Wooden Decorations covered with Foam Clay
Wooden Decorations covered with Foam Clay
Wooden Decorations covered with Foam Clay Inspiration: 13139 01 02 Roll small balls from Foam Clay and distribute them onto the wooden decoration. Press the balls flat and spread the clay evenly. Cover one side at a time and wait to cover the other side until the first side is dry. Hang the wooden decoration to dry by pushing a sharp object though the hole for hanging. Balance the sharp object on two objects, e.g. tall glasses. Add rhinestones for decoration. Push the rhinestone into a small ball of Foam Clay, secure it and place it on the decorated wooden decoration. Remember that glue is not necessary. Foam Clay®, Surtido de colores, 28bote 78816 Joyas, 6+10+12 mm, Surtido de colores, FLores, 252surtido 522030 Joyas, dia: 6+10+12 mm, Surtido de colores, flores, 2520surtido 52203 Joyas, dia: 6+9+12 mm, Surtido de colores, redondas, 3600surtido 52201 Joyas, dia: 6+10+14 mm, Surtido de colores, corazones, 2520surtido 52233 Imanes, dia: 20 mm, grosor 3 mm, 50ud 51792 Imanes, dia: 14 mm, grosor 3 mm, 50ud 51790 Pintura para manualidades Plus Color , Surtido de colores, conjunto de colores, 6x60ml 39695 Pintura para manualidades Plus Color , julefarver, 6x60ml 39696 Set de pinceles Gold Line Acrylic, medida 2+8+12 , A: 3+9+12 mm, plano, 3surtido 100267 Pinceles Gold Line, medida 0+2+4+8+12+16+20 , A: 2-24 mm, plano, 30surtido 10249 Adornos de madera, medidas 12 cm, grosor 3 mm, MDF, Entregado con caja expositora, 120ud 56749 Adornos de madera, medidas 12 cm, grosor 3 mm, MDF, con caja display, 120ud 57829 Foam Clay, Surtido de colores, básico, 10x35gr 78930 Pintura para manualidades Plus color, colorido, 6x250 39495 Foam Clay®, colores surtidos, 10x560gr 78830 Another You may cover both sides of variant the wooden decoration – or only partly – like the poodle shown here as an example. It is painted with Plus Color craft paint and then allowed to dry before applying Foam Clay in a few places. Wooden Decorations covered with Foam Clay These wooden decorations are covered with Foam Clay in different colours. Either completely covered on a untreated surface or partly covered on a pre-painted bright surface. Push rhinestones into the wet Foam Clay. Glue is not needed!