2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA


2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Table of Contents
Schedule of Events………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Invited Speakers…………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Poster Listing by Research Category………...……………………………………………………. 16
Poster Listing by Abstract…………………………………………………………………………. 19
Schedule of Events
Monday, August 24, 2015
7:30 - 8:15 a.m.
Ballroom Galleria
8:15 - 8:30 a.m.
Introductory Remarks
Dr. Mauli C. Agrawal, Vice President for Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Ballroom 2
8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
New Frontiers in Advanced Materials
Ballroom 2
New materials the key of human progress
Dr. Miguel José Yacamán, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Science and Technology of Multifunctional Oxide and Ultrananocrystalline
Diamond (UNCD) Films and Applications to a New Generation of
Multifunctional Industrial, High-Tech and Medical Devices
Dr. Orlando Auciello, The University of Texas at Dallas
Unique Properties of Materials at the Nanoscale
Dr. Ignacio Garzón, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
10:00 - 10:30 a.m. Break
Ballroom Galleria
10:30 - 12:00 p.m. Multifunctional Electronic Materials and Devices
Ballroom 2
Nanomaterials integration for multifunctionalities: A pathway to materials
design and innovation
Dr. Quanxi Jia, Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Next Generation of Materials By Design: Including Metastability
Dr. David Ginley, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Discovering, Understanding, Enabling, and Controlling Collective Interactions
in Multifunctional Ferroic Materials
Dr. Ruyan Guo, The University of Texas at San Antonio
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Networking Luncheon & Poster Session
Ballroom Galleria
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Schedule of Events (continued)
Monday, August 24, 2015 (continued)
1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials
Ballroom 2
Molecules in Circuits: a New Breed of Microelectronics?
Dr. Richard L. McCreery, University of Alberta
Eight Years of Nanotoxicology: a Perspective on the Systematic Microvascular
Impacts of Engineered Nanomaterial Exposures
Dr. Timothy R. Nurkiewicz, West Virginia University
Nanostructured Materials: Looking Beyond the Development of Analytical
Dr. Carlos Garcia, Clemson University/The University of Texas at San Antonio
3:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Ballroom Galleria
3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Materials Used for Medical Devices & Implants
Ballroom 2
Electrospun chitosan nanofiber membranes for Guided Bone Regeneration
Dr. Joel Bumgardner, University of Memphis
Biomimetic material development for musculoskeletal regeneration
Dr. Teja Guda, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Novel Biomaterials for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering
Dr. Lichun Lu, Mayo Clinic
Title not yet available
Dr. Prashant N. Kumta, University of Pittsburgh
5:00 - 5:15 p.m.
Closing Remarks
Dr. C. Mauli Agrawal, Vice President for Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Ballroom 2
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Materials Science in Modern Society; The Era Of Materials
Dr. Miguel José Yacamán, Physics and Astronomy, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Abstract: Mater ials have always been a key part of civilization. In fact histor ians spoke about the
Stone, Iron and Bronze Civilizations. Also, the Industrial Revolution was propelled by the development of
steel and other alloys. In the 20th century, materials research became a scientific endeavor and the
achievements were monumental; they started a very deep social change with the introduction of the personal
computer. This was a direct result of the invention of the transistor and the titanic journey to integrate several
millions of them in a single chip. In the present century many social needs require new materials, some of
them as pressing as global warming. In this talk, Dr. Yacaman will discuss the history and new directions of
materials research.
Biography: Miguel J osé Yacamán r eceived his Ph.D. fr om Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (the
National University of México, UNAM) in 1973 and completed postdoctoral research at Oxford University
and the NASA Ames Research Center in California from 1975-1978. He joined the Instituto de Física
(Institute of Physics) at UNAM as faculty and was associated with UNAM for 35 years. In 2000 he joined
The University of Texas at Austin as endowed professor, and in 2008 became professor and chair of the
Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Texas at San Antonio.
Dr. Yacamán’s research has been focused on materials characterization using electron microscopy, electron
diffraction, nanoparticles, and surface science. He has published more than 450 papers, written or edited
eight books, and presented more than 200 invited lectures at international meetings. His work has been cited
more than 12,000 times, with an h-factor of 46. He has made pioneering contributions to the understanding
of nanoparticle structures. In addition to this, Dr. Yacamán has supervised more than 50 Ph.D. and 40
Master’s theses, and has worked with approximately 150 postdoctoral fellows in his laboratory.
Dr. Yacamán has held a variety of administrative positions, including director of UNAM’s Institute of
Physics, scientific director of Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), and
general director of Mexico’s Nuclear National Laboratory, and also served as Mexico’s scientific
representative to the OECD in Paris, International Agency of Atomic Energy in Vienna, and International
Energy Agency in Paris. He has also served as a member of the Board of Regents of the University of
Veracruz in Mexico and as a board member for seven research centers in Mexico.
To date, Dr. Yacamán has received the following awards and honors: the Robert Franklin Mehl Award from
The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS); John Wheatley Award from the American Physical
Society (APS); 1997 Institute of Metals Lecture; Research Prize from The Mexican Academy of Sciences;
Mexico’s National Prize to Science; Distinguished Scientist Award from the Society for the Advancement
of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS); Gold Medal from The Mexican Society
of Physics; and the Scopus Award for Latin America. He is a fellow of the APS, Mineralogical Society of
America (MSA), and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in the United
States; and has received honoris causa degrees from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León in Mexico
and the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba in Argentina.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Science and Technology of Multifunctional Oxide and Ultrananocrystalline Diamond (UNCD) Films and
Applications to the New Generation of Multifunctional Industrial, High-Tech and Medical Devices
Dr. Orlando Auciello, Materials Science and Engineering and Bioengineering, The University of Texas at
Abstract: New par adigms in the r esear ch and development of novel multifunctional oxide and
nanocarbon thin films are providing the bases for new physics, new materials science and chemistry, and
their impact in a new generation of multifunctional devices for micro/nano-electronics and biomedical
devices. This talk focus on discussing the science, technology, and engineering of multifunctional oxide and
nanocarbon films and applications to a new generation of multifunctional micro/nano-devices, including (1)
the science and technology of complex oxide thin films and application to key technologies; and (2) the
science and technology of ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films and integration for fabrication of a
new generation of industrial devices, high tech and biomedical devices.
Biography: Dr . Auciello gr aduated with M.S. (1973) and Ph.D (1976) degr ees in Physics fr om the
Physics Institute “Dr. Balseiro” (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina) and Electronic Engineering at
the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina (1964-1970).
Dr. Auciello completed his postdoctoral work at MacMaster University in Canada (1976-1979), was a
researcher at the University of Toronto-Canada (1979-1984) and has held the following academic and
professional positions: associate professor at North Carolina State University (1985-1988), senior research
scientist at the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (1988-1996), senior scientist at Argonne National
Laboratory (1996-2005), and Argonne Distinguished Fellow (2005-2012). He is an adjunct professor at the
University of Colorado Colorado Springs and Michigan State University.
Dr. Auciello is currently directing basic and applied research programs in different fields involving
multi-component/multifunctional oxide thin films and their application to systems and devices (ferroelectric
memories, resistive change memories, nanoscale complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)
devices, photovoltaic energy generation / storage devices, high-frequency devices, piezoelectric thin films
for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)/nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) sensors and
actuators); and nanocarbon thin films (ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) and graphene films) as well as
applications to industrial, electronics, MEMS/NEMS, and implantable medical devices.
The UNCD film technology is now commercialized for industrial components and systems by Advanced
Diamond Technologies (ADT), a company founded by Dr. Auciello and Dr. John A. Carlisle as a spin-off
from Argonne in 2003 (profitable in 2014), and by Original Biomedical Implants (OBI), a company founded
by Dr. Auciello and Dr. Pablo Gurman (MD) in 2013 that is conducting R&D to develop and commercialize
a new generation of UNCD-coated implantable medical devices and medical treatments based on nanotechnology. OBI is in the early start-up stage.
Dr. Auciello has edited 20 books on various topics, published approximately 500 articles in the fields
described above, holds 20 patents, and has organized, chaired, and lectured at numerous national and
international conferences. He is associate editor of Applied Physics Letters, Integrated Ferroelectrics, and
editor of two book series on thin films and applications to devices (Academic Press). He was member of the
Materials Research Society (MRS) Board of Directors (2000-2003), Co-Chair of the MRS International
Relations Committee, Vice President of the MRS in 2012, President in 2013, and Past President in 2014.
He has received numerous awards and honors, including seven R&D 100 Awards, the 2003 Hispanic
Engineering National Achievement Award, the 2006 Federation of National Laboratories Award, the 2008
University of Chicago Distinguished Performance Award, an honoris causa degree from the Universidad
Nacional de Córdoba in Argentina, and has been a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement
of Science (AAAS) and MRS.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Unique Properties of Materials at the Nanoscale
Dr. Ignacio Garzón, Institute of Physics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Abstract: The physical and chemical properties and phenomena of matter at the nanoscale are different than
those of the macroscopic (bulk) phase. The control and understanding of these changes represent a challenge
for research in various areas of science and technology. In this talk, an overview of the most recent
developments regarding new properties of nanomaterials will be presented. Emphasis will be given to the
extaordinary capability of theoretical and computational methods, based on reliable quantum mechanical
and atomistic methodologies, to predict new properties and phenomena of nanomaterials. To illustrate these
ideas, examples of structural and electronic properties of metal nanoparticles in the size range of a few
nanometers will be presented. The optical and chiroptical properties of bare and ligand-protected clusters
will also be discussed.
Biography: Dr . Gar zón is a Pr ofessor of Physics at the Univer sidad Nacional Autónoma de México
(UNAM) in Mexico City. He obtained a Ph.D. in Physics at UNAM in 1985, and from 1985 to 1986 was a
postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Garzón has also been a visiting professor
at Argonne National Laboratory (1989, 1992); the International Center on Theoretical Physics, Trieste
(1993); the European Center for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Paris (1993); the Universidad Autonoma de
Madrid (1999-2000); and The University of Texas at San Antonio (2015).
Dr. Garzón’s primary research area is the computational physics of nanomaterials. He is well known
worldwide for pioneering theoretical studies on the physicochemical properties of chiral metal clusters. He
has published approximately 80 scientific papers that have been cited more than 3,500 times.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Nanomaterials Integration for Multifunctionalities: A Pathway to Materials Design and Innovation
Dr. Quanxi Jia, Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Abstract: Enhanced functionalities, multifunctionalities, and/or emer gent behavior can be obtained
through integrating desired materials at the nano- and/or meso-scales. As a Department of Energy (COE)
Office of Science national user facility, the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) provides access
to scientific expertise and advanced capabilities for researchers to create, characterize, understand and
integrate nanostructured materials. In this talk, Dr. Jia will first highlight some of the CINT’s specialized
capabilities and expertise to perform world-class nanomaterials integration research. He will then use several
examples to illustrate that the integration of nanomaterials provides a pathway to materials design and
innovation for multifunctionalities.
Biography: Quanxi J ia r eceived his B.S. and M.S. in Electr ical Engineer ing fr om Xian J iaotong
University, China, and his Ph.D. in the same field from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He is
the co-director of the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT), a U.S. Department of Energy
nanoscale science research center jointly operated by Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories. He is
also a line manager, the group leader of CINT, Division of Materials Physics and Applications, Los Alamos
National Laboratory.
Dr. Jia’s research areas include synthesis and study of the structure-property relationships of nanostructured
materials, multifunctional materials, and thin films; development of novel deposition techniques for the
growth of electronic materials; as well as development and fabrication of high-temperature superconducting
films, novel solid-state microelectronic/electro-optic devices, and semiconductor/energy materials and
Dr. Jia has authored or co-authored over 400 peer-reviewed journal articles and eight book chapters, and has
47 U.S. patents. Among the many awards and honors he has received are two prestigious R&D 100 awards,
the 2005 Asian-American Engineering of the Year Award, and the Federal Laboratory Consortium for
Technology Transfer Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer. Quanxi is a Fellow of Los Alamos
National Laboratory, the Materials Research Society (MRS), the American Physical Society (APS), the
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the American Ceramic Society
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
The Next Generation of Materials By Design: Including Metastability
Dr. David Ginley, Materials and Chemistry Science and Technology Directorate, National Renewable
Energy Laboratory
Abstract: This talk will focus on r ecent wor k of the Ener gy Fr ontier Resear ch Center (EFRC) to
develop the next generation of materials by design. To accomplish this we couple first-principles theory
with state-of-the-art synthesis and characterization to understand and predict structure, properties, and
phenomena at the molecular, nano, and meso scales. The Center’s work is specifically designed to address
several critical scientific gaps that must be overcome before computational materials design becomes a
robust tool that delivers new functional materials — namely 1) multiple-property design, 2) accuracy and
relevance, 3) metastability, and 4) synthesizability. Here we will discuss the focus on developing a
fundamental understanding of metastability required to rationally and successfully incorporate
non-equilibrium materials systems into Materials by Design. We will discuss three basic classes of
metastability that are specifically relevant to inorganic semiconductors for optoelectronic applications:
1) polymorphism; 2) defects and disorder; and 3) interfaces and semiconductor alloys. The ability to map
above the convex hull will be illustrated by our approach to polymorphic systems where you can identify the
possible polymorphs and then try to target specific functional polymorphs. This can potentially be done in
both vacuum deposition and solution based approaches. This will require controlling the substrate,
deposition conditions and chemical potentials during growth for both vacuum based and solution approaches.
We will discuss the synthesis of targeted polymorphs in the VOx, TiOx and MnOx families.
This work is supported by The Center for Next Generation Materials by Design, an EFRC funded by the U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of Science.
Biography: Dr . David S. Ginley is cur r ently Chief Scientist for Mater ials and Chemistr y Science and
Technology and a Research Fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). He received his
Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his B.S. in Chemistry
from the Colorado School of Mines. He directs the Solar Energy Center for India and the U.S. (SERIIUS)
and is chief experimentalist for the Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) for the Next Generation
Materials by Design.
Dr. Ginley’s current research focuses on advancing solar energy conversion and storage, specifically in the
areas of development and application of new materials by computational materials design for transparent
conducting oxides, organic electronics materials, nano-materials and the development of the process
technology for materials and device development, including: combinatorial methods, direct write materials,
composite materials and non-vacuum processing. A key focus is looking at how to significantly reduce the
cost of solar generated renewable energy through novel devices and processing.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Discovering, Understanding, Enabling, and Controlling Collective Interactions in Multifunctional
Ferroic Materials
Dr. Ruyan Guo, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Abstract: This talk will highlight active and collabor ative inter disciplinar y r esear ch conducted in the
Multifunctional Electronic Materials and Devices Research Lab at The University of Texas at San Antonio
(UTSA). The research effort is aimed at developing novel functionalities to address emerging technological
challenges such as sensing, actuating, bio-imaging, and energy converting electronics.
Novel multi-functionalities in an advanced material or materials system arise from interactions with multiple
variables (such as temperature, electric and magnetic fields, stress, and their conjugate variables such as
entropy, electric polarization, magnetization, and mechanical strain, respectively). This talk will introduce
capabilities developed at UTSA through examples of designing, processing, testing and fabricating electronic
materials and devices, with decreased dimensions, operating in a wide range of frequencies, and sometimes
at extreme conditions, as we discover, understand, enable, and control the collective interactions in a large
family of electronic or ferroic materials.
Biography: Dr . Ruyan Guo is cur r ently the Rober t E. Clar ke Endowed Pr ofessor of Electr ical
Engineering and director for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Advanced Materials Engineering at
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). She holds a Ph.D. in Solid State Science (The
Pennsylvania State University or Penn State, 1990) and a M.S. and B.S. in Electrical Engineering (Xi’an
Jiaotong University, China, 1984 and 1982, respectively). Prior to joining the faculty at UTSA, Dr. Guo was
a faculty member in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong University (1984-1985), research faculty member of the Materials Research Laboratory at Penn State (1991-1999), and the first woman to hold the rank of tenured full professor as a faculty member in the Electrical Engineering department at
Penn State (2004).
Dr. Guo has been an active researcher and educator, working on the frontier of materials science and device
engineering. She conducts cutting edge research in interdisciplinary areas of electronic and optoelectronic
materials and devices. More recently her research is focused on multiferrocis, energy converting devices and
piezoelectric resonance controlled phenomena, with great potential in sensor, harvester, and biomedical
Over the years, Dr. Guo, as PI or Co-PI, has been awarded multiple research grants by the National Science
Foundation, Defense Advanced Research Programs Agency, U.S. Department of Defense, and various
industry sponsors. She has guided more than 60 graduate students to completing their Master’s and Doctoral
research, is the author/co-author of more than 400 technical publications and the editor/co-editor of 22
transaction books and professional proceeding volumes. She has given numerous invited talks at various
domestic and international conferences, is very active in the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS), American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Materials Research Society (MRS)
and Society for Women Engineers (SWE) and presently serves on the editorial boards of the international
journal Ferroelectrics Letters and Electroceramics, on the Petroleum Research Fund (PRF) Advisory Board
of the American Chemical Society (ACS), and as an honorary guest professor of Shanghai University,
Beijing University of Technology, and Wuhan University of Technology of China.
Dr. Guo has received numerous awards including the Faculty Award for Excellence in Research from the
UTSA College of Engineering, the XEROX Award for Best PhD Research in Materials from Penn State
(1991), and fellowships from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, 2013), International
Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE, 2009), and the American Ceramic Society (ACerS, 2003).
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Molecules in Circuits: a New Breed of Microelectronics?
Dr. Richard McCreery, Chemistry, University of Alberta
Abstract: Molecules may be consider ed electr onic systems, with electr ons r apidly moving thr ough
molecular orbitals and also long distances in biological metabolism and photosynthesis. The prospect of
incorporating molecules into microelectronic circuits based on silicon and metallic conductors has great
potential for enhancing consumer electronics, providing solar energy conversion, and permitting new
functions not possible with silicon. In order to combine the electronic properties of molecules with
conventional microelectronics, we need to understand how to “connect” to molecules as well as how
electrons are transported through molecules. Once the “rules” of charge transport through molecules are
understood, it should be possible to “rationally design” new molecular electronic devices for valuable
functions not currently possible with silicon. While Molecular Electronics holds great promise, it also
presents significant challenges in handling and fabrication of devices with dimensions of only a few
nanometers. We use surface chemistry, spectroscopy, and conjugated organic molecules to make “molecular
junctions” consisting of a single layer of molecules between conducting carbon and copper electrodes, then
we study the behavior of molecules as circuit elements. The primary goal is to design and build functional
molecular electronic components to greatly enhance the already powerful world of silicon microelectronics.
A demonstration of the first commercial application of molecular electronics in audio processing will be
Biography: Richar d L. McCr eer y is cur r ently Pr ofessor of Chemistr y at the Univer sity of Alber ta
(UofA), with a joint appointment as a Senior Research Officer at the National Institute for Nanotechnology
(NINT). Until 2006, he was Dow Professor of Chemistry at the Ohio State University. He received his B.S.
in chemistry from the University of California, Riverside, in 1970, and Ph.D. under Ralph Adams at the
University of Kansas in 1974.
Dr. McCreery’s research involves spectroscopic probes of electrochemical processes, the electronic and
electrochemical properties of carbon materials, and carbon-based molecular electronics. Much of the
research involves collaborations with materials scientists and engineers, as well as surface scientists and
electrochemists. He leads an effort at NINT and UofA to investigate hybrid devices for molecular
electronics, which combine existing CMOS technology with new electronic and optoelectronic devices
containing active molecular components. A practical application of carbon-based molecular electronics to
audio processing in electronic music will be available commercially in mid-2015.
Dr. McCreery has written over 230 refereed publications, including one book and ten U.S. patents, with three
of those extended to Europe and Japan. He has also served as an associate editor for the American Chemical
Society (ACS) journal Analytical Chemistry since 2004.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Eight Years of Nanotoxicology: a Perspective on the Systemic Microvascular Impacts of Engineered
Nanomaterials Exposures
Dr. Timothy R. Nurkiewicz, Physiology and Pharmacology, West Virginia University
Abstract: For well over a decade, the association between pulmonar y xenobiotic par ticle exposur e and
cardiovascular dysfunction has been known, yet the exact mechanisms linking exposure and effect have been
unclear. It was fortuitous for my research program that nanotechnology exploded during this same period.
Eight years ago, our initial hypothesis was that inflammatory mechanisms govern the systemic microvascular
dysfunction that follows ultrafine particulate matter exposure, and the severity of this dysfunction is
augmented in clinically relevant populations. We exposed rats and mice (male/female, young/adult) to
experimental atmospheres relevant to environmental and occupational conditions. These atmospheres
employed inhalable particle surrogates such as nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2). The primary particle size
was ~21 nm; aerosol concentration ranged from 0 to 6 mg/m3; and exposure duration was typically 4-6 hours
(sometimes being repeated up to eight times). Following inhalation exposure, intravital microscopy studies
with the spinotrapezius muscle, and isolated arterioles from various organs were performed. Endothelium
dependent arteriolar dilation was significantly impaired after nano-TiO2 exposure, and this was accompanied
with widespread venular leukocyte trafficking (rolling, adhesion, extravasation). Cellular changes in the
microvascular wall that supported these observations included: oxidative and nitrosative stress;
myeloperoxidase deposition, and decreased nitric oxide bioavailability. Neurogenic and metabolic
impairments also occurred. Gender (female) and age (young) imparted partial protection against most of
these extrapulmonary effects. Surprisingly, we also discovered that the lung was not a requirement for these
microvascular effects in that introduction of nano-TiO2 via the gut or tail vein also impaired reactivity.
Given these discoveries of gender-based vasoprotection, and a total dearth of understanding about the fetal
effects of maternal engineered nanomaterial (ENM) exposure, we developed our current hypothesis: ENM
type and exposure route dictate the mechanism and severity of resultant microvascular dysfunction; and this
dysfunction has dire consequences on maternal and fetal outcomes. In our first studies, we have shown that
ENM inhalation during the second half of gestation significantly impairs uterine microvascular function, and
this decreases litter size and pup mass. Further, the pups display not only impaired reactivity, but also
sensitivity to later exposures, and cognitive behavioral deficits (spatial navigation memory). Epigenetic and
mechanistic studies are underway to fully reveal the underlying physiologic changes/consequences that
follow maternal ENM exposures.
Biography: Dr . Nur kiewicz is a pr ofessor and associate chair for r esear ch in the Depar tment of
Physiology and Pharmacology at the West Virginia University (WVU) School of Medicine. He received a
Ph.D. in Physiology (1999) and M.S. in Exercise Physiology (1992) from WVU, and a B.S. in Exercise and
Sport Science (1990) from The Pennsylvania State University. He also completed a post-doctoral fellowship
in Medical Physiology at Texas A&M University in 2001.
Dr. Nurkiewicz’s research program is active in the field of microvascular physiology and toxicology, with
specific focus on pulmonary exposure to particulate matter and engineered nanomaterials. His research
program utilizes animal models of inhalation exposure and subsequent in vivo (intravital microscopy) and in
vitro (isolated microvessel) techniques. Most recently, his research program initiated novel investigations in
the field of maternal nanomaterial exposures and fetal microvascular ramifications.
Dr. Nurkiewicz has been continuously funded by extramural agencies such as the National Institutes of
Health (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) and Health Effects Institute since 2001. He
serves on the Editorial Board of several toxicology journals (including Nanotoxicology), is an ad hoc
reviewer for Toxicological Sciences, and has been an adjunct scientist at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health since 2008. Dr. Nurkiewicz has served as an ad hoc reviewer for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and private institutions, and is a standing member of the American Heart Association
(AHA) Cardiac Biology/Regulation – Basic Sciences peer review committee.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Nanostructured Materials: Looking Beyond the Development of Analytical Microdevices
Dr. Carlos Garcia, Chemistry, Clemson University / The University of Texas at San Antonio
Abstract: One of the most cr itical aspects in the development of sensor s is the r ational selection of the
substrate. In general, and looking beyond the boundaries imposed by the selected transduction method
(electrochemical, electrical, optical, piezoelectric, or thermal), assessing the role of the chemistry and
topography of the surface, the derivatization routes, and the experimental conditions selected for the final use
are fundamental issues that need to be resolved to develop the next generation of sensors.1 In this regard, the
use of nanomaterials, specifically nanoparticles and nanostructured films, offers advantageous properties that
can be fine-tuned for interaction with specific analytes to maximize selectivity and enhance the catalytic step.
Considering these aspects, the current presentation will first focus on the use of nanomaterials to improve the
performance of various analytical devices. 2-5 The presentation will also discuss the properties of materials
recently developed in the lab and their potential advantages towards the development of biomedical 6-8 and
industrial 9 applications.
Biography: Dr . Gar cia r eceived his B.S. in Biochemistr y and Ph.D. in Chemistr y fr om the National
University of Cordoba (Argentina) in 1996 and 2001, respectively. During that period of time, he was a TA
for the Department of Physical Chemistry and taught several courses at the undergraduate and graduate level.
From 2002 to 2004, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Mississippi State University and Colorado State
University under the supervision of Dr. W. Wilson and Dr. Charles Henry, respectively. In September of
2004, he joined the faculty at The University of Texas at San Antonio as an Assistant Professor of Analytical
Chemistry. He was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2010 and to Professor in 2014. He joined
Clemson University in August of 2015.
Dr. Garcia’s research group is focused on the study of interactions of proteins with nanostructured surfaces
and their use in analytical chemistry. Additionally, he is developing microfluidic devices to monitor
biologically active compounds. Dr. Garcia is engaged in various professional activities which provide
opportunities to recruit graduate students and to inform the public about the chemistry program at The
University of Texas at San Antonio. These include the presentation of seminars at colleges and universities
in Texas, and the presentation of posters at national and international meetings. At present, Dr. Garcia is
directing the thesis research of three chemistry graduate students in the Ph.D. program. Dr. Garcia also has a
substantial research program with undergraduates students, which complements and supports the research of
graduate students. The outcomes of Dr. Garcia’s research activities have been presented and recognized at
national and international scientific meetings and are regularly published in peer-refereed journals, all of
which have students as coauthors. Dr. Garcia’s research has received support from the National Institutes
of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR).
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Electrospun Chitosan Nanofiber Membranes for Guided Bone Regeneration
Dr. Joel Bumgardner, Biomedical Engineering, The University of Memphis
Abstract: Chitosan mater ials ar e biocompatible, biodegr adable and osteoconductive. These
characteristics are largely due to its structural and chemical homology to hyaluronic acid and other
proteoglycans found in extracellular matrices. Chitosan is also soluble in dilute acids which makes it
relatively easy to manufacture into a variety of forms including fibrous membranes for guided tissue/bone
regeneration in dental/craniofacial and orthopedic applications. This presentation will provide an overview of
strategies used to manufacture nanofibrous membranes by electrospinning technologies. Physio-chemical,
mechanical and degradation properties, and in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility of the membranes will be
discussed, as well as directions for future development and research.
Biography: Dr . J oel D. Bumgar dner is a biomater ials r esear cher with extensive exper ience and
expertise in the dental and orthopaedic alloys, corrosion, surface coatings, bone tissue engineering, drug
delivery and biocompatibility. His research has provided key insights into material – cell interactions and
biocorrosion processes that have advanced our understanding of the health benefit-risks of implant alloys. He
also is a leader in investigating and developing the biopolymer, chitosan for use in implant coatings, drug
delivery and tissue engineering applications.
Dr. Bumgardner has over 78 journal articles, 17 book chapters, 6 patent disclosures (2 licensed for infection
abatement therapies using chitosan materials) and 215+ presentations and invited lectures. More importantly,
he has mentored over 60 students; 9 of which have received National Science Foundation (NSF) and/or
Whitaker graduate fellowships, 4 of which have received Fulbright Fellowships, and more than 10 of which
have been accepted into medical, dental or law school. He has received numerous awards for his research
and instruction including the 2012 Outstanding Instructor Award in the Herff College of Engineering at the
University of Memphis, Outstanding Professor (2001, 2002) Awards in the Bagley College of Engineering at
Mississippi State University, and the University of Alabama Engineering School Alumni recognition award
as one of the ‘40 Engineers Making a Difference’ in 2011. Dr. Bumgardner is also an elected Fellow (2011)
of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering and a JW Fulbright Scholar (1994),
Umeå University, Umeå Sweden. He is active in several professional organizations such as American
Association for Dental Research, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, and the Society
for Biomaterials in which he has held numerous leadership positions, including program chair of the 2005
Annual Meeting, and President (2012-2013). He is a regular reviewer for the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) and NSF as well as many biomaterials related journals, and serves as an Associate Editor of the
Journal of Biomaterial Materials Research: Part B.
Dr. Bumgardner obtained his BS Degree in Biology from Florida State University, and his B.S. in Materials
Science, and M.S. and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering all from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Dr. Bumgardner was a faculty member in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at
Mississippi State University (1994-2004) and is currently a professor and Academic Programs co-director in
the Biomedical Engineering Department at The University of Memphis (2004-present).
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Biomimetic Material Development for Musculoskeletal Regeneration
Dr. Teja Guda, Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Abstract: Our biomater ial str ategy is designed to cr eate scaffolds for bone, skeletal muscle and
tendon/ligament regeneration with the intention of developing a program that can look at strategies for
simultaneous regeneration of multiple tissues to engineer orthopedic tissue interfaces required for complete
joint reconstruction. The overall approach is based on (1) the use of biomimetic materials such as ceramic
scaffolds and natural polymeric matrices in (2) bioreactors that simulate the unique physiological conditions
of mechanical loading and fluid transport, and (3) recapitulate the physiological biochemical milieu by
controlled growth factor delivery. This approach promotes the stimulation of multi-lineage stem cell
differentiation as well as preconditions the bio-artificial grafts to match the native tissue properties.
Biomimetic cues are used to develop different architectures of ceramics and composites which optimize both
local fluid perfusion as well as global mechanical strength to serve as synthetic bone graft substitutes for
large bone defects.
Biography: Dr . Teja Guda is cur r ently an Assistant Pr ofessor in the Depar tment of Biomedical
Engineering and Assistant Director of the Center for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (CITE) at
The University of Texas at San Antonio. Prior to this, he was an Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative
Medicine fellow at Wake Forest University and the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research; focusing on
biomaterials development, drug delivery, and micro-computed tomography characterization for regenerative
medicine. Dr. Guda received his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay and his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the joint graduate program between The
University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) and The University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio (UTHSCSA).
Dr. Guda’s past research focused on the development of ceramic scaffolds and composites to promote bone
regeneration, from the perspective of architectural influences on bone in-growth. Dr. Guda’s current areas of
research are developing bio-printing and bioreactor technologies for tissue engineering, vascularization in
bone and skeletal muscle, development of appropriate preclinical models and the effects of competitive
biochemical and biophysical stimuli on tissue differentiation. He also oversees the Micro-CT and mechanical
testing core facilities at UTSA and directs the industrial internship and medical device design programs for
biomedical engineers.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Novel Biomaterials for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering
Dr. Lichun Lu, Biomedical Engineering & Orthopedics, Mayo Clinic
Abstract: Tissue engineer ing pr ovides a pr omising alter native to cur r ent clinical ther apies for
structural and functional regeneration of missing, damaged, or diseased tissues. We have synthesized novel
biodegradable polymers to serve as scaffolds for tissue growth and carriers for controlled drug delivery.
Composite scaffolds consist of synthetic polymers, surface coatings, and/or growth factors and cells are
currently being developed for a variety of musculoskeletal tissue engineering applications including bone
and cartilage. Preformed scaffolds fabricated using advanced solid freeform fabrication techniques allow
control of internal 3-D architecture, while injectable scaffolds could be delivered via minimally invasive
approaches. We have demonstrated excellent mechanical properties, biocompatibility and tissue regeneration
potential of these biomaterials in vitro and in vivo. Current work focuses on translation of such tissue
engineered constructs to first in-human use and clinical practice.
Biography: Dr . Lichun Lu is a Pr ofessor of Biomedical Engineer ing and Or thopedics at the Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. She received her B.E. in chemical engineering from Tsinghua University,
China, and her Ph.D. in chemical engineering and bioengineering from Rice University. She currently serves
as co-director of the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Laboratory at Mayo Clinic.
Dr. Lu’s research focuses on developing novel synthetic biodegradable polymers for diverse tissue
engineering and regenerative medicine applications including bone, cartilage, nerve, and ophthalmology.
Specific emphases are on polymer synthesis, 3-D scaffold processing, cell-biomaterial interactions,
evaluation of tissue-engineered constructs in large animal models, and clinical translation.
Dr. Lu has published 90 peer-reviewed journal articles in these areas and given over 100 presentations. She
is also a 2009 recipient of the prestigious Kappa Delta Elizabeth Winston Lanier Award from the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Invited Speakers
Viable Multiscale Systems for Mineralized Tissue Regeneration
Dr. Prashant N. Kumta, Engineering & Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
Abstract: Tissue engineer ing and nanotechnology in r ecent year s have syner gistically r evolutionized
and transformed the biomaterials field. As a result, new biodegradable materials containing functionalized
carriers have led to the development of novel drug, protein, growth factors, DNA, including stem cell
delivery systems, while even serving as a platform for embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation.
Additionally, innovative 3-D printing has provided a unique manufacturing medium for mimicking the
intricate microstructures of biological systems. There is still, however, much to be desired with regards to
providing a viable clinical therapy for bone regeneration. This presentation will discuss the collaborative
efforts at the University of Pittsburgh between the faculty from the schools of engineering, dental medicine,
and medicine to engender next generation concepts for bone regeneration. These concepts involve a unique
combination of novel nanostructured calcium phosphates (NanoCaPs) nanoparticulates, NanoCaPs-biologics
gel based hybrid structures including injectable, porous, calcium phosphate (CaP) containing biocompatible
and biodegradable bone putties that can serve as carriers of proteins, plasmid DNA, normal and stem cell
enabling regeneration of mineralized tissue with and without signaling molecules. A paradigm shift using
first principles theory and experiments for the synthesis, design, and processing of new biodegradable metals
and composite structures with unique sensing capabilities is also being explored. The net result is the fusion
of these various novel strategies for the generation of revolutionary biocompatible porous and 3-D
biodegradable hybrid structures as “intelligent” load bearing alternatives for mineralized tissue regeneration.
Such a strategy will offer unique sets of solutions including customized medical treatments for various bone
related injuries and ailments afflicting patients today.
Biography: Dr . Kumta obtained his Bachelor of Technology in Metallur gical Engineer ing fr om the
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India in 1984. He then obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Arizona in 1987 and 1990, respectively. He
recently joined the University of Pittsburgh after serving on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University for 17
years, and is currently the Edward R. Weidlein Chair Professor in the Swanson School of Engineering and
the School of Dental Medicine.
Dr. Kumta’s primary research interests are in the synthesis, structure and properties of nanostructured
materials for electrochemical electronic, bone tissue engineering, biomineralization, bio-sensing, and
non-viral gene delivery applications.
Dr. Kumta is the recipient of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Initiation Award (RIA), and
was named Fellow of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) and American Institute of Medical and
Biological Engineers (AIMBE). He has edited/co-edited 9 books, given more than 125 invited and 430 oral
presentations, and is the author and co-author of more than 255 refereed publications. He is currently the
Editor in Chief of Materials Science and Engineering, B, Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, an
International Journal by Elsevier.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Research Category
New Frontiers in Advanced Materials (18 posters)
1. Computing Protein-Protein Association Affinity with Hybrid Steered Molecular Dynamics
Primary Presenter: Roberto Rodriguez, Faculty Advisor: Dr. Liao Chen
2. Controlled Synthesis and Electron Microscopy Characterization of Bimetallic Nanostructures
Primary Presenter: J. Jesús Velázquez-Salazar, Faculty Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
3. Darkfield Electron Microscopy Study of ZnO/Ag Nanowires
Primary Presenter: Simon Jenks, Faculty Advisor: Dr. Arturo Ponce
4. Laser Assisted Synthesis of Selenium Nanoparticles for Therpeutics
Primary Presenter: Edward Khachatryan, Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kelly Nash
5. Factors Affecting the Interactions Between Beta-lactoglobulin and Fatty Acids as Revealed in Molecular
Dynamics Simulations
Primary Presenter: Theirry Wambo, Advisor: Dr. Liao Chen
6. Gold Nanoparticles
Primary Presenter: Patricia Horta Fraijo, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
7. High Resolution STEM Imaging of Bimetallic Gold-Copper Multibranced Nanostructures
Primary Presenter: Lourdes Bazan-Díaz, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
8. Metallic Nanowires
Primary Presenter: Jun Lee, Advisor: Dr. Arturo Ponce Pedraza
9. Multifunctional Luminomagnetic Bioimaging Contrast Agents for Medical Imaging
Primary Presenter: L. Chris Mimun, Advisor: Dr. Dhiraj Sardar
10. On the Weak Forces on Nanoparticles
Primary Presenter: Diego Alducin, Advisor: Dr. Arturo Ponce Pedraza
11. Optical Properties and Cellular Interaction Effects by Nanoparticle Surface Modification
Primary Presenter: Francisco Pedraza, Advisor: Dr. Dhiraj Sardar
12. Pulsed Laser Ablation of Bulk Selenium for Nanoparticle Generation
Primary Presenter: Guillermo Naranjo, Advisor: Dr. Xomalin Peralta
13. STEM Imaging of Disordered Gold-Copper Nanoalloys
Primary Presenter: Ruben Mendoza-Cruz, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
14. Structural Analysis of Au@Ag Nanocrystals by HAADF-STEM and Electron Tomography
Primary Presenter: Alejandra Londono-Calderon, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
15. TEM In Situ Plastic Deformation of Silver Nanowires
Primary Presenter: Jose Ortega Aguilar, Dr. Arturo Ponce Pedraza
16. Thermal Properties of Bi-metallic Nanoalloys
Primary Presenter: Dr. Gregory Guisbiers, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
17. Ultrastructural Analysis of Bone using Focused Ion Beam and Electron Microscopy
Primary Presenter: Sandra Vergara, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
18. Zn-Si-Alloy Corrosion Inhibiting Film Characterization using XRD Analysis
Primary Presenter: Andre Childes, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Research Category
Multifunctional Electronic Materials and Devices (10 posters)
19. Design and Testing of Piezoelectric Devices towards Highway Sensing and Energy Conversion
Primary Presenter: Juan Tamez, Advisor: Dr. Ruyan Guo
20. Design and Simulation of 100 and 200 kHz Tri-Phasic PZT Piezoelectric Transducers
Primary Presenter: Juan Tamez, Advisor: Dr. Ruyan Guo
21. Design and Verification of Converter Circuits for High Efficiency Piezoelectric Highway Energy
Primary Presenter: Kalyan Chakravarthy, Advisor: Dr. Ruyan Guo
22. Dielectric Sensor for Extreme Temperature and Pressure Conditions
Primary Presenter: Meng Li, Advisor: Dr. Amar Bhalla
23. Induced Transmission and Enhanced Faraday Rotation in Ultrathin Metallic Magnetic Films
Primary Presenter: Rodion Kononchuk, Advisor: Dr. Andrey Chabanov
24. Magneto-Elasto-Electroporation (MEEP) - In-vitro Visualization and Numerical Characterization
Primary Presenter: Soutik Betal, Advisor: Dr. Ruyan Guo
25. Modeling and Characterization of Ferroelectric Materials in CMOS Technology
Primary Presenter: Prianka Sengupta, Advisor: Dr. Ruyan Guo
26. Non-Contact Displacements Measurements
Primary Presenter: Bryan Gamboa, Advisor: Dr. Ruyan Guo
27. Properties of Silver and Copper Nanoparticle-Containing Aqueous Solutions and Evaluation of their In
Vitro Activity against Candida Albicans and Staphylococcus Aureus Biofilms
Primary Presenter: Melissa Montes, Advisor: Dr. Ruyan Guo
28. Terahertz Probing of Nanoscopic Properties of Dielectric Materials
Primary Presenter: Moumita Dutta, Advisor: Dr. Ruyan Guo
Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials (6 posters)
29. Calcitic Microlens Arrays in Archaster Typicus: Microstructural Evidence for An Advanced
Photoreception System in Modern Starfish
Primary Presenter: Dr. Ekaterina Vinogradova, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
30. Crystalline Phase Mapping Associated with the Magnetic Flux in Cobalt Nanowires
Primary Presenter: John Sanchez, Advisor: Dr. Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
31. Interactions of the Au144(SR)60 Nanoparticle in Aqueous Environments
Primary Presenter: Oscar Villarreal, Advisor: Dr. Liao Chen
32. One-Step Development and Applications of Cu-Modified Electrodes from Pyrolysis of Paper
Primary Presenter: Jason Giuliani, Advisor: Dr. Carlos Garcia
33. Size Dependent Properties of Water-Soluble Thiolated Au Nanoclusters
Primary Presenter: Germán Plascencia, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
34. Synthesis of Manganese Oxide Nanostructured Materials
Primary Presenter: Jose Enrique Samaniego Benitez, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Research Category
Materials Used for Medical Devices and Implants (13 posters)
35. Architectural Gradient Scaffolds for Subchondral Restoration
Primary Presenter: Diana Castillo, Advisor: Dr. Teja Guda
36. Characteristics and Properties of Silk Scaffolds
Primary Presenter: Joseph Pearson, Advisor: Dr. Teja Guda
37. Collagen Coated Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds Provide Superior rhBMP-2 Based Bone Regeneration in
Critical Bone Defects
Primary Presenter: Joseph Pearson, Advisor: Dr. Teja Guda
38. Electrochemically-Preadsorbed Collagen Promotes Adult Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Adhesion on
Optically Transparent Nanostrucured Carbon Substrates
Primary Presenter: Marissa Wechsler, Advisor: Dr. Rena Bizios
39. Electrospun Scaffold Development for Periodontal Ligament Regeneration
Primary Presenter: Parisa Pourattar, Advisor: Dr. Teja Guda
40. Evaluation of Swelling Kinetics and Mucoadhesion Properties of Poly(vinyl alcohol)-Poly(acrylic acid)
Primary Presenter: Solaleh Miar, Advisor: Dr. Teja Guda
41. Hydroxyapatite and Carbon Nanotubes (HA-CNT) Composite Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration
Primary Presenter: Sergio Montelongo, Advisor: Dr. Teja Guda
42. Interpenetrating Collagen-Fibrin Hydrogels for Skeletal Muscle Regeneration
Primary Presenter: Sarah Stagg, Advisor: Dr. Teja Guda
43. Novel Osteogenetic Scaffolds with Biomimetic Mineralization for Bone Regeneration
Primary Presenter: Jasmine King, Advisor: Dr. Teja Guda
44. Optimizing Optoacoustic Sensors Utilizing Different Cavity Materials of a Photonic Crystal Structure
Primary Presenter: Kavya Kadugodinandareddy, Advisor: Dr. Jing Yong Ye
45. Promoting Vascularized Bone Tissue Regeneration on Composite Scaffolds Using Spatial and Temporal
Primary Presenter: Rebekah Rodriguez, Advisor: Dr. Teja Guda
46. Single Growth Factor Release from PLA-based Microparticles for Recruitment and Differentiation of
Osteoprogenitor Cells
Primary Presenter: Laura Gaviria, Advisor: Dr. Teja Guda
47. Ultrastructural Effect on Candida Albicans Biofilm by Silver Nanoparticles
Primary Presenter: Humberto Lara, Advisor: Dr. Miguel José Yacamán
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 1
Computing Protein-Protein Association Affinity with Hybrid Steered Molecular Dynamics
Author(s): R. Rodriguez, L. Yu
Abstract: An impor tant challenge pr esently studied in biophysics and biochemistr y is the accur ate computation
of free energy of binding for protein-protein complexes. In the current literature, some effective approaches involve
use of the relationship between the potential of mean force (PMF) and the binding constant. These approaches suffer
from requiring delicate choices of constraining potentials during simulations, which are not transferrable in general
between systems. This work presents an extension of our previous hybrid steered molecular dynamics (hSMD)
approach that requires no such potentials. In contrast to traditional SMD methods, which involve pulling one center of
mass of one of the protomers using a harmonic potential with a spring constant of carefully chosen strength, the hSMD
method involves pulling n centers of mass using n springs of infinite stiffness to disallow fluctuations of the pulling
centers. We implemented this method to the Ras and RalGDS complex, using 400 computing cores in parallel, with a
cost of approximately 71.6 wall-clock hours. We found a binding free energy of -9.2 +/- 1.9 kcal/mol, which is very
close to the experimental data, -8.4 +/- 0.2 kcal/mol.
Poster 2
Controlled Synthesis and Electron Microscopy Characterization of Bimetallic Nanostructures
Author(s): J. Velázquez-Salazar, L. Bazán-Díaz, R. Mendoza-Cruz, J. E. Samaniego-Benitez, M. José-Yacamán
Abstract: The incr easing impact of bimetallic nanopar ticles in the science has stimulated the development and
improvement of new techniques for manufacturing nanoparticles with tailored properties for the potential applications
in catalysis and medicine. Wet chemistry has proven to be highly efficient for the preparation of different nanostructures, particularly the seed-mediated method. One of the most important parameters that determines the final structure
of the nanoparticles is the surfactant. In this method, firstly, seeds of the two metals are created during the diffusion of
atoms due to the thermal energy provided by the temperature increment of the reaction. Secondly, the seeds grow
through a layer-by-layer mechanism which can be modified by surfactant-seed interactions leading to the formation of
different particles.
In this work we present the controlled production of different bimetallic nanoparticles, namely Au-Cu and Au-Ag.
These nanoparticles were synthetized through a seed-mediated method by using different amine molecules to control
their growth and their final morphology. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) techniques were employed to characterize the structural properties of these alloyed nanoparticles.
Poster 3
Darkfield Electron Microscopy Study of ZnO/Ag Nanowires
Author(s): S. Jenks, A. Pedraza
Abstract: An attempt was made using tr ansmission electr on micr oscopy to image the possible inver sion of
polarity in what are known as “inversion domain boundaries” in ZnO/Ag nanoantennas using the dark field of the
JEOL 2010F Field Emission STEM. Such inversion domain boundaries typically show themselves in a reversal of
contrast between 002 and the 00-2. The inversion domain boundaries are the result of the crystal structurally flipping
(inverting) and so presenting different atomic faces.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 4
Laser Assisted Synthesis of Selenium Nanoparticles for Therapeutics
Author(s): E. Khachatryan, J. Mendoza, F. Otero, G. Guisbiers, K. L. Nash
Abstract: Nanopar ticles (NPs) ar e incr easingly being studied in var ious ar eas of scientific r esear ch while being
translated to applications impacting everyday life. Biomedical applications of NPs are at the frontier of these efforts.
One of the major hurdles in manufacturing NPs are controlling synthesis without the use of toxic chemical surfactants
which can hinder their use in later applications. In this work we report synthesis of Selenium (Se), a bio-essential
element, for biomedical applications. The Se NPs were synthesized by laser ablation method with nanosecond pulses at
355nm resulting in NPs free of surface contaminants. The particles were synthesized in either deionized (DI) water and
in solution containing chitosan, a nontoxic and natural biopolymer. Size and distribution of the product was measured
by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) followed by determination of
concentration using Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Mass Spectrometry. Efficacy of the Se NPs as an anti-bacterial
treatment was tested on various bacteria strains. The results indicate that Se NPs are potential candidates for
nanoparticle based therapeutics.
Poster 5
Factors Affecting the Interactions Between Beta-lactoglobulin and Fatty Acids as Revealed in
Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Author(s): T. Wambo, C. Yi, L. Chen
Abstract: Fatty acids (FAs) ar e impor tant sour ces of fuel for life because they yield lar ge quantities of ATP
when metabolized. The binding affinity of FAs to Beta-lactoglobuline increases with the length of the ligands. An exception to this rule is caprylic acid (OCA) which is two-carbon shorter but has a stronger binding affinity than capric
acid. We gained insights into the exceptional behavior of caprylic acid in the computed values of entropy and electrostatic interactions. We found that the electrostatic interaction between the carboxyl group of caprylic acid and two amino in BLG is much stronger than the vdW force between OCA’s hydrophobic tail and the BLG calyx.
Poster 6
Gold Nanoparticles
Author(s): P. Horta Fraijo, J. Velázquez Salazar, M. José-Yacamán
Abstract: In this wor k we synthesized six shapes of lar ge gold nanopar ticles with platonic str uctur es: concave
decahedron, rhombic dodecahedron, dodecahedron, and decahedron. Heavily truncated gold decahedron and facet
covered pentagonal star are also synthesized by a simple two step seed mediated growth method on PVP
(Polyvinylpyrrolidone) and DMF (N_N Dimethylformamide). The water concentration and temperature of the solution
have a significant influence on the final morphology of the gold particles. The obtained structures were characterized
by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). All six platonic structures were found from the same initial decahedral
nanoparticle. Transmission Electron Microscopy was used to characterized the 40 nm gold seeds. Energy-dispersive Xray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to determine the chemical composition of the Nanoparticles.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 7
High Resolution STEM Imaging of Bimetallic Gold-Copper Multibranced Nanostructures
Author(s): L. Bazán-Díaz, R. Mendoza-Cruz, J. J. Velázquez-Salazar, G. Plascencia-Villa, J. E. Samaniego-Benítez,
G. Guisbiers, R. Herrera-Becerra, M. José-Yacamán
Abstract: Bimetallic nanopar ticles ar e an impor tant gr oup of nanomater ials exhibiting size, shape, str uctur e
and composition dependent properties. At the bulk scale, gold-copper alloy exhibits ordered phases Au3Cu (L12),
AuCu (L10), AuCU3 (L12). The ligands play an important role in the synthesis of bi-metallic nanoparticles because
they influence the final shape and size of the nanoparticle.
Here, we compare different synthesis of Au-Cu nanocrystals by using hexadecylamine (HDA) and oleylamine (OLA)
as capping agents and varying the reaction conditions. A slow reduction of the complex generated twinned seeds of Au
–Cu. In both cases the use of the surfactant give rise to decahedral cores. It has been observed that the alkyl amine
groups promotes growth on the {111} faces and restrict their lateral growth. When OLA is used, we obtain novel
rounded pentagonal multi-branched particles. In contrast when HDA is used, pointed nanostars are obtained. In
conclusion, we are able to obtain novel gold-copper nanocrystals with different grow behavior by modifying the
synthesis conditions and the surfactant used.
Poster 8
Metallic Nanowires
Author(s): J. W. Lee
Abstract: Multilayer ed Cu/Fe3Ga nanowir es wer e analyzed by basic techniques of Tr ansmission Electr on Microscope. I have focused on bright field, dark field, and Selected Area Diffraction Pattern (SADF) to get the sample
images. In addition, I have used Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) to visualize its chemical composition and structure between layers. In this case, I have done Electron Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) technique
to get mapping and composition data of the nanowires. Above basic techniques results massive information about the
materials; its analysis will be an outset for research in depth such as studying its magnetic behavior.
Poster 9
Multifunctional Luminomagnetic Bioimaging Contrast Agents for Medical Imaging
Author(s): C. Mimun, C. Rightsell, G. A. Kumar, F. Pedraza, A. T. Tsin, V. P. Dravid, D. K. Sardar
Abstract: The development of multimodal nanomater ials for medical imaging applications has r ecently gained
much interest in biomedical community. Utilizing the biological window where low scatting and low absorption occur,
many researchers have developed nanomaterials such as fluorophors, metal nanoparticles, and other organic molecules
that would improve current imaging techniques, but are usually limited to two modalities. In this project, we are
developing near infrared(NIR) based nanocrystals (NCs) as contrast agents with multimodal features comprising of
strong NIR fluorescence, X-ray fluorescence and magnetic properties by utilizing the superparamagnetic features of
Gd3+, the high X-ray excitation cross section of Lu3+, and the NIR fluorescence of Nd3+. Halides, such as Na
(Gd0.5Lu0.5)F4, were doped with NIR active rare earth ions, Nd3+, where synthesis conditions have been optimized
to obtain the brightest phosphor with a size of < 50 nm. Characterization of the NCs were performed to explore the
excitation and emission properties, crystal structure, morphology, magnetization properties, and X-ray fluorescence
properties, and biological impact. The potential use of these NCs can be utilized as contrast agents for medical imaging
application such as optical imaging, magnetic resonance (MRI) and X –ray imaging.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 10
On the Weak Forces on Nanoparticles
Author(s): D. Alducin, M. José-Yacamán, A. Ponce
Abstract: Weak for ces, such as the Van der Waals for ces, clear ly affect the domain in which nanopar ticles ar e
observed. Molecular attractions, electrostatics, forces of adhesion and friction are some of the forces involved in the
kinematics of nanoparticles. In this work, we manipulated a series of capped gold nanoparticles and quantitatively
measured the forces that allowed different types of motions. Using in situ TEM techniques for probing the nanoparticles to measure and observe the forces involved during manipulation offered significant contributions into the way future problems can be approached. During this experiment we introduced a Nanofactory holder with a silicon AFM cantilever into a transmission electron microscope. The interaction between the cantilever, the nanoparticles and the gold
wire produced different types of motions. The forces within these motions were quantified due to the deflection of the
cantilever with a known spring constant (k = 5.45 N/m) and due to the live visual feedback given by the recording of
the motion in the TEM. The interactions between the capped nanoparticle, the tool and the surface showed how fundamental the force of adhesion is at this scale, more specifically how they change as more complex motions are introduced.
Poster 11
Optical Properties and Cellular Interaction Effects by Nanoparticle Surface Modification
Author(s): F. Pedraza
Abstract: Fluor escent nanopar ticles (NPs) such as KYb2F7:Tm3+ potential in biomedical applications due to
their ability to absorb and emit within the biological window, where near infrared light is less attenuated by soft tissue.
This results in less tissue damage and deeper tissue penetration making it a viable candidate in biological imaging.
Another big factor in determining their ability to perform in a biological setting is the surface chemistry.
Biocompatible coatings, including polyethylene glycol (PEG), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), pluronic and folic acid are
commonly used because they pose several advantages such as ease of functionalization, better dispersion, and higher
cellular uptake. To study the effects of the NP surface chemistry, KYb2F7:Tm3+ a solvothermal method using PEG,
PVP, pluronic acid, and folic acid as a capping agent, followed by thorough optical characterizations. Optical changes
were thoroughly studied and compared using absorption, emission, and quantum yield data. Cell viability was obtained
by treating Rhesus Monkey Retinal Endothelial cells (RhREC) with KYb2F7:Tm3 and counting viable cells following
a 24 hour uptake period. The work presented will compare the optical properties and toxicity dependency on the
surface chemistry on KYb2F7:Tm3+. The results will also indicate that KYb2F7:Tm3+ nanoparticles are viable
candidates for various biomedical applications.
Poster 12
Pulsed Laser Ablation of Bulk Selenium for Nanoparticle Generation
Author(s): G. A. Naranjo, G. Guisbiers, H. Lara Villegas, E. Khachatryan, J. Mendoza, S. Franklin, K.L. Nash,
X. G. Peralta
Abstract: Recent r esear ch indicates that selenium, a bio-essential trace element, may have therapeutic applications
in anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-cancer treatments. These results have sparked the interest in using
selenium nanoparticles for various nano-based therapies creating the need to synthesize nanomaterials free of any
surface contaminants. We have synthesized selenium nanoparticles via laser ablation in de-ionized water by irradiating
bulk-selenium pellets with 800 nm light from a pulsed femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser. Both spherical and non-spherical
nanoparticles are produced corresponding to two different production mechanisms: melting and photo-fragmentation.
Melting produces spherical nanoparticles with a size ~ 50 nm while the ones produced by photo-fragmentation are non
-spherical with sizes larger than 100 nm. During the irradiation, laser-induced bubbles are formed which, if allowed to
grow, prevent the target from further ablation. We have documented and analyzed the dynamics of the bubble
formation and hypothesize that the physical mechanisms involved play a role in the low efficiency of nanoparticle
generation during irradiation with a femtosecond laser source.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 13
STEM Imaging of Disordered Gold-Copper Nanoalloys
Author(s): R. Mendoza-Cruz, L. Bazán-Diaz, J. J. Velázquez-Salazar, M. J. Arellano-Jiménez, G. Guisbiers,
R. Herrera-Becerra, M. José-Yacamán
Abstract: Alloy nanopar ticles ar e an impor tant gr oup of nanomater ials exhibiting size, shape, str uctur e and
composition dependent properties. The most common method used to synthesize alloyed nanoparticles is
wet-chemistry. The knowledge of the internal structure of the crystals provides insights to understand the crystal
growth of the nanosystem. In recent years it has been reported the relationship between shape and internal features
such as stacking faults and twin boundaries on nanowires and decahedral particles. These features can modify the final
shape of nanoparticles.
In this work we present the synthesis and the characterization of gold-copper bimetallic systems to analyze the internal
structure of ultrathin nanowires and nanocubes. Modifying few conditions during the synthesis, we obtained coiled
ultrathin nanowires with diameter below 3 nm. The former represents a novel and exceptionally interesting structure
since its growth is due to the multiple twins and stacking faults present along the whole wire. Also we present
nanocubes synthetized by dodecanethiol as capping agent. HRTEM, HAADF and EDS techniques allow us to describe
the internal structure of the synthesized particles.
Poster 14
Structural Analysis of Au@Ag Nanocrystals by HAADF-STEM and Electron Tomography
Author(s): A. Londono-Calderon, D. Behana-Urbe, M. José-Yacamán
Abstract: In this wor k a seed mediated method combined with galvanic r eplacement is pr esented in or der to
obtain Au yolk-shell truncated cube structures from an initial Au@Ag template. High Angular Annular Dark Field
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HAADF-STEM) was used to analyze the crystalline structure and composition. Electron Tomography of a single truncated cube was acquired to obtain a 2D stack of images. Simultaneous
Iterative (SIRT) algorithm method was used for the 3D reconstruction of the particle within an angle of -62° to +62°.
On Au@Ag nanocubes, the silver shell is highly sensitive to radiation damage, after 10-20 minutes the interaction with
the beam produces a superficial reconstruction of high indexed facets. The addition of gold ions induces the oxidation
and dissolution of the silver shell and at the same time the reduction and deposition of gold. Truncated Au yolk-shell
cubes are formed by the fast diffusion of the newly Au ions onto the {100} faces. Complete dissolution of the silver
shell is achieved and observed by Z-contrast and the 3D reconstruction.
Poster 15
TEM In Situ Plastic Deformation of Silver Nanowires
Author(s): J. E. Ortega, D. Alducin, R. Borja, J. J. Velazquez-Salazar, J. E. Sanchez, F. Mendoza Santoyo,
M. José-Yacamán, M. Covarrubias, A. Ponce
Abstract: Silver nanowir es possess a ser ies of positive char acter istics that give them ver satility and an extensive
sort of applications. In this study we report the plastic deformation and failure of silver nanowires, using a specialized
TEM-AFM holder to execute a mechanical three point bending test in situ TEM. The mechanical test of the
nanostructure was documented on video by a CCD camera attached to the microscope. From the video it was possible
to investigate the mechanical response of the nanowire, in both regimens: elastic and plastic, making it possible to
estimate the variables needed to compute the Young’s Modulus. On other hand, for comparison, AFM imaging and
indentation experiments were implemented. From the recorded material and the acquired TEM images the calculated
Young’s modulus of the beam was calculated to be approximately 110 GPa. As the applied load increase the nanowire
deflects until it reaches fracture and completely separates. In the case of the AFM’s silicon nitride tip a value of around
98 GPa was obtained which is in agreement with previous reported data for this diameter scale. The increase on
mechanical resistant on these nanostructures is attributed to the unique five-fold twin microstructure of the Ag NW.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 16
Thermal Properties of Bi-metallic Nanoalloys
Author(s): G. Guisbiers, R. Mendoza-Cruz, L. Bazán-Díaz, J. J. Velázquez-Salazar, R. Mendoza-Perez, R. L. Whetten,
M. José-Yacamán
Abstract: At the bulk scale, inter est in alloys ar ises since they have differ ent physical and chemical pr oper ties
compared to their individual constitutive metallic elements. Beside this composition dependence, we have at the
nanoscale, three additional knobs of freedom, i.e. size, morphology and segregation/ordering, playing a major role in
the properties of the nanoalloy. To fully understand the behavior of nanoalloys, the knowledge of the phase diagram is
required. Actually, the phase diagram is a fundamental starting point when performing materials research in such fields
as nanotechnology because it undergoes modifications compared to its bulk counterpart due essentially to an important
surface to volume ratio. Using nano-thermodynamics, recent results concerning Au-Cu1 and Au-Ag2 alloys will be
discussed. The phase diagrams of various polyhedral nanoparticles (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, decahedron,
dodecahedron, rhombic dodecahedron, truncated octahedron, cuboctahedron, and icosahedron) of those alloys at
different sizes (4 nm and 10 nm) will be presented. Surface segregation will also be discussed and the theoretical
predictions will be compared to experimental observations.
Poster 17
Ultrastructural Analysis of Bone using Focused Ion Beam and Electron Microscopy
Author(s): S. Vergara-Perez, J. Arellano-Jimenez, R. Fajardo, M. José-Yacamán
Abstract: The study of the ultr astr uctur al or ganization of bone r equir es a combination of electr on micr oscopy
(SEM-TEM) techniques. Ultramicrotomy has been traditionally the method used to obtain electron-transparent slices
of bone for TEM. However, it presents some significant disadvantages like artificial damage and limited control over
desired location. As an alternative, the technique of focused ion beam (FIB) has been proposed for bone lamella preparation. In this work we used a dual-beam FIB-SEM instrument to study cortical bone through milling of simple crosssection, sequential milling for tomography, and preparation of thin lamella for TEM analysis. The simultaneous FIBmilling and SEM-imaging allowed a very precise site specificity when milling specimens. Simple cross-sections near
the osteon canal revealed zones of hydroxyapatite (HA) crystals parallel to the osteon axe with non-parallel zones in
between. The 3D reconstruction of sequentially milled-slices showed cracks propagating in the specimen. Finally, a
thin lamella was analyzed through TEM. The region with parallel HA crystals showed typical collagen band gaps
while diffraction patterns showed a preferential HA growth in direction 002. The lamella was thin enough to allow observation of crystal structures. In conclusion, we could observed the ultrastructure of cortical bone using FIB milling
for sample preparation.
Poster 18
Zn-Si-Alloy Corrosion Inhibiting Film Characterization using XRD Analysis
Author(s): A. Childs, J. Macy, E. Vinogradova, J. Sanchez, M. José-Yacamán
Abstract: Corr osion is the r esult of a dynamic chemical r eaction between a metal, metal alloys and the par ticulates in the surrounding environment. Economically, the cost of corrosion in the US alone has been estimated anywhere between $8 billion to $126 billion, annually [1]. Which does not include indirect costs that concern public safety, health, and effects to the environment. The necessity for a method - or application of a coating that can reduce the
rate at which corrosion occurs, increase the efficacy of modern anticorrosive materials - presents itself. This project
examines the efficacy of an anticorrosive coating produced by Rice [2], using a coating of Silicon (Si) deposited on a
metal alloy by electrolytic means (anodization) using Zn as a cathode. This was performed using an aqueous hydride
medium (Na2SiO39H2O) as the plating bath. Four samples of alloys were generated using the Rice method each at
varying voltages (6, 8, 10 and 15, respectively). We vary the concentration solution and examine the composition of
the deposition using X-ray Diffraction analysis (XRD) and Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS) to characterize the
Si film.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 19
Design and Simulation of 100 and 200 kHz Tri-Phasic PZT Piezoelectric Transducers
Author(s): J. P. Tamez, M. C. Bhardwaj, A. S. Bhalla, R. Guo
Abstract: This wor k r epor ts the simulation r esults of a Tr i-Phase piezoelectric transducer composed of PZT-5H rods
surrounded by hexagonal polymer walls in a vacuum ambient. The electrical and mechanical characteristics of these
transducers are simulated and predicted. The measured piezoelectric properties of the fabricated transducers are found to
be in good agreement with those of the predicted design. The simulation of the designed transducer was expected to have
acoustic energy channeled in the d33 mode at resonance, with weak or no shear-mode cross-talk behavior from the other
modes. The mechanical displacements measured were large and highly aligned along d33 mode. This implies that
Tri-Phasic piezoelectric transducer performs as a single device with improved mechanical and electrical response. Such
designed transducers can be highly useful for the noncontact Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) and Non-Destructive
Testing (NDT) with high resolution and greater depth profile of various types of material studies. Thus using several
design parameters/variables new transducers with desired features can be produced for wide range of applications.
Poster 20
Design and Testing of Piezoelectric Devices towards Highway Sensing and Energy Conversion
Author(s): J. P. Tamez, B. Gamboa, G. Nall, K. Chakravarthy, M. Pole, P. Gopalakrishnan, C. Gonuguntla, S. Binzaid,
A. Bhalla, R. Guo
Abstract: Ener gy har vesting fr om r oad infr astr uctur e is a new r esear ch ter r itor y that encompasses technologies
that capture the wasted energy occurred at pavements, accumulate and store it for self-sustained highway monitoring,
communications, illuminations, and for possibly converting the highways into electric energy generator. This work
demonstrates four different piezoelectric design models to harvest such energy. The piezo models are evaluated by
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) COMSOL under sinusoidal 10 Hz drive conditions. The models are composed of PZT
ceramic. The four models consist of single PZT rods, Thunder TH-7R, piezo radial composite, and 1-3 PZT composite.
Out of the four piezoelectric devices the 1:3 PZT composites of different height/diameter aspect ratios showed promising
performance with good LNPD. Increasing aspect ratio increased the power output for a given composite at a cost of
somewhat reduced LNPD under given pressure. A Custom designed test bed is established to evaluate energy
conversion, by the imbedded PZT modules, of the compressive pressure caused by highway traffic. The work is supported by Texas Department of Transportation and is part of collaborative team effort with researchers of Civil Engineering,
UTSA, SwRI, and Texas A&M University.
Poster 21
Design and Verification of Converter Circuits for High Efficiency Piezoelectric Highway Energy
Author(s): S. Binzaid, K. Chakravarthy, J. Helffrich, A. S. Bhalla, R. Guo
Abstract: We have investigated the use of piezoelectr ic mater ials to har vest mechanical defor mations and
vibrations of highway pavement produced by passenger and cargo vehicles, converting the mechanical energy to electric
energy. High efficiency converters are required to capture the charges and to store the energy (in capacitors or batteries)
while minimizing losses. In this work, a number of converter circuits have been designed and simulated. The PZT
materials used in the tests are PZT-5A and Thunder X7R. A custom designed signal-amplified shaker is used on these
PZT materials to evaluate time efficiency and power efficiency of the converter circuits. A comparative study is carried
out between a single rail capacitor (SRC) converter circuit and a capacitor inductive converter (CIC) circuit. The SRC
has been found to have conversion efficiency of 86-95%, while the CIC has a conversion efficiency of 29.6-38%. The
CIC is 24% better for time efficiency at T/2 (T/2: Time for charging a 1000 µf electrolytic capacitor to 2 volts). On the
other hand it is 66% less power efficient than the SRC. Single rail capacitor converter circuit is thus highly promising for
the piezoelectric highway energy harvesting modules and are being explored further for implementation. This work is
supported by the Texas Department of Transportation and is part of collaborative team effort with researchers of
MeMDRL/ECE-UTSA, Civil Engineering-UTSA, SwRI, and TTI-Texas A&M University.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 22
Dielectric Sensor for Extreme Temperature and Pressure Conditions
Author(s): M. Li, A. Bhalla, R. Guo
Abstract: Dielectr ic mater ials with envir onmentally contr ollable capacitance/dielectr ic loss offer pr omising
material candidates for realization of novel temperature and pressure sensing devices. We simulated piezoresistivity
and related electrical properties for designing efficient sensors in the harsh environmental conditions. We present in
this poster a specific example GaFeO3 for such sensor design and controllable piezoresistivity of Wheatstone Bridge
configuration as a sensing mechanism.
Poster 23
Induced Transmission and Enhanced Faraday Rotation in Ultrathin Metallic Magnetic Films
Author(s): R. Kononchuk, K. J. Smith, T. Carroll, I. Vitebskiy, A. Chabanov
Abstract: Due to their lar ge electr ical conductivity, stand-alone metallic films are highly reflective and do not
transmit light or microwave (MW) radiation. For this reason, it is nearly impossible to observe Faraday rotation in
ferromagnetic metal layers, even in films just tens of nanometers thick. Here, we show both experimentally and using
numerical simulations that a stack of cobalt nano-layers interlaced between dielectric layers can become highly
transmissive and display a large Faraday rotation in a finitefrequency band. A 450 Faraday rotation commonly used in
MW and optical isolators can be achieved with metallic magnetic layers as thin as tens of nanometers.
Poster 24
Magneto-Elasto-Electroporation (MEEP) - In-vitro Visualization and Numerical Characterization
Author(s): S. Betal, M. Dutta, B. Shrestha, E. Khachatryan, L.F. Cotica, K.L. Nash, A. Bhalla, R. Guo /
Advisor: Dr. Ruyan Guo
Abstract: Magneto-Elasto-Electroporation (MEEP) is a magnetically controlled elastic-electroporation observed
while core-shell Magneto-electric nanoparticles interact with Biological Cells. The surface polarity change of the
piezoelectric coating (BaTiO3) due to absorption of pressure created due magneto-striction of core (CoFe2O4) in AC
magnetic field results in electric field (Uext) change at the external vicinity of the cell membrane when nanoparticles
are nearby. This results in transmembrane Voltage (Um) change which is basically the difference in Cell’s internal
potential (Uint) and external potential. The nonlinear permeability change of cell membrane due to change in Um
opens the nano-pores on the membrane. The magnetic moment of the nanoparticles further helps in penetration of the
Magneto-electric nanoparticles inside the cell through these magneto-electrically controlled newly opened nano-pores
on cell’s membrane. MEEP is analyzed through in-vitro analysis and Mathematical equations are formulated for
numerically expressing its fundamental effect. These particles can be used as nano-probes for electroporation
experiments and Cell membrane permeability study & exploring this mechanism can introduce a new level of remotely
controlled efficient treatment of various diseases by accurate & efficient targeted delivery of drug into the infected
cells. These particles can be used as nano-probes for electroporation experiments and Cell membrane permeability
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 25
Modeling and Characterization of Ferroelectric Materials in CMOS Technology
Author(s): P. Sengupta, R. Guo, A. S. Bhalla
Abstract: The application of fer r oelectr ic mater ials in semiconductor CMOS technology has been an ar ea of
interest due to the tunable permittivity of ferroelectric (FE) materials. Outside the commonly seen memory
applications, considerable research attempts has been made towards integrating FE materials in submicron transistors.
Reports of higher turn on current and increased gate capacitance are among the positive observations made in the past.
The primary challenges in this integration approach appear in the form of shifted threshold and the negative effect of
ferroelectric hysteresis on the I-V characteristics, restricting reliable circuit operation. In this research, a design
methodology of Metal Insulator Ferroelectric Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MIFSFET) is presented. The
novel structure of the MIFSFET includes a thin stack of ferroelectric and Hi-K materials at the gate, resulting in
significant increase of driving current with nominal effect on the sub threshold region. Design considerations for
different device parameters (FE thickness, EOT, Hi-k oxide) are explored.
Poster 26
Non-Contact Displacement Measurements
Author(s): B. Gamboa, M. Malladi, R. Vadlamani, R. Guo, A. S. Bhalla
Abstract: It is impor tant to be able to implement non-contact measurement systems so as to not interfere with the
system itself. The measurement systems which will be implemented are a white light fiber optic measurement using
the MTI 2000 Fotonic Sensor, a Michelson Interferometry setup as well as a Polytec Vibrometer
measurement. Important characteristics which need measuring is pressure, power output, status of the module and
displacement. One necessity is the constant measurement over a wide span of area to know how the system is acting
as a whole. These features (pressure, displacement, etc.) are important because it allows the user to know the
optimal level the system is operating at. It also lets the user know when the system is in danger of breakdown and if
there is any faults. Measurements regarding the pressure sensor will be mainly studied during the course of the
summer to better understand the shaker and the pressure applied to the piezo device.
Poster 27
Properties of Silver and Copper Nanoparticle-Containing Aqueous Solutions and Evaluation of their
In Vitro Activity against Candida Albicans and Staphylococcus Aureus Biofilms
Author(s): M. Montes, C. G. Pierce, H. Lara Villegas, J. L. Lopez-Ribot, A. S. Bhalla, R. Guo
Abstract: Most micr oor ganisms gr ow on sur faces as biofilms r ather than as individual planktonic cells, showing
high levels of resistance against antimicrobial drugs. Thereby, biofilm formation complicates treatment and contributes
to high mortality rates associated with infections. This study explores the physical, optical, and nano-structural
properties of selected nanoparticles dispersed in aqueous solutions and examines their in vitro activity against
microbial biofilms. Silver and copper nanoparticulate colloidal water of various concentrations were prepared and
studied. Their surface energy, surface charge and surface plasmonic resonance properties were obtained using contact
angle, zeta potential and optical spectrometry, respectively. A model of biofilm formation on the wells of microtiter
plates was used to determine their in vitro activity against both fungal (C. albicans) and bacterial (S. aureus) biofilms.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the nanoparticle interactions with microbial cells. Results
show that silver nanoparticle-containing liquids have higher surface energy than that of the copper, and both
nanoparticles in liquid are positively charged. Altogether, effectiveness of colloidal silver in controlling biofilm
formation is observed and reported. For a given size of silver nanoparticles studied, effective concentration is far lower
than cytotoxic concentrations, indicating overall safety and good therapeutic index thus substantial application
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 28
Terahertz Probing of Nanoscopic Properties of Dielectric Materials
Author(s): M. Dutta, S. Betal, X. G. Peralta, A. Bhalla, R. Guo
Abstract: Electr omagnetic waves have always pr ovided ver satile stimuli for contr olling the behavior of matter in
all of its forms and phases. The extensive progress in the development of terahertz technology observed in the last two
decades has made it one of the potential controllers of such elementary excitations. THz waves having photon energy of
~4 meV (at 1 THz) allowing direct access to numerous low-energy excitations has made the study of material interaction
in Terahertz regime of great significance. In this work we have studied the Terahertz response of core-shell nano
particles and thin films of nano-meter range under the influence of external fields. While the nano particle comprises of a
ferromagnetic core encapsulated by a ferroelectric layer, the thin films are ion-sliced single crystals. The nano-particles
are studied with applied magnetic field and the films are studied under the influence of external electric field. THz
signature of the ferromagnetic core with and without the ferroelectric shell has been studied. The magneto-electric effect
thus induced on the particles by an external magnetic field has been probed by Terahertz transmission transients. On the
other hand the effect brought about by the applied electric field is investigated by employing Terahertz Reflection Spectroscopy.
Poster 29
Calcitic Microlens Arrays in Archaster Typicus: Microstructural Evidence for An Advanced
Photoreception System in Modern Starfish
Author(s): E. Vinogradova, F. Ruiz-Zepeda, G. Plascencia, M. José-Yacamán
Abstract: Recent studies have shown that in some light-sensitive species of an brittlestar (Ophiuroidea,
Echinodermata), the upper surface of the dorsal arm plate bears arrays of hemispherical microstructures which in
combination with underlying neural bundles and intraskeletal chromatophores probably function as a compound eye.
These calcitic lenses possess superior properties such as light weight, mechanical strength, and very low aberration and
birefringence; they display a unique focusing effect, signal enhancement, intensity adjustment, angular selectivity, and
photochromic activity. The discovery of these unique optical structures revealed that brittlestar visual system is more
sophisticated than initially thought and has inspired active interest toward designing of biomimetic highly tunable optical
elements for a wide variety of cutting-edge technological applications. Up to this moment, analogous spherical calcitic
lenses have been only reported in a few species of modern brittlestars and starfish. Similar calcitic microlenses have been
also observed in the Late Cretaceous fossil echinoderms. Here, we report the structural evidence for the presence of
calcitic microlenses in an extant species of starfish Archaster typicus. The close resemblance in microstructure and
location between the transparent regions of compact stereom described above and microlenses in the photosensitive
brittlestar Ophiocoma wendtii suggests that these regions may be involved with the photoreceptor system in A. typicus.
Poster 30
Crystalline Phase Mapping Associated with the Magnetic Flux in Cobalt Nanowires
Author(s): J. E. Sanchez, M. José-Yacamán, A. Ponce
Abstract: In this wor k, we r epor t the analysis of a polycr ystalline cobalt nanowir e using electr on hologr aphy and
precession electron diffraction to map the magnetic field contribution and crystalline phase orientation on high aspect
ratio Co nanowires. Furthermore, reversal magnetization was performed by tilting a non-oriented Co nanowire to obtain
the component of the magnetic field along the soft magnetic axis along the Co nanowire. An electron hologram,
associated with the magnetic sample, and a reference hologram using off-axis electron holography were recorded and
processed using Holowork script in Digital Micrograph, to retrieve the shift phase of the wave vector. Moreover, it was
shown the magnetic contribution of Co nanowires from the unwrapped phase image obtained through the holographic
process. Now, crystalline phase mapping under precession electron diffraction (PED) conditions was performed by
scanning over the sample with a probe size of 1.1 nm with a lateral resolution about 2 nm under nano-diffraction mode.
The electron diffraction patterns were recorded and correlated via "ASTAR" (automatic TEM phase-orientation mapping) to infer the crystal phase orientation of hcp grains with different orientations along the Co nanowire.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 31
Interactions of the Au144(SR)60 Nanoparticle in Aqueous Environments
Author(s): O. Villarreal
Abstract: In the pr esent wor k Au144(SR)60 nanopar ticles have been studied with molecular dynamics
simulations. They were functionalized by various ligand types of varying length, charge and flexibility. The effect of
these parameters on the interactions between two nanoparticles as well as with their aqueous environment is presented.
Poster 32
One-Step Development and Applications of Cu-Modified Electrodes from Pyrolysis of Paper
Author(s): J. Giuliani, G. M. Duran, T. E. Benavidez, A. Rios, C. D. Garcia
Abstract: A one-step approach for the synthesis and integration of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) onto paper-based
carbon electrodes is herein reported. The method is based on the pyrolysis (1000 ºC under a mixture of 95% Ar / 5%
H2 for 1 hour) of paper strips modified with a saturated solution of CuSO4 and yielded the formation of abundant
CuNPs on the surface of the carbonized cellulose fibers. The resulting electrodes were characterized by a combination
of scanning electron microscopy, EDX, Raman spectroscopy as well as electrical and electrochemical techniques.
Their potential application, as working electrodes for non-enzymatic determination of glucose was then demonstrated.
The amperometric response showed a linear range in the 0.2 – 4.8 mmol∙L-1 range and a sensitivity of 143 ± 2
μA∙L∙mmol-1. Besides being simple and inexpensive, this approach opens new possibilities for the development of
analytical methods using paper-based carbon electrodes modified with metallic catalytic centers.
Poster 33
Size Dependent Properties of Water-Soluble Thiolated Au Nanoclusters
Author(s): G. Plascencia
Abstract: Gold and bimetallic nanocluster s with sizes below 3 nm possess par ticular and inter esting str uctur al
and functional properties, which have attracted attention in different research areas. The structure of AuNC is
described as superatom complexes with a shell-closing number electronic configuration when nanoclusters are
monolayer-coordinated with ligands. These metallic nanoclusters are thermodynamically and electronically stabilized
by the adsorption of high affinity ligands. Thiol-terminated compounds have been most commonly employed to
stabilize the complex geometry of nanoclusters. However, the controlled synthesis, purification and surface
modification of nanoclusters has been a challenging task. Particularly, due to the poor water-solubility of organic
thiolated compounds, their uses and applications in biosciences are limited.
In this work, we produced and characterized with analytical techniques water-soluble thiolated Au and bimetallic
nanoclusters with precise atomic numbers. Analytical characterization through native PAGE electrophoresis, dynamic
light scattering/zeta-potential, absorbance spectroscopy, multi-wavelength analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) and
electrospray mass-spectrometry (ESI-MS) allowed determining size-dependent properties of nanoclusters that showed
high solubility and colloidal stability. Particularly, this integrative approach of analytical techniques allowed
determination of hydrodynamic diameters, molecular weights and mass/charges of nanoclusters simultaneously
produced in aqueous media. Sizes, shapes and nanostructural properties were confirmed with Cs-STEM.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 34
Synthesis of Manganese Oxide Nanostructured Materials
Author(s): J. E. Samaniego-Benitez, J. J. Velázquez-Salazar, L. Bazán-Díaz, R. Mendoza-Cruz, M. José-Yacamán,
J.F. Pérez-Robles
Abstract: Since the discover y of car bon nanotubes, the pr epar ation of one-dimensional nanomaterials, including
nanorods/wires/tubes, has attracted much attention due to their electronic, optical, thermal, chemical and catalytic
properties. Currently there are various techniques for the synthesis of one-dimensional nanomaterials as the use of
templates and the hydrothermal method and this will ultimately be easier, cheaper and faster2. Similarly manganese
oxides have attracted interest due to their physical and chemical properties, and its wide range of applications in
catalysis, molecular absorption and storage of energy. In this work an optimized synthesis of manganese oxide
nanotubes is presented. Also a simple way of doping this nanotubes with cobalt oxide nanoparticles, this as a future
application in areas such as photocatalysis and electrocatalysis. The X-ray diffraction technique confirmed the formation of the manganese oxide phase in the preparation of nanotubes by the hydrothermal method, likewise it shows
the formation of cobalt oxide phase when the doping process is performed. With the analysis by scanning electron
microscopy we observed the expected tubular structure of the manganese oxide nanotubes with a small distribution and
length from one to two micrometers. Similarly with this technique it was possible to observe the uniform formation or
the cobalt oxide nanoparticles and a good distribution over the surface of the nanotube. With the use of the
transmission electron microscopy technique was possible to analyze both samples at atomic resolution which allowed
observe the atomic structure of both oxides (manganese and cobalt) and the unification between these two materials.
Poster 35
Architectural Gradient Scaffolds for Subchondral Restoration
Author(s): D. Castillo, S. Montelongo, T. Guda, J. L. Ong
Abstract: Considerable interest has been given to various scaffold fabrication techniques to seek different means of
overcoming bone loss. Studies demonstrate that scaffolds act as temporary matrixes at the site of injury to promote cell
proliferation, which in turn promote tissue regeneration. This study focuses on constructing scaffolds that exhibit
different gradients of pore architectures and collagen coating on their surface in order to mimic physiological structures
and compositions for subchondral bone regeneration. Scaffolds were constructed from porous interconnected templates
(250 µm, 340 µm or 450 µm pore size) formed into spatial gradients in a inferior-superior and external to internal direction of decreasing pore size to mimic subchondral bone. Templates were then coated with a hydroxyapatite slurry
and sintered. Scaffolds were coated with various collagen concentrations (0.1%, 0.05%, and 0.25%) to determine
optimal coating concentration. Porosity, pore size, trabecular thickness, and mechanical characteristics were determined and compared to scaffolds without collagen coating. Results show that the trabecular thickness/pore size of each
scaffold was not significantly affected after the coating of collagen, indicating that they retained their open porous
architecture. Scaffolds coated with 0.05% collagen for 30 minutes showed the strongest trend for an increase in
toughness from the uncoated scaffolds (p=0.082).
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 36
Characteristics and Properties of Silk Scaffolds
Author(s): J. J. Pearson, T. Guda, J. L. Ong
Abstract: Bombyx M ori silk fibr oin has a tunable secondar y pr otein str uctur e allowing changing of mater ial and
mechanical properties. This structure has led researchers to create scaffolds for a range of tissues including bones and
ligaments(1). This study analyzed the processing steps in scaffold synthesis to create suitable platforms for pancreatic
islet expansion. Briefly, silk cocoons underwent multiple cleansing steps and were lyophilized. The lyophilized scaffolds
were treated with methanol. Porous silk scaffolds were developed using hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) to dissolve silk
prior to methanol treatment. The silk/HFIP solution was then poured over NaCl, followed by leaching of the NaCl. The
scaffolds were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy
(FTIR) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) with nonporous controls. Varying pore sizes (150 to 400μm) were
observed. FTIR and AFM analyses confirmed structural changes with modulus ranges from 953.3MPa to 4.96GPa, with
varying methanol treatment. The 15% (w/v) HFIP/silk solution was observed to produce consistent porosity. SEM
micrographs confirmed the different pore sizes and consistent porosity throughout the scaffolds. It was concluded that
silk scaffolds can be tailored into porous and nonporous scaffolds while maintaining structural properties. Supported in
part by funding from the San Antonio Life Sciences Institute.
Poster 37
Collagen Coated Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds Provide Superior rhBMP-2 Based Bone Regeneration in
Critical Bone Defects
Author(s): T. Guda, S. Shiels, J. J. Pearson, S. Karajgar, M. Appleford, J. Wenke, J. L. Ong
Abstract: Autologous bone gr afts fr om iliac cr est are the gold standar d for bone defects. Ther e is a gr owing need
for synthetic bone grafts to overcome donor site morbidity and supply(1). INFUSE® (Medtronic), the clinical standard,
is a combination of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) and an acellular collagen sponge
(ACS)(2). It has high cost and requires supra-physiological doses(3). Hydroxyapatite (HA) has good osteoconductivity
(4) and supports angiogenesis(1). We have found that HA scaffolds with collagen aid bone regeneration over HA alone
(5). This study determines whether the rhBMP-2 dose required in vivo could be reduced using osteocondutive scaffolds
and osteogenic cell sources. We varied rhBMP-2 dosages with hydroxyapatite (HA) scaffolds coated with a collagenous
periosteal membrane. The scaffolds were implanted in a critical sized diaphyseal radial defect in New Zealand white
rabbits. The groups examined were INFUSE®, HA+76µg rhBMP2, HA+15µg rhBMP2, HA/Col+15µ rhBMP2 and HA/
Col+15µg rhBMP2+BMSCs. Bone infiltration rate indicated HA+76 µg rhBMP-2 in the first 2 weeks and HA/
Col+15µg rhBMP2+BMSCs second 2 weeks. Overall, HA/Col scaffolds with 1/5th of clinical rhBMP-2 dosages
produced significantly greater bone regeneration and similar mechanical properties to INFUSE®. This study was
supported in part by the Orthopaedic Extremity Trauma Research Program USAMRMC # W81XWH-08-1-0393.
Poster 38
Electrochemically-preadsorbed Collagen Promotes Adult Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Adhesion of
Optically Transparent Nanostructured Carbon Substrates
Author(s): M. Wechsler, R. Bizios
Abstract: The pr esent study was motivated by the need to under stand and contr ol pr otein adsor ption on mater ial
surfaces prior to subsequent cell interactions and was inspired by findings that electrical potential promotes increased
protein adsorption onto nanostructured carbon films. Rat-tail, Type I Collagen was pre-adsorbed electrochemically on the
surface of optically-transparent carbon (OTC) under 0.4, 0.8 or 1.5 volts, at room temperature, for 3 hours. Adult, human,
mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in medium (without serum) were allowed to adhere on the aforementioned substrates
under standard cell culture conditions for 2 hours. Adherent hMSCs were stained, visualized, manually counted in situ,
averaged, reported as cells/cm2, and were compared to the respective controls. Controls were hMSCs seeded,
maintained, and analyzed in parallel on either (1) tissue culture polystyrene (non-conductive substrate), (2) OTC without
exposure to the electrical potential, or (3) pre-adsorbed protein on OTC without exposure to the electrical potential.
hMSC adhesion was highest (p<0.001) when collagen was pre-adsorbed on OTC under 0.8 volts, but similar on all OTC
controls and those with pre-adsorbed collagen under 0.4 volts. The mechanisms underlying the electrochemical
adsorption of proteins which modulate subsequent cell adhesion on material surfaces need elucidation and are the subject
of continuing research.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 39
Electrospun Scaffold Development for Periodontal Ligament Regeneration
Author(s): P. Pourattar, S. Miar, T. Guda, J. L. Ong
Abstract: Per iodontitis is the most common disease that leads to the destr uction of per iodontal tissues including
periodontal ligament (PDL), cementum, and bone. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults and a substantial
public-health burden worldwide. There is thus a significant need for PDL mimicking materials to serve as synthetic
graft substitutes for tissue regeneration. The durotactic cues that are necessary for the regeneration response by PDL
stem cells are offered by material stiffness and biochemistry. To prepare suitable synthesis graft materials, it is always
desired to match native tissue modulus. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using a composite material that will
combine the advantage of multiple materials to synthesize Silk-Polyvinyl alcohol copolymer scaffolds to promote PDL
regeneration. Since Silk and Polyvinyl alcohol have differing elastic moduli, varying volumetric blends of the two
materials and cross linking degrees can be used to achieve synthetic composites that match the native PDL modulus.
We initially explore various concentrations and flow rates to characterize the base Polyvinyl alcohol fiber parameters
in an attempt to determine control variables. The architecture is measured using scanning electron microscopy, surface
energy using contact angle and mechanical properties are measured using atomic force microscopy and tensile testing.
Poster 40
Evaluation of Swelling Kinetics and Mucoadhesion Properties of Poly(vinyl alcohol)-Poly(acrylic acid)
Author(s): S. Miar, P. Pourattar, J. Tavakoli, T. Guda
Abstract: Swelling kinetics and mucoadhesive pr oper ties of Poly (acr ylic Acid) - Poly (vinyl alcohol) composites
were studied in different buffer solutions similar to gastric and intestinal fluids. Interpenetrating networks (IPN) and
inverse double networks (IDN) were both evaluated since IPN involved the entire PVA network while IDN only
affects the surface of PVA hydrogels. The swelling behavior were evaluated in various buffer solutions (pH: 2, 7, and
9) and mucoadhesive properties were measured by Biopac system on sheep intestine. Also the morphology of the
samples were characterized through scanning electron microscopy. This study shows that the presence of the PAA
network in PVA hydrogels has a prominent impact on swelling ratio and the mucoadhesive properties. IDN samples
exhibited higher swelling ratio in comparison to pure PVA and IPN. IDN samples also displayed pH sensitive
mucoadhesivity. Therefore, these results support the use of PAA-PVA IDN networks for drug delivery into intestine
which has a basic pH, potentially as a smart oral drug delivery system.
Poster 41
Hydroxyapatite and Carbon Nanotubes (HA-CNT) Composite Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration
Author(s): S. Montelongo, A. Hsieh, T. Guda, A. L. Ong
Abstract: Biomater ial scaffolds have been extensively investigated to function as synthetic gr aft to r egener ate
bone defect sites caused by traumatic injury. It has been shown that synthetic HA has good regenerative properties as a
bone graft substitute due to its strong osteoconductive nature. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have also been previously
shown to function mechanically as matrix reinforcing fillers and biologically to promote bone growth in composites.
The objective was to determine whether CNT incorporation into porous interconnected HA scaffolds provided a
biomechanical benefit in terms of increased strength, toughness and/or fluid permeability. HA scaffolds were prepared
using a previously described template coating process, CNT were added to make three different groups with 0%, 1% or
5% CNT concentration per unit mass of HA. Scaffolds were then sintered under one of four gas treatments: no flow, or
a steady flow of air, nitrogen or argon. No significant differences were found between the groups for porosity, or
density. The mechanical characterization showed that the samples sintered under air flow exhibited significant
reduction in strength from 1% to 5% CNT. Permeability testing showed that the 1% and 5% CNT sintered under air
flow exhibited significantly higher permeability compared to the rest of the groups.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 42
Interpenetrating Collagen-Fibrin Hydrogels for Skeletal Muscle Regeneration
Author(s): S. J. Stagg, B. E. Pollot, C. R. Rathbone, A. L. Ong, T. Guda
Abstract: Biomimetic hydr ogel scaffolds have been used extensively for in vitr o investigation and to cr eate
synthetic grafts for wound healing applications such as skeletal muscle. Previously, we performed an in-vitro screening
of natural hydrogels, indicating that collagen and fibrin were best suited as myogenic scaffolds. Therefore, we used
collagen:fibrin ratios of: 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100. Characterization methods included evaluation of
material stability, uniaxial tensile testing, rheology and in vitro myogenesis. The stability test indicates that the groups
have increasing degradation levels with increasing fibrin content. The addition of cells increased degradation in the case
of the 50:50 blend, but extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition caused slower material degradation in all other hydrogel
blends. This allows us to potentially tune the rate of scaffold degradation to match the rate of ECM synthesis by skeletal
myoblasts. The rheological data shows that all groups have predominantly elastic behavior rather than viscous. Furthermore, the elastic moduli was similar between all groups and comparable to skeletal muscle myoblasts. In vitro testing of
the gels using L6 cells over 14 days indicated that the blended hydrogels led to greater myogenesis based off
immunofluorescent staining for myosin heavy chain compared to the pure collagen or fibrin groups.
Poster 43
Novel Osteogenetic Scaffolds with Biomimetic Mineralization for Bone Regeneration
Author(s): J. King, S. Montelongo, L. Gaviria, J. J. Pearson, S. Stagg, J. Ling. J. L. Ong, T. Guda
Abstract: The theor y of bone r egener ation after a fr actur e is consequential because it can alleviate the pr oblems
of bone replacements and can potentially lead to the regeneration of other tissues. Bone regeneration is a natural,
physiological process that is observed in the healing of mundane fractures. This project is investigating ways of
accelerating this process by scaffolding. For efficient bone regeneration, a sufficient amount of stem cells need to be
recruited to fracture sites. Osteogenic stem-cell activity will be quantified in the periosteum versus endosteum of the
cortical bone in an established rat model. Periosteal cells derive primarily from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC’s),
while endosteal cells come from adjacent bone marrow cells (BMC’s). In this study, we utilized a mineralized versus
non-mineralized approach for the two different types of scaffolds: collagen + hydroxyapatite scaffold (CHS) versus
collagen scaffold (CS). A scaffold was placed in the femur, and MSC and BMC recruitment will be quantified four and
eight weeks post implantation. The density of stem cells recruited for periosteum versus endosteum will be calculated
and compared for 4-week CS’s, 4-week CHS’s, 8-week CS’s, and 8-week CHS’s. The expected outcome of this
experiment is that the periosteum at 8-weeks of CHS groups will have the greatest density of stem cells. This finding
could be monumental in the world of orthopedics and other applications where fractures are recurrent.
Poster 44
Optimizing Optoacoustic Sensors Utilizing Different Cavity Materials of a Photonic Crystal Structure
Author(s): K. Kadugodinandareddy, V. Karunakar, R. W. Peterson, J. T. Pirog, J. Y. Ye
Abstract: We have developed a photonic-crystal based optical sensor for sensitive ultrasound detection. The optical
ultrasound sensor has a unique open cavity configuration and its sensitivity depends on the materials of the cavity layer
and the medium on top of the cavity layer. We have carried out a transfer matrix based numerical simulation in order to
find out different physical parameters for optimizing the ultrasound detection sensitivity. In parallel, we have been
working on fabricating the photonic crystal sensor utilizing a mixture of Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and
plasticizer(Dioctyl Tetraphthalate) as the cavity layer to vary the Young’s modulus of the cavity and therefore enhance
the sensitivity of the sensor’s response to ultrasound signals.
2015 Materials Research Day @ UTSA
Poster Listing by Abstract
Poster 45
Promoting Vascularized Bone Tissue Regeneration on Composite Scaffolds Using Spatial and
Temporal Control
Author(s): R. Rodriguez, L. Gaviria, J. L. Ong, T. Guda
Abstract: Bone fr actur es ar e quite common and while most of these bone fractur es heal natur ally, sever e lar ge
open bone fractures do not heal on their own and the outcome usually leads to amputation, due to a compromised blood
supply to the affected area. Hence, a means to promote vascularized bone regeneration is needed. In this study, we
evaluate the production of vascular/osteogenic markers in a co-culture model using spatial-temporal variations.
Composite scaffolds were prepared by casting 3mm thick 4mg/ml collagen hydrogels on hydroxyapatite discs. Initial
experiments demonstrated that Human bone marrow stem cells (hBMSCs) showed an increase in VEGF production on
the composite scaffolds at day 7 when seeded alone. In the current study, hBMSCs and Human umbilical vein
endothelial cells (HUVECs) were co-cultured in different spatial distributions (on hydroxyapatite discs or within
collagen gels in a composite scaffold). Production of vascular markers and an early osteogenic marker (ALP) were
measured at regular intervals using ELISA/cells were observed using fluorescent microscopy. Groups were compared
using 2-way ANOVA across time/Tukey’s test (p<0.05). When cells were seeded with spatio-termporal variation
results displayed varying angiogenic profiles. All groups had an initial peak of ALP, which is indicative to osteoblast
differentiation. Fluorescent microscopy images showed distinct morphological changes for micro-vessel formation in
when hBMSCs seeded on hydroxyapatite and HUVECs added in collagen gels 7 days later.
Poster 46
Single Growth Factor Release from PLA-based Microparticles for Recruitment and Differentiation of
Osteoprogenitor Cells
Author(s): L. Gaviria, T. Guda, J. L. Ong
Abstract: The pr ocess of bone r epair is or chestr ated by multiple signaling gr owth factor s (GFs) (i.e. str omal
cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1α), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), and (transforming growth factor β) TGF-β, and
many others)1,2. Microparticles (MPs) have shown promise in delivering molecules to desired sites in the body3,4. The
objective of this study was to characterize the release profiles of PLGA and PLA MPs encapsulating TGF-β and SDF-1α
and TNF-α, respectively. Methods: PLGA and PLA MPs were prepared by oil-in-water emulsion technique. Each GF
(SDF-1, TNF-α, TGF-β or 1x PBS) was encapsulated individually and MPs were characterized using scanning electron
microscopy. GFs release were measured and quantified using specific ELISA assays. Results: PLGA MPs showed
sustained release throughout the 8 weeks, with a maximum release between days 3-5 (46%). In PLA MPs late burst
release was observed between days 5-7 for TNF-α (77%) and 7-9 for SDF-1. Conclusions: Formation of drug
incorporated MPs by emulsion-evaporation technique allowed for a combined late burst and sustained release profiles
over 8 weeks in vitro. These MPs systems will be studied in combination with osteoprogenitor cells to promote early
recruitment and differentiation, and further bone tissue regeneration.
Poster 47
Ultrastructural Effect on Candida Albicans Biofilm by Silver Nanoparticles
Author(s): H. Lara
Abstract: Candida albicans is the most common fungal pathogen isolated in bloodstr eam infections in hospitalized
patients. C. albicans has the capability to form biofilms and morphogenetic conversions between yeast and hyphal
morphologies contribute to biofilm development and represent a vital virulence factor. Because of discouraging results,
innovative antifungal strategies are urgently needed. We synthesized positively charged silver nanoparticles by
microwave-assisted techniques obtaining spherical 3 nm nanoparticles for biological purposes as it does not involve the
handling of potentially contaminants or cytotoxic reducing agents. In the present study we have examined the activity of
positively charged silver nanoparticles against C. albicans biofilms and used advanced electron microscopy (EM)
techniques to observe the resulting ultrastructural changes at the cellular level and also on the overall biofilm structure.
Our results show that silver nanoparticles are potent inhibitors of C. albicans biofilm formation. TEM indicate the
permeabilization of the cell membrane and subsequent disruption of the structural layers of the cell membrane and the
fungal cell wall after interaction with the nanoparticles. SEM observations are consistent with an overall loss of structure
of biofilms mostly due to disruption of the cell membrane/wall, and inhibition of filamentation.