Installation of Scrolling Banner CNFS00 1
Installation of Scrolling Banner CNFS00 1
Installation of Scrolling Banner CNFS00 Roll banner CNFS00, postersize: 80 or 100 x 4000 mm (2 x 2000). The Bannersystem is delivered in a cardboard box. 1 Do not open the box with a knife or sizzers!!! You might damage the transportation bag. 2 Make sure the ends of the poster are pasted together perfectly straight, so that it is able to roll smoothly. In the packaging you’ll find a nylon transportation bag in which the whole system is stored. 3 4 In the transportation bag are: - top-casing (a); - base-casing (b) to keep the poster hanging straight; - two telescopic pipes. Insert the pipe(s) into the hole(s) that are on top of the base-casing. 4 b 7 Take the upper roll-bar out of the top-casing by pressing it inwards (a) and then downwards (b). a Now insert into the poster. Adjust the top-casing by turning and put the fixture into the gap (a) of the casing. a 5 b 1 2 a 8 Pull the bottom-fixture (1) out of the base-casing and take out the roll-bar (2). Again insert the roll-bar into the poster. IMPORTANT: The system may not operate for longer than 12 hours continually! 6 1 Check for more information