi Parish!Calendar!(July!3!–!July!9,!2016)!! Youth from ages 14 - 18 years old are welcomed to participant in the next Basic Christian Community of Hawaii's Youth Spirituality Weekend. Come to the weekend with an open mind and heart and you and your family will be blessed. God will give you new insight into your life with Him and your place in the Christian Community. Space is limited and available on a "firstcome-first served basis". For more info call Sr. Mary Jo McEnany at the Benedictine Monastery (808-637-7887) JULY 2016 BIRTHDAY and/or ANNIVERSARY CELEBRANTS! M – Main Church, U – Upstairs Parish Conference Room, Blue room (B), Green Room (G), C – Courtyard Sunday!! NAME: ___________________________________ PHONE#: _________________________________ BIRTHDAY: _______ (please check) DATE: ________________________________________ ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!July!3! % 6:15 am – Choir Practice (U) 10:00 am – Religious Ed. Classes (C) 10:00 am – RCIA (U) 4:00 pm – Youth ministry (8-12 grade) 5:00 pm – Choir Practice (U) 7:00 pm – Young Adult Ministry (18+) (U) Monday! Please complete this form with your pertinent information, so that we may remember you at Mass and with prayers and blessings on your special day !! in JULY. Fill in and complete this form (please print clearly!) and put it in the collection basket or return it to the Office no later than JULY 5, 2016. ! 14th%Sunday%in%Ordinary%Time% ! ! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!July!4! Independence%Day!% OFFICE%CLOSED% 6:30 pm – Charismatic Prayer Group (M) cancelled BAPTISM CLASS moved to July 11th at 7:00 p.m. ! Tuesday!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!July!5 St.%Anthony%Zaccaria,%St.%Elizabeth%of%Portugal% 8:00 – 10:00 am – Outreach (C) 5:30 pm – Women’s AA Meeting (C) 7:00 pm – Centering Prayer (M) 7:30 pm – AA Meeting (C) Wednesday!! % % %! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!July!6 % St.%Maria%Goretti WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: ________(please check) 7:30 am – Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M) 1:00 pm - Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) 6:00 pm – Scripture Study Group (C) DATE: __________________________________ Thursday!! NUMBER OF YEARS MARRIED: ___________! 8:00 – 10:00 am – Outreach (C) 5:30 pm – Choir Practice 6:30 pm – S.H.W.A.Y: Thematic Thursday (U) ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!July!7! ! THE OFFICE & OUTREACH WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, JULY 4TH. HAVE!A!SAFE!HOLIDAY!! ! Friday!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!July!8 ! 7:30 am – Eucharistic Adoration (M) 8:00 – 10:00 am – Outreach (C) 5:45 pm – Stations of the Cross Ministry (M) ! Saturday!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!July!9! St.%Augustine%Zhao%Rong%&%Companions,%BVM% % 10:00 am –S.H.W.A.Y. Youth & Children Household (M) 12:00 pm - Mass 12:30 pm – Rosary led by S.H.W.A.Y. (M) 3:30-4:30 pm Confessions (M) 5:00 pm – Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00 pm – Rosary led by S.H.W.A.Y. 4! Did you know our Feast Day was th June 29 ? (Just&in&case&you&missed&it)& Every& day& of& the& year& gives& you& a& special& opportunity& to& instill& a& great& religious& appreciation& in& your& children,& to& broaden& their& knowledge& of& Our& Lord,& the& Blessed& Mother&and&the& saints,&and&to&strengthen& their& dedication& to& the& laws& of& God& and& the& Church.& Each& day& is& set& aside& by& the& Church& to& honor& a& particular& event& in& the& life&of&Our&Lord&or&the&Blessed&Virgin,&or&to& honor& a& particular& saint.& Consulting& your& religious& calendar& and& one& of& the& many& books& recounting& the& lives& of& the& saints& you& can& discuss& these& events& with& your& children,& stressing& the& qualities& in& the& saints'&lives&which&we&might&cultivate.& FAITH&FORMATION&MINISTRY&SUMMER&SPLASH!& ! & The&Solemnity*of*Saints*Peter*and*Paul&in& many& parts& of& the& world& is& a& Holy& Day& of& Obligation.& You& might& tell& your& children& that&St.&Peter&was&designated&by&Our&Lord& to& lead& His& flock,& and& that& St.& Peter's& authority& extends& to& the& present& Pope& in& an& unbroken& line.& The& Apostle& Paul,& a& convert& to& Christianity,& reminds& us& of& the& billions& of& souls& who& remain& ignorant& of& Christ& and& who& must& be& brought& into& the& fold&so&that&there&will&be&one&fold&and&one& shepherd.& !!!! ! Register!in!the!courtyard!today!!! Sts. Peter and Paul Church is offering a six-day Vacation Bible School for all elementary through middle school children regardless of religious or parish affiliation. It will be conducted on July 11 through July 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with snacks and lunch included. There will be no fee charged for the faith-filled program. Registration forms are at the back of the church. Mail your forms to the church office or give them to Iwalani White or Yvonne Toma by Friday July 8th.
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