11 Winter Annual Report Saints Spirit


11 Winter Annual Report Saints Spirit
Table of Contents
Ursuline Sisters........................................... 3
Guatemala................................................... 4
Extravaganza................................................ 6
Alumni Profile............................................ 8
Saints Marrying Saints................................10
2010 Mirocke Golf Classic...........................11
2009-2010 Annual Report...........................12
Reunions................................................... 24
All Years Reunion...................................... 32
Homecoming 2010.................................... 33
In Memoriam............................................ 34
Saints Masses............................................. 35
Class Notes................................................ 36
Teachers.................................................... 39
Spring & Fall Sports.................................. 40
Events........................................................ 42
Calendar of Events..................................... 43
The Saints Spirit magazine is a publication of the Saint
Thomas Aquinas Advancement Office. We welcome your
comments or questions. Call or write:
Bryan Thrasher
Director of Communications
[email protected]
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
11411 Pflumm Road
Overland Park, Kansas 66215-4816
William Ford, Ed.D.
Teresa Ahrens
Director of Special Events
Mary Bridget Kratofil
Director of Media Relations
Michon Quick
Director of Alumni & Constituent Relations
Cindy Winkler
Advancement Office Manager
Education is about discovery and shared experiences. At Saint
Thomas Aquinas High School, students are challenged
every day to develop their God-given spiritual, intellectual,
social and physical potential.
The core values that guide Saint Thomas Aquinas High
School are based on shared responsibility and enrichment.
Our faculty and staff are passionate about their professions
and committed to enriching the lives of students entrusted
to them. Our parents become partners by investing in an
educational vision that develops responsible leaders guided
by Catholic values.
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School, an educational
ministry of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas,
invites and challenges young people to make their faith
living, conscious and active by developing a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ and a love for His Church.
Our Catholic Faith Community is called to grow together
in service to others and through the sacraments that bind
us to Jesus Christ – thus, we are a “Communion of Saints!”
Front Cover
In November, the Performing Arts Department under
the direction of drama teacher Kim Harrison presented the
musical West Side Story to sold-out crowds. The love story
which is set in the 60’s was also playing on Broadway at the
same time - a rare occurrence to have the rights to do so.
Pictured on the cover:
Anthony Fortino and Dominique Vestal played the roles of
Tony and Maria.
Left-Top photo: Matthew Martin, Kevin Whiteside, Joe
Kennedy, Scott Davis, Jordan Calovich, Jack Luther, Max Wilber,
and Andrew Walberg.
Middle photo: Casey Craig, Courtney Bollig, Mead D’Amore,
and Katie Martin, and Noelle McDonald in the background.
Bottom photo: Katy Concannon, John Wooten, Katelyn
Wallace, Mary Grace Duethman, Sarah Gabriel, Jack Luther,
Annie Lind, Joe Kennedy, Katie Lind, Anthony Fortino,
Courtney Kern, and Andrew Walberg.
Photos by Megan Gampper.
Where Are They Now?
Sr. Kathleen Condry, OSU
Photo courtesy of the Ursuline Sisters of
Mount St. Joseph.
Principal (1988-1996), and President (1996-1998)
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
Though her congregation, the
Ursuline Sisters of Paola, merged in
2008 with the Ursuline Sisters of
Mount Saint Joseph in Maple Mount,
Kentucky, Sister Kathleen Condry is
happy to continue her ministry in the
Kansas City area, at Church of the
Nativity where she is Pastoral Minister.
“I love my work at Nativity Parish
and feel blessed to have the chance
to renew my friendship with so many
families from Saint Thomas Aquinas.
Many of my former students are
settling in the area with their own
young families. I am so proud of
their commitment and service to the
In October 2010, the Ursuline
Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph
were one of three religious orders
honored by the Catholic Education
Foundation (CEF) at the eighth
annual Guademaus dinner for their
long-time work for Catholic education
in the Archdiocese of Kansas City
in Kansas. Also honored were the
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
and the Benedictine Sisters of Mount
St. Scholastica. Thirteen Ursuline
Sisters attended the event, seven of
whom continue to minister in the
Kansas City area. In 2008, the Leaven
newspaper estimated that the Ursuline
Sisters of Paola collectively taught over
50,000 children in and around the
The Ursuline Sisters, a Roman
Catholic religious order founded
at Brescia, Italy, by Saint Angela
Merici in November 1535, teach
in pre-schools, grade schools, high
schools and colleges, serve on parish
and diocesan staffs, work for peace
and social justice on a variety of
Sister Kathleen Condry (third from left) – former Principal and President at Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School, and members of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph were recognized
at the eighth annual CEF Gaudeamus Dinner (meaning “Let Us Rejoice”) for their dedication to
Catholic Education.
fronts, and work with the elderly and
underprivileged by ministering in
hospitals, resettling immigrants and
working with abused women and their
The Ursuline Sisters, whose patron
saint is Saint Ursula, were the first
Catholic nuns to land in the New
World: in Canada in 1639. In 1727,
other Ursuline nuns from France
landed in New Orleans, the first
nuns to reach what is now the United
States. Towards the beginning of
the 18th century, the period of its
greatest prosperity, the Ursuline Order
embraced some 20 congregations,
with 350 convents and from 15,000 to
20,000 nuns.
Sr. Kathleen’s new congregation
in Kentucky was established in 1874
by the Ursulines of Louisville as
an academy for girls. The Ursuline
Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph became
a separate congregation in 1912,
and currently have 165 members
ministering in nine states and Chile,
South America.
Saints and CEF
The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) raises money to provide
children in need with scholarships to attend Catholic schools in the
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
Since 2002, Saint Thomas Aquinas High School and its students have
contributed $94,694 to the CEF mission through the annual student Penny
Drive and other activities. That figure is expected to exceed $100,000 during
the 2010-2011 school year.
“Keep up the great work, Saints, and always be assured of my
prayers for you!”
- Sr. Kathleen Condry, OSU
Saints learn and grow from trip to
Sarah Cretors, ‘96, shares a hug with Daisy, a child
sponsored by STA.
In July 2010, nine Saint Thomas
Aquinas alumni and three students
accompanied a group from Holy
Trinity Parish, Lenexa, Kansas, on
a trip to the San Lucas Mission in
Guatemala. Their purpose was to
bring educational programs, medical
services and other support to the
residents there. Volunteers from all
over the United States travel regularly
to Central America to share their skills
with the Mayan people. Most say upon
returning home that they are the ones
who benefit and are inspired to help
others in need, just as Jesus would.
The Mayan girls enjoy a lively game of soccer.
Sean Reilly, boys basketball coach,
teacher and community service
director at Saint Thomas Aquinas,
made the trip with his family: wife
Teresa, daughters Molly, ‘10, and
Moira, ‘13, and son Brendan, ‘05.
Other members of the Saint Thomas
Aquinas community who traveled
with the Reillys were:
Sarah Cretors, ‘96, Stacy Cretors, ‘00,
Candace Hays, ‘99, Leah Scott, ‘05,
Jordan Sparrow, ‘08, Christian
Sparrow, ‘10, Melissa Wasserman, ‘08,
Nicole Wasserman, ‘10, and Miriam
Wasserman, ‘14.
Coach Reilly conducted a basketball
clinic for children in 3rd – 8th grades
while Teresa, a pediatric nurse,
assisted with medical mission efforts.
“Holy Trinity built the basketball
court for the mission at San Lucas,”
Sean said. “Dago, the athletic director
there, wanted the students to have
exposure to many sports. They
received donations of basketballs from
Jerry’s Sports and jerseys from the
Indiana Pacers. The children worked
hard and had a great time.”
Coach Reilly and other volunteers lead a basketball clinic at the mission school.
Teresa’s duties allowed her
to experience the communities
surrounding San Lucas. Despite the
treacherous travel across ravaged
roads caused by rain, hurricanes
and mudslides, people flocked to
the medical clinic. “Traveling to the
infirmary really becomes a social
event for the community. It also may
be the only health care they receive
for six months or a year,” she says.
Teresa was surprised at the various
ailments for which patients sought
treatment: from sore throats to bots
fly infestation, scabies, and fever to
cortisone injections for arthritis or
removal of a cockroach lodged in an
ear canal!
Sean adds, “These people are not
unaware; they simply don’t have access
to education and – in some cases opportunity. They are so spiritual and
appreciate friendship.”
Q & A with Alumni Missionary
Sarah Cretors, ‘96
Sarah Cretors, fifth grade teacher at Holy Trinity for 10 years and Saints
volleyball coach for 13 years, shared her thoughts about the San Lucas
Mission Trip sponsored by Holy Trinity Parish, Lenexa, Kansas:
Who organized the trip?
The Wasserman family has been going to San Lucas for many years. They
take the trip and help organize it with Holy Trinity School and Parish.
There were four teachers from Holy Trinity who went.
Why did you decide to go on this mission trip?
I decided to go this year because I had been two years before and had
a wonderful experience. I also sponsor a child in Guatemala and wanted
the opportunity to meet him, which I did! Holy Trinity’s connection with
the parish school is very close as well. I wanted to continue to build that
relationship with them.
What did you do while you were there?
Two years ago I conducted a volleyball clinic for the students at the
school -- they had never played before, so it was fun. This year we worked in
the school by providing after-school activities for the students. There were
art, music and outdoor activities. We also met with the sponsor children
at CFCA. There are students at Saint Thomas Aquinas who sponsor
students and we were able to spend the day with them. We also worked at
reforestation which included sanding spoons, moving rocks or helping with
the coffee.
What did you take away from this trip?
How different, yet how exactly the same we all are. The people in San
Lucas are beautiful. The teachers that I was able to spend time with have
such a deep and trusting faith. They inspire me to live a more faith-filled
life. It also grounds me when I return to the United States: I “see” things
much more clearly when I return.
Basketball dribbling drills provide exposure to
new sports and activities for the children of San
What made you want to take a mission trip?
Saint Thomas Aquinas provided a foundation to me for service. Our
service-hours program at STA taught me that what I get out of helping
others in need is probably much more than they receive from me. The
teachers at STA also were such good role models at leading Christian lives.
How did this trip affect you personally?
My life was changed this summer on the trip – I had the opportunity to
meet the child I sponsor. He changed the way I relate to everyone I meet.
What do you advise someone considering taking such a trip?
I would recommend a mission trip for anyone who might be considering
one. It is a great way to give back and learn about another culture. Most
important, it is an opportunity to grow; you will get more out of it than you
possibly could ever give.
Leah Scott, ‘05, and her new friends.
After months of planning and successful execution by
200+ volunteers, our Communion of Saints celebrated the 23rd annual
Extravaganza on Saturday, November 13, 2010, with camaraderie, style
and an extraordinary good time! Over 650 items were donated and
then sold to successful bidders in the live, premier and silent auctions.
Student vocalists and band members entertained 550 guests, and
PB&J Restaurants Inc. – led by parents Paul Khoury, Bill Crooks and
Tom Petersen – provided a scrumptious dinner of beef tenderloin and
lobster-tail served by our Senior Envoys. Over $155,000 in proceeds
from the 2010 event will provide critical support for student clubs and
activities at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School this year.
After the volunteer Mass, Dan & Patti Brewer and Bit & Keith
Clark, General Co-Chairs, posed before welcoming guests to
Extravaganza 2010.
The planning committee selected “Spirit of the Saints . . . .
Naturally” as the theme for this year’s event. This represents the
future of our STA Saints, which begins with planting the seeds of
spiritual, emotional, physical and social growth that blossoms with
energy and color like the rain forest – naturally!
Jean Hinman and Angela Leikam, Production co-chairs, organized
their volunteers to prepare the Gym and Commons. Then,
Mary Luther and her Decorations committee and volunteers
transformed the space into an Enchanted Forest with dripping
moss, leaves and tree branches amid the beautifully decorated
guest tables and silent auction items.
Karen Kellerman, Terri Heit and Jane Benson, Silent Auction
Gift Certificates co-chairs, celebrated the successful set up and sale
of 100 donated gift certificates which resulted in proceeds of over
$5,000 for STA.
NHS Senior Envoys Casey Hancock, Amanda Gress, Erin
Dougherty, Analisa Bregant, and Sammy Setter assisted Bank
co-chair Bill Powers with bid input.
The Nigro Brothers auctioneers
kicked off the Live Auction with
a game of Heads or Tails. Thanks
to many generous donors who
continued to “buy” Father Andrew
Strobl back into the game, he won
and donated the entire $5,600
back to Saint Thomas Aquinas.
Thank you, Father Andrew!
The Show Choir’s new performance
outfits were the perfect choice for
this year’s “green” theme. Guests
thoroughly enjoyed the interactive
and lively performance.
Front, left to right: Dominique
Vestal and Katie Concannon
Back row: Abby Hadel, Bridget
Angles, Katie Bourk, Jack Luther,
and John Wooten.
Alex Nagle, Caleb Brewer, Anthony Shoulta and the STA band
entertained guests in the Commons during the Auction Preview.
Right: New to Extravaganza
and replacing the student baskets
was the Student Gift Center.
Students donated $5 each toward
the purchase of gifts they would
like to see under their Christmas
trees. Student Gift Center cochairs, Marian Cherry, Suzan
Gampper and Michelle Burkhart,
purchased and displayed the gifts
for Extravaganza guests to do some
early Christmas shopping. Students
donated $4,500 to purchase
the items, which were sold at
Extravaganza for over $5,300!
Left: Guests enjoyed the return of alumni
parent Mark Oppold as the Master of
Ceremonies and Live Auction emcee.
Mark and Kathi are parents of Tricia
Oppold Vogel, ’94, Steve Oppold, ’97,
and Michael Oppold, ’01. Mark is also
a past member of the school’s Board of
Right: Senior Envoys Jake Wernel, Paige
Vickers and Mary Petersen prepare to
sell tickets to guests for opportunity to
participate in the “Heads or Tails” game.
Above: Over 35 faculty and staff members,
including Judy Nickum and Dr. Rebecca
Heidlage with Judy’s husband Roy,
volunteered for Extravaganza by either
assisting with pre-event set up or attending
the event as silent auction volunteers, wine
stewards, bartenders or staffing the bank/
checkout stations.
Above: Zeke Albert and Katie Lind
teamed up to sell raffle tickets for
the filigree cross necklace donated by
House of Diamonds.
Left: Mark Fortino, Mass & Entertainment
co-chair, enjoys a coffee break with his senior
son, Anthony.
Left: Live Auction co-chair Kathleen
Gremillion was joined by her son,
Daniel, as she modeled the beautiful
fur coat donated by Marie and Ron
Adrian from Saffee’s.
Roennigke enjoys California and
career with Dreamworks
Sometimes you just know you’ve
made the right career choice … and so
it is for Mark Roennigke, ’96. When
he was a freshman in college, Mark
switched his major from Biology to
Art, pursuing his destiny to become a
successful character animator for the
film industry.
Mark lives in San Francisco
California, with Brittany – his wife of
two years. They met while attending
San Francisco’s Academy of Art
University where in 2003 he received
his Master of Arts in Computer
Animation and she received a degree
in fashion design.
For the past five years Mark has
worked for Pacific Data Images
(PDI)/Dreamworks as a character
animator following a stint at Maxis, a
division of Electronic Arts (interactive
entertainment software developer)
where he worked on The Sims 2. He
credits a tip from a friend, a bit of
luck and good timing that eventually
led to his work on Shrek the Third,
Madagascar 3, and the recently
released Megamind.
Mark explains that he “ditched his
Biology major for a degree in studio
art” partly because of STA art teacher
Judy Frankovic who helped stimulate
his curiosity and develop natural
creativity and ingenuity. According
to Mark, Mrs. Frankovic created a
comfortable atmosphere that gave
students “the opportunity to explore
while keeping a broad sense of the
curriculum goals in mind.”
“We had a lot of freedom to
choose what we wanted to create
which resulted in a greater sense
of ownership and commitment
to the projects,” said Mark. “Mrs.
Frankovic’s classes were my first
Mark Roennigke, an animator for Dreamworks, once aspired to be a doctor.
experience with art that didn’t seem
like ‘busy work.’”
Judy remembers Mark not only as
“a nice young man,” but also someone
who always went the extra mile with
his work. “Once I asked him about
his college plans. When he said ‘Med
School,’ I thought to myself, ‘Lost
another one (promising student) to
the thought of becoming a starving
artist!’ A few years later, Mark’s
mother told me that he loved art so
much he switched majors and moved
to California to pursue a degree
in animation.”
When Frankovic saw Mark’s first
video, she admits to being moved to
tears. She described it as “a fun loving,
sassy story about an ornery bee!”
Mark’s other recollections of high
school are fond ones that include four
years of soccer and winning the state
championship every year. The best,
though, was winning his senior year.
“Winning state for a fourth time
carries a special sense of pride,” said
Mark, “because we were able to carry
through and succeed despite a huge
amount of pressure thrust on us
from the year before (when the Saints
were ranked #1 nationally). I say,
‘thrust upon us’, but a lot of it was
Soccer coach and English teacher
Craig Ewing describes Mark as being
“incredibly creative, whether it be with
a Halloween costume (I believe he
dressed as me one year), an essay in
Honors Comp class, or as he dribbled
toward the goal – he did not do things
as anyone else would. He is also one of
the best soccer players to ever play for
the Saints. He is an inaugural member
of the STA Soccer Hall of Fame. He is
his own person!”
Upon graduation from UMKC,
Mark knew that he didn’t stand
a chance of getting into the film
industry straight out of school, so
he packed up and moved to San
Francisco after being accepted at the
Academy of Art. While employed
at Maxis, a friend from the Art
school invited him to a Dreamworks
recruiting event in Marin. When
the call came four months after he
dropped off his demo reel at the
studio giant, he was ecstatic.
Mark’s starting position at
Dreamworks was working with a new
team of animators to create animating
cycles for crowd scenes. He believes
that his background in games helped
him land his “Dream” job. After
completing two films as the Cycles
Lead Animator, he was promoted to
Shot Animator, his current position.
Mark enjoys his career immensely
and looks forward to continuing to
grow and challenge himself in his
chosen field. He shared this advice to
students who might be interested in a
career in animation:
“Watch a lot of animation. There’s
great stuff out there, but there’s also
a lot that’s bad. The more you watch,
the more you’ll be able to tell the
difference and develop an eye for
it. Read the Illusion of Life by Ollie
Johnston and Frank Thomas – not
only a good coffee table book, but it
actually has everything you need to
know about how to animate. It was
required reading for me in graduate
“Draw a lot – if you want to work in
computer animation, it’s not essential
that you’re a great illustrator (I’m
terrible compared to my co-workers),
but it helps to be able to draw well
enough to explore and communicate
ideas. Find a good school that teaches
animation and not just the software
package. Take acting and improv
classes if you can. Study body language
and people-watch. Learn how to
caricature personalities and motion.”
While Mark’s career is a demanding
one, he reserves time for triathlontraining and travel, including a recent
vacation in Buenos
Aires, Argentina. He
also dabbles with
guitar, but figures it
can wait until health or
age prevent him from
Email and phone
calls help Mark stay
connected with friends
from Saint Thomas
Aquinas while he
‘Skypes’ with family
members back home
in Kansas City. Mark’s
parents live in K.C. as
does his sister Julie, ’94,
with her husband, John
Watt and their new
baby girl, Pinel.
According to his
mother Pat Roennigke,
technology coordinator at St. Joseph’s
Grade School in Shawnee, Kansas,
“If anyone showed a creative flair
while growing up, it was Mark’s sister
who was always making or designing
things. Julie was the one who was
going to be a designer and live in
California – which she did, designing
for GUESS!
“Mark and Julie have had
opportunities because of their drive,
focus and the excellent staff and
faculty at our Catholic schools in
Johnson County. Sending them to a
Catholic school was the best choice we
ever made.”
Recently Pat and Bob Roennigke
went to the movie Megamind at a local
theater. At the end of the show, they
waited as the credits rolled by and
exclaimed, “There it is!” Someone
nearby asked if the Roennigkes
recognized a name up on the screen.
Their response was a very happy “Yes!
Our son!”
Are you getting the
Saints Tidbits?
Saint Thomas Aquinas sends out short emails about once a week to
highlight students, alumni and teachers. If you are not getting the emails,
there are two ways to get on our list:
1. Go to aquinascommunity.com and click on Alumni Update. Log in
and put in your correct email address.
2. If you are not in the system, please contact Cindy Winkler at
[email protected] and we will add you to the system.
HIGHLIGHTS / Saints MarrYing Saints
Highlights of the
Class of 2010
School Highlights
• 100% graduation rate.
• 97% of graduates are proficient in
tenets of Catholic faith based on
standardized testing by the National
Catholic Educational Association
• Members of the class of 2010 were accepted to 146 different colleges and
• 85% of students are involved in at
least one activity.
• Over 58% of the senior class received academic scholarships and awards to
100 different colleges and universities for a total of $10,343,946.
• The STA Curriculum provides a
solid core of college preparatory
courses, with a full-time college and
career counselor on staff.
• 24% selected private colleges.
• 13% attend Catholic colleges.
• 37% attend colleges outside the state of Kansas.
• 92% of these seniors attend a four-year institution.
• 8% of these seniors attend a two-year institution.
• 2 National Merit FINALISTS
• 6 National Merit Commended Scholars
• 37 seniors were offered athletic scholarships to 39 different colleges.
• 3 Governor’s Scholars
• In 2010, 2039 high school seniors in Kansas were designated as State of
Kansas Scholars; 64 of those seniors were Saint Thomas Aquinas graduates.
Average ACT 29, GPA 3.9
• 70 seniors taking the ACT had a composite score of 28 or above.
Laura Cindrich, ‘05, and Gregory Foote,
‘05, were married on Saturday, June 5, 2010,
at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Overland
Park, Kansas, with Fr. Tony Lickteig presiding.
Laura is the daughter of Jeanine and Mike
Cindrich, ‘70. Greg is the son of Gail and
Bob Foote.
Laura is a mother-and-baby nurse at
Shawnee Mission Medical Center. Greg helps
run the family cattle business. The couple
resides in Bucyrus, Kansas.
Front row from left: Rod Heasty, Katie Paquette,
‘05, Amy Blaise, ‘05, Kisha Clune, Amy Mellard,
‘07, Roya Clune, Bryn Gehring, ‘05, Lisa Brown,
and Matt Rosentreter, ‘05.
Back row from left: Matt Pfeifer, ‘05, Mike
Clifford, ‘05, Ben Cindrich, ‘03, Jim Foote, Brad
Foote, ‘95, Laura Cindrich Foote, ‘05, Greg Foote,
‘05, Scott Foote, ‘94, Matt Cindrich, ‘01, Jake
Wilson, and Grant Damas, ‘05.
• The Enhanced Learning
Opportunity program helps boost
academic success.
• A licensed learning specialist assists
students who need additional help.
• Faculty are fully licensed, and 75%
hold Masters degrees.
• The President and both Principals
hold doctoral degrees in education.
• President Bill Ford is past-president
and current member of the Board of
Directors of the National Catholic
Educational Association (NCEA).
Saints Marrying Saints
Cindrich - Foote
2010 Mirocke Golf Classic
Tournament volunteer Jenny Scheve enjoys
the day in her self-made shade.
Above: Kelly Staudenmyer and Bit
Clark contribute their organization
skills and lovely charm as
tournament volunteers.
Foursome George Jansen, Kevin Rooney, Steve Furman, and
Bill Blaise enjoy the camaraderie of the day.
Left: Mary Beth Mecca and Anne
Fields celebrate Saint Thomas
Aquinas at the 25th annual Mirocke
Golf Classic.
Left: Pat White, ’07,
Bill White, John
Downey, and Chip
Ahern pause from
play for a quick-pic.
Tony Chiavirini, Phil Cansler, Mike Cindrich, and Gene
Fritz – all members of the Class of 1970 – honor Coach
Mirocke every year by assembling their foursome for the
annual event.
Left: Marty Cole,
Terry Miller, Kirk
Kowalewski, and
Gary Davis amuse
themselves with a
spectacular air-guitar
Red Robin/PB&J Restaurants, Inc., including current parents
Bill Crooks, Paul Khoury and Tom Petersen, provided a tasty
lunch of burgers and brats for the players and volunteers.
Stewardship Report
A report on the finances and donors of
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School for the 2009-2010 School Year.
Board of Trustees
Tom Quick, Chairman
Bob Frankovic
Fr. Bill Porter
Bryan Biggs
Dave Goebel
Mary Jo Rooney
Fr. Frank Burger
Linda Hanson
Bill White
Gary Davis
Terry Miller
Financial Statement
July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
1. Tuition and Fees.............................7,914,454
2. Support from Parishes......................741,415
3. Support from Archdiocese.................35,400
4. Athletic Income...................................40,999
5. Activities Income...............................108,932
6. Advancement Income.......................411,715
7. Interest Income....................................64,771
8. Misc. Income......................................262,536
Total Revenue........................... 9,580,222
1. Salaries/Benefits..............................6,473,920
2. Administration/Operations.............356,776
3. Instructional.......................................268,185
4. Activities.............................................110,356
5. Athletic...............................................206,242
6. Textbooks.............................................64,944
7. Graduation...........................................33,980
8. Plant/Maintenance............................419,749
9. Capital Improvement........................122,249
10. Utilities.............................................318,660
11. Debt Reduction.................................95,021
12. Loan Payments................................213,450
13. Financial Assistance........................820,317
Total Expenses......................... 9,503,849
Honor Roll of Donors
The following is a list of cash gifts received during the 2009-2010 fiscal year, July 1 – June 30. Thank you for your
commitment to Catholic education! We appreciate your generous support.
We apologize for inadvertent errors and omissions. Please contact the Advancement Office at 913-319-2425 with corrections.
Thomas Aquinas
Mike & Maureen Bukaty
Brett & Sheryl Clanton
Dave & Jan Goebel
Patrick & Mollie Kelly
McCorkendale Construction,
Inc./Brett & Sheryl Clanton
Kevin & Cathay Perz
Tom & Mickey Zarda
Mike & Denise Armentrout
Keith & Bit Clark
John & Julie Cosentino
Cosentino’s Price Chopper/John
John & Flora Debacker
Enterprise Bank & Trust/Linda
Bob & Loree Faherty
Dan & Teri Geller
Bruce & Linda Hanson
Joe & Mary Krizman
K T Wiedemann Foundation Inc.
Michael & Michelle Matteuzzi
John & Barb O’Donnell
O’Donnell and Sons Construction
Company, Inc./John O’Donnell
Michael & Cynthia Sabatini
Tom & Mickey Zarda
Anonymous x 2
Robert & Peggy Adamany
Jay & Connie Breidenthal
KC & Lori Brown
Bob & Lisa Clement
Gary & Jackie Davis
Troy & Lisa DeLong
Thomas & Eileen Drape
Jim & Carol Elder
Bob & Judy Frankovic
Rebecca Heidlage
Lamar & Rita Hunt
Dan & JoAnn Kanatzar
Mark LeVota
Mike Magerl
Greg & Pam Maher
Terry & Terri Miller
Richard & Karin Morgan
Trabon Printing/Mike Magerl
Thomas & Peggy Waggoner
Richard & Renee Washburn
James & Robin Wooten
James & Dawn Bellerive
Sarah Burgess
Pat & Molly Cahill
John & Karyn Campbell
Joe & Claire Coatar
Bernie & Martha Concannon
Jeff & Ricki Cox
Thomas & Lynn DeBacco
Carole Edstrom
Bob & Kathy Fitzpatrick
Bill & Peggy Ford
Steve & Sandy Furman
Richard & Cynthia Gier
Michael & Kathleen Gremillion
Larry & Michele Gress
Haynes Equipment Co., Inc./Jim
Burry & Jean Hinman
iModules Software/Tom DeBacco
Andrew & Terrie Jefferson
Joel & Gretchen Johnson
K. D. Christian Construction Co.,
Inc./Kevin Christian
Dan & Denise Keating
Jim & Cece Kissick
Kissick Construction Company/
Jim Kissick
Midwest Compounders Inc./Troy
Brian & Leann Miller
Miller Plumbing Company, Inc./
Brian Miller
Greg & Melissa Nachbar
Stephen & Carol Pascuzzi
Mark & Barbara Perry
Bill & Catherine Powers
Tom & Michon Quick
Mark & Mary Radetic
Kevin & Kim Reichmuth
Mark & Susan Roos
Jim & Mary Ryan
Security Bank/Jay Breidenthal
Scherzer & Associates/Jeff
Jeff & Susan Scherzer
Daniel & Petra Shinn
Anthony & Constance
Sprint Foundation
Ward & Kelly Staudenmyer
Tompkins, Furman & Associates,
Inc./Steve Furman
John & Connie Tompkins
Elizabeth Vrabac
Dave & Dianne Wilderson
Anheuser-Busch, Inc./Tom
Ron & Marie Adrian
Kurt & Mary Amundsen
Broski Fence Co./John Downey
Hugh & Jane Benson
Mike & Lisa Boddicker
Robert & Linda Boring
Bob & Lisa Bregant
David & Patricia Buchanan
Rick & Alison Clark
Marty & Beth Cole
Cretcher Heartland Inc./Tom
Quick & Bob Frankovic
Cretex Concrete Products
John & Cathy Downey
Egbar Foundation
David & Sondra Estes
John & Deborah Feehan
Mike & Mary Lee Fox
G E Foundation
David & Linda Gentile
Tom & Mary Gorczyca
Terry & Victoria Gruenewald
Hallmark Corporate Foundation
Dan & Karen Harrison
Kyle Hill
Kathy Hintz
Charles & Janet Huber
Cathryn Hund
J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Dennis & Renee Keffer
Brian & Meya Kindred
Greg & Sue Klein
Barry & Jill Koster
John & Jacqueline Krim
Charlie Lamont
Mike & Angela Leikam
Tim & Anita Link
Tim McAnany
McAnany Construction, Inc./Tim
Jim & Rebecca Merwald
Robert & Karen Morrie
Michael & Stephanie Mravunac
Steve & Valerie Mueller
Jerry & Cyndy Novacek
Premier Bank/Marty Cole
Andrew & Marty Pavlovich
Sandra Price
Troy & Nancy Reazin
Roadbuilders Machinery &
Supply Co., Inc./Joel Johnson
Robert Miller Insurance Agency
Jerry & Mary Ann Robison
Russ & Dawn Smyth
Mark & Karen Sneed
Michael & Leslie Sobek
Lon & Becky Swanson
Tequila Harry’s Inc./Dan &
Joann Kanatzar
Treat America/Ramiro Noboa
Bob & Ann Timmons
John & Bobbie Turek
Gerard & Diana VanHoet
Julian & Jill Viso
Eric & Renee Weissend
Michael & Marion Whalen
Bill & Sharon Yeado
Greg & Ronda Zillner
Craig & Maureen Adford
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Bill & Elaine Blaise
Charles & Susan Blystone
Kevin & Candy Connealy
Ray & Jan Cullings
Erker Law Firm, PA/Tom Erker
Mark & Gina Gilroy
Kirk & Jeannette Kowalewski
Paul & Lisa Lacy
Tom & Colleen Latz
Tim Lillis
Alex & Julie MacGillivray
John & Maria McKernan
Dean & Teresa Moore
Kevin & Barbara Petracek
Doug & Lisa Purtle
Martin & Debra Ryan
Richard & Angela Schermerhorn
Mark & Ann Short
Paul & Pamela Taylor
Diana Albert
Jim & Jocelyn Anderson
Apex Environmental
Consultants/Chris Frey
David Armstrong
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Arvest Bank/Michelle Fittro
Michael & Susan Bathon
Beat the Bookstore – KU/Dan &
Denise Keating
Richard & Juliann Bernard
William & Terry Biggins
Bryan & Lou Ann Biggs
Jon & Teresa Blongewicz
Joe & Ev Boutte
Stacy Bowen
Mark & Patty Brewer
Sylvester & Terri Byrd
Jerry & Melody Calovich
Dan & Maureen Carroll
John Cassell
Ken & Deborah Castinado
Marty & Diane Clement
Dr. Lisa Gonzales Clement
Brian & Pamela Clemons
Enhance Your Gift with Your Employer’s
You may be able to double or even triple your charitable gift to Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School through your company’s matching gift program!
To determine your eligibility, check with your employer to see if your gift to a
Catholic school can be matched. You may also visit www.matchinggifts.com to check
if a specific company will match your charitable gift.
If your company offers such a program, all you need to do is obtain a matchinggift form at your workplace and submit it to the Saint Thomas Aquinas High
School Office of Advancement. We’ll do the rest for you! Contact the Office of
Advancement at 913-319-2425 with questions or for more information.
Steve & Shannon Clifford
Carol Clune
Paul & Tracey Colonna
Daniel & Janice Conner
Robert & Lisa Coplen
Tom & Sheila DeMars
Jay & Mary Desch
Sean & Julie Doherty
Karl & Nancy Donahue
Michael & Dorothy Eagan
Steve & Mary Eisenbarth
John & Teresa Ekedahl
F & L Enterprises/Gene Fritz
Jim & Anne Fields
Mark & Kathy Franzen
Jeff & Pam Frederes
Tony & Martha Frook
Gallagher Benefit Services/Bob
John & Clare Geiger
David & Margaret Greving
Mike & Patty Hammer
Kirk & Terri Hanna
Ted & Becky Hartsig
Tony & Terri Heit
Scott & Cathy Hermansen
Stephen & Linda Hopfinger
Inland Truck Parts Company
Charitable Giving
Intermec Foundation
Geoff & Jennifer Johnson
Joseph & Anne Kaveski
Lawrence Kelly
Kevin & Kathy Killilea
Bob & Heidi Kopp
Greg & Mary Bridget Kratofil
Robert & Becky Krattli
Kevin & Lynn Kruse
Brad & Francie Kwapiszeski
Dennis & Michelle Lister
Emmett & Paula Logan
William & Ann Logan
Stephen & Barbara Loughman
Mike & Beth Magerl
Scott & Melinda Marquess
Paul & Maura Martin
Mark & Mary Pat McKinzie
William & Josephine McNally
Tom & Mary Beth Mecca
Alan & Lynne Mestdagh
John & Marla Michaels
Pat &Linda Mirocke
Craig & Paula Moss
Lorry & Brenda Nelson
Gene & Barb Nelson
Stan & Kathy Nill
Mike & Liz Novosel
Pat & Mary O’Connell
Randy & Janet Olberding
Michael & Anita Pauls
Eric & Susanna Peck
Performance Rehab, LLC/Mark
Tom & Ann Petersen
Dale & Catherine Romme
John & Susan Saxer
Dale & Joanne Schaefer
Albert & Jeanetta Schendel
Martin & Denise Schermoly
Andrew & Marie Schmidt
Jeff & Mary Schugart
David & Mianne Sell
Service Master Catastrophe/Pat
Glenn & Sue Shain
Dimitri & Mary Siscos
Staudenmyer Construction, Inc./
Ward Staudenmyer
Tom & Lisa Stec
Mark & Kim Stukel
Mike & Julie Sullivan
Mike & Mary Sullivan
Daniel & Stacey Taylor
Phil & Terri Thelen
John & Cindy Thesing
Mike & Nina Thomas
Greg & Julie Towsley
Toyota Motor Sales
Dennis & Julie Treacy
United Bank of Kansas
Dale & Tamera Vestal
Brett & Cheryl Vickers
David & Lisa Vogt
Brian & Amy Wagner
Wallace, Saunders, Austin, Brown
& Enochs/Mark McKinzie
Christopher & Lisa Waters
David & Stacy Watson
Matthew & Joann Weger
Wells Fargo Foundation
Glenn & Terri Werth
Steve & Terrie Whealon
Todd & Lanese Wherry
John & Ann Whigham
Stephen & Lois Willis
Marc & Mary Ann Woodward
Gary & Kellie Zych
Abbott Laboratories Fund
John & Teresa Ahrens
Bob & Teresa Aley
Jim & Denise Alfonsin
Tim & Lisa Andrews
Brancato’s Catering
B & L Marketing/Bob Cummings
Larry & Susan Backs
Bill & Debbie Beck
Chris & Amanda Berger
Bernina Sewing Centers/Myron
Ryan & Stacy Best
Tim & Rebecca Bock
Toby & Tracy Boschert
Leo Brown
Mike & Carrie Brun
Phil & Joan Cansler
Capital City Bank/Mark Gonzales
Robert & Julie Carmichael
Tony Chiaverini
Mike & Jeanine Cindrich
Jim & Laura Cline
Fred & Betsy Collins
Paul & Jane Cowan
Bob & Lisa Cummings
Brendan & Casey Curran
DanCo Systems, Inc./Dan & Julie
Michael & Heather Delaney
William & Emily Denning
David & Joyce Didde
DST Systems, Inc.
Mark & Carmen Dudley
Brian Dunn
Patrick & Cindy Dwyer
Jim & Charlene Enneking
Craig Ewing
Phil & Betty Farnan
Ralph & Iris Flournoy
Gary & Nancy Foltz
Charles & Lisa Friedman
Philip & Jill Frisch
Ron & Colleen Gardner
Michael & Jane Gochis
Larry & Kathy Goode
Ed Hall
Jim & Kathleen Halling
Richard & Annette Hartzell
Ed & Anna Heilman
Patrick & Karen Henderson
Craig & Tracy Herter
Paul & Barbara Heschmeyer
Pete & Sherri Jackson
Rick & Beth Jenkins
Knights of Columbus #6673
Michael & Jo Kuckelman
Gerardo & Jennifer Lopez
John & Mary Luther
Shane Lutz
John & Melanie Mahon
Dan Matney
Maple Hill Funeral Home/
Dan Matney
Pete & Cheryl McDonald
Gary & Annette Mellard
Tom & Karen Miller
Michael & Shelli Mirocke
Mirocke Sales Corporation/
Mike Mirocke
Dennis & Jan Morin
Richard & Joni Nachbar
Paul Nachbar
Patrick & Elizabeth Nelson
Order of Malta - Kansas City/
John Massman
Lorne & Dana Parks
Brad & Mary Beth Patterson
Brian & Janet Peacock
Dan & Julie Pflumm
Robert & Beth Pigott
Brian & Diane Pyle
Ken & Mary Pyle
Quest Diagnostics
Richard Nachbar Plumbing, Inc./
Richard & Joni Nachbar
Pat & Becki Regan
Sean & Teresa Reilly
Jacob & Ashley Rieke
Steve & Pat Ruvolo
John & Cathy Rysavy
Brian & Leigh Schenck
Ron & Regina Scherzer
Daniel & Julie Schorgl
Myron & Chris Schwery
Patrick & Susan Seib
Dave & Jane Shriver
Brian & Denise Sieben
Mike & Denise Slaven
David & Linda Slovikoski
David & Mary Speckin
John & Kim Speckin
Steve & Lisa Stoecklein
Barry & Shelly Sullivan
Christian & Mary Swett
Vince & Sally Teahan
Phillip & Terri Thelen
Bryan & Susan Thrasher
Sean & Kelly Tyrrell
Joe & Patti Voda
Mark & Mary Ellen Walton
Scott & Anabella Wasserman
Jim & Sue Waters
Doug & Liz Watts
Mark & Laura Weese
Tom & Shelly Williams
Greg & Mary Wilson
Bret & Christy Wilson
John & Sherry Wilson
Christopher & Joyce Winger
Winger & Co., P.C./Chris
Scott & Cindy Winkler
Michael & Jane Wynne
Natch & Marybeth Angles
Boyd & Lisa Bauman
Timothy & Christine Beasley
John & Dawn Bellau
Brian & Lynda Bentler
Andrew & Michelle Bolin
Jeffrey & Laurie Bollig
Richard and Nancy Bollig
Kenneth & Peg Bono
Mario & Laura Brancato
Kirk & Kelly Bride
Rob & Mary Beth Brown
Roger & Barb Bruns
Ed & Ann Campbell
John Campbell
Steve Carey
Edward Carlin
Mike & Maureen Carroll
Bob & Pat Clune
Brian & Susan Cordill
Clint & Marlene Cordry
Bob & Carol Cowdrey
Robert & Catherine Darnell
Paul & Debbie Dent
Lisa Determan
Susan Dillingham
Harold & Phyllis Distler
Dennis & Janet Dodd
Bill & Jo Anne Dondlinger
Terry & Rebecca Droge
Craig & Michelle Drummond
Ryan & Stephanie Erker
Annette Evans
Steve & Lisa Everhart
Carol Finzoll
Tim & Mary Flagler
Jim & Ann Franke
David & Julie Gadwood
Mike & Michelle Gammill
John & Suzan Gampper
General Mills Foundation
Neil & Carol Lynn Genilo
Jeff & Annette Gerner
Robert & Elaine Glenski
David & Marianne Grant
Tom & Sondra Gustafson
Deborah Hedstrom
Timothy & Cathy Hermsen
Rick Hetzel
Greg & Mary Ann Hilgers
Michael & Kim Hinck
Curtis & Laura Holland
Burton & Colette Huerter
Tom Hutchins
Gregg & Kimberly Ikenberry
George & Emily Jansen
Wes & Patty Jordan
Laura Kaya
Brian & Karen Kellerman
Chris & Mary Kelly
Kelly & Debbie Kephart
Klein Orthodontics/Michael
Klein D.D.S.
Eric & Lauren Klimt
Joe and Janet Kolich
Jim & Sally Kutney
Mary Ann Lickteig
Dean & Pam Lickteig
Michael & Vicki Long
Patrick & Maria Looney
Keith & Wendy Lovetro
Jim & Rosemary Maher
Jerry & Janet Malone
Marvin & Jeannette Marstall
Paula McCarthy
Brian McCarthy
John & Nancy McCarthy
Mark & Leighann McDonald
Richard & Susan Michalski
Jane Clare Mirocke
Michael & Julie Morrand
Blake Mulvany
Ginnie Nash
Roy & Judy Nickum
Nick & Kristi Nourie
James & Kathleen O’Hara
Chris Orel
Joe & Lisa Orrick
Greg Payne
Donna Pfaff
Mark & Debbie Pfeifer
John & Donna Pottier
Art & Gail Prieb
Kerry & Jane Regan
Paul & Nancy Roos
Mike & Rosalie Schard
Edward & Dorene Schneider
Robert & Liz Schneider
Joe & Joanne Schroer
Clark & Gina Sehon
Patrick & Lori Shortell
Randy & Margaret Smith
Gregory Spalding
Paul & Dorothy Speckin
Chris & Karen Sturges
Josef & Amy Sudduth
Barb Summerson
John Thorpe
Frank & Mary Cay Tokic
Mark & Patricia Tranckino
James & Carol Trouba
Amy Wallace
Conrad & Medie Weledji
Rick & Coleen Weller
Mike & Kim Wernel
Dwight & Toni Williams
Richard & Mary Woody
Jeff & Mary Ann Zande
Ben & Betty Zarda
Chip & Monica Ahern
Andy Akright
April Bailey
Mary Baker
Brian & Margaret Ball
John & Rita Beverlin
Deborah Biondo
Don & Debbie Blazek
Andrew Bock
Thomas & Nancy Bunker
Nat Burstein
James Carter
John & Linda Craig
Mark & Lauren DeBaun
Greg & Donna Desmarteau
Michael & Anne Dotterweich
Kelly & Kim Dubbert
Steve DuBois
Gregory & Michele Falen
Elizabeth Ford
Karen Fragale
Matt Hallauer
Chuck & Amy Hammons
Matt & Susan Harding
Mark & Kim Harrison
Joe & Sarah Heidesch
Julieana Hendricks
Tim Herre
Joseph & Sandra Horvat
Larry & Kathleen Huppe
Brad & Kerri Jennings
Mary Pat Johnston
Teresa Kearney
John & Sally Keating
Lisa Kelley
Cheryl Kessler
Ken & Ginny Knutsen
Ron & Stephanie Koch
Mike & Ann Kucharski
Karl Kuckelman
Lewer Agency, Inc./Michael
Anne Malinee
Leonard & Terri McKee
Richard & Cindy McOsker
Merck Company Foundation
Al & Carrie Miner
Steven & Peggy Moran
Tim & Susan Mulcahy
Christopher & Sharon Nicely
David & Cathleen Ogle
Christopher & Sui Sum Olson
Party City/Billy Williams
Kenny & Serena Price
Mary Ellen Rajdl
Michael Reazin
Patrick Reazin
Susan Roling
John Sanders
Mark & Kelley Scharosch
Paul & Jeanne Scheuerman
Kurt & Donna Schmidt
Mark & Heather Schoneman
Vicki Schroeder
John & Irene Sheerin
Bryan & Cynthia Smith
Dan & Anne Spenner
Tim & Shellie Sullivan
Walt & Kaye Thompson
James & Kim Thorup
Carl & Lisa Villagomez
Mike & Monica Walberg
John Waldeck
Bill Weiler
Louis & Jane Wetzel
Charles & Karen Wheeler
Carolyn White
John & Sylvia Wiedeman
Doug & Patti Woodhead
Honor and Memorial
You may always dedicate gifts to Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School in memory of a deceased
loved one or in honor of someone’s birthday or
anniversary. These gifts will be used in greatest
need, to benefit the students of STA.
Simply include a note with the name of
whom you are designating your gift in honor
or memory of and provide an address for that
person or family if possible. We will acknowledge
your gift back to you in writing, and also send
the family a note indicating that you have made
a gift in his/her/their honor. (Please provide the
family’s address if possible.)
Honor and Memorial Gifts can be sent to:
Office of Advancement, Saint Thomas Aquinas
High School, 11411 Pflumm Road, Overland
Park, KS 66215. For more information, call
Extravaganza 2009 Donors
The following includes cash, in-kind and item donations for Extravaganza 2009.
We apologize for inadvertent errors and omissions. Please contact the Advancement Office at 913-319-2425 with corrections.
Robert & Peggy Adamany
Adventure Sports
Chip & Monica Ahern
John & Teresa Ahrens
Teresa Ahrens
Diana Zarda Albert
All About Travel
AMC Entertainment
American Heartland Theatre
Bill Amundsen, Golf Galaxy
Tim & Lisa Andrews
Natch & Marybeth Angles
Mark & Dorian Assenmacher
Assured Management Company
Avila University
Dennis & Virginia Ayer, DDS
Larry & Susan Backs
Baker University
David & Sara Baker
Margaret Ball
Shelly Barmby
John & Carol Bartolac
Jeffrey & Julie Bartz
Michael & Susan Bathon
Boyd & Lisa Bauman
Bill & Debbie Beck
Belfonte Ice Cream & Dairy
James & Dawn Bellerive
Hugh & Jane Benson
Brian & Lynda Bentler
Chris Berger
Kirk & Julie Berggren
Stephen & Jennifer Berko
Michael & Liz Bever
Bill & Terry Biggins
Jon & Teresa Blongewicz
Bob Allen Ford
Rebecca Bock
Mike & Lisa Boddicker
Kim Bogart
Andrew & Michelle Bolin
Jeff & Laurie Bollig
Elizabeth Bonner
Kenneth & Peg Bono
Robert & Linda Boring
Toby & Tracy Boschert
Boschert Partners Marketing
Boulevard Brewing Co.
Mario & Laura Brancato
Lisa Bregant
Dan & Patti Brewer
Kirk & Kelly Bride
Brookside Optical
Charlie & Hattie Brown
Robert & Erin Brown
John & Connie Budd
Mike & Maureen Bukaty
Tom & Nancy Bunker
Keith & Michelle Burkhart
Nat Burstein
Sylvester & Terri Byrd
Patrick & Molly Cahill
Jerry & Melody Calovich
John & Karyn Campbell
Dan & Maureen Carroll
Mike & Maureen Carroll
Jim & Ann Casey
John Cassell, Sheraton Hotels
Ken & Deb Castinado
Rick & Caryn Cato
Cedar Creek Realty – Ken
Celsius Tannery
Center Sports
Arthur & Carol Chartrand
Kent & Elizabeth Cherry
Paul & Marian Cherry
Chux Trux
Keith & Bit Clark
Rick & Alison Clark
Bob & Lisa Clement
Brian & Pamela Clemons
Steve & Shannon Clifford
Bob & Pat Clune
Joseph & Claire Coatar
Stacy Cobb
Coca-Cola Bottling Company of
Betsy Collins
Kathy Connaughton
Ross & Janice Conner
Brian & Susi Cordill
Mike & Susie Corrigan
John & Julie Cosentino
Country Club Plaza
Crawford Sales
Creighton University
Bill & Sarah Crooks
Ray & Jan Cullings
R. Tyler & Annette Cundith
Steve & Lisa Cunningham
Michael & Laura Curran
Custom Cuts
Bill & Rose Davied
Gary & Jackie Davis
Murray & Suzanne Davis
Ronald & Catherine Davis
Douglas & Lynette Davis
Lauren DeBaun
Decks By Dan and Lights By Dan
Tom & Judy Deer
Tim & Michelle Dehaemers
Michael & Heather Delaney
Troy & Lisa DeLong
Tom & Sheila DeMars
Designs by Lizabeth
David & Joyce Didde
Mark & Beth Dierks
Susan Dillingham
Phyllis Distler
Jeff & Nancy Dold
Jack & Nancy Donahue
Bill & JoAnne Dondlinger
Doodles by Kelly
John & Cathy Downey
Tom & Eileen Drape
Jerry & Liz Drew
Terry Droge
Steve & Karen Duethman
Jeff & Mary Duffendack
Tom Duvall & Carmen Duvall
Patrick & Cindy Dwyer
Dynamic Fastener
Michael & Dorothy Eagan
Eagles Gymnastics
Mark & Diana Ebeling
Bill & Shanthi Eckert
John & Teresa Ekedahl
Jim & Carol Elder
Elephant Bar Restaurant
Ivan & Dianna Elias
Michelle Ellefson
Lori Engelmann
Dave & Sondra Estes
Ann & Thomas Evans
Craig Ewing
Factory Direct Appliance
Bob & Loree Faherty
Fairway and Greene, Inc.
Family Golf Park
Family Tree Nursery
David & Cathy Farmer
Phil Farnan
John & Deb Feehan
Scott & Monica Feuerborn
First Watch – Ron Henning
Tim & Mary Flagler
Folly Theater
Gary & Nancy Foltz
Footlights Haircut Shops
William & Peggy Ford
Mike & Mary Lee Fox
Franciscan University of
Jim & Ann Franke
Judy Frankovic
Freddy T’s Bar & Grill
Jeff & Pam Frederes
Charles & Lisa Friedman
Friends of STA
Tony & Martha Frook
Fry Orthodontic Specialists
David & Julie Gadwood
David & Elizabeth Galbreath
John & Suzan Gampper
Ron & Colleen Gardner
Myles & Lisa Gartland
Gates BBQ
Mark & Gina Gilroy
Golf Club of Kansas
Bob & Kathy Golubski
Lisa R. Gonzales, D.D.S., P.C.
Kevin & Michele Gould
Grace Dental - Dr. Gloria Roberts
Regina Graham
Grand Street Cafe
David & Marianne Grant
Grayling, Inc. – Dave Bertuglia
Green Expectations Landscaping
Tom & Monica Greer
Michael & Kathleen Gremillion
Larry & Michele Gress
Kevin & Monica Grosdidier
A.J. Gross Distributors
Jim & Kathleen Halling
Mike & Patty Hammer
Chuck Hammons
Handcrafted Wines of Kansas
Craig Haning
Kirk & Terri Hanna
Peter Hanrahan
Susan Harding
Timothy & Cathy Hare
Kim Harrison
Joe Heidesch
Rebecca Heidlage
Lyn Heilman
Tony & Terri Heit
Hen House – College & Quivira
Julieana Hendricks
Todd & Chris Henning
Hereford House
Herff Jones Inc.
Scott & Catherine Hermansen
Hermes Landscaping
Timothy & Cathy Hermsen
Rick Hetzel
Kerry & Lynda Higgins
Mary Ann Hilgers
Brock & Kelly Hill
Mike & Kim Hinck
Burritt & Jean Hinman
Michael & Vicki Holmes
Carolyn Holton
Stephen & Linda Hopfinger
Mike & Susan Horn
Houlihan’s Restaurant
House of Diamonds
Cathryn Hund
Lamar & Rita Hunt
HyVee @ 135th St.
Ida’s Bridal & Tuxedos
Iowa State University
Pete & Sherri Jackson
George & Emily Jansen
Andrew & Terrie Jefferson
Rick & Beth Jenkins
Jennifer Jo Cobb Racing
Jimmy John’s
Keith & Molly Johnson
Johnson County Ducks Unlimited
Patty Jordan
Charles & Lynlee Joseph
Just for Hair/Overland Park
Kansas City Ballet
Kansas City Chiefs
Kansas City T-BONES Baseball
Kansas City Zoo
KC Hopps/810 Zone – Chris
Bob & Margaret Keerns
John & Sally Keating
Dennis & Renee Keffer
Chris & Mary Kelly
Debbie Kephart
Paul & Cindy Khoury
Kevin & Kathy Killilea
Kincaid Coach Lines
Brian & Meya Kindred
Klein Orthodontics
Len & Tina Kollars
Barry & Jill Koster
Kirk & Jeannette Kowalewski
Greg & Mary Bridget Kratofil
Kevin & Lynn Kruse
Kansas State University
Brad & Chris Kuhlmann
Marsha Kurelac
Paul & Lisa Lacy
Charlie Lamont
Landers Visions – Collins Landers
Le Fou Frog
Leawood Chiropractic
Scott & Tamura LeBlanc
Legacy School of the Arts
Pete & Karla Leibham
Mike & Angela Leikam
Dean & Pam Lickteig
LifeTouch Photography
Tim Lillis
Lionsgate Pet Hospital
Keith & Kathy Lisbon
Dennis & Michelle Lister
Lizabeth Photography
Loews Santa Monica
William & Ann Logan
Emmett & Paula Logan
Longhorn Steakhouse
Gerardo & Jennifer Lopez
Loras College Admission Office
Stephen & Barb Loughman
Loyola University New Orleans
Paul & LeAnne Lundy
John & Mary Luther
Shane Lutz
Jerry & Janet Malone
Marche Francais, LLC – Rebecca
Randy & Tracy Markway
Marquette University
Jeannette Marstall
Paul & Maura Martin
Scott & Sheila Martinsen
Tom & Julie Mayfield
Mike & Marlene McCabe
Paula McCarthy
McCormick Distilling
Mark & Leighann McDonald
Pete & Cheryl McDonald
Richard & Cindy McOsker
Tom & Mary Beth Mecca
Gary & Annette Mellard
Kerry & Terry Menegay
Rebecca Merwald
Metro Media Security
John Michaels
John & Marla Michaels
J.D. & Lisa Miller
Thomas & Karen Miller
P.Brian & Leann Miller
Troy & Phyllis Mills
Missouri State University
Harold & Eileen Mitts
Frank & Claire Morello
Rich & Karin Morgan
Dennis & Jan Morin
Marcia Moroney
Robert & Karen Morrie
Michael & Stephanie Mravunac
Steve & Valerie Mueller
Bill & Polly Mullin
Bob & Luisa Mulvaney
Kevin & Kathy Murphy
My Favorite Things
Gregory & Melissa Nachbar
National Golf Club of Kansas
Natural Accents Distinctive
Outdoor Lighting
Timothy & Elaine Navickas
Nell Hills, Mary Carol Gerrity
Gene & Barbara Nelson
Lorry & Brenda Nelson
Jim & Jennie Newman
Nick & Jakes – Kevin Timmons
Nicklaus Golf Club
Judy Nickum
Kristi Nourie
Cyndy Novacek
Michael & Sharon O’Connell
Patrick & Mary O’Connell
Rick & Karen Oddo
Sui Sum Olson
Joe Orrick
Overland Park Art & Frame
Michael & Kimberly Owens
Papa Murphy’s Pizza
Par Exsalonce Salon & Day Spa
Parisi Artisan Coffee
Lorne & Dana Parks
Brad & Mary Beth Patterson
Michael & Anita Pauls
Andrew & Marty Pavlovich
Pawsitively Perfect
PB&J Restaurant
Brian & Janet Peacock
Eric & Susanna Peck
Pepsi Ice Midwest
Mark & Barbara Perry
Tom & Ann Petersen
Debbie & Mark Pfeifer
Jean Pflumm
Beth Pittman
Mark & Debbie Poelzl
James & Melissa Powell
William & Catherine Powers
Premier Bank
Kenny & Serena Price
Kent & Lori Price
Doug & Lisa Purtle
Brian & Diane Pyle
Ed & Mary Pyle
Austin Quick
Michon Quick
Tom & Michon Quick
Quik Trip Corp
Mark & Mary Radetic
Christopher Radiel
Troy & Nancy Reazin
Kerry & Jane Regan
Regis University
Kevin & Kim Reichmuth
Sean Reilly
Sean & Teresa Reilly
Bruce & Toni Rieke
Jim & Megan Riggs
Jerry & Mary Ann Robison
Dale & Catherine Romme
William & Nancy Ronan
Paul & Nancy Roos
Russell Florist
Martin & Debra Ryan
Michael & Cynthia Sabatini
Saffee’s@ Oak Park Mall
Saint Louis University
Sarah O’Connor Photography
Paul & Tracy Satterfield
Brian Schenck
Albert & Jeanetta Schendel
Jeffrey & Susan Scherzer
Ronald & Regina Scherzer
Jenny Scheve
Doug & Colleen Schieber
Kurt & Donna Schmidt
Andrew & Marie Schmidt
Robert & Liz Schneider
Heather Schoneman
Joseph & Joanne Schroer
Jim & Kelly Setter
Shadow Buddies Foundation
Shadow Glen Golf Club
Sheraton Chicago
Sheraton Dallas
Sheraton Denver
Sheraton Hotel of Overland Park
Sheraton St. Louis City
Center Hotel
Greg & Michele Sherlock
Jim & Kelly Sherman
Michael & Kay Shirley
David Shriver
Brian & Denise Sieben
Mark & Mary Siebert
Margaret Smith
Dave & Robyn Smith
Russ & Dawn Smythe
Mark & Karen Sneed
Southmoreland on the Plaza
David & Mary Speckin
John & Kim Speckin
Spin Pizza
Spring Hill College
STA Advancement Office
STA Clothing Classes
STA Football Team
STA Soccer Team
Daniel & Lisa Stalp
Jeff & Janelle Stamm
Standard Beverage – Joni
Stanford Comedy Club
Ward & Kelly Staudenmyer
Tom & Lisa Stec
Mark & Ginni Steele
Fr. Andrew Strobl
Mark & Kim Stukel
Karen Sturgess
Amy Sudduth
Barb Summerson
Lon & Becky Swanson
Christian & Mary Swett
Swim Quik
Tanner’s Bar & Grill
Daniel & Stacey Taylor
Paul & Pamela Taylor
Michael & Kathleen Teahan
Vince & Sally Teahan
Texas Christian University
Jim Tharp
The Chicago Cubs
Philip & Terri Thelen
John & Cindy Thesing
Kevin & Denise Thimmesch
Mike Thomas
Rodney & Trish Thomas
Brad & Leigh Ann Thomas
Susan Thomeczek
Kaye Thompson
Thompson’s Clock Manor
Bryan Thrasher
Bryan & Susan Thrasher
Tiffany Green Golf Club
Tim Galyean Photography
Frank & Mary Cay Tokic
John Tompkins
Top Notch Heating Cooling &
Traditions Furniture
Treat America
Truman State University
John & Bobbie Turek
Sean & Kelly Tyrrell
Unicorn Theatre
University of Central Missouri
University of Denver
University of Kansas
University of Missouri
University of Notre Dame
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Gerard & Diana VanHoet
Scott & Dana Vena
Dale & Tamera Vestal
Brett & Cheryl Vickers
Victorian Trading Company
Virginia Tech University
Joseph & Patricia Voda
David & Lisa Vogt
Elizabeth Vrabac
W Chicago City Center
Tom & Peggy Waggoner
Amy Wallace
Arthur & Ann Walsh, Jr.
Warner Bros. Domestic Television
Rick & Renee Washburn
Washburn University
Sue Waters
Christopher & Lisa Waters
David & Stacy Watson
Donald & Colleen Watson
Brent & Doretta Watson
Douglas & Liz Watts
William Weiler
Mike & Kim Wernel
Western Illinois University
Western State College of
Charles & Karen Wheeler
John & Ann Whigham
Ellen White
Jim & Karen Whitehead
David & Maria Whitesel
George & Michelle Wilber
Dave & Dianne Wilderson
William Jewell College
Tom & Shelly Williams
Bret & Christy Wilson
Greg Wilson
John & Sherry Wilson
Wilson Fans & Lighting
Cindy Winkler
Joe & Karen Witkowski
Andrew & Shelly Wong
Marc & Mary Ann Woodward
Richard & Mary Woody
Jim & Robin Wooten
World Unique Imports
Christopher & Stephanie Wright
Justin Wrigley
Michael & Jane Wynne
Sam Wyrick – Circle Seven Gun
Yard House
Mark & Ann Zack
Mary Ann Zande
Zen Massage
Zen Spa
Fr. Mitchel Zimmerman
Ralph & Bridget Zuniga
2010 Reunion Gifts
The following gifts are from alumni during their reunion year, 2010 – from July 1, 2009, through November 30, 2010.
Gifts received July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010, also appear in the ‘Alumni Donors’ listing of this Annual Report.
1945 (65th)
1970 (40th)
1985 (25th)
2000 (10th)
Ben Zarda
Phil Cansler
Tony Chiaverini
Mike Cindrich
Kathy Wagner Shirley*
Mike Magerl
Dan Matney
Mike Mirocke
Pat Regan
Allison Dreiling
Tim Herre
Mark LeVota
Jacob Rieke
Elizabeth Kisthardt Samples
1975 (35th)
1990 (20th)
Deborah Mense Biondo
Susan Nicks Bishop
Lynn Boutte Mestdaugh
Mark Roos
Susan Downey Roos
John Michaels
Greg Payne
1950 (60th)
Joan Maurer Shikles
1955 (55th)
Joseph Gardner
John Sanders
1960 (50th)
Evelyn Berry*
Ann Hayes Blanner*
Joyce Beam Bradshaw*
Kathleen Glennon Detra*
Janice Scheier Kieffaber*
Paul Kirk*
Mary Ester Fernandez Perez*
Albert Roos*
Francis VanNieuenhuyse*
1980 (30th)
Greg Nachbar
Dan Pflumm
Mary Lavery Urban
Steve Willis
1995 (15th)
Lisa Suellentrop Kelley
Ricky Paradise
*In memory of deceased classmates
Alumni Donors
“Thank you” to our 2009-2010 donors who are alumni of St. Joseph’s, Aquinas and Saint Thomas Aquinas High
Schools. This report reflects gifts received July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010.
Ben Zarda
Pat Mirocke
Susan Roling
Mike Magerl
Dan Matney
Mike Mirocke
Pat Regan
Jane Clare Hendrix Mirocke
Steve Carey
Dan Keating
Paul Roos
Phil Thelen
Joe Boutte
Thomas Zarda
Sean Doherty
Mary Pat Sasenick Johnston
Terri Vohland Thelen
Mike Walberg
Monica Cisper Walberg
Mickey Nachbar Zarda
John Sanders
Terri Spero Heit
Jane Dillbeck Shriver
Karen Garies Miller
Melissa Brown Nachbar
Tamera Venneman Vestal
Mary Ellen Nicks Rajdl
Phil Cansler
Tony Chiaverini
Mike Cindrich
Annette Mirocke Evans
Rebecca Lang Merwald
James Carter
Dave Shriver
Alan Mestdagh
Jane Bichelmeyer Wetzel
Deborah Mense Biondo
Lynne Boutte Mestdagh
Mark Roos
Susan Downey Roos
Greg Nachbar
Dan Pflumm
Steve Willis
Diana Zarda Albert
Ann Marciniak Campbell
David Speckin
Lisa Nash Stoecklein
Tim Herre
Mark LeVota
Jacob Rieke
Paul Nachbar
John Michaels
Greg Payne
Lisa Benson Determan
Andy Akright
Elizabeth Ford
Kyle Hill
Carolyn White
Andrew Bock
Tom Hutchins
Michael Reazin
John Thorpe
Patrick Reazin
Brian Dunn
Lawrence Kelly
Lisa Suellentrop Kelley
Stacy Miller Bowen
Lisa Feuerborn Coplen
Denise Miller Keating
Julie Seitter Pflumm
Dave Watson
Mike Brun
It’s Never to Late to Give!
Christine Cisper Beasley
There is still time to be a participant in the 2010-11
Alumni Annual Fund. If you would like to make a
contribution, please go online to:
Larry Goode
John Speckin
Faculty & Staff
Members of the Saint Thomas Aquinas Faculty and Staff who provided monetary contributions in 2009-2010:
John & Teresa Ahrens
Bob & Teresa Aley
Tim & Lisa Andrews
April Bailey
Brian & Margaret Ball
Boyd & Lisa Bauman
Chris & Amanda Berger
Ryan & Stacy Best
Tim & Rebecca Bock
Bob & Lisa Bregant
Leo Brown
Roger & Barb Bruns
Sarah Burgess
Nat Burstein
Ken & Deborah Castinado
Jim & Laura Cline
Fred & Betsy Collins
Paul & Jane Cowan
Brendan & Casey Curran
Mark & Lauren DeBaun
Greg & Donna Desmarteau
Susan Dillingham
Harold & Phyllis Distler
Terry & Rebecca Droge
Craig & Michelle Drummond
Steve DuBois
Craig Ewing
Phil & Betty Farnan
Ralph & Iris Flournoy
Bill & Peggy Ford
Bob & Judy Frankovic
Mark & Kathy Franzen
Matt Hallauer
Jim & Kathleen Halling
Chuck & Amy Hammons
Matt & Susan Harding
Mark & Kim Harrison
Joe & Sarah Heidesch
Rebecca Heidlage
Julieana Hendricks
Rick Hetzel
Greg & Mary Ann Hilgers
Cathryn Hund
Brad & Kerri Jennings
Wes & Patty Jordan
Kelly & Debbie Kephart
Ron & Stephanie Koch
Greg & Mary Bridget Kratofil
Charlie Lamont
Tim Lillis
Marvin & Jeannette Marstall
Paula McCarthy
Jim & Rebecca Merwald
Al & Carrie Miner
Craig & Paula Moss
Roy & Judy Nickum
Nick & Kristi Nourie
Jerry & Cyndy Novacek
David & Cathleen Ogle
Christopher & Sui Sum Olson
Chris Orel
Joe & Lisa Orrick
Lorne & Dana Parks
Kenny & Serena Price
Brian & Diane Pyle
Tom & Michon Quick
Sean & Teresa Reilly
Brian & Leigh Schenck
Albert & Jeanetta Schendel
Mark & Heather Schoneman
Vicki Schroeder
Dave & Jane Shriver
Randy & Margaret Smith
Steve & Lisa Stoecklein
Chris & Karen Sturges
Josef & Amy Sudduth
Mike & Julie Sullivan
Barb Summerson
Mike & Nina Thomas
Walt & Kaye Thompson
Bryan & Susan Thrasher
John & Connie Tompkins
Elizabeth Vrabac
Jim & Sue Waters
Bill Weiler
Greg & Mary Wilson
Scott & Cindy Winkler
Jeff & Mary Ann Zande
Matching Gift
Honor &
Memorial Gifts
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Deluxe Corporation
DST Systems, Inc.
H & R Block
Hallmark Corporate Foundation
Inland Truck Parts Company
Intermec Foundation
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Merck Company Foundation
Quest Diagnostics
Toyota Motor Sales
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. Andrew Akright, in honor of Coach Greg Wilson
Mrs. Carol Finzoll, in memory of Chris Sloan, ‘04,
and Danielle Sloan, ‘05
Dr. Ed Hall, in memory of Judy Hall
Dr. Rebecca Heidlage, in memory of Robert Heidlage
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krizman, in memory of Andrea Husong
Ms. Megan Kuckelman, in memory of Laura Nelson
Mr. Tim Lillis, in memory of Michael Lillis
Mr. Tim Lillis, in memory of Thomas McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nickum, in honor of STA Foreign Language Teachers
Mrs. Jane Clare Mirocke, in memory of Gennaro Mirocke
Mr. Blake Mulvany, in memory of Roseann Mulvany
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ruvolo, in honor of Charles Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ruvolo, in honor of Lynn Holleman
Mr. Gregory Spalding, in memory of Laura Hartman Spalding
Mr. Gregory Spalding, in memory of Rick Smith
Mirocke Golf Classic 2009 Donors
The following includes cash, in-kind and item donations for the 2010 Mirocke Golf Classic.
We apologize for inadvertent errors and omissions. Please contact the Advancement Office at 913-319-2425 with corrections.
Ben Fitzpatrick, ’07, wins the
putting contest and prepares for a
chance to win $2,500, while Joel
Johnson looks on.
John & Teresa Ahrens
Anheuser-Busch, Inc./Tom
Apex Environmental
Consultants/Chris Frey
Arvest Bank/Barry Sullivan
The Barrel House/Kathy & Bob
Beat the Bookstore – KU/Dan &
Denise Keating
KC Pumpkin Patch & Corn
Maze/Kirk & Julie Berggren
Bernina Sewing Centers/Myron
Bryan & Lou Ann Biggs
Bill & Elaine Blaise
Brancato’s Catering/All Seasons
Party Rental
Broski Fence Co./John Downey
KC & Lori Brown
Mike Brun
Sylvester & Terri Byrd
Phil Cansler
Volunteers Maureen Carroll, Patti
Brewer, Jenny Scheve, and Christy
Wilson bring smiles to the day!
Capital City Bank/Mark Gonzales
Tony Chiaverini
Mike Cindrich
Bob & Lisa Clement
Marty & Diane Clement
Steve & Shannon Clifford
Cretcher Heartland Incorporated/
Tom Quick & Bob Frankovic
Cretex Concrete Products
Steve & Lisa Cunningham
DanCo Systems, Inc./Dan
Gary & Jackie Davis
Tim & Michelle Dehaemers
Lisa R. Gonzales Clement, DDS
Thomas & Eileen Drape
Brian Dunn
Annette Mirocke Evans
F & L Enterprises/Gene Fritz
Family Tree Nursery
Jim & Anne Fields
Bill & Peggy Ford
Philip “Flip” and Jill Frisch
Steve & Sandy Furman
Gallagher Benefit Services/Bob
Dave & Jan Goebel
Golf Discount
Golf M.D.
Tom Goodfriend
Craig & Tracy Herter
Burry & Jean Hinman
iModules Software/Tom DeBacco
George & Emily Jansen
Joel & Gretchen Johnson
Vicki Jones
K. D. Christian Construction Co.,
Inc./Kevin Christian
Kissick Construction Company/
Jim Kissick
Michael S. Klein, D.D.S.
JCI/Bob Kopp
Bob & Heidi Kopp
Kirk & Jeannette Kowalewski
Kevin & Lynn Kruse
Alex & Julie MacGillivray
Maple Hill Funeral Home/Dan
Michael & Michelle Matteuzzi
McAnany Construction, Inc./Tim
McCorkendale Construction,
Inc./Sheryl & Brett Clanton
John & Maria McKernan
Terry & Terri Miller
Miller Plumbing Company, Inc./
Brian Miller
Pat Mirocke
Michael Mirocke
Blake Mulvany
Greg Nachbar
Paul Nachbar
O’Donnell and Sons
Company, Inc./Barb
& John O’Donnell
Andrew & Marty
Performance Rehab,
Diane Ebeling assists golfers Timmy
McAnany, Dave Goode, Mike Cindrich and
Kevin & Barbara
Kevin Rooney at check-in.
Premier Bank/Marty
Dan & Liz Pruett
Tom & Michon Quick
Red Robin /PB&J Restaurants,
Inc./Paul Khoury, Bill Crooks
& Tom Petersen
Pat Regan
Richard Nachbar Plumbing, Inc./
Joni & Richard Nachbar
Roadbuilders Machinery &
Supply Co., Inc./Joel Johnson
Robin Nigro Golf Academy
Jerry & Mary Ann Robison
Scherzer & Associates/Jeff
Daniel & Julie Schorgl
Security Bank/Jay Breidenthal
Service Master Catastrophe/Pat
Sports Clips
John O’Donnell commands at the
Ward & Kelly Staudenmyer
green again.
Barry & Shelly Sullivan
Summit Golf Brands/Kirk
Tequila Harry’s Inc./JoAnn &
Dan Kanatzar
Tompkins, Furman & Associates,
Inc./Steve Furman
Top Notch Heating & Cooling
Trabon Printing/Mike Magerl
Treat America/Ramiro Noboa
United Bank of Kansas/John
Wallace, Saunders, Austin, Brown
& Enochs/Mark McKinzie
Mark & Mary Ellen Walton
John & Maria McKernan pose
Winger & Co. CPA’s/Chris
with Pete Mirocke, grandson of the
Ben & Betty Zarda
tournament’s namesake, and Tony
Greg & Ronda Zillner
Mirocke, ’75 – son of Coach Mirocke.
Class of 1950
60-Year Reunion
May 22, 2010
Members of the Class of 1950
gathered last spring to celebrate 60
years since graduation. They met at St.
Joseph Church in Shawnee for Mass,
then breakfast at First Watch, followed
by a tour of Saint Thomas Aquinas
High School. The group then met with
spouses/friends at Hereford House
in Shawnee where they received their
Gold Medal Club (50-year) pins.
Schmiedeler Reinig,
Chuck Renne,
Charlie Lichtenauer,
Jim Klein, Joann
Maurer Shikles, Jim
Gardner, Al Miller,
and Martha Fanning
Front row: Rosemary Schmiedeler Reinig,
Deana Lichtenauer, Charlie Lichtenauer,
Connie Klein, Charlotte Renne, and Martha
Fanning Hauser.
Second row: Ann Gardner, Jim Klein, Joann
Maurer Shikles, and Al Miller.
Back row: Chuck Renne, Pete Hauser, and Jim
Left to right: Jim Dusselier, Sharon
Dusselier, ‘58, Lenny Kempf, ‘55,
Marianne Pinard Blake, ‘55, Ted
Horning, ‘55, Al Faltermeier, ‘58,
and Ed Kempf, ‘58.
Below: Front row: Richard Sarver
Back row, left-to-right: Tom
Schweiger, Marianne Pinard Blake,
Gwen Stephenson Echard, Ted
Horning, Lenny Kempf, and John
Above: Front row, left to right: Marianne
Pinard Blake of Folsom, California, Dick
Sarver of Palm Desert, California, Ron
Pflumm of Shawnee, Kansas, and Ted
Horning of Shawnee.
Back row: Carolyn Brite Peterson
of Bonner Springs, Kansas, Gwen
Stephenson Echard of Grove, Oklahoma,
Lenny Kempf of Scottsdale, Arizona, Dick
Meiners of Lenexa, Kansas, and Tom
Schweiger of Gravois Mills, Missouri. Not
pictured: John Sanders of Kansas City,
Class of 1955
55-Year Reunion
October 8-9, 2010
Classmates traveled from far and
wide to attend the Class of 1955
55th Reunion. Participants all
thoroughly enjoyed the Homecoming
Tailgate BBQ at Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School on Friday
evening and attending the football
game as a group. Ted Horning,
reunion organizer, said, “The game
and Homecoming ceremonies really
brought back memories, and we’re all
proud of our ‘old school’.” Following
the game, classmates socialized at the
All Years Reunion in the school’s
Auxiliary Gym. On Saturday,
classmates and spouses gathered at
Hereford House in Shawnee for lunch
and their Gold Medal Club Pinning.
Class of 1960
50-Year Reunion
September 10-11, 2010
Saints Pub & Patio, and Milburn
Country Club
Cake for the Class of 1960 50-Year Reunion
Right: Lou and
Barb Gangel
Below: Mike Logan
describes all the fun
months of planning
by the committee.
Pam and Cliff Keyes
Front row, left-to-right: Jeanette Smith Schweitzer, Carolyn Richardson Starrett, Judy Joergens Mills,
Frances Barry Burns, Mary Helen Reischman Heckadon
2nd row: Gene Klein, Ann Hayes Blanner, Sister Martha Schweiger, OSB, Linda Cowley Puppe,
and Mary Ester Fernandez Perez
3rd row: Eugene Meiners, Winnie Smith Woods, Joan Hahner Greene, Mary Evelyn Sullivan
Chirpich, Joyce Beam Bradshaw, and Jan Scheier Kieffaber
4th row: Ruth Joan Van DeBerghe Thrift, and Mary Gray Angerman
5th row: Donna Bates Logan, Cliff Keyes, Sister Linda Zahner, OSB, and Marie DeGraeve Justice
6th row: Steve Mallory, Bob Garrett, Joan Rieke Brady, and Harriet Shumway Mayer
7th row: John Loftus, and Al Roos
8th row: Paul Evelyn Berry, Pat Hartegan Spencer, Mike Logan, Fran VanNieuwenhuyse, Larry
Dobbles, and Lou Gangel
Mike Bayne (husband of Kathy Brashears Bayne,
’60, deceased), Fran Barry Burns, Judy Joergens
Mills, and Linda Zahner, OSB.
Bob Garrett, with Joan Brady and Joyce Bradshaw,
welcomes classmates to the 50th Reunion celebration at
Milburn Country Club (Larry Dobbels in forefront).
Left: Reunion organizers: Bob Garrett,
Ann Hayes Blanner, Joan Rieke Brady,
Joyce Beam Bradshaw, and Mike Logan.
Right: Linda Crowley Day, Marie
DeGraeve Justice, and Jeanette Smith
Facebook Connect
and the Saints
Alumni Community
Go to www.aquinascommunity.com
to update your address and also
automatically connect your community
account with your Facebook profile.
For updates on what’s going on at
STA, check out the Saints’ Official
Facebook Page!
This photograph was taken at a
St. Joseph High School class reunion
in 2010.
Submit your best idea for a caption
by February 15, 2011, to the Office
of Alumni Relations at
[email protected] (appropriate
content only). The winner, selected
by school Advancement staff, will
receive a $25 gift certificate for the
Saints Spirit Shop.
St. Joseph’s High School and Project
Talent fifty years later
If you were a member of the St.
Joseph’s Class of 1960, ’61, ’62, or
’63, you might recall participating
in a study of American high school
students sanctioned by the United
States government. Project Talent
surveyed 400,000 students across the
country in 1960, and anyone who
participated is now being sought by
the American Institutes for Research
(AIR) fifty years later to compile and
record the information.
The original purpose of the study
was to identify the aptitudes and
abilities of America’s youth who
were considered the country’s most
valuable resource. The students were
told that the information may help
with “creation of an educational
system, advance medical knowledge
and develop effective retirement
The young people were tested
in areas of language, memory,
mathematics, mechanical reasoning,
and creative thinking. It also included
personal questions about experiences,
family, background, aspirations for the
future and personality types.
According to Project Talent and
AIR personnel who have resurrected
the project, “Large studies that follow
people from adolescence to retirement
age are both rare and extremely
valuable. It provides a way to study
the life experiences of a generation
of Americans whose lives spanned
an amazing period of historical and
cultural change.”
One St. Joseph participant, Mary
Reischman Heckadon, ’60, still has
the card presented to her in March of
her senior year in high school verifying
her involvement in the program.
During her recent 50-Year Class
Reunion, a representative from Project
Talent made a short presentation to
the group at Milburn Country Club.
Mary pulled out her official Project
Talent identification card. Said
Melissa Wentzel from AIR, “We have
been looking for an original ID card and
have yet to find one … until now! “
Project TALENT captured the hopes,
dreams and concerns of a generation of
young Americans coming of age in an
era when the Civil Rights and Women’s
Liberation movements were gaining
momentum. Each student involved has
a story to tell, and Project TALENT
researchers want to hear it. Mary
Heckadon scored high in memorization
skills and punctuation 50 years ago and
knows that she can report that her career
aspirations were fulfilled. She started as
a bank teller and moved up the ranks
to become a manager of new accounts.
Other aspects of her success story
include a happy marriage, three children
and good friends.
To learn more about Project Talent,
go to www.projecttalent.org.
Saint Thomas Aquinas has asked
representatives at Project TALENT to
share the research statistics they gather,
so stay tuned – we hope to share it with
our readers!
Members of the St. Joseph’s High
School classes of 1960, 1961, 1962 and
1963 are encouraged to contact AIR
to register their interest and provide
details of where they can be contacted
to receive further information. You may
call the project 1-866-770-6077 or send
an email to [email protected].
Class of 1970
40-Year Reunion
August 28, 2010
Tanner’s Bar & Grill
– Shawnee
Kathy Wagner Shirley and
Sister Lillian (Sr. Mary
Reunion committee Rick Stasi, Barb Kievlan Fowler,
and DJ Zarda
Fr. Mike Stechman with Barb Kievlan Fowler, Shelley Gerety Hamilton,
Sharon Charlton Soetaert, and Charlene McGrew Broxterman.
Sister Mary Joyce (former teacher at St. Joe) and Joan LaCombe
Peggy Lero, Mike Cindrich, and Jeanine Cindrich
Mark Bensley, Shelley Gerety
Hamilton, and JoAnn Smith Werner
Debbie Lutz Sadler, Pam McNeely Crain, Jeanne Holmes McGrath, and
Debbie Maurer Barbieri
Joanne Verhaeghe Eaton, Mary Ann Humphrey,
Jeanne Stumpff Okre, and Sandy Klusman
Bill Holder ‘69, Bob McGrath, and John Schroeder
Class of 1975
35-Year Reunion
June 26, 2010
Quivira Lake Golf & Country
Class of 1975 35-Year Reunion Attendees
David Nigro and Deb Miller Shackelford
Joe Tschirhart, Ron Sailler, and Mark Pilcher
Mary Knipper Walker and Beth Knoebber Fritz
Tim Hayes, Mirian Doherty, and Dan
Class of 1980
30-Year Reunion
July 31, 2010
Barley’s Brewhaus – Shawnee
Group Photo (Courtesy of Wilborn & Associates Photography)
Cathy Solar Mertz, Mike (Toby) Tyler, and
Brian Ferguson
Denise Dressler, Mary Kay Watson Caswell,
Lisa Burger VanMeerhaege, Jane Howe Hall,
and Carol DeCock
Marty Regan, Julie Soetaert King, and Dana
DeGraeve McBee
Greg Nachbar, Frank Imgrund, Dan Skahan,
Steve Willis, Lois Willis, and Dan Pflumm
Class of 1990
20-Year Reunion
July 30-31, 2010
Barley’s Brewhaus – Shawnee, and
Brio’s Tuscan Grille – Country
Club Plaza
Group Photo (Courtesy of Wilborn & Associates Photography)
Above: Cary Vielhauer Smith, Megan Carroll
Race, Stefanie Mavec Maxedon, and John
Right: Ann Pavlich Kimminau, Cathy Scaletty
McHadden, and Angela Richardson Siefkes
Below: Ranee Runnebaum, Ann Beaven
Berning, Paula Krudwig, and Patty Smith
Greg Payne, Missy Seibold Marchand, Ryan Ross,
and Dawn Vielhauer Alley
First row, left-to-right: Kathy Tyler Gilstrap, Angela Richardson
Siefkes, Jennifer Jackman Crane, and Mike Skahan
Second row: Mike Crane and Jon Bichelmeyer
Kelly Everhart VanKeirsbilsk, Mike
Skahan, Cary Vielhauer Smith, Aaron
Alley, and Jon Bichelmeyer
Dawn Vielhauer Alley, Jason Ellis, Laura
Hagel Logan, and Cary Vielhauer Smith
Theresa Reschke Newbold, Eileen Rodriguez, Gretchen
Cisper, and Maureen Cameron.
Class of 1995
15-Year Reunion
October 8-9, 2010
Saint Thomas Aquinas High
School, and Paddy O’Quigley’s
- Leawood
Jennifer Zarda Binkley, Andrea Sauceda
Schwarzenberger, and Lisa Rief Nelson
Jimmy Baker & Nicholas DiCarlo
Ryan North, Jennifer Schumm Kilroy, and
Patty Falco Novacek
Above: Julie Ellsworth Ryser, Lisa Schlagel
Kopp, Steve Jaklevic, Angie Goode Atkinson,
Patty Falco Novacek, Joe Novacek (class of
‘94), and Peter Zukel
Left: Jerome Bobbitt, Jeanette DeBrine
Curtin, Lisa Schlagel Kopp, Julie Ellsworth
Ryser, and Joe Novacek, ‘94
Tim Owens, Julie Ellsworth Ryser, Patty Falco
Novacek, Maile Robichaud, Jennifer Schumm
Kilroy, Angie Goode Atkinson, and Peter
Class of 2005
5-Year Reunion
November 26, 2010
Johnny’s Tavern – Overland Park
Left: Jason Collett, Dan Cowan, Ian Hartsig,
Grant Damas, Jake Michalski, and Matt
Left: Katie Kuckelman,
Mallory Curry, Ashlie
Kirk, and Laura
Cindrich Foote
Right: Mark Dent
(in Aquinas uniform!),
Natasha Butler (guest),
and Jono Gaughan
Class 0f 2000
10-Year Reunion
July 23-25, 2010
The Levee in Westport, Saint
Thomas Aquinas High School,
and Shawnee Mission Park
Class of 2000 Group Photo (Courtesy of Wilborn & Associates Photography)
Reunion organizers Lindsey Mackey Calovich,
Mike Dennihan, and Elizabeth Kisthardt
Brett Gaughan and Mike Kolich
Annie Tompkins, Mike and Kristi Dennihan
Julie Super Heier, Tim Herre, Emily Hodes
Gretzinger, and Jean Owens Cornell
Lindsey Mackey Calovich and
Andrew Calovich
Casey and Amanda Lewis Connealy, Sarah Bailey
Spurlock, and Vince Huber
Jill Halleran, Jennifer Harrington, and Christy
Jennifer Chladek, Derrick Rieke, and Rob
David and Elizabeth Kisthardt Samples, and
Ashleigh and Caleb George
All Years Reunion
Homecoming 2010
at Saint Thomas Aquinas
High School
Dan Pflumm, ’80, Jeff Robinson, and Nancy Robinson, ‘81
Patti Nicks Beaver, ‘77, Frank Imgrund, ‘80, and
Mary Watson Caswell, ‘80
Marianne Pinard Blake, ‘55, and
Gwen Stephenson Echard, ‘55
Julie Bruce O’Connor, ‘95, Lisa Schlagel Kopp, ‘95,
and Corey Haskin, ‘95
Paul Boone, ‘82, Patty Boone, J.J. Miller, and
Barb Miller
Jeff Redmond, ‘95, and Jeremy
O’Connor, ‘95
Patty White Lewis, ‘95, Steve Jaklevic, ‘95, and Lisa
Suellentrop Kelley, ‘95
Karen Garies Miller, ‘79, Patty Boone, Michelle Butel Hersh ‘79,
Melissa Brown Nachbar, ‘79, and Jane Dillbeck Shriver, ‘79
Mark Schroeger, ‘61, and Paul Schroeger, ‘62
“Get the Job Done”
2010 Homecoming
The week of October 4 was an
exciting one with Homecoming
activities in full swing at STA.
Classes competed for spirit points in
banner, float and homecoming skit
categories. Over 1,100 guests attended
the Homecoming Tailgate and pregame pep rally which preceded the
homecoming football game. Especially
noteworthy were members of the St.
Joseph’s class of 1955 who attended
the tailgate dinner and stayed to watch
the football game vs. Webb City. At
half-time, Jake Rea and Laura Negley
were named Homecoming King
and Queen. After the game, alumni
gathered in the auxiliary gym for the
All-Years Reunion where the classes
of 1995 and 1985 also hosted their
reunions. The celebration concluded
with the students’ Homecoming
Dance on Saturday, October 9.
The 2010 Homecoming Court: (seated left to right) Laura Negley, Meghan Zych, Lauren Strickler,
Julie Crooks, and Jenna Boutte
2nd row, Kyle Kane, Tom Skevington, Jake Rea, Jonathan Pyle, and Kyle Whigham.
Right: Father Andrew Strobl
displayed his STA pride and joined
Laura and Jake after the crowning.
Below: Head football coach Mike
Thomas fires up the crowd at the
pep assembly.
Former Saints
work hard in the
Winning raffle winners bought the right to
throw a pie in the face of their favorite teacher.
Vickie Schroeder, Sarah Burgess, and Craig
Ewing (above) waited for the taste of whipped
cream to hit them while Leo Brown, Greg
Wilson and Chris Berger (below) nervously
anticipated their turn.
Seniors (from left to right) Amanda Gress,
Katie Lind and Kelly Whiteside got into the
spirit of Homecoming.
Three former Saints women’s
soccer players have earned 2010
CoSIDA/ESPN Academic AllDistrict Women’s Soccer Honors
in a release issued by CoSIDA
Tuesday, Nov. 2: Kelsey Butler-GK,
Lynn University (Aquinas 09),
Alison Gasparovich- Midfielder,
Indiana State (Aquinas 07), and
Jessica Teahan- GK, Missouri
State (Aquinas 07). Players are
nominated by their coaches and
voted on by member coaches
for outstanding academics and
contributions on the field.
In MemoriAm
In Memoriam
Stephen Bangert, age 66, of Lenexa,
Kansas, passed away June 16, 2010.
He is the husband of alumni parent
Barb Bangert and father of David
(Lisa) Bangert, ‘92, and Erich (Dawn)
Bangert, ‘96.
Manny Blando, age 83, of
Kansas City, Missouri, passed away
July 24, 2010. He is the father of
alumni parents Mary Kay (Rich)
Culp, Courtney (Steve) Williams
and Connie (Gerry) Euston, and
grandfather of Christine (Danny, ‘96)
Culp Lemmon, ‘96, Kevin Culp, ‘99,
Jessica Williams, ‘03, John (Jamie)
Euston, ‘96, Patrick (Kristin) Euston,
‘99, Michael Euston, ‘00, Stephen
(Julie) Euston, ‘02, and Kathleen
Euston, ‘06.
Please contact Cindy Winkler in the STA Advancement Office at
913-319-2425 or [email protected] if you would like to recognize a
deceased loved one or submit a records-update.
11, 2010. He is the husband of Millie
Nachbar LeCluyse, ‘45, who died on
January 26, 2010. He is the father
of John LeCluyse, Geri (Randy,
‘68) LeCluyse John, ‘69, Patty (Bill)
LeCluyse Lutz, ‘72, Mary Beth (Hank)
LeCluyse Alston, ‘75, and Bill (Kendra
McMullen, ‘80) LeCluyse, Jr., ‘78,
and grandfather of Jennifer John,
‘93, Stacy John, ‘96, Jessica John, ‘00,
and Ellesha LeCluyse, ’07. Bill is also
the brother-in-law of Mickey (Tom,
‘52) Zarda, ‘53, and relative of many
alumni nieces, nephews, cousins and
extended family.
John E. McLaury, Sr., age 72,
passed away November 28, 2010. He is
the father of alumni/current parents
Mary Jo (Kevin) Rooney and Susan
(Scott) Baska, and the grandfather of
Abby Cockrill, age 22, of Platte
City, Missouri, passed away August 22, Ashley Rooney, ‘04, Lauren Rooney,
‘07, Katherine Rooney, ‘09, Sara
2010 as a result of a car accident. She
Rooney, ‘11, David Baska, ‘09, Megan
is the niece of faculty member Phil
Baska, ’10, and Michael Baska (Betty) Farnan.
current junior, and Jacqueline Baska.
Robert “Bob” Durig, age 58, of
Bernard “Bubba” Miller, age 73, of
Overland Park, Kansas, passed away
Kansas passed away Monday,
suddenly on November 7, 2010. He is
June 7, 2010. He is the husband of
the husband of alumni parent Nancy
Marjorie VanNieuwenhuyse Miller,
Durig, and father of alumni Dan
‘56, father of Terri Miller, ‘75, and
(Catherine) Durig, ‘94, Kerry (Ian)
Susie (Jeff) Miller Meyers, ‘76, and
Durig Smith, ‘95, Shannon Durig,
grandfather of Caitlyn Meyers, ‘03,
‘00, and Michael Durig, ‘02. Bob was
and Brenna Meyers, ‘07. He is also
the “Voice of the Saints” for the STA
the brother of Albert Miller, ‘50, John
Soccer program and a member of the
(Barbara) Miller, ‘52, Tom Miller,
Saint Thomas Aquinas Soccer Hall
‘57, Carole (Bob) Miller Burns, ‘58,
of Fame.
Robert Miller, ‘60 dec., Daniel Miller,
John Jaklevic, Sr., age 79, of Kansas ‘63 dec., Kathy (Mark) Miller Gandy,
City, Kansas, passed away on July 20,
‘65, Aggie (Alan) Miller Willoughby,
2010. He is the brother of alumni
‘66, and Michael Miller (dec.).
parent Anne (Dave) Mullin.
He is brother-in-law of Bill (Mary)
Russell Frank Jeffreys, age 79, of
VanNieuwenhuyse, ‘60, and relative of
Overland Park, Kansas, passed away
many alumni nieces, nephews, cousins
July 13, 2010. He is the father of staff
and extended family.
member Cindy (Scott) Winkler, and
Jill Mullin, ‘98, passed away August
grandfather of Tim Dummermuth,
14, 2010, from complications of a
‘05, and Andrew Winkler,
previous accident. She is the daughter
current freshman.
of alumni parents Anne and David
Bill LeCluyse, ‘44, age 83, of
Lenexa, Kansas, passed away August
Mullin, and sister of alumni Pat
(Amanda) Mullin, ‘03, and Libby
Mulllin, ‘08. Jill earned an Associate
Degree from Johnson County
Community College and also worked
there in the counseling center. She
was a member of the Math Club while
at Saint Thomas Aquinas, and was
featured on the cover of the Back-toSchool 2008 issue of Saints Spirit in
honor of faculty member Chuck Lynn
at his retirement.
Joseph Ernest Orrick, age 77, of
Prairie Village, Kansas, passed away
May 19, 2010. He is the father of
faculty member Joe (Lisa) Orrick.
Matthew Stasevich, ‘03, passed
away September 24, 2010, as a result
of an accident in the home. He is
the son of alumni parents Cindy
and Vance Stasevich, and brother
of alumna Kathryn (Alex) Stasevich
Zubia, ‘99. Matthew graduated
with a Bachelor of Science degree
in Chemical Engineering from the
University of Missouri-Rolla, and was
working toward his master’s degree in
the same field, also at Rolla. Matthew
was a member of National Honor
Society, played flute in the band, and
was a member of Chess Club while at
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School.
He received Summa Cum Laude
academic honors upon graduation
in 2003.
Edward J. Tomczuk, age 84, of
Kansas City North passed away
August 14, 2010. He is the father of
alumni parent Anne (Jim) Fields, and
grandfather of Patrick (Ashley Quick,
‘03) Fields, ‘04, and Robert (Joanne)
Fields, ‘07.
William E. Van Pelt, age 85, of
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, passed
away August 12, 2010. He is the father
of parent Tom (Cindy) Van Pelt and
grandfather of Alex Van Pelt, current
Saints Masses
Saints Mass at K-State
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Front row, left to right: Michelle Bergman, ‘06, Erin
Ebeling, ‘10, Alyssa Adamany, ‘10, Blake Moroney, ‘08, Mike
Peabody, ‘10, and Cassie Hernandez ‘10
Middle row: Molly Reilly, ‘10, Jake Miller, ‘10, Bridget
Brown, ‘08, Brittany Boddicker, ‘07, Lauren Lickteig, ‘07,
Ellesha LeCluse, ‘07, Gianna Misenhelter, ‘10, and Madison
Huber ‘10
Back row: Kaitlin Oldenhuis, ‘10, Beth DeMars, ‘10, Tom
Greer, ‘08, Bud Pflumm, ‘08, Dan Weger, ‘08, Scott Poelzl,
‘09, Robert Fields, ‘07, and Brian Sullivan, ‘07
Not pictured: Kevin Ahrens, ‘08, Luke Young, ‘08, Daniel
Linder, ‘09, Elisa Navickas, ‘10
Front row, left to right: Kevin Moroney, Karen Garies
Miller, ‘79, Monica Greer, and Patrick Fields, ‘04
2nd row: Ellese Miller (current sophomore), Maria
Hernandez, Susie Taylor, Giovanna Misenhelter, Anne Fields,
Joanne Fields, and Ashley Quick Fields, ‘03
3rd row: Tom Miller, Phil Hernandez, Janet Huber, Shelly
Sullivan, Ken Misenhelter, Jim Fields, Robert Fields, ‘07, and
Michon Quick
4th row: Joann Weger, Matthew Weger, Rusty Brown,
Charlie Huber, and Tom Greer
Not pictured: Peggy Adamany, Kris and Barb Bergman
Saints Mass at KU
September 26, 2010
Front row, left to right: Emily Majerle, ‘08, Amanda Rixey, ‘10, Maddy Luther, ‘10, Emily Wagner, ‘10, Emily Delong, ‘10,
Rose Shriver, ‘10, Cara Winkley, ‘10, and Grace Del Nero, ‘04/Director of Development at St. Lawrence.
Back row: Chris Seib, ‘07, Jonathan Seib, ‘10, Devin Clement, ‘10, Stephen Nelson, ‘10, Ryan Dennihan, ‘07, Jason Falen, ‘10,
Austin Quick, ‘07, Fr. Steve Beseau, ‘84 and Director at St. Lawrence, Raymond Carr, ‘94, (hidden) Kevin Trader, ‘08, Fr. Mitchel
Zimmerman, former STA Chaplain and Co-Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese, Sean Quigley, ‘09, Brent Blazek, ‘05, Carter
Zielinski, ‘12, Kyle Haeusser, ‘07, Sean Ebeling, ‘08, Brigid Halling, ‘07, and Jennifer Ashley, ‘07.
Not pictured: Jordan Herbert, ‘07, Gina Littlejohn, ‘07, Helen Mubarak, ‘07, Tony Morello, ‘08 Bryan Thelen, ‘08, Chelsea
Didde, ‘09, Adam Jeffries, ‘09, Brianna Maltby, ‘10, Lindsey Mayfield, ‘10.
Robert Dehaemers is a retired Registered
Nurse Executive. A nurse for 47 years, he recently
traveled with ten other representatives from the
United States to China and Hong Kong as a
Citizen Ambassador with the Eisenhower People
to People Foundation to learn about the Chinese
Health System. Robert enjoys spending time in
New York City as well as in Arlington, Texas,
where he resides.
Gals of Fifty-Eight
Albert Roos was inducted into the Donnelly
College Alumni Hall of Fame in May 2010.
Graduating from Donnelly in 1963, Albert
earned his Bachelor of Science degree from
Benedictine College and his master’s degree from
Pittsburg State University. Albert now teaches
high school math and statistics honors classes
in Lexington, Massachusetts. He is also a retired
high school football official.
Dennis Owens, a Kansas City attorney, and
his wife Kathy, have given nearly 3,000 books to
the Greenlease Library at Rockhurst University
in honor and memory of Dr. George Mandler
of Chillicothe, Missouri. Worth more than
$100,000, the books cover a range of topics such
as world history, philosophy, theology, science,
American history, ethics, the U.S. Constitution,
the history of ideas and literature, with a strong
concentration on the Holocaust.
Dr. Mandler, an ENT physician who trained at
Karl University in Prague, Poland, met and fell in
love with his wife, Erika, while in a concentration
camp in Nazi-occupied Slovakia. Dennis Owens
met the Mandlers in his role as Consul General
of the Republic of Austria for Kansas and
Missouri when he helped Erika Mandler apply
for and receive a pension from the Austrian
government for victims of Nazi oppression.
The Mandler and Owens families developed a
close friendship over the years; Dennis chose to
honor his friends through his gift to Rockhurst
University upon Dr. Mandler’s death in 1994.
Kathleen Ann Wheeler is a Professor of
Psychiatric Nursing at Fairfield University, a
Jesuit institution in Fairfield, Connecticut. She
was honored last fall in Atlanta, Georgia, by the
prestigious American Academy of Nursing when
she was inducted as a Fellow.
Charles Pope and his wife, Ramona, are both
educators and live in Olathe, Kansas. Charles is
now retired. They have two sons, Mark, 25, and
Matt, 21.
Since graduating from St. Joseph High School in Shawnee, many members
of the class of 1958 had – over time – lost touch with one another. Now,
after reconnecting in April 2008 at their 50th class reunion, the “Gals of
Fifty-Eight” have been getting together in the KC area about every six weeks!
Last May, several classmates celebrated their 70th birthdays at Crown Center
with lunch, a birthday cake and attending the Dixie Swim Club production
at the American Heartland Theater. Pictured left-to-right are: Frances
VandeKerhove Van Meerhaeghe, Mary Ann DeGrande Campbell, Margaret
Ann DuPont Ciston, Patty Toeneboehn Maurer, Ruth Ann Morrison
Hedquist, Darlene Hofer Barry, Judy Hall Strausbaugh, Edith Goyer Spoor,
Trudy McGrath Rosner, and Mary Louise Kenney Davolt.
If you would like to join the Gals of Fifty-Eight for future activities or plan
a visit to the Kansas City area, please call Darlene Hofer Barry at
913-631-7218, or email Trudy McGrath Rosner at [email protected].
Mary Beth Beaven Komosa and her husband,
Jim, have three children: Mark, 24, Michael,
22, and Sam, 18. The family resides in Lenexa,
Desiree’ Stipp-Bethune and husband David
celebrated the first birthday of their daughter,
Beulah Rose Stipp-Bethune, on October 5,
2010. Beulah has two brothers, J. R. – age 5, and
Simeon – age 4. The family lives in Des Moines,
Amy Borders O’Neal has a daughter, Maggie,
who will be singing at Carnegie Hall in spring
2011 with a select choir called the Trubadors,
from Newman University in Wichita, Kansas.
Newman University is overseen by the Adorers of
the Blood of Christ sisters, where the nuns also
serve as counselors and live in the Mother House
just off campus.
Kathy Schmitt Matson and her husband,
Kevin, live in Blue Springs, Missouri, with their
two children: Brittany, 18, and Brandon, 17.
Angelique’ Bethune Pritchett and her
husband, John, along with daughter, Gabrielle
– age 4, and son, Joseph – age 3, welcomed their
new family member, son Isaac Alexander, born
July 10, 2010.
Jill Newton Trotman is a registered dietician
and Diabetes educator and lives in Springfield,
Missouri. Her husband, Robin, is a physician;
they have two children, Sarah Jane and Caroline.
Burton Harding married Casie Brammer, on
July 17, 2010, in Overland Park. She is an account
manager for SpedTrack, a Springfield, Missouribased company that sells software for special
education. Burton is a lawyer in Girard, Kansas,
where the couple resides.
Meghan Luttrell earned her Elementary
Education Bachelor of Science degree from
Kansas State University in 2005, and her Master
of Arts in Education from Baker University in
2008. She is currently a 5th grade teacher for
the Blue Valley school district in Overland Park,
Scott Shaw lives in Hermosa Beach, California,
where he is sales manager for Rehrig Pacific,
a plastics manufacturing company. He earned
his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from
Rockhurst University in 2004.
Mary Drbal Hoover lives in Deltona, Florida,
with her husband, Erik, and their one-year-old
son, Desmond Franklin Hoover. Mary works for
Sorenson Communications, interpreting phone
conversations for deaf people, and is currently
working toward her Master of Education degree
in American Sign Language. Mary earned her
Bachelor’s Degree in Communications Sciences
and Disorders from the University of North
Florida and also was married in 2008.
Alum Leads the Way
Kelly M. Unger, ’07, senior class president at the University of Kansas,
was recently nominated as one of ten finalists for the 20th annual
Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership “Ex.C.E.L.”Awards at
the University of Kansas. Nominees were selected on the basis of leadership,
effective communication skills, involvement at KU and in the Lawrence
community, academic scholarship and ability to work with a variety of
students and organizations.
To be eligible, applicants must be full-time undergraduate students with
an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or higher. Each finalist completed an
application and participated in an interview. The finalists, all seniors, were
recognized during a private reception at the Adams Alumni Center and
participated in the 2010 homecoming parade along Jayhawk Boulevard. The
selection committee included representatives from Student Union Activities,
the Board of Class Officers, the Student Involvement and Leadership
Center and the Homecoming Steering Committee.
In addition to her senior class president position, Kelly is president of
the KU Blood Drive Committee. She is a member of Kappa Delta sorority,
Mortar Board national honor society, and volunteers with the local Boys
and Girls Club. After graduation, Kelly plans to pursue a master’s degree in
public administration.
Elizabeth Tyler graduated from Drake
University in 2009 with a degree in Actuarial
Science and Finance. She is an Actuarial Analyst
with AON Consulting and lives in Lenexa,
Evan Harding has started his own business,
Harding Plumbing, and resides in Prairie Village,
Catherine O’Neill earned her BSBA degree
from Creighton University in 2007 with majors in
Management Information Systems and Business
Ethics. After graduation, she volunteered for a
year with AmeriCorps in Los Angeles. Currently
Catherine provides IT Support for a non-profit
that operates a few parks in New York.
Kelly Flaherty recently accepted a position as
an on-staff graphic designer with Sterling College,
a Christ-centered, four-year college located in
Sterling, Kansas, Kelly has been working as a
free-lance artist/web-designer since she graduated
from Kansas City Art Institute in 2009.
Andrea Carabetta earned her Pharmacy degree
from the UMKC School of Pharmacy in May
William Keegan earned his Bachelor of
Science degree in Elementary Education from
Kansas State University in 2010. He lives in
Bucyrus, Kansas.
Beth Mendenhall is Kansas State University’s
sole nominee for the Rhodes and Marshall
Scholarships this year.
Cassie Belek competed on “Who Wants to
Be a Millionaire” last year, winning $100,000.
The shows aired in May 2010 while Cassie was
completing her graduate work in Journalism
at the University of Missouri. Earning her
undergraduate degree from the University of
Notre Dame, Cassie remarked upon winning her
prize that she would happily be able to pay for her
student education loans!
Courtney Zande Weber recently received the
Parenting Children with Special Needs inaugural
“Educators making a Difference Award.” This
honor goes to educators who touch the lives of
children with special needs in school districts
across the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
Courtney earned her teaching degree from Miami
University of Ohio and is currently pursuing
her master’s degree in special education with
an emphasis in autism from the University of
Kansas. She and her husband, Curtis, live in
Overland Park.
SP/4 James H. Cerv
and his squadron are
currently working from
a forward operating
base in Ghazni,
Jamie Cerv is on
a 12 month-tour in
Afghanistan with
the 101st Air Assault
Division. A member
of Angel Company,
3rd Battalion, 187th
Infantry, he will be
returning to Ft Campbell, Kentucky, in February
Austin Quick is a blues/jazz/rock songwriter
and keyboard player for “The Louisiana Street
Band,” a finalist in the “U Rock! Battle of the
Best” national band competition sponsored by
General Mills Foodservice. After winning the fall
2010 “On-Campus Contest” at the University
of Kansas, the band became one of ten (10)
national finalists and ultimately received the most
online votes during a month-long contest. The
Louisiana Street Band will now travel Los Angeles
to compete live against the 2nd and 3rd place
groups. The winning band will earn a recording
session at Firehouse Recording Studios in L.A.
Running to Success
Alyssa Bellinder, ‘06, senior
at Kansas State University, was
recognized for her hard work in
the classroom at the NCAA cross
country national championship
banquet receiving the NCAA Elite
88 Award as the top student-athlete
in her sport with a perfect 4.0 GPA.
“I was always taught to do
everything to the best of my ability,
and I carried that over to college,”
Bellinder said. “I never let myself
not do my best in anything whether
it’s running or grades. This is
something I’ve been working so hard
at, and it’s paid off.”
The Elite 88 Award recognizes
the true essence of the studentathlete by honoring the individual
who has reached the pinnacle
of competition at the national
championship level in his or her
sport, while also achieving the
highest academic standard among
his or her peers. The Elite
88 is presented to the
student-athlete with the
highest cumulative gradepoint average participating
at the finals site for
each of the NCAA’s 88
championships each year.
K-State head cross
country coach Michael
Smith said this award is
a testament to the type
of person Bellinder is
Jessica Teahan is a senior at Missouri State
University and goalkeeper for women’s soccer
program. She was named to the 2010 Missouri
Valley Conference Pre-season team. An early
childhood major with an overall GPA of 3.81,
last year Jessica was named to the Missouri Valley
Conference Scholar-Athlete first team, chosen
defensive player-of-the-week twice and was AllMVC first team.
and the commitment she has made
to excellence in all walks of life. “We
often measure success in athletics
through competition. I commend the
NCAA for coming up with a way to
recognize kids for their hard work in
the classroom,” Smith said.
Smith added that the award is
significant to him as a coach because
Bellinder almost chose not to compete
in athletics, and now she has achieved
the pinnacle in her sport competing at
the NCAA Championship and being
recognized as her sport’s top student.
“Alyssa has been running the Elite
88 race in the classroom for four-plus
years and along the way never received
anything less than an ‘A.’ When she
arrived at K-State, Alyssa didn’t think
she could handle running and school
at the same time. Not only is she
doing both; she’s doing both at the
highest level.”
Bellinder, a fifth-year senior who
is double-majoring in math and
education, said this award
is special to her because all
the hard work is coming
to fruition and something
she did not think was
possible. “I’m really excited
about it,” Bellinder said. “I
never thought this would
happen, and it’s all coming
Eligible student-athletes
are sophomores or above
who have participated in
Tom Greer, ‘08, and Patrick Short, ‘06,
were recently inducted into the Kansas State
University Chapter of Tau Beta Phi, the national
engineering honor society.
Allison Mayfield, member of the women’s
volleyball team at the University of Kansas,
has been named to the Academic All-Big 12
Conference First Team. Currently in her junior
year, Allison is majoring in Exercise Science.
their sport for
at least two
years with their
school. They
must be an
active member
of the team,
traveling and
a designated
member of the squad size at the
championship. All ties are broken by
the number of credits completed.
Bellinder won the award on the
credit hours tie-breaker rule as four
other student-athletes had perfect
4.0 GPA’s. Completing 122 credit
hours with a double-major prior to
the fall 2010 semester, Alyssa will
begin her student teaching in spring
2011 and become a teacher next fall.
“We’re very proud of Alyssa and
her accomplishments. She’s a great
example of perseverance,” Smith
said. “How lucky is the school that
gets Alyssa Bellinder as one of their
Story courtesy
of Kansas State
University Sports
New teachers at STA
Meet Karen Ruder,
Karen grew
up in Victoria,
(home of the
Cathedral of
the Plains)
where “faith
and family
were the cornerstones of living.” She
comes from a family of educators:
both parents are teachers (music
and business), her two older sisters
are music teachers, and a younger
brother is a math teacher. She and her
husband Chris have been married 19
years and are parents of two daughters
- Addison, 7, and Morgan, 3.
She attended Marymount College
in Salina, Kansas, for two years
before receiving a BA in Math from
Fort Hays State University, where
she has been working on a Masters
in Leadership Studies. She taught
math at Bishop Ward High School
in Kansas City from 1990-1995. She
then worked for the Kansas State High
School Activities Association as the
Director of Information Services and
Kansas Student Council Executive
Director from 1995 -2008.
Karen’s thoughts on joining the
Saint Thomas Aquinas community:
“After growing up in a small
Catholic community, my husband
and I wanted to raise our children in
a similar environment. That’s hard to
do in the heart of the metro! For me,
joining the staff at STA has moved
me a little more toward that small
community feeling. Despite the school
being large, the staff and students have
been welcoming and warm and very
supportive. It really IS a community of
Meet John Burgess,
Band Teacher
Growing up in
Kansas City, Kansas,
John Burgess is
back home. He and
his wife Debra are
parents of five-yearold Olivia. The band
instructor attended
Wichita State
University where
he graduated with
Bachelor of Arts degrees in Music and
Music Education.
John also attended the CincinnatiCollege Conservatory of Music and
graduated in 1993 with a Master of
Music degree. As a member of the
Skyline Brass Quintet and a part of
the National Endowment of the Arts
Chamber Music - America Rural
Residency program for four years, he
lived in Oregon for three of those
years and in Iowa for one year. In
1999 he moved back to Kansas City
to work for GE Capital, most
recently as a project manager. He
taps into his music talent, playing
in the orchestra at Church of the
Resurrection since 2005.
John’s thoughts on joining
the Saint Thomas Aquinas
“What is unique about
Aquinas is the family and friendly
atmosphere that exists between
parents, students, and faculty. I
haven’t had a bad day since I started
in June. The students are awesome.
They’re very friendly and exhibit
positive Catholic values.”
English teachers invited to present
proposals at national conference
Saint Thomas Aquinas
English teachers Kristi Nourie,
Sue Waters, Susan Dillingham
and Media Center coordinator
Barb Summerson were invited
to present a program called
“Past Forward: Keeping
Literature Relevant” at the
NCTE conference in Orlando
on November 18, 2010. Nourie STA English teachers (First row): Barb Summerson,
presented a lesson on Orwell’s Sue Waters, Susan Dillingham; (Second row):
1984; Waters presented a lesson Paula McCarthy, Lisa Bauman, Kristi Nourie
on Frankenstein; and Dillingham
discussed Inherit the Wind. Summerson put together resource sets for each
presentation, composed of current novels, movies, short stories, poetry,
songs, newspaper and magazine articles, and video clips that help make the
classic novels relevant to today’s students.
Freshman English teacher Paula McCarthy and senior English teacher
Lisa Bauman presented an Intra-school Pen Pal Project that pairs freshmen
with seniors to improve writing skills. Another outcome of the project is to
promote friendship and foster understanding between classes.
These teachers’ proposals were selected from over 1,200 submitted.
2010 Spring Sports Softball
League: 4th
Regional/Sub State: 2nd
Season Record: 13-9
Records broken: Trent Miller (season batting
average .559), season Hits (38), season Home
Runs (10)
EKL First Team: James Boddicker (IF), Trent
Miller (C), Ryan Backs (OF)
All State: Trent Miller (C)
Coaches: Lorne Parks (head), Brandon
Greeson, Mike Boddicker, Scott Russell,
Mark Cobb, Bob Specht, Graham Parish
League: 1st
Regional/Sub State: 1st
State: 3rd
Team records broken: Andrea Piezuch (hits 45,
triples 8, stolen bases 32, runs scored 31)
EKL : Andrea Piezuch (OF), Kaitlyn Nill (P),
Paige Mason (IF)
All Sun Country: Andrea Piezuch – Player of
the Year, Katelyn Nill (P), Paige Mason (IF)
All State: Andrea Piezuch, (OF) first team;
Kellie White (P) 2nd team, Katelyn Nill
(DP/Utility) 2nd team
Coaches: Chris Orel (head), Kerri Jennings,
Craig Drummond, Jerry Nosbish, Al Miner,
Terry Droge, Stan Spurlin
League: 4th
Regional/Sub State: 1st
State: 6th
Girls Swimming
League: 4th
State: 1st
Girls Soccer
(14TH Regional title, 14th Mo-Kan title, 10th
State title)
League: 2nd
Regional/Sub State: 1st
Team records broken: Hannah Pyle (23 goals
as freshman), Maggie Harrison (12 shutouts,
3rd all time), Ashley Washburn (goals,
assists, and total points, 5th all time)
EKL: Ashley Washburn, Nikki Fontana, Nicky
All Sun Country first team: Nikki Fontana,
Ashley Washburn, Hannah Pyle
All Metro first team: Nikki Fontana
All State: Ashley Washburn, Nikki Fontana,
Nicky Alfonsin, Hanna Pyle
Coaches: Craig Ewing (head), Chuck
Hammons, Sara Figoni, Brian White, Tim
Zande, Jim Colwell (assistants)
League: 5th
Regional: 3rd
State: 10th
EKL First team: Cooper Crooks, Steven
Geist, David Glenski, Kevin Klein, Nick
Loughman, Steven Radetic, George
Skevington, Matt Urban, Alex Weitkamp,
Nick Williams
All Sun Country: George Skevington (jumps),
Alex Weitkamp (distance)
Coaches: Craig Moss (head), Sarah Flogel,
Rick Hetzel, Jeff Hicks, Greg Wilson, Justin
Wrigley (assistants)
Girls Track and Field
League: 5th
Regional/Sub State: 1st
State: 6th
Boys Golf
All State: Parker Beck
Coaches: Ryan Best (head), Mark Smith
Boys Track and Field
Records broken: 200 Medley Relay 1:52.28
(Sara Lopez, Kaela Ropson, Megan Greving,
Monica Dudley); 200 Ind. Medley (Kaela
Ropson); 100 Fly 57.69 (Megan Greving);
500 Freestyle 5:06.92 (Monica Dudley
All State team: Monica Dudley, Kaela Ropson,
Megan Greving, Sara Lopez, Ellie Murphy
Coaches: Rick Jenkins (head), Nick Erker,
Rachel Gunkel – diving (assistants)
Boys Tennis
League: 4th
Regional: 1st
Records: Best finish as team in school history
and most points scored as a team in school
history. First boys tennis banner in gym for
state runner-up.
State team: Singles Christian Boschert Second
place, Singles Tyler Jackson 9th place
Doubles Dan Woodward/Donald Mulvaney
10th place
Doubles Alex Shinn/Nick Logan
All State Academic Team Dan Woodward and
Christian Boschert
Coaches: David Shriver (head), Tim Lillis
Team Records broken: Laynie Timmons, triple
jump 36’03.75”
EKL First Team: Elizabeth Ashley, Anne
Clark, Morgan commodore, Betsy Donahue,
Maddie Greer, Mary Cate Halling, Kayla
Hare, Roz Henn, Morgan Hicks, Anna
Sabatini, Blakely Swanson, Megan Tehan,
Laynie Timmons, Meagan Wilderson
Coaches: Craig Moss (head), Sarah Flogel,
Rick Hetzel, Jeff Hicks, Greg Wilson, Justin
Wrigley (assistants)
Boys Cross Country
League: 1st
Regional: 1st
EKL: Alex Weitkamp, Craig Meixelsperger,
Tom Coffin, Nick Logan
All Metro: 1st Team: Alex Weitkamp
All State: Alex Weitkamp, Craig Meixelsperger,
Tom Coffin
Academic All State: Alex Weitkamp, Nick
Coaches: Justin Wrigley (head), Matt Hallauer,
Jim Halling, Terry Droge, Sarah Flogel
Girls Cross Country
League: 1st
Regional: 1st
EKL: Libby Reazin, Betsy Donahue, Bailee
Cofer, Jennifer Angles
All Metro: 1st Team: Bailee Cofer, Libby
All State: Bailee Cofer, Libby Reazin, Betsy
Donahue, Jennifer Angles
Academic All State Betsy Donahue, Roz Henn
Coaches: Justin Wrigley (head), Matt Hallauer,
Jim Halling, Terry Droge, Sarah Flogel
Girls Golf
League: 1st
Regional: 1st
Records broken: Lowest team score at State
(303); Lowest individual scores at State -- Ali
Kruse (70: -2 under), Isabella Baldacci (72 –
even par)
EKL: Ali Kruse, Isabella Baldacci
All State: Ali Kruse, Isabella Baldacci, Jordan
Chael, Jillian Montalvo, Bailee Winslow
Coaches: Ryan Best (head), John Tompkins
Boys Soccer
League: 2nd
Regional/Sub State: 1st
Records broken: 7 goals allowed in a season;
19 Regional Title, 14th State Title, 8th
straight title
EKL: Thomas Schermoly, Kyle Gress, Thomas
Skevington, Kyle Whigham, Andrew Brown
All Metro: Thomas Schermoly, Kyle Whigham,
Kyle Gress
All State: Thomas Schermoly, Kyle Gress,
Thomas Skevington, Kyle Whigham,
Andrew Brown
Coaches: Craig Ewing (head), Chuck
Hammons, Brian White, Erik Jones, Craig
Drummond, Jim Colwell (assistants)
Girls Tennis
League: 3rd
Regional: Team 2nd place
Lauren Huddlestun/Adreanne Orlanes – 1st
in doubles
State: Team 8th Place
Doubles Lauren Huddlestun/Adreanne
Orlanes -- 7th
Academic All State: Adreanne Orlanes
Coaches: David Shriver (head) Petra Shinn
Lillis, Pat Looney (assistants)
League: 3rd
Regional: 1st
Records broken: Sara Rooney (digs – season,
EKL: Lauren Ford, Megan Spencer
All state tournament team: Lauren Ford, Sara
Rooney, Megan Spencer
Coaches: Kim Bogart (head) Brian Schenck
Track Athletes of 1980 Remembered
Jim Russell, ‘80, of Shawnee,
Kansas, was recognized last spring
as a member of the Kansas All-Time
Best Track and Field Team in the
Wichita Eagle’s print publication
celebrating 100 Years of the Kansas
State High School Track and Field.
Though many were nominated for
the All-Time Greats Kansas team
including Saints graduate Drew
Morano, ‘03, only one athlete per
event was recognized. The final list
included athletes like Jim Ryan and
Maurice Greene.
In 1980, Jim’s senior year at
St. Joseph High School, he had the
farthest javelin throw in the nation
with a launch of 254-9 feet. Jim’s
record at the time was the second
all-time best in the nation, and he
holds the permanent Kansas state
record for the “old” high school
javelin implement.*
Also in 1980, the Lady Blue
Streaks of St. Joseph High School
featured several current/alumni
parents and a current faculty
member. At the state meet in
Lisa Nash Stoecklein, ‘81
Wichita that year, Lisa Nash
Stoecklein, ‘81 (current STA faculty
member), took first in the 100-meter
hurdles, 100-meter dash, and 4th
in the 200-meter low hurdles. She
was also a member of the 2nd place
400-meter relay, along with Katy
Befort Gray and current/alumni
parents Mary Lavery Urban, ‘80,
and Christine Cisper Beasley, ‘83.
Current/alumni parent Joni Regan
Nachbar, ‘81, broke the school high
jump record at 5’4”. Other members
of the team
were current
parent Lisa
‘82, alumni
parent Colleen Joni Regan
Nachbar, ‘81
Kolich, ‘82, Amy Borders O’Neal,
‘82, Mary Speckin Mathew, ‘80,
Rachelle Borders Dalrymple, ‘80,
Jody Drakulich, ‘82, Theresa Ward
Tendall, ‘83, and Beth Sulzen.
Members of the boys 1980 track
team who are current/alumni
parents are: Gregory Feuerborn,
‘80, Greg Nachbar, ‘80, Richard
Nachbar, ‘81, David Speckin, ‘81,
and Steve Willis, ‘80.
*International specifications for the javelin
implement were redesigned for men in 1986
and for women in 1999. The javelin implement
used in high school competition was changed to
international specifications in 2002; thus javelin
records for the state of Kansas began fresh starting
in 2002.
Saints Trivia Challenge!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
7:00 p.m.
in the Auxiliary Gym (enter from the Commons)
$15 per person/$150 per table*
(Must be 21 years of age or older to attend.)
Bring your own beverages and an appetizer to share.
Prizes for best decorated team table, trivia winner and runner up teams!
*Individuals and groups welcome; individuals will be assigned to a table by the Trivia
Challenge committee.
Register ONLINE before Tuesday, January 18.
Space is limited to the first 40 teams!
Contact Teresa Ahrens at [email protected] or 913.319.2475 if you have any questions or would like to volunteer.
Support STA with magazine
You can order or renew your favorite magazine
subscriptions ONLINE! It’s simple, there’s no sales
tax, AND you can order any time during the year to
support Saint Thomas Aquinas High School.
Go to www.qsp.com – Use account #42507423.
QSP returns over 40% to the school, and all
proceeds are designated for student activities at Saint
Thomas Aquinas High School. Thank you for your
participation and support!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Milburn Golf & Country Club
Overland Park, Kansas
11:00 a.m. Registration and Lunch
12:30 p.m. Shotgun Start
5:30 p.m. Reception for Golfers and Guests
If you would like information about sponsorship, please
contact Michon Quick in the STA Advancement Office,
913.319.2437 or [email protected].
Editor’s note: On Monday, November 29, 2010, a fire destroyed
most of the clubhouse at Milburn Country Club, suspected of
igniting after roof-repairs earlier in the day. We would like to
express our condolences to the members and staff of Milburn and
all good wishes during the rebuilding stage.
At this time, the 26th Annual Mirocke Golf Classic is still
scheduled to take place at Milburn on their award-winning
course. More details will follow.
Community Calendar
10����������8th Grade Placement Test, 8 a.m.
10����������Mother/Son Dance
22���������8th Grade Make-up Placement Test, 8 a.m.
22���������STA Trivia Challenge, 7 p.m.
28���������Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas – All School Mass with
Archbishop Naumann, 9 a.m.
31����������2011-12 Registration Packets Due
9�����������Mass of Remembrance – 7 p.m. in Chapel
9�����������Magazine Sale Kickoff
(Go to QSP.com to order and give STA credit!)
12����������WPA Dance
17-19����� Winter Play – “Southern Hospitality”
26���������Class of 2015 Orientation, 9 a.m.
Planning a
Reunion in 2011?
We Can Help!!
Class years ending in “1” and “6” - this is your year for a
reunion! Please contact Michon Quick, Director of Alumni
& Constituent Relations, if you would like to start planning
or simply help out, at [email protected] or 913.319.2437.
The first two steps are picking a date and locating “lost”
alumni addresses!
Individual class-years may want to set up individual Facebook
Group pages to communicate with classmates. Let us know if
you would like to create a link from the official Saint Thomas
Aquinas page to your site! (Contact Bryan Thrasher at
[email protected])
Regularly visit www.aquinascommunity.com for Class
Reunion updates!
4�����������Talent Show, 1 p.m.
9�����������Ash Wednesday Mass, 9:30 a.m.
14-18����� Spring Break
21����������Parent/Teacher Conferences
22���������Chorale Concert
20���������Sacrament of Reconciliation (1st period)
31����������Sacrament of Reconciliation (2nd period)
25 Years!
Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas
9�����������Prom at Starlight
14����������STA Wigs Out Assembly, 10:30 a.m.
15���������Spring Olympics, 1:30 p.m.
28���������Easter Mass, 9:30 a.m.
30���������Saints Walk for Life, 9 a.m.
30���������Dinner Theater in Commons, 6:30 p.m.
1�����������Dinner Theater in Commons, 6:30 p.m.
7�����������Father/Daughter Dance
12����������Senior Mass, 9 a.m.
17����������Baccalaureate Mass, St. Michael the Archangel, 7 p.m.
18����������Graduation at JCCC, 7 p.m.
6�����������26th Annual Mirocke Golf Classic, Milburn Country
Club, 11 a.m.
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School will celebrate its 25th year
during the 2012-2013 school year! Look for more information
about planned festivities in future years of Saints Spirit!
All-School Mass with the Archbishop
Alumni and Alumni Parents: Please join us for the Feast-Day
Mass celebrated by Archbishop Joseph Naumann
Friday, January 28, 2011
9:00 a.m.
Main Gym
Reception to follow in the Library for guests and priests.
Please RSVP to [email protected].
Mothers Book Club
Attention All Alumni and Alumni Moms!
The STA Mothers’ Book Club is an open group for anyone
who loves good books, good food and good conversation.
Alumni moms are welcome to join or re-join. For more
information, please call Renee Addington-Carey at
Non-Profit Organization
Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
11411 Pflumm Road
Overland Park, Kansas 66215-4816
Please update
your mailing address at
Third Annual
Mass of
Wednesday evening,
February 9, 2011
We will honor students, alumni, parents,
siblings, grandparents, faculty, staff and other
loved ones of our community who have passed
away, especially during the past year.
Those attending will be invited to light a
candle for their deceased loved one and also
enter his/her name into the permanent Saints’
Book of Remembrance.
The Saints Book of Remembrance will be
kept at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
for regular submissions. You may submit
information for the book at
or contact the Office of Advancement at
7:00 p.m.
Please let us know if you plan to attend the
2011 Mass of Remembrance so that we may
amply plan for the evening. A short reception
will immediately follow Mass in the Library.
in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception
at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School
Please also let us know throughout the year
when members of our community pass away.
Thank you!