Why you should be Agsafe accredited
Why you should be Agsafe accredited
Why you should be Agsafe accredited The Agsafe Accreditation & Training program is beneficial to everyone involved in agvet chemical supply. Industry Agsafe accreditation ensures the expectations of government regulators are met, which ➡ helps maintain a good working relationship on policy issues. It also means that our programs are practical and relevant – as they’ve been developed by the industry for the industry. ➡ Retail premises Compliance with complex and demanding laws and regulations is guaranteed – for both chemical handling and staff health and safety. Staff can be confident that they have the knowledge and working environment that will assist them to safely handle and supply potentially hazardous and dangerous chemicals. Customers The community is assured that the advice they receive is based on industry best and the premises in which they shop is both safe and informative. Customer ➡ practice, QA requirements (such as Freshcare) can also be met through Agsafe accreditation at the retail level. Agsafe members also receive other benefits: One premise accreditation visit every two or four years (depending on your store’s accreditation status) by an experienced facilitator who provides up to four hours of consultative services. One courtesy visit for ‘Agsafe Advanced’ stores which allows members to ask any questions relating to compliance of their business with state and federal regulation. The visit is provided free when an Agsafe facilitator is in your area to maintain contact and provide assistance with compliance needs. ➡ ➡ ➡ Ongoing phone access to facilitators at any time for instant answers to urgent questions. ➡ Print and online reference guides such as the Agsafe Code of Conduct to help you remain compliant and keep your staff fully informed of their responsibilities. ➡ Up-to-date information and support on issues that affect your business such as changes to legislation. ➡ Access to our real-time information database to keep track of the accreditation status of your staff and store. ➡ Notifications when rules and regulations change and promotional materials to assure your customers you are doing the right thing for their benefit and your staff. Risk Management, responsibility... your reputation FOR MORE INFORMATION, LOG ON TO WWW.AGSAFE.COM.AU OR GIVE US A CALL ON (02) 6230 4799 Already Agsafe accredited? Agsafe has made some exciting changes to the way it delivers its Accreditation & Training program. Substantial improvements have been made to ensure our courses are more focused and engaging. Improvements include: ➡ Our Agsafe Basic Course has been replaced by the Agvet Chemical Supplier Course. The new course is shorter and concentrates on the key knowledge required to safely supply agvet chemicals. ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ We’ve updated the way we deliver our courses. While face-to-face training is still available, Agsafe has introduced interactive online ‘webinars’. Learners can more easily work at a pace that suits them best – online or face-to-face. The face-to-face option has been remodelled into a succinct one-day workshop to reduce the amount of time staff need to be away from the workplace. An Agsafe ‘mentor’ will be assigned to every learner to provide support and guidance through the entire training process. Our new points framework provides a more flexible and encompassing training environment for members, enabling them to more easily meet OHS and WHS obligations. TS N I PO STEM SY S HOW IT WORKr year points pe Maintaining 100 editation is kept cr ensures Agsafe ac n an employee up-to-date. Whe , they receive se completes a cour ow they have sh ch hi w points dustry-relevant completed vital in , points can be training. Howevereting other risk gained by compl ted training not management rela , such as VOCAM fe provided by Agsa ses. cour stem, the Agvet Under the new syCourse is required r Chemical Supplie dustry. Employees on entering the ind to complete an are also require ery five years. Agsafe course ev Induction Course = 100 points Agvet Chemical Supplier Course = 300 points Agvet Chemical Manufacturer Course = 300 points 1080 Bait Supplier Course (VIC only) = 200 points VOCAM training = 80 – 110 points depending on course Other training = Up to 200 points Risk Management, responsibility... your reputation FOR MORE INFORMATION, LOG ON TO WWW.AGSAFE.COM.AU OR GIVE US A CALL ON (02) 6230 4799