QSM Workshop and Informational PowerPoint


QSM Workshop and Informational PowerPoint
Quality Science &
Math Grant
K. Renae Pullen ~ [email protected] (K-6 Science)
K-6 Curriculum Instructional Specialist
What’s the Big Idea?
What is a QSM grant?
2. How do I write a successful grant?
3. What should I do? What should I not do?
4. What happens when I get funded? What
happens if I don’t get funded?
What Is a QSM Grant?
• The
QSM grant is a competitive grant that awards up to
$750 each for approved materials and equipment.
• Grants are awarded to individual classroom teachers to
use in providing standards-based instruction to help
meet state accountability goals.
• The grant must be submitted online and “Statement of
Support” must be electronically signed no later than
Monday, September 12, 2016.
QSM Grant Timeline
Turn in All
No Later
Feb. 28, 2017
Sent Dec.Jan
and Turn in
Sept. 12
Turn in All
No Later
Jan. 31, 2017
Project and
All Grant
Surveys on
Only full-time classroom teachers assigned to teach
mathematics or science in the K-12 regular education
program in public schools are eligible to submit proposals.
• Maximum award: $750.
• A teacher may not submit more than one application.
• The QSM grant funds must be used for the purchase
of non-consumable instructional equipment and/or
materials/education technology
Does not include furniture, TV/utility carts, computer desks,
Educational technology must be strongly linked to
science/math instruction and should include specific ways
that the requested educational technology will support
student learning.
• The QSM
Council maintains the right to disqualify
proposals showing evidence of plagiarism including, but
not limited to, substituting synonyms for another
individual's words but preserving his/her sentence
structure or mixing the individual's words or phrases
with the applicants' paraphrasing. Don’t plagiarize!
• The "Statement of Support" form is required and must be
electronically signed by both the teacher and school
• Notification of funded or non-funded QSM Grant
Proposals will be via e-mail from the QSM office.
QSM Grant Page
Application Summary
Contact Info
• Principal Info
• Identification of Student
• Goals and Objectives
• Abstract
• Rationale
Project Description
• Evaluation Process of
• Your Qualifications
• Budget
Expense Template
Statement of Support
1. Students to Be Served
• List the number
and categories of students
• Discuss student population in depth.
Your attendance clerk can help you.
2. Goals and Objectives
• Cleary
state the goals and/or objectives.
Goal should be realistic and measurable.
• You can you classroom assessments as a measurement tool.
• Clearly identify standards you are addressing.
3. Abstract
• Tell what
you plan to do.
• Give a short summary of the project.
• Make clear connections to your goals and
• Be clear and concise.
4. Rationale
• Explain why the project
is necessary.
Example: Address Louisiana science standards or help
students engage in mathematical practices
• Identify and define the student need,
problem, or
• Educationally significant
• Directly relates to the goals and objectives
• Justify with standards and data
5. Description
• Describe a
well-thought out project with a clear vision.
• Materials, equipment, and technology should be
appropriate and relate to the goal/purpose of project.
• Make it clear that implementation of project is standardbased as well as age and developmentally appropriate.
• Provide evidence that the project will address goals and
meet standards.
6. Evaluation
Use some sort of assessment to measure success; better to
have multiple sources
• Pre/post tests, formative assessments, summative
assessments, evidence from performance expectations…
Clearly explain the evaluation process/procedure for your
• Evaluation should directly and appropriately measure
proposal’s goal.
• Include objective data like anecdotal notes.
Do Not Use State Data
7. Qualifications of Applicant
• Include 2
professional development experiences
that relate to your project
8. Budget Narrative???
• List and briefly describe the requested materials
• Justify the purpose
of the requested materials
8. Expense Template: Itemized Budget
• List budget items,
costs (including shipping), and
vendors under the appropriate categories.
• Have someone
proof and edit your proposal. Have
them check for jargon and use the rubric.
• Order from vendors with whom Caddo has a contract
• As you look for materials for your project proposal:
Write down the vendor name, item number, and page
• Try not to use too many different vendors
• Do not include any names including the name of your
school and district (you will be disqualified)
• Type
your work in a document first then copy/paste
it into the QSM webform.
• RECORD your user name and password.
• Leave enough time to vet your proposal out to others
for review. Ask them to read it for substance AND
grammatical errors.
• Consider your implementation window Feb.-late
Things to Do
• Base your purpose,
evaluation, and impact on student
data and/or achievement.
Classroom assessments count
• Turn everything in
on time
• Make sure you do not plagiarize.
• Read all directions and expectations carefully.
• Make sure you answer each question.
• Save all your notes and keep a copy of your proposal.
• Have someone edit your work.
Mention of identifying information
school name, teacher name, school district, etc.
All students are gifted or special education
Including, but not limited to, substituting synonyms for
another individual's words but preserving his/her
sentence structure or mixing the individual's words or
phrases with another applicant’s paraphrasing.
If you are not funded…
• Don’t despair.
• Keep
your application. Make improvements and
resubmit in the future.
• Reflect on your proposal and write another grant.
If you are funded…
• Complete all online components.
• Make all expenditures.
• Make sure you
get your receipts. Send all original
receipts to QSM no later than Jan. 31, 2017
• Any budget changes must be submitted to QSM for
approval PRIOR to expenditure.
• Any unexpended money must be returned to the
QSM Program by February 28, 2016.
• Reflect on your project and write another grant.
• QSM Page
• Caddo QSM Grant Page
• Fisher
32% off list pricing from all current catalogs and web
products. (no charge for freight)