ManRIAGE - Holy Family Catholic Church
ManRIAGE - Holy Family Catholic Church
CEIEeRATING ManRIAGE GUIDELINESFOR WEDDINGS Holy FamilyCatholicChurch Arlesia,California Dear Friends, On behalf of the parish community of Holy Family Catholic Church, we congratulate you on your decision to give yourselves to one another in Christian Marriage. As a sacrament of the Church, Christian Mariage reveals how God himself loves us, through the permanent, faithful and life-giving love of the Lord for his people. It is for that reason that your vocation in the Church is so important and so special. Becausewe look upon this moment in your lives with such importance, it is only natural that the preparation for this life long experienceis one that we take most seriously as a Church. We believe the information provided in this booklet will be a helpful assistance to you in initiating the planning of both your 'mariage' and "wedding'. Certainly, the day of your wedding is one that will hotd wonderful memoriesfor you as the years unfold. Finally, marriage never takes place in isolation. It ig from the nurturing environment of families that we come forth to reach out to continue the cycle of love and life. It is in the midst of the family of faith and this parish community to which you belong that this moment of commitment will be celebrated. It is our hope that your rclationship with us will continue beyond this moment so that now united together in love you might contribute to the building up of the body of Christ in our midst. May the Lord bless you in your love for one another. Tte Priests & Stalf of HolA Familg Cdtholic Clurch. INDEX REQUIREMENT5: Paiish Membership I I I Prior Marriage 49e..... NECESSARYDOCUMENTS: Matrimonial Dispensation Pre-Nuptial Questionnaire . . . BaptismaJ Certificates First Communion/Conlirmation Testimony ofFreedom. . . . . . C i vi l M a r r iageLicense.. . .. . PRE.MARRTAGE PREPARATION: Engaged Encou nters . . . . . Focus Program SFrfind . Da fF / Tim F BeginningYour Joumey . . .. . WEDDINGLfTRGY Pla n n in g . Wedding Coordinator Rehearsal Ministers of the Celebration Decorum in the Church WEDDING MUSIC: REQUIREMENTS I 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 7 7 ENVIRONMENT: (De@rations) Flowers Pew Decorations Photography/ Video Rice/ Confetti/ Petals Wedding Attendants CHURCHSnPENDS: unurcn Priest Wedding Coordinator Altar Servers 8 8 8- 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 CHECKUST: 11 THINGSTo Do: 12 Reglatered Parishloaera Holy Family Catholic Church is available for couples if both or one of them is a registered parishioner or lives within the boundaries oI the parish. Non- Reglstcred If one or both live out of the parish boundaries and is not registered,would noed a letter of perEk3loa from the parish in the area the couple lives in. Prlor lflerrlage if either person has been married before, and divorced, then you !!ust obtrh an annulmett of your prevr.1:r;- lgrrllge before you may schedule youi wodilng at Holy Family Church. Couples who were married in their respective churches/ refigions,DuBt obtain thls dlrpensadoa/erlulmetrt fron the Arcldlocc!€ Trlbunal Omce. The priest of the parish will advise you further on the proceduies needed on this mataer. Ages If either person is under elghteen yearr of age, please consult the priest. NECESSARYDOCUMENTS (.All docuttclts nu.t be ln g |notths p.lor to wcddlag) llatrlnonlal Dlspensadotl . Some couples may need to obtain dispensationsfrom certain conditions in order to marry. The most common dispensation is that required of couples entering an inter_ rarln marnage, vherc one la a Cathollc atld the other lr fron another Chrlgtlan or non-Chrlgtlan falth tradtiioa, 1. Pre-Nuptial Queatioanahe The first form to be completed is, the Bridc & croom Pre-Nuptial Questionnaire, The purpose of which is to determine the freedom and approprlate ltrteltlons of the couple in their preparation for marriage. Baptlsmal Certificates It is required that each Catholic present a new copy of sertiflcate of Baptism issued within 6 Eorths prlor to the wedding. First Communlon & Colrflrmatlon Certlncates It is required that each Catholic present a certihcate of their First Communion and Conlirmation. For any Catholic who has not celebrated theae sacramgnts, the priest will discuss with him or her how these sacraments may be received. Testlmony of Freedom This is a sworn statement, witnessed by a priest, deacon or a notarjr public attesting that you have never been malried before, in either a Church or Civil Ceremony, and that there is no known impediment to the marriage. Thls lB lilled out by the parent8 in the preselce of a pde3t. This may be completed by two others who have known you for at least five years. Thla Eust be completed/accompllshed 3 motrthe prior to the wedding. Clvll Marriage Llcense This license may be obtained from the County Recorder's OIIice. Califomia law does not require a civil marriage before a church marriage, The priest officiates for the State of Califomia as well as for the Catholic Church. The License is valid for ninety (9O) days after being issued. Please present orlglnal copy of the llcetae to the Wedding Coordinator at the time of rehearsal. The closest offices are in Norwalk and downtown Los Angeles. A photo qopy muat be a|rbmitted 6 weeks prlor to weddlag. 2. PRE.MARRIAGEPREPARATION FOR FIRAT MTRRIAGES OR VALIDA?IONA Both parties mu.t take part ln a plc-merrlege prcPantlo!, an opportunity to consider marriage and its many aspects from a Christian point of view. This may be done in one of the following ways: EngagGd - Sstutday!3 a one-day program, which is held in the surrounding parishes. It starts frorn 8:45am to 5:00pm. Eng.g€d - Efronlngr; a program, n'hich meets four or five nights during the week Monday - Friday. Engagcd Encourter - Wee&end: This program begins on Friday evening and concludes on Sunday aftemoon. Reservations are neccssary and should be made as soon as possible from the time you set your wedding date. This information should be found in the wedding folder that is given to the couple. There will be further information regarding the schedules for these programs, You will receive a certihcate of completion when Jrou attend one of these programs. Plerao brlag thl! certlncate to thc Prrt h Offlcc, a photo copy fu placed h your wcddlng folder. FOCUB PrograD This is taken after the Pre-Nuptial Questionnaire. Thls Srrvoy wlll aldrt you la dcdtng vlth tho lrrucr of communlcrtlo!, |rndcrrtaldlng, and coEpatlblllty. After the completion of the Pre-Nuptial Questionnaire and FOCUS you will be scheduled with your first appointment with a priest. 3. 8ct.l'g tho Drte ald TlEe for youa Colcbntlon Wedding liturgies are celebrated at Holy Family Church on Saturdays at 1O:(XrAU, l2:OOpf (l|oonl, and 23OOPu. Beghalng Your Journey ln Cbrfut Our ministry is to assist you as an engaged couple not so much for a wedding day but for the lifetime celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. The required steps of narriage preparation should be viewed not so much as goals to be accomplished, but as challenges to growth in the practice of our faith. The Sacrament of Reconcitation (Confession) is strongly recommended for all couples as part of your spiritual preparation. CoEfc$lons rro rcglhrty rchcduled otr Frldrlr eycttbgr fron 7:OOp[ to Er(xtp rrd Srttrrday ellLeraooas frotn 3:3OpM to 4:.ftip[. PLEASENOTE: Th€re arc tro colrfeaglo[a at the tlme of your tehearsal. THE WEDDING LITURGY Phrntlg This planning always keeps in mind that the ceremony ia a moment of prayer for all who are present. All aspects of the celebration should reflect the noble simpticity belitting Christian worship. Together with the priest or deacon who will be pre. siding at your liturgr, you will have a part in ptanning y9ul c9relnony. Included in your wedding folder is a copy of the booklet 'Together for Life'. please notice that it includes scripture readings, comments for the couple and texts for the marriage ritc. On your final meeting with the yo". will discuss rhe specific readings from-Scripture !.ig:! and hturgrca.lopt-ions that you have chosen, The priesi wilt nerp clanry any lurther queslions you may have regarding the ceremonvat the time. Weddlng Coordlnstor It k nandatory that every couple to be married em_ _ ploys the servicesof our parish wedding coordinator. At the trme.ot your wedding rehealsal appointment, she will guide you in making decisions as you pian ana personatizeloui ceremony. Rehearual An- important part of the ritual preparation for the . -. wedding is the rehearsal. The wedding rehearsal is scheduled at the Rectory Office. please ca at least two monttrs pnor to your wedding. your entire wedding party must be present for this rehearcal as well as any individuals whom you have selected_ to proclaim t}re scripiure .eadings. Oui of respect for the treddlng coordlnator, pleai natc aure that your endrc weddlng party arrlves o! t|Ee, Only the parish wedding coordinator ts authorized to con_ quct weddrngrehearsals. Minlsters of the C€lebrafion Together vrith you and the priest or deacon who have . rmportant ministerial roles in the wedding celebration,there are others who will take part in this moment of prayer and commitment. Members of your wedding party, fjarticufJv usners.-wllt greet the invited guests in a spirit of hospitality and_welcome. We ask you to considei individujs whl mrght.tunctron in the following special roles in your wed_ olng llrurgy. 4, 5, Scrlpture Roadera frcctors, Your scripture selectionsmay be read by a member of your wedding party or by a relative or friend who is accustomed to reading in public. If you do not use a parish soloist who will sing the ResponsorialPsalm, there will be three readings from the Old Testament and the New Testament. Unity Candle Ceremony The Church provides the Unity Candle Kit. Commonly the mothers of the bride and groom light the side candles right at the Entrance Rite, but if you have others to take the roles, discuss this with the Wedding Coordinator. Blersilg ofColns, Blble, Roaary e Plectngof Co.d/Larao These customs maybe included in your ceremony; you v/ill be instructed during rehearsal regarding the time and manner of the inclusion in the ceremonv. Otfertory clft8 Pleaseask two family members or friends to bring the hosts and the wine to the priest after the Rite of Matrimony has been completed. Sig! of Peace to Paretrta You may offer a sign of peace to your parents with or without a single flower to present to the mothers. Ask your florist to provide these flowers, if you wish to use this option in your ceremony. Bouquet to Ble$ed Mother Beforethe end oI the ceremony,the bride and groom may offer a small bouquet to Marjr who was wife aid mother. This custom includes your prayers to Our Blessed Mother asking for her guidance during your marnase. 6, Doeoru& in the Hourc of (i,od In reverencing the place in which the community of the Church gathers for worship, we ask that all your friends and relatives particularly the wedding party be aware of the sacrednessof the Church building. For this reason, we ask that all who enter the Church at any time, whether before, during or alter the rehearsal or during and after the wedding celebrationitself observethese basic principles: o SILENCE, REaPFCT, & REVERENCE while in Church. . NO food, drlnk or chewirg gum. o NO alcohollc beveragea on the Church premises, includitig the Church parking lot. WEDDING MUSIC Marriage is celebrated in the context of worship and therefore should reflect the musical styles incorporated into sacramental celebrations of the Catholic Church. With this in mind, music chosen for the wedding litursr must be reli_ gious in nature, so that a spirit of prayer and celebration to strengthen the cxpression of faith can be established. No matter how personally meaningful love songs and secular ballads my be to the couple, these are best left to the recep_ [ion where other dimensions of the wedding celebration pre_ vail. Selection of music for your wedding can be arranged by contacting any of the Weddlng Muslclans & Slngers listed on the page information enclosed in your wedding packet. Please contact the muslclans for gcheduling. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL (Irecorntlon) Flowers rolEa; . . Any photographer/videographerwho becomes disruptive wiU be asked to leave. During the photo-taking PLEASE keep your wedding party in REVERENTIAL SILENCE. Floral arrangements enhance the beauty of any environment and we welcome your creativity with regard to these areas. A florist guidelines sheet is provided in your wedding packet. Pleasegive ttrese guidelines to your flonst. For tl:e safety of others, the throwing of rice, confetti, or petals of flowers, (silk or fresh), in and around the church is FORBIDDEN. Celter Alsle Weddbg Att€trdsDts The center aisle of the church ls aPProtrlmately lOO ft. long & 5 {t. wlde. Runners are allowed. If you choose to have a runner, tt lr the responslblllty of the brtdle party to put lt down and remove lt rlght after the wedding. Do not us€ tack. A small amount of tape can be used if you are careful not to damage the floor and removeeach piece of tape. Our sanctuarjr (alter area) is not very spacious and will accommodate only 8 bridesmaids and ushers in an orderly arrangement. This includes ttre Best Man and the Maid or Matron of Honor. Children who will be Ring Bearers must be at least 5 years old. Pew Decoratlong Do not restrict access to pews with ribbons and flowers. A special floral clamp can be used on the pews Tape and wire is not allowed because of damage to t]le wood surface, Photography ard Vldeo Photographs and video recordings arc permitted during the ceremony. Only one vldeo canere ls permitted, end lt nu3t remaln statlonary thtoughout tbe ceremolry, A photographer and videographer guideline sheet is provided in your wedding folder, Pleasegive these to them as helpful directives as they serve you on your wedding day. nlce or Conf€ttl or Petale of Flowers CHURCH STIPENDS For your convenience envelopes are included in the wedding folder they are properly marked to facilitate the distribution of fees and donations. The fotlowing is a brief summary; Chutcb It is customary to make a donation to the Church in keeping with the other wedding expense ald help offset electrical, heating, air conditioning arld maintenance costs. For RegiEtcred parlsbloaers the don tlon 13 i4qt.qr. For Non-Reqisteredthe donation q/ill be $5OO.OO.There will be a $5O.OOdeposit when you scheduleyour wedding date. Priert The stipend to t]le priest is made at the discretion of the couple as an appreciation for the services of the priest. 9, Weddlag Coordhatot CHECKLIST The Wedding Coordinator b ayalLble to confer elth you regsrdbg atty qrGrtlotu about your ceremony. The Wedding Coordinator will be present prior to the wedding ceremony to attend to the bridal party, assist the florist, photographer, videographer and ottrers. Questions regarding ttre wedding ceremony should be directed to the Wedding Coordinator or the priest or deacon. The weddhg Coordtnetor'r fee k if qr,(xl. On thc nlgbt of the rehealrd oa at tour lalt nGctlng wlth tho prlcst, please submit the following: Use thla checkllat to Lelp gtou O,rga,nlze gour plannlng : l)i$pcnsation () (, l)rrr'Nuptial questionnaire () t) FOCUSquestionnaire () t, httirl fime: Vistt Date: First Communion (catt@tic onlg ' Can a@pt gtato ctpg oJ otighol) Confirmation . U.rrLgc Llccnro .rd CustoEcr'3 cnvclopc copy rlth r lfoddlng PL!cr ShcGt from tho Tog.ttEr (aireqdVfrlled. out) . trdllng (Catholi. onlg - CM ac.ept phtto copV of otiginal) Letter of Freedom for LIfG Iron tlon! Eryclopcs to the Church, Priest, Wedding Coordinator and Altar Servers. (Must lnue Origitlal Iotm) Completi onofBngaged Prep-Program (Cdn a&ept ptuto @pg ol tte cettilute Second Vlslt Wc provlde tpo rltrr rctrcrr for yo[r wcddbg unless other arrangements have been made through t}re Parish Ollice in consultation with the priest or deacon, i.e., family member is an altar server and would like to be able to serve the liturgr, The customary donation for the Altar Scnrorr b J5.(X, each for two. Date: t , t, t , () () Time: Date: --- (SchedIe 2 monthsbeforeuedding date) Civil License ( ) () Time; ( ) ( ( ) { (Must have oiginall (Afzt i@niasp need a phrto &ps i,Lfle need3 ueeks priot to wedditls) Together for Life Readings Thlrd Vtslt Date: Time; (Two u'eeks before uEdding) lo, () siven to @upre) (cathrlir onv) (Musthave updated - 6 tu/ths beforc@dnins) Rehearsal ) () Baptism Certificate Altar S€rvcn ( 11. THINGSTO DO: ( ) Schcdule Weddlng Dst€ DATE TIME Schedule Rchearsal Day () DATE TIME ( ) Roglster for Elgaged Preparatlo! Program DATE TIME ) Give Florlst Guldellne Sheet. ) Give Photognpher/Vldeographer GuldellD€ Sheets. ) Plan Litur$/ see aToget Er tor LVe" book. ) Submit all required documerts 3 months prlor to weddlng. to lf,ary 5 wceLs prior to wedding. () Submit llecdom tl Submit Photo copy of Itrarrlage Llc€D3c 6 wceks prior to wedding. Loue is patient; Loue is kind. Loue is not jealous It does not put on airs, If is not snobbi,sh. . Loue is neuer rude, It is not self-seeking, It is not prone to ottger, Neither does it brood ouer injuies. Loue does not rejoice In uhat is wrong but Rejoices u.tith the truth. There is no limit to loue's forbearance, Its trust, its hope, Its pouer to endure. Loue neuerfails. ( 1 Cointhi.ans 12 : I 3!l) RE '- L2.