ORDRE DU JOUR / AGENDA SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT LE 1er AUGUST 2016 à 20 h - AUGUST 1er, 2016 - 8:00 PM 1 OUVERTURE DE LA SÉANCE / OPENING OF THE MEETING 2 RAPPORT DU MAIRE ET DES CONSEILLERS / MAYOR'S AND Maire / MAYOR COUNCILLORS REPORTS TRENT 3 PREMIÈRE PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS / FIRST QUESTION PERIOD Maire / MAYOR TRENT 4 ADOPTION DE L'ORDRE DU JOUR / ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Conseillère/Councillor DAVIS 5 APPROBATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX / CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES Conseillère/Councillor DAVIS 6 RAPPORTS AU CONSEIL / REPORTS TO COUNCIL 7 ORIENTATION DU CONSEIL SUR LES SUJETS DEVANT ÊTRE Conseillère/Councillor PRÉSENTÉS AU CONSEIL D'AGGLOMÉRATION DE DAVIS MONTRÉAL / ADOPTION OF THE COUNCIL'S POSITION ON THE ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE MONTREAL AGGLOMERATION COUNCIL 8 ENTENTE - LA GALERIE DU VICTORIA HALL / AGREEMENT - THE GALLERY AT VICTORIA HALL 9 CONTRAT D'ÉLAGAGE COMPLET SYSTÉMATIQUE CONTRACT FOR THE SYSTEMATIC PRUNING OF TREES 10 RECONSTRUCTION DES PARCS CANINS (PARC KING Conseillère/Councillor GEORGE ET TAW) / LULHAM RECONSTRUCTION OF THE KING GEORGE AND WAG DOG RUNS 11 ACHAT D'UN CAMION À ORDURES (PUR-2016-014) PURCHASE OF ONE GARBAGE TRUCK (PUR-2016-014) 12 ACHAT D'UN CHARGEUR AVEC SOUFFLEUSE À NEIGE / Conseiller/Councillor PURCHASE OF A NEW LOADER WITH SNOW BLOWER MARTIN 13 REMPLACEMENT DES CONDUITES D'EAU POTABLE SUR LA Conseiller/Councillor RUE SHERBROOKE (ENTRE LES AVENUES STRATHCONA MARTIN ET KENSINGTON) / REPLACEMENT OF THE WATER MAINS ON SHERBROOKE STREET (BETWEEN STRATHCONA AND KENSINGTON AVENUES) 8 Maire / MAYOR TRENT Conseillère/Councillor FORBES / Conseillère/Councillor LULHAM / Conseiller/Councillor MARTIN 14 TRAVAUX D'AMÉNAGEMENT D'UNE AIRE DE JEUX D'EAU - Conseillère/Councillor PARC PRINCE-ALBERT / LULHAM CONSTRUCTION OF A SPLASH PAD - PRINCE ALBERT PARK 15 RÉFECTION DE LA TOITURE ET DE L'ENVELOPPE DU Conseiller/Councillor BÂTIMENT DU SERVICE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS / MARTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING - ROOFING AND BUILDING ENVELOPE WORK 16 REMPLACEMENT DE FENÊTRES ET D'UNE PORTE DU Conseiller/Councillor BÂTIMENT DES SERVICES DE PROTECTION - / MARTIN PROTECTIVE SERVICES BUILDING - WINDOWS AND DOOR REPLACEMENT 17 LISTE DES COMPTES - JUIN 2016 / LIST OF ACCOUNTS - Conseiller/Councillor JUNE 2016 DRURY 18 PAIEMENT COMPTANT -NON-REFINANCEMENT Conseiller/Councillor D'OBLIGATIONS À ÉCHÉANCE / DRURY CASH PAYMENT - NON REFINANCING OF MATURING BONDS 19 DEMANDES DE PERMIS DE CONSTRUCTION APPROBATION / BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - APPROVAL 20 DÉPÔT D'UN PROCÈS-VERBAL DE CORRECTIONS Conseiller/Councillor (RESOLUTION NO 2016-07-145) / DRURY TABLING OF MINUTES OF CORRECTIONS (RESOLUTION 2016-07-145) 21 DÉPÔT D'UN PROCÈS-VERBAL DE CORRECTIONS Conseillère/Councillor (RÉSOLUTION 2016-06-130) / SMITH TABLING OF MINUTES OF CORRECTIONS (RESOLUTION 2016-06-130) 22 CORRECTIONS - RESOLUTION NO 2016-07-141 (APPEL Conseiller/Councillor D'OFFRES PW-2016-972) / MARTIN CORRECTION - RESOLUTION 2016-07-141 (TENDER PW2016-972) 23 RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER LE CODE D'ÉTHIQUE ET Conseillère/Councillor DE DÉONTOLOGIE DES ÉLUS - AVIS DE MOTION / SMITH BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW RESPECTING THE CODE OF ETHICS AND GOOD CONDUCT OF ELECTED MUNICIPAL OFFICERS - NOTICE OF MOTION 24 RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER LE CODE D'ÉTHIQUE ET Conseillère/Councillor DE DÉONTOLOGIE DES EMPLOYÉS - AVIS DE MOTION / SMITH BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW RESPECTING THE CODE OF ETHICS AND GOOD CONDUCT OF THE EMPLOYEES NOTICE OF MOTION 9 - Conseillère/Councillor SAMIOTIS 25 RÈGLEMENT 1500 VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE Conseillère/Councillor RÈGLEMENT 1303 - USAGES COMMERCIAUX - CENTRE DES SAMIOTIS LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT - ADOPTION / BY-LAW 1500 TO FUTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 COMMERCIAL USES - WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE 26 MANDAT POUR INTENTER UNE ACTION EN Conseillère/Councillor RECOUVREMENT DE DOMMAGES À LA PROPRIÉTÉ SMITH MUNICIPALE - LES ENTREPRISES CANBEC CONSTRUCTION INC. / MANDATE TO UNDERTAKE ACTION FOR DAMAGES TO MUNICIPAL PROPERTY - LES ENTREPRISES CANBEC CONSTRUCTION INC. 27 CERTIFICATION AMF - TRAVAUX D'INFRASTRUCTURE Conseillère/Councillor SUBORDONÉS À UN PROCESSUS D'APPEL D'OFFRES / SMITH AMF CERTIFICATION FOR INFRASTRUCTURE WORK SUBJECT TO A PUBLIC TENDER PROCESS 28 AFFAIRES NOUVELLES / NEW BUSINESS 29 DEUXIÈME PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS / SECOND QUESTION PERIOD 30 LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE / ADJOURNEMENT OF THE MEETING 10 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 OPENING OF THE MEETING 7 ITEM No. 1 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 MAYOR’S AND COUNCILLORS REPORTS 11 ITEM No. 2 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 FIRST QUESTION PERIOD 12 ITEM No. 3 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 4 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MOVER Councillor Davis THAT the agenda of the regular Council meeting of August 1st, 2016 be, and it is hereby, adopted. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 13 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 5 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES MOVER Councillor Davis THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held on July 4, 2016 and of the special Council meeting held on July 18, 2016 be, and they are hereby, approved. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 14 PROCÈS-VERBAL DE LA SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT TENUE DANS LA SALLE DU CONSEIL DE L’HÔTEL DE VILLE LE 4 JUILLET 2016 À 20 h 02 À LAQUELLE ASSISTAIENT : MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL ON JULY 4, 2016 AT 20:02, AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: Le maire / The Mayor : P.F. Trent, président / Chairman Les conseillers / Councillors P.A. Cutler R. Davis V.M. Drury N. Forbes C. Lulham P. Martin C. Smith Formant quorum. / Forming a quorum. Également présents /: Also in attendance : 1. Sean Michael Deegan, directeur général / Director General Martin St-Jean, greffier / City Clerk Lucille Angers, préposée à la rédaction / Recording Secretary OUVERTURE DE LA SÉANCE 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING Le maire déclare la séance ouverte. The Mayor called the meeting to order. À moins d’indication à l’effet contraire dans le présent procès-verbal, le maire se prévaut toujours de son privilège prévu à l’article 328 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C-19) en s’abstenant de voter. Unless otherwise indicated in these minutes, the Mayor always avails himself of his privilege provided for in section 328 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19) by abstaining from voting. 2. RAPPORT DU CONSEILLERS MAIRE ET DES 2. MAYOR'S REPORTS AND COUNCILLORS La conseillère Smith fait un compte-rendu de la séance publique du Comité consultatif d'urbanisme afin d’examiner un projet soumis au règlement de PPCMOI. Elle invite le public à présenter ses observations d’ici le 12 juillet. Elle s’est dite satisfaite de la réunion et des commentaires constructifs formulés. Councillor Smith reported on the public meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee to review a project under the SCAPOPI By-law. She invited the public to submit their comments until July 12. She expressed her satisfaction with the meeting and she commented on the constructive feedback expressed. Le conseiller Cutler fournit une mise à jour des données recueillies durant le projet des pistes cyclables. Il mentionne que 3 appareils enregistrent des données brutes, lesquelles doivent être analysées. Le comité sur les transports prévoit la tenue d’une séance publique en septembre ou octobre 2016. Councillor Cutler provided an update on the data collected during the bicycle path trial. He mentioned that 3 machines are collecting raw data that need to be analyzed. The Transportation Committee plans to have a public meeting in September or October 2016. 15 -22016-07-04 Il fait un compte-rendu sur l'accord de partenariat avec Hydro-Québec pour le déploiement de stations de recharge des véhicules électriques adopté lors de la séance ordinaire du mois de mai. Le comité sur les transports a rencontré HydroQuébec en vue de l’installation de stations additionnelles à la bibliothèque, et peut-être sur les avenues Greene et Victoria. Il confirme que Québec envisage une expansion du réseau. He reported on the partnership agreement for the deployment of charging stations for electric vehicles with Hydro Québec adopted at the regular Council in May. The Transportation Advisory Committee has met with Hydro Québec to install more stations at the library, and possibly on Greene and Victoria Avenues. It was confirmed that Quebec is planning to expand the network. La conseillère Lulham annonce que, durant la dernière semaine de juin, un premier verger de poires et de prunes a été planté à proximité du Centre des loisirs de Westmount. Councillor Lulham announced that on the last week of June, the first orchard, including pear and plum trees, was planted next to the Westmount Recreation Centre. 3. 3. PREMIÈRE PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS FIRST QUESTION PERIOD La première période de questions se tient de The first question period took place from 20 h 05 à 20 h 52. 8:05 p.m. to 8:52 p.m. / 4. ADOPTION DE L'ORDRE DU JOUR 4. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2016-07-135 2016-07-135 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Davis by Councillor Davis QUE l’ordre du jour de la séance ordinaire du THAT the agenda of the regular Council conseil du 4 juillet 2016 soit adopté, et il l’est meeting of July 4, 2016 be, and it is hereby, par les présentes. adopted. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. APPROBATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 2016-07-136 2016-07-136 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Davis by Councillor Davis QUE les procès-verbaux de la séance ordinaire du conseil tenue le 6 juin 2016 et de la séance extraordinaire tenue le 20 juin 2016 soient approuvés, et ils le sont par les présentes. THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held on June 6, 2016 and of the special Council meeting held on June 20, 2016 be, and they are hereby, approved. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 16 -32016-07-04 6. A) RAPPORTS AU CONSEIL 6. CORRESPONDANCE REPORTS TO COUNCIL A) CORRESPONDENCE Les documents suivants sont disponibles au The following correspondence is available at the bureau du greffe pour consultation: City Clerk’s office for consultation: • Résolutions adoptées par la Municipalité de • Verchères et la Ville de Sainte-Anne-desPlaines concernant leur opposition à l'assujettissement des associations ou organismes à but non lucratif au Projet de loi no 56 (Loi sur la transparence en matière de lobbyisme); • Règlement RCG 07-031-5 adopté par le conseil d'agglomération de Montréal intitulé Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la mesure de la consommation de l'eau dans les bâtiments utilités en partie ou en totalité à des fins non résidentielles; B) COMITÉ PLÉNIER PROCÈS-VERBAL DU CONSEIL Resolutions adopted by the Municipalité de Verchères and Ville de Sainte-Anne-desPlaines regarding their opposition for nonprofit organizations to be subject to the provisions of Bill 56 (Lobbying Transparency Act) • By-law RCG 07-031-5 adopted by the Montréal Urban Agglomeration Council entitled Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la mesure de la consommation de l'eau dans les bâtiments utilités en partie ou en totalité à des fins non résidentielles. – B) GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL – MINUTES Les procès-verbaux des réunions du comité The minutes of the meetings of the General plénier du conseil tenues les 2 et 16 mai 2016 Committee of Council held on May 2 and 16, 2016 sont déposés. are tabled. C) EMBAUCHE D’EMPLOYÉS C) HIRING OF EMPLOYEES Le rapport d’embauche du mois de mai 2016 est The Manpower Report for the month of May 2016 déposé. is tabled. 7. APPOINTMENT - ACTING MAYOR 7. ATTENDU QU’en vertu de l’article 56 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C 19), le conseil doit désigner, pour la période qu'il détermine, un conseiller comme maire suppléant. APPOINTMENT - ACTING MAYOR WHEREAS according to section 56 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, Chapter C-19), the Council shall appoint a Councillor as Acting Mayor for the period it determines. 2016-07-137 2016-07-137 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Forbes seconded by Councillor Forbes 17 Lulham, -42016-07-04 QUE la conseillère Rosalind Davis soit THAT Councillor Rosalind Davis be appointed nommée à titre de mairesse suppléante pour as Acting Mayor for the months of August, les mois d'août, septembre et octobre 2016; September and October 2016; and QUE la conseillère Christina Smith soit THAT Councillor Christina Smith be appointed nommée à titre de mairesse suppléante pour as Acting Mayor for the months of November les mois de novembre et décembre 2016 et le and December 2016 and January 2017. mois de janvier 2017. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. ENTENTE DE PRÊT - GALERIE D'ART 8. DU CENTRE CULTUREL DE L'UNIVERSITÉ DE SHERBROOKE LOAN AGREEMENT - GALERIE D'ART DU CENTRE CULTUREL DE L'UNIVERSITÉ DE SHERBROOKE ATTENDU QU'en 1997, la Ville a reçu de M. Yves La Roque de Roquebrune la peinture Arrière-cours Montréal d'Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau; WHEREAS the City received the painting Arrière-cours Montréal by Hector de SaintDenys Garneau from Mr. Yves La Roque de Roquebrune in 1997; ATTENDU QUE la Galerie d'art du Centre culturel de l'Université de Sherbrooke a demandé d'emprunter la peinture et que M. La Roque de Roquebrune a appuyé cette demande. WHEREAS the Galerie d'art du Centre culturel de l'Université de Sherbrooke has requested to borrow the painting and Mr. La Roque de Roquebrune supported this request. 2016-07-138 2016-07-138 Il est proposé par la conseillère Forbes, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Lulham seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE la Ville ratifie l'entente de prêt avec la Galerie d'art du Centre culturel de l'université de Sherrooke relativement à la peinture Arrièrecours Montréal d'Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau pour l'exposition intitulée La détermination d'un regard -- exposition d'archives littéraires d'Anne Hébert et d'oeuvres peintes d'Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau qui se tiendra du 7 juin au 7 août 2016, laquelle entente a été signée par le directeur général le 6 juin 2016. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 9. SERVICES PROFESSIONNELS RESSOURCES HUMAINES Forbes, THAT the City ratify the agreement with the Galerie d'art du Centre culturel de l'université de Sherrooke allowing the Galerie to borrow the painting Arrière-cours Montréal by Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau for its exhibit La détermination d'un regard - exposition d'archives littéraires d'Anne Hébert et d'oeuvres peintes d'Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau that is to be held from June 7th to August 7th 2016 that was signed by the Director General on June 6, 2016. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY - 9. ACQUISITION OF A PAYROLL SYSTEM - HUMAN RESOURCES ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the présidée par le directeur général, Sean Michael Council Chamber on May18, 2016 for the 18 -52016-07-04 Deegan, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 2 juin 2016 pour l’ouverture des soumissions relatives au SERVICES PROFESSIONNELS FOURNITURE ET IMPLANTATION D’UN SYSTÈME INTÉGRÉ DE GESTION DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES ET DE LA PAIE POUR LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres no PUR-2016-010) et qu'un rapport écrit préparé par le directeur des Services juridiques et greffier le 2 juin 2016 est déposé lors de cette séance. opening of tenders for PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR HUMAN RESOURCES AND PAYROLL FOR THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PUR-2016010) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that a written report prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on June 2, 2016 is submitted to this meeting. 2016-07-139 2016-07-139 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Drury appuyé par le conseiller Drury QUE la soumission de Exagon inc. soit acceptée pour les Services professionnels Fourniture et implantation d'un système intégré de gestion des ressources humaines et de la paie pour la Ville de Westmount (appel d'offres no PUR-2016-010) ainsi que pour l'entretien annuel pour une période de cinq (5) ans et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 133 371 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of Exagon Inc. be accepted for the Professional Services - Supply and implementation of an integrated management system for Human Resources and Payroll for the City of Westmount (Tender PUR-2016-010) as well as for the annual maintenance for a period of five (5) years, and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $133,371, all applicable taxes included; QUE la dépense de 121 786 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte no 03-315-22-013, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-07-04 délivré le 23 juin 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $121,786 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-315-22-013, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-07-04 issued on June 23, 2016; QUE le maire et le greffier soient autorisés à THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be signer ledit contrat; et authorized to sign the contract; and QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tout autre document nécessaire ou exigé pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 19 THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY -62016-07-04 10. APPROBATION D'UN SYSTÈME DE PONDÉRATION ET D'ÉVALUATION DES OFFRES - GESTIONNAIRE DE PROJET SYSTÈME DE PAIE 10. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES APPROVAL OF A SYSTEM OF BID WEIGHTING AND EVALUATING: PROJECT MANAGER - PAYROLL SYSTEM ATTENDU QU’en vertu du paragraphe 573. de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C19), dans le cas de l'adjudication d'un contrat relatif à la fourniture de services professionnels, le conseil doit utiliser un système de pondération et d'évaluation des offres; WHEREAS in accordance with section 573. of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19), where a contract for professional services is to be awarded, the Council must use a system of bid weighting and evaluating; ATTENDU QUE le Service des ressources WHEREAS the Human Resources Department humaines souhaite lancer un appel d’offres en wishes to call for tenders for the selection of a vue de la sélection d'un gestionnaire de projet Project Manager - Payroll System. pour le nouveau système de paie. 2016-07-140 2016-07-140 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Drury appuyé par le conseiller Drury QUE le système de pondération et d’évaluation des offres proposé dans le document préparé par le Service des ressources humaines soit approuvé dans le cadre d’un appel d’offres en vue de la sélection d'un gestionnaire de projet implantation d'un nouveau système pour la gestion de la paie. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 11. THAT the system of bid weighting and evaluating proposed in the document prepared by the Human Resources Department be approved within the framework of a call for tenders for the selection of a Project Manager Implementation of the new Payroll System. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPEL D'OFFRES PUBLIC - TRAVAUX 11. PUBLICS ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, présidée par le directeur général, Sean Michael Deegan, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 20 juin 2016 pour l’ouverture des soumissions relatives à la RECONSTRUCTION DE RUE ET REMPLACEMENT DES CONDUITES D'EAU POTABLE ET DES SERVICES SUR L'AVENUE WOOD (ENTRE LE BOULEVARD DE MAISONNEUVE ET LA RUE SHERBROOKE) DANS LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres no PUBLIC WORKS TENDERS - PUBLIC WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on June 20, 2016 for the opening of tenders for the ROAD RECONSTRUCTION AND REPLACEMENT OF THE WATERMAINS AND SERVICES ON WOOD AVENUE, BETWEEN DE MAISONNEUVE BOULEVARD AND SHERBROOKE STREET WEST IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2016-972) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written PW-2016-972) et que des rapports écrits reports prepared by the Director of Legal préparés par le directeur des Services Services and City Clerk on May 18, 2016 and juridiques et greffier le 20 juin 2016 et par la by the Assistant Director - Engineering and 20 -72016-07-04 directrice adjointe - Ingénierie et infrastructure Infrastructure on June 20, 2016 are submitted le 20 juin 2016 sont déposés lors de cette to this meeting. séance. 2016-07-141 2016-07-141 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Davis seconded by Councillor Davis Martin, QUE la soumission de TGA Montréal inc. soit acceptée pour la construction de rue et remplacement des conduites d'eau potable et des services sur l'avenue Wood, entre le boulevard De Maisonneuve et la rue Sherbrooke Ouest dans la Ville de Westmount (appel d'offres no PW-2016-972) et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 745 050 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of TGA Montréal Inc. be accepted for the road reconstruction and replacement of the water mains and services on Wood Avenue between De Maisonneuve Boulevard and Sherbrooke Street West in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2016972), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $745,050.00, all applicable taxes included; QUE la dépense de 682 765,21 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte no 23-010-16-003 et 02-31051-013, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-07-05 délivré le 23 juin 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $682,765.21 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 23-010-16-003 and 03-310-51-013, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-0705 issued on June 23, 2016; QUE le maire et le greffier soient autorisés à THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be signer ledit contrat; et authorized to sign the contract; and QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer THAT the Director General be authorized to sign tout autre document nécessaire ou exigé pour any and all other documents necessary and/or donner plein effet à la présente résolution. required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 12. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PROJET TURCOT – CERTIFICAT 12. D'AUTORISATION POUR LA CONSTRUCTION D'INFRASTRUCTURES DE DRAINAGE ATTENDU QUE, en vertu de l'article 32 de la Loi sur la qualité de l'environnement (RLRQ, c. Q-2), nul ne peut établir un aqueduc, des appareils pour la purification de l’eau, ni procéder à l’exécution de travaux d’égout ou à l’installation de dispositifs pour le traitement des eaux usées avant d’en avoir soumis les plans et devis au ministre et d’avoir obtenu son autorisation; 21 TURCOT PROJECT - CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE WHEREAS in accordance with Section 32 of the Environment Quality Act (CQLR, c. Q-2), no one may establish waterworks, install water purification appliances or carry out work respecting sewers or the installation of devices for the treatment of waste water before submitting the plans and specifications to the Minister and obtaining his authorization; -82016-07-04 ATTENDU QUE dans le cadre du projet Turcot Conception-Construction, certaines demandes d’autorisation sont requises de la part de la Ville de Westmount afin que le consortium mandaté par le ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), puisse réaliser les travaux assujettis à la demande d’autorisation; WHEREAS as part of the Turcot Project, certain authorization from the City of Westmount is required so that the consortium mandated by the Ministry of Transport may carry out the work covered by the license application; ATTENDU QUE, dans le cadre de la demande de certificat d’autorisation, le consortium doit démontrer que la gestion des eaux pluviales prévue respecte les exigences du Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques ainsi que celles de la Ville et doit faire la preuve que l’impact du projet ne sera pas négatif sur les réseaux municipaux. WHEREAS, as part of the license application, the consortium must demonstrate that the stormwater management meets the requirement of the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques and those of the City and that the impact of the project will not be adverse on municipal networks; WHEREAS the City of Westmount must ATTENDU QUE la Ville de Westmount doit authorize the storm sewer works (stormwater autoriser les travaux d'égout pluvial (gestion des management) covered by said license eaux pluviales) assujettis par ce certificat application within its territory. d'autorisation sur son territoire. 2016-07-142 It was moved by Councillor Martin, 2016-07-142 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé seconded by Councillor Davis par la conseillère Davis QUE la Ville de Westmount ne s'objecte pas à la délivrance, par le Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, d'un certificat d'autorisation pour la conception-construction d'infrastructures de drainage du projet de l'échangeur Turcot en conformité avec l'article 32 de la Loi sur la qualité de l'environnement (RLRQ, c. Q-2); THAT the City of Westmount does not object to the issuance of the certificate of authorization issued by the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, as provided for in Section 32 of the Environment Quality Act (CQLR, c. Q-2) for the conceptionconstruction of drainage infrastructure in connection with the Turcot Project authorization request. QUE le greffier soit autorisé à signer, pour et au nom de la Ville, le certificat d'autorisation pour THAT the City Clerk be authorized to sign the la construction d'infrastructures de drainage. Certificate of approval for the construction of drainage infrastructure, for and on behalf of the City. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 22 -92016-07-04 13. APPEL D'OFFRES PUBLICS - HYDRO 13. WESTMOUNT ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, présidée par le directeur général, Sean Michael Deegan, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 16 juin 2016 pour l’ouverture des soumissions relatives au PROGRAMME D'ÉMONDAGE 2016 DANS LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres no PUR-2016-012) et que des rapports écrits préparés par la directrice adjointe des Services juridiques et greffière adjointe le 16 juin 2016 et par le chef de division, approvisionnement le 20 juin 2016 sont déposés lors de cette séance. PUBLIC TENDERS WESTMOUNT - HYDRO WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on June 16, 2016 for the opening of tenders for TREE PRUNING - 2016 PROGRAMME IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PUR-2016-012) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant Director of Legal Services and Assistant City Clerk on June 16, 2016 and by the Purchasing Manager on June 20, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. 2016-07-143 2016-07-143 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Smith by Councillor Smith QUE la soumission de Service d'arbres NordOuest (9211-9817 Québec Inc.). soit acceptée pour le Programme d'émondage 2016 dans la Ville de Westmount (appel d'offres no PUR-2016-012) et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 119 446,04 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of Service d'arbres NordOuest (9211-9817 Québec Inc.) be accepted for the Tree pruning - 2016 Programme in the City of Westmount (Tender PUR-2016-012), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $119,446.04, all applicable taxes included; QUE la dépense de 103 440 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense départementale, compte no 02-832-00-457, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-07-02 délivré le 23 juin 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $103,440 (including tax credit) be made from Departmental Expense, Account No. 02-83200-457, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-07-02 issued on June 23, 2016; QUE le maire et le greffier soient autorisés à THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be signer ledit contrat; et authorized to sign the contract; and QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer THAT the Director General be authorized to tout autre document nécessaire ou exigé pour sign any and all other documents necessary donner plein effet à la présente résolution. and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 23 -102016-07-04 14. APPEL D'OFFRES PAR INVITATION - 14. HYDRO WESTMOUNT TENDERS BY INVITATION – HYDRO WESTMOUNT 2016-07-144 2016-07-144 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Smith by Councillor Smith QUE la soumission de Infrastructel Inc. soit acceptée pour l'inspection et l'analyse des 395 puits d'accès dans la ville et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 68 122,69 $, toutes taxes comprises, le tout conformément au rapport du 20 juin 2016 du chef de division, approvisionnement; QU’une dépense de 59 250 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée au compte no 03-311-02009, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière n° CTW-2016-07-03 délivré le 23 juin 2016; QUE des bons de commande soient émis, au besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmentionnées et que le directeur général soit autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 15. CONTRAT DE SERVICES TRANSPORT DE VALEURS THAT the quotation of Infrastructel Inc. be accepted to carry out an evaluation on the condition of the 395 manholes within the City, and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $68,122.69, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated June 20, 2016; THAT an expenditure in the amount of $59,250 (including tax credits) be made from Account No. 03-311-02-009, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-0703 issued on June 23, 2016 ; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY - 15. FINANCE SECURITIES TRANSPORT OF 2016-07-145 2016-07-145 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Smith by Councillor Smith QUE la soumission de Société en commandite Transport de Valeurs Garda soit acceptée pour les services de transport de valeurs à la banque et de mise en rouleaux des pièces de monnaie pour le Service des finances pour une période de trois (3) ans, du 4 juillet 2016 au 30 juin 2019, et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 35 480,77 $, toutes taxes comprises, le tout conformément au rapport du 20 juin 2016 du chef de division, approvisionnement; 24 THAT the quotation of Société en commandite transport de valeurs Garda be accepted to provide transport of securities to the bank and to provide coin rolling services for the Finance Department for a period of three (3) years, from July 4, 2016 to June 30, 2019 and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $35,480.77, all applicable taxes included; the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated June 20, 2016; -112016-07-04 QUE la dépense de 5 143 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense départementale, comptes no 02-357-00-451 et 02-810-00-451 pour l'année en cours, le tout conformément au certificat de la trésorière no CTW-2016-07-03 délivré le 29 juin 2016; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $5 143 (including tax credits) be made from Departmental Expense, Accounts No. 02-35700-451 and 02-810-00-451 for the current year, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-07-03 issued on June 29, 2016; QUE des bons de commande soient émis, au besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmentionnées et que le directeur général soit autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be authorized to sign for and them on behalf of the City. 16. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPROBATION DES DEMANDES DE 16. PERMIS ATTENDU QU’en vertu du Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, la délivrance de certains permis de construction est assujettie à l’approbation préalable des plans par le comité consultatif d’urbanisme; BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS APPROVAL WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, the issuance of some building permits are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; ATTENDU QU’en vertu du paragraphe 3.2.2 de WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this ce règlement, le conseil doit se prononcer par by-law, Council must decide on the résolution sur ces recommandations du Comité. recommendations of the Committee. 2016-07-146 2016-07-146 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Forbes appuyé par la conseillère Forbes QUE, selon les recommandations du Comité consultatif d’urbanisme formulées lors de sa réunion tenue le 21 juin 2016, la liste ci-jointe des demandes de permis de construction, telle que révisée conformément au Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, soit approuvée, sous réserve du retrait de la demande de permis no 2016-00658 - Occupation temporaire d'un café-terrasse au 4909, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, app. A. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 25 Lulham, THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meeting held on June 21, 2016 the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under Bylaw 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved, subject to the withdrawal of Permit application No. 2016-00658 - Temporary occupancy of a caféterrace at 4909 Sherbrooke Street West, apt. A. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY -122016-07-04 17. RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFER DE 17. BY-LAW 1500 TO FURTHER AMEND NOUVEAULE RÈGLEMENT DE ZONAGE ZONING BY-LAW 1303 - COMMERCIAL 1303 - USAGES COMMERCIAUX USES - WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT CENTRE - ADOPTION OF SECOND - ADOPTION DU SECOND PROJET DRAFT Le greffier signale que toutes les formalités requises pour la dispense de lecture de ce règlement ont été respectées et que des copies du règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. The City Clerk reported that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference. Déclaration de la part de chaque membre du Declaration by each member of Council present conseil présent à l’effet qu’il (elle) a lu le that he (she) has read the by-law and that règlement et que la lecture en est dispensée. reading is waived thereof. OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Lulham explique que ce projet de règlement a pour objet de formaliser la présence d'un bâtiment municipal dans la zone P1-37-02 et de régulariser les utilisations commerciales actuelles: l'exploitation d'un café et un pro-shop dans le Centre des loisirs de Westmount. Councillor Lulham explained that the object of this by-law is to formalize the presence of a municipal building in zone P1-37-02 and to regularize the current commercial uses: the operation of a café and a pro-shop in the Westmount Recreation Centre. 2016-07-147 2016-07-147 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Davis seconded by Councillor Davis QUE le second projet de règlement 1500 intitulé Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement de zonage 1303 - usages commerciaux - Centre des loisirs de Westmount soit adopté. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ Lulham, THAT the second draft of By-Law 1500 to further amend Zoning By-Law 1303 Commercial Uses - Westmount Recreational Centre be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 18. RÈGLEMENT 1501 VISANT À MODIFIER 18. BY-LAW 1501 TO AMEND BY-LAW 1317 LE RÈGLEMENT DE DÉMOLITION 1317 CONCERNING DEMOLITION ADOPTION ADOPTION Le greffier signale que toutes les formalités requises pour la dispense de lecture de ce règlement ont été respectées et que des copies du règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. 26 The City Clerk reported that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference. -132016-07-04 Déclaration de la part de chaque membre du Declaration by each member of Council present conseil présent à l’effet qu’il (elle) a lu le that he (she) has read the by-law and that règlement et que la lecture en est dispensée. reading is waived thereof. OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Lulham explique que ce règlement a pour objet d’attribuer au conseil les fonctions conférées au comité de démolition en vertu du chapitre V.O.1 - Démolition d’immeubles de la Loi sur l’aménagement et l’urbanisme (RLRQ, c. 19.1). Councillor Lulham explained that the object of this by-law is to assign upon Council the functions conferred on the demolition committee in accordance with Chapter V.O.1 - Demolition of Immoveables - of An Act Respecting Land use Planning and Development (CQLR, c. 19.1). 2016-07-148 2016-07-148 Il est proposé par la conseillère Lulham, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par le conseiller Martin seconded by Councillor Martin Lulham, QUE le règlement 1501 intitulé Règlement THAT by-law 1501 entitled By-Law to amend visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement 1317 By-law 1317 concerning Demolition be adopted. de démolition soit adopté. DÉCLARATIION DÉCLARATION Le maire Trent déclare que le règlement 1501 intitulé Règlement visant à modifier le règlement 1317 de démolition ayant été adopté, il est ordonné que les avis soient donnés conformément à la loi. Mayor Trent declared that by-Law 1501 entitled By-law to amend By-law 1317 concerning Demolition having been duly adopted, it is ordered that notices be given as required by law. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 19. 19. RÈGLEMENT - 796 LEXINGTON SETTLEMENT - 796 LEXINGTON ATTENDU QU’au cours de l'été 2015, M. Del Negro, propriétaire de l’immeuble situé au 796, avenue Lexington, a intenté une action devant la Cour supérieure du Québec (CSM: 500-17088662-153) nommant, entre autres parties, la Ville en tant que mise-en-cause. WHEREAS Mr. Del Negro, owner of the property at 796 Lexington Avenue, instituted proceedings in the Superior Court of Québec (C.S.M.: 500-17-088662-153) in the summer of 2015 naming, among other parties, the City as a mise-en-cause. ATTENDU QUE M. Del Negro a déposé une requête auprès de la Cour afin d'être déclaré propriétaire - par voie d'acquisition prescriptive - d'une bande de terres contiguë à sa propriété et située au nord-ouest de sa ligne de propriété, ladite bande de terre n'ayant pas de propriétaire. WHEREAS Mr. Del Negro is petitioning the Court to be declared the owner - by way of prescriptive acquisition - of a strip of land contiguous to and northwest of his property line, said strip of land being a property without an owner. 27 -142016-07-04 ATTENDU QUE le terrain que M. Del Negro cherche à acquérir représente environ 900 pieds carrés qui serait ajouté à son lot existant de 5 450 pieds carrés. WHEREAS The land that Mr. Del Negro seeks to acquire represents approximately 900 sq ft which would be added to his existing lot of 5,450 sq ft. ATTENDU QUE, conformément au règlement WHEREAS pursuant to the settlement envisagé, la Ville tirerait des recettes fiscales contemplated the City would derive additional supplémentaires; tax revenues; ATTENDU QUE la Ville dispose d'une infrastructure souterraine à laquelle elle doit avoir accès, de temps à autre, et qu'un Acte de servitude réelle et perpétuelle a été négocié et approuvé par M. Del Negro. WHEREAS the City has infrastructure underground to which it needs to have access, as may be required from time to time, an Acte de servitude réelle et perpétuelle has been negotiated and agreed upon by Mr. Del Negro. 2016-07-149 2016-07-149 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded appuyé par la conseillère Forbes by Councillor Forbes QUE la Ville ratifie la transaction convenue entre les parties et que le greffier soit, et il est par les présentes, mandaté pour signer ladite transaction au nom de la Ville. THAT the City ratify the Transaction agreed upon by the parties and that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, mandated to sign the said Transaction on behalf of the City. QUE, sous réserve de la réalisation des conditions prévues au paragraphe 5 de la transaction, la Ville signe l'Acte de servitude réelle et perpétuelle convenu entre les parties et que le greffier soit, et il est par les présentes, mandaté pour signer ledit Acte au nom de la Ville. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ THAT, subject to the realization of the conditions found at paragraph 5 of the Transaction, the City executes the Acte de servitude réelle et perpétuelle agreed upon by the parties and that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, mandated to sign the said Acte on behalf of the City. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 20. MANDAT POUR INSTITUER DES 20. MANDATE TO UNDERTAKE LEGAL PROCÉDURES LÉGALES - 109, AVENUE PROCEEDINGS 109 AVENUE COLUMBIA ET 68, FORDEN CRESCENT COLUMBIA AND 68 FORDEN CRESCENT ATTENDU QUE la Loi sur les compétences WHEREAS the Municipal Powers Act (CQLR, municipales (RLRQ, c C-47.1) prévoit que: c. C-47.1) provides that: 57. Lorsque la municipalité constate une cause d’insalubrité relative à un immeuble, elle peut faire parvenir une mise en demeure au propriétaire ou à l’occupant de l’immeuble, lui enjoignant dans un délai qu’elle détermine de la faire disparaître ou de faire les travaux nécessaires pour 57. If the municipality notes unsanitary conditions in connection with an immoveable, it may send a formal notice to the owner or occupant of the immoveable requiring the owner or occupant, within the time the municipality prescribes, to abate them or to do the necessary work to 28 -152016-07-04 empêcher qu’elle ne se manifeste à nouveau. prevent their recurrence. 58. Si la mise en demeure adressée en vertu de l’article 57 n'a pas donné suite dans le délai mentionné, un juge de la Cour supérieure siégeant dans le district où l'immeuble est situé peut, sur demande présentée en cours d’instance, enjoindre le propriétaire ou l'occupant de l'immeuble à prendre les mesures requises pour faire disparaître les causes d’insalubrité dans un délai qu’il détermine ou empêcher qu'elle ne se manifeste à nouveau, et ordonner qu’à défaut de ce faire la municipalité pourra ellemême prendre les mesures requises aux frais du propriétaire ou de l'occupant. 58. If the formal notice sent under 57 is not acted upon within the time mentioned, a judge of the Superior Court sitting in the district where the immoveable is situated may, upon an application presented even during the suit, require the owner or the occupant of the immoveable to take steps required to abate the unsanitary condition within the time the judge determines or to prevent its recurrence, and order that, on failure to do so, the municipality may itself take the require steps at the expense of the owner or occupant. Lorsque le propriétaire ou l'occupant de l'immeuble sont inconnus, introuvables ou incertains, le juge peut autoriser la municipalité à prendre sur-le-champ les mesures requises pour remédier à la situation et à en réclamer éventuellement le coût au propriétaire ou à l'occupant. When the owner or occupant of the immoveable are unknown, unconfirmed or cannot be found, the judge may authorize the municipality to take immediate steps to remedy the situation and eventually claim the cost from the owner or occupant. ATTENDU QUE les immeubles situés au 68, Forden Crescent et au 109, avenue Columbia sont dans un état de décrépitude créant des conditions insalubres qui menacent la sécurité de leur quartier respectif; WHEREAS the properties found at 68 Forden Crescent and 109 Columbia Avenue are in a state of decrepitude creating unsanitary conditions which are threatening the safety and security of their respective neighborhoods; ATTENDU QUE les propriétaires des immeubles situés au 68, Forden Crescent et au 109, avenue Columbia ont eu plusieurs possibilités pour faire disparaître les causes d’insalubrité observées sur leur propriété afin de les rendre conformes à la réglementation de la Ville; WHEREAS the owners of the properties situated at 68 Forden Crescent and 109 Columbia Avenue have been given several opportunities to abate the unsanitary conditions noted on their property and to bring said property in full compliance with the City's by-laws; ATTENDU QUE les propriétaires des immeubles situés au 68, Forden Crescent et au 109, avenue Columbia ont, jusqu'à maintenant, refusé ou négligé de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour remédier à la situation. WHEREAS the owners of the situated at 68 Forden Crescent Columbia Avenue have, to this date, neglected to take the required steps the situation. properties and 109 refused or to remedy 2016-07-150 2016-07-150 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Lulham appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 29 -162016-07-04 QUE la Ville ratifie le mandat donné, en son nom, à Irving Mitchell Kalichman par le directeur des Services juridiques afin d'instituer des procédures légales dans les affaires impliquant la Ville contre: - THAT the City ratify the mandate to undertake proceedings on its behalf, given to Irving Mitchell Kalichman by the Director of Legal Services in the matters involving the City against: Mme Julie Leclair du 68, Forden Crescent (C.S.M.: 500-17-094398-154) Mme Léopoldine Shutz du 109, avenue Columbia (C.S.M.: 500-17-094397-166) Ms. Julie Leclair of 68 Forden Crescent (S.C.M.: 500-17-094398-154) Ms. Leopoldine Shutz of 109 Columbia Avenue (S.C.M.: 500-17-094397-166) QUE le directeur des Services juridiques soit autorisé à négocier un calendrier relatif à la conduite des procédures ou les conditions d'un règlement dans ce dossier, s'il juge qu'il est dans les meilleurs intérêts de la Ville; et THAT the Director of Legal Services be authorized to negotiate a timetable as to the conduct of the proceedings or the terms of a settlement in this file, if deemed in the best interests of the City; and QUE le directeur des Services juridiques soit autorisé à signer tous les documents nécessaires pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ THAT the Director of Legal Services be authorized to sign any and all documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing resolutions. 21. AFFAIRES NOUVELLES 21. NEW BUSINESS 22. DEUXIÈME PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS 22. SECOND QUESTION PERIOD CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY La seconde période de questions se tient de The second question period took place from 21 h 12 à 21 h 23, 9:12 p.m. to 9:23 p.m. 23. AJOURNEMENT DE LA SÉANCE 23. La séance est ensuite levée à 21 h 23. ADJOURNMNENT OF THE MEETING The meeting thereupon adjourned at 9:23 p.m. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Martin St-Jean Greffier / City Clerk 30 ANNEXE/APPENDIX "A" PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS DES CITOYENS SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU 4 JUILLET 2016 QUESTION PERIOD OF CITIZENS REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 4, 2016 Début de la première période des questions: 20 h 05 Beginning of the First Question Period: 8:05 p.m. NOM /NAME SUJET DE L’INTERVENTION / QUESTION SUBJECT Bruce Anderson M. Anderson met en doute la collecte de données sur le chemin de la Côte Saint-Antoine et fait des commentaires au sujet des travaux sur l’avenue Westmount pendant les essais de piste cyclable. Il se plaint du rétrécissement de la chaussée et demande pourquoi les résidents n’ont pas été consultés au sujet du design. A son avis, les deux pistes cyclables sont dangereuses, et il demande des renseignements additionnels. Mr. Anderson questioned the data collection on Côte St. Antoine Road and commented on the construction works being done on Westmount Ave during the bike path trials. He complained about the street narrowing and asked why the residents were not given the opportunity to discuss the design. In his opinion, both bicycle paths are dangerous, and he requested additional useful information. Paul Marriott M. Marriott mentionne les commentaires positifs du brigadier au sujet de l’amélioration substantielle en face de l'école Roslyn durant les heures de pointe depuis le rétrécissement de la chaussée. Il demande si le conseil a l’intention d’adopter un règlement sir certaines races de chiens dangereux. Compte tenu du nombre de chiens abandonnés à la SPCA récemment, il veut l'assurance qu’une législation appropriée sera adoptée, en considération des propriétaires de chiens. Il demande également s’il existe un plan pour harmoniser les licences pour chiens à travers l'île? Mr. Marriott reported on the cross guard’s positive comment about the significant improvement in front of Roslyn school during rush hours since the narrowing of the street. He asked if Council has any intention of adopting a by-law about specific breeds and/or dangerous dogs. He mentioned on the large number of dogs abandoned at the SPCA recently and he wanted assurance that, in consideration to dog owners, a proper by-law will be adopted. He also asked if there a plan to harmonize dog’s licensing across the island? 31 -182016-07-04 Il mentionne le succès de la première réunion du CCU tenue en public sur un projet de PPCMOI, laquelle était très bien organisée. Il est déçu que la documentation ne soit pas accessible sur le site Web de la Ville, ce qui contribuerait à améliorer la productivité de ces réunions. / He mentioned the well-organized PAC meeting held in public for a PPCMOI project. However, he was disappointed that the documentation was not accessible on the City’s Website as it would make these meetings more productive. Mrs. Maura McKeon Mme McKeon s’inquiète du préjudice potentiel et de la réduction de la qualité de vie des voisins résidant sur les avenues, Clarke et Kitchener et de la baisse potentielle de la valeur de leur propriété suite à la proposition d'installer des modules dans la cour de l'école primaire Saint-Léon. Le conseil accepterait-il d'abandonner cette proposition et de demander de l'aide pour trouver d'autres alternatives? / Mrs. McKeon expressed concerns about the possible harm and decline in the quality of life of the neighbouring residents of Clarke and Kitchener Avenues, as well as the potential decline in their property value following the proposal to install trailers in the school yard of Saint-Leon Elementary School. Will Council agree to abandon said proposal and seek help to find other alternatives? Roberta Capelovitch Mme Capelovitch a réitéré sa demande d’installer des auvents rétractables dans le parc Westmount pour protéger les jeunes enfants du soleil. Elle demande un rapport sur leur avantage et du progrès dans ce dossier. Elle demande le nom des employés impliqués et si leur rapport a été fait verbalement ou par écrit. Est-ce que le rapport détaillé sur les infrastructures du parc Westmount a été rédigé et est-ce possible de le consulter ? / Mrs. Capelovitch reiterated her request to have retractable awnings installed in Westmount Park to protect young children from the sun. She asked for a report on their benefit and if any progress was made. She requested the name of the employees involved and if their report was verbal or in writing. Has the detailed infrastructure’s report about Westmount Park been drafted and is it possible to consult it. 32 -192016-07-04 André Dascal 350 Kitchener M. Dascal demande des explications sur la notion de modification de zonage ou d’un processus ou mécanisme accessibles aux résidents de l'avenue Kitchener pour empêcher l'installation des modules temporaires dans la cour de l'école de Saint-Léon. Il exprime des inquiétudes à propos les situations dangereuses et des problèmes de sécurité actuels qui risquent d’empirer./ Mr. Dascal asked for clarification about the process or mechanism available for residents of Kitchener Avenue to stop the installation of temporary classrooms in Saint Leon school yard and/or the notion of rezoning. He expressed concerns about the current dangerous situations and safety issues that may get worse. Elizabeth Steele Kitchener Avenue Mme Steele exprime son point de vue sur les modules temporaires et elle fait remarquer que la plupart des enfants du quartier ne fréquentent pas l'école primaire Saint-Léon. À son avis, il n'y a aucune raison pour que des parents de Westmount soient d'accord pour que leurs enfants fréquentent l'école dans les roulottes. / Mrs. Steele expressed her point of view on the temporary modules and she pointed out that most children in the area are not attending Saint Leon Elementary School. In her opinion, there is no way Westmount parents will agree to have their children attend school in trailers. France Castonguay Mme Castonguay demande quelles discussions a pu amener le conseil à être ouvert à la solution des modules dans la cour de l’école Saint-Léon. Est-ce que vous avez consulté le voisinage et est-ce que d’autres options ont été envisagées? Comme citoyenne, elle est déçue d’obtenir l’information via le journal local. La qualité de vie c’est important et elle a l’impression que l’opinion des contribuables de Westmount n’est pas respectée. Mrs. Castonguay enquired about the discussions that would have caused Council to be open to the solution of the modules in the courtyard of Saint Leon school. Did you consulted the neighborhood and aren’t there other options that were considered? As a citizen, she is disappointed to be informed through the local newspaper. Quality of life is important, and she feels that the taxpayers’ view is not respected in Westmount. 33 -202016-07-04 Susan Radvin Mme Radvin s’inquiète que l’utilisation des modules temporaires durera plus longtemps que prévu et que la Ville n’aura pas de plan pour gérer la situation. Elle se plaint de la circulation dense et du stationnement illégal devant les entrées privées durant l'année scolaire. Elle requiert la présence d'un agent de la circulation sur une base régulière, par respect pour le voisinage. / Mrs. Radvin expressed concerns that the temporary trailers may be there longer than expected and that the City will not have a plan to handle the situation. She complained about the heavy traffic and illegal parking in front of private driveways during the school year. She requested the presence of a traffic officer on a regular basis out of respect for the neighbourhood. Max De Koven M. De Koven demande si le maire accepterait de mettre de côté un fonds de réserve pour compenser les propriétaires autour de l'école Saint-Leon dont la valeur foncière pourrait diminuer en raison des modules temporaires dans la cour de l'école. / Mr. De Koven asked if the Mayor would agree to set aside a reserve fund to compensate the homeowners around Saint Leon School whose property value might decrease with the temporary trailers in the school yard. Mrs. Claire Sherwood Mme Sherwood demande au maire Trent de transmettre ses félicitations aux sauveteurs pour le sang-froid et la maturité dont ils ont fait preuve lors de la manifestation à la piscine pour protester contre le programme de natation pour adultes. / Mrs. Sherwood asked Mayor Trent to commend the lifeguards’ for their cool and mature manners during the demonstration at the pool to protest against the adult swim schedule. 34 -212016-07-04 Mrs. Jennifer Chadwick Mme Chadwick demande si les modules temporaires seront installés dans le stationnement du personnel ou sur le terrain de jeu de l'école. Elle exprime ses préoccupations au sujet du trafic et de l’emplacement des modules dans l'aire de jeux, qui réduira la qualité de vie des écoliers compte tenu de la perte d'espaces dans la cour. Est-ce que la Ville peut utiliser son influence pour assurer que la cour demeure disponible? Mrs. Chadwick asked if the temporary modules will be installed on the staff parking lot or on the school’s playground. She expressed concerns about traffic and the placement of the modules in the playground that would affected the students’ quality of life given the loss of activity spaces. May the city use its influence to ensure playground availability? John Fretz M. Fretz se plaint de l’état pitoyable du parc Westmount, malgré les augmentations budgétaires en 2014 et 2015 qui ne semblent pas avoir été dépensées. Le manque d'entretien est perceptible; il devrait être une priorité pour la santé et le plaisir des résidents. / Mr. Fretz complained about the poor state of Westmount Park, in spite of the 2014 and 2015 increases in the budget that do not seem to have been spent. The lack of maintenance is noticeable; it should be a priority for the health of residents and their enjoyment. 20 h 52/ 8:52 p.m. 35 ANNEXE/APPENDIX "B" PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS DES CITOYENS SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU 4 JUILLET 2016 QUESTION PERIOD OF CITIZENS REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 4, 2016 Début de la seconde période des questions: 21 h 12 Beginning of the second Question Period: 9:12 p.m. NOM /NAME SUJET DE L’INTERVENTION / QUESTION SUBJECT Victor Cruz M. Cruz fait des commentaires sur la relation entre la Ville et l'école internationale et demande si le maire accepterait une invitation de l'école pour discuter de la question du respect du cénotaphe. / Mr. Cruz commented on the relationship between the City and l’École internationale and asked if the Mayor would agree to come to the school to discuss the matter of the Cenotaph’s respect. Roberta Capelovitch Mme Capelovitch demande des explications au sujet de la réunion publique du CCU et elle demande comment obtenir l'accès à: l'acte de servitude réelle et perpétuelle mentionnée à l’item n ° 19 de l'ordre du jour. / Mrs. Capelovitch asked for clarification about the public PAC meeting and she requested access to a document: l’acte de servitude réelle et perpétuelle mentioned in Item No. 19 of the agenda. Maureen Kiely Dr Kiely mentionne le reflet dans la vitre des bornes de stationnement ainsi que le petit caractère sur les billets. Elle demande la possibilité d'obtenir une version avec un caractère un peu plus gros. Dr Kiely mentioned the glare from the parking unit glass and the small print on the ticket. She asked for the possibility of getting a larger version. John Fretz M. Fretz fait l'éloge du Service des travaux publics et demande au directeur général un peu de nettoyage au parc Westmount. Il demande si le sable de la piste cyclable aurait causé la mort des arbustes à l'entrée du parc Westmount sur De Maisonneuve. Mr. Fretz praised Public Works and asked the Director General to get some cleaning done in Westmount Park. He asked if the sand from the bike path could be the main cause of dead shrubs at the entrance of Westmount Park from De Maisonneuve. 21 h 23 / 9:23 p.m. 36 PROCÈS-VERBAL DE LA SÉANCE EXTRAORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT TENUE À LA SALLE DU CONSEIL DE L'HÔTEL DE VILLE LE 18 JUILLET 2016 À 17 h 05 À LAQUELLE ASSISTAIENT : MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL ON JULY 18, 2016 AT 17:05, AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: Le maire / The Mayor : P.F. Trent, président / Chairman Les conseillers / Councillors P.A. Cutler N. Forbes C. Lulham T. Samiotis Formant quorum. / Forming a quorum. Également présents /: Also in attendance : 1. Joanne Poirier, directrice générale substitut / Substitute Director General Nicole Dobbie, greffière adjointe / Assistant City Clerk Lucille Angers, préposée à la rédaction / Recording Secretary OUVERTURE DE LA SÉANCE 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING Le maire déclare la séance ouverte. The Mayor called the meeting to order. À moins d’indication à l’effet contraire dans le présent procès-verbal, le maire se prévaut toujours de son privilège prévu à l’article 328 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C-19) en s’abstenant de voter. Unless otherwise indicated to the contrary in these minutes, the Mayor always avails himself of his privilege provided for in article 328 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19) by abstaining from voting. 2. 2. ADOPTION DE L'ORDRE DU JOUR ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2016-07-151 2016-07-151 Il est proposé par la conseillère Forbes, It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Lulham appuyé par la conseillère Lulham Forbes, QUE l'ordre du jour de la séance extraordinaire THAT the agenda of the special Council du conseil du 18 juillet 2016 soit adopté. meeting of July 18, 2016 be adopted. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ 3. AMÉNAGEMENT URBAIN APPROBATION DES PERMIS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY - 3. ATTENDU QU’en vertu du Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, la délivrance de certains permis de construction est assujettie à l’approbation préalable des plans par le comité consultatif d’urbanisme; 37 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS APPROVAL WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, the issuance of some building permits are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; -22016-07-18 ATTENDU QU’en vertu du paragraphe 3.2.2 de WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this ce règlement, le conseil doit se prononcer par by-law, Council must decide on the résolution sur ces recommandations du Comité. recommendations of the Committee by way of resolution. 2016-07-152 2016-07-152 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, It was moved by Councillor appuyé par la conseillère Lulham seconded by Councillor Lulham Samiotis, QUE, selon les recommandations du comité consultatif d’urbanisme formulées lors de ses réunions tenues les 28 juin et 12 juillet 2016, la liste ci-jointe des demandes de permis de construction, telle que révisée conformément au Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, soit approuvée. | ADOPTÉE À L'UNANIMITÉ THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meetings held on June 28 and July 12, 2016, the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. 4. 4. QUESTION PERIOD CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS Aucune question n’est posée. No question was asked 5. 5. AJOURNEMENT DE LA SÉANCE La séance est levée à 17 h 07. ADJOURNEMENT OF THE MEETING The meeting thereupon adjourned at 5:07 p.m. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Nicole Dobbie Greffière adjointe / Assistant City Clerk 38 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 6 REPORTS TO COUNCIL A) CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Trent The following correspondence is available at the City Clerk’s office for consultation: B) Resolution adopted by the City of Cöte Saint-Luc to authorize the sale of obsolete radio communication equipment; Resolutions adopted by Ville de Beloeil and the municipalities of McMasterville and Saint-Mathias regarding their opposition for non-profit organizations to be subject to the provisions of Bill 56 (Lobbying Transparency Act) . GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL - MINUTES Councillor Davis The minutes of the meetings of the General Committee of Council held on June 6 and 20, 2016 are tabled. C) HIRING OF EMPLOYEES Councillor Smith Manpower Report for the month of June 2016 is tabled. MOVER SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 39 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 1 OF 11 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD AT CITY HALL ON JUNE 6, 2016 AT 5:06 P.M. AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: Chair Victor M. Drury Mayor Peter F. Trent Councillors Philip A. Cutler Rosalind Davis Nicole Forbes Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Christina Smith Theodora Samiotis Administration Sean Michael Deegan, Director General Martin St-Jean, Director of Legal Services and City Clerk Recording Secretary Andrew Brownstein GENERAL COMMITTEE AGENDA Adoption of the General Committee Agenda of June 6, 2016 It was agreed that the Agenda of the June 6, 2016 meeting of the General Committee of Council be adopted, with the addition of the following item under New Business: Swimming Pool (Councillor Davis). Confirmation of Minutes of the Meeting of General Committee Held on May 16, 2016 The Minutes of the General Committee of Council’s meeting held on May 16, 2016 were adopted with corrections. Business arising from the Minutes of the Meeting of General Committee Held on May 16, 2016 Councillor Smith noted that the raised beds that were recently installed in front of Westmount Park Church are well-tended and aesthetically pleasing. 40 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 2 OF 11 The Mayor noted Council’s decision made at its previous General Committee meeting to adopt a policy that will require contractors to have the Autorité des marches financiers’s (AMF) approval for bids over a certain threshold, the amount to be quantified further to the administration’s recommendation. He pointed out the urgent need to proceed in this regard, referring to more contracts that the City is currently being obliged to award to companies that have been named in the Charbonneau Report. The Mayor posited that, as the City of Montreal now requires the AMF’s approval for even its small contracts, the contractors that cannot obtain said approval are increasingly bidding for the demerged municipalities’ contracts. It was agreed that at its June 20th General Committee meeting, Council will determine the details of its prospective policy to require that contractors obtain the AMF’s approval in order to be permitted to submit bids over a certain threshold. Items from the Council Agenda to be discussed in General Committee Regarding Item No. 15, Tenders by Invitation – Public Works, Councillor Lulham inquired as to the model that was retained for the bicycle racks. The Director General confirmed that all 85 bicycle racks are sleeves that will be installed over the former parking meter poles. The Director General reported that residents, Mr. Marchildon and Mr. McCullogh, who had been concerned about the depression in front of 1110 Greene Avenue, were pleased with the City’s releveling of the roadway. The Mayor and Councillor Martin explained the reason for the additional expenditure under Item No. 17, “Additional Expenditures – Westmount Avenue Project.” The original soil analysis conducted prior to awarding the bid revealed a certain level of contamination. Rather than proceeding with the excavation of all of the soil between each borehole from which soil was analyzed in the manner required for soil contaminated to that degree, the City conducted another soil analysis. However, the soil analyzed in the new boreholes dug between the ones that were originally studied revealed higher levels of contamination. Canbec, the contractor for the work, insisted on determining the price for the additional work that will be required prior to the contract’s execution. Mayor Trent and Councillor Martin noted that Item No. 19, “Additional Expenditures – Prince Albert Avenue Project,” should indicate that the contract is to be awarded to TGA as opposed to Canbec. The Mayor directed Council’s attention to Items No. 21 and 22, “Call for Public Tenders – Hydro Westmount.” He explained that both are proposed to be awarded to sole bidders, and although he recommended granting the contracts, he emphasized the City’s need for more bidders for contracts of that genre. The Director General reported that the prices for the bids received are competitive and in line with the amount paid the previous year. Councillor Drury confirmed that he will mention that the prices for the bids are competitive. Mayor Trent recommended that when Councillor Lulham introduces Item No. 32, “Projet escales découvertes – Donation from Montreal,” she explain that the Item concerns that 41 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 3 OF 11 transformation of a portion of Summit Crescent into a footpath in a natural environment. Specifically, it is entirely unrelated to the granite stumps that many are unhappy with as the stumps are costly and unbefitting of Mount Royal. Councillor Lulham confirmed that she will do so as well as reiterate that last September, Westmount voiced its opposition to the stumps, refusing their installation in Summit Woods. The Mayor agreed that this should be made clear. He informed Council that on CJAD’s Tommy Schnurmacher Show, a commentator accused the City of having only recently jumped on the bandwagon of opposition to the stumps when in fact Councillor Lulham made the City’s opposition known some nine months ago. Councillor Samiotis reported that the City received its first application under the new PPCMOI by-law. She informed Council that at that night’s Regular Sitting, she will make this announcement and outline the procedure. The property in question is located at 4898 De Maisonneuve Boulevard. The plans have been submitted and will be available for consultation on June 7th; however, as said plans are preliminary designs that will be subject to the PAC’s recommendations and approval, they will not be posted on the City’s website. A prospective project’s plans will only be posted on the City’s website if it reaches the referendum stage. Councillor Samiotis informed Council that the PAC’s public meeting at which the developer will present the project to the public will be held on June 28th. Councillor Davis inquired as to whether the new system for the Council agenda’s distribution will allow Council members to download the agenda as one document, to be accessed without an internet connection. Me St-Jean responded that this can probably be done; however, it will affect the manner in which the agenda is displayed. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION / DECISION SUMMIT CRESCENT LANDSCAPING PROJECT (NORTH OF DEVON) Ms. Elisa Gaetano, Assistant Director of Public Works – Infrastructure and Engineering, joined the meeting at 5:45 p.m. Ms. Gaetano presented the City of Montreal’s project for the refurbishing and landscaping of the section of Summit Crescent located to the north of Devon Avenue. She explained that this section of the street, which is currently closed to vehicles and on which no homes are located, will be converted into a gravel path. At the Saint-Joseph’s Oratory’s request, exceptionally, visiting dignitaries will be permitted to access the Oratory by motor vehicle via this path. Emergency vehicles will also be permitted to use the path. Ms. Gaetano explained that the sidewalks will be demolished and replaced with planting areas. Additionally, the sidewalk on the north side of Devon Avenue will be made continuous across the intersection with Summit Crescent. She specified that the City of Montreal is financing the project in its entirety, and the work should begin in September. Councillor Drury inquired as to the cost of the project. Ms. Gaetano responded that as it has been grouped with two other contracts, she is not aware of the cost of the work to be carried out on Summit Crescent. The Mayor pointed out that the cost will likely be imposed on the Agglomeration as are most of the projects for Montreal’s 375 th anniversary and/or 42 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 4 OF 11 any work in l’arrondissement historique et naturel du Mont-Royal. Accordingly, he requested that Ms. Gaetano determine the amount being allocated to the project on Summit Crescent as he will potentially need to explain the project to the other municipalities’ mayors at an Agglomeration Council’s upcoming meeting. Councillor Lulham noted that for the City’s contributions to the other Agglomeration projects, it is entitled to the funding being allocated to the landscaping project in question. Councillor Martin pointed out that the new landscaping should help to deter drug users and traffickers from frequenting the area. Mr. Patrick Raggo, Director of Public Works, joined the meeting at 5:54 p.m. In relation to the Council’s agenda’s Item No. 17, “Additional Expenditures – Westmount Avenue Project,” the Mayor inquired as to whether the City had followed a normal procedure by carrying out more soil analyses after the contract had been awarded. Ms. Gaetano explained that even had the City not proceeded in this manner, the soil in between the original boreholes is so badly contaminated that its pungent smell would have made its higher degree of contamination apparent. Such soil must be handled differently. As a result of the Turcot project, no dumps in Quebec are currently accepting soil contaminated to that degree. Accordingly, it is to be transported to Ontario. She noted that the City has never found soil contaminated to this degree (levels C and D). The Mayor inquired as to whether the contaminants in this soil or in other soil in close proximity can infiltrate the water table. Ms. Gaetano responded that the level of contamination in question does not extend to the sub-base, the natural soil. Further to Councillor Samiotis’ inquiry as to the size of the area occupied by the heavily contaminated soil, Ms. Gaetano responded that the soil from under the sidewalks show low or negligible levels of contamination. Ms. Gaetano left the meeting at 6:03 p.m. Confidential items were discussed. ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUEST FOR DOG RUN REFURBISHMENT Director Raggo presented Public Works’ proposal for the refurbishment of the dog runs at King George Park and the Westmount Athletic Grounds. He outlined the plan to install the same surface and fencing used for the Westmount Park Dog Run. Director Raggo added that nearly all of the work will be done internally and it is proposed to be carried out in July. Further to the Mayor’s inquiry, Director Raggo explained that the project is estimated to cost between $100,000 and $150,000, most likely on the lower end of that spectrum. Director Raggo informed Council that the surface and fence for the Westmount Park Dog Run cost $60,000. 43 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 5 OF 11 Councillor Samiotis and Councillor Lulham expressed their support for the proposed refurbishment, noting the City’s original intention to carry out the work last fall and the unfortunate delay caused by its failure to do so. It was agreed that the City will proceed with a call for tenders for the proposed refurbishment of the dog runs at King George Park and the Westmount Athletic Grounds. TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF CONSERVATORY – UPDATE THE WESTMOUNT GREENHOUSES AND Director Raggo reported that further to the consulting firm’s repeated delays in producing its inspection report, it has committed to providing the City with the report’s preliminary draft on June 8th. Councillor Lulham expressed her dissatisfaction with the consulting firm’s delays. The Director General ensured Council that the City will obtain the preliminary draft on June 8th. SUMMIT WOODS PROJECT FUNDING Director Raggo informed Council that at the City’s meeting with the Bureau du Mont-Royal (the Bureau) on May 27th, the Bureau informed the City that it is unable to guarantee that the Ministère de la Culture et de Communications (the Ministry) will provide the City with matching funds for the work to be carried out on Summit Woods. Director Raggo explained that no projects for Mount Royal have been approved for the Ministry’s current fiscal year, which runs from April to March. While neither the Bureau nor the Ministry provided such explanation, Director Raggo explained that as the former minister has been replaced, the new minister wishes to review all prospective projects before moving ahead with them. Director Raggo explained that the City must decide whether it wishes to proceed with the project or allocate the money to other projects in order to avoid ending up with a $375,000 surplus for 2016. Director Raggo informed Council that the City asked the Bureau whether the Ministry would still grant the funding if the City proceeds with the work before the Ministry considers its application. It was agreed that the City will proceed with the Summit Woods project. In order to accelerate the process for obtaining the provincial funding and to ensure that proceeding with the work will not hurt the City’s chances at obtaining said funding, the Mayor will write a letter to Mr. Jacques Chagnon, Member of the National Assembly for Westmount–Saint-Louis, explaining that the project has been scheduled for months, the City informed residents in March of the project to be carried out, and the City has planned its infrastructure budget accordingly. Director Raggo left the meeting at 6:37 p.m. 44 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 6 OF 11 VICTORIA VILLAGE STREET FESTIVAL Councillor Davis informed Council that last week, the Victoria Village Merchant Association obtained the permit for which it had applied in order to hold its annual Victoria Village Street Festival and Sidewalk Sale. She explained that the Association is seeking the City’s support in coordinating certain logistics for the event. Councillor Smith noted the event’s success in the previous year. It was agreed that the City will support the Victoria Village Merchant Association in the coordination of certain logistics for the 2016 Victoria Village Street Festival and Sidewalk Sale. VICTORIA VILLAGE MERCHANT ASSOCIATION – REQUEST FOR OUTDOOR ACTIVITY AT PRINCE ALBERT SQUARE Councillor Davis presented the Victoria Village Merchant Association’s request to be permitted to hold an outdoor event in Prince Albert Square on the first Saturday of every month from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Councillor Smith noted that the proposed event is not expected to have an overwhelming presence. Councillor Lulham informed Council that the Association is requesting that six merchants be permitted to participate each Saturday. As a public space that already frequented by many, Councillor Lulham recommended that the City propose that the event be made up of two merchants participating each Saturday. She emphasized the difference between a public space and retail space. The Mayor agreed, noting that Prince Albert Square is not organized as, nor has the size of, a traditional market square, and accordingly it is not well-suited for this type of activity. He pointed out the risk of setting a precedent for permitting retail activities to be carried out in public areas. Councillor Smith expressed her support for the Association’s request, explaining that the focus will be on offering samples and providing a means for these merchants to draw more people into their shops. She relayed the merchants’ sentiment that many of them are in precarious financial situations. Councillor Cutler supported the request. He explained that quasi-residential commercial areas are about offering an experience, which for many, involves more merchant-contact in the public space. He added that as business-owners, the merchants will likely not want to continue with the event if they feel they are not being well-received. The City can also grant the request as a pilot project to be continued if it is a success. Further to Councillor Forbes’ inquiry, Me St-Jean confirmed that in order to participate, the merchants will need to apply for a permit to occupy the public domain, paid as a daily rate as prescribed in the Tariffs By-law. The Mayor pointed out that in a recent interview of the owner of Le Gascogne in La Presse, he expressed his appreciation for Westmount’s 45 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 7 OF 11 reasonable tariff for the occupancy of the public domain compared to the cost for permits for such terraces in the Plateau Mont-Royal. It was agreed that the City will grant the Victoria Village Merchant Association’s request to be permitted to hold an outdoor event in Prince Albert Square on the first Saturday of every month on a trial basis, with two merchants will participating at a time, instead of the requested six. ROTARY CLUB FUNDRAISING EVENT The Director General presented the Rotary Club’s proposal to host a rib fest barbecue on the greenspace in front of City Hall. The event would serve as a fundraiser and is proposed to be held over a three-day period from September 16th-18th. The Rotary Club held this event last year in the Pierrefonds City Hall parking lot and it was a great success. Councillor Martin expressed his hesitation to grant the Rotary Club’s request. He explained that these events typically attract large crowds, involve the sale and consumption of beer, produce substantial garbage, and require enough toilet facilities. He referred to the rib fest held in the Old Port as an example, which he attended last year. Moreover, the trucks involved would damage the grass if the event is held on the proposed greenspace. The Director General noted that the Rotary Club has already accepted the possibility of the City’s opposition to the sale and consumption of beer at the event and would like to hold the event regardless of whether alcohol will be permitted to be sold. Councillor Lulham pointed out that a similar outdoor food truck event is held weekly in the parking lot at the Olympic Stadium. Further to Councillor Drury’s inquiry, the Mayor confirmed that the City allows fundraisers to be held in its parks if open to all. Councillor Lulham noted that fundraisers are only permitted in parks when they are aimed at residents. The Mayor requested to be provided with the policy dealing with this issue. He noted that the area in front of City Hall is a greenspace as opposed to a park. The Mayor had no difficulty with the original proposal, but suggested, as an alternative, holding the event in the WAG parking lot. Councillor Davis and Councillor Lulham supported the Rotary Club’s original proposal. Councillor Lulham suggested that the trucks for the event be parked in the City Hall parking lot, or on the concrete surface in front of City Hall. Councillor Cutler supported the Mayor’s alternative suggestion to hold the event in the WAG parking lot. Councillor Martin suggested that the only paved area big enough to accommodate the huge rib trucks is the high school parking lot near the WAG. He recommended that council members and administration staff attend the Rib Fest being held in the Old Port starting on June 29th before making a final decision, in order to better grasp the size of the event. 46 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 8 OF 11 It was agreed that the City will express its openness to permitting the Rotary Club to host a rib fest barbecue fundraiser, likely for a period of 1 or 2 days with the event’s location to be determined by the City further to Councillor Davis’ and Councillor Forbes’ consultation with the Rotary Club. REQUEST FOR YOGA AND MUSIC IN THE PARK Councillor Cutler relayed a request presented to him by a group proposing to organize a public meditation/yoga event in either King George Park or Westmount Park promoting physical and mental wellbeing. Admission would be free, and the group hopes for it to become an annual public event. Councillor Lulham expressed her support for the proposal, noting that the music’s volume should be kept to a modest level. Further to Councillor Forbes’ recommendation, Councillor Cutler confirmed that he will direct the group to submit its request to the City’s Community Events department. It was agreed that further to the Community Events department’s consideration of the proposed Yoga and Music in the Park event, the City will grant the request to permit this event to be held. ASSOCIATION FOR PEDESTRIANS AND CYCLISTS OF WESTMOUNT (APCW) – PARK(ing) DAY Councillor Cutler presented the APCW’s request to be permitted to transform a parking space into a small greenspace for a day in order for the City to participate in PARK(ing) Day on September 16, an annual international event aimed at promoting more public greenspace in cities. Councillor Lulham informed Council that Healthy Cities’ Environment Committee has already requested to be permitted to do the same with four parking spaces located throughout the City as part of PARK(ing) Day. It was agreed that the City will participate in PARK(ing) Day. It will grant the Healthy Cities’ proposal for said participation and will direct the APCW to work with Healthy Cities and manage one of the four parking spots to be allocated to the PARK(ing) Day event. WESTMOUNT TRAIN STATION GRANT APPLICATION The Director General presented the City’s options for grant applications for the repurposing of the former train station. Further to his discussion with Parks Canada, the Director General recommended pursuing a two-step process. The City would first apply for a $25,000 grant, which it would use for the development of its plans for the former train 47 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 9 OF 11 station’s repurposing as well as for a study of the building’s renovation needs. Then, the City would apply for a $1 million grant for the execution of the work itself, which would ensure both the building’s physical integrity and the conservation of its heritage value. It was agreed that the City will apply for the Parks Canada grants as a two-step process, the first grant to be used for the development of the plans and the assessment of the building’s renovations needs and the second grant to be used for the work itself. COUNCIL OBJECTIVES FOLLOW-UP TRAFFIC Further to Councillor Drury’s inquiry, Councillor Cutler informed Council that traffic data is being compiled for Côte-Saint-Antoine Road and on Westmount Avenue in order to assess the bicycle routes’ impact on traffic. Councillor Cutler noted that most of Westmount Avenue is currently closed for construction. INFRASTRUCTURE AND PARKS Councillor Lulham informed Council that she received four complaints from residents in the previous week regarding Westmount Park’s poorly-maintained state. She noted that some of the playground equipment needs to be replaced as well as the older hedges. She pointed out that this type of work is best carried out internally, which is proving to be difficult given the shortage of personnel in Public Works. She informed Council that she will be meeting with Director Raggo the following day to discuss the matter. The Director General reported that the student summer employees will begin working shortly. Councillor Lulham noted that the erosion in Westmount Park requires re-sodding, which is beyond the scope of the student employees’ responsibilities. Councillor Samiotis informed Council that a piece of equipment had to be urgently removed from the Bruce Tot Lot’s and four bouncy stumps and monkey bars are in need of repair or replacement. She recommended proceeding with the replacement of the equipment without delay and without necessarily undertaking a full revamping of the park. HYDRO WESTMOUNT The Mayor reported that a contractor recently struck and damaged a gas line on Lansdowne, resulting in a fairly wide-scale power outage. He inquired as to whether further to such incidents, the ensuing power outage can be limited to a more restricted area. The Mayor inquired as to whether the City imposes fines on individuals who cause such damage. The Director General responded that these individuals are subject to heavy fines; however, they are paid to the City of Montreal and are allocated to the fire department that 48 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 10 OF 11 carries out the repair work. The Mayor requested that the Director General assess whether the City is permitted to impose a fine that would redound to Westmount’s coffers. COMMUNICATIONS Councillor Davis informed Council that the Victoria Hall Street Festival is scheduled to be held on June 18th, contrary to the date indicated on the Council’s “Meeting Schedule.” URBAN PLANNING Councillor Samiotis informed Council that the next public meeting regarding the Southeast Study will be held on June 14th at 7:00 p.m. at Centre Greene. At the meeting, she will report on the previous public meetings, the parameters established, and the plan to reconfigure Dorchester Boulevard. However, as the City must be first be informed of the gas line’s location in order to establish whether the median can be kept, no specific option for Dorchester Boulevard’s configuration can be selected at this stage. Councillor Samiotis informed Council that further to Parks Canada’s designation of a significant portion of the City as a “Historic District,” the plaque that is honour this designation will be unveiled on July 19th at 11:00 a.m. Confidential items were discussed. ONGOING ITEM: MTQ/AMT Councillor Samiotis reported that on May 27th, the MTQ informed the City that Ms. Lyne Gamache, the MTQ employee who was dealing with the possible integration of a sound barrier into the new Autoroute 720, has been replaced. Councillor Samiotis explained that unfortunately, the MTQ’s repeated delays have made this integrated sound barrier all the more difficult at this late stage as it will have to be incorporated into the KPH design. The Director General informed Council of his numerous attempts to meet with Ms. Gamache’s replacement. Further to Councillor Lulham’s recommendation, the Mayor suggested that he bring up the matter with MNA Jacques Chagnon. Confidential items were discussed. ONGOING ITEM: AGGLOMERATION SUMMARY REPORT The Mayor directed Council’s attention to Items No. 20.35, 20.36, and 20.39, three proposed contracts relating to infrastructure projects that are part of Montreal’s 375 th anniversary. He informed Council that further to his encouragement, these three proposed contracts, which were, on average, running 25% over budget, were the subject of a negative vote by the ASM at the Agglomeration Council. Additionally, he reported that at 49 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 6, 2016 PAGE 11 OF 11 the meeting, he reiterated that Westmount had expressed its opposition to the installation of the granite stumps on Mount Royal in September 2015. NEW BUSINESS: SWIMMING POOL Councillor Davis reported that in the City’s former swimming pool, swim diapers were permitted. The City changed this policy upon the construction of the new swimming pool. Sports and Recreation surveyed the policies of other municipal pools on the Island and found that all of those consulted permit the use of swim diapers. Councillor Davis recommended that the City permit the use of swim diapers at the pool. Councillor Smith expressed her support for the recommendation. She noted that the swim diapers will need to be sold at the pool. It was agreed that the City will permit the use of swim diapers at the pool. Councillor Davis will announce this change in policy under “Councillors’ Reports” at that night’s Regular Sitting. ABSENCES Council members were requested to submit their absence sheets to the City Clerk. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m. Me Martin St-Jean City Clerk Victor M. Drury Acting Mayor 50 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 1 OF 11 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD AT CITY HALL ON JUNE 20, 2016 AT 4:07 P.M. AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: Chair Victor M. Drury Mayor Peter F. Trent Councillors Philip A. Cutler Rosalind Davis Victor M. Drury Nicole Forbes Cynthia Lulham Christina Smith Theodora Samiotis Absent Patrick Martin Administration Sean Michael Deegan, Director General Martin St-Jean, Director of Legal Services and City Clerk Recording Secretary Andrew Brownstein GENERAL COMMITTEE AGENDA Adoption of the General Committee Agenda of June 20, 2016 It was agreed that the Agenda of the June 20, 2016 meeting of the General Committee of Council be adopted, with the addition of the following items under New Business: Roslyn School Landscaping (Mayor Trent); St-Léon Update (Councillor Samiotis); and Sound Barrier - Proposal from KPH (Director General Deegan). Confirmation of Minutes of the Meeting of General Committee Held on June 6, 2016 The Minutes of the General Committee of Council’s meeting held on June 6, 2016 were adopted with corrections. 51 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 2 OF 11 Business arising from the Minutes of the Meeting of General Committee Held on June 6, 2016 The Director General reported that the grant application for $25,000 for the development of plans for the former train station’s repurposing was sent on Friday. Councillor Lulham informed Council that at the Table des concertation’s most recent meeting on June 17th, she met with a representative of the Ministry of Culture and Communications. Further to Councillor Lulham’s inquiry as to the reasons for the delay in confirming that the Ministry will provide the City with matching funds for the work to be carried out on Summit Woods, the Ministry’s representative explained that the entente for the various projects to be carried out across Mount-Royal has been signed; however, the funding for Westmount has not yet been approved as the Ministry is missing certain documents from the City. Councillor Lulham reported that she explained that the Ministry has not returned Public Works’ repeated calls and emails. The Ministry’s representative agreed that the City should communicate directly with the Ministry for these matters rather than proceeding with the Bureau as a middleman. Councillor Lulham noted, however, that the City will still need to make its actual requests for funding through the Bureau, as said requests must be approved by the Agglomeration Council. Accordingly, the Ministry’s representatives will be meeting with those of Public Works on June 23. Councillor Lulham reported that the decision to install the haltes on Mount Royal is being made public at the City of Montreal’s Council meeting that night. She described the haltes as intrusive viewpoints with poetic phrases inscribed on them. Councillor Lulham noted the potential public outcry that may stem from this announcement, similar to the reaction to the granite stumps, and pointed out that the City firmly rejected these as well when they were discussed at the Table des concertations. Accordingly, none will be installed in Westmount’s portion of the three summits. Councillor Drury inquired as to whether the City’s policy regarding fundraisers in the parks has been located. Councillor Lulham responded that this item will be discussed at an upcoming General Committee meeting. Councillor Drury inquired as to the status of the collection of traffic data on Côte-SaintAntoine Road as part of the bicycle route pilot project. Councillor Cutler explained that two machines on Côte-Saint-Antoine Road and one on Westmount Avenue have been collecting data on volume, speed, and the size of vehicles. Mr. Jonathan Auger of Public Works then works with this raw data, the final result of which will be presentable in September. Further to the Mayor’s recommendation, Councillor Cutler confirmed that he will report on this process at the upcoming Regular Sitting of Council. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION / DECISION Mr. Luc Dionne, Actuary - Consultant from Mercer Canada, Ms. Jocelyne Dragon, Director of Human Resources, and Mr. Claude Vallières, Division Head – I.T., joined the meeting at 4:35 p.m. 52 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 3 OF 11 Confidential items were discussed. Mr. Dionne left the meeting at 5:24 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 5:24 p.m., at which point Council held its Special Sitting. The meeting was reconvened at 5:29 p.m. NEW HUMAN RESOURCES PAYROLL SOFTWARE Director Dragon reported on the bid selected for the new human resources payroll software. She explained that the City has used ADP for its payroll services for over 20 years. As the current software has not been updated since 2000, ADP advised the City in 2015 that it would no longer work with the program. Accordingly, the entire process has since been handled by ADP. With the new software, the City will handle the employees’ deductions at source internally, as well as the preparation of their T4s and other similar documents. The processing of the payments to be made to retirees’ is to be transferred to RBC. Director Dragon informed Council that the City received two bids for the software, one from Exagone Inc., using SOFE software, and one from Carver Technologies, using UMANA software. Exagone’s bid, although 4% more expensive, and at a total cost of $188,978, was more in accordance with the selection grid’s criteria. The hourly rate for service on the system has been set at $140/hour for five years. Director Dragon outlined the prospective timeline for the transition to the new software. The new system is expected to be fully in place by May 2017, with the current system still being used for the employees’ pay in parallel with the new system until June 2017, when it will all be done using SOFE. Director Dragon explained that the City must now proceed with a tender by invitation for a project manager to coordinate the new system’s installation. According to Director Dragon’s proposed timeline, the selection grid is to be approved at the July Regular Sitting, the contract is to be awarded at the August Regular Sitting, and it is to be carried out as of September. Director Dragon left the meeting at 5:43 p.m. PAY-BY-PLATE PARKING - UPDATE Mr. Vallières informed Council that the majority of the posts for the old parking meters have been removed, except on Greene Avenue and aside from those being kept for bicycle parking. Eighty sleeves are to be installed over existing posts from the old parking meters by the first week of August. Councillor Samiotis recommended comparing the data gathered to date with any data that was gathered in previous years. 53 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 4 OF 11 Mr. Vallières pointed out that the pay-by-plate system allows for roughly 15% more vehicles to be parked in a given area than with a pay-by-space system. Councillor Lulham added that she has noticed that with the new system, three to four more vehicles are being parked on each block of Greene Avenue than before. Mr. Vallières presented some of the statistics established based on the data gathered since the new system’s installation. More payments are increasingly being made through the mobile application. The busiest time to park in the City is from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The average vehicle remains parked for just over an hour. Regarding the potential issue of motorists paying for parking in the $2/hour zone and parking in the $3/hour zone, of the 256,400 transactions that were verified since the new system’s installation, 206 vehicles, less than 0.1%, were parked in the $3/hour zone while paying the $2/hour rate. Further to Councillor Smith’s inquiry, Mr. Vallières responded that the City has not begun ticketing these motorists. Councillor Samiotis noted that if more motorists begin to park in the $3/hour zone while paying the $2/hour rate, the City will need to address the issue. Councillor Drury recommended dealing with the matter if it becomes an issue. Councillor Lulham noted that eventually, the metered parking zones will be expanded to include the other merchant areas that currently do not have metered parking. The Director General informed Council that the statistics have revealed that the City would have received the same revenue had the rates been modified to a uniform $2.25/hour, as the $2/hour zone is much larger than the $3/hour zone. Councillor Davis recommended addressing the issue of the system prohibiting motorists from parking for more than four hours at a time throughout the metered parking zones when they are parking their vehicles in numerous locations throughout this period. Mr. Vallières confirmed that with the system now stable, the programming for resolving this issue can be initiated. Councillor Davis informed Council that during the hours when parking must be paid for, the system does not limit the user’s payment to the end of the paid parking hours, but rather accepts payment for beyond this period. Mr. Vallières responded that this should not be the case and confirmed that he will look into the matter. Councillor Drury inquired as to whether the revenue from tickets issued for parking infractions has decreased as expected. Mr. Vallières responded that such revenue has in fact not changed. Councillor Lulham noted that the new system has allowed the PSOs to manage the parking meters and infractions much more efficiently, allowing them to devote more attention to enforcing the parking restrictions on the City’s side streets. Councillor Cutler pointed out the importance of distinguishing between tickets issued for metered parking violations and those issued for violations of the restrictions set out on the parking signs. Council members agreed, noting that in any case, the new system has allowed the City to use its resources more efficiently. Mr. Vallières confirmed that in his next presentation to the General Committee, he will provide the data regarding the revenue from 54 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 5 OF 11 parking infractions since the new system’s installation, with a distinction between metered parking-related infractions and infractions related to parking signs. Councillor Lulham emphasized the need to enforce the rules on the distribution of guest passes at the pool. At a recent visit to the pool, she explained that she was asked to help someone obtain a guest pass by acting as the resident who the person would be accompanying. She explained that given the high number of guest passes being distributed, it is clear that this is a common practice. Moreover, many residents were accompanied by more guests than they are permitted to have. Mr. Vallières left the meeting at 6:10 p.m. REQUEST FROM THE CANADIAN RAILROAD HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION TO ACQUIRE A MONTREAL TRAMWAYS MANHOLE COVER AND FRAME OPPOSITE 340-344 WOOD AVE. The Director General informed Council that the Canadian Railroad Historical Association’s request imposes no cost on the City. It was agreed that the City will grant the Canadian Railroad Historical Association’s request to acquire an old Montreal tramway manhole cover and frame located in front of 340-344 Wood Avenue. POSTING OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MINUTES TO THE CITY WEBSITE – TRANSLATION COSTS The Mayor presented his proposal for the City to post the General Committee meetings’ minutes on its website. He is of the view that a political body’s decision-making process can be either adversarial or consensual. An adversarial system requires the body’s representatives to debate the issues in public, which activity is followed by various attempts to arrive at a decision that is rarely unanimous. The Mayor explained that the City of Westmount has traditionally followed a consensus-building approach, finding it more efficient for Council members’ opinions and recommendations to be discussed in caucus, allowing for well-analyzed decisions to be made with limited temptation for grandstanding. The problem with decisions made in caucus lies with the fact that the public has no idea how or why Council arrived at them. Since all such decisions have to be approved in public to be legally binding, the process followed in arriving at them is described, at best, summarily. As deliberations recorded in the General Committee meetings’ minutes demonstrate Council’s reasoning in arriving at its decisions, the Mayor informed Council that a few months prior, he had asked the Director General and Me St-Jean to determine the process necessary for posting these minutes on the City’s website. The Mayor pointed out that the City already provides the media, the WMA, and the library with copies of the minutes. The Mayor informed Council that he believes Westmount is the only municipality in Quebec that 55 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 6 OF 11 provides the public with caucus minutes. Effectively a communication piece in addition to its purpose as a document to help with the City’s efficient governance and administration, the Mayor affirmed that the City should be the public’s source for such information. In order for the City to post the General Committee minutes on its website, it must do so in French. An English version can be posted as well. In order limit the translation costs, the Mayor recommended only translating the items that need not be kept confidential. Me St-Jean recommended translating the full document in order for the City to be capable of complying with an access to information request concerning a confidential aspect of the minutes that the individual making the request would have a right to obtain. The City currently obtains translation services at a rate of $0.23/word. Accordingly, Me St-Jean evaluated the average cost of translation of the full document at roughly $1,400 per meeting. If only the minutes that need not be kept confidential are translated, Me St-Jean estimated an average cost of $1,000 per meeting. With 23 meetings scheduled per year, this represents an estimated annual cost of $32,200 or $23,000 respectively. Councillor Lulham informed Council that she obtains translation services at a rate of $0.15/word. Council members noted that the City will likely obtain a better rate than the current rate that it pays for individual translation contracts. Councillor Smith supported the proposal, recommending that the full document be translated into French. The Mayor noted that the City can later discontinue posting the minutes on its website if it finds the document is not receiving significant views. Councillor Davis inquired as to whether the General Committee minutes should already be translated regardless of whether they are posted on the City’s website as their approval is publicly voted on at Council’s Regular Sittings. Me St-Jean confirmed that the document should be available in French at this stage. Councillor Cutler expressed his support for the proposal, affirming that the City should be the source for such information. He added that even residents who will not read the minutes will be reassured as to the City’s transparency throughout its decision-making process by the mere fact that the document is being posted on its website. The Mayor recommended that if the City can obtain a good overall price, it should translate the past two years’ General Committee minutes in order to provide context to individuals wishing to follow the development of Council’s deliberations and reasoning for its decisions. He added that such an approach would likely create a significant readership base from the outset. Me St-Jean noted that given the value of the prospective translation contract, the City will not be able to negotiate a price, but rather must proceed with the tender process, either public or by invitation. 56 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 7 OF 11 It was agreed that the City will post the General Committee minutes on its website. It will therefore first seek tenders for their translation. Specifically, it will seek the translation of the minutes from November 2014 to June 2016 that need not be kept confidential and the translation of the entire document, including the confidential items, for the minutes of future General Committee meetings. AUTORITÉ DES MARCHÉS FINANCIERS (AMF) APPROVAL – PROSPECTIVE POLICY The Mayor directed Council’s attention to the prospective policy that will require contractors to have the Autorité des marches financiers’ (AMF) approval for bids over a certain threshold, said threshold to be quantified further to the administration’s recommendation. He explained that the City of Montreal now requires the AMF’s approval for even its small contracts, and Westmount will adopt a similar protective measure against contractor collusion. The Mayor recommended implementing the prospective policy in the fall or winter in order for its application to be to take effect in between construction seasons. Me St-Jean informed Council that further to his earlier recommendation for the City to adopt such a policy despite that the law does not explicitly endow it with the power to do so, he has since devised a more appropriate approach. Me St-Jean recommended including AMF approval as a spec in the public call for tenders and in the tenders by invitation, which gives the City more discretion in its application. He explained that the process for obtaining AMF approval takes roughly three months. Me St-Jean also recommended that the City incorporate a spec in its tenders requesting that bidders have past experience with two to three projects of the same nature carried out in two to three municipalities in the Région métropolitaine de Montréal (RMR), with at least one of which being the City of Montreal, which has been requiring AMF approval for a while. Accordingly, if the spec requesting that bidders have AMF approval is successfully challenged before a court, the court will not be able to object to the application of this second spec. The Mayor expressed his support for Me St-Jean’s recommended approach. He recommended confirming Public Works’ support and publicly announcing the decision to proceed in this manner at the July Regular Sitting. Further to Councillor Samiotis’ inquiry, the Mayor recommended communicating this decision with a resolution at the upcoming Regular Sitting, rather than a simple report, indicating that the policy is to be implemented as of January 1, 2017. The City should then send a notification to the active contractors in the RMR to this effect. Me St-Jean agreed, adding that the City can send such notifications to all of the contractors that have submitted bids to the City over the past year or two. It can also send such notifications to all contractors that viewed the City’s calls for tenders on the SEAO system and place a notification to this effect on the Constructo website. With such an approach, contractors will have ample time to seek AMF approval prior to the policy’s implementation. Further to Councillor Drury’s inquiry, Me St-Jean confirmed that the City of Montreal’s requirement for AMF approval has resulted in the receipt of more bids. He suggested that 57 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 8 OF 11 the contractors with AMF approval are dissuaded from bidding on contracts from the demerged municipalities on the Island, which are the only contracts available to the contractors that cannot obtain AMF approval. It was agreed that at the July 4th Regular Sitting, Council will adopt a policy by resolution indicating that the City will include two specs in its calls for tenders and its tenders by invitation as of January 1, 2017. Firstly, it will request that bidders have AMF approval. Secondly, it will request that bidders have past experience with two to three projects of the same nature carried out in two to three municipalities in the RMR, with at least one of which being the City of Montreal. The City will communicate the adoption of this policy to the active contractors in the RMR by sending notifications to this effect, as well as publishing said notification on the Constructo website. Confidential items were discussed. ROTARY CLUB REQUEST FOR FUNDRAISER Councillor Davis informed Council that Councillor Forbes and she met with Mr. Jim Griffin and Mr. Peter Starr of the Rotary Club, as well as a representative of the “ribbers,” to discuss its request to host a ribfest fundraiser event. She relayed their discussion. The Rotary Club’s proposed event would constitute five rib trucks, each measuring 30 feet in length and all being attached in order for water and electricity services to be shared. Four feet of space is required behind each truck and eight feet in front of each truck. Secondary trucks would be used as well for selling french fries, blooming onions, and other foods. A refrigerated truck would be required as well. Three possible locations were examined: the area in front of City Hall, the portion of Argyle Avenue from Sherbrooke Street to Côte-Saint-Antione road, and the WAG. Councillor Lulham noted that the area in front of City Hall would not offer sufficient space. The Mayor pointed out that the Bixi bicycles would have to be moved for the event to be held on Argyle Avenue. Councillor Davis noted that this option would involve angling the last truck across Côte-Saint-Antoine Road while still leaving enough room to allow cars to pass, and the secondary trucks would be placed on the asphalt path in front of City Hall. Regarding the third option, Councillor Davis explained that as the WAG parking lot is too small to accommodate the trucks, they would need to be parked on the field. She noted the recent refurbishing the field. Councillor Davis pointed out that all of the options would require the installation of portable toilets, and would involve significant noise and smoke. Councillor Lulham explained that in addition to the WAG being an unsuitable venue for the event in question, parks are residents’ recreational space, paid for with their taxes, and accordingly, the City has a policy against holding fundraisers in parks. 58 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 9 OF 11 Councillor Smith proposed that a smaller event be held. Councillor Davis expressed the Rotary Club’s insistence on the fundraiser being a ribfest. Councillor Davis relayed the Director General’s suggestion for the Rotary Club to request that Dawson College permit it to hold the event on the CEGEP’s grounds. It was agreed that the City will inform the Rotary Club that it does not have a venue capable of accommodating the proposed ribfest fundraiser; however, the City remains open to proposals for a smaller-scale event. The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:51 p.m. PIT BULLS The Mayor informed Council that Saint Léonard, Anjou, Lévis, L’Ancienne-Lorette, Ontario, the United Kingdom, and France, among others, have adopted regulations or laws regarding the management of dangerous dogs such as pit bulls. He reported that the UMQ has organized a roundtable made up of the MSP, the MAMROT, and the OMVQ (Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec) to develop a policy to propose to the government to be enshrined in law. The prospective law would require sterilization, muzzling in public, and the implantation of microchips for all dangerous breeds of dogs. The Mayor explained that he has been in favour of the adoption of a policy regarding the management of such dangerous dogs for several years and that the City should not refrain from developing a policy on the matter while the province contemplates the adoption of a law. He noted the approach taken by Mayor Denis Coderre for the City of Montreal, which he described as reasonable, requiring all breeds of dogs to be sterilized and pit bulls and other breeds of dangerous dogs to be muzzled and on a leash in public. Councillor Lulham noted that there are only four pit bulls owned by Westmount residents, as well as two boxer-pit bull mixes and many rottweilers. She pointed out that the two pit bulls in her area have a friendly and gentle disposition while many other dogs in the City, of other breeds that are not known to be particularly aggressive, have committed aggressive acts in the past. She affirmed that any dog can be dangerous; it is a matter of each dog’s level of socialization. Councillor Lulham suggested that the OMVQ’s representatives may recommend the integration of the established socialization tests as part of a licensing process for dogs of certain breeds with a reputation for having an aggressive nature. The Mayor emphasized the danger that dogs of certain breeds pose to humans. Specifically, while all dogs may be prone to bouts of aggression, certain breeds are physically capable of causing serious injury, or death, to humans. Councillor Samiotis supported Councillor Lulham’s recommendation for the City to adopt control mechanisms imposable on all dangerous dogs, without regulating any specific breeds. 59 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 10 OF 11 The Director General informed Council that he will present a report at the General Committee’s upcoming meeting on the past incidents involving acts of aggression by dogs within the City in order for Council to develop its policy based on these statistics. Councillor Smith noted that the issue of dangerous dogs in Summit Woods in particular should be addressed in the City’s prospective policy on the matter. Me St-Jean informed Council that under section 13 of By-law 535, “Concerning Dogs and the Licensing thereof,” Council is already endowed with the power to order by resolution at any time that all dogs within the City be muzzled. Confidential items were discussed. ONGOING ITEM: MTQ/AMT Councillor Samiotis reported that the new representative for the MTQ regarding the prospective sound barrier has still not contacted the City. ONGOING ITEM: TRAFFIC Further to Councillor Davis’ inquiry, Councillor Cutler explained that as the prospective trucking route does not extend north of Sherbrooke Street, trucks can still use those roads to the extent that they are necessary for reaching their destination, but not for commuting. It was agreed that for the upcoming General Committee meeting, Director Raggo will provide a revised timeline for the trucking route’s implementation further to assessing the current proposed timeline with Legal Services. Councillor Cutler reported that the former speedbump on Sunnyside Avenue will be replaced. He informed Council that further to Councillor Lulham’s and his recommendation to the TAC, the committee will examine the possibility of installing electrical terminals in the Victoria Avenue and Greene Avenue parking lots. Councillor Cutler reported that in order to provide handicap parking spaces, the City will install parking meters next to these spaces that are handicap-accessible. Councillor Forbes expressed her support for the installation of these parking meters. NEW BUSINESS: ROSLYN SCHOOL LANDSCAPING The Mayor informed Council that he and Councillor Cutler met with a resident of Roslyn Avenue who expressed his displeasure regarding the granting of the permit for the Roslyn School landscaping. The Mayor explained that in January, further to a request from a group of Roslyn Avenue neighbours residing across and south of the Roslyn School entrance, Director Poirier met with them to discuss their concerns regarding the school’s landscaping. However, the concerns of the individual in question and his neighbours residing to the north 60 GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2016 PAGE 11 OF 11 of the school entrance were not addressed. This resident believes that no additional parking spaces should be added to the parking lot. Most importantly, the Mayor pointed out that the permit was approved at the May Special Sitting. He explained that the policy required that permits for such significant projects should not be voted on at the mid-month meetings, which are supposed to be restricted to very minor permits such as for windows and doors – given the complete lack of media and public presence. Councillor Samiotis affirmed that the new landscaping provides more greenspace and a reconfigured parking lot that respects the property’s setback and offers more parking spaces while still respecting the ratio of maximum parking spaces to students. NEW BUSINESS: ST-LÉON UPDATE Councillor Samiotis informed Council that she and Councillor Forbes met with the Ministry of Education’s representative regarding the future of St-Léon School. A plan, budget, and timeline will be developed over the course the year. She reported that, during the Mayor’s meeting with Mayor Denis Coderre – which she attended – on June 17th, Mayor Coderre affirmed that he is working towards the creation of a new school in Ville-Marie. NEW BUSINESS: SOUND BARRIER – PROPOSAL FROM KPH The Director General relayed KPH’s proposal for a mural to be painted on the sound barrier along Selby Park in light of the graffiti issue. Councillor Lulham informed Council that the glass sound barrier to the south of Abbott Avenue needs to be cleaned. She noted the unfortunate and exorbitant additional cost of the flag man required by C.P. Rail for the carrying out of such maintenance work. It was agreed that the City will proceed with the painting of murals on the sound barriers located along Selby Park and south of Abbott Avenue. ABSENCES Council members were requested to submit their absence sheets to the City Clerk. The meeting was adjourned at 10:19 p.m. Me Martin St-Jean City Clerk Victor M. Drury Acting Mayor 61 Ville de Westmount Rapport mensuel de la main d’œuvre Juin 2016 A - Embauche - non permanent Nom Reiter, Justin Rylander, Tim Hillel, Inez Arrizza, Stefano Kubat, Emina Gilmore, Zackary Emblem, Luke Barnes-Huet, Dylan Jay-Riendeau, Gabrielle Sayegh, Faith Kwon, Hyuk Jin Jones, Alexandra Bel, Nicolas Fonction Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Moniteur de camp Service Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Sports et loisirs Date d’embauche 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin 20 juin Statut Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Catégorie Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Raskin, Luca Lamothe, Matthew Bower, Molly Préposé aux parcs Stagiaire Aide-bibliothécaire Travaux publics Hydro Westmount Bibliothèque 8 juin 20 juin 28 juin Étudiant Auxiliaire Auxiliaire Col bleu Col blanc Col blanc Fonction Agent au support administratif Inspecteur horticulture Service Hydro Westmount Travaux publics Date d’embauche 20 juin 27 juin Statut Permanent Permanent Catégorie Col blanc Col blanc Fonction Service Date d’embauche Statut Catégorie Fonction Technicien en chef – Budget et SAC Service Hydro Westmount Date d’embauche 13 juin Statut Permanent Catégorie Col blanc B - Embauche – permanent Nom Imbert, Daniel Mory, Nicolas C – Promotion Nom D – Changement de position Nom Palao Aldo 62 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 7 ADOPTION OF THE COUNCIL'S POSITION ON THE ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE MONTREAL AGGLOMERATION COUNCIL MOVER Councillor Davis THAT the Mayor be authorized to make any decisions he deems necessary and in the best interest of the City of Westmount and its citizens regarding the items on the agenda of the Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting to be held on August 25, 2016. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 63 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 8 CONTRACT - THE GALLERY AT VICTORIA HALL MOVER Councillor Forbes THAT the City enter into an agreement with Bonnie Shemie for the exhibition that will be held in the Gallery at Victoria Hall from October 13 to November 5, 2016, the whole according to the terms of the agreement; and THAT the City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement and any and all other document necessary to give effect to the foregoing resolution, for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 64 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 9 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on June 16, 2016 for the opening of tenders for the CYCLICAL MAINTENANCE PRUNING YEAR 2016 IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2016-974) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that the written report prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on June 16, 2016 is submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT the tender of Arboriculture de Beauce be accepted for the cyclical maintenance pruning Year 2016 in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2016-974), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $130,381.65, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $119,055.83 (including tax credit) be made from Departmental Expense, Account No. 02-752-20-457, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-08-10 issued on July 26, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 68 Serviœsjuridiques et greffe LégalServices andCilyaerk'sOiace Hôtel de ville 4333,rue Sherbrooke 0. Westmount,QC H3Z1E2 CilyHaU 4333 Sherbrooke Street W. Westmount,QC H3Z1E2 ville de Icityof WESTMOUNT REPORT FROWI THE ASSISTANT CITY CLERK ON THE OPENING OF TENDERS FOR CYCLICAL MAINTENANCE PRUNING YEAR 2016 IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT Tender(s): PW-2016-974 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: As a resuit of a cal! for tenders being published in the Journal Construoto and on the SÈAO System on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, tenders for cycllcal maintenance pruning year 2016 in the City of Westmount, were opened pubiicly in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m., on Thursday, June 16, 2016 by the undersigned, in the presence of Sean Michael Deegan, Director Général, Chairman; Benoit Hurtubise, Director - Hydro Westmount; Patrick Raggo, Director - Public Works; John Camia, Purchasing Manager - Finance, which resulted as follows: TENDER(S)#PW-2016-974-cycllcal maintenance pruning year 2016 TENDERER PRICE nncludina GST & PSTI Arboriculture de Beauce inc Arbo-Design inc $ 130,381.65 $ 160,401.62 Me Nicole Dobbie Assistant Director of Légal Services and Assistant City Clerk ND/pw 16/06/2016 (514)989-5251 • S(514)989-5270 • www.westmountorg 72 142 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 10 RECONSTRUCTION OF TWO (2) DOG RUNS WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on July 13, 2016 for the opening of tenders for RECONSTRUCTION OF TWO (2) DOG RUNS IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2016-976) chaired by Joanne Poirier, Substitute Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on July 14, 2016 and by the Assistant Director - Engineering and Infrastructure on July 20, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT the tender of Le Groupe Nepveu Inc. be accepted for the reconstruction of two dog runs in the City of Westmount - option 1 (Tender PW-2016-976), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $298,273.89, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $272,363.82 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-92-028, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW 2016-08-06 issued on July 21, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 143 Servicesjuridiques et greffe Légal Services and City Clerk's Office City Hall Hôtel de ville 4333,rue Sherbrooke 0. Westmount,QC H3Z 1E2 VILLE DE I CITYOF 4333 Sherbrooke Street W. WESTMOUNT Westmount,QC H3Z 1E2 REPORT FROM THE CITY CLERK ON THE OPENING OF TENDERS FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF TWO (2) DOG RUNS IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT Tender(s): PW-2016-976 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: As a resuit of a call for tenders being published in the Journal Constructo and on the SÉAO System on Thursday, June 22, 2016, tenders for reconstruction of two (2) dog runs In the City of Westmount, were opened publicly in the Council Chamber at 12:44 p.m., on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by the undersigned, in the presence of Joanne Poirier, Director - Urban Planning and Substitute DIrector Général, Chairman; Benoit Hurtubise, Director - Hydro Westmount and Assistant Director Général Engineering and Infrastructure; Patrick Raggo, Director - Public Works; Stephen Elder, Superintendent of Building Opérations - Public Works; Lynda Meloche, Purchasing Agent - Finance, which resulted as follows: TENDER(S)# PW-2016'976- reconstruction offvvo (2) dog runs PRICE lincludlng GST & PSTU OPTION 1 TENDERER OPTION 2 KING GEORGE PARK + ATHLETIC FIELD Saivex inc. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 298,273.89 324,670.00 344,603.07 359,660.20 362,447.19 363,700.42 375,818.34 404,022.15 Environnement Routier NRJ inc. $ 425,067;i7 Les Entrepreneurs Bucaro inc. $ $ 472,892.18 479,560.73 Le Groupe Nepveu inc. LV Construction (Les Paysagements LumI-Vert inc.) Construction Morival Ltée. Urbex Construction inc. Les Entreprises de Construction Ventec inc. Techniparc fdiv. 9032-2454 Québec inc.) Atlas Excavation inc. G. Daviault Ltée. Martin^t-Jean DirèstoMÎT Légal Services and City Clerk MSt-J/pw 14/07/2016 (514)989-5251 • lii(514)989-5270 • www.westmounLorg 148 ATHLETIC FIELD $ $ $ $ $ $ 87,162.55 91,370.00 97,326.07 105,966.71 99,441.88 99,694.82 $ 110,445.18 $ $ 112,273.09 130,958.82 $ 143,373.83 $ 145,523.86 149 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 11 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on July 13, 2016 for the opening of tenders for the PURCHASE OF ONE (1) GARBAGE TRUCK MOUNTED MACK GU813 2016 (Tender No. PUR-2016-014) chaired by Joanne Poirier, Substitute Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on July 14, 2016 and by the Purchasing Agent on July 18, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the tender of Mack Laval Inc. be accepted for the purchase of one (1) garbage truck mounted Mack GU813 2016 (Tender PUR-2016-014), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $283,547.61, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $258,916.76 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-314-04-017, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW 2016-08-08 issued on July 21, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 150 REFERENCE: TENDER NO: PUR-2016-014 PURCHASE OF A GARBAGE TRUCK LEACH ON A MACK GU813 2016 WITH A BACKEND OPENING As per the City of Westmount specifications Monday, July 18th, 2016 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, As result of a notice calling for public tenders for the purchase of a garbage truck Leach on a Mack GU813 2016 with a backend opening, tenders were opened publicly by the Director of Legal Services, Martin St-Jean in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m. on Wednesday, July 13th, 2016. Tenders were opened in the presence of Joanne Poirier, substitute chairman, Patrick Raggo, Director of Public Works, Benoit Hurtubise, Director of Hydro Westmount, Elisa Gaetano, Assistant Director of Engineering and Infrastructure, Lynda Meloche, Purchasing Agent and others which resulted as follows: PURCHASE OF A GARBAGE TRUCK LEACH ON A MACK GU813 2016 WITH A BACKEND OPENING Tendered Tender Price 9093451 Canada Inc. / Mack Laval $283,547.61 Note : The purchasing department published publicly on the Government of Quebec website (SEAO). 9093451 Canada Inc. / Mack Laval are the only tendered for this product because they are the sole distributor of Mack Products in Quebec. They also submitted a tender for a Fanatech truck at $281,940.83 that is not conforming to our specifications. As per lowest conforming tender, I recommend that this tender from 9093451 Canada Inc. / Mack Laval be accepted for the purchase of a garbage truck Leach on a Mack GU813 2016 for an amount of $283,547.61 all applicable taxes included and that Council authorizes the issuing of a purchase order. Lynda Meloche Purchasing Agent /2016/rapport au Conseil/PUR-2016-014 GENERAL CONTRACT FOR MINOR CIVIL WORKS 155 Servicesjuridiques et greffe Légal Services and City Clerk's Office Hôtel de ville City Hall 4333,rue Sherbrooke 0. Westmount,QC H3Z1E2 VILLE DE I CITYOF 4333 Sherbrooke Street W. WESTMOUNT Westmount,QC H3Z 1E2 REPORT FROM THE CITY CLERK ON THE OPENING OF TENDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) GARBAGE TRUCK MOUNTED MACK GU813 2016 FOR THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT Tender(s): PUR-2016-014 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: As a resuit of a cal! for tenders being published in the Journal Constructo and on the SÉAO system on Thursday, June 22, 2016, tenders for the purchase ofone (1) garbage truck mounted mack GU813 2016 for the City of Westmount, were opened publicly in the Council Chamber at 12:06 p.m., on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by the undersigned, in the presence of Joanne Poirier, Director - Urban Planning and Substitute Director Général, Chairman; Benoit Hurtubise, Director - Hydro Westmount and Assistant Director Général - Engineering and Infrastructure; Patrick Raggo, Director - Public Works; Stephen Eider, Supehntendent of Building Opérations - Public Works; Lynda Meloche, Purchasing Agent - Finance, which resuited as foliows: TENDER(S)# PUR-2016-014- purchase of one(1)garbage truck mounted mack GU813 2016 TENDERER PRICE rincludlng GST & PSTI 9093451 Canada inc $ 281,940.83 9093451 Canada inc $ 283,547.61 :-Jean Légal Services and City Clerk MSt-J/pw 14/07/2016 S(514)989-5251 • dt(514)989-5270 • www.v/estmounLorg 156 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 12 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on June 16, 2016 for the opening of tenders for the PURCHASE OF ONE (1) KOMATSU WHEEL LOADER WITH SNOW BLOWER LARUE D-60 FOR THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PUR2016-013) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant Director of Legal Services and Assistant City Clerk on June 16, 2016 and by the Purchasing Manager on June 22, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the tender of Equipment SMS Inc. be accepted for the supply of one (1) Komatsu wheel loader with snow blower Larue D-60 (Tender PUR-2016-013), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $439,779.38, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $401,577.19 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-314-04-018, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW 2016-08-09 issued on July 25, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 157 REFERENCE: TENDER NO: PUR-2016-013 PURCHASE OF ONE (1) KOMATSU WHEEL LOADER MODEL WA320P2-6 WITH SNOW BLOWER LARUE MODEL D-60 as per City of Westmount specification Wednesday June 22nd, 2016 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, As result of a notice calling for public tenders for the purchase of one (1) Komatsu wheel loader model WA320P2-6 with snow blower Larue model D-60 as per City of Westmount specification. Tenders were opened publicly by the Assistant City Clerk, Nicole Dobbie in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m. on Thursday June 16th 2016, in the presence of Mike Deegan, Chairman, Patrick Raggo, Director of Public Works, Benoit Hurtubise, Director of Hydro Westmount, John Camia, Purchasing Manager and others. The results were as follows: PURCHASE OF ONE (1) KOMATSU WHEEL LOADER MODEL WA320P2-6 WITH SNOW BLOWER LARUE MODEL D-60 Tendered Total cost Taxes Included SMS Equipment Inc. $439,779.38 Please note: As per tender received from the only bidder, it is recommended to proceed with the purchase based on the present market price for this type of equipment. SMS Equipment Inc. is the regional distributor for Komatsu sales in the Province of Quebec and Eastern Canada. The publication of tender PUR-2016-013 was done on SEAO (electronic government of Quebec web site and Constructo Magazine for Public Tenders). I recommend that the tender from SMS Equipment Inc. be accepted for the purchase of one (1) Komatsu wheel loader model WA320P2-6 with snow blower Larue model D-60 for a total amount of $439,779.38 all applicable taxes included and that Council authorize the issuing of a purchase order. John Camia Purchasing Manager /2016/rapport au Conseil/PUR-2016-013 Loader tete de soufleuse 162 Servicesjuridiques et greffe Légal Services and Cily Clerk's Office Hôtel de ville Cily Hall 4333,rue Sherbrooke 0. Westmount,QC H3Z1E2 VILLÏ DElCnVOF 4333 Sherbrooke Street W. WESTMOUNT Westmount,QC H3Z1E2 REPORT FROM THE ASSISTANT CITY CLERK ON THE OPENING OF TENDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE(1) KOMATSU WHEEL LOADER WITH SNOW BLOWER LARUE D-60 FOR THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT ■ Tender(s): PUR-2016-013 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: As a resuit of a cal! for tenders being published in the Journal Constructo and on the SÉAO System on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, tenders for the purchase of âne (1) Komatsu wheel loader with snow blower Larue D-60 for the City of Westmount, were opened publicly in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m., on Thursday, June 16, 2016 by the undersigned, in the presence of Sean Michaei Deegan, Director Général, Chairman; Benoit Hurtubise, Director - Hydro Westmount; Patrick Raggo, Director - Public Works; John Camia, Purchasing Manager - Finance which resulted as follows: TENDER(S)#PUR-20i6'013 — purchase ofone(1)Komatsu wheelloader with snow.blower Larue D-60 TENDERER PRICE nncludlna GST & PSTI SMS Equipment inc $ 439,779.38 Me Nicole Dobbie Assistant Director of Légal Services and Assistant City Clerk ND/pw 16/06/2016 (514)989-5251 • â(514)989-5270 • www.westmountorg 163 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 13 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on July 13, 2016 for the opening of tenders for the REPLACEMENT OF THE WATER MAINS ON SHERBROOKE STREET (BETWEEN STRATHCONA AND KENSINGTON AVENUES) IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2016-973) chaired by Joanne Poirier, Substitute Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on July 14, 2016 and by the Director of Public Works on July 19, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the tender of Bentech Construction (9075 3856 Québec Inc.) be accepted for the replacement of the water mains on Sherbrooke Street (between Strathcona and Kensington avenues) in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2016-973), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $577,248.08, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $527,104.44 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Accounts No. 23-010-16-003 and 23-010-16-004, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW 2016--08-03 issued on July 21, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 164 Servicesjuridiques et greffe Légal Services and City Clerlds Office Hôtel de ville City Hall 4333,rue Sherbrooke 0. Westmount,QC H3Z1E2 VIlLtDElCITYOF 4333 Sherbrooke Street W. WESTMOUNT Westmount,QC H3Z 1E2 REPORT FROWl THE CITY CLERK ON THE OPENING OF TENDERS FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE WATER MAINS ON SHERBROOKE STREET (BETWEEN STRATHCONA AND KENSINGTON AVENUES) IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT Tender(s): PW-2Q16-973 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: As a resuit of a cal! for tenders being published in the Journal Constructo and on the SÉAO System on Thursday, June 22, 2016, tenders for replacement of the water mains on Sherbrooke Street (between Strathcona and Kensington Avenues) in the City of Westmount, were opened publlcly in the Council Chamber at 12:13 p.m., on Wednesday, July 13. 2016 by the undersigned, in the presence of Joanne Poirier, Director- Urban Planning and Substitute Director Général, Chalrman; Benoit Hurtubise, Director- Hydro Westmount and Assistant Director Générai - Engineering and infrastructure; Patrick Raggo, Director - Public Works; Stephen Eider, Superintendent of Building Opérations - Public Works; Lynda Meloche, Purchasing Agent - Finance, which resuited as follows: TENDER(S) »PW-2016-973- replacement of the water mains on Sherbrooke Street PRICE nncludino GST & PSTl TENDERER Les Entreprises Canbec Construction inc $ 552,974.19 Bentech Construction inc(9075-3856 Québec inc.) Pavages d'Amour inc $ $ 577,248.08 593,271.00 Excava-Tech inc $ 597,620.22 9045-6823 Québec inc.(F.A.S.R.S. Groupe Damlano inc.) $ 672,971.67 TGA Montréal inc Socomec industriel inc $ $ 702,089.09 749,132.26 C.M.S Entrepreneurs Généraux inc Construction Arctic Béluga inc $ $ 812,350.11 825,807.94 Gérald Théorêt inc $ 966,733.02 Construction Bau-Vai inc $ 1,546,232.83 St-Jean Dirécîbr of Légal Services and City Clerk MSt-J/pw 14/07/2016 (514)989-5251 • ® (514)989-5270 • www.westtnouuLorg 169 170 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 14 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on July 13, 2016 for the opening of tenders for the CONSTRUCTION OF A SPLASH PAD - PRINCE ALBERT PARK IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2016-975) chaired by Joanne Poirier, Substitute Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on July 14, 2016 and by the Assistant Director - Engineering and Infrastructure on July 19, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Lulham THAT the tender of Urbex Construction Inc. be accepted for the construction of a spash pad in Prince Albert Park in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2016-975), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $185,720.84, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $169,587.88 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-315-17-003, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW 2016-08-04 issued on July 21, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 189 Servicesjuridiques et greffe Légal Services and City Clerlds Office City Hall Hôtel de ville 4333,rue Sherbrooke 0. Westmount,QC H3Z1E2 VILLE DEl CITYOF 4333 Sherbrooke Street W. WESTMOUNT Westmount,QC H3Z IE2 REPORT FROM THE CITY CLERK ON THE OPENING OF TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SPLASH PAD - PRINCE ALBERT PARK IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT Tender(s): PW-2016-975 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: As a resuit of a call for tenders being published in the Journal Constructo and on the SÉAO System on Thursday, June 22, 2016, tenders for the construction ofa splash pad - Prince Albert Park in the City of Westmount, were opened publicly in the Council Chamber at 12:31 p.m., on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by the undersigned, in the presence of Joanne Poirier, Director - Urban Planning and Substitute Director Général, Chairman; Benoit Hurtubise, Director - Hydro Westmount and Assistant Director Général Engineering and Infrastructure; Patrick Raggo, Director - Public Works; Stephen Elder, Supehntendent of Building Opérations - Public Works; Lynda Meloche, Purchasing Agent - Finance, which resulted as follows: TENDER(S)# PW-20i6-975- construction ofa splash pad - Prince Albert Park TENDERER PRICE rincludino GST & PSTl Urbex Construction inc Les Entreprises Berthier inc $ $ 180,176.41 200,634.36 LV Construction (Les Paysagements Lumi-Vert inc.) $ 213,977.77 Construction Morival Ltée Les Entreprises de Construction Ventec inc Installation Jeux-Tec inc $ $ $ 216,277.71 226,822.68 236,485.18 St-Jean for of Legai Services and City Clerk MSt-J/pw 14/07/2016 8(514)989-5251 • (ii(514)989-5270 • www.westmountorg 194 195 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 15 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on July 13, 2016 for the opening of tenders for the ROOFING AND BUILDING ENVELOPE WORK - PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING - 1 BETHUNE STREET IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2016-977) chaired by Joanne Poirier, Substitute Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk on July 13, 2016 and by the Director of Public Works on July 19, 2016 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the tender of Polygone Construction Inc. be accepted for the Roofing and Building Envelope Work - Public Works Building - 1 Bethune Street in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2016-977), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $525,179.36, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $479,558.75 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No.03-312-01-017, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW 2016-08-02 issued on July 21, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 202 Servicesjuridiques et greffe Légal Services and City Clerk's Office Hôte! de ville City Hall 4333,rue Sherbrooke 0. VI Lit DEjCn-YOH 4333 Sherbrooke Street W. WESTMOUNT Westmount,QC H3Z 1E2 Westmount,QC H3Z1E2 REPORT FROM THE CITY CLERK ON THE OPENING OF TENDERS FOR ROOFING AND BUILDING ENVELOPE WORK PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING -1 BETHUNE STREET IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT Tender(s): PW-2016-977 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: As a resuit of a cal! for tenders being published in the Journal Constructo and on the SÉAO System on Thursday, June 22, 2016, tenders for roofing and building envelope work - public works building - 1 Bethune Street in the City of Westmount, were opened publicly in the Council Chamber at 1:03 p.m., on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by the undersigned, in the presence of Joanne Poirier, Director - Urban Planning and Substitute Director Général, Chairman; Benoit Hurtubise, Director - Hydro Westmount and Assistant Director Général - Engineering and Infrastructure: Patrick Raggo, Director - Public Works; Stephen Eider, Superintendant of Building Opérations - Public Works; Lynda Meloche, Purchasing Agent Finance, which resuited as follows: TENDER(S)# PW-2016'977- roofing and building envelope work •public works building -1 Bethune Street TENDERER PRICE rincludina GST & PSTl Polygone Construction inc J. Raymond Couvreur & fils inc Couverture Montréal-Nord Ltée $ $ $ Toitures Trois Étoiles inc $ 616,266.00 MELK Construction inc $ ^Me-M^in St-Jean Director of Légal Services and City Clerk MSt-J/pw 13/07/2016 S(514)989-5251 • eI(514)989-5270 • www.westmounLorg 207 525,179.36 535,612.18 549,549.46 697,967.39 209 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 16 TENDERS BY INVITATION - PUBLIC WORKS MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the quotation of Cortecans et Fils Inc. be accepted for the supply and installation of new doors and windows for the Protective Services Building (15-21 Stanton), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $37,349.63, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Agent’s report dated July 19, 2016; THAT an expenditure in the amount of $34,105.19 (including tax credits) be made from Account No. 02-182-00-522, 02-220-02-522 and 02-230-02-522, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW 2016-08-05 issued on July 21, 2016 ; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 210 WESTMOUNT BUREAU DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT PURCHASING OFFICE July 19th, 2016 The following report, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), is submitted for Council approval. SUPPLIER AMOUNT R. CORTECANS ET FILS SERRURIERS INC. NEQ: 1145868999 $37,349.63 To supply and install new doors and windows for the 15-21 Stanton (protection services). As per City of Westmount specifications. Other Quotes PORTES ET FENÊTRES FENTEK NEQ : 1170880794 No reply VITRERIE DE LACHINE LTÉE. NEQ : 1142427039 No reply PORTES ET FENÊTRES VERDUN NEQ : 1170310586 No reply th Note : We asked two time for quotation for this project. The first time on May 18 , 2016 no one replied. On the second time we only got an answer from R. CORTECANS ET FILS SERRURIERS INC. even if some company showed an interest to Dario Morillo from Public Work. Lynda Meloche Agente de l’approvisionnement Purchasing Agent /2016/Q-2016-040 BÂTIMENT DES SERVICES DE PROTECTION RÉFECTION DE PORTES ET FENÊTRES 215 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 17 LIST OF ACCOUNTS - JUNE 2016 MOVER Councillor Drury THAT payment be authorized and confirmed of the following disbursements made during the period ending June 30, 2016: PÉRIODE SE TERMINANT / PERIOD ENDING Chèques/ Checks 06/30/2016 FACTURES/ INVOICES LISTE DE PAIE & REMISES GOUVERNEMENTALES / PAYROLL & GOVERNMENT REMITTANCES 2,896,567.96 $ Paiements électroniques/ Electronic payments: VILLE DE MONTREAL 25 851 051,76 $ 06/01/2016 HYDRO QUÉBEC 1,869,563.39 $ 06/30/2016 Total SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE 30 617 183.11$ 2,393,848.96 $ TOTAL 5 290 416.92 $ Ø 25 851 051,76 $ Ø 1,869,563.39 $ 2,393,848.96 $ 33 011 032.07 $ Mayor Trent Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/2/2016 A 261611 DIVERS BROOKFIELD GLOBAL RELOCATION SERVICES 374.00 6/2/2016 A 261612 DIVERS COQUET AGNES 105.00 6/2/2016 A 261613 DIVERS COSTA HELIO RODRIGUES 140.00 6/2/2016 A 261614 DIVERS FRIEDA TERK 107.02 6/2/2016 A 261615 DIVERS JUDITH MAPPIN 79.07 6/2/2016 A 261616 DIVERS ROSZLER JESSICA 60.00 6/9/2016 A 261791 DIVERS ALEXA EASON 81.92 6/9/2016 A 261792 DIVERS AMINE ZAARI 6/9/2016 A 261793 DIVERS JULIEN LAMONTAGNE 6/9/2016 A 261794 DIVERS LES TISSUS EXCLUSIVE DE MINK 6/9/2016 A 261795 DIVERS MARTA BLOM 110.00 6/9/2016 A 261796 DIVERS NAKIN PLASKI 85.00 6/9/2016 A 261797 DIVERS PING WANG 45.00 6/9/2016 A 261798 DIVERS PING WANG 215.00 6/9/2016 A 261799 DIVERS RAMESH BANSEE 82.14 6/15/2016 A 261829 DIVERS CAROLE GARCIA 128.88 6/15/2016 A 261830 DIVERS EUN JUNG JO 260.00 6/15/2016 A 261831 DIVERS FLORENCE DUJOUX 45.00 6/15/2016 A 261832 DIVERS MONICA MCCAULEY 115.00 6/15/2016 A 261833 DIVERS UNKYONG LIM 145.00 6/15/2016 A 261834 DIVERS YASMIN REFAI JANDALI 6/22/2016 A 261899 DIVERS AMANDA EMBLEM 80.00 6/22/2016 A 261900 DIVERS CAROLINE KUFLIK 180.00 6/22/2016 A 261901 DIVERS CEDRIK MOORE 360.00 6/22/2016 A 261902 DIVERS CHARLES TAYLOR 140.00 6/22/2016 A 261903 DIVERS CLARE AITKEN 6/22/2016 A 261904 DIVERS DANI MAAZ 6/22/2016 A 261905 DIVERS DAVID SNIVELY 6/22/2016 A 261906 DIVERS DYLAN KALAYDJIAN 6/22/2016 A 261907 DIVERS ERIKA DOREY 6/22/2016 A 261908 DIVERS ERIKSON MOORE 160.00 6/22/2016 A 261909 DIVERS EVAN DIMENTBERG 190.00 6/22/2016 A 261910 DIVERS GEORGE LOUTOCHIN 540.00 6/22/2016 A 261911 DIVERS GIULIO FIORANI 320.00 6/22/2016 A 261912 DIVERS GUEORGUI PIPKOV 290.00 6/22/2016 A 261913 DIVERS JEREMY EPSTEIN 465.00 6/22/2016 A 261914 DIVERS JOHAN SCHEIBLER 190.00 Montant 11.87 289.26 64.36 70.00 70.00 420.00 70.00 130.00 70.00 7/4/2016 09:06:40 Page 1 218 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/22/2016 A 261915 DIVERS JUSTIN GOLDBERG 230.00 6/22/2016 A 261916 DIVERS KEILI MOORE 192.00 6/22/2016 A 261917 DIVERS LEO CHADWICK 140.00 6/22/2016 A 261918 DIVERS LUKE EMBLEM 240.00 6/22/2016 A 261919 DIVERS MORGAN DIAS-LECLERC 495.00 6/22/2016 A 261920 DIVERS NICHOLAS POTHIER 288.00 6/22/2016 A 261921 DIVERS PAUL KELENY 290.00 6/22/2016 A 261922 DIVERS RACHEL GILMORE 145.00 6/22/2016 A 261923 DIVERS SHIZUMA TSUCHIYA 6/22/2016 A 261924 DIVERS TANIA DUPONT 6/22/2016 A 261925 DIVERS VANESSA BRANDT ROUSSEAU 6/30/2016 A 262047 DIVERS REJEAEE MAZIAR 6/22/2016 A 261926 10000 APSAM 6/22/2016 A 261927 10005 ACIER LACHINE 6/2/2016 A 261617 10007 GUARD-X INC 6/15/2016 A 261835 10007 GUARD-X INC 6/15/2016 A 261836 10012 FERTILEC LTEE 6/22/2016 A 261928 10023 ANIXTER CANADA INC. 6/30/2016 A 262052 10027 ARCHITEM 6/29/2016 A 261986 10038 ASSOCIATION DE TAXI DIAMOND LTEE 6/9/2016 A 261800 10040 ATLAS TAXI INC 6/2/2016 A 261618 10049 LIVRES BABAR INC. 1,712.70 6/15/2016 A 261837 10049 LIVRES BABAR INC. 1,603.79 6/22/2016 A 261929 10049 LIVRES BABAR INC. 604.42 6/2/2016 A 261619 10056 BANQUE NATIONAL 5,469.20 6/3/2016 A 261782 10056 BANQUE NATIONAL 23.00 6/9/2016 A 261801 10056 BANQUE NATIONAL 516.56 6/15/2016 A 261838 10056 BANQUE NATIONAL 4,042.24 6/30/2016 A 262048 10056 BANQUE NATIONAL 1,898.24 6/29/2016 A 261987 10057 BELANGER SAUVE AVOCATS 26.70 6/22/2016 A 261930 10058 BELL CANADA 70.13 6/22/2016 A 261931 10060 BELL 6/15/2016 A 261839 10061 BELL CANADA 6/2/2016 A 261620 10062 BELL MOBILITY 6/2/2016 A 261621 10064 PPG AG CANADA INC. 1,008.37 6/2/2016 A 261622 10069 LINDE CANADA LIMITEE M2193 1,073.31 6/22/2016 A 261932 10069 LINDE CANADA LIMITEE M2193 141.18 Montant 45.00 60.00 145.00 14,837.76 765.00 327.68 1,036.95 872.39 6,829.52 201606 609.37 4,446.66 55.11 154.88 58.58 1,773.59 399.96 7/4/2016 09:06:40 Page 2 219 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/22/2016 A 261933 10075 BRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE CANADA INC. 6/15/2016 A 261840 10080 CAMPBELL PICTURE FRAMING 337.28 6/2/2016 A 261623 10088 MIROMEDIA 286.29 6/2/2016 A 261624 10089 C.V.S. MIDWEST TAPE LLC 6/2/2016 A 261625 10097 AMARO EAU DE SOURCE NATURELLE 6/15/2016 A 261841 10100 SCFP #429 6,132.30 6/15/2016 A 261842 10101 SCFP #301 10,641.52 6/9/2016 A 261802 10102 SYNDICAT DES COLS BLEUS 22,072.37 6/2/2016 A 261626 10103 EBSCO CANADA LTEE 6/2/2016 A 261627 10112 LE GROUPE J.S.V. INC. 979.13 6/22/2016 A 261934 10118 CHAMPLAIN DODGE CHRYSLER LTD 499.55 6/2/2016 A 261628 10124 CLIFFORD UNDERWOOD HYDRAULIQUE LTEE 273.64 6/22/2016 A 261935 10124 CLIFFORD UNDERWOOD HYDRAULIQUE LTEE 687.57 6/2/2016 A 261629 10138 COMMUNICATION DEMO 6/2/2016 A 261630 10139 CONSTRUCTION GIANCOLA INC. 6/2/2016 A 261631 10140 CONSTRUCTO SE@O 329.62 6/15/2016 A 261843 10140 CONSTRUCTO SE@O 242.51 6/2/2016 A 261632 10141 CONSTRUCTION DJL INC 532.42 6/15/2016 A 261844 10141 CONSTRUCTION DJL INC 250.14 6/29/2016 A 261988 10148 COPIE 2000 151.37 6/2/2016 A 261633 10154 R. CORTECANS & FILS INC 201.21 6/9/2016 A 261803 10154 R. CORTECANS & FILS INC 992.54 6/15/2016 A 261845 10154 R. CORTECANS & FILS INC 2,891.64 6/22/2016 A 261936 10154 R. CORTECANS & FILS INC 2,013.21 6/15/2016 A 261846 10158 CRAMER NURSERY INC., 5,114.11 6/2/2016 A 261634 10161 CRITES & RIDDELL 2,236.26 6/22/2016 A 261937 10165 DASSYLOI INC 2,319.63 6/2/2016 A 261635 10169 DE MARQUE 1,493.71 6/15/2016 A 261847 10170 DALEBOZIK ASSOCIATES INC 1,207.24 6/2/2016 A 261636 10177 TESSIER RECREO-PARC INC. 7,735.52 6/15/2016 A 261848 10179 LES DISTRIBUTIONS TRO-PLAK INC 90.85 6/22/2016 A 261938 10179 LES DISTRIBUTIONS TRO-PLAK INC 1,411.05 6/29/2016 A 261989 10197 KAFEXPRESS 125.00 6/2/2016 A 261637 10198 EDITIONS YVON BLAIS 122.17 6/29/2016 A 261990 10198 EDITIONS YVON BLAIS 6/2/2016 A 261638 10199 THOMAS & BETTS 6/2/2016 A 261639 10203 ENLEVEMENT DE DECHETS BERGERON INC. Montant 3,256.95 88.69 73.95 3,493.02 970.85 2,242.02 163.85 3,330.26 94,784.34 7/4/2016 09:06:40 Page 3 220 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/3/2016 A 261783 10204 CANBEC INC. (LES ENTREPRISES) 16,441.43 6/29/2016 A 261991 10204 CANBEC INC. (LES ENTREPRISES) 533,968.68 6/2/2016 A 261640 10207 ENTRETIEN PREVENTIF RONDEAU ENR 707.10 6/15/2016 A 261849 10207 ENTRETIEN PREVENTIF RONDEAU ENR 275.94 6/2/2016 A 261641 10211 EQUIFAX CANADA INC. 143.72 6/9/2016 A 261804 10211 EQUIFAX CANADA INC. 6/2/2016 A 261642 10216 EQUIPEMENT DE SECURITE UNIVERSEL 1,140.44 6/22/2016 A 261939 10216 EQUIPEMENT DE SECURITE UNIVERSEL 399.71 6/22/2016 A 261940 10225 FEDERAL EXPRESS 9.07 6/29/2016 A 261992 10225 FEDERAL EXPRESS 60.66 6/9/2016 A 261805 10228 LA FOUMAGERIE 6/15/2016 A 261850 10231 LES FILMS CRITERION 1,782.11 6/2/2016 A 261643 10236 FORD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD 2,816.21 6/15/2016 A 261851 10236 FORD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD 1,685.44 6/2/2016 A 261644 10237 OCLC INC. 6/15/2016 A 261852 10241 PAVAGES ATG INC. 6/2/2016 A 261645 10242 ACCEO SOLUTIONS INC. 6/30/2016 A 262049 10244 LOCATION D`OUTIL GAMMA 6/22/2016 A 261941 10247 GAZ METRO 6/15/2016 A 261853 10252 GENERAL PENSION FUND 6/2/2016 A 261646 10253 GENERATRICE DRUMMOND, 6/15/2016 A 261854 10261 RETRAITE QUEBEC 6/2/2016 A 261647 10267 GROUPE AST (1993) INC. 6/2/2016 A 261648 10275 H/B SPORTS ENTERPRISES INC 6/2/2016 A 261649 10284 HONEYWELL LIMITED 6/2/2016 A 261650 10292 ICUBIC ENSEIGNES 6/22/2016 A 261942 10299 INDUSTRIES SABLAIR INC. 6/2/2016 A 261651 10300 LES INDUSTRIES GARANTIES LTEE 6/2/2016 A 261652 10303 INDUSTRIES JESSTEC INC. 977.29 6/15/2016 A 261855 10303 INDUSTRIES JESSTEC INC. 5,346.34 6/2/2016 A 261653 10307 INFORMATIQUE ST-HUBERT INC. 112.11 6/15/2016 A 261856 10316 J.-RENE-LAFOND INC. 299.79 6/22/2016 A 261943 10316 J.-RENE-LAFOND INC. 594.42 6/9/2016 A 261806 10320 DISTRIBUTIONS LIMOTRIQUE INC. 6/2/2016 A 261654 10322 KPMG 6/15/2016 A 261857 10323 LETKO BROSSEAU 6/2/2016 A 261655 10333 KALITEC SIGNALISATION Montant 143.72 174.48 25.87 8,778.29 790.45 348.73 14,895.05 443,301.75 695.42 2,441.34 354.12 29,675.05 2,665.12 178.40 638.11 2,358.24 332.56 3,621.71 24,520.71 50.00 7/4/2016 09:06:40 Page 4 221 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/22/2016 A 261944 10336 NADEAU NADEAU BLONDIN ARCHITECTE 28,743.76 6/9/2016 A 261807 10339 ST-GERMAIN EGOUTS ET AQUEDUCS INC. 6,668.55 6/2/2016 A 261656 10344 RESSORTS LASALLE INC 443.76 6/29/2016 A 261993 10350 DAVID LAPOINTE 140.50 6/2/2016 A 261657 10351 LE GROUPE GUY INC. 664.12 6/15/2016 A 261858 10351 LE GROUPE GUY INC. 472.01 6/22/2016 A 261945 10351 LE GROUPE GUY INC. 6/2/2016 A 261658 10352 LECHASSEUR AVOCATS LTEE 6/15/2016 A 261859 10352 LECHASSEUR AVOCATS LTEE 6/2/2016 A 261659 10354 LCS-2895102 CANADA 6/22/2016 A 261946 10354 LCS-2895102 CANADA 6/2/2016 A 261660 10358 LIBRAIRIE MONET INC. 6/2/2016 A 261661 10360 LIBRAIRIE PARAGRAPHE 778.13 6/15/2016 A 261860 10360 LIBRAIRIE PARAGRAPHE 4,344.11 6/29/2016 A 261994 10360 LIBRAIRIE PARAGRAPHE 6/15/2016 A 261861 10361 LIBRAIRIE CLIO 6/2/2016 A 261662 10362 LIBRAIRIE RENAUD-BRAY 767.75 6/15/2016 A 261862 10362 LIBRAIRIE RENAUD-BRAY 133.03 6/29/2016 A 261995 10362 LIBRAIRIE RENAUD-BRAY 6/29/2016 A 261996 10367 BFL CANADA 6/2/2016 A 261663 10371 NADEAU FORESTERIE URBAINE 6/22/2016 A 261947 10376 LUMEN 2,011.07 6/29/2016 A 261997 10377 LYS AIRMECANIC INC. 4,309.84 6/2/2016 A 261664 10378 M.DRIVESHAFT INC (ATELIERS) 6/2/2016 A 261665 10380 MP REPRODUCTIONS INC 6/2/2016 A 261666 10390 MCASPHALT LTEE LTD. 1,069.18 6/2/2016 A 261667 10391 MARINA INC. 6,645.56 6/15/2016 A 261863 10393 LES EQUIPEMENTS MARSHALL LTEE 988.70 6/29/2016 A 261998 10393 LES EQUIPEMENTS MARSHALL LTEE 1,229.61 6/29/2016 A 261999 10395 MARTECH SIGNALISATION 6/2/2016 A 261668 10396 LES EQUIPEMENTS TWIN (1980) LTEE 3,274.86 6/29/2016 A 262000 10396 LES EQUIPEMENTS TWIN (1980) LTEE 4,127.05 6/2/2016 A 261669 10404 VILLE DE WESTMOUNT - PETTY CASH 1,358.00 6/17/2016 A 261898 10404 VILLE DE WESTMOUNT - PETTY CASH 1,274.62 6/15/2016 A 261864 10406 ANDREW MERRY 1,428.00 6/29/2016 A 262001 10406 ANDREW MERRY 714.00 6/2/2016 A 261670 10419 MONTREAL HYDRAULIQUE Montant 878.61 3,199.85 416.12 3,172.04 662.66 2,970.34 565.80 4,884.52 10.45 1,240.00 408.74 35.48 65.10 181.66 201606 7/4/2016 09:06:40 29.89 Page 5 222 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/22/2016 A 261948 10419 MONTREAL HYDRAULIQUE 6/2/2016 A 261671 10422 CIMCO REFRIGERATION 6/2/2016 A 261672 10423 MORGAN SCHAFFER 143.72 6/15/2016 A 261865 10432 NEDCO,DIV DE REXEL CDA ELECT.INC 615.80 6/29/2016 A 262002 10432 NEDCO,DIV DE REXEL CDA ELECT.INC 6/2/2016 A 261673 10433 NELCO INC. 1,228.29 6/15/2016 A 261866 10433 NELCO INC. 1,242.57 6/29/2016 A 262003 10433 NELCO INC. 1,416.37 6/2/2016 A 261674 10436 NEOPOST 572.61 6/30/2016 A 262053 10436 NEOPOST 4,599.00 6/15/2016 A 261867 10451 ORDRE DES TECHNOLOGUES PROFESSIONNELS 6/15/2016 A 261868 10454 PGS - DETECTION DE FUITES 6/2/2016 A 261675 10457 PAGENET DU CANADA INC. 6/15/2016 A 261869 10460 PAQUETTE & ASSOCIES HUISSIERS 6/3/2016 A 261784 10463 PAYSAGISTE NRC INC 2,299.50 6/2/2016 A 261676 10464 PAVAGES CHENAIL INC 4,723.75 6/2/2016 A 261677 10471 PROCONTACT INFORMATIQUE 287.44 6/2/2016 A 261678 10478 CARQUEST MONTREAL-OUEST #6811 591.29 6/2/2016 A 261679 10492 JOANNE POIRIER 6/15/2016 A 261870 10493 POLICE & FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 6/2/2016 A 261680 10499 PRIMO INSTRUMENT INC. 882.95 6/15/2016 A 261871 10499 PRIMO INSTRUMENT INC. 596.72 6/22/2016 A 261949 10506 PUROLATOR COURIER 6/29/2016 A 262004 10506 PUROLATOR COURIER 6/2/2016 A 261681 10507 QUALITY SPORT LTD. 6/2/2016 A 261682 10508 QUINCAILLERIE NOTRE-DAME INC. 476.42 6/9/2016 A 261808 10508 QUINCAILLERIE NOTRE-DAME INC. 848.66 6/22/2016 A 261950 10508 QUINCAILLERIE NOTRE-DAME INC. 6/2/2016 A 261683 10512 MINISTRE DES FINANCES 31,865.00 6/3/2016 A 261785 10512 MINISTRE DES FINANCES 158,000.00 6/2/2016 A 261684 10515 J.CARRIER 1,272.60 6/9/2016 A 261809 10523 RETRAITE QUÉBEC 6,820.75 6/2/2016 A 261685 10531 REMORQUAGE BURSTALL-CONRAD 6/15/2016 A 261872 10532 RENO-DEPOT INC. 6/2/2016 A 261686 10533 SYLMAR 6/2/2016 A 261687 10536 G.M. DE LASALLE 6/15/2016 A 261873 10537 RBC INVESTOR SERVICES TRUST Montant 29.89 2,269.60 150.05 469.00 5,863.73 36.73 141.82 295.43 25,780.00 18.15 42.22 2,460.47 68.92 74.73 2,055.66 256.42 334.72 5,836.92 7/4/2016 09:06:40 Page 6 223 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/2/2016 A 261688 10538 SCL COMMUNICATIONS 6/2/2016 A 261689 10541 GROUPE ENVIRONEX 6/15/2016 A 261874 10543 SAFETY-KLEEN CANADA INC. 6/2/2016 A 261690 10544 ACKLANDS-GRAINGER INC 6/15/2016 A 261875 10544 ACKLANDS-GRAINGER INC 6/15/2016 A 261876 10545 SERVICORP 6/2/2016 A 261691 10547 SYSTÈMES CANADIENS KRONOS INC. 6/22/2016 A 261951 10548 SECURITE LANDRY 6/15/2016 A 261877 10556 COMPASS MINERALS CANADA 6/2/2016 A 261692 10560 SHERBROOKE-VALOIS INC. 3,018.39 6/30/2016 A 262054 10560 SHERBROOKE-VALOIS INC. 627.76 6/2/2016 A 261693 10568 POSTES CANADA 58.41 6/29/2016 A 262005 10568 POSTES CANADA 1,704.60 6/2/2016 A 261694 10571 SOLUTIONS GRAFFITI 4,254.09 6/2/2016 A 261695 10572 SOQUIJ 6/2/2016 A 261696 10576 SSQ SOCIETE D'ASSURANCE-VIE 6/22/2016 A 261952 10577 SPPMM 6/2/2016 A 261697 10579 NAPA/CMAX LASALLE DIV. UAP INC. 6/29/2016 A 262006 10593 TECHNIPARC 6/2/2016 A 261698 10594 ORANGE TRAFFIC 6/9/2016 A 261810 10594 ORANGE TRAFFIC 6/15/2016 A 261878 10598 TGA INC 6/2/2016 A 261699 10608 UNIFORMES W. GRADINGER LTEE 6/29/2016 A 262007 10609 UNION DES MUNICIPALITES DU QUEBEC 6/2/2016 A 261700 10610 UNIMANIX INC. 6/2/2016 A 261701 10616 VANHOF & BLOKKER LTD 6/2/2016 A 261702 10623 VITRERIE LEON CHARLEBOIS 218.95 6/2/2016 A 261703 10624 VITRERIE LACHINE LTÉE (LA) 5,058.90 6/2/2016 A 261704 10626 VULCAIN ALARME INC 669.17 6/2/2016 A 261705 10628 WATERWELL IRRIGATION INC. 721.95 6/29/2016 A 262008 10631 WESTERN VALET SERVICE 6/9/2016 A 261811 10635 WESTMOUNT Y.M.C.A. 6/2/2016 A 261706 10638 WOOD WYANT INC 1,464.35 6/2/2016 A 261707 10641 XEROX CANADA LTEE 1,998.14 6/29/2016 A 262009 10641 XEROX CANADA LTEE 1,474.45 6/15/2016 A 261879 10659 HELEN JAY 6/2/2016 A 261708 10671 VERMEER CANADA INC, Montant 309.85 1,983.32 341.44 4,850.57 345.78 1,492.79 402.41 134.82 . 44,453.36 123.66 69,603.64 750.56 2,215.31 20,374.15 2,099.44 1,322.16 204,065.33 1,548.70 402.41 163.43 1,824.70 183.96 25,849.00 81.89 21,500.33 7/4/2016 09:06:40 Page 7 224 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/2/2016 A 261709 10681 MAI JAY 1,209.60 6/15/2016 A 261880 10681 MAI JAY 239.51 6/22/2016 A 261953 10681 MAI JAY 731.81 6/29/2016 A 262010 10681 MAI JAY 1,222.01 6/2/2016 A 261710 10687 EXPROLINK 651.68 6/2/2016 A 261711 10695 KELVIN INFRAROUGE 507.05 6/22/2016 A 261954 10724 ROY MEISELBACH 216.02 6/22/2016 A 261955 10745 COSTCO WHOLESALE 316.18 6/9/2016 A 261812 10746 DOUG PRICE 80.00 6/22/2016 A 261956 10746 DOUG PRICE 104.00 6/2/2016 A 261712 10764 NORMANDIN BEAUDRY 6/3/2016 A 261786 10764 NORMANDIN BEAUDRY 6,342.33 6/9/2016 A 261813 10764 NORMANDIN BEAUDRY 6,431.42 6/15/2016 A 261881 10766 MARIE-ANN POGGI 300.00 6/2/2016 A 261713 10790 ANNIE-CLAUDE CERAT 105.00 6/29/2016 A 262011 10798 INTERCOMMUNITY BASEBALL LEAGUE 6/2/2016 A 261714 10805 CEDROM / SNI 6/2/2016 A 261715 10813 STEVENSON & WRITERS INC 6/29/2016 A 262012 10823 FONDS D'INFORMATION SUR LE TERRITOIRE 6/2/2016 A 261716 10824 VILLE DE MONTREAL 206.96 6/15/2016 A 261882 10824 VILLE DE MONTREAL 78,414.52 6/22/2016 A 261957 10824 VILLE DE MONTREAL 8,293.02 6/2/2016 A 261717 10826 8313784 CANADA INC. 201.21 6/22/2016 A 261958 10830 CAIN LAMARRE CASGRAIN WELLS 109.06 6/22/2016 A 261959 10864 ISMAEL AZIZ DABONE 180.00 6/2/2016 A 261718 10868 FRANK MCMAHON 6/15/2016 A 261883 10869 BENCH + TABLE INC. 6/29/2016 A 262013 10872 CHRIS ADAMOPOULOS 125.00 6/29/2016 A 262014 10874 ROBERTO TALARICO 278.32 6/22/2016 A 261960 10885 SABRINA TREMBLAY 6/29/2016 A 262015 10931 BERGOR PIECES D`EQUIPEMENT 1,915.97 6/2/2016 A 261719 10975 ELUMEN RESEAUX D'ECLAIRAGE 1,138.25 6/15/2016 A 261884 10987 CARMICHAEL ENGINEERING LTD 6/2/2016 A 261720 11013 LASALLE FORD 6/2/2016 A 261721 11020 MPAEVUM MULTIMEDIA INC. 6/2/2016 A 261722 11056 PRIVAL 4,886.44 6/2/2016 A 261723 11058 PROVENCHER ROY URBANISME INC, 2,134.71 201606 Montant 6,342.33 453.00 2,465.93 208.10 90.00 30.00 2,488.37 417.03 786.16 1,540.36 293.19 7/4/2016 09:06:40 Page 8 225 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/2/2016 A 261724 11086 SOFTCHOICE LP 1,055.49 6/2/2016 A 261725 11092 TTI ENVIRONNEMENT INC 2,328.22 6/2/2016 A 261726 11104 MACONNERIE RAINVILLE ET FRERES INC 6/2/2016 A 261727 11106 MACONNERIE DENIS ROLLAND & FILS INC. 6/2/2016 A 261728 11108 DUAL ADE INC. 6/2/2016 A 261729 11113 NRJ ENVIRONNEMENT ROUTIER 6/29/2016 A 262016 11115 MARC MANGUBAT 210.00 6/22/2016 A 261961 11121 BENOIT HURTUBISE 597.50 6/9/2016 A 261814 11123 SUE ANN PUDDINGTON 330.00 6/22/2016 A 261962 11123 SUE ANN PUDDINGTON 384.00 6/2/2016 A 261730 11126 LAVO INC. 462.62 6/2/2016 A 261731 11140 QUEBEC LINGE SERVICE D'UNIFORMES 776.17 6/15/2016 A 261885 11140 QUEBEC LINGE SERVICE D'UNIFORMES 6/2/2016 A 261732 11142 VIDOLO EXCAVATION LTD. 1,437.19 6/29/2016 A 262017 11142 VIDOLO EXCAVATION LTD. 4,013.79 6/2/2016 A 261733 11143 COFORCE INC. 5,799.16 6/9/2016 A 261815 11152 JASON DIXON 6/22/2016 A 261963 11152 JASON DIXON 6/2/2016 A 261734 11165 GROUPE NICKY 30,215.26 6/2/2016 A 261735 11168 LES ENTREPRISES VENTEC INC. 14,212.47 6/3/2016 A 261787 11168 LES ENTREPRISES VENTEC INC. 6/15/2016 A 261886 11170 FIERA CAPITAL CORPORATION 12,547.33 6/29/2016 A 262018 11170 FIERA CAPITAL CORPORATION 12,526.47 6/29/2016 A 262019 11171 MOUTON NOIR TRAITEUR - 9314-0408 QUEBEC INC. 2,293.77 6/2/2016 A 261736 11174 STINGER SPORT INC. 2,421.72 6/2/2016 A 261737 11180 FIBRENOIRE INC. 1,006.03 6/2/2016 A 261738 11183 BIBLIO RPL LTEE 238.91 6/22/2016 A 261964 11183 BIBLIO RPL LTEE 1,201.37 6/2/2016 A 261739 11189 ANDRY RAFOLISY 6/15/2016 A 261887 11205 OBURO 6/2/2016 A 261740 11212 BANK NATIONAL CREDIT CARD 6/2/2016 A 261741 11222 TOM SOULELES 51.73 6/29/2016 A 262020 11222 TOM SOULELES 125.00 6/2/2016 A 261742 11234 LES ENTREPRISES ELECTRIQUES POTVIN PATENAUDE INC. 6/2/2016 A 261743 11235 CENTRE HI-FI INC. 1,132.50 6/2/2016 A 261744 11236 EQUIPEMENT WAJAX 1,314.78 6/2/2016 A 261745 11265 PEPINIERE DOMINIQUE SAVIO 3,070.74 Montant 2,928.22 13,337.10 1,280.82 40,157.90 234.52 84.00 42.00 3,737.06 248.50 12,124.12 2,027.31 7/4/2016 09:06:40 269.39 Page 9 226 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/2/2016 A 261746 11293 CAMIONS INTER-ANJOU 6/2/2016 A 261747 11298 NICOLE DOBBIE 6/2/2016 A 261748 11326 WESTMOUNT LAWN BOWLING CLUB 689.34 6/2/2016 A 261749 11338 C.C. AIR INC. 595.51 6/2/2016 A 261750 11340 WOLTERS KLUWER QUEBEC LTEE 542.85 6/2/2016 A 261751 11360 LORA BAIOCCO 6/29/2016 A 262021 11373 NATHALIE PURCHIO 6/9/2016 A 261816 11376 FRANCOIS BERTHIAUME ET ASSOCIES 6/2/2016 A 261752 11382 FRANCESC PEICH 6/2/2016 A 261753 11386 SERVICES INFRASPEC 6/2/2016 A 261754 11389 M.D. DIAGNOSTIK GAZON 6/29/2016 A 262022 11392 DANIEL AHMAD 6/9/2016 A 261817 11408 LES AVOCATS LE CORRE & ASSOCIÉS S.E.N.C.R.L 6/9/2016 A 261818 11421 WESLEY OSTERLAND 340.00 6/22/2016 A 261965 11425 ZACKARY GILMORE 144.00 6/22/2016 A 261966 11428 ELI DANNENBAUM 6/22/2016 A 261967 11436 GABRIEL DANNENBAUM 6/2/2016 A 261755 11467 LES ENTREPRISES CLOMAGEN ENR. 6/15/2016 A 261888 11478 SINTRA INC 6/22/2016 A 261968 11478 SINTRA INC 6/30/2016 A 262050 11478 SINTRA INC 6/2/2016 A 261756 11488 PETER F. TRENT 6/2/2016 A 261757 11498 PARAGRAPH 1,144.00 6/15/2016 A 261889 11498 PARAGRAPH 1,608.50 6/2/2016 A 261758 11511 ASSOC DES DIRECTEURS GENERAUX QUEBEC 919.80 6/22/2016 A 261969 11518 ANGELA PATRICIA HERNANDEZ 240.00 6/2/2016 A 261759 11519 GAUVIN EQUIPEMENT 6/2/2016 A 261760 11521 AUDIO CINE FILMS (ACF) INC. 6/2/2016 A 261761 11523 CAMIONS VOLVO MONTREAL (9093451 CANADA INC.) 6/29/2016 A 262023 11536 CT-PAIEMENT INC. 6/2/2016 A 261762 11538 TRAITEUR M.A.D. CATERING & CAFE 615.65 6/15/2016 A 261890 11538 TRAITEUR M.A.D. CATERING & CAFE 362.17 6/2/2016 A 261763 11558 BRENTECH 136.82 6/2/2016 A 261764 11568 GROUPE ARCHAMBAULT INC. 6/22/2016 A 261970 11568 GROUPE ARCHAMBAULT INC. 6/9/2016 A 261819 11584 FILGO ÉNERGIE - PHILIPPE GOSSELIN & ASS. LTÉE 6/15/2016 A 261891 11588 EXCA-VAC (9265-0662 QUEBEC INC.) Montant 3,640.06 78.76 150.50 1,029.69 10,922.63 528.89 13,007.12 8,393.19 500.00 7,830.38 60.00 225.00 769.18 9,241.98 201606 8,893.09 11,608.82 125.00 63.05 724.34 81.06 47.49 73.03 48.85 896.81 4,846.44 7/4/2016 09:06:41 Page 10 227 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/2/2016 A 261765 11592 LYRECO (DIVISION DE NOVEXCO INC.) 6/29/2016 A 262024 11598 LABRADOR DIV. DE AQUATERRA CORPORTATION 6/2/2016 A 261766 11601 SIGNALISATION LEVIS INC. 6/2/2016 A 261767 11606 VISION ENVIRO PROGRESSIVE 1,396.65 6/15/2016 A 261892 11606 VISION ENVIRO PROGRESSIVE 1,863.75 6/15/2016 A 261893 11625 BENOIT MORIN 6/2/2016 A 261768 11649 COMPAGNIE DU GROUPE DATA 6/22/2016 A 261971 11650 LES FABRICATIONS DE TOITURES H.P. 339.18 6/29/2016 A 262025 11691 EMMAGINATION INC. 300.00 6/3/2016 A 261788 11716 DANIEL LAMBERT 6/2/2016 A 261769 11737 MOTOROLA 6/29/2016 A 262026 11738 JESSE STONG 125.00 6/22/2016 A 261972 11776 HANNAH TRINEER-ROBERTS 100.00 6/22/2016 A 261973 11780 BRENDAN MEAWASIGE 360.00 6/22/2016 A 261974 11781 CHLOE DLUHOSH 6/29/2016 A 262027 11790 NETTOYAGE SPECIALISE GE INC. 6/2/2016 A 261770 11796 WENDY FUNES 6/2/2016 A 261771 11813 LE GROUPE ABELL PEST CONTROL INC. 6/9/2016 A 261820 11818 DANIEL MIGUEZ DE LUCA 6/22/2016 A 261975 11819 JEREMY ROY 6/22/2016 A 261976 11830 PAULA SANT'ANNA 6/2/2016 A 261772 11837 IMK IRVING MITCHELL KALICHMAN 6/29/2016 A 262028 11837 IMK IRVING MITCHELL KALICHMAN 6/9/2016 A 261821 11848 EXCAVATIONS SUPER INC. 38,815.42 6/15/2016 A 261894 11867 KUBOTA MONTREAL 21,197.60 6/2/2016 A 261773 11880 HATCH 6/22/2016 A 261977 11888 MEDIATECH 326.76 6/9/2016 A 261822 11995 JULIE MANDEVILLE 545.03 6/9/2016 A 261823 12024 CATHERINE REMENDA 200.00 6/22/2016 A 261978 12035 PETER EMBLEM 240.00 6/29/2016 A 262029 12036 SAM MACIVER 150.00 6/22/2016 A 261979 12038 EVAN YATROU 130.00 6/2/2016 A 261774 12046 MARTIN ST-JEAN 944.51 6/2/2016 A 261775 12054 W. COTÉ & FILS LTEE 6/2/2016 A 261776 12073 SOLUTIONS DE GESTION HORIZONS RH INC. 6/9/2016 A 261824 12114 VÉLO QUÉBEC ASSOCIATION 6/22/2016 A 261980 12121 SAKILAB ENVIRONNEMENT Montant 535.85 299.80 42,766.10 53.90 4,174.86 270.00 3,049.08 216.00 9,382.54 72.05 103.48 84.60 270.00 42.00 21,781.87 2,382.37 9,615.36 349.41 1,221.61 500.00 4,024.13 7/4/2016 09:06:41 Page 11 228 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 6/29/2016 A 262030 12137 CENTRE DE SERVICES PARTAGES QUEBEC 6/9/2016 A 261825 12144 REGIE DE L'ENERGIE 6/2/2016 A 261777 12155 ARBORICULTURE DE BEAUCE 6/3/2016 A 261789 12159 LOCATION IDEAL 6/22/2016 A 261981 12164 JONATHAN CARR 6/22/2016 A 261982 12170 TOYOTA DRUMMONDVILLE 114,105.79 6/29/2016 A 262031 12170 TOYOTA DRUMMONDVILLE 1,022.32 6/22/2016 A 261983 12172 SABRINA CORONADO 330.00 6/2/2016 A 261778 12180 THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER 216.15 6/15/2016 A 261895 12185 ROGERS 6/29/2016 A 262032 12185 ROGERS 6/9/2016 A 261826 12188 LIAM WHITE 156.00 6/22/2016 A 261984 12188 LIAM WHITE 156.00 6/2/2016 A 261779 12192 GROUPE PARALLELE INC. 373.67 6/15/2016 A 261896 12200 DR. LOUIS TOUYZ 6/15/2016 A 261897 12202 2969-9899 QUÉBEC INC. 6/14/2016 A 261828 12203 NICHOLAS BOYLE 400.00 6/2/2016 A 261780 12204 JULIE BOUCHARD 834.57 6/2/2016 A 261781 12205 VALERIE RIOUX 6/3/2016 A 261790 12206 DINO ZAGARI 125.00 6/9/2016 A 261827 12210 ROBERT FORBES 224.97 6/29/2016 A 262033 12211 CHRISTINE LAURENT 6/30/2016 A 262051 12211 CHRISTINE LAURENT 6/29/2016 A 262034 12218 GISÈLE MAGNY 6/29/2016 A 262035 12219 MICHELINE GERVAIS 6/29/2016 A 262036 12220 KAREN POTJE 6/29/2016 A 262037 12221 SEAN PAUL O'BRIEN 6/29/2016 A 262038 12222 JULIANA JUST COSTA 500.00 6/29/2016 A 262039 12223 PAUL AUBRY 800.00 6/22/2016 A 261985 12224 ALEXANDRA OBRAND 100.00 6/29/2016 A 262040 12225 LAURENT MÉNARD 6/29/2016 A 262041 12227 WILLIAM HAMILTON 6/29/2016 A 262042 12228 WILLIAM BIRON 130.00 6/29/2016 A 262043 12229 RYAN SANTINI 230.00 6/29/2016 A 262044 12230 PATRICK KOPER 150.00 6/29/2016 A 262045 12231 OWEN LAWTON 60.00 6/29/2016 A 262046 12234 ALEXIS LEBLANC 38.81 Montant 2,033.91 892.00 90,491.07 670.40 465.00 62.37 38.98 200.00 1,960.60 82.60 201606 895.00 595.00 175.00 1,725.00 500.00 1,400.00 80.00 10.00 7/4/2016 09:06:41 Page 12 229 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Chèques générés Mode pmt. #Fourn. Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. Nom du fournisseur 444 Total : 7/4/2016 09:06:41 2,896,567.96 Montant 16,799.57 Page 13 230 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 6/1/2016 Au: 6/30/2016 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-001 M/A #Chèque Dt. pmt. Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur 6/30/2016 A 10 10289 HYDRO-QUEBEC 6/1/2016 A 4 10824 VILLE DE MONTREAL Chèques générés Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. Montant 1,869,563.39 25,851,051.76 2 Total : 7/4/2016 09:07:33 27,720,615.15 0.00 Page 1 232 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 18 CASH REPAYMENT - NON REFINANCING OF MATURING BONDS WHEREAS on September 20 2011, the City of Westmount has borrowed an amount of $ 6,659,000 redeemable over 20 years with refinancing every 5 years (Reference 66032-9); WHEREAS said obligation is to be refinanced on September 20, 2016 with a balance of $ 5,657,000; WHEREAS the appropriated surplus assigned to the payment of the debt (excluding the debt related to the Westmount Recreation Centre) amounts to $ 2,631,593; WHEREAS the unappropriated operating surplus amounts to $ 3,143,958; WHEREAS the monies required for the cash repayment are available from the appropriated surplus and the unappropriated operating surplus. MOVER Councillor Drury THAT the treasurer be authorized to proceed with the repayment of the amount of $ 5,657,000 from the appropriated surplus assigned to the payment of the debt in the amount of $ 2,631,593 and from the unappropriated operating surplus in the amount of $ 3,025,407. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 233 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 19 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS - APPROVAL WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, the issuance of some building permits are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this by-law, Council must decide on the recommendations of the Committee. MOVER Councillor Samiotis THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meetings held on July 12 and 19, 2016 the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 241 WESTMOUNT LIST OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS REVIEWED UNDER BY-LAW 1305 ON SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMMES Page 1 Presented at the meeting of Council held on August 1st, 2016 Prepared on July 20th, 2016 243 DMS présenté au conseil / DMS presented at Council - 01/08/2016 Numéro de No. Voie publique de Descrip 20/07/2016 Note Category N/A - Lot 1583138 / Vacant lot 2015-00022 0 WESTMOUNT NA13 Description of Project To build a new single family home. Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation At its meeting of July 12th, 2016, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. Category I 2016-00478 15 PARK I-37 Description of Project Afin de faire une réfection des façades de briques à l'école Westmount Park Place. Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation À sa réunion du 19 juillet 2016, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande. Category II-E 2016-00649 657 MURRAY HILL II-5-E Description of Project To enclose a rear window opening, and replace some windows. Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation At its meeting of July 19th, 2016, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. Category III 2016-00900 4830 STE-CATHERINE OUEST III-39 Description of Project Afin d'agrandir le balcon arrière. Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation À sa réunion du 19 juillet 2016, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande. 244 1/2 Numéro de No. Voie publique de Descrip Note Category III 2016-00901 4828 STE-CATHERINE OUEST III-39 Description of Project Afin d'agrandir le balcon arrière. Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation À sa réunion du 19 juillet 2016, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver l'option 2. Category I 2016-00927 66 ROSEMOUNT I-9 Description of Project To install a new fence. Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation At its meeting of July 19th, 2016, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. Category I* 2016-00934 29 RAMEZAY I*-10 Description of Project To infill a portion of a door to change it into a window. Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation At its meeting of July 12th, 2016, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. Nb élem. : 7 245 2/2 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 20 TABLING OF THE MINUTES OF CORRECTION - RESOLUTION NO. 2016-07-145 In accordance with section 92.1 of the Cities and Towns Act, the City Clerk made the corrections to the resolution No. 2016-07-145. The City Clerk must then file a copy of the amended document and of the minutes of the correction at the next meeting of Council. THAT Council acknowledge the tabling of the minutes of correction for resolution 2016-07145. 246 PROCÈS-VERBAL DE CORRECTION DE LA RÉSOLUTION NO. 2016-07-145 (art. 92.1 LCV) MINUTES OF CORRECTION OF RÉSOLUTION NO. 2016-07-145 (Sec. 92.1 CTA) Je, soussigné, Me Martin St-Jean, greffier de la Ville de Westmount, atteste avoir apporté à la suite de la séance du conseil, conformément à l’article 92.1 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre c-19), les corrections suivantes à la version française de la résolution n° 2016-07145, adoptée par le conseil municipal lors de sa séance ordinaire du 4 juillet 2016 : I, the undersigned, Me Martin St-Jean, City Clerk of the City of Westmount, attest to having made, after the Council sitting, in conformity with Section 92.1 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C19), the following corrections to the French version of resolution No. 2016-07145, adopted by the Municipal Council at its regular sitting on July 4, 2016: Au premier paragraphe, le montant total du contrat a été remplacé par 35 480,77 $; In the first paragraph, the total amount of the contract has been replaced by 35 480,77 $; Au premier paragraphe, la date du rapport du chef de division a été modifiée comme suit : In the first paragraph, the date of the Purchasing Manager’s report has been modified as follows: 20 juin 2016; In the second paragraph, the date of the Treasurer’s Certificate has been modified as follows: 29 juin 2016 20 juin 2016; Au second paragraphe, la date du certificat de la trésorière a été modifiée comme suit : 29 juin 2016. These modifications consist of the corrections of the errors that were obvious just by reading the English version of the documents provided in support of the decision. Ces modifications constituent les corrections des erreurs qui apparaissaient de façon évidente à la simple lecture de la version anglaise des documents soumis à la décision du conseil. I have signed in Westmount, Quebec, this July 21st, 2016. Et j’ai signé à Westmount, Québec, ce 21 juillet 2016. __________________________________________ Martin St-Jean Greffier / City Clerk 248 249 250 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 21 TABLING OF MINUTES OF CORRECTION THAT Council acknowledge the tabling of the minutes of correction for resolution 2016-06-130. 251 253 N°13278 RESOLUTIONS DU CONSEIL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS WESTMOUNT RESOLUTION N°2016-06-130 RESOLUTION no 2016-06-130 LORS DE LA SEANCE ORDINAIRE CONSEIL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT TENUE LE 6 JUIN 2016 : AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD ON JUNE 6, 2016: Sent presents / Are present: Le maire / The Mayor: P.P. Trent, president / Chairman Les conseillers / Councillors : P. Martin P.A. Cutler V.M. Drury R.. Davis C.. Smith N.. Forbes C.. Lulham T.. Samiotis Formant quorum. / Forming a quorum. REGLEMENT DE ZONAGE 1303 - USAGES 31. BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 - COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAUX - CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT - AVIS DE MOTION ET USES - WESTMOUNT RECREATIONAL CENTRE - NOTICE OF MOTION AND ADOPTION DU PREMIER PROJET ADOPTION OF FIRST DRAFT 31. REGLEMENT VISANT A MODIFER LE II est propose par la conseillere Samiotis, It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, appuye par la conseillere Lulham seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE le premier projet du Reglement de zonage 1303- usages commerciaux - Centre des loisirs de Westmount soit adopte en vue de le soumettre a une consultation publique conformement aux dispositions de la (RLRQ, chapitre A-19.1); et THAT the first draft of By-Law to further amend Zoning By-Law 1303 - Commercial Uses - Westmount Recreation Centre be adopted for submission to public consultation in accordance with the provisions of An Act respecting Land Use Planning and Development{RLRQ, chapter A-19.1); and THAT a public consultation meeting be held in the Council Chamber of Westmount City de ville le 22 juin 2014 a 19 h, conformement Hall on June 22, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in accordance with the provisions of said Act. aux dispositions de ladite loi. QU'une assemblee publique de consultation soit tenue dans la salle du conseil de I'hotel Carried unan Adoptee a in St-Jean rent ffler / City Clerk Maire / Mayor 254 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 22 AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 2016-07-141 (TENDER PW-2016-972) WHEREAS the tender of TGA Montréal Inc. was accepted for the road reconstruction and replacement of the water mains and services on Wood Avenue between De Maisonneuve Boulevard and Sherbrooke Street West in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2016-972), and the contract was awarded for a total amount of $745,050.00, all applicable taxes included, as per resolution No. 2016-07-141 adopted by Council at its regular meeting held on July 4, 2016; WHEREAS the Treasurer noted that the total amount of the contract, as well as the amount to be charged to the budget (including tax credit) did not reflect the information provided for in Certificate No. CTW-2016-07-05 issued on June 23, 2016 and to which the resolution made reference. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to modify said resolution in order to correct the clerical error. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT resolution No. 2016-07-141 be repealed and replaced with the following: THAT the tender of TGA Montréal Inc. be accepted for the road reconstruction and replacement of the water mains and services on Wood Avenue between De Maisonneuve Boulevard and Sherbrooke Street West in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2016-972), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $856,621.24, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $782,209.37(including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 23-010-16-003 and 03-310-51-013, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2016-07-05 issued on June 23, 2016; THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 255 RESOLUTIONS DU CONSEIL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS cigiuml WESTMOUNT RESOLUTION N°2016-07-141 RESOLUTION no 2016-07-141 LORS DE LA SEANCE ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT TENUE LE4 JUILLET 2016 : AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD ON JULY 4, 2016: Sont presents / Are presents: Le maire / The Mayor: P.F. Trent, president / Chairman Les conseillers / Councillors P.A. Cutler R. Davis V.M. Drury N. Forbes C. Lulham P. Martin C. Smith Formant quorum. / Forming a quorum. 11. APPEL D'OFFRES 11. PUBLIC PUBLIC TENDERS PUBLIC WORKS TRAVAUX PUBLICS II est propose par le conseiller Martin, It was moved by Councillor seconded by Councillor Davis appuye par la conseillere Davis QUE la soumission de TGA Montreal inc. soit Martin, THAT the tender of TGA Montreal Inc. be acceptee pour la construction de rue et accepted for the road reconstruction and remplacement des conduites d'eau replacement of the water mains and potable et des services sur I'avenue services on Wood Avenue between De Wood, entre le boulevard De Maisonneuve Maisonneuve Boulevard and Sherbrooke Street West in the City of Westmount de Westmount (appel d'offres no PW- (Tender PW-2016-972), and that the contract 2016-972) ainsi que pour I'entretien annuel be awarded for a total amount of pour une periode de cinq (5) ans et que le $745,050.00, all applicable taxes included; contrat soit adjuge au montant total de 745 050$, toutes taxes comprises; et la rue Sherbrooke Quest dans la Ville QUE la depense de 682 765,21 $, incluant le credit de taxe, soit imputee a la depense en capital, compte no 23-010-16-003 et 02-310- THAT the expenditure in the amount of $682,765.21 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 23-010- 51-013, le tout conformement au certificat de 16-003 and 03-310-51-013, the whole as la tresoriere n° CTW-2016-07-05 delivre le 23 indicated on the Treasurer's Certificate No. juin 2016; CTW-2016-07-05 issued on June 23, 2016; QUE le maire et le greffier sclent autorises a signer ledit contrat; et THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk authorized to sign the contract; and 258 be N°13291 COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS DU CONSEIL WESTMOUNT QUE le directeur general solt autorise a signer tout autre document necessaire ou exige pour donner plein effet a la presente THAT the Director General be authorized to resolution. resolution. Adoptee a l'unanimite Carried unanimously sign any and ail other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing Martin St-Jean Peter F. Trent 'v (^ffier / City Clerk Maire / Mayor 259 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 23 BY-LAW TO AMEND THE CODE OF ETHICS AND GOOD CONDUCT OF ELECTED MUNICIPAL OFFICERS - NOTICE OF MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Smith to give notice of the intention to submit for adoption By-law to amend Bylaw 1461 respecting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct of Elected Municipal Officers of the City of Westmount. OBJECT Councillor Smith to read the following: The object of this draft by-law is to amend the Code of ethics and conduct of elected municipal officials by prohibiting certain financial announcements during certain political activities, in accordance with Bill 83 adopted by the National Assembly on June 10, 2016. [NO RESOLUTION REQUIRED] 260 CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 15XX BY-LAW 15XX Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le (insérer la date ) 2016, et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on (indicate the date) 2016, at which were present: Le maire - Mayor Les conseillers - Councillors P. F. Trent, président / Chairman P. A. Cutler R. Davis V. M. Drury N. Forbes C. Lulham P. Martin T. Samiotis C. Smith ATTENDU QU’un avis de motion se rapportant à la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 1er août 2016; WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this By-law was given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on August 1st, 2016; ATTENDU QUE le 10 juin 2016, l’Assemblée nationale a adopté le Projet de loi n° 83 (2016, chapitre 17) intitulé Loi modifiant diverses dispositions législatives en matière municipale concernant notamment le financement politique; WHEREAS on June 10, 2016, the National Assembly adopted Bill 83 (2016, chapter 17) entitled An Act to amend various municipalrelated legislative provisions concerning such matters as political financing; Il est ordonné et statué par le Règlement nº 15XX, intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER LE RÈGLEMENT 1461 SUR LE CODE D’ÉTHIQUE ET DE DÉONTOLOGIE DES ÉLUS DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT » que : It is ordained and enacted by By-law No. 15XX, entitled “BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 1461 RESPECTING THE CODE OF ETHICS AND GOOD CONDUCT OF ELECTED MUNICIPAL OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT" that: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 L’annexe A du Règlement 1461 sur le code d’éthique et de déontologie des élus de la Ville de Westmount est modifié par l’insertion, après l’article 11, du suivant : Schedule A of By-law 1461 respecting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct of Elected Municipal Officers of the City of Westmount is amended by adding, after section 11, the following: Page 1 262 11.1 Conflit d’intérêts 11.1 Conflict of interest Il est interdit à tout membre du conseil de faire l’annonce, lors d’une activité de financement politique, de la réalisation d’un projet, de la conclusion d’un contrat ou de l’octroi d’une subvention par la municipalité, sauf si une décision finale relativement à ce projet, contrat ou subvention a déjà été prise par l’autorité compétente de la municipalité. Council members are prohibited from announcing, during a political financing activity, the carrying out of a project, the making of a contract or the granting of a subsidy by the municipality, unless a final decision regarding the project, contract or subsidy has already been made by the competent authority of the municipality. Le membre du conseil qui emploie du personnel de cabinet doit veiller à ce que ces employés respectent l’interdiction prévue au premier alinéa. En cas de nonrespect de cette interdiction par l’un de ceux-ci, le membre du conseil en est imputable aux fins de l’imposition des sanctions prévues à l’article 17. A council member who employs office personnel must ensure that those employees comply with the prohibition under the first paragraph. If an employee fails to comply with that prohibition, the council member is accountable and subject to the sanctions set out in section 17. ARTICLE 2 SECTION 2 Le présent règlement entre en vigueur conformément à la loi. This by-law comes into force according to law. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Martin St-Jean Greffier de la Ville / City Clerk Page 2 263 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 24 BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW RESPECTING THE CODE OF ETHICS AND GOOD CONDUCT OF EMPLOYEES - NOTICE OF MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Smith to give notice of the intention to submit for adoption By-law to amend Bylaw 1438 respecting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct of employees. OBJECT Councillor Smith to read the following: The object of this draft by-law is to amend the Code of ethics and conduct of employees by prohibiting certain financial announcements during certain political activities, in accordance with Bill 83 adopted by the National Assembly on June 10, 2016. 264 CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 15XX BY-LAW 15XX Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le (insérer la date ) 2016, et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on (indicate the date) 2016, at which were present: Le maire - Mayor Les conseillers - Councillors P. F. Trent, président / Chairman P. A. Cutler R. Davis V. M. Drury N. Forbes C. Lulham P. Martin T. Samiotis C. Smith ATTENDU QU’un avis de motion se rapportant à la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 1er août 2016; WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this By-law was given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on August 1st, 2016; ATTENDU QUE le 10 juin 2016, l’Assemblée nationale a adopté le Projet de loi n° 83 (2016, chapitre 17) intitulé Loi modifiant diverses dispositions législatives en matière municipale concernant notamment le financement politique; WHEREAS on June 10, 2016, the National Assembly adopted Bill 83 (2016, chapter 17) entitled An Act to amend various municipalrelated legislative provisions concerning such matters as political financing; Il est ordonné et statué par le règlement nº 15xx intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER LE RÈGLEMENT 1438 SUR LE CODE D’ÉTHIQUE ET DE DÉONTOLOGIE DES EMPLOYÉS » que : It is ordained and enacted by By-law No. 15xx entitled “BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 1438 RESPECTING THE CODE OF ETHICS AND GOOD CONDUCT OF EMPLOYEES” that: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 L’annexe A du Règlement 1438 sur le code d’éthique et de déontologie des employés est modifié par l’insertion, après l’article 14, du suivant : Schedule A of By-law 1438 respecting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct of Employees is amended by adding, after section 14, the following: Page 1 266 14.1 Conflit d'intérêts – Personnel de cabinet 14.1 Conflicts of interest – Office personnel Il est interdit à tout membre du conseil de faire l’annonce, lors d’une activité de financement politique, de la réalisation d’un projet, de la conclusion d’un contrat ou de l’octroi d’une subvention par la municipalité, sauf si une décision finale relativement à ce projet, contrat ou subvention a déjà été prise par l’autorité compétente de la municipalité. Council members are prohibited from announcing, during a political financing activity, the carrying out of a project, the making of a contract or the granting of a subsidy by the municipality, unless a final decision regarding the project, contract or subsidy has already been made by the competent authority of the municipality. Le membre du conseil qui emploie du personnel de cabinet doit veiller à ce que ces employés respectent l’interdiction prévue au premier alinéa. En cas de nonrespect de cette interdiction par l’un de ceux-ci, le membre du conseil en est imputable aux fins de l’imposition des sanctions prévues à l’article 17 de l’annexe A du Règlement 1461 sur le Code d’éthique et de déontologie des élus de la Ville de Westmount. A council member who employs office personnel must ensure that those employees comply with the prohibition under the first paragraph. If an employee fails to comply with that prohibition, the council member is accountable and subject to the sanctions set out in section 17 of Schedule A of By-law 1461 respecting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct of Elected Municipal Officers of the City of Westmount. ARTICLE 2 SECTION 2 Le présent règlement entre en vigueur conformément à la loi. This by-law comes into force according to law. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Martin St-Jean Greffier de la Ville / City Clerk Page 2 267 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 25 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 - COMMERCIAL USES WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE - ADOPTION City Clerk The City Clerk to report that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference. Declaration by each member of Council present that he (she) has read the by-law and that reading is waived thereof. OBJECT Councillor Samiotis to read the following: THAT the object of this by-law is to formalize the presence of a municipal building in zone P1-37-02 and to regularize the current commercial uses: the operation of a café and a proshop in the Westmount Recreation Centre. MOVER Councillor Samiotis THAT By-law 1500 to further amend Zoning By-law 1303 - Commercial Uses - Westmount Recreation Centre be adopted. DECLARATION Mayor Trent THAT By-law 1500 to further amend Zoning By-law 1303 - Commercial Uses - Westmount Recreation Centre having been duly adopted, it is ordered that notices be given as required by law. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 268 CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 1500 BY-LAW 1500 Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le 1er août 2016, et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on August 1st, 2016, at which were present: Le maire / The Mayor Peter F. Trent, président – Chairman Les conseillers - Councillors Philip A. Cutler Rosalind Davis Victor M. Drury Nicole Forbes Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Theodora Samiotis Christina Smith ATTENDU QU’un avis de motion portant sur la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 6 juin 2016; WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this by-law was given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on June 6, 2016; ATTENDU QU’un premier projet de règlement intitulé « RÈGLEMENT 1500 AFIN DE MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – USAGES COMMERCIAUX – CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT » a été adopté par voie de résolution par le conseil municipal lors de sa séance ordinaire dûment convoquée et tenue le 6 juin 2016; WHEREAS a first draft by-law entitled "BY-LAW 1500 TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 – COMMERCIAL USES – WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE” was adopted by resolution by the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount at its regular sitting duly called and held on June 6, 2016; ATTENDU QUE le conseil municipal a dûment convoqué et tenu, le 22 juin 2016, une assemblée de consultation publique portant sur ledit projet de règlement; WHEREAS the Municipal Council duly called and held on June 22, 2016, a public consultation meeting on said draft By-law; Page 1 271 ATTENDU QUE ledit conseil municipal a adopté par voie de résolution un second projet de règlement intitulé « RÈGLEMENT 1500 AFIN DE MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – USAGES COMMERCIAUX – CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT » lors d'une séance ordinaire dudit conseil municipal dûment convoquée et tenue le 4 juillet 2016; WHEREAS a second draft by-law entitled "BYLAW 1500 TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1303 – COMMERCIAL USES – WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE”, was adopted by resolution of the Municipal Council of Westmount, at the regular sitting of the said Municipal Council, duly called and held on July 4, 2016; Le règlement 1303, adopté le 3 juillet 2001 et modifié par les règlements nos 1309, RCA02 23003, RCA02 23004, RCA04 23018, RCA04 23019, RCA05 23035, RCA05 23036, RCA05 23037, RCA05 23041, 1331, 1331-1, 1353, 1369, 1384, 1392, 1394, 1398, 1406-1, 1406-2, 1406-3, 1411, 1413, 1427, 1434, 1446 1449, 1450, 1453, 1456, 1467,1468, 1474 et 1494 soit de nouveau modifié comme suit : By-law 1303, adopted July 3, 2001, as amended by by-laws No. 1309, RCA02 23003, RCA02 23004, RCA04 23018, RCA04 23019, RCA05 23035, RCA05 23036, RCA05 23037, RCA05 23041, 1331, 1331-1, 1353, 1369, 1384, 1392, 1394, 1398, 1406-1, 1406-2, 1406-3, 1411, 1413, 1427, 1434, 1446, 1449, 1450, 1453, 1456, 1467, 1468, 1474 and 1494 is hereby further amended as follows: Il est ordonné et statué par le règlement 1500 intitulé « RÈGLEMENT AFIN DE MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1303 CONCERNANT LE ZONAGE – USAGES COMMERCIAUX – CENTRE DES LOISIRS DE WESTMOUNT » que : It is ordained and enacted by By-law 1500, entitled "BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND ZONING BYLAW 1303 – COMMERCIAL USES – WESTMOUNT RECREATION CENTRE” that: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 La grille des usages et types de bâtiments permis présentement en vigueur pour la zone P1-37-02 est modifiée et remplacée par la grille reproduite à l’annexe «A» ci-jointe. The Table of Permitted Building Types and Uses currently in force in zone P1-37-02 is modified and replaced by the table attached hereto as schedule “A”. ARTICLE 2 SECTION 2 Le présent règlement conformément à la loi. entre en vigueur This by-law comes into force according to law. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Martin St-Jean Greffier de la Ville / City Clerk Page 2 272 Annexe/ Schedule A VILLE DE WESTMOUNT / CITY OF WESTMOUNT GRILLE DES USAGES ET TYPES DE BÂTIMENTS PERMIS TABLE OF PERMITTED BUILDING TYPES AND USES ZONE P1-37-02 RÈGLEMENT DE ZONAGE N1303 / ZONING BY-LAW N1303 GROUPES ET USAGES PERMIS / PERMITTED TYPES AND USES Isolée/ Detached STRUCTURE DU BÂTIMENT/BUILDING TYPE R. RÉSIDENCE/RESIDENCE Unifamiliale/Single-family Bifamiliale/Two-family Multifamiliale/Multi-family Résidence pour personnes âgées/Senior citizen residence C. COMMERCE/COMMERCE Bureau/Office Club ou loge privé/Private club or lodge Studio de santé/Health studio Magasin de détail/Retail store Agence immobilière/Real estate agency Agence de voyage/Travel agency Boutique de service/Service shop Atelier/Workshop Restaurant Cinéma et théâtre/Cinema and theatre Garderie/Day care center Magasin de gros/Wholesale store Entrepôt/Warehouse Buanderie et établissement de nettoyage libre/Laundromat and drycleaner Poste d'essence/Gasoline station Garage de service/Service garage Hôpital pour animaux/Animal hospital Terrain de stationnement commercial/Commercial parking lot Laboratoire de service/Service laboratory Station de radio et de télévision/Radio and television station Banque/Bank I. INDUSTRIE/INDUSTRY Industrie/Industry Laboratoire de recherche/Research laboratory P. PARC/PARK Parc naturel/Natural park Parc communautaire/Community park Co. ÉQUIPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE/COMMUNITY EQUIPMENT Bâtiment municipal/Municipal building Centre d'accueil/Nursing home Établissement d'enseignement/Teaching establishment Cégep, université/Cegep, university Hôpital/Hospital Musée/Museum BÂTIMENT ACCESSOIRE/ACCESSORY BUILDING 273 (1) (1) Jumelée/ Semi-detached En rangée/ Attached 2 DISPOSITIONS APPLICABLES/APPLICABLE PROVISIONS (1) Les usages permis sous «C. COMMERCE» ne sont permis que dans les bâtiments municipaux existants en date du 6 juin 2016 comme usage additionnel à l’usage principal. (1) The permitted uses under “C. COMMERCE” are only allowed in municipal buildings that exist on June 6, 2016 as an additional use to the principle use. Révisé le ______________ Revised on ____________ 274 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 26 MANDATE TO UNDERTAKE ACTION FRO DAMAGES TO MUNICIPAL PROPERTY - LES ENTREPRISES CANBEC CONSTRUCTION INC. WHEREAS Council awarded the contract for tender PW-2011-892 to Les Entreprises Canbec Construction inc. as per resolution 2011-11-242; WHEREAS while performing work under said contract, Les Entreprises Canbec Construciton inc damaged an underground electric cable belonging to Hydro Westmount. MOVER Councillor Smith THAT the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk be authorized to undertake action against the company Les Entreprises Canbec construction inc. for the damages sustained to municipal property during the work performed under the contract PW-2011-892 (file 2013-DMP-05); THAT the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk be authorized to negotiate a settlement in this file, if deemed in the best interest of the City; and THAT the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk be authorized to sign any and all documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 275 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ITEM No. 27 AUTORITÉ DES MARCHÉS FINANCIERS CERTIFICATION FOR INFRASTRUCTURE WORK SUBJECT TO A PUBLIC TENDER PROCESS WHEREAS the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR c. C-19) provides, among other things, that a municipality must adopt measures to ensure compliance with any applicable anti-bid rigging legislation and to prevent intimidation, influence peddling and corruption; WHEREAS the Integrity in Public Contracts Act (SQ 2012, C. 25) contains such measures, namely a requirement for contractors to obtain a certification from the Autorité des marchés financiers in order to legally enter into certain contracts with a public body, including a municipality; WHEREAS for the City of Montreal, through Orders in Councils issued by the Quebec Government, the threshold for contractors to have a valid authorization from the Autorité des marchés financiers has been set at $100,000 for certain contracts and at $25,000 for certain subcontracts; WHEREAS the City of Westmount is enclaved by the City of Montreal and the scope of the infrastructure contracts it awards is similar to those awarded by the City of Montreal or its boroughs surrounding Westmount; WHEREAS it is in the best interests of the City of Westmount and its taxpayers that contractors and subcontractors, working within the City in certain specific types of contract, demonstrate their integrity by holding a valid authorization issued by the Autorité des marchés financiers; WHEREAS the City of Westmount is entitled to determine its contractual requirements and integrity and competency are of the utmost importance. MOVER Councillor Smith THAT the City of Westmount contractually require from persons or bodies wishing to enter into a contract with the City, an authorization from the Autorité des marchés financiers for: 1) Contracts of more than $100,000 for the construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair or renovation of roads (including sidewalks), waterworks or sewers; 2) Contracts of more than $100,000 for the supply of bituminous compounds; 3) Service contracts of more than $100,000 in relation to items listed in paragraph 1) above; THAT the City of Westmount require from persons or bodies, entering into those contracts listed in paragraphs 1), 2) and 3) above, that they only hire, as the case may require, subcontractors with a valid authorization from the Autorité des marchés financiers, for any subcontract valued at more than $25,000; THAT the City of Westmount require from persons or bodies, for those contracts listed in paragraph 1) above, that they provide proof of a similar experience, as general contractor, on at least three similar projects (from a level of difficulty and a financial standpoint) in the two years prior to the opening of public tenders; 281 Item No. 27 -2THAT the similar projects to be considered as valid previous experience, shall have to have been awarded from a jurisdiction within the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal and that at least one of those three similar projects will have to have been awarded by the City of Montreal or one of its boroughs; THAT the requirements contained herein shall apply to those contracts mentioned above and coming into effect as of January 1, 2017; THAT the objectives and content of this resolution be incorporated, as formal contractual requirements, in the documents prepared for a call for tenders or any similar contractual documents of the City that come into effect as of January 1, 2017; THAT the Director of Legal Services and City Clerk be hereby mandated to communicate in the manner he deems appropriate, the content of the policy adopted by Council to any person or body he deems to be interested or impacted by its content; SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent 282 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 NEW BUSINESS 287 ITEM No. 28 PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS QUESTION PERIOD PROCÉDURES POUR S'ADRESSER AU CONSEIL PENDANT LA PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW IN ADDRESSING COUNCIL DURING PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD Chaque séance du conseil comprend deux périodes au cours desquelles les personnes présentes peuvent poser des questions orales au maire. Every Council meeting includes two periods during which the persons present may address verbal questions to the Mayor. Les rapports du maire et des conseillers précèdent la première période de questions. Mayor’s and Councillors’ Reports will precede the first Question period. Le maire ou le membre qui préside la séance annonce le début et la fin de la période de questions. Le temps venu, il accorde la parole aux personnes qui désirent poser des questions en donnant préséance aux résidents de la ville. The Mayor or the presiding member announces the beginning and the end of question periods. At the appointed time, he hands over to the persons wishing to ask a question, giving precedence to residents of the City. La première période de questions est d’une durée maximale de 45 minutes, laquelle peut être prolongée à 60 minutes par le président. The first question period is of a maximum length of 45 minutes, which may be extended to 60 minutes by the chair. La seconde période de questions est d’une durée maximale de 30 minutes. The second question period is of a maximum length of 30 minutes. Présentez-vous au microphone et indiquez clairement votre nom et votre adresse au greffier. Speak directly into the microphone and state your name and address clearly to the City Clerk Chaque résident de Westmount présent peut poser une question, en français ou en anglais, précédée d’un très court préambule, le cas échéant. Each Westmount resident in the audience may ask one question, in French or in English, preceded (if desired) by a very short preamble. À la fin de la réponse, une question de suivi sur le même sujet est permise, mais sans préambule. Une fois que tous les résidents désireux de poser une question ont eu l’occasion de le faire, et si le temps le permet, une deuxième question est autorisée. After receiving a reply, a follow-up question on the same subject is permitted, but without a preamble. Once all residents desirous of asking a question have taken their turn, and time permitting, a second question is allowed. Les questions des non-résidents autorisées à la discrétion du président. Questions from non-residents are allowed at the discretion of the chair. sont Merci Thank you 288 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 1st, 2016 ADJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING 289