Diapositive 1 - Sublimo Life +
Diapositive 1 - Sublimo Life +
Newsletter February 2014 « Analyze, monitor and reduce the loss of marine biodiversity » February 2014 Newsletter Summary p.3 November’s fishing EDITORIAL (RC - Cefrem) p.4 Dec & Jan’s fishing (LHG - Stelamarre) Focus on CREM’s opening p.5 Communication around the Project p.6 Communication around the Project p7 2 The first past two years gave us the possibility to have a vision on fishes’ post larval diversity and abundance on the French Mediterranean coasts : from Port-Vendres to Port-Cros, from Bonifacio to Bastia, around 60 species with substantial gaps between geographic zones. This first phase marks an important step in our work and shows the interest of this kind of results for managers and commercial fishermen, that is to say the possibility to find marine population monitoring tools, whether they are patrimonial or exploited, deep-sea or benthic, herbivorous or top predators. The second phase now concerns the re-stocking action. The year 2013 did not give us the possibility to reach the expected goals, because of the number of captured species to be released and particularly harsh weather on Port-Barcarès. The year 2014 has to give us the opportunity to fulfill this important step in restocking validation as a support of marine’s population and therefore to biodiversity. This shows that the ecological rehabilitation actions proposed by humans have to be reinforced because of environmental variability but, that in parallel, we have to respect as much as possible the doctrine on impacts: Avoid, Reduce, Compensate. Moving in parallel with the SUBLIMO project, we work on the DRIVER project, financed by the French national Water Agency of the Rhône Méditerranée Corse region, the Conseil Général du Var and the Pôle Mer Méditerrannée to define ecological rehabilitation guidelines for coastal small sea beds, where the nurseries that we are trying to restore with SUBLIMO are. DRIVER will give us the opportunity to write a small guide on ecological rehabilitation and will make us able to accompany the achievement of SUBLIMO’s workshop in 2015. Philippe Lenfant SUBLIMO Coordinator February 2014 Newsletter November’s Fishing Muges (RC-Cefrem) Leucate/Barcarès site : Fisheries conducted during November 2013 helped capture 73 individuals belonging to less than a dozen species. Among those, a majority of Sea beam (Pagellus acarne) and Mullets, but also Elvers, Scorpion fishes and Sepiolas. Bastia site : in Bastia, 36 individuals have been caught for 6 species including a majority of Mugilidae (Mugilidae sp.), but also Diplodus Puntazzo, Sean Beams and Salema Porgies. Saupe (RC-Cefrem) Concerning Leucate-Barcares’ site, the number of captured individuals is way lower than last years’ at the same period (302 individuals in November 2012). For Bastia’s site, the numbers are alike (44 individuals caught for 5 species in 2012). Mugilidae sp. (LHG-Stella Mare) Diplodus pontazzo (LHG-Stella Mare) Follow us on: https://www.facebook.com/SublimoLife 3 February 2014 newsletter December & January’s fishings: Leucate/Barcarès site : A dozen of species have been caught in December/January. Among those, we mainly find sepiolas, mullets, sea beams (Pagellus acarne), octopuses (which fish farming is particularly tricky), elvers and secondarly some Salema porgy, phycis phycis (Gaïdropsarus mediterraneus), sand smelts and seeweed pipefishes. The number of individuals caught is lower than last year’s (219 individuals caught against 352 individuals in 2012 of which 197 mullets). However, the number of individuals caught in december 2013 was higher than those of 2012 (almost double), but also in terms of diversity of species caught (ten species in december 2013 versus 6 in 2012). Pagellus acarne (LHG-Stella Mare) Diplodus vulgaris (LHG-Stella Mare) Also note for this site, the presence of elvers in almost every fishing on the Nov-Dec-Jan period and an important amount of jellyfishes in DecJan. Bastia site : 8 species were caught in December and January with 122 Salema porgy, 79 sea breams (Pagellus acarne), about 60 mullets, about 20 clupeidae, 3 greater argentice and 3 banded sea breams (Diplodus vulgaris). 100 additional individuals were caught compared to last year. Species are comparable except for Argentina sphyraena and Diplodus vulgaris. 4 Follow us on: https://www.facebook.com/SublimoLife February 2014 Newsletter Focus of the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Port-Barcarès Research center The new Research Center on Marine Ecosystems (CREM) at Port-Barcarès has been inaugurated on Monday December 16th 2013 with the presence of many personalities. After visiting of premises made available for the UPVD by the Port-Barcarès Municipality, the various important figures, including Christian BOURQUIN, Senator and head of Languedoc-Roussillon Regional Council, as well as the natural marine park of the Gulf of Lion, Fabrice LORENTE, President of the Perpignan Via Domitia University (UPVD), Alain FERRAND, Port Barcarès’ mayor and Philippe LENFANT Professor in charge of the CREM, underlined, each one in its sector, the importance of this center to find solutions on marine ecological restoration. Worth mentioning, among the large audience, the presence of Fabrice AUSCHER from DREAL (the French regional environment, planning and housing agency), Pierre BOISSERY from Agence de l’Eau, Marc TROUSSELLIER, deputy scientific director of the CNRS (National Centre of Scientific Research), Xavier PY, scientific vice-president of UPVD, Marc PLANAS, President of the Regional Fisheries Committee, as well as many academics, ports’ directors and nearby cities representatives like Leucate, the Syndicat Rivage…. This new partnership between the University and the Barcarès’ municipality confirms the strong will to sustain research on marine biodiversity (started from 2005 by Joëlle Ferrand with the immersion of artificial reefs in Port-Barcarès) in order to find solutions that could contribute to restocking and to ecological restoration, but also to scientists training and exchanges between universities. The person in charge of CREM, Philippe LENFANT thanked all of its partners and catalysts and for this occasion, Pôle Mer Méditerrannée, the water agency RMC and various SME member were cited. The creation of this new unit underlines the dynamism and excitement that moves today the coastal ecological engineering emerging sector in which a lot of partners believe and work for its structuring. The day was punctuated by a projection of the Sublimo’s movie and by a round-table debate on ecological restoration. Video highlights of the opening day (GS-Cefrem) You can watch this opening highlights thanks to a TV coverage made by BTV - Port-Barcares TV on : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyRhuD85HZI Follow us on: https://www.facebook.com/SublimoLife 5 February 2014 Newsletter Communication around the Projet Steering Committee On January 24th & 29th 2014, the project partners, along with the companies Ecocean & Efficient Innovation, gathered at the CREM and in videoconference with Corsica for a steering committee in order to establish an assessment of the past months actions and to plan tasks and everyone’s action for the coming months. Various subjects have been discussed like the administrative and financial issues and a reflection was initiated on the set-up design of the emancipation habitats for the post-larvae release follow-up. By Mid-February, the team from Perpignan went to Bastia in Corsica de discuss administrative and financial issues. Special Edition of the Research Mag’ de l’UPVD Requested by the University of Perpignan, Philippe LENFANT wrote an article on the Sublimo’s program in the Special Edition of the Hors Série Recherche Number 2 for the UPVD magazine, a magazine popularizing subjects for the general public. This magazine puts forward research work developed within the laboratories of the University of Perpignan through articles, readable by all, written by academic teachers and researchers. (AT Cefrem) Scientific output On November 26th 2013 was specifically booked for Anne TESSIER’s thesis defense whose topic was : « the characterisation of artificial reefs of the Gulf of Lion: from ecology to users ». Thesis that Anne brilliantly obtained… Congrats!!!!!! 6 Follow us on: https://www.facebook.com/SublimoLife February 2014 Newsletter Communication around the Projet Sublimo’s project on TF1’s news broadcast ! On November 15th 2013, some TF1’s reporters went to the Research center on Marine Ecosystem site in Port-Barcarès, in order to make a TV report on the Sublimo’s program. For this occasion, the project’s aquaculture technician Laurie LÈBRE, explained during an interview the farming methods used and more specifically, the procedures for non domestication used. Philippe LENFANT could explain the program’s whys and wherefores next to Gilles SARAGONI, research engineer at Cefrem. The reporting was broadcasted during the afternoon news presented by Claire CHAZAL on January the 12th. The video of the TV show can be watched on Cefrem’s website at: http://videos.tf1.fr/jt-we/2014/une-nurserie-pour-proteger-les-larvesde-poissons-8345501.html Interview for Campus Mag LR and Sublimo in The Indépendant newspaper Philippe LENFANT, UPVD professor, in charge of the Sublimo’s program and Gilles SARAGONI, CNRS engineer, at the training and research center on the Mediterranean environment (CEFREM – CNRS/UPVD) agreed to answer some Campus Mag Languedoc Roussillon reporters questions on November the 25th. The 4 minutes video can be seen on: http://www.campusmag-lr.tv/ An article about the Sublimo’s program has also been written on the regional newspaper l’Indépendant on November 6th 2013. Highlights on important coming dates for Sublimo Next months: Visit from the European Commission representatives in April. Website You can follow us on: www.life-sublimo.fr Medplanet website is also available on : http://www.med-planet.net Follow us on: https://www.facebook.com/SublimoLife 7 February 2014 Newsletter Just a little bit more of CREM’s opening ! Full auditorium (GS Cefrem) (GS Cefrem) Fishing gear demonstration Philippe Lenfant’s speech (GS -Cefrem) (GS Cefrem) Philippe Lenfant, Fabrice Lorente, Christian Bourquin and Alain Ferrand (GS Cefrem) The Port-Barcarès’ CREM Follow us on: https://www.facebook.com/SublimoLife (GS Cefrem) 8 February 2014 Newsletter Démonstration de l’engin de pêche Romain CREC'HRIOU © CEFREM-CNRS Follow us on : https://www.facebook.com/SublimoLife 9 CONTACTS Philippe LENFANT (1) and Sylvia AGOSTINI (2) Project coordinators (1) Centre de Formation et de Recherche sur les Environnements Méditerranéens CEFREM - UMR 5110 CNRS-UPVD Université de Perpignan, 52 avenue Paul Alduy, 66860 Perpignan Cédex, France Tél : 33(0)4 68 66 21 95 – [email protected] – www.life-sublimo.fr (2) Plateforme STELLA MARE UMS 3514 & UMR SPE CNRS-UCPP Université de Corse, Lido de la Marana, Ancien Casone, 20620 Biguglia, France Tél : 33(0)6 22 10 75 14 – [email protected] www.life-sublimo.fr