Shawville Fair
Shawville Fair
I Shaw ville, Quebec, Thursday, September 17, 1964 Ne. 13, Bind Year Subscription in edvance Canada $3.00; Elsewhere $4.00: Local Belgian stallion champion at Quebec Schools closed ? all day Friday \ ? } t for Shawville Fair # yt fir . ’V t r » . St. John's Graduates - back row, left to right, Melville Kearns, John Bowie, Raymond Kucharik, Edward Belanger, Patrick McGahern, Carlen Dubeau, Barbara Sloan, Donna Burke, Joan Sauriol, Brenda Blanchfield. Front row, v »& » 1 ii ilhlll Dwight Davit, Victor Maheral, Mr. Seville Farand, representing School Board; Rev. Father Shulist, PP, Rev. Sister Rosalie, Principal of the High School, Grace Mulvey, Elaine Houghton —Photo Audet Studio and Mary Lou Sloan. Graduation ceremonies at St. John's Campbell's Bay Hull respectively; Grace Mulvey is at Lorrain Training School in Pembroke; Joan Sauriol is at tending Commercial School in charge of the variety show at Shawville Fair this year and ac cording to present plans he will be presenting a spectacular en tertainment on Saturday evening, September 19th. Farmerettes .22 rifle cert Saturday evening. The tro phy is donated by Pontiac Printshop Ltd. Anna Phileon won a knitted baby set and Mrs. Andre Pepin won a ladies sports outfit. Many oth ers won prizes for the local ex hibit, also for cooking and flow ers and vegetables. A few days later some twenty ladies of the club attended a day of study at St. Andre Avellin and all were interested in a panel lecture on “The Family Life”, discussed by visiting members, who replied to the many ques tions brought up by the 18 Clubs who attended. This memorable day was given mostly for Edu cation and on Tuesday, Sept. 8 the monthly recreation bingo was held in the Parish Hall. The benefit goes to a needy cause in the community or to the Far merette Club. Iron ore from pit to pellet; Elaine Schwartz wins Shawville Lions bursary It was announced at the meet ing that Elaine Schwartz, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schwartz of Bristol had won the Lions Bursary of $200 for pupil graduating from Shawville High School, taking highest marks and continuing her studies. Miss Sch wartz is attending Macdonald College this year. The Miss Shawville Fair Tro phy will be awarded this year to the young lady who makes most points in the Junior Department. The purposes in having a Junior Department at Shawville Fair arc to encourage organized boys and girls club work in the dis trict, to improve the educational value of the Fair, to develop bet ter farmers and breeders and to stimulate the interest of young people in the Fair and through them to interest a greater num ber of adults. The Junior Department con tests are open to boys and girls The Farmerettes Club of Fort of the district between the ages 6# ten and twenty years inclus-1 Coulonge held their annual exhibive and consist of livestock jud- ition recently in the Parish Hall, ging of both dairy and beef cat- J where several members brought Injured by For the first time ever, Tele vision Stars from Toronto’s Cou and Sandra Towell, music by Cy ntry Hoedown program, Tommy rus, Joy and Lloyd Atkinson and Common and Pat Hervey, will Louis Judd. Shawville Lions Club held their regular meeting at the Pon tiac House on Thursday, Septem ber 10th with 23 members in attendance and President Robert Carswell presiding. Miss Shawville Fair '64 to be presented Sept. 19 Fort Coulonge Big stars coming to Shawville Fair Saturday Louis Judd has been put in All the schools served by the Pontiac County Protestant Cent ral School Board will be closed all day Friday, September 18th. This good news came from the Central School Board office this morning and will allow students to take advantage of the Shawville Fair. Stallion. « To gain these awards Sunny Lane had to win in the aged class over an entry including 15 other stallions and for the Champion ship he won over 26 entries. Other prizes received by Carl and Don at Qulbec were first for yeld mare, first for progeny of dam, third for brood mare with fifth prize for her filly, 4th for team hitched, and a fifth for stallion five years old. Carl Dale, Don McCord, John Knox, George Knox and Jack Knox, Orla Young, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Younge, Melvin Younge, Bob Findlay and Bob Hobbs wer: among those who went to the for grain, calves, horseshoe pit Quebec Fair last week. ching and square dancing. In case of a tie in the Junior Department points earned in other Fair clas Charlene Mulligan and Miss Lu cille Hodgins for talent and Miss ses will be considered to break Brenda Smith for points in class the tie. 49 Previous holders of the Miss Shawville Fair trophy have been Every attempt will be made to Miss Phyllis Stewart and Miss present the Miss Shawville Fair Mary Kilgour for milking. Miss trophy during the Variety Con Sunny Lane Don, the Belgian stallion owned by Carl Dale and Don McCord won both Senior and Grand Champion at Quebec City Exposition last week. Carl and Don both attended the big Provincial Fair and brought home the Quebec Belgian Breed ers trophy and the Bank of Mon treal Trophy for Grand Champion Victor Maheral received the Campbell s Bay School Commis sion prize of $25 for the highest standing. Joan Sauriol and John Bowie won the Campbell’s Bay CWL prizes for students ranking second and third with honour standing. Grace Mulvey received the prize donated by Mrs. Frank Du quette for application and all the girls received prizes from Sister Carmela Superior for suc tie, grain judging, and showman tlieir exhibits. cess in their examinations. Sim ship as well as class competition ilar prizes for the successful boys Miss Louise Richard, Tech Donna Burke was awarded His were donated by the Knights of nician from Quebec City was Excellency Bishop Smith’s prize Columbus of Campbell's Bay. the judge; also Mr. Marcel Monfor the most outstanding gradu Joseph Houghton Jr., a gradu ate, decided upon by student vote. dou, Agronomist, assistant to Mr ate of St. John’s High School who Drummond of Shawville. There went on to receive his Bachelor was a very nice exhibit and more of Science degree from Loyola than in previous years. College in Montreal and then to A .22 rifle accidentally dis McGill University to study Elec Lady members showed trical Engineering, gave the atk charged last Sunday afternoon I ingenious way in sewing, knitting dress to the graduates. Since his seriously wounding Jackie Kirk and embroidering. First prizes be featured at Shawville Fair. I graduation from McGill, Mr. ham of Shawville, who was out were won by Mrs. Bertha Gillis Also on the program will be tal- Houghton has been employed by hunting groundhogs with his bro of a bed sheet and a pair of ented youngsters from closer to Northern Electric Co. at Mon (her Albert of Ottawa, at th% | embroidered pillow slips. Mrs. home .including Shawville tap ^ He congratulated the grad- North Onslow farm belonging to dancers Sandra Towell and Luc- uates on their first step and spoke their father in law, Eddie Kelly ille Hodgins, a group of Gil Roys of the necessity of higher educa- Jackie was removed to hospita pupils from Quyon, square dance l*on beyond High School and in Ottawa by Hayes ambulance companies from Sheenboro, Quy- of the numerous opportunities of- where his condition is reported to remain serious on and Shawville, singers Sammy] fered to this generation. Thirteen of the fifteen 1964 Ottawa and Brenda Blanchfield graduates of St. John’s High is in training at General Hospital Ottawa. School in Campbell's Bay are Carlen Dubeau is employed by continuing their studies this year. Edward Belanger, John Bowie, Gamble-Robinson and Elaine Donna Burke, Dwight Davis, Vic Houghton is with the Metropol tor Maheral, Mary Lou Sloan itan Life Insurance ,both in Ot and Barbara Sloan are going to tawa. Grace Mulvey gave the saluTeachers College at Chapeau; Patrick McGahern is going to tory address and Edward Bel the Ontario College of Art in anger the valedictory at the grad Toronto; Melville Kearns and uation ceremony at St. John's Raymond Kucharik are going to School, at which Rev. Father Technical Schools in Ottawa and Shulist presented the diplomas. 7e Clyde Keith speaks to Rotary Accidents at Chapeau Clyde Keith, manager of The I outside producers have an adHilton Mine, Monday night told [vantage of cheap transportation. Shawville Rotary that he has lov In his talk to Rotary which ed living here and knows he will kept the members intensely in regret having to leave, whenever terested for an hour and a half, the day comes. However, that Mr. Keith described the entire When the car he was driving .ton truck he was driving hit r day shouldn’t be too soon if he , . - process from pit to pellet, presmissed a curve on highway 8 on parked car, a 64 Meteor owned stays to the end of the job be- Lntjng somc of lhe major prob_ the outskirts of Chapeau, Satur-1 by Leo Pleau, and then smashed cause he reported that the in-|jems which are met along the and Campbell's Bay day night, Ron Bertrand of 6181 J?10 a tree in front of Leonard Mention is to carry the open M, *ay. His audience thus gained Discussion took place on the I. /. .* „ p . oke escaDe(1 Fraser s residence. Men were at down to the 750 foot level and a ^listic understanding of the Community Centre finances, . . ^moroke P work only a few feet away at a it has taken about seven years to ation of the mine ]n thank. Teen & Twenty Club and a re- Wllh mmor culs and laceratl0ns sidewalk and children were play- get to the present 300 foot level. Lg the speaker> Rotarian Nellis port from Lion Bill Kratz, sec- while an unidentified passenger jng in a yard nearby. Luckily no Even with the increased speed Hodgins expressed the comrnunreUry of the Bingo Committee, suffered a broken leg and bru one was hurt. Mr. Lamothe was of production lately experienced jly-$ apprecjation o( the line's Lions fair booths were discus- >ses. They were given emeregney alone in the truck which is own- at the mine, it would appear that yery prcsence jn our district and sed, and this year the Lions are treatment by Dr. H. Keon at the ed by Quyon Farmers Co oper- work will proceed there for a | a„ members went away with a operating twobooths.The booth Chapeau Community hospital. ative. There was considerable number of years more anyway, new sympathy nurtured by in inside the Hall will be in charge T. _____ ... , n,d« dama8e to both the car and the Other problems, of course, be- creased knowledge. 1 of Lion Charles Imison and out- J* J rol- truck' be in charge' of Utm"percv Betdom * s,eep ""bankment sbcr Janc* coming to rest ag.itnst 59th wedding ^ ,he mine constant,y- 0ne °f, price of iron anno, be Inc,eared ed Mr. Keirh whose ulk was while the costs of production considerably enhanced by an ex trees about 100 feet from t e| _ I skyrocket. Another is the trem- hibit of ore in its various stages, The club made plans for two anniversary road endows competition from foreign charts and maps and a film showdraws, one for a trip for two Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hodgins I countries. Producers of iron ore ing explosive testing. Rotarian to the Grey Cup and the other I At 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11 with three prizes. in Campbell’s Bay, Ross Lam- enjoyed visits from members of in Algeria, Liberia, South Amer- Bud also reported on the sueAt an executive meeting held othe, 49, of Calumet Island, Que the family on their 59th wedding ica and Quebec-Labrador as well cessof the recent chicken bar A letter was read from Dis trict Governor Don Hvndman of on Monday evening Lion Percy was picked up by Quebec Provin- anniversary and are looking for- as great producers in the States becue and cottage lot raffle and ^Kemptville concerning his visit Belsher was made an Honorary cial Police and charged with driv- ward to celebrating their 60th ar® all in competition with The laid plans for the coming oyster while impaired, when the 51 next September 13th. | Hilton Mines of Bristol. These | stag in November. Director of the Club ing *lo our .club on September 24. Thursday, September 17, 1964 THE EQUITY înjjBnoR "Founded lu 1883*' Printed and Published Weekly at PONTIAC MINTSHOP. Shawvllle, Quebec By Subscripts ti « $3 00 P*r Year Dmrid end Rosaleen Dickson MIMSH O# CANADIAN Publishers & EAitori Red Cross Thanks The Kquit> IX-ar Sirs, 25 Years Ago j J\ y/mer In THE EQUITY Council 1 he executive of the ShawSeptember 14, lt3t ville Home and School ( tub hclu Born at Sha*v < oBinuinit) a tea last Tuesday to give all Hospital on XXednesdav, Aug. 30 i y^y|mcr council held its reguthe old and new teachers a chance .no,!*, Principal Mm** ' | hr September meet in, on Tuev :o meet one HliPia!* WIIKLV Niwwmil ASSOCIATION S*tond CI.U Mail, fwl oifiw D^>artm«»t. OtU.e POLIO, TETANUS AND ALL THAT Sixteen Canadiens died of polio last >ear. Thw was a lot less than in previous years, in fact since »aUi discovered his vaccine the incidence of poliomyelitis has decreased tremendously. It can be wiped out en tirely if everyone, adults as well as children, gets vac cinated. Diphtheria also attacks all ages and even when apparently the case is mild it may leave serious heart and nerve complications. Diphtheria can be wiped out if diphtheria toxoid is used. Last year only seven Can adians died of diphtheria and this year it could be none. Adults as well as children also need protection against tetanus whereas whooping cough strikes most ly at youngsters and severe cases can be very danger ous . Tetanus and whooping cough can be prevented with vaccines. This does sound like a lot of running to the doc tor to get your vaccinations for first one thing and then another but actually it can all be done at once, and also it can all be done free of charge. There is a oneneedle injection which contains protection against al those diseases above-mentioned and it is administered hv the Pontisc Health Unit at clinics all over the (bounty. Dr. Rabb or one of the nurses, Mrs 1-ough or Mrs. Jacques will tell you when it is coming to your mm###### w™“ ' 'srr; I Roland Graham. EsP-Mm 3. Pontiac Dairy donated milk | • • • | ( larendon Front._____ The 90% grant from Quebec and cream 4. Renfrew Bott»mg Works| iiruj Ottawa for a museum in donated cokes Pontiac County to commemorate 5. And most of all. the Red I ,hc Centennial of Confederation Cross Society owes a debt of ! wj|| only come after 10% is raisIn THE EQUITY gratitude to the blood donors and | vj locally. The local fund must September 10, 1914 people who offered their blood | reach $6600. It is being collectA quiet wedding took place for thesake of people in distress cd in a special account at the on Wednesday, Sept. 2, at one whorequire blood transfusions. | Royal Bank of Canada, Shaw-1 jn,hc afternoon, at the manse al ville branch. Nothing can be U.ort coulongc when Ruby M. Yours truly, 50 Yean Ago particular area. G. R. Green, MDI started until the local fund » TownhiH of Murrells, was united ■ I raised and the museum must bc| jn marriage to Mr. John C. Piric Smallpox is the one disease which must be preyby the Rev. W. L. Tucker. The ready by Jan. I, 1967! ented separately. A vaccination before the age of six School bus safety bride was attended bv Miss Flormonths is suggested by some doctors with another enee Pine and the groom by Mr. Bristol, Quebec, about seven years later. Charlie Stewart. The young cou September 10th, 1964. The battle against communicable can be won, pie left the following day for The Editor, The Equity, but only by participation in immunization programs by their home in Ottawa Shawville, Quebec. Wednesday. Sept. 16th. was private citizens. Dear Editor, In Pontiac the trend is towards, . d a few declared a civic holiday by Mayor c qui s * ^ i.imh^r Eades. to enable everyone so the church. The one hour service | centralized schools, thus resultwas an inspiration and blessing hng jn more and more school iueeks ago J * rinnme disposed to attend the Ottawa as the children and young people buses on the roads, and more and j company^ ou a Fair. joined together to sing praises more children's lives in the handsj ^l*c nsl s gran . . . . Mr. I as. Little, merchant of in both English and French. Lf ,he bus drivers. Every year *• » » cc"*enn,‘1 Bristol Corners, formerly engag D V. B. S. was conducted in Scriptures were also read in Eng- wc read of cases where school ',ow y,e sce 1 e* . . ed in the lively business in Shawthe French Baptist Church for 9 lish and French as well as Bible, buses have been hit at railroad ! an inler®sl 1 0 ess j* . ville, suffered the loss of his store r °*>er ors 3 morning sessions during Aug. 25 verses recited from the Old Test- crossmgS resulting in a great loss ]or and premises by fire. gg an to Sept. 4. Children and teen- ament. ^ The free-will offering tak-|0f young lives. Mr. R. J. McCredie, of the A meeting was held in Ottawa who attended made the enDuring the last year I have •fers Printing Bureau staff spent the en at tfce Family Night service rollmcnt reach 56 with daily av- amounted to $25. and was a j travelled extensively in Pontiac last week and a committee was weekend with his parents in town. *| formed to make a feasability and of 42. Those who came great help in meeting the finan-1 antj day after day I have followerage Mr. and Mrs Alex Robertson cost study of the proposal to enjoyed the many Bible stories cial needs of the DVBS ed school buses loaded with childof Chapleau, Ont. enjoyed a visit construct a square timber raft in illustrated by the use of colored with the parents of the latter, Visitors attended the School ren crossing railroads without flannelgraph. Some new gospel and Family Night from Frank- stopping. The Highway Traffic the Upper Ottawa, and drive it Mr .and Mrs. John Greenshields songs were learned and many in fort. N.Y., Montreal, Ottawa, Act states that all school buses down the river in the Centennial Yarm. Braeside, Pembroke | must stop at all railroad crossings. spring and summer of 1967. teresting handcrafts were made. Àrnprior The committee members are: During the last week a noon pic Our own children ride a sch and Shawville Mr. Arnold Muirhead of Gilnic lunch was served on the gr ool bus and last year the child Appreciation is extended to Bros. & Co. Ltd., Braeside; tes ounds to all children present, ren reported the bus did not stop Miss Pearl White and Miss Hes Mr. Ralph Moore of The Upper sports were also part of some at the CNR main line. I checked ter Dougan of the Faith Mission In THE EQUITY Ottawa Improvement Company; the daily activities. for two days in a row and found September 12, 1889 “Family Night” at 8:00 p. m. in Canada, Toronto, for their this was true. We informed the Ottawa; Mr. Lome Routliffe of Mr. James King has despat September 4th, brought to a close help and leadership during their school board, and this helped the J. E. Boyle l imited, Davidson; the DVBS. This service in the slay in Otter Lake. A word of situation until this year. Again Mr. A. F. Buell of The E. B ched a second gang of men to church was well altended by ab thanks and appreciation is due to the same bus driver has failed to Eddy Company, Hull; Mr. Hugh his shanty on the Black River out 50 children and 30 adults. the members of the local Baptist stop at the crossing. On Septem Proudfoot of Fort Coulonge and where there has been a couple The parents were priviledged to church and Christian friends who ber 9th the bus slowed down, but Mr. Dean Rogers of Consolidat of gangs already at work for also helped out in many ways the past month. If the season is ed Paper Corporation Limited, all the handcraft on display see did not stop or open his door. during the DVBS. favourable from 30 to 40,000 Pembroke. across three tables at the front of This morning the school bus Mr. Rogers was appointed as logs will be cut. crossed the tracks at 15 mph as Mr. C. R. Morrison while at Chairman and Canadian Inter I followed it with the car. He did national Paper Company are to Otter Lake was given a stalk of not attempt to slow down. You appoint their representative to pea straw by Mr. F. Schwartz may think that I am getting quite which contained 50 pods averag this Committee. technical, but our children are ing about 5Vi peas to the pod. secretary of the official board I on that bus. I .. . On Sunday the 13th inst. at requested the minister to dedicate I Last year, on several occas- topped school buses on the high- At The Equity was also Mr. Han the morning service in the Un- the Window on behalf of the ions, 1 followed school buses and way whl,e *cy are oadlng aad son Murphy’s big potato weigh ited Church, Quyon, a special ing a slight fraction less than two unloading children. Fortunately, Pastoral charge to The Glory | actually rode in one that did not was held for the presentservice this didn’t happen often, but pounds. Also a stalk of oats from stop at railroad crossings. In all of God and dedication of a stained the same gentleman which has ation ————ip where a child’s life is involved, Mr. Swaren read the approp-1 cases they were reported to the glass window which is a reprod 77 offshoots from one root, all once is loo often. uction of the famous painting riate portions from the book of I school boards. One thing I did Let’s check the situation NOW averaging 5 feet in length. John of Jesus in Prayer in the Garden Common Order. The Rev. E. note was that the chartered buses before The Equity is forced to Robertson of Thornby, bought of Gethsemane by Johann Hein- McColl offered prayers and the of Pontiac Bus Lines always stop- print headlines of School Bus, from Wm. Wallace, of Clarendon Rev. R. S. Smith read the por- ped. In fact, on several occas rich Hofman. two bushels of white scotch all Killed. ion of scripture from St. Mat-1 ions, I’ve seen two buses in line Train Collide The service was conducted by Yours very truly, wheat of which he sowed one bus Mrs. R. S. I approach a crossing and the first thews gospel and Rev. Milton the minister the Lome Catherwood. hel and from same has cut 60 bus — a school board bus — Swaren, B.Th. and commenced Smith unveiled the window The Central stooks, 12 sheaves each. (Editors note: The service was concluded by I went right through while the secwith the singing of the hymn, After several weeks illness School Board has just sent mot sining of the hymn “My Faith ond one — operated by Pontiac “More Love to Thee”. from intestinal trouble, Dr. Col to all school bus drivers ices Looks Up To Thee” and the benBus Lines — did stop. . Mr. Russell Taber requested ler M. Church, of Aylmer died ediction. The window was made One other very important saf- pointing out this very ang the minister to receive the gift and installed by Mr. Ernest Rish- ety rule ignored ,that I’ve wit- Let’s hope these notices do some at his residence, Aylmer, Sept ember 1. on behalf of the trustees. Mr. worth of Ottawa. nessed is that of motorists passing good!) Wyman Mackechnie as recording Lumbermen study 'Gilchrist's raft' Otter Lake bible school 75 Yean Ago Window dedicated at Quyon United Church properties on which taxes have not been paid. Indirectly connect ed with this is the resolution also passed by council asking the Quebec Department of Munic ipal Affairs to permit the exten sion for two months of a loan presently outstanding in the am ount of $15,000 pending receipt of taxes. Park Lights A contract for replacement, repair and rewiring of the lights the park facing the town hall was awarded to South Hull Elec*e amount of $578.45. Work is to begin immediately. Sefllel Grant Council authorized a grant of *75 the Aylmer Girls' Softball Lea*ue which has just wound up a very successful season. All members of council joined Rec reation Committee chairman Gil Griffin in extending the thanks of the town to the devoted few who have made it possible for this league to operate throughout the summer, thus providing heal thful recreation for a group of young people. Expe Accounts amounting to $15,948.18 were authorized for payment for the month of Aug ust. Once again Alderman Eug ene Dorion asked when more de tails of revenue could be prov ided with the statement of ex penses and once again he was assured by the Secretary-Treas urer that the matter would be taken care of immediately. This request dates back several mon ths, and in each case the reply has been the same. Fire Brigade A by-law dealing with the re organization of the Aylmer Fire Brigade was introduced, but bog ged down following discovery that the retyping of the content had become hopelessly mixed up. A further meeting of council will have to be held to read the re vised version Included in the provisions of the bylaw are the adoption of the new National Fire Code drawn up by the National Research Council as the basis for preventive measures, and the "teeth” to enforce them. A further resolution dealing with the Fire Brigade authorized the purchase of 3 powder type extinguishers to replace the old C02-type of extinguisher used in combatting certain types of fires notably oil and gas blazes, and many cases of fire in automobiles. Miss Nannie Reid of Aylwm^ Que. visited at Mrs. Edward Hodgins’. I Thursday, September 17, 1964 : The ladies organise Court Report il' t i * \ $ % Mt A A <4 •• i #• M. M m m The newly formed Ladies Auxiliary to the The Equity places well in newspaper competition Court report of court held at The Equity has been judged th, inside page community news Campbell's Buy on Sept. 9th be fourth best in its class for its was given tenth, pictures 16th, fore District Judge Arthur LabEditorial Page in the 1964 Bet typography 20th and front page he ter Newspapers Competition of 25th. Taking all points, The F lorent La fleur, 34, Otter the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Equity won 64 to place 14th. Lake, drew a $50. fine for steal Association. The best paper judged was the ing 5 Vi cords of pulp wood of Equity advertising came eigh Times-Advcrtiscr of Weston, a value of $131.00 from the Canadian International Paper Co. at| f** 1:.^ | Ontario with 75 points. Second Otter Lake The accused told the ; . , | was Williams Lake, B. C. court he stole the pulp wood and Car imnc , v t>uf> c°n | Tribune with 72 and third was _____ when he tried to sell it at the Vuyon, caught fire when parkPrescott (Ontario) Journal Gatineau Mill,, the scaler, noton *,ver * Monday eventitf. [ with 71.75. the blaze was quickly exting iced the Company's stamp on the uished by LI Rene Arbour ol Th« decision to enter The log's end, and immediately re the Ottawa Fire Dept assisted by Nuùy in the Better Newspaper, ported him. Judge Labbe served hi, ton Robert of the Ottawa Competition wa, very much a him a severe warning, and told Police Dept.. It is understood ialt minute one with no previous him that a recurrence of such that both Mr. Arbour s were at,work having been done towards ' thefts will draw either stiffer sen the Ouyon legion and when not-1 P°inl building so the staff here tence in the future and most prob ified of the fire rushed out with can he proud of it, showing, ably a jail term. the contents of two bottles and ! “without half trying", Patrick Wilford Summon, 29, extinguished the blaze. The amHaving gone all out in an cfWeirstead paid a $150. fine when ount of damage is not yet known. | fort to prepare Deep River's weludgl" Anhurl^Z'a |Ch,ef. N % Wal* ls invcstig.t.|ekly paper for the competition, i i F eg# Three THE EQUITY Pontiac, Mrs. Juliette Bowie, Sec.-Treas., Pon - 1 ing the mishap. of impaired driving. Since Sam- Royal Canadian Legion. Pontiac Branch, gathers tiac, Mrs. Gram Audet, President, Pontiac, Mrs Agnes Kluke, 1 st vice. Pontiac, Mrs. Teresa Mou-1it'was'^cstabl^hcd'M S‘ Renfrew. around the president for its first group portrait , _ , « , . Causing a disturbance and in the Legion Hall, Campbell's Bay. seau, 2nd vice, Pontiac. Standing, Mrs. Diane bon of the court that he needed damage at the Mapîe I eaf Inn Ducherme, Aylmer Branch, Mrs. J. Renault Ayl- h's car for transportation to andj m Portage du Fort, cost a total This first meetingof the Ladies' Auxiliary mer, Mrs. Colombe Petersson, Aylmer, Mrs Ifrom work» hls drivers permit was i 0f $50.20 to James Turner, 22, was on June 28 and meetings from now on are Grace Johnston, Pontiac, Mrs. Thérèse Bennett, | ^c^]**** , of 5 Irving Ave., Ottawa. He also to be held the 2nd Friday of each month. Seat ed, left to right: Mrs. Freda Commerford, Pres. Po",i*c- Mr* 6^ C*hl11' Aylmer Branch, Mrs. Esther Quai le, Sgt. at Arms nette Ranger, Pontiac. «"• I «-id». *o* N..I -Aud., Pho,. 5ÏÏVS5 paid a $50 fine and the court costs, and was prohibited to drive I a motor vehicle in Canada for a ■u? Oe a O' *3! ZThis week, visit the Shawville I > MM » Fair and while in Shawville / KfW visit Dean & Merritt's large i A $/#* V* Floor Display. We have IN *-,T f.rtl .. T> ; a ^Is Stà mm eum yard goods and Rexoleum. Also, a wide range of luxurious Carpets PS» EACH 9" X 9" TILES c popular shades BUY THEM IN ANY QUANTITY Do not fail to floor see this wide coverings range of at # "Pontiac's Home of Fine Shawville, Que. Store Closes Furniture ' Phone 647-2268 at noon that will cover any requirements. Linoleum, Standard guage two Vinyl % m THIS WEEKS SPECIAL in on a ■ a; service Tile, Linoleum Tile, Congol- m t it >?/ STOCK £j «1 I  \ FT • Saturday, September 19th period of three (3) months. AHan Thomson, 29, of Por tage du Fort, learned at his own expense namely a $25. fine and court costs, that insulting and swearing at a Police Officer in the exercise of his functions is not the best thing to do. The court learned that two QPP con stables were making the rounds in a hotel in Portage du Fort, when Thomson who apparently did not appreciate their presence, insulted them in every way he was capable of, and his demean- _ our finally landed him in the j | Campbell's Bay jail. Causing a disturbance in the Village of Portage du Fort, bro ught a $10. fine and the court costs to John Bertrand, 21, of Where have all the printers gone? The contract to print the week ly newspaper for Deep River, Ontario has recently been trans ferred by the Deep River Com munity Association from the Pontiac Printshop Ltd. to a Pembroke firm. The paper was founded by Pontiac Printshop personnel and had been printed in Shawville for over nine years. A number of Shawville men have had to find work elsewhere. Robert Sharp is with The Hil ton Mines. Guy Beaudet is with the Renfrew Advance. Laird Murray is with the Arnprior Chronicle. Harry Kolter is with Tyrell Press in Ottawa. Neil Sharp is a driver-salesman for Pontiac Dry Cleaners. Andrew Devine is back under medical supervision and we all hope the results of this next hospitaliza tion will enable him to leave his wheel chair soon. All their smiling faces are greatly missed around the Printshop by the staff which remains. Still on board are David Dick son, Carson Hodgins, Brent Hor ner, Gordon Crouse, Barry Mur ray and Mrs. Dickson, with the assistance of Mrs. Elwood Cam eron from time to time and Lin den Devine after school on Wed nesdays. Every member of the staff looks forward to a time when the Printshop can be built back up to its former strength. w a p,nod 01 ,wel" m | under instructions to do so from ils Deep River owners, the Pon tiac Printshop was shocked to hear that Deep River decided not to enter the contest after all at the very last moment. On learning this it was decided to enter The Equity without any previous planning just to see where it stood among Canada's weeklies. The results are grat ifying. FAIR WEEK SPECIAL! CUPS and SAUCERS $1.00 (No gift wrapping at Special Price) i SET Hits For - Graceful Living Genuine Crystal Stemware in EXQUISITE pattern This chsrming stem war# will fit with eny table setting — both ♦ iditional and up-to-date — light and elegant — set your table in good taste Gleaming clear crystal bowl with dramatic black stripe running through the crystal stem, so new and different. $1.50 .. $1.75 Hubert McCauley each JEWELLER Shawville, Que. 2 - MODEL 412 COCKSHUTT FORAGE BLOWERS with pipes - excellent condition. 3-HAY BALERS - New Holland "Super 66 engine drive; International model "45" PTO; Case model "130" engine drive. 1 - New Holland Model "49" BALE THROWER, engine drive, can be installed on Massey Harris; I. H. C, Case, etc* - $400.00 complete. 5 - New Holland MANURE SPREADERS, ranging in size from 110-205 bushel. Model 310 CASE CRAWLERS - BULLDOZERS for rent, $400.00 a month. Can be bought at $500.00 a month for eight months. PONTIAC FARM EQUIPMENT Phone 7-2291 SHAWVILLE I i Thursday, September 17, 1964 Page Four Showers for Grace McCagç Aylmer Rotary Farewell parties for Vivian Hobbs On September I. Mr*. Wallace Barbet entertained at a CUp a ml saucer and linen shower in honor of Miss (iracc Mc< <»g wh.sse —If you’re a man. marnage took place Saturday, —It you live within driving Sept. 5. distance of Aylmer, A farewell party was held July 10 in honour of Miss Vivian oyster party —If you like oysters with ap propriate refreshment, —If you would like to con tribute to the fine work done year in and year out by Rotary then (without fuss or fanfare) circle October 2nd on your cal endar! For an entry fee of $3 you will have a crack at the best oyster feed you have ever taped Bill Kereliuk and Russ Thomas, co-chairmen of this annual event are whipping their various com mittees like the proverbial slaves in a concerted effort to make this Oyster Fiesta the biggest and best yet staged by the Aylmer Rotary. As in past years, the ev ent will he held in the Agricul tural Hall at the Aylmer Fair grounds .beginning at 7 p m. Host for the stag will he Joe Ray, President of the Aylmer C lub, Steve Hero is the account ant, advertising and publicity are in the hands of Carl Schubert, Don Baxter will look after door admissions, knives, aprons and Oyster sales arc in the hands of Leo Cayer, aided and abetted by Walter Schultz and Fred Peters. Hobbs who ii attending Eastern Ptntacosial Bible C ollege m IVi-i erborough. Ont. Miss Hobbs was Portage Council Bishop Maguire jof poultry Reverend Kenneth Miss McCagg was again hon-| The Right I Maguire Bishop of the diocese Branch of the Department of AgThe regular monthly meeting f Mon,re#, paij his parochial I ricullure for Quebec warns that on I didates and a celebration of Holy in revenue. ored at a miscellaneous shower ^ ^ ,jJan|kCj her family and Motion Os. Ron Esaiambrc & | Communion, An increase of 10 p.c. in stock at the home of Mrs. Doreen Shr-j frjcnjs iunch was served by | J. J. McCalkwn minutes be adopt - _ nted hy Miss Helen and Aime Easwmhre. oeder in Ottawa y ^ on August 15 at the home ol Dean and Merritts $3.95; Maurice gj^op andcongratulate the con- result the Department is advisHaude Blain is looking after Pri-1her parents. Mr and Mrs. Claude ! Cambre $3.43; Caiman McCal- firmcci. ing poultrymen to cut back on . ni, (Vdvvne leniay. After receiving her gifts lum $40. Sports Equipment Co. Refreshments were provided stocking of pullets, to delay hal tes. and will ai ^ ; I Vivian thanked her friends. $15.92. Ly the ladies. Mrs. Henry Me- chmg and to keep out of the with the raffles. Don Ritchie and | uncf, x,a, served by hostess Motion Cra. Oicnneville and A (ord and Mrs. Frank Udouceur broiler market temporarily while Stan Byers arc responsible tor issjstcj by her sisters. Yvonne Essi ambre that an amendment he I poured tea. assisted by Mrs. Tern-1 concentrating on the larger roasticket sales (they’re available from Ij Sharon Lcmay. made on Dog Bylaiw No. 199 that L^,, Mrs Charlie Smith Jr. ting birds which generally bring any Rotary member) while Phil Qn j g another surprise the date be extended from Oct. Darlene Yach and Sandy Hod- in a greater revenue in the winMichel. in addition to a lcw ^Tly wa, held at the home of 1st to April 30 for 1964 and 1965 Lin$ wrvjng refreshments. | ter months. Poultrymen are adother minor duties, will he look-1 and Mrs. Nelson Hobbs ol and in effect from May 1st to * very enjoyable evening was vised to keep in touch with their ing after Parking and Security. Ottawa by their daughter Gayle April 30th each year unless other- spcn, by an particular country agricultural inCiames will be supervise > j ^fter receiving many useful wise revised. ——------------------------------------- formation office for detailed inKrank l.ynch. Hec Paquette. > gift,, a d,|icious buffet supper Motion Os. Quenneville and Mayor, collected by our police, formation on the local situation. Signore, Dune “"“J"' was served by Gayle and her Essiambre that the Mayor be for careless driving and failing to Michel (again an mother given authority to make inquiries wop at stop streets I Municipal Winter works incentive mger. Of yes a On August 28, Vivian left the a cadastral plan about the Motion Crs. Quenneville and program 1964-65, whereas these is heading the re rev men s n| Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. where Municipality of Portage du Fort Aime Esaiambrc that the mill rate works consist of: mittee 'he had been employed for three ^ ^ secretary write to the for 1964 be struct at 15 mills for Continuation of Waterline St Don’t forget — Friday, Oct. | vacn The division presented her propcT authority regarding same, general and 16 tor special. By- at an approximate cost of labour 2nd. Aylmer Agricultural Hall, j,h flowers and pinwhccl cryMotion Crs. J. J. McCall urn & lmw no. 205 wan read a 1st time, $500. and material $600. 7 pm. — $3 per man' _ stal. She also received many other jlngua> ^ the Mayor and Cr. 2nd time, 3rd time, approved and2. Building of anti-rooms at PACK A HEALTHY J |! I(,ve|y S'U% Quenneville be appointed to look I Mr$- Thot>urn ( *' c un^| after the digging for a water line I her sister Miss Helen Mce took ^ property of Hilias NormI Vivian completely by surprise on, ^ ^ cooneclin8 of a I j Sept. 5 at the home ol r. and ^ to ^ skating rink property II afternoon'' was^spent T^ing I Money wwa received from the Shawville Fair - Sept. 16-19 games after which Miss Hobbs opened her many gifts. A delicious buffet supper of chicken and salads was served by the hostesses. On Sept. 11, Don Stevens, president of the Pentecostal Young People's presented Vivian Rev. with a cheque for $10 O’Brien presented her with $50. on behalf of Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle. PUNCH • 2% AND HOMO MILK • ICE CREAM • ORANGE JUICE • BEEP • COTTAGE CHEESE • BUTTER MILK Charteris • CHOCOLATE DRINK ■ ■ I ® « HALF & HALF • WHIPPING CREAM w For Delivery Call 647-2434 PONTIAC DAIRY REG'D. Shawville, Que. I Our best wishes to Mrs. DonI Lid McCord, convalescing at I home, having undergone surgery I in hospital at Ottawa. I Congratulations to Mr .and I Mrs. King Mackay, the former I Myrna Dahms. who were married I Saturday in St. Peter s Lutheran II Church in Ottawa. o vh accerted. ; Whereas the Municipal Ccun- I cji of Portage du Fort, desires to carry out in its territory works to; relieve unemployment and to take advantage f grants under the | TO ■ * #$#///; SHAWVILLE FAIR - I I V. THE UP-TODATE FUEL x Fuel oil offers more heat, more even temperature. . it burns cleanly and costs less to maintain. Call for facts today. Shawville Milling Co. Ltd. LLOYD STEVENS, Manager Telephone 7-3831 "Where Trading is a Pleasure" Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Heney of Ottawa, returning from their honeymoon were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCord. Best wishes to Mrs. Willie Workman who is still a patient in hospital. We are sorry to hear of the accidental shooting on Sunday, Sept. 13, in Onslow, which in He was jured Jack Kirkham rushed to the Civic Hospital, where we hope he will be res tored to health. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs Wilf Templeman who cheerfully offered their hospitality, in hav ing the reception for Bishop Ma guire and the confirmees at their home on Sunday evening. Mr. Leslie Palmer and Miss Sharon Beattie visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams, Russell, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gre ene, Gananoque, and motored to the USA over the weekend. Ls L# * SEPTEMBER 16th to 19th EXHIBITION WEEK SPECIAL! Ml \ r. r pp & Mrs. Jennie McCord, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs Wilbert Kimber, returns to New York, USA this week. Frost has played havoc with the tobacco crops in this area. skating rink and approaches and levelling grounds, labour $1400, material $1000 Motion Cr. Tanguay we now adjourn Cecilia C. Burns k fa Ti Mrs. Gerald Kelley is at pres ent a patient in Pontiac Com munity Hospital. \ The Production and Marketing McC'agg on August 20. „ • EGGNOG Charteris greets I Overproduction IfÆÏ>&I 11 ONLY! *7 ! MEN S SUITS EM •V* «* /*• *■ : : V, Regular 69.50 y i ifi I EACH ! WITH ALTERATIONS eft' • STORE SATURDAY CLOSED a AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 19th SHAWVILLE *) F ape Five THE EQUITY Thursday, September 17. 1964 Quyon c i 1 k s I Mr .and Mr», C.eorgc t aull.dd.^ » i I ! in *»! d Pjm Mr. New York, Mr. Courtney Amm. da in Pembroke, Huntsville. Ont. and Mrs. Cbm. Mrs. John Morrison spent the weekend weekend with Mrs. Wilbur HorCraig. Ottawa were the home of Mr. Mi H I guests at n I Mr». Lyle Bronson Margaret Kilgour left Tues- I I l.cpine and 10 attend the funeral and and C larence Erwin also attended the Ouyon Fair and enjoyed the potato race and musical ride. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Goudclle family visited with friends Mr of their uncle Arthur Lepine of m Ottawa on Sunday à tn ML 7 A Mrs. I Mian i and the weekend. While there im picked raspberries in the garden & I ♦» Mrs ( liflord Hobbs visited her brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs I verett McDow Mr. and Mr*. Chri» AUenburg.. (| v|>||cd on Sund;i> Wlth Mi i 4 Norway Bay 7th Line 111 a THE WAY TO GO-ONLY VI K 1 Campbell's Bay. Mr. and Dr and Mrs. Grant Taylor of Toronto arc copying a ho . *y Ken Allan of New Lisk- at the Taylor cottage They have Mrs. Lcnnle Moyle|card spent the weekend at Kilmac| enpyed many summers at the Bay Donald. Toronto. Mr. ftm and son Mr and Mrs Dick Alexander Mr and Mrs. Arthur Dagg, Hughic Moyle. Owen Sound. ( hristinj Armour, Mr. *|arc at the Alexander cottage at spent the weekend with their par- Mrs week from OtArthur Kilgour and Ken i Sunset Bay lor a Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moyto. Mrs ■ 1. ^ 1 ents Mr and Mrs. C. Bcarsley and and Mr & Mrs I xcrctt McDow-j tawa Mr. and Mrs. A D. Stewart of daughter Sheryl of Pembroke, ell attended Renfrew Fair last Ottawa are also at the Stewart spent the weekend with Mayor) week. Miss Marion McGuincy spent cotuge lor a week. nd Mrs. William Burke Mrs A Durant and Cathy of Mr Nor- the weekend at her home »n Congratulations to Ottawa are at Baileys this weekDuval of Quyon who won Campbells Bay man vnd $35.00 on the second ticket of Mr. and Mrs. L A Bailey of the Quyon Fair draw. Hamilton visited with the Baileys Mr. Marshall Dougherty of Il _ _ I this past weekend. Central Montreal, spent the weekend with h s sister and brother-in-law, Mr nOSDIldl Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wilson and family who spent the past »cek with her mother. Mrs. IN ■ and Mrs Lyle Bronson. sl-SiiK Auxiliary E^JFEEE N*rs' « . There I attended the wedding in Ot Saturday Sept. 12. Francis Moyle has 8 home to Creighton i i Amazing lew price ni Am».mg Stanton Theresa Murdock; St. Pats, Rick t \ 35.95 Girls' \ - 38.95 has 18" frame. Beth with 2é" wheels. Beys' er Girls' i 39.95 P ADULT MODELS: Me*'# medel has 22/20" frame. Ladies' has 20" frame. Beth with 26" wheels. Man's or ladies' ? : MS JJ \ / V m Pm week Normal the funeral **2*3 bottom; 59 pair drapes i TUB® spent ing part on Friday, Zion, Claren don, Bristol and Radford; on Saturday, Campbell’s Bay, Shawville and Starks Corners. Mrs. D. McDowell was asked Mrs. M. Woods we have a sale of baking and fancy work, and to contact Mr. Everett McDowell to see about space for a booth in 0 a few days recently D. Gilman and Mr. and I Mrs. Arnold Gilman of Montreal I spent the weekend with Mr. and I Mrs. Smith. 89 V Tuesday, September 22 to know Douglas Young is mak 8 p.m. Sharp ing a splendid recovery from his and every Second and Fourth Tuesday until further notice operation ed from Ottawa Shawville in m the Civic where he treatment Hospital in has received for his eyes. He has to return within a few days for further Z treatment and possible surgery. Mr. Charles Mohr, who is in the Ottawa Civic Hospital is re LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE SHAWVILLE JACKPOTS ported to be making satisfactory progress 28 Mrs. The following auxiliaries tak won the car raffled by the Ayl Mr. James Thomas has return * r« of Fair on Friday and Saturday. nett of North Onslow who won Hospital. t for that we also sell tags if we can School, Pauline Pilon. Also a __ ____________________________ __ the hall. Sale to start at 1:30 number of students are attend-1 cxpect to visit friends in Ottawa, No further business, Mrs. R. ,ng St. Pats Hull and Hull Tech. I Kingston and Timmins before re Elliott moved we adjourn until Congratulation to Earl Ben-| turning to their home in BC. Friday, Oct. 2nd at 2:30 p.m. recent 28 Mr. towards and Mrs. recovery. James Horner attended the reunion of the Hor ner W. J. HOBBS Shawville, Que were and two girls were in Ottawa this His many friends will be glad : " store Freddie Chapeau of Bedford, Que. 26 associate Tech., Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W r//?£s |xw T,R€ A copp'n Æ reports with her parents, Rev. R. S. and 44.95 45.95 B Ottawa Desabrais; real 'i Man's, 22/20 " Frame Udies', 20 " Frame _ following Mrs. H, Chicoine, BA of Mont I k Parry Coaster Brake. Boys', 20/18" Frame Girls', 18" Frame __ Scott; mer Lions at Aylmer Fair. |k gp. ■(> WÏ their Mrs. W. Byron and Mrs. Hall Fair, also to Gary Young who SUPER - CYCLE DELUXE A smooth-riding, rugged, Canadian built bike, engh neared te give years ef cycling pleasure. Flamboyant red finish with white stencilling. Matching, rattle-free, gothic-style mudguards with narrow white stripes. White tool bag. Chrome chain guard, rubber reflector. typ*, pedals, heavy white-plastic finger grips, reliable The ! the first prize of $50 at Quyon ÆË3Ssk TOP - OF - THE - LINE celled. Mn,"‘y'n'ysl|hrlMEM= »»•” w“ re“;v,J ,rom ,hc Eastview High. Mary | •+*** ^ £un. plated fer durability. Ferry Ceaster Brake. JUVENILE MODELS: Beys' model hes 20/ If fr to get enough help at the Shawviile tawa 2-tens mattress-type saddle. Bright paris heavily chreme ©Iris' returned August meeting having been can- year of study in school, High School: Sylvia Hudson; Ot gothic-style mudguards and white chain gv*rd C>mfort*bl# JUNIOt MODELS! Beys' medel hes 20/lé"' h Beth with 24" wheels. has lé" fr Beys' er Girls'. — have ing were read and approved. The home in Ottawa to enjoy another ! es Notre Dame Convent, Catherine ( larke. Joan Gavan; Fisher high quality I Canadian made I Men's models ere • Flambeyant *ed. Wemen'e medals Blue. White, non-rattle FEATURE VAIU1 SUFEB-CYCU — IS" frsme, 20" wheels. Beys' er Girls'. —---------------------- Mines after Murray 10 articles] Byron's brother, Mr. Hill. Clarendon W. I Austin Clarke. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Sly and mended; 3 rubber sheets made Mr Frankie Dowe. Hamilton 9 pair OR stockings; 4 diapers I family and Miss Agnes Colemau .pent the weekend with his par hemmed; 3 OR wraps. I und Mrs. M. Sly all of Amprior ents, Mr .and Mrs. Martin Dowe. $40 49 cash are enjoying a few days it the Campbell s Bay Mr. Silas Sunstrum, Ottawa, J Sly and Coleman cottages. and 1 pair drapes Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson The Norway Bay Community 77 articles mended, Bristol and Ray Anderson, Ottawa spent pill tray for Ade Memorial Hos- ! Hall has closed for the season. he weekend with Mr. and Mrs. pital Many happy hours have been Charles Sunstrum. 12 diapers hemmed; | spent there since it was built on Zion Boys and girls attending sch the sports field. ools in Ottawa are: Ottawa Teach-1 - P^ir 15 articles mend- toil Sfsndtrd Super-Cycle - returned The minutes of the July meet- spending two months with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. lht‘n 8|vcn; e Super-Cycle — The hike witii the easy-going features members family who has also visited with WIU. tawa of Mr. William MacKay on X' eight M„. EM. mn l were wss Beehsfeee r : / i McC°'ga" family which Inglehart, Ont. was held in recently. $100* at 52 number$ $95. progressive at 57 numbers Mr. and Mrs .Samuel Horner of Paris, BC, have been recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Horner. Mr. and Mrs. Horner “Help The Lions To Help Others” T Thurtdey, September 17, 19-S4 THE EQUITY Page Six Sha w ville Mr and Mrs. Arthur Horner attended the wedding of their granddaughter Elaine in Oshawa. Margaret Horner of Syracuse, and Mrs. R. Brewer of Florida also attended. Among those from this area attending the Martineau wedding were Mr .and Mrs .Don Dods Mr. and Mrs. Vcrtel Smiley, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCord, Mr and Mrs. David Dickson and hoys, Mr and Mrs. Fred Dagg and Mr and Mrs. Arthur Kilfour. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Dale Robert and Ronnie attended the Rcinherger - Fleming wedding in St. Luke's Anglican Church. Ot The bride Miss Diane Fleming is a niece of Mr. Dale. Mrs. Rockliffe Findlay, her son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs. Harry Weiser and sons Tommy and James of Detroit, re cently visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Corrigan, Mr Wm. Crick and other relatives and friends in this district. Mr and Mrs. Gerald Grant and family of Ottawa spent the weekend in town. Mrs. Marshall Young of Lachute was in town last weekend and also attended the Little-Hodgins wedding. Miss Linda and Jimmy Flet cher attended the performance given by the “Beatles' in Mont real recently. Mrs .Art Turner of Peru, S.A. is visiting friends in town. AUCTION SALE at the farm of Mr. Harold Hammond 3 miles north of Quyon Saturday, Sept. 26 at 11.00 8.m. JOHN KELLY,, Auctioneer |PORT COULONOE Sunday 7 and 9 p.m. also THE FULLER BRUSH MAN Red Skelton ley ggg^^^gpursc inMiss Gail Horner, training at the Civic Hospital spent the weekend with her mo ther. Mrs Hazel Horner. Mr. and Mrs. Blythe McC leary of Ottawa spent the weekend in town. Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Hynes and family have moved to Zion to their new home on the farm. Mrs. Lottie Drummond has had the misfortune to break her arm on Monday at home. lege Keith McCleary and girls Mrs of Smiths Falls, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Lunam. Mr .and Mrs .Winston Hodgins of South Porcupine spent the attending the weekend in towm urÏar'Thty^al^^visded" Economical Home Heating Comfort Call w. E. Schwartz - Agent 647-2228 VISIT OUR DISPLAY AT THE FAIR AND ENTER OUR FREE DRAW News-Skem—Feature* With Wide Screen Per CINEMASCOPE Twe Shews Always A Color Cartoon THIS WEEK Friday and Saturday September 18-19 September 19-20 BEACH PARTY Color - Comedy Robert Cummings Dorothy Malone NEXT WEEK September 26 - 27 MclINTOCK Color — Western John Wayne tAàur9tn O'Hara *srî special sales training course spon sored by his company, IngersollRand. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mitchem left Sunday, September 6th tor their home in Seven Islands. They .... ... ... . $Penl the,r hollday Wl,h hls mo ther at her Thorne Lake cotMr$ N,‘khem rcP°rts an 1* ■ 1 excellent summer season at the lake, with fine swimming and many people holidaying there. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Gammon of North Bay and his mother, Mrs. F Gammon of England, spent the weekend at their cottage at Thorne Lake. Mr. and Mrs. El wood Dale and Sandra, accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Wm. Horner attended the fortieth wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Cy ril Dale at Guelph on Sept. 5th. | Reliable BRYSON THEATRE 7:00 end 9:00 p m. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cooke and family of Baldwinsvillc, N. Y. recently paid a short visit to fri ends in Shawvillc. Returning home they were accompanied by Mn. Henry Dale who spent 3 weeks in Baldwinsvillc and Ottaw a and has now returned to her home in town. Brian Alexander spent part of the weekend in Shawville at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Alexander, prior to his departure by air to New York On Sunday they visited Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Dale in London and attended the Toronto Fair before returning home. Mr. ad Mrs. Norris Jones al so attended Mr. and Mrs. Dales anniversary celebration and vis ited Mr. Jones cousin in Hamil ton on their way home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown of London. Ont. and Miss Dor othy Brown and Miss Ruby Cuthberts, VON nurses of Burling ton, Ont. spent a few days reci ently visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Garrison. Mr. Brown is an uncle of Mrs. Garrison Rev. and Mrs. Lyle Harvey (nee Lois Hamilton) and family Gary, Marilyn, Bob and Ron nie from Catskill, N.Y. spent the Labor day, long weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Garrison. They visited relatives and renew ed many friendships while in the area. Bev. and Laura and Danny Garrison of Hamburg, N.Y. this week visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Garrison. Bev. has been accepted into the Counselling and Guidance Insti tute at the State University of New York, Buffalo. The program provides full tuition and salary allotments for the year 1964-65. At the termination of the pro gram Bev will receive a second masters degree. This one in coun sellor education. T\ West of Renfrew Off Highway 17 LOVER COME BACK Color — Adult Entertainment Rock Hudson Doris Day plus STAGECOACH TO DANCERS ROCK Warren Stevens Jody Lawrence EAST OF KILIMANJARO of Wcirslead, Manson and Lenms Sharpe of Caldwell and Har ry and Morlcy Sharpe of Vuyo*^| ■ to Kort Coulongc to pay*: C their last respects to the late Jimmic Sharpe HI-WAY DRIVE - IN Weekdays 7:30 p.m. September 16-20 (Esso) Shawville LYN THEATRE Wednesday to Sunday of Stock, Farm Machinery and Feed Armstrong and Lorraine on Sit urda The store at Wcirstead has changed hands Hcnrv and Aud rev Smile) av we all know them have sold out to Audreys bro ther Melvin Stanley. We are glad to welcome him to our commun ity and we are so sorry to lose the Smileys, hut as they have bought a home in Bristol Mines they arc still going to he near Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard King-1 dom and family of Hamilton visOur deepest sympathy goes ited recently with his mother Mrs Helen Kingdom. out 10 the family and friends of Garner (TucX) Richardson of the late Jimmie Sharpe of Dav Smiths Falls spent the weekend idson who passed away so sud denly. The late Mr Sharpe was with his parents. Attending the Quebec City Ag a cousin of l orn Sharpe of Shawricultural Fair were Mayor Or ville and Harry and Bill Sharpe la Young, Melvin Young. Boh of Quyon. Mrs. Janies Tracy, Jean and Findlay and Doug Young. I ho Hugh motored to Rupert on Sun showed several Jersey cattle. Dr and Mrs. Cyril McDow day to visit with Mr. and Mrs ell of Toronto were recent visit Everett Moore. Mrs. Mike l.aikley and family ors in town. They were aecom * I panted home by Mrs. F.mmcrsoo visited with Mr and Mrs Bill Col it who remained for a lew days visit. Mrs Clinton Palmer Misses Verna and Clara Strutt and Mrs Kay Sheppard Mr returned home after a holiday in and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sherman Calgary, Kenora and other points. have returned home after attend Mrs. Seldom Langford and ee World's Fair in New girls spent a holiday in Guelph I *ri# home. We wish Mr. Stanley good luck with his new project and wv know Hriilol Mines will feel hon ored to hase 'The Smileys". Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tubman ol Timmins arc spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. How ard Orr at Wcirstead. Mr and Mrs Henry Smiley ** W 8F % '3# Ntji......• V XM> * x-:;: ■PPM t n ...... ........ x: E r i Uyu.V.mV.mW* •*> WP dashing Laurentide Ale LIGHT, AS YOU LIKE IT! People who really prefer a light ale, prefer Laurentide, the zestful ale. Laurentide has a unique balance of light ale body and real ale taste. So for true ale enjoyment try sparkling Laurentide Ale. «41 <n I < I (AQlSVH WC«T Mt .) brewed light, brewed right - by MOLSON Thvrtdey, September 17 Peg# Seven THE EQUITY 1964 Little League champions Jigers edge fighting Comets I he Shawvillc Tigers downed Georges Gagnon, the combined enough to the in Shawvillc last Sunday and they match the sharp performance of Sweetman, as they gave up 11 now in a position to win arc their eighth straight league title hits while striking out five batvers next Sunday in Fort ( oulongc. 'm 3 other lefthander Harvey Sweetman onto the hill and he was brilliant as he pitched a nifty r a pair of hits including his two run homer in the third inning. It was his second homer of the series. Glenn Morrison also pounded out a pair of Tiger safe » M 7; ! 14 ties. batters along the way. His balKen Rose, Laroche and Papin nute Bryan Murray del each had a pair of hits to mus tcry ivered a key blow to the vic- ter the hulk of the Fort ('oui* Kenneth Rose again started on ome Romain. the mound for the Comets and z a . > eight hitter and struck out onge attack. All of the Fort ( outory it hc clouted a 3rd inning humer with one mate on board. longe runs came in the first in ning, two on a double hy Jer ft» J Royce Richardson hanged out The Tigers, bitter after the three hits to lead the Tigers al game suspension to their "Ace" ong with Bryan Murray who had lefthander Earl Powell, sent an A *L 4X ma \ ARTISTICALLY DESIGNED MONUMENTS OF FINE jpa Next Sunday the Tigers will 1 V kv Made by the latest Machinery Visit our Showroom and ses for Yourself GEORGE H. FROATS i softball I The winners of the the Quyon ladies | game between Onslow and I mJ members of deterQuyon Council is still not 4 l I V \ EHEESB55S Anderson. Melvin Bean, David Rusensfrum not in photo. For All Your Travel Needs - Large or Small V#, TRAVEL REGD. VOYAGES ENR. victory in question *r. 1 V z Council over ladies r K -”~~ At Quyon yw : v MARBLE and GRANITE of the BEST QUALITY I \ he was relieved in the sixth by he aiming at the title as they play in ( oulonge in the sixth game of the series A victory for with Quyon Little Leaguers, Shawville wo| | II Fort Coulonge would force a the series to retain the Pontiac Printshop Little League Baseball seventh and deciding game in Shield for the second time. Shawville on Sunday, Sept. 27. Back row, I. to r •I Miles Richardson, Hugh Hodgins, David CEMETERY MEMORIALS 7 X v good mnuiun wasn’t ■ effort •**f »hvvwn Port Cou tong* Comets 4-3 r* "Your Travel Agent” not even when the game was called because of darkness. Some V Tickets — Airline — SteamsWp Reservations Consultations Cruise* — Groups Tours Hotels European Trains Bus 103 MAIN STREET, HULL - 77M551 - 771-4500 J.G. Marinier Manager good players may be developed but it will take some time and and SONS LTD. 121 Argyle St. S. DIAL HE 2-4224 RENFREW, ONT. However the ladies also} ing a good evenings tun. Some score**** * claim the win as the innings were Join the happy family of Equity subscribers. Use this coupon: Mail to The Equity, Shawvill c, Quebec Enclosed is $3.00 for one year's subscription to The Equity: t|i the council members may be■1^— the same as they are limping around at their work « art is housekeeping After crowd ot the bullgame a large teenagers danced and twisted at a successful street dance. The adults meanwhile got Name more enjoyment at watching several local people volunteer to Address » FOR YOUR Aluminum Doors and Windows See Lk ii p/V i McCANN building supplies QUYON, QUE. Phone 36 R 3 ii." doors +4 this week, they have agreed to stick to council work and the ladies have decided their best . r be dunked in a midway-type con cession operated for the com munity centre fund by Henry Whelan. Even the local policcman Nelson Wall offered to sit / < on the seat suspended over a 100 gallon drum of water and after a few attempts by local citizens to hit the bulls-eye he too became the victim of their pitching. A draw was held on a $50 cash prize, the winner being Donna Gail MacKechnie. ' $29.95 •nd $39.95______ Austin >r I I i r % ; s/ Don't miss the The Austin Couples* Hub met on Thursday, Sept. 10 at th WEXLER FUR DISPLAY home of Mr. and Mrs. Art C ar at the •• S . SHAMILLE FAIR SEPTEMBER 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th 6 «« w-rV Wv 4» - son. A social evening ot games and a chicken barbecue was en joyed by all. The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Small. Sunday guests at the home ot Mrs. Alma McCagg were Mr. & Mrs. Ahart Firobin, Mrs. Clitford Firobin and daughter Bren da of Ladysmith. Weekend guests at the home ot Mrs. John Wickens were Mr. & Mrs. Archie Horner and Brenda of Foresters Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Thomas and family •x REFRESHING after play or after work anytime BBS of Pembroke. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armstrong and family and Mr. Des Smith of Ottawa visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Armstrong. i BBS BIÈRE J ✓.NV # • SB ALE I . Page Eight Country By Further results from Quyoni Russell Judd, 2 thirds, 1 fourth Fair judging reveal that the hig-| Registered Cattle were shown . gest winner of first prizes in an) in seven sections. Lloyd Brown Claude Elliot; I bf won 13 firsts with Junior. one section was who look 33 red nbbon, ,n the | *"''<* *"d <'rand Champion males and females in the Jerseys sheep class and one blue rib while Carson Bros, took 4 firsts bon. In that class Mrs. Teresa I aiuj i seconds in this breed Walker Riley, * w fw Macdonc’d College. Agricultural Extension i Farming in England is effic ient and productive. That was the impression Dr. John Bubar received when he was over there this summer for six weeks. Dr. Bubar is the forage plant breed er at the college; in that capacity he took part in the Tenth Inter national Botanical Conference in Edinburgh. said, in conditions of weather considered impossible in this country. The crop, however, was kept free from any green growth, or new seeding, to make the thre shing easier. Artificial drying is considered a necessity. Cummings also won three firsts i»nd a second. had 23 lo hcr credit alter the judging was over in the l adies Work Class 47. Also for Mrs. Dowd's work in class 47 were 17 seconds. She took four firsts and 2 seconds in the Thrift Ex hibit .two first* for canning and h firsts. 5 seconds and a third | FO« ANY INSUFANCI FROM.IM in Arts and Crafts as well as a CONSULT: first in Domestic Science. for the complete harvest opera-1, year.rounJ pa$tures jn aJ |; F H. "BUD" ROWAT AW TO BE POPULAR. LOOK WHAT POPULAR ITY OF HORSEPOWER DIO TO THE HORSE. J « foil. He said it was growing wild On indoor e/itbits Ira Merriin many places, but had not yet field also won most prizes for been selected for a field crop. Other gentlemen horticulture Dr. Bubar wonders if there I winning indoors were Bob Manisn't a trend in England toward | ary and Claude Elliott, vertical integration. One of the Claude Elliott also took nine chain hotels he stayed in adver firsts and a second in Grain, a tised that the dairy products ser first and a second in baled hay. ved were from their own farms. Raymond Davis tdok a first and Like most visitors to the Bnt-1 8 seconds in grain, a first and a tractive. But he found that the unsolved problems of keeping the hill farms productive were forc ing the young people off the land and into the big cities. It may be that the beautiful rugged cou ntryside will find its ultimate use for grouse hunting and holidaymg Wife Preservers LOST HORSE POWER IS RESTOR ED when you twitch to FINA Get oline end Motor Oil. You'll get better performance, longer engine life, plut reel driving economy. Drive in for friendly, pertoneliied service! 'A FARM EQUIPMENT FINA SERVICE Phone 647-2601 Shawville, Que. Glasses stuck together? fill top one with cold water, dip the outer (bottom) one In hot water. port without strain or breakage. They’ll OUTSTANDING FURNITURE BUYS LES MEUBLES GLENWOOD FURNITURE LTD. Open every night by appointment Aylmer Road Glenwood Shopping Plaza (days) 684-3064 (evenings) I Will BE IN SHAWVILLE TO CONDUCT INSU RANCI : SMVICI ' ' Vegetable winners were Mrs Fred Fraser with a first and two seconds; Mrs. Percy Bclshcr with a first and Mrs. Roy Wiggins and Mrs. Alex Davis with one sec ond each. The Swine class went to Aus tin Clarke and sons with 4 firsts and William Hickey with a second rrrnst M2* SANITQNt r •emu GORDON T. PAUL CLEANING GENERAL PHONE 7-2577 12-41 SHAWVIUE INSURANCE PHONE 447 212$ SHAWVIUE 12-4) 6RA0UATI McGILL UNIVERSITY DENTIST SHAWVIUE 12-41 KEN5LEY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING. REFRIGERATION A AIR CONDITIONING GENERAL ELECTRIC â FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES SALES AUDET PHOTO STUDIO # e WEDDINGS # GRADUATIONS # FAMILY GROUPS ELECTRIC A SERVICE RHONE 75 CAMPBEU/S BAY receptions # STUDIO PHOTOS Campbell s Bay Phone 82 OJN11-01 PAUL A. MARTINEAU VIPOND CONSTRUCTION CO LTD Wl MANUFACTURE CONCRETE SEWER PIPE REINFORCED ROAD PIPE SHOVELS COMPRESSORS, CRUSHERS, GRADERS, TRUCKS "We Go Anywhere And Tackle Anything" PHONE HULL, QUEBEC PR 7-1621 BA,ILL BARRISTER B SOLICITOR 12-41 CAMPBELL'S BAY Phene 28 R 11 CEMENT BLOCKS, TILE, REINFORCED TILE \ » PORTLAND end MASONRY CEMENT CHIMNEY BLOCKS - PATIO SLABS SIDEWALK SLABS Pontiac Mouse, Showville 7:30 pm. to 7:30 pm . *3* Phomo 447-2512 EDGAR L ALLARD B.A., I LL BARRISTER A SOLICITOR MILNE. & oURPEE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CAMPBELL S BAY RHONE 86 AN DAI HONEYWELL 56 Spark Street, Ottawa 4 192 Raglan Street, Renfrew Rhone 232-1114 Phone HE 2-2852 12-41 PHOTOS LLOYD KENSLEY EQUIPMENT RENTALS Phone 7-3757 LOCAL mi LONG DISTANCE FLOAT SERVICE MOVING OF HOUSES Horse Division; James Crawford om3164 P.O. Box 31 - CAMPBELL S BAY - Phone 81 won four firsts; Wilson Bros, to 4-42 ok 3 firsts, and 1 second; Wm. Hickey took 2 firsts; Garry Hod PONTIAC PRINTSHOP NELLIS HODGINS gins 1 first; Gervase O’Reilly "Home of The Equity" 2 firsts; Claude Young, 3 firsts, # Commercial Printers • Wedding Invitations • Calenders GENERAL INSURANCE 1 second, 1 third; Raymond Dav • Stationery Supplies • Office Equipment P. O. BOX 144 is 2 firsts; Nap Gravelle 2 firsts; • Advertising Specialties PHONE 7-3121 John Richards, 2 firsts; Bernard | SNAWYILLE Phone 647-2500 Shawville, Quo. 12-41 Muldoon 1 first, 2 seconds; Lorne McMillan 2 firsts; George Knox 1 first; Doc Armitage 1 first; H R Rennick, 1 first; Doug GEORGE HYNES BLAKE'S HEATING Graham 1 first , 1 second; Earl AND SON INSTALLATIONS - REPAIRS - CLEANING - SERVICE Roy 1 first, 1 second; Hillis Gra FUNERAL HOME ham 1 first, 1 fourth; Keith Tru Phone 64. 2739 P.O. Box 509 Shawville ESTABLISHED ISIS deau 1 first; Don Trudeau, 2 firsts, 1 second; Alex Davis, 1 SHAWVILLE rtc 447-244* second; C. S. Bennett 1 third; 12-41 F. E LACOURSE Austin Clarke & Sons 1 second; ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Harold Young, 1 third; Donald Trafford 1 second, Edmond Hod ELECTRIC UNIT HEATERS AND BASEBOARD HEAT ROWAT & ROWAT gins 1 second, 1 third; Robt. ING for Commercial, Industrial, Residential and f. MacKechnie 1 second, 2 fourths NOTARIES Farm Use. SHAWVILLE, QUEBEC ELECTRICAL FIXTURES - FREE ESTIMATES HARLAND C. ROWAT Phone 647-2417 - Shawville, Que. RAYMOND M. ROWAT D4CTC OFFICE 7-297S ON SEPTEMBER THE 19th, 1964 DR. L M. BOURCMN, PH.D. 0.0. 12 41 DR. R. J. CHRETIEN B A. D.D.S. Optometrist — Vision Specialist DENTAL Doctor of Philosophy - Doctor of Optometry For appointment contact SINCI »o*iTN. ODORLESS DR WALLACE HODGINS i VICTOR TANNER, SHAWVILLE Eyes and Vision Examination Pontiac Hotel •YOU* CLOTH IS IEST FRUND 1241 Phil Thompson won 10 firsts, 2 seconds knd a third in the Shawville PONTIAC Corner Hwy. I A Centre St. Bob Hodgins, meneger DCPINOABtl That, the kale, have 1 seconds and 4 thirds; Mrs Alex I «—■ ish Isles, John and his wife found second in Baled hay. Lloyd Balthe Scottish Highlands very at-| harrie won two firsts for grain, * DRY CLEANERS "Your Peace of Mind is Our Business" men who specialized in gram stretched out the normal pasture Davis 2. 3 and 3; Mrs. Lvel>nj growing. Fertilizer was used heav-1 treason Rye grass and cocksfoot McC oil 10, 7 and 5, Mrs. R M. tly to the point that they looked (orchard grass) are the popular I Hudson 1 first; Mrs. Ken Dow- IT DOESN'T ALWAYS > PONTIAC « Offlw 74717 — Rm. 7-2111 Mrs. Hilda Graham 3. 21 for the grain to lodge forage grasses I asked John I dall 5. 4 and 2; Mrs Sieve Rob Combining is often done, hc| ab°ut his favourite plant, tre-| ,nson 5, 3 and I was Ar \ Hodgins with 6 firsts and Tun, ends,, 3 thirds and a fourth, (nry i or Champion male and Senior Graham, 2 seconds. 3 fourths; and Grand Champion females. I John Knox I second, I fourth; Market cattle prizes went to James Horner 1 third, I fourth. Gary Hodgins, 2 firsts. I second, John Knox won the three first and Champion Market Steer; Jack f ang I second. I third; prizes for Aberdeen Angus. John Knox I third; Heather HodWatson and McKibhon won gins I first, I second and I 4th 13 firsts and a second for Here lords; Lloyd Brownlee I first and Reserve Champion. Cattle Specials were won by and Garry Hodgins I second. Austin Clark and Sons won 8 Austin Clarke. Watson and Mefirsts and a second for Dual Kihbon. Lloyd Brownlee and Purpose Shorthorn and Senior Gary Hodgins. SHAWVIUE, QUE. and prom- breeders have picked up a fes- Mrs. Ambrose Armstrong, 1 SURGEON corn in this cuc from high in the Atlas and I; Mrs. Bert Kennedy 4, 4_______ too. that it Mountains of Africa which will and 4; Mrs. Lester McCann 5, | WHOM grown in|^ A^een in January in the Bril-1 N and 3; Mrs. Teresa Cummings the same field year after year by pun females. Shorthorn winner BUSINESS SERVICES II I II ECU) HV ,ioo‘ attempt to reduce feed costs. | and 6; Mrs Ken Tubman 4, John noticed that barley had This was another interesting ob- and I; Mrs. C larence Knox I. become the most popular gram, servation John made The plant h Mrs I red Fraser 3, 4 and 1; 684-4972 Holstein winners were Ken Kligour with 15 firsts. Junior and Grand Champion males, Senior Second biggest red ribbon col |uni0r and Grand Champion felector was Mrs. Wm Dowd who] males; Raymond Davis, 5 sec The growing of grass without legumes was another trend he noticed. The nitrogen normally A few years ago. a farm of produced by the legume is sup any size in England employed plied out of a hag. The theory John found that is that straight grass, heavily ferseveral men farm labour had largely been re-1 tilized, can produce more Iced placed by machinery. He said it per acre than the combination Other ladies winning prizes was common to see two or three , of a grass and legumes. But land were Mrs .Ethel Lusk with 24 ED ...... large self-propelled combines values arc very high :n England. L|v ,, KCOnd% and y, thirds; working in one field. These wereM°hn doubts that the practicei ^ pffCy ^cKhcr 23, 13 and ‘tuile often the property of a would P*V here l4; Mrs. Roy Wiggins 18, 7 and custom operator, who contracted Brjti$h farmcrs arc working t0. k Mrs. C arman Inglee 3. 2, and with the same publicity inence as is given to country. He noted, was very often being in J Grand Champion Male and Junior. Senior and Grand t ham- Quyon Fair Results notes i# A Phone Thurtdjy, September 17, 196 4 THE EQUITY r Phone 647-2564 “Say, you take the same size / dor HARRY WOOD. C.A. ELWYN C. CONNELLY. C.A. DONALD MCCULLOCH. C.A. SU RGEON PHONE CAMPBELL’S BAY — OFFICE HOURS — 9 e.m. to 6 p.m. DAILY 30 Tuesday end Friday evening* 7-9 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS HARRY WOOD & Co. chartered accountantt 864 LADY ELLEN PLACE OTTAWA 3. ONTARIO PA. 9-4378 Peg# Nine tHt EQUITY ursdey, September 17. 1964 ]fthton Otter Lake Dunraven Tubman Beechgrove - Hodgins wedding Congratulations to Mr. and Weekend guests at the home Radford United Church was Mr. and Mrs. Fred Provost of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boucher 1rs. Matt Kelly on the arrival of of Mr .and C lifford Hahn were Timmins, visited her parents Mr ihe scene of a very pretty wed and Tammy of Ottawa spent the leir baby son, a little brother Mr and Mrs. Sam (iruvclle, Ron- and Mrs. Ken Draper over the ding on Saturday August 15th, long weekend with her parents, >r Sharon. Mr and Mrs. Sandy MeDougl. Elizabeth, Patricia and Chrisna of Montreal xpen» Labor day cekend with Mr. and Mrs. Own Hearty. Mrs. Frank Kelly and Sydney notored to BrockvWc with Rev. iixtcr Mary Bridget on Labor lay. They also visited in Ottawa n their way home. CkxxJ luck to our young folks Mending Teachers College in hapeau. They arc Karen Hear I, John and Pat Kavanagh and ou Sloan .We wish you a very Successful year. [ Weekend guests of Mr. and Lrs. Jos. Kelly Jr. were Mr. and Ifrs. Jack Sullivan of Hamilton End Ron Couch and children of me and Hilda of Braeside, Mr. long weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Kensley. and Mrs. Hurst Lue sc he, lerry, Miss Carmel Wrinn has left for Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Hutchi Cindy and Tammy of Wakefield. Montreal She is going to teach son of Ottawa visited her parents Mr. Hans Terte/e. Wakefield. school. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Overton. Mrs. Angus Gravelle has re Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Benoit Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mulligan and family of Wrightville, xpen: turned home after spending a we and Kathie and David of téchine with her daughter and son-in ek the long weekend with Mr. and visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. law Mr. and Mrs Horst Loesche Mrs James Benoit. Mulligan during the past week. at Wakefield. Miss Sharon Donnelly of Ot tawa spent the weekend with her Mr. and Mrs. Mack Mayhew parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Don celebrated their 4bth wedding an nelly. niversary Saturday, Sept. 5 at Miss Pearl Roach of Ottawa home. visited friends and relatives on Mrs. Mack Mayhew and dau the Island. Mr. Rene Belleau, Miss Grace ghter Jannetle motored to Brace Donnelly of Shawvillc, Miss Phy bridge to visit her two sons. Mr. llis Benoit of Ottawa spent Sun Rodolphe and Simon Mayhew, day afternoon wHh Miss Mary then to McKclIar to visit Roland Mayhew, then to Toronto to vis Benoit. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mah- it her neice. Philadelphia. eral and family are spending a Mr. and Mrs. Lornie Nesbitt | Mrs. Basil Pappin of Ottawa Lpent the long weekend at her few days visiting friends and rel were guests at the home of Mr. atives in Ottawa. and Mrs. Mack Mayhew over the t fner home here. Mrs. John Newell of Adc I Mrs. Robert Whelan visited her weekend, also daughter Yvonne Home. Bristol spent the weekend of Ottawa, Edgar Mayhew, from Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kelly at her home on the Island. Brockville and son Basil and Mr Br in Ottawa on Friday. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Newell and Mrs .Art Boisvert. Diana, kelly has been quite ill again. spent a day with her parents, Jerry and A dele of Shawville. I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sloan Lere guests at the Lawn cottage Mr. and Mrs Thomas Sullivan Mr and Mrs Homer Kerr & on the weekend. family, Miss Joan Fierobin, Ot Saturday of Labor day weekend. Mr. Pat Shea spent a few days tawa spent the weekend at the Mr. and Mrs Earl Cunningwith his uncle Mr. Stanley Shea. home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbie hame are leaving on Wednesday Mr. Lawrence McNally of Ot Zacharias. to spend a week in Detroit, Mich. tawa visited his mother. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Peters, They will attend their ne ices Marie McNally for the wcek- Mr .and Mrs. Mick Peters, Oshwedding there on Saturday. end awa visited her grandfather Ad Mr. and Mrs. Laurier Dumou olphe Zimmerling . chel and family of Bryson spent Visitors over the weekend at e • • Sunday evening with his parents the home of Mr. and Mrs. Midas Tee Us Mr. and Mrs. Rodolphe Dumou Richard were Mr .and Mrs. Don chel. Schwartz and son of Ottawa. Miss Philome Lem ay spent the weekend visiting her uncle and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Maheral aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bert and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maheral rand. ROAD SERVICE A PLOWING of Gatineau, spent the weekend Free Insured Pick-Up Miss Helen Maheral has re at Sauk Ste Marie visiting their end Delivery Service turned home after spending a few many friends. weeks visiting relatives in Sauk Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart Ste. Marie. AYLMER, QUE. and family of Cardinal, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Benoit for the weekend. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Ryan (Fidilis Mor ris) who were married on Sept. 5. There was a reception held in their honour at the town hall. Everybody enjoyed themselves. Congratulations to Victor Ma heral who graduated from St. John’s High School on August UNITED CHURCH 7. Also congratulations to the many other graduates. HALL Miss Beatrice and Jean Dum ouchel of Ottawa spent the we ekend with their parents, Ma*. and Mrs. Paul Dumouchel. Guest Speaker Get well wishes to Mr. Alex Ryan who is a patient in Pon Hon. J. W. Pickersgill, tiac Community Hospital. We P. C, M. P. wish him a speedy recovery. DINNER and DANCE Mr. and Mrs. Joe Donnelly of Sauk Ste. Marie visited friends $2.50 and relatives on the Island and also Fort Coulonge for the holi AGRICULTURAL HALL day weekend. Hon. J. W. Pickersgill, P.C., M.P. Mr. Bruce Donnelly of Otta 9:45 p.m. Minister of Transport wa visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnelly for the long JOE RAY'S TEXACO Phone 684 - 3186 LIBERAL BANQUET WEDNESDAY Sept. 30th SHAWVILLE DANCE weekend. The Beltone Mis* Patricia Marshal- lene Hodgins became the bride of Mr Raymond Wesley Tub man in a candlelight ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hodgins of Austin, and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs. Gregory Tub Mr. and Mrs. K. Draper, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mulligan attended man of Shawville. the Bclford • Mason wedding last The double-ring ceremony weekend Granddaughter of Mr. was performed by Rev. Fmard. and Mrs. H. Mulligan at Frskine Mrs. Emard was organist. Mr. Presbyterian church in Ottawa. Bert Briscoe of Renfrew sang, Mr. Keith Fraser left Saturday during the to visit Mr. Cliff Long of Orono, 'O Perfect Love" signing of the register. Ont Get well wishes to Mr. Chat. Mohr a patient in Civic Hospital Ottawa, also to Mr. James Tho mas, a patient in the Civic also. Best wishes from the community to both. Best wishes to Mr. Wm. Mul ligan who was a patient at the Pontiac Community Hospital for several weeks. He is now visiting relatives at Beech Grove. Those who visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mulligan over the long weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Mulligan, Debbie and Ter ry of Stittsvillc, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Reid and Sharon of Alex ander Road, Miss Darlene Mc Nally of Ottawa, Mr. Gale Spar ling of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mulligan, Aylmer East. Mr. Wayne Burden of Sarnia is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burden. The Ladies of Beechgrove UCW are making plans for their annual turkey supper which will he on Oct. 3rd. The Sunday Sch ool at Beech Grove will open again Sept. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Oakland Gord on are moving from Beech Grove to Quyon taking up residence at Mrs. Guertins home. Master Scott and Daryl Brad ley of Ottawa spent the past we ek with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson. VVu m Given in marriage by her t* father the bride wore a gown of tulle illusion net over satin, the Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tubman bodice trimmed with pearls, and lily point sleeves. Mr. Harley Richardson, cousin Her veil was held in place by of the bride. a crown of net and seed pearls. Mother of the bride wore a She carried a bouquet of Amer ican Beauty roses with lily ef mauve linen dress and duster the Valley streamers. She wore with white accessories. a necklace of pearls, a gift of Mother of the groom wore a the groom. blue crepe dress with white ac Attending the bride were Miss cessories. Heather Richardson, cousin of the bride as maid of honor, and Miss Barbara Lewis and Betty Hodgins, sister of the bride as bridesmaids. They were dressed alike in pink net over peau de soie and carried bouquets of pink roses and lily of the valley. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs Fred Cant of Smiths Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Hodg ins, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith all of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Harold At kinson of Ottawa; Mrs. Clara Little Misses Brenda Bernett ('ole of North Bay; Mrs. Carand Sheryl Hodgins were flower field Thompson of Nova Scotia. girls dressed in blue net over peau A reception was later held in de soie. They carried baskets of the Agricultural Hall. The cou baby mums. ple will reside at Shawvillc. The groom was attended by Mr. Rodney Cartman The ushers were Mr. Kenneth Finan and| Shawville Fair, Sept. 16-19 Attention STUDENTS! STOP * *+■ IN In Aylmer stop at CHARLIE DAGC'S AND for TEST BEER by the CASE — all brand* — and GROCERIES 30 Main St., — Aylmer OTC TYPE THE OPTIMA PORTABLES and Listen to WESTERN REVIEW ADLER HAND & ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS SEPTEMBER SPECIAL ! each weekday Ft Coulonge * b Wm-, Service Centre <■ -9C- Mrs Frances Carlson is visiting in Kirkland Lake for a few days, the guest of Mrs. Clayton Carlson and her family. Corp. and Mrs. Dawson Lough and Bruce of Ottawa, spent the long weekend as guests ot Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lough. Mrs. Abel Watters of Ottawa was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Proudfoot and family. Mr .and Mrs. Sandford Smith are gone on a western trip lor a few weeks, visiting relatives and friends at Calgary, Banff and I will be held - at the PONTIAC HOTEL when / J. P. L«cours Tuesday, September 22nd 3 - 5 p. m. FREE HEARING TESTS Batteries and repairs for all makes of hearing aids Come or phone for appointment Cranbrook. The Fort Coulonge Protestant School re-opened on Wed., Sept. 9th with Mrs. G. E. Colton as principal and Miss Elaine Grant of Maryland as Jr. teacher. ROBILLARD & WATTS ■•«tone Hearing Centre 17 NICHOLAS - OTTAWA 2, ONT. Telephone 233-4091 / morning at 11:00 over CHOV RADIO 1350 with "your old Saddle Tramp" Bill Lasalle Used and Rebuilt $35 TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITER TABLES PONTIAC PRINTSHOP LTD. Shawville Phone 647-2500 OFFICE HOURS OPEN 9 to 5 Monday through* Thursday playing your favorites in Western & Old Time Music 9 to 9 Friday CLOSED Wednesday afternoon and all day Saturday f*ag# Ten ÎME EQUITY Shawville Council N Onslow Countil August 3rd session be adopted as ad t arried the lolloping expenses were A regular meeting of the Mun icipal Council convened accord-1 approved by counci': mg to the Municipal Code at the Administration >202.15 Municipal Hall at 7 p m. Sept- Road Work $61.30 A regular meeting of Shaw-1 ember the lit. 1*64 M-'tion < >% Bennett and Laville Council was held in the Pire Prevent were Mayor Lvcrett pierre that the followingpropHall on Sept. 1, 1964 with Mayor Steele and C'ri. Bennett. Am,it- erliei he transferred: Young and Crs. Dale. Black. -<8*. Alexander, Maitiaeau and Part Loi IHB. range 10. from Cone and Cowley present. | Lapicrre. Waller Meehan to NCC; West V| Motion Crs. Lapierre and Mar- part lot 5B. range 13 from Dec Minutes ot last meeting read linejiu that thv minutes of the! elles. Sauve. Bernique and and adopted on motion of Crs. ---------------------------------------------- I ) Aousl to Raymond Morin of r Vi LOOC k , Darwin EHiott met council re Hull. Carried .... uaic gave notice that he house in their division. Motion Crs. Benncit and Alexwill introduce a By-law at the vir Harry Campbell met the indcr ,hal Lot 7B. Range 10 next regular meeting, levying thecouncil with water, sewerage and 1,j eo O Mallcy) he changed to lot tax race for Ac Village of Shaw- building permits 7A, range 10 as the former listville for 1^64. 1 Moved by Crs Dale and Cow- ing is incorrect. Carried Communications read and du-| |cy that Mr. W. M. Haves be apNotice of motion by Cr. Ben- Thursday, September 17, 1964 at the Board. thc^nurd dayton Dods met re bridge on the fourth conces sion. Clarendon Bristol Council Council clarendon Count,! me, Scpl.i tvroim|.r meclini, of Nth ata regularmonthly meet Bristol C ouncil was held vm.-m. mg at the Council Hall.Present he, g |*64 wj,j,j^avor .. Mayor Fulford and Crs Hod- Lnd q, r<)> 0iJpjn » gins. Barber. Brownlee. Grant,| Smith and Ireland ’ present. Brown and Stanley. The minutes of the last regu Minutes ot last regular and special meetings were read and lar meeting were read and apapproved on motion Crs. Hod proved on motion by Crs. Ire land and Smith. gins and Grant, ( arned Motion Crs. Rimctt and Roy Mr. Laurie Moore of Gatineau Power Co. met council re power, that this council purchase two line at Thorne Lake (Road at chemical fire extinguishers of ap west end of lake). proved type for the Municipal Mr. Doug Sproulc of Hewitt Hal1 Carried _ . , .Pointed councillor to replace the I nett lhat lhis council apply to Equipment met council re gradWe A Brown and R* E Robtr. Black to contact Cranes |atc Rayburn McTicrnan. I Quebec for a grant of $2500. to er. mson mct the board regarding id r e supplies for booster pump Moved by Crs. Black and Cone carry ou, thc WWIP. I Messrs. Lawrence Hodgins and road from Norway Bay lo Bristol Correspondence for the month wav now read and discussed Motion Crs Smith and Roy that from this date all colom/a* lion grants spent on the roads in this municipality must use crush ed gravel on the surface of the roads being built, and work to be done under municipal superCarried Cr. Gilpin gave notice that he will at the next meeting to be held on October 5, 1964 intro duce a by-law to levy a yearly tax of $3.00 on each cottage in Norway Bay and all places where garbage is collected in the part of this municipality known as Norway Bay Motion Crs. Ireland and Gil- mg budduigs m Shawv,Ue. mers Supply Co. $38.40; Leslie Hobb, was read at council No .heir farms. and also .ha. the road on Moved ^ CTLlUck and Cone Dak $12.00; Pontiac Printshop aclion wai ukcn. I Motion Cr, Barber and Brown hill he cleared out wide from that the follow,ng transfers of 14.42; Pontiac Farm Equipment A ^legation from South Ona- that a 15" culvert he placed he- Whi,e Avc" ‘° ,he Mu^ay Hne. for payinent: She^ood Henderson, plank, ï”''-!?!? mmfÊm mower and H. S. Ballantync. See Treas Welcome To SHAIWIILE FAIR September 16th to 19th FAIR VISITORS we invite you to see our com itage that the council donate $25 | introduce a by-law levying lo thc above organization Motion Crs. Armitage and I Bennett that this session adjourn till the 5th day of October. 1964 at the Municipal Hall at 7 p.m. a tax rate on the assessment to defray the expenses of this municipality. The following bills were pres ented to council: Arnott Horner $288.55; Hor ner's Garage $3.82; E. M. Bean $45.00; Imperial Oil $155.62; Vipond Concrete Products Ltd $229.72; Morley Hodgins Ltd. Uuyon Council ENJOY BEST TURKEY DINNER at ST. JAMES PARISH Portage Town Hall SUNDAY, SEPT. 27 Motion Crs. Gibbons and Mul ligan to pay thc following bills: Nat. Air Photo Lib. $5.; G. DINNER SERVED at 4:00 p.m. SHARP At a regular meeting of the Bronson $300.; R. Coyle $27.; A. Turkey Dinner: Adults $1.25 Children under 13 75c Municipal Corporation of the St. Aubin $24.; Gat. Power Co. r Village of Quyon held in the $226.87; $1.58; Dist. Tax Oftown hall on Tuesday, Sept. 8, ficc $4.65; Dept, of Rev. 80c; Good Prizes - Jack Pot 1964, present were Mayor Burke V. E. Cooney $8.; Minister of and Crs. Mulligan, Gibbons and Finance $1.; N. Wall $179.92; Bronson. B. Belaire $8.; Rec. Gen. $11.08 Motion Crs .Mulligan and Gib- Bell Telephone $15.54; $21.29; / ilr°ns lhal thc minu,cs of meeting Investigator Security $254.86; F. $ A f . l|rf Au8“st 4th last be adopted as Fraser $55.; Pontiac Printshop 1| j j I read. Carried Ltd. $24.41; Langliers $66.20; | , Vw '/ I Mr Steve McCann visited the Can. Pac. Rly. $2 10; Keons |V I hoari1 regarding condition of the Store $21.86; McCann Bldg. Sup VJ™ J] sidewalk in front of his restaurant $6.22; Overnite Exp. $3.50; KenQU > This will be repaired as soon as | sley Electric $220.34; E. Cooney DINNER SERVED AT 4:30 p.m. SHARP H a possible. $6.; G. H. Wood & Co. $24.27;,, & Crs. MacKechnie and Trud- The Registrar $1.80; Davis Gar- |R|N(|0 - Good Prizes — I Jack Pot eau took their seats at the meet-1 age $64.20; Fischer & Porter11 11 t / mg. $128.91; Rec. Gen. $5.; Robt. * Mr. Joseph Chevrier visited I Gordon $52.; F. Moyle $50.; F. GRAND DRAWING FOR TOMBOLA PRIZES I the meeting regarding papers | Bourgeau $51.; Gil Fraser 59.50. MONDAY EVENISG - 11 p.m. blowing from the dump, water Motion Cr. Bronson to adextension to his property, and | journ. street light on centre of hill on —Rev. D. J. Morris V. E. Cooney, Sec.-Treas. Bronson Line. Motion Crs. Mulligan and by Tony Day and Terry Williams Trudeau to make the following New unhibited designs! Sweaters offer warmth without transfer on the Valuation Roll: weight, ideal for sport or dress wear. Select a cable knit Carried. pullover or cardigan of pure wool or orlon and wool. PL.350 from Gerard Cote to Jean-Guy Marcotte. Sizes S-M-L-XL Motion by Crs. Gibbons and Vie* • Bronson that the Bell Telephone UtMtW^SS Ittt »1ê ilfïMt Co. be requested to have a loca tion in the Village of Quyon where telephone bills may be paid at par. Carried Cr. Mulligan hereby gives not ice of motion that a subsequent meeting he will introduce a by law to pay remuneration for May or and Councillors. Nelson Wall, Police Officer, met the board in connection with Come in and browse around police supplies. Motion Crs. Mulligan and Gib bons that we grant an allowance to the police officer for telephone service Carried CLOTHES SHOPS LTD. Motion Crs. Bronson and Mul ligan that we contribute $25.00 Main St. Shawville, Que. to the Ladies Auxiliary. Carried plete fall range of mens and boys wear and footwear u 8 THE $ 50.00 BINGO - BEAN SUPPER MONDAY, SEPT. 28 $ 7 5.00 I £îïér $10.95 STORE CLOSED SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19* at 1p.m. and discover a world of Fall Fashions COATS HATS SUITS BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE KNIT DRESSES SPORTSWEAR - LINGERIE IT PAYS TO SHOP AT......... KAYS' STYLE SHOPPE Phone 647-2760 —- •• ' ... • i*t > ■ ' - < Thursday, September 17. 1964 Pastoral ®/t comment K«. 1. M. shullel, C amp. ■*> 7 ZK I 4 The necessity of Baptism for salvation was the subject discus sed in this column, not long ago It is to be hoped that this im portant lesson will not go un heeded. by all those who have no positive proof that they were bap tized. Besides we arc all our bro ther's keeper and we might ren der an immense act of charity to some friend or to some stranger, who we believe was never bap tized A little concern shown now might resuk in more care bc#ng given in the coming years, to have children baptized as soon as possible after birth, lest death step in and thus rob heaven of a future inmate Coming back to this question should express its gravity. Peo ple today are hard to move to action. They can generally find some excuse to put off the doing of the best of deeds It takes a lot to open their eyes and to drive salutary fear into their I souls, where fear is the one force that might lead them to act The rich man, who had rebuk-1 % / AT LEAST USED i Pay* Elev «OIHT» 3 USED CARS-TO-BE-SOLD DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 22 HERE ARE A FEW 1964 PONTIAC LAUKENTIAN 4 door, 8 cylinder auto matic, radio, etc. dark turquoise, 8000 miles. 1964 BEAUMONT CONVERTIBLE V-8, automatic trans mission, etc. 3500 miles. 1964 BISCAYNE CHEVROLET automatic etc. 7200 miles. 1963 PONTIAC 2 seat station wagon, power steering, power brakes, radio and automatic. Low, low mileage. 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 8 cyl., 4 door automatic, etc. one owner. 1961 CHEVROLET, 6 automatic. (4) 1960 PONTIACS and CHEVROLETS (2) 1961 BUICK INVICTA 4 door hard tops, Just in. I960 BUICK LE SABRE 4 door, hard top, dark maroon, like new. (5) 1959 PONTIACS and CHEVROLETS 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN, 6 cylinder with radio, just in (8) 1957, 56-55 Models as little as $25.00 down. 1959 GMC LONG BOX PICK UP Just in Look Over Our Stock Make -Us-An- Offer MOTOR SALES LTD (HIGH QUALITY AT A FAIR PRICE) Arnprior, Ont James R. Sharpe F uneral services were held from Rmgrose Funeral Homs, »"'< < m, 3 for the late James R. (Jimmy) Sharpe in his 73rd year. Mr. SJiarpe horn in Fort C oulongc, was the son of the late Wm. Sharpe Sr. and his wife Frances Olrmtead. At the time of his death, he was employed with JE Boyle Ltd. Beloved husband of Mildred K ( och&mc and dear father of Margaret (Mrs. Fran cis McKinnon) of Pembroke. Is obell of, San Francisco. Calif., Pearl (Mrs. Floyd Dtvis) of Fort Riley. Kansas. George of Le vack. Ont. and Murray with the US army in Germany. Murray arrived home on Sunday. Pearl was unable to attend. Mr. .Sharpe had one sister Ma bel (Mrs. Irvin) of Ottawa and one brother William of Fort ( oulonge. CHURCH DIRECTOR Y SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 UNITED CHURCH OF CANATA ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Shaw ville Pastoral Charge A .E. Lawrence, Preacher Rev. Stanley E. Snowden, BA, BD Minister 10:00 a m—Sunday School 11:00 a m.—Church Service Urn 9:45 a m—Church Service 10:45 a m.—Sunday School Rev, Ludgcr Emard 10:00 a m.—Yarm 11:30 a m—Starks 2:30 p.m.—Wesley 7:30 p.m.—Radford ( ampbelPs Bey Pastoral Charg Rev. D. E Rutherford, Pastor St Paul s ShewvUle 11 00 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sunday School Holy Irtnih, Radford 9:30 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sunday School St Luke’s, Caldwell No Sc aNote: Harvest Festival, Sept. 27 North Clarendon Parish The Rev. W. H. F. Kennedy St 1 Otter Lake 9:30 a m.—Holy Communion Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe would Bristol Chnrgt 11 00 a m.—Morning Prayer have Keen 50 years married next . ami Family Service St Andrews • Knus Church April Many messages of sym Rev. J. B. Small, BA, BD pathy were received and many floral tributes Holy Communion celebrated the 2:30 p.m.—Evening Prayer first Sunday in Advent, Epip Funeral services were conductSt Matthew’s, C hany, Lent, Easter. Pentecost and ct* by the Rev. Donald Ruther 8:00 p.m—Evening Prayer Christmas Eve ed the beggar Lazarus, and was ford. Burial was in the ProtestCampbell’s Bay Pariah being tormented for his lack of | ant cemetery 8:00 p in Austin rbc Rev. R Edwards charity ,in such a hot flame, that Pallbearers were Ovila Bou St Andrews Knox even a drop of water upon his cher. Joseph Lafrance Wallet St George’s, Campbell s Bay tongue would be much apprect. Sanford Sm.lh, Willie Smith 11:00 a m.—Service 9:30 a m Mallins 11:00 a m—Sunday School ,ted. begged then that Uzarm and Campbell, 11:00 a m.—Sunday School return to earth to warn his five Quyoo Pastoral Charge brothers. If someone from the St Alban, Turkman Rev. M, A. Swarcn B. Th dead brought them the message, Mrs. Jessie Overton 11:00 a m Mallins 9:30 a m.—Beeech Grove they would listen. If all the souls Mrs. Walter Overton, Mount- 11:00 t m.—Quyon St George’s, Postage deprived of heaven, because their ain Road, Breckenridge passed) p.m North Onslow No Service baptism was neglected, were to Aylmer United away Saturday, Sept. 5 after a appear or were to write their St. John’s, Moorhead lengthy illness in an Ottawa Nur Rev Garfield Bruce warning in these Comments, wou No Service sing Home in her 89th year. 9:30 a m.—Mountain View ld the lesson reach home? 11:00 a m.—Aylmer Voyou I arlah About ten years ago, a young Mrs. Overton the former Jes2:00 p.m.—Centre Eardley Rev. E. N. McCoU lady teacher, from the I astern ISIC Reside leaves to mourn, one provinces, had charge of one of daughter Mrs. John (Sadie) BailSt Luke’s, Eardley our classes. It was not known |jc, Ottawa, three sons. Roy and WESLEYAN METHODIST 9:30 a m.—Morning Prayer that she had never been baptiz- Carman, Aylmer and Hector of CHURCH St John’s, Quyon ed, and thus hardly suitable for Breckenridge, one brother Rug11:00 a m.—Morning Prayer “Church of the Chimes" such a position of trust. When g|cs Reside, Luskvilic and eight St. Thomas, Bristol Pastor Keith G. Cooney, BA she decided to marry, the ques- grandchildren. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion lion came up and she said she The funeral was held from the I 10:00 a m.—Sunday School Morning Worship | CHRIST CHURCH, AYLMER had not intention of going thr- chapel of Radmore Stewart Fun- 11:00 a m ough that ceremony, until she Cral Home to St. Luke’s cemet- 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Rev. James G. Bovington felt like complying with this chr- Cry, Eardley for commital with) Tuesday— 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion istian law. She warned of the | Rev. Bovington in charge 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting 11:00 a.m Matins every Sun awful risk she was taking, that day except first Sunday which she might be struck down by a is Holy Communion BETHEL PENTECOSTAL George Coles car while crossing a street, Wednesday— TABERNACLE drowned when swimming or me 10:00 a.m.—Holy Communion George Edwin Coles of Clar Shawvillc et sudden death in some other endon passed away on Thursday St Augustine’s, Breckenridge Minister Rev. V. O’Brien She answered that she way 9:30 a.m.—Every Sunday morning. Sept. 3rd, 1964 at the Sunday would take care of that. Baptism National Defence Medical Cen 10:00 a m.—Sunday School is not forced on anyone, so she tre, Ottawa at the age of 67. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship was married as a pagan and kept THE PRESBYTERIAN Born in Bristol, England on 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service She on teaching as a pagan CHURCH IN CANADA March 27, 1897, son of the late 8:00 p.m., Wed.—Bible Study _ . would not permit her children to Henry and his wife Caroline I ^d prayCr Bristol Memorial Church be baptized either. Coles. He came to Canada at g:00 p.m., Fri.—Young People Rcv- Wm c- W'*, M.A. Two years later, she was burn the age of 9 years. In January Minute Message — Help for ^:30 a.m.—Sunday School ed to death. She had time to 1916 he enlisted in the Canadian I To-day, phone 647-2444 am- Pub,lc Worship throw the infant child through Army for service. In April 1916 St Andrews Presbyterian the window glass into the snow he went oversease and served in BRISTOL RIDGE Cbnrck PENTECOSTAL CHURCH and to push her other little girl England, France and Belgium, reFort Couionge Pastor Rev. A. Morgan out the front door of their home '| turning in June of 1919. He is Rev. Wm. C. Inglia, M A. before falling back into the fla survived by his wife Florabell 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:45 a.m Public Worship Sunday mes The dead did not need to Hodgins, a son Harry at home come to her to warn her, she and daughter (Annie), Mrs. Ver U.*00 a.m.—Morning Worship | 11;45 a.m.—Sunday School St Andrew’s, Aylmer went to them and found out for se! Campbell of Yarm, also seven 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service 10:00 a.m.—Regular Service Midweek herself what Christ meant when grandchildren and one brother 8:00 p.m.—Wednesday, Prayer he ordered all to be baptized. Thomas of Belleville. Meeting What Baptism is for Christians The funeral was held from the 8:00 p.m.—Thursday, Young FRENCH BAPTIST CHURCH Cirmumcision was, and still is, | residence on Saturday afternoon, Peoples. Otter Lake for the Jews. It was the one way September 5th thence to St. Pastor A. E. Clayson given by God to prepare a soul Paul’s Anglican church where STARKS CORNERS 10:00 a.m Sunday School for everlasting life. He that service was conducted by Rev. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service believeth and is baptized shall E. N. McColl assisted by Mr. Pastor B. J. Maracle 7:00 p.m Gospel Service be saved". This is the Christian A. E. Lawrence. ’The Little Church With A Big Rev. L. G. Shiel of Pembroke Heart Law. When the Lord made his Interment was in St. Paul’s will be in charge of all services Conevnant with Abraham, the cemetery. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Everyone Welcome Fred 111:00 a.m.—Morning Worship father of many nations; He said The. Pallbearers were “An infant of eight days shall Campbell, Clifford McLarnon, 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wednesday be circumcised among you. Ev Clarence Knox, Gordon Angus, THE FREE METHODIST ery man child in your genera Gordon Wilson and Clifton Wo 8:00 p.m.—Prayer & Bible Stud] CHURCH Friday tion. The male, whose flesh shall odley. Rev. A. H. Perry 7:00 p.m.—Young Peoples not be circumcised, that soul ShawvQle Service shall be destroyed out of his peo Jordan River, who had not been 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School ple, because he hath broken my circumcised. For us, when ready 7:30 p.m.—Worship Service covenant”. And Abraham had to enter our promised land, there ROMAN CATHOLIC CII URCl Wednesday :Ismael, his son, and all his male St. Edward’s Parish, Bristol Mine 8:00 p.m.—Prayer & Bible Study will be no second chance. servants circumcised the very Rev. D. J. Harrington, P P 9 — 11 a.m Campbell*! Bay same day, as God had command 7:30 Masses 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School Confession before all masses ed him. THE STANDARD CHURCH St. Mark the Evangelist, Ayhne 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship When the Israelites reached the Rev. E. S. S. Craig No Evening Service Sundays: 8, 9:30, 11 and 12 a.m Promised Land, it was found that 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School fuesday:many had neglected being cir 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship | 7:15 a.m.—Daily 6:30 p.m.—C Y C St. Paul, Aylmer cumcised. Joshua, therefore, call 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Sundays: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 8:00 p.m —Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday ed a halt and not a single male —Everyone Welcome Tr’v: >30, 7:15 and 7:45 a.m person was permitted to cross the 8:00 p m —Prayer Meeting p*b* TkwrwUy, leptember 17, 1t*4 TM> «OUIT1 Twelve Needs Change with Changing Seasons I i * FOR SALE FOR IN MEMORIAL ROOM ft BOARD SAU DJ Want Ads Pay For Many Reason^ PHONE 647-2500 TENDERS WANTED BIRTHS The Bristol School Commis* Mr. and Mrs. Roomer or Boarder, in Shaw- GORDON — In memory of our | ROU I Lit ht A pair C lyde colts, 1 year old. 1953 Ihev sedan, delivery iu J. R. Routliffc (nee Stark) are sioners request applications for mother, Mrs. James C. GotGeo. C. Simmons, Aylmer East, good running condition. Apply ville. Apply Mrs. I. D. Brown 3xs241 don who passed away, Sept. happy to announce the arrival the position of secretary treasur Que. RR. 2. Bev. C orrigan. 647-3172. 2xsl7 phone 647-3361. of a son at Pontiac Commun er. All applications must he in 14. 1959 Room and board. Preferably|t and field corn. Phone 1954 Huick‘ cxcc"*m condi‘ity Hospital, Shawville on the secretary's hands by Septem From hospital bed to heavenly a girl. Apply Mrs. Frank Ladoub ber 23. September 4th rest, • ceur, phone Shawvillc 647-3776. I orne Catherwood, '* I She suffered so much, her pltas0 urea were few. Sec -Treat., Bristol, P. Q. 3bt24 4\s24 Mr and Mrs. Baltimore, Ont MVRLXK k 50 cords of 16" mixed stove She never deserved what she Norman Murdock are pleased " " - wood. Phone Quyon 14-12, Carwent through, Tenders wanted for the re to announce lhe arrival of New saw chains for most man Inglee, Bcechgrove. 2hs24 She stood the test and stood it Canada twin girls on Sept. 1st at Ot building of bridge on Steele Line makes of saws. Up to 16"— $9.; bf'gtl Province of Quebec to 20" — $16.00. Please apedfy Fur M^et. sia- 14, well tawa Civic Hospital. Al! well. at Lot 19D, Range 6, sealed and name and model of saw, and ! »r»u«.krat Reasonable, phone 647-1 District of Pontiac Just what she suffered, no one b marked tenders to be mailed c/o r prior court can tell. P. O. Box 247. Quyon, Que. by number of drive links in chain, 2714 DAMP. SHIRLEY GIBSON I She hade no one a last farewell 5 p m. Sept. 24th. also pitch of chain. All orders i 195g Austin Cambridge, ex Tender to state 1. total price cash or C OD. Neil Dunlop, ce||cnl running condition. Apply of the village of Quvon, in the Nor even said goodbye. General store, 52 x 20. fully I for purchase and complete inLadysmith. P Q. phone 664-30. Ed*o Strutt, Yarm. Que. 2bi24 District of Pontiac, wife common She was gone before we realized us to property of LLOYD FLE-1 And only God knows why. equipped, walk in frig, deep fre- stillation of 48’, S' reinforced 2bsl7 --------------------------------------------------Daughters Mary A Edith, x eze. meat saw, meat counter, concrete pipe, stoning creek at DRY, of the same place, labourPlaintiff, Apply J. C. Poisson, Bryson, ph. north end of pipe to prevent eroscr, A studio couch and one large 100 acre farm in Bristol. Must vs 2bs24 ion. and 2. sufficient fill to cover In loving memory 1612-13. □BERING chesterfield chair. Apply Mrs. 1 entire pipe and gravel to accom be sold by Dec 1st. Appointment)THE SAID LLOYD FLEURY, of a dear mother and grand J. D. Brown, phone Shawville by registered mail. Ernest Mur Defendant. modate traffic. mother. Mrs. Frank ' Dcering, 3xs24 647-3361. 2\$24 rell. Bristol Mines. Que. M. Idena Fraser, Sec.-Treas. It is ordered to the Defendant who departed this life Septem to appear within one month. Municipality of South Onslow Visit Bonnechere Caves, Eg ber 20, 1962. Shingles, cedar, 900 pkgs. Call Campbell s B.»\. September 4 | No one knows how much we|anville. Ontario's Natural Under 2os24 144 or write Box 239 Fort Cou1964 ground Wonder. Guided Tours miss you, 12bn26 Cottage 3 bedrooms, fully fur kmge. Que Jean-Louis Muir, P.S.C.| Never shall your memory fade, | until Thanksgiving Weekends ; nished. running water, 4 lots. Limited quantity of dry pine I $)qqo. Inquire Mrs. Eva Poisson Paul A Martineau after until snowtime. Picnic tabLoving thoughts shall always ! umber >oth dressed and rough Bryson. Que 4bo8 les wander Sawlogs Wanted. Timber suit 3xs16 Attorney for the Plaintiff. 2 x 4, 2 x 6, 2 x 8 etc. Lengths | To the place where you arc laid. able for manufacture into rail Canada —Always remembered, Art, Flo, road ties 8. 10. 12. 14 and 16 feet Ready Species are Beech, Province of Quebec for immediate use. For particu Sharon, Sheryl & Ronnie x Birch, Maple snd Oak For fur House in Bristol village, four I District of Pontiac Our apologies to those inter lars apply Wm. Dagg, Chartcris ther particulars, prices end etc. bedrooms. 3 piece bath, very | No. 6813 . . . ,, ested fellows who turned out for, .... . or phone Shawville 662-13. 3xs24 In loving memory of |he Ull|c ukc Dumont Hunting CaH of,,ce 1 M Ar«* McRAE SUPERIOR COURT large kitchen, living room, dining f20otc a dear daughter and «iter. r|ub ^ting at Green Lake. A 200 eight foot cedar posts, to I room and a family room or den, JULIUS MILLER FURNIT Joan Pearl, who passed away NEW date has been set for Sat-1 clear $75. Ivan C. Thomson. RR oil heated, large lot, has beautiful I URE COMPANY LTD. a body I r r on September 16, 1963. erday. Sept. 19. at Green Lake 2x*17| lawn good garden, garage and politic duly incorporated having 1 Calumet Island . .... ... . ,a Borage building in rear. Mort- j#* head office and principal Our hearts still ache with sorrow. See Bob Bowen at the Golden ■ Roofing, painting and eaveUsed 3 x 5" index filing cab- gagc may be arranged. Call 647- placc of business in ihe City ol, And secret tears still flow. Shasta for further details » I troughs and metal flashing. Free mets, half price, good as new. | 3603 for particulars jy9otc | Cornwall in the district of Snr-I^hat lX mcant t0 ,osc >’ou» Joan, I estimates. Contact George Cleary _ j by phone Harold McCoy, ShawPlaintiff When we are sad and lonely, Girls bicycle in fair condit-l Partly furnished comfortable I vs *nd everything seems wrong, Sunday, Sept. 20 — Shawville ! ville 3882 Village Cemetery annual n ion $13.00; also good eating fur- practically new house and lot, LESLIE FORBES, of the vite scem lo hcar you whisper, •v v one interested in getting orial service at 3:00 p.m nips. Phone Shawville 647-3232. for sale in Shawville. Mrs. John lage of Quyon in the district of r™*1- UP* and carrv on' 3bsl7]your piano tuned, Please contact b Stewart, ph. 647-2725 b Pontiac, Defendant, 1 ach lime wc rature Kay Woodley, 2427; after six It is ordered to the Defend- ^oue $ecm t0, sm'*c “7* 8:00 p.m Tuesday, Sept. 22 3722. Five room bungalow with two ant to appear within one Pullets, ready to lay, Rhode Is 2bs24 (1) Don t cry, Im only sleeping, "Slides of a World Tour" pres land Red and Sussex cross. Ap-| lots, in Campbell's Bay Full month j Well meet again, some day. ented by Mr. Jack Radford, ply Mrs Harold Wilson, Shaw-| bathroom, heavy duty wiring, —Dad, Mom, Sisters and Campbell's Bay, September 10th, owner of the Brockville Radio 2bs241 heavy brick siding. Phone Camp ville, phone 647-3652 Brothers. b 1964 Station CFJR, at Shawville Un 4xo 1 bell s Bay 625-13. I wish to take this opportunity Paul A. Martineau ited Church Christian EducaLitter of young pigs, seven . I ■ to express my appreciation for McRAE In loving memory Attorney for Plaintiff. weeks old; fifty 1 year old Leg t.on, sponsored by CG1T. b the many kind decds done fof of a dear sister, Joan, who Jean-Louis Muir, P.S.C. horn hens. Phone Shawville 636 8:00 pm mc while in hospital. Special passed away, September 16, | Wednesday ,Scpt. 23 Modern cottages at Sand Bay. 12, Jim Hodgins, Charteris. x thanks to Dr. Horner, assisting 1963. I nter denominational service Conveniences. Apply H. L with James O. Blackwood, ex- 00 • nur$es- nurses aides, those 1951 Jeep, good condition, 4| Cartman, 647-3191, Shawville. Please God, forgive a silent tear, Canada ecutive director of Crusade who Knl cardl. flowers, gifts and brand new winter tires, new ply A constant wish that she were jy2otc Evangelism, speaking and in- A* many who visited me, not Province de Quebec wood box, good for hunting and here. Large heated upstairs apart | District de Pontiac traducing the Barry Moore forgetting the many who prayed fishing. Apply Renault Grave Others were taken, yes I know. line, Fort Coulonge, phone 214.1 *n 0uY<)n- Available imCrusade being planned for for my *Pe«dy recovery, those COUR SUPERIEURE But • she was my sister, and I 2bs24 mediately. Apply W. J. Hayes A DAME SHIRLEY GIBSON . Shawville and District, Feb. who sal wilh mc and those who miss her so. Sons, phone Shawville 647-2221.1 du village de Quyon, darts Je b| 14-21, 1965. Service to be held lookcd after Ann. —Sister, Doreen 1 bay gelding, 3 years, 1 brown ___________ s3otc I district de Pontiac, épouse com at the Wesleyan Methodist God Bless You each and everymare, -2 past, both very quiet; 1 Church, ShawvillB^^N^NÉUËN^N^N^^^N^^^^^^^M one mune en biens de LLOYD FLE HODGINS 2xsl7 In loving memory Large heated apartment. Ph. prefab chimney, complete, 8 ft. URY du même endroit, jouqiMrs. Eleanor Stevens x of a dear wife and mother, 2bsl7 long, good shape. Harry Belsher Shawville 3738 Sunday, Sept. 27 — Turkey Din . alien, Demanderesse, Gladys, who passed away on phone 3895, Shawville 2xs24 ner at Portage Town Hall by vs Furnished bachelor apartment, We wish to extend our heart September 15, 1962. St. James Parish, from 4 p.m White leghorn pullets, started I freshlV decorated. Private bath, LEDIT LLOYD FLEURY, felt thanks and appreciation for A silent thought, a secret tear Adults $1.25, children undei the many acts of kindness, mesto lay. James Barber 617-3._ I *>^lonc C ampbell s Bay. b Défendeur, Keeps her memory ever dear. 13, 75c 3bs24î I sages of sympathy and floral trk Il est ordonné au défendeur Hush and and sons, "Five room house on King St. oc comparaître dans le mois. Sixtieth A, hute, received from our many Roy and Steward, b j Sunday, Sept. 27 with workshop and garage. Heavy Freezer Special Campbell's Bay, le 4 septembre niversary Services at the Shaw- fr*ends, neighbours and relatives Sweet corn, pick your own,, wiring. - Available October 1. Ken 1964. HODGINS In loving mem ville Wesleyan Methodist Chu- in our **d bereavement in the 25c doz. Ted Robbins, Charteris, | ■PPRji Bea,tie' Phonc Shawville■ 612-32. (signé) Jean-Louis Muir PC.S. ory of a dear daughter-in-law rch, Rev. Lloyd R. Mack of ,oss of a dear husband and fathphone 641-30 Gladys who was called to rest, b __________ Paul A. Martineau Syracuse, N.Y. as guest speak- cr* ^eor8e Coles, Modem 3 bedroom house in I Procureur de la Demanderesse September 15. 1962. er. Services at 11 a m. and at I~Mrs- George Coles & family x Redfield variable power 2x27x 2os241 In memory a daily thought, Shawville. Available immediate 7:30 p.m. A warm welcome is telescopic sight, complete with ______________ _ In heart, a silent sorrow. We wish to express our heart Canadian retail $141.50 M* Grenville Sparrow at Canada extended to all. mounts 2bs24 felt thanks and appreciation to Mom & Dad Hodgins b selling price $90.00. Purchased Ladysmith or Mrs. Selwin Woods provjnce fc Quebec Afternoon I our kind relatives, friends and Tuesday, Sept. 29 ■ ■■ 235 Elizabeth Ave., Shawville September 1963, used four times. District de Pontiac Tea at Nurses residence of the neighbours for the many acts of 3xol Reason for selling, wish to buy No. 6813 one that can be mounted on more than one rifle Contact Buzzy Hodgins. 2bs24 No huntingor trespassing on LIRE COMPANY LTD, corps kins etc. Also baby books, note — ^e loss of our dear husband Lot 14c, Range 1, Township of politique dûment incorporé, ay- paper. New catalogue has just Thursday, Oct. 1 — 8 p.m. the and father, James R Sharne’ New and rebuilt typewriters Calumet Island. Elwood Lem- ant sa principale place d’affaires! arrived. Phone 647-3201, Don CBMC meets at the home of ycur thoughtfulness will • " . Terms. Pontiac Printshop Ltd. 4xs241 et son bureau chef dans la ville I Letss and I will call on you Clifford Horner in westend of I Mm%,n a cherished* memory*^* 91 aire phone 647-2500 xtc de Cornwall, district de Storm-1 at your convenience. xtc| Shawville. Members and friMrs James R Sharpe & famil • Hunting and fishing van, 1952 ont, Province d’Ontario b W. H. Pridham, Optometrist Chev 1 ton panel, new tires alf Demanderesse, 51 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, Ont | Wednesday, Oct 7 Avon Cosmetics needs ladies Annual, T • « . round and newly painted. Fred vs Plow Match of Pontiac Plow- . 1 ,w,sh t0 cxpress my s,ncerc v appointments who want to earn money in ter s20oti Campbell, Shawville, phone 647 LESLIE FORBES, du village ritories close to their homes. man's Association will be held nei8h' 3167. de Quypn, dans le district de Brookdale Farm is a Protest 2bsl7 __ LI Open territories, Grand Calumet in Vinton on the farm of Thos. hours who sent me get well Défendeur, I ant Home for underprivileged Pontiac, wishes, flowers and personal V-8 island, Chichester, Demers CenMcCosham. Meals by CWL of 1959 Plymouth sedan, Il est ordonné au défendeur I boys and girls. Located neat gifts, and to all those who visit condition, trc and Sheenboro. Write to Avon Vinton. Sea pie will be served. standard, excellent Wakefield, Quebec., it serve 2bsl71 Products, P.O. Box 126, Aylmer de comparaître dans le mois. ed me while I was a patient in $650. Phone 647-2749. 3bol Campbell’s Bay, le 10 Septembre Pont,*., Gatineau, Papineau Pontiac Community Hospital re Que sl2otc 1964 ' and La belle Counties. It if Sunday, Oct. 18 Plan to at-1 covering from a appendectomy, 23 feeder pigs; a H4 year old--------------------------------------------------Jean-Louis Muir, p r r ^thy of your support XtL tend the annual Chicken Sup- Special thanks to Dr. Horner, Hereford bull, weight 900 lbs.; Wanted woman to help with per in aid of St. Edward’s Par-1 Dr. Green and Dr. Cowley, all 8 1 Vi year and 2 year old heif- restaurant work. Apply Sports-1 Paul A. Martineau, When making your will ers and steers. Apply Rayburn | man Restaurant, phone Shaw-1 Procureur de la Demanderesse Rev. D. J. Har- the nurses, and nurses aides. ^ ish, 4 p.m. don’t forget your Community 20s241 Hospital 2xs 17 ville 647-30. 2bsl7 rington, P. P. Gray, Ladysmith ote 3bol Brenda Hamilton x z Tz:^Tt 1 PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SALE OR RENT FARMS FOR SALE WHERE TO GO COTTAGES FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY SORRY HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT J BUSINESS PERSONALS I HOUSES roe SALE 11—• 1 N° COMING EVENTS (ARDS OF THANKS FOR RENT AVIS PUBLIC PERSONALS ... NO TRESPASSING 1 FEMALE HELP WANTED , „;= "" l-TErS-l SSS SrSS* J I ïanks l0Lmy fnends and