October - Congregation Temple Israel, St. Louis, MO


October - Congregation Temple Israel, St. Louis, MO
October 2015
Tishri / Cheshvan 5776
Volume XXXV / Number 1
ple Israel
At Con
Pies with
a purpose
Simchat Torah
Shab t
Congregation Temple Israel is a caring, inclusive community committed to living Reform Judaism
and participating in the sacred destiny of the Jewish people and Israel through education, worship, and repair of the world.
Annual high holy days
personal care item drive
Through October 9, 2015
Join us in repairing the world, one tube of toothpaste at a
Photo courtesy
of Tom Tussey
Friday, October 2, 2015
6:00 pm Sukkot Service and BBQ
Did you know that Temple Israel has been donating
Torah Portion: Chol Hamoed (Details on page 13.) personal care items to the Harvey Kornblum Jewish
Food Pantry for 15 years, and we have one of the largest
collection drives in St. Louis? Join us in this mitzvah
Saturday, October 3, 2015
opportunity to provide 8,000 people in our community with
9:45 pm Bible Study
the necessary personal care items for themselves and their
11:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Josh Fingerman,
son of Dr. Mitchell and Jayme Fingerman
DONATE: Needed items include toilet paper, soaps,
Friday, October 9, 2015
shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental
6:00 pm Pre-Oneg
floss, disposable razors, shaving cream, diapers, and
6:30 pm Simchat Torah and Consecration
feminine hygiene products. Items can be brought to the
Torah Portion: Bereshit
Temple at any time and placed in the blue collection barrels
(Details on page 13.) by the May Chapel building entrance through October 9.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
9:45 pm Bible Study
11:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Caroline Bernstein,
daughter of Jeffrey and Sara Bernstein
Friday, October 16, 2015
6:00 pm Pre-Oneg
6:30 pm Shabbat Service
Torah Portion: Noach
Friday, October 23, 2015
6:00 pm Pre-Oneg
6:30 pm Shabbat Service
Torah Portion: Lech L’cha
Friday, October 30, 2015
6:00 pm Pre-Oneg
6:30 pm Shabbat Service
Torah Portion: Vayeira
Contact us
Our Rabbis, President, and Temple staff are always happy
to hear from you to answer questions, address concerns,
or simply to chat and get to know you better. You can
reach us via email or by calling the Temple at 314-432-8050.
Rabbi Amy Feder
[email protected]
Rabbi Michael Alper
[email protected]
Dee A. Mogerman, President
[email protected]
Laura Robbins, Director of Membership and Development
[email protected]
For a birth announcement, death, billing issue, or any other
matter, call the Temple office at 314-432-8050, and we’ll
connect you with the right person.
Can’t make it to worship services?
No problem! You can now watch services in real time, streaming online through Temple Israel’s website. Visit www.ti-stl.org/watch to enjoy services online.
You can also listen from any telephone; simply call 1-800-846-4808 and type in access code 8053.
2 page / October 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
rosh hashanah
Thank YOu to all who attended the
2015 Rosh Hashanah Lunch!
Rosh Hashanah lunch
September 14, 2015
The Rosh Hashanah lunch was a huge success! This sold-out event was filled with Temple Israel members and friends
who shared fun and laughter over an amazing spread of traditional Jewish foods and brunch-style staples such as lox
and bagels, chicken salad and eggs. The pancake station supplied made-to-order hotcakes, which were launched through
the air by a professional pancake tosser and caught by kids and adults alike, including the Rabbis. Apples and honey,
fruit and flowers served as the decor and helped to start this new year with sweetness and beauty as we all enjoyed the
company and friendship of our congregation after Rosh Hashanah morning services.
www.ti-stl.org / October 2015 / 3 page
Dear members and friends,
As we look back over the past year at Temple Israel, we are reminded of what a transformative year it has been. It was only
in December that we rededicated our Gall Family Sanctuary, and even now we are in the midst of further construction as we
continue to update our facilities to better suit our needs. Our preschool and Religious School continue to grow and thrive;
our attendance at worship, adult education and social service programs are growing and expanding. We have also made
transformative changes in our leadership staff and in our financial operations.
We have had so many opportunities to celebrate the strength of this community, and there will be many more in the year to
come. Yet in order to sustain the wonderful and vibrant community that we have at Temple Israel, we need the support of all
of our members. Annual synagogue support (dues) and school fees cover only 75 percent of our operating expenses. We rely
on the additional generosity of our members to meet our operating needs.
The money we raise each year through the High Holy Days Appeal is a vital source of income that helps to support the
programming we offer as well as our ongoing operations. This year our goal is to raise $50,000. If each member of the
congregation gave just $54, we could reach our goal, yet even a gift of $18 would be a wonderful show of support.
Your pledge to the High Holy Days Appeal will be matched by our pledge to build upon your trust and ensure that Temple
Israel continues to serve this community’s spiritual, social, and educational needs. We welcome donations of any amount, and you can also donate online at www.ti-stl.org/appeal2015.
As we look forward to 5776, we extend our collective best wishes to you and your family for a happy, healthy and peaceful
New Year filled with much happiness and joy!
Shanah Tovah!
Dee A. Mogerman, President
Rabbi Amy Feder
Rabbi Michael Alper
Please fill out this bottom portion and mail back to Temple Israel, #1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141.
 Check enclosed Please make your check payable to Temple Israel.
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Card # __________________________________________________________________________
Expiration MM/YY _____ / _____ Name on Card ___________________________________________________________________
Minimum credit card charge is $36
 Check here to add 3% to cover our credit card processing fee. To donate online, visit www.ti-stl.org/appeal2015
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Email ______________________________________________ Phone (________)_____________________
All donations to Congregation Temple Israel are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
4 page / October 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
president’s message
Dee A. Mogerman
Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from President Dee Mogerman’s address to the congregation on
Erev Rosh Hasahanah. To read the speech in its entirety, visit www.ti-stl.org/presidentsmessage.
Every year, the High Holy Days present us with a unique
opportunity. As Jews, we break from our usual routines
and engage in self-examination. We perform “Cheshbon
haNefesh” – literally, an “accounting of the soul.” We
examine our personal lives, taking an honest look inward,
at our behavior, our attitudes, our actions, to let go of
the burdens of the past and move forward. We do this to
become better people in the new year ahead. Today, we
perform a communal Cheshbon HaNefesh, an accounting
of our congregational soul. We do this together, as a
community, as we move forward in this new year.
The Temple Israel of today is made up of nearly 900
member families, and we remain a vibrant, thriving
congregation. No one is turned away from Temple
membership for the inability to pay dues. We are a far more
diverse community than we were 30 years ago. We see tallit
and kippot worn on the bimah and among our congregants
more and more. Our membership consists of families of
all shapes, sizes and types as our past president, JoAnne
Levy, often observed. We remain innovative and active in all
phases of lifelong learning, in Torah study and in religious
Our building is now over 50 years old, and TI has been
housed on this Creve Coeur campus for nearly half of our
129 year history. We have finally fixed that leaky roof and
we have renovated some of the important spaces sheltered
by it. In fact, our latest construction project was completed
just last week. The beautiful new Handelman Gathering
Place, a gift from the estate of Frieda Handelman, of
blessed memory, is a stunning new addition to our Temple
facility. This project also updated our restrooms and HVAC
systems on the north side of the building.
Your board is committed to approving a balanced budget
each year. Membership dues alone do not cover all of our
expenses and have not for many years. We have worked
hard to keep our expenses in line but need to enhance our
income from dues with ongoing fundraisers, such as the
High Holy Days Appeal and the Scrip program to plug the
gap in our budget. To accomplish our goal to meet your
www.ti-stl.org / October 2015 / 5 page
needs we must successfully ensure the financial stability
of the congregation. If you have not yet contributed to our
appeal, I hope you will consider doing so to the best of your
ability. We count on these gifts to meet our expenses so we
can continue to provide the services our members value.
We thank those of you who have already contributed and
for your consideration.
As synagogue leaders, we try to embrace change while
honoring the past; we want to be inclusive, and for
every member to feel comfortable and valued here at
TI. As always, we will not turn anyone away from Temple
membership for the inability to pay dues. These are our
commitments to our members. We must continue to
provide spiritual, educational and communal benefits which
are attractive to them so they will find value in affiliation
and community.
Our magnificent, 53 year old building will also continue
to challenge us. We are committed to staying here. Major
renovations have been made in the past three years and
we are in the early stages of making it a greener, more
efficient facility. There is a long to-do list, starting with our
Education building and replacing old systems with newer,
more efficient ones. This will not only help us to address
our obligation of tikkun olam but will significantly reduce
our operating costs in the future, so we may continue to
gather here, sharing each other’s joyful days, offering
comfort to each other in times of grief and sorrow, and
evolving as one. We have many challenges ahead of us;
there is no doubt about it. As we complete our communal
Chesbon HaNefesh, our accounting of our congregational
soul, let us commit to meeting these challenges together
and to move forward not only into the new year ahead but
into the next 30 and beyond.
May we begin 5776 with a renewed sense of community,
of commitment and of purpose for this amazing spiritual
home we call Congregation Temple Israel.
Ken y’hi ratzon, L’Shanah Tovah.
[email protected]
If Not Now, When?
Rabbi Amy Feder
A few years ago, when we first began construction on the
Temple roof, we had to cancel the annual Thanksgiving
Dinner for People in Need. Even though it was cancelled for
only one year, it was an upsetting decision to have to make;
we knew that there were many people, including both our
guests and our volunteers, who would be disappointed by
not being able to attend the dinner. But, then something
wonderful happened. We came up with the idea to bake
pumpkin pies and donate them to the Harvey Kornblum
Jewish Food Pantry, and our congregation baked hundreds
and hundreds of pies to help make people’s holiday tables
a little more festive. It took just that one experience to
create a new tradition, and this will be the third year that
Pies with a Purpose plays a central role in the tikkun olam
we do at Temple Israel.
What inspires me most about Pies with a Purpose is how
easy it was to create a new tradition. Though it was born
out of a dilemma, Pies with a Purpose gained a life and
momentum of its own that has outlasted its original intent.
It has not only provided our congregation with a fun, simple
way to fulfill the mitzvah of feeding the hungry and caring
for those in need, but it also has given us a new tradition
that helps to define our lives. (See page 11 for details
on Pies with a Purpose and volunteering for our annual
Thanksgiving dinner.)
for us? While many (hopefully most!) of us attend High Holy
Days services, the holidays of Sukkot and Simchat Torah
that follow are two of the most fun, celebratory and easy
festivals on the Jewish calendar. Perhaps this should be
the year that you create a tradition of building your own
sukkah, or coming to TI and helping to build ours. Or you
can order your own lulav and etrog online and enjoy the
experience of shaking the lulav and making etrog jelly when
the holiday ends. Maybe you’ll join us for Simchat Torah,
where we unroll the entire Torah scroll from beginning to
end and hold it up as a community. Each of these has the
potential to create meaningful, lasting memories and to
add even just a little bit more holiness to your life.
You don’t have to reinvent relevant, meaningful Judaism
on your own. Part of our role here at Temple Israel is to
help you make your own new customs that fit with who
you are and what you may be seeking. Simply showing up
can be all the impetus you need to create a tradition that
may become one that your family one day won’t imagine
ever being able to go without. I look forward to seeing you
all often over the weeks to come, and to sharing our new
traditions together.
[email protected]
As we work our way through the fall Jewish holidays, what
opportunities for creating new traditions might be waiting
6 page / October 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
Rabbi Michael Alper
Each year on Simchat Torah, we celebrate the consecration
of our new Religious School students, primarily
kindergarteners plus those students who are just enrolling
at TI for the first time, regardless of their age. Last year,
my son Jonah was one of the kindergarteners being
consecrated, and I watched as he proudly accepted his
stuffed Torah and danced around the sanctuary with it as
the adults took turns dancing with the real Torah scrolls.
Since then, the stuffed Torah has become his favorite
“stuffie”, one he sleeps with at night and brought to his
public school Show and Tell when asked to share items that
helped describe who he was.
I watch him with his beloved stuffed Torah with both
pleasure and regret. Pleasure at seeing how much his
Judaism means to him, and regret in knowing that this
innocent revealing of his Jewish self will not last long.
Truth be told, I probably will not be able to write articles
like this much longer; at 6 1/2, he may not be bothered by
his dad sharing “adorable” stories about him, but I know
enough about child development to know that my time for
these sharings is running short.
Still, what saddens me most is that not just Jonah, but all
of us, reach a point where openly sharing our Jewish selves
just doesn’t feel cool anymore. Perhaps that can be said of
any faith, but there is a part of me that wishes we could all
have those moments like the original Jonah the prophet
did in his story that we read on Yom Kippur. In his moment
www.ti-stl.org / October 2015 / 7 page
of glory, when it was time for him to reveal his true nature
to the sailors with whom he was sharing his storm-tossed
boat, Jonah the prophet said, “Ivri Anochi - I am a Hebrew.”
It was his Judaism that defined him, bravely and openly,
just as my little Jonah proudly shares his stuffed Torah.
Why is it so difficult for us as adults to do the same?
We live in an era where people openly display everything
about themselves over the internet, from their latest
vacation photos to exactly what they had for dinner. Can
and should our Judaism not be as proudly displayed, as
much of a defining characteristic of ourselves as what
shows we watch on TV or what vacation spot we most
recently visited? May this be the year in which we proudly
reveal our Jewish selves. May we hold our Jewish identities
out for the world to see and say, “Ivri Anochi, I am a Jew.”
And may that knowledge bring us comfort, wisdom and
[email protected]
Deutsch Early Childhood
Leslie Wolf, Director
DECC has had a marvelous start to the 2015-16 school year.
The classrooms are flourishing with over 175 children
enrolled! This is the largest enrollment that we have ever
had at the beginning of a school year. Our flexible schedule
is one reason, but I truly attribute the growth of our school
to the incredible team of teachers who love what they do
and consistently provide the very best Early Childhood
Education in a warm, loving and nurturing environment!
I am also very excited to tell you that, through the
generosity of Amy Lefton, mom of Sadie and Sacha who are
twins in Jan Blumoff and Jenny Anger’s Dolphin classroom,
all of the DECC staff are CPR trained and certified. We had
always had the recommended number of staff CPR certified
in accordance with the state guidelines; however, now our
entire staff has been trained in the curriculum and will
continue to be every two years. Moving forward, this will be
mandated under our next voluntary Missouri Accreditation
in a few years. The safety of our students is always at the
forefront and a big thank you to Amy Lefton from all of
us at DECC. I also want to thank Amy and Jason Wellen,
Solomon’s parents, for providing the lunch during our staff
Excellence in Reform Movement Early Childhood
Engagement.” I applied to the URJ to be able to participate
in this select group so that DECC is able to stay at the
forefront of Jewish Early Childhood programming. To
be able to engage and learn with other Early Childhood
professionals through the URJ gives Temple Israel access
to top Jewish leaders in the field. This opportunity will
allow me to learn about the newest trends in Jewish
Early Childhood Education that are innovative and will
ensure DECC’s continued success. I am excited that we
were chosen join this select group. I will keep you up to
date as to what I am learning and how we might be able
to implement some of the strategies at DECC and Temple
Thanks for your continued support.
[email protected]
I have some other very exciting news to share with you
also! Temple Israel and DECC is one of only 13 Reform
congregations across the United States chosen to
participate in the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)
Community of Practice dedicated to “Building a Brand:
8 page / October 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel
religious school happenings
Jed Filler, RJE, Director of Youth Education
Shalom Chaverim!
Now that we are almost finished with the High Holy Days,
the regular work begins! I have shared some of the exciting
new things in our TIRS over the last couple of months – an overview in August, and some details about the Hebrew
program (Kavanah) in September.
Now, I want to continue to hear from and about you in
a ‘listening’ tour. Over the next seven months, I will be
inviting Religious School parents to coffee (or some
equivalent) so that I can learn a little more about each of
you, your Jewish journey, and your family’s connections to
Temple Israel.
These meetings will help me to better understand our
community and begin to craft a vision for Jewish education
here at TI that reflects all of our families’ history and
While on the ‘listening’ tour, I also want to help keep
everyone connected to TI and to one another. Last year we
started our Facebook group for the Religious School. To
access the group, simply send me an email at [email protected] and ask to be added, and I can take care
of that for you. It is great to be a part of the group as we
continue with ‘selfie-Sundays’ where we encourage our
students, parents, and teachers to take ‘selfies’ and send
them to me for posting in our Facebook group.
www.ti-stl.org / October 2015 / 9 page
At the end of this month – on October 30th - our 6th grade
is scheduled to help lead our Friday night Shabbat service.
We are looking forward to having them help to lead us in
worship as they begin their lead-up to becoming a Bar and
Bat Mitzvah. We hope that you will join us as we celebrate
their achievements as our October Shabbat Stars!
As always, please feel free contact me with any questions
or concerns by email at [email protected] or by phone at
314-432-8050 ext 209.
[email protected]
A Note FROM Adam
Shalom Temple Israel,
I have been involved with NFTY for the past 11 years, both
as a youth grouper and as an advisor. It is a true pleasure
to watch young Jewish teens go through an amazing
transformation and become better leaders and even
greater adults. The NFTY year has already begun and we
had an amazing time at our first event. It was called LTI or
Leadership Training Institute. It took place in Kansas City
and started off our year in a great fashion. We learned how
to become better leaders in our communities and learned
new ways to help our fellow teenagers be actively engaged
in their communities as well. This year is already jampacked with fun events such as, our Camp Sabra and MIzzou
Football game overnight on Sept. 19, Paintballing with high
schoolers on Oct. 4, NFTY SLIID Fall Chavurah at Camp GUCI
in Indiana Oct. 16-18, and our Shabonfire on Nov. 13. We are
excited for the year and we cannot wait to have you all join us!
Adam Grosman, TIFTY Youth Advisor
[email protected]
Leadership EXPeriences AT TI
During Shabbat services on August 14, a few of our 2014-15
Temple Israel Federation of Temple Youth (TIFTY) board
members spoke to the congregation about their leadership
experiences at Temple Israel. Kelsey Culp, Hannah Snidman,
and Erin Wides, all of whom were on last year’s TIFTY board
and active in Temple life and the greater St. Louis Jewish
community, shared some of their thoughts on what TI has
taught them about leadership and Judaism and how that
experience will shape the next steps of their individual
Here are a few inspiring quotes from their presentations.
“Temple Israel was where I longed to be, whether in
times of happiness or sorrow. After youth group programs ended, where was the first place my friends
and I went? It wasn’t the movies or some party, we
stayed at Temple having heart-to-hearts on the bimah
or just hanging out in the youth lounge, and there was
no place we’d rather be. My life has been here, from
teaching Hebrew in the Religious School, to helping in
the kitchen, to youth group.”
Kelsey Culp
“TIFTY has a warm and opening feel and I truly believe
that every Jewish teen has a place here. Whether
someone wants to come to a few events occasionally,
join cabinet as a transition, or work on the board in a
leadership position, everyone can find a fitting role...
Serving as TIFTY’s Israeli Consultant and then Social
Action Vice President helped me understand what
being a Jewish leader entails. To me, being a Jewish
leader means having the confidence to stand up for
what you believe in and encourage others to join you.”
Hannah Snidman
“Since growing up at TI, I’ve always been surrounded
by leaders, Rabbis, mentors, peers, etc. When it came
time to have a leadership opportunity, I knew it would
be good for me. Since being a part of something so
special, I have learned how to work with others, get
through difficult situations, and know that hard work
really does pay off. I cannot thank the people at Temple
Israel enough for supporting me in my time here,
and now, in my future. It’s been more than anything I
could’ve imagined, and I’m so grateful for all of the opportunities!”
Erin Wides
Kelsey Culp
Hannah Snidman
Erin Wides
10 page / October 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
Help make and bake pumpkin pies for The Harvey Kornblum
Jewish Food Pantry. RSVP early; space is limited! All baking
sessions held at Temple Israel.
To RSVP or to arrange to donate supplies, contact
Sydney Masin at [email protected] or 314-432-8050.
Upcoming Baking Dates Include:
Friday, October 30, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Sunday, November 1, 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Friday, November 13, 4:30pm - 6:00 pm
Friday, November 20, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Sunday, November 22, 9:30 am - 11:30 am
volunteer for our thanksgiving dinner
Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner for those in need!
Our Thanksgiving dinner will take place this year on Wednesday, November 25 at 6:00 pm.
Volunteers are needed to assist with set-up, check-in, and preparing
and serving food, and should plan to arrive at the Temple by 5:30 pm.
We expect to serve more than 500 guests this year, and your help is greatly
appreciated! Can’t volunteer? Donations are also welcome!
Adults and children in grade 6 and above are encouraged to volunteer.
Please RSVP to Sydney Masin, [email protected], or 314-432-8050.
www.ti-stl.org / October 2015 / 11 page
upcoMing classes and events
Judaism For Beginners
(and we’re all beginners)
Join Rabbi Feder for a casual introduction to Judaism
class. We discuss everything from lifecycle to theology to
holidays, and everything in between! This class is perfect
for Jews, those considering conversion, and those in
interfaith families. All are welcome to come and learn; no
question is too basic or too tough. All are welcome!
Every Monday, 10:00 am - 11:00 am at Temple Israel,
led by Rabbi Feder
Calling all young professionals! Join us for Torah and
Takeout, a monthly series where we’ll explore Torah and
enjoy delicious takeout.
Upcoming Dates: Monday evenings, October 26, November 30, January 25, February 29,
March 28, April 25, May 23
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Temple Israel, led by Rabbi Alper
$12 per person/Babysitting $5 per child
RSVP by the Friday prior to each event to
[email protected] or 314-432-8050.
Please let us know in your RSVP if you have any dietary restrictions.
Upcoming Torah topics include:
Is God a Vegetarian? - What the Torah says about
eating animals
Mixing it up - Interfaith/transracial relationships in
Would Sarah vote Hillary in 2016? - A TORAHTalk on
women in leadership
Takeout will be brought in from local restaurants and
eclectic eateries and will pair nicely with the class
Led by Rabbi Emeritus Mark L. Shook
October 3, 2015 – April 30, 2016
9:15 am – Continental Breakfast
9:45 am - 10:45 am – Class
Held at Temple Israel. All are welcome and free of
No prior experience in Bible Study is expected. Bring an
English translation of the Hebrew Bible; any version will
do. Other materials provided.
Since the 1970’s, Bible study on Saturday mornings
has been a prominent feature of our Adult Education
program. Rabbi Emeritus Mark L. Shook has been
teaching the class to a full house since 1987. Over the
course of the year, the class features a unique, in-depth
exploration of a single book of the Bible. Rabbi Shook
weaves together ancient history, Biblical scholarship,
and even current topics as they interact with the
meaning and understanding of the Biblical text. This year, the class will examine the writings of the
so-called “Second Isaiah” found in the later chapters
of the Book of Isaiah. These chapters played a major
role in Rabbinic Jewish theology, but also shaped early
Christian theology as well.
Questions? Contact Rabbi Shook at [email protected]
or 314-432-8050.
12 page / October 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
Women’s ConnecTIon Presents:
Soups, S’mores and Sweaters in the Sukkah
Thursday, October 1, 2015
7:00 pm at Temple Israel, Outdoors in the Sukkah
$18 per person
Enjoy a laid-back, fall evening in the Sukkah with cocktails,
hearty fall soups from Soup 4 You in the Lou, and
phenomenal company! Bring a sweater (kids, womens and/
or mens), which we will donate to a deserving organization
to keep families warm this winter.
To RSVP, email Laura Robbins at [email protected].
Family sukkot Shabbat service
Friday, October 2
Join us as we celebrate Sukkot and Shabbat with food, worship, and fun, outdoors in the TI Sukkah.
6:00 pm Family Sukkot Shabbat Service
6:30 pm BBQ Dinner from Bogart’s Smoke House & Sukkah
Location: Outdoor Sukkah (If inclement weather, event will
be indoors.)
$15 for adults, $7 for children 4 to 9 years old, FREE for 3
and under
Shabbat service - led by rabbis and
6th grade religious school class
Friday, October 30
6:00 pm Pre-Oneg
6:30 pm Shabbat Service
Don’t miss this special Shabbat where our 6th grade Temple
Israel Religious School students will join our Rabbis in leading Shabbat prayers and worship services.
lunch and discussion with The rabbis
November 19 and December 17, 2015
January 21 and February 18, 2016 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Seniors, empty nesters, and all with mid-day time to spare
are invited to join Rabbi Feder and Rabbi Alper for lunch
and conversation on the third Thursday of each month,
starting November 2015.
We provide the lunch; you get to pick the discussion topics!
Cost for lunch: $10
RSVP required to Evie Bernstein, 314-434-3937.
Please RSVP by October 1 to [email protected]. Please let us know in your RSVP if you have any dietary restrictions.
Simchat Torah SHABBAT service and
Friday, October 9
6:00 pm Pre-Oneg
6:30 pm Simchat Torah Shabbat Service and Consecration
Join us to celebrate Simchat Torah with singing, dancing,
parading with the Torah, and unrolling an entire scroll for
all to see as we start the annual cycle of Torah reading
anew. Service will be followed by special desserts and
treats for all ages!
www.ti-stl.org / October 2015 / 13 page
Next year in israel
trip to israel led by Rabbi Michael alper
Sunday, May 29 – Tuesday, June 7, 2016
This 10 day intergenerational trip is designed to appeal
to families of all types, from Bar/Bat Mitzvah-aged young
adults to their grandparents, and everyone in between. For
more information or to register for the trip, visit www.ti-stl.org/Israel2016.
Calling all temple Israel Mensches!
On Thursday, October 8, Menchie’s frozen yogurt on Olive Blvd. is hosting an all-day fundraiser (emphasis on fun) to benefit
Temple Israel. Make sure to tear out this page and bring it with you to Menchie’s, and 15% of your purchase price will be
donated back to TI! And from 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm, enjoy your frozen treat with some of your favorite Relgious School teachers,
Temple staff, family, friends, and Menchie’s mascot!
Don’t forget to bring this flyer when you visit menchie’s on october 8.
14 page / October 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
9:30 am
DECC Parent & Child
6 pm Erev Sukkot
Service & BBQ
9:45 am
Bible Study
6 pm
Women’s Connection
Cocktails in the
11:00 am
Bar Mitzvah of
Josh Fingerman
9:30 am
Religious School
Simchat Torah
12:15 pm Torah Tuesday
3:30 pm
Homework Club
DECC Picture Day
DECC Picture Day
4:30 pm
Hebrew School
6:30 pm
Simchat Torah
and Consecration
9:45 am
Bible Study
6 pm DECC Open
House Picnic
9:30 am
DECC Parent & Child
9:30 am
Crafting for
Temple Offices
6:30 pm - Executive
Committee Meeting
11:00 am
Bat Mitzvah of
Caroline Bernstein
7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop
9:30 am
Religious School
10 am Judaism for
12:15 pm Torah Tuesday
9:30 am
DECC Baby & Me
6 pm - Pre-oneg
9:45 am
Bible Study
6 pm DECC Open
House Picnic
3:30 pm
Homework Club
9:30 am
DECC Parent & Child
6:30 pm - Board of
Trustees Meeting
4:30 pm
Hebrew School
7:30 pm
Boy Scout Troop
6:30 pm
Shabbat Worship
7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop
9:30 am
Religious School
10 am Judaism for
12:15 pm Torah Tuesday
9:30 am
DECC Baby & Me
6 pm Pre-Oneg
9:45 am
Bible Study
3:30 pm
Homework Club
3:30 pm
Homework Club
9:30 am
DECC Parent & Child
4:30 pm
Hebrew School
4:30 pm
Hebrew School
9:30 am
Crafting for
6:30 pm Shabbat Worship
7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop
9:30 am
Religious School
10 am Judaism for
12:15 pm Torah Tuesday
3:30 pm
Homework Club
6 pm Pre-Oneg
9:45 am
Bible Study
3:30 pm
Homework Club 4:30 pm
Hebrew School
7:30 pm
Boy Scout Troop
4:30 pm
Hebrew School
9:30 am
DECC Parent & Child
6 pm
Torah & Takeout
6:30 pm Shabbat Worship
For the most up-to-date news on TI programs and events, subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter.
Email Erin Wolfman May at [email protected] or visit www.ti-stl.org.
www.ti-stl.org / October 2015 / 15 page
high holy days
in our temple family
Mazel Tov
Linda Gartenberg Kline and Lee Kline
on the engagement of their daughter,
Emily Kline, to Edward Cherry.
Todah Rabah
To Our Board of Trustees members who served as
Shabbat greeters in September
shabbat sponsors
bimah food baskets
August 29
Sponsored by the Rosenfeld Family
In honor of Ethan Benoist becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Thank you to following donors for sponsoring our Rosh Hashanah bimah flowers:
Berger Memorial Chapel
Rindskopf-Roth Chapel
Norman and Michele Roth and Family
In memory of Ronald Fenster
Marge Fenster, Jeff, Amy, Davis and Leo Brown, and
Susan, Mike, Nathan and Freddie Mayer
In memory of our beloved son, Dr. R. Scott Berger and our beloved father, Gabe L. Gould
Sunny and Jarrett Silverman
In memory of Dr. Robert Cohen
Kay Cohen and Family
In memory of Toodles Green
Dr. Morton Green, Michael, Liana, Jordyn and
Kai Green and Joyce Glassman
In memory of our loving daughter, Michelle Sheryl Rich
Geri and Mel Rich
In memory of my beloved husband, Jack Shuman
Bernadine Shuman
Sponsored by Sarijane Freiman,
Carla, Michael and Noah Freiman,
Rebecca Freiman Helfer
In honor of Temple Israel’s support
during the past year
Sponsored by Rosanne Abrams,
Laura and Bruce Abrams and Larisa and Alex Syomin
In honor of the naming of their granddaughter,
Isla Harriet Novof
16 page / October 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
We gratefully acknowledge these tributes received as of September 15.
adult education fund
In honor of Sarijane Freiman
David Geddes
In honor of Hildegard and Herman Rochman
David Geddes
deutsch early childhood center fund
In honor of the special birthday of Lois Lefton
Cathy and Randy Arst
Ricki and Neil Marglous
In honor of the marriage of the Jane and Michael Weinhaus’ son
Ivy and Michael Klein
Wishing a Happy New Year in honor of our children and grandchildren
Fran and Steve Zamler
Frieda and Lester Handelman
Early Childhood Art Fund
In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Alice and Howard Handelman
Shirley and Bob Becker
Susie and Bob Bernstein
Barbara and Dan Bindler
Judy Cardin and Ruth Greenspan
John Isaacs III
Edie Neusner
Sandra and Arnold Spirtas
Gloria and Sandy Spitzer
Barbara Tureen
Helane and Warner Isaacs
Fran and Steve Zamler
harold w. dubinsky memorial fund
In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Alice and Howard Handelman
Ellen and Henry Dubinsky
In memory of Aunt Rose
Marge Fenster
Susan, Mike, Nathan and Freddie Mayer
Jeff, Amy, Davis and Leo Brown
Wishing a speedy recovery to Bob Freund
Linda and Bill Levin
In honor of Liz and David Weinstein’s wedding anniversary
Dee and Cary Mogerman
kirk nackman garden fund
In memory of Alan “Bud” Goldberg
Linda, Phil, Tayor, Alie and Spencer Horwitz
helen and myron schwartz
ark and prayerbook fund
In honor of Dot Levin
Diana and Jim Rothbarth
Thank you to the following donors who have dedicated one or more sets
of Mishkan T’fillah
In memory of Alan Lee Weilitz
Pamela Becker Weilitz
In honor of my Bar Mitzvah, October 3, 2015
Josh Fingerman
Thank you to the following donors who have dedicated one or more sets
of Mishkan HaNefesh, our new High Holiday prayerbooks:
In memory of Ron Fenster
Marge Fenster
Susan Fenster Mayer and Family
Amy Fenster Brown and Family
In memory of Merle Silverstein
The O’Gorman Family
In memory of Alan Lee Weilitz
Pamela Becker Weilitz
TEMPLE ISRAEL general fund
In honor of Jerry and Judy Levy
The Levy-Thomeczek Family
In memory of Alan “Bud” Goldberg
Dorismae Friedman
Dana and Troy Pohlman
In honor of Seth and Rebecca Williams
The Levy-Thomeczek Family
www.ti-stl.org / October 2015 / 17 page
millard s. cohen caring community fund
In memory of Myra Cohen
Susie and Bob Schulte
In memory of Carol Littmann
Susie and Bob Schulte
nathan kahn - Ernestine kahn charles kahn fund
In honor of the special birthday of Lois Lefton
Cathy and Randy Arst
natalie and neil handelman fund for temple life
In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Alice and Howard Handelman
Mary and Rob Rosenblum
Janie and Eric Spirtas
Wishing a speedy recovery to Marge Fenster
Cathy and Randy Arst
pauline & Jack Schiller Senior Excursion fund
In honor of Nancy Kalishman’s birthday
Susan and Neal Kalishman
In memory of Arthur Blatt
Jackie Benedick
In memory of Allen J. Bloom
Jeanne Bloom
In memoiry of Nathan Louis Davis
Marger Fenster, Susan Fenster Mayer, Amy Fenster Brown and Families
In memory of Minnie Rieter Hapner
Eroca Daniel
In memory of Bobbie Ann Fox
Diana Rothbarth
In memory of Hershel Frankel
Don Wylan
In memory of Ruth Lesser Goldman
Howard N. Lesser
In memory of Gloria Levin
Constance Levy
In memory of Carolyn Lippmann
Lynne and Michael Lippmann
In memory of Albert Melman
Joy Melman
In memory of Pierce H. Moonshine
Merilyn Moonshine
rabbis’ discretionary fund
In memory of Bert Nachman
Les Nackman
In memory of Marty Ferman
Reva Ferman
In memory of Bernice Hamburg Newman
Leslie Reby
In memory of Hortense Morgan
Susie Bernstein
In memory of Ronald Stanford Prince, Jr.
Vida and Ronald Prince
In memory of Beverly Tober
Susan and Barry Goldenberg
In memory of Myron Schwartz
Helen Schwartz
In honor of the naming of our daughter, Sienna
Julie and Matthew Perlberg
In memory of Sarah Singer
Barbara and Edward Weiss
In memory of Erwin Taryle
Debbie, Terry and Rachel Taryle
In honor of Rabbi Amy Feder on the 1st wedding anniversary of
Rebecca and Seth Williams
Rebecca and Seth Williams
In memory of Dustin Phillip Terwilliger
Jackie Benedick
In memory of Marvin Wallach
Marc Wallach
In memory of Jerry Bernstein
Evelyn and Marvin Bernstein
In memory of Mary Waldman
Ruth Bender
18 page / October 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
September 27 - October 3
Louis Brown
Lorraine Burg
Therese Budwig Clein
Rubin Cohen
Geraldine Seidel
Steven Alan Dern
Isidor Enoch
Eli Losos Esserman
Manuel S. Faber
Evelyn W. Fireside
Harry D. Schneider
Lorrayne D. Schwartz
Ben Shanfeld
Rabbi Solomon H.
Florence Rosenkranz Steiner
Sidney Svarin
Dr. Robert W. Tatkow
Paula Kalter Weil
Bernice M. Wilkerson
Jacob Flegel
Eugene A. Freund
Albert Gelfand
Walter M. Glaser
Carolyn Glassman
Ida Glazer
Esther Golstein
Augusta Haimann
Ruth G. Haimann
1st Lt. Jack H. Herman
Libby Beatrice Jacobs
Karol A. Korngold
Minette Laba
Nathaniel Mendelson
Betty Missler
Charles Polsky
Michelle Sheryl Rich
Samuel Rothman
Jennie Rothschild
Sidney W. Salada
Julius Sanger
Betty Jean Schneider
Bess Finke
Jennie Michael Frank
Rose Fremder
Donald Gellman
Elkan W. Glauber
Louis Greenfield
M. Harold Grober
Morris A. Heimann
Clarence M. Hirsch
Bernard L. Isaacs
Harry Kamil
Rose Cutter Kaplan
Selma Kaufmann
Alvin Sidney Kelter
Sol Klein
Flora Korngold
Milton J. Ladney
Etta Lazerwitz
Sylvia G. Liberman
Paul Robert Litt
Dr. Sidney Marshall Massie
Anita Medalie
Dr. Herschel Medalie
Fannie Neuman
Sadie Rosenblatt
Rebecca Rubin
Helen Friedman Schermer
Harry Shapiro
Louis Silverstein
Bernard P. Singer
Louis Steinbaum
Edith Susman
Myrtle Goldwasser Weaver
Josie Weil
Dr. Samuel U. Wolff
Dora Soffer Yanow
Salem Yellen
Oscar A. Feldman
Hyman Fogel
Edwin Frank
Ruth Hirsch Friedman
Doris Glassman
Harry “Pete” Glovinsky
Florence Kay Gram
Esther Greeble
Joseph Israel Green
Conrad Hailparn
Ella Harris
Helen Rose Hoffman
Ilma R. Isaac
Ethel Ammie Knisonsky
Melvin Kohn
Lillian L. Landis
Renee Levine
VJ Mancuso
Charlie Medalie
Samuel E. Mendelson
Lillian F. Milius
Aimee Glaser Moss
Israel “Buddy” Newmark
Shalon Offenbach
Edith Pitler
Morris Rubin
Ruben Shapiro
Mariane V. Silverman
Fred Sobel
Harry Leon Soffer
Lee Soffer
Harry Steiner Jr.
Lena Harris Tucker
Blanche Weil
Maurice Wise
Mary R. Wolff
Harold M. Zager
Farrell Fox
Roger S. Freed
Sophia Sigan Gillerman
Sam Goldman
Lillian Grand
Emil Green
Irvin S. (Sonny) Harris
Hanne Bromet Hartmann
Helen Arbesman Kerner
Joyce Mohr
Clara Rubin Newmark
Andrew C. Scallet
Esther Schermer
Herbert B. Simon
Joseph Smissman
Mark C. Steinberg
Lilly Holtzman
Dora Hykins
Pauline Schuchat Jacks
Bessie Kaiserman
Dr. Jack Kayes
Myra Tuholske Kopolow
Gladys Miriam Krisman
Kate H. Ladney
Louis Landau
Jay M. Lawton
Eva Schear Lazaroff
Ralph Scott Lynford
Marvin Gene Marshall
Dorothy Hartmann Meyerson
William Stix Milius
Sol Mogerman
David Rickensohl
Dr. Marvin Rosecan
October 4 - October 10
Harold Bosse
Samuel C. Brasch
Anne Kohlenbrener Brenner
Charlotte Brodsky
Abraham Cohen
Ben H. Cohen
Margaret Voorheis Cohen
Raymond Samuel Davidson
Sidney Aaron Davidson
Thressa Meyers Epstein
October 11 - 17
Margaret E. (Honey) Altman
William Bensinger
Joseph M. Berger Jr.
Sarah Mark Berman
M. Erwin Bry
Dudley J. Cohen
Irene Cohn
Marvin Abraham Davidson
Ira Daniel Deutsch
Abraham R. Feld
October 18 - 24
Beatrice Alschuler
Morton B. Anfenger
Rosalind Bry Apple
Hannah Littmann Auer
Gottlieb Barken
Ruth Blum
Bess Brown
Millard S. Cohen
Carrie L. Steiner
Ann B. Swier
Ida Weneck Tranin
Jennie Wagner
Benjamin J. Weil
Herman S. Wolfheim Jr.
Norman Zimmerman
October 25 - 31
Louis Berkowitz
Michael Cutter
Beatrice Edison
Ida Pocras Goldberg
Melville Greeble
Rose Greenberg
Edith Liss Grober
Rose Gross
Adele Obermeyer Hirschberg
Joe Schneiderman
Benjamin Miller Schulein
Shirley Cohen Schweig
Lottie Sherman
Mary Siegfried
Harry S. Smith
Dr. Harry M. Sorkin
Dr. Samuel David Soule
Dina Reuss Stix
Myron Wally Waldman
Aladar Wildman
Lucille Strauss Wolfort
Bernard Yawitz
Louis G. Zelson
These names have been lovingly inscribed for a Wall of Honor or Perpetual Memorial. To establish a Perpetual
or Wall of Honor memorial for a loved one, please contact Sydney Masin at [email protected] or 314-432-8050.
www.ti-stl.org / October 2015 / 19 page
We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of:
Anna Mae Baker
mother of Travis (Judy Schwartz-Baker) Baker
Barry Brockman
brother of Marshall Brockman
Oscar Epstein
husband of Betsy Epstein
brother of Martin (Ann) Epstein
Dr. Robert H. Friedman
husband of Lois Heifetz Friedman
Evelyn Newman
wife of Eric Newman
sister of Julian (Hope) Edison
Richard Rosenthal
father of Ken (Judy) Rosenthal
Julia Freida Weinhaus
mother of Karen (Mont) Levy
Thank you
To Our High Holy Days Ushers
Ron and Lylas Chatmon, Co-Chairs
Mark and Joelle Biernacki, Co-Chairs
Robert Aisenfeld, David Aronson, Fran and Jamie Axelbaum,
Evie Bernstein, Joelle, Mark, Katherine, Eric and Olivia Biernacki,
Marc Braun, Amy Fenster Brown, Davis and Leo Brown, Jeff
Brown, David Chassin, Ed and Carol Cohen, Fred and Vera Cohen,
Brent and Karen Comensky, Scott Davis, Pamela Dern, Ellen
Deutsch, Charles Elbert, Karen Berry Elbert, Allan and Susan
Epstein, Sarah and Ron Falkoff, Carla and Michael Feurer, Mitchell,
Jayme, Josh and Risa Fingerman, Pepe Finn, Sadie and Lucy
Fletcher, Ed and Susie Fliesher, Julie Follman, David Geddes, Tom
Glick, Dorette Goldberg, Elise and Jamie Goldberg, Paul, Susan,
Jennifer and Lauren Goldberg, Marvin Goldfarb, Bob and Cathy
Goldsticker, Merle Gordon, Ted and Laura Greenberg, Harvey
Harris, Arnold and Myrna Hershman, Ken Hirsch, Barbra Horn and
Peter Weiss, Joel Kamil, Nancy Kodner, Louise Levine,
Jerry and Judy Levy, JoAnne Levy, Jim and Josh Thomeczek,
Larry and Liz Linkon, Rob Litz, Lauren Ludmerer, Deborah Manne,
Neil Marglous, Hannah Maurer, Marti Maurer, Jan Nykin, Andrew
Olschansky, Sheri and Charlie O’Gorman, Kathy Ortbals, Lois
Perryman, Pohlman Family, Ella Raber, Adrienne Rosen, Ken and
Judy, Carly, Jack and Jennifer Rosenthal, Marilyn Rubin, Robert
Schnurman, Brad and Debbie Shanker, Jeremy Shook, Art and
Susan Stiefel, Stern Family, Yvonne Tedder, Lynn Wallis, David
Weinstein, Michael Weiss, Ken Wilde, and Larry Winner.
New Mt. Sinai Cemetery
There are a lot of new developments at New Mt. Sinai: first,
we have a new section at the cemetery – 84 new two-grave
family lots. These affordable lots allow you to have a family
monument as well as foot markers. Located on a beautiful
hill in the newest area of New Mt. Sinai, these lots are sure
to be a popular choice for couples looking for property just
for the two of them. Call now to schedule an appointment
to see these new two-grave lots.
And the cemetery has just purchased a new pressure
washer to clean the many structures around our historic
grounds. If you have monuments or markers on your
family’s lot or grave and those stones have become dingy
over the years, we can now offer very reasonable prices
to clean the stones. As a member of one of our owner
congregations, you qualify for a discounted rate. So
contact our office today and make arrangements to have
your loved ones’ resting place “spruced up.”
Dan Brodsky, Executive Director
2 Crypts For Sale at New Mt. Sinai Cemetery
Desirable original. Right Wing, 5th level.
Current value $11,000.
Asking $10,500
plus will pay the $150 Quit Claim Deed.
Call Cindy: 847-830-7480
20 page / October 2015 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
Temple Israel Wish List
- Weddings - Thank you gifts - Holiday gifts -
Our Temple Israel wish list provides opportunities for
congregants to direct a gift to support specific programs,
enhancements, or area of interests.
We highlight several opportunities each month.
Gift cards are great for any occasion.
One size fits all!
Thank you to Joseph Silverman for his generous donation
to sponsor an upcoming Pre-Oneg
Starbucks, Barnes & Noble,
Amazon, iTunes, Kohls, Neiman Marcus,
Old Navy, Movie Theaters and Restaurants...
$600 One month’s Tot Shabbat program
$600 TVs for digital signage (5 TVs needed at $600 ea.)
$250 Tablet computers for Religious School
$200 One month of Internet service
$200Sponsor a Shabbat Pre-Oneg
$100Supplies for one Religious School class $100 Microwave for the Kitchen
More than 800 retailers to choose from!
Place your order by October 20.
Your cards will be ready for pick-up at the
Temple by November 5.
TI receives a percentage of each gift card
purchase you make.
Visit www.shopwithscrip.com and click “Register.”
Select the option to join an existing program
and enter our Temple Israel enrollment code: 66C4F96371LL
To fulfill a wish list item, mail a check payable to
to create a family account.
Temple Israel to: Temple Israel Wish List
P.O. Box 790379
St. Louis, MO 63179 Donate online by credit card at: www.ti-stl.org/wishlist
Please specify the item you are funding.
Contributions will be recognized in future issues
of the Dateline, so please let us know if you prefer
to donate anonymously.
For more information, contact Laura Robbins,
Director of Membership and Development
[email protected] or 314-432-8050.
www.ti-stl.org / October 2015 / 21 page
Then start shopping! Select the gift cards you
want, add them to your shopping cart,
and submit your order. We’ll do the rest!
Payment Options:
1. Mail a check to the Temple (payable to Temple Israel).
2. Set up automatic ACH or credit card payments.
(Note: Credit card payments are accepted only for cards offering
rebates of 5% or more.)
Purchase $100 or more and we’ll mail your cards
to you upon request.
Questions? Contact Diane Packman:
[email protected] or 314-432-8050
We are now carrying inventory of many gift cards, including
pharmacies, clothing stores, restaurants, iTunes, and more. Cards
can be purchased and picked up in the Temple office during business
hours or during various Temple programming.
Call Diane Packman to verify what we have in stock and see
when you can come by and purchase.
For the month of October,
the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking
for these specific items in order to assist the community in need:
Any Type of Canned Vegetables and Canned Fruit,
Canned Tuna Fish, Kosher Food,
Canned Beef Stew/Chili/Pasta with Meat,
Healthy Hot and Cold Cereals, Dry Pasta, Tomato Soup, Shampoo, Hand Soap, Toilet Paper and Laundry Detergent
Items should be brought to our collection site
by the May Chapel. For further information,
please contact Louise Levine, 636-227-1259.
October 2015
Tishri / Cheshvan 5776
Volume XXXV / Number 1
#1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive
St. Louis, MO 63141-7670
Amy Feder, Rabbi
Michael Alper, Rabbi
Mark L. Shook, Rabbi Emeritus
Kim Rivera, Director of Business Operations
Leslie Wolf, Director, Deutsch Early Childhood Center
Jed Filler, R.J.E., Director of Youth Education
Laura Robbins, Director of Membership and Development
Erin Wolfman May, Communications Coordinator
Dee Mogerman, President
David Chassin, Vice President
Carol Cohen, Vice President
Harvey Harris, Vice President
Jeremy Shook, Vice President
Michael Weiss, Vice President
Neil Marglous, Secretary
Pamela Dern, Assistant Secretary
Debbie Schultz, Treasurer
Jeffrey Stern, Assistant Treasurer
bake for a cause at
pies with a purpose.
Details on page 11.
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Phone: 314-432-8050
Fax: 314-432-8053