February 2015 Newsletter
February 2015 Newsletter
February, 2015/Shevat, Adar 5775 RELIGIOUS SERVICES FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Music: Bob Pollack and Marilyn Zelcer SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 9:30 am – Torah Study 10:30 am – Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Yitro, Exod. 18:1-20:23 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 7:30 PM Family Shabbat Service Music: David Snyder SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 9:30 am – Torah Study 10:30 am – Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Mishpatim, Exod. 21:1-24:18 FRIDAY, february 20, 7:30 PM (Dinner at DiStasi’s Precedes Service) Shabbat Service Music: Friday Night Live Oneg Shabbat hosted by Jeff and Kathy Schlaeger in honor of Alanna becoming a Bat Mitzvah SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 9:30 am – Torah Study 10:30 am – Shabbat Service Alanna Schlaeger, daughter of Jeff and Kathy Schlaeger, will become a Bat Mitzvah Torah Portion: T’rumah, Exod. 25:1-27:19 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 7:30 PM Shabbat Service Music: Bob Pollack and Marilyn Zelcer Oneg Shabbat hosted by Sam and Laura Lobar and Family in memory of Miriam Lobar and Ruth Levenson SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 9:30 am – Torah Study 10:30 am – Shabbat Service Torah Portion: T’tzaveh, Exod. 27:20-30:10 SISTERHOOD’S USED BOOKS & MEDIA SALE Sunday, February 8 During Religious School NEW ADULT ED SERIES ARGUING WITH GOD Ancient and Contemporary Thursdays, February 5, 19 --7:00 pm and Febraury 26 - 8:00 pm Rabbi Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi, Ph.D. Rabbi Sabath serves the Hebrew Union College as the National Director of Recruitment and Admissions, President’s Scholar and Director of Community Engagement. Rabbi Sabath was ordained at HUC-JIR in New York and earned a Ph.D. in Jewish Philosophy from the Jewish Theological Seminary. SHABBAT DINNER FRIDAY, FEB. 20 - 6:00 PM DiStasi’s on Wyoming Avenue Come for dinner and then join us for Friday Night Live Shabbat Service at the Temple Dinner is $15-$20 per meal (paid at the restaurant) One complimentray glass of wine will come with your dinner RSVP to the Temple office by Feb. 18 PURIM CELEBRATION Wednesday, March 4 6:00 pm - Dinner (See page 4 for reservations) 7:00 pm - Purim Service & Schpiel (Musical tribute to story of Esther) Youth Group Carnival set up Saturday evening, March 7 Sunday, March 8 NOON Annual Purim Carnival Following Religious School to benefit the Youth Group FROM THE RABBI ... Sandford R. Kopnick In 1984, The Rev. Jesse Jackson was running for president and referred to New York with an antiJewish nickname. He referred to Jews in a similar way, and many thought him to have a problem with Jews. Sadly, Louis Farrakhan, who was not running for president and was a blatant anti-Semite (and still is), made the controversy surrounding the comments worse. Furthermore, Jackson did nothing to retract or further contextualize his comments, making his denial more about how he didn’t remember making the comments rather than whether he actually did. This moment, back 30-plus years ago, seems to be a turning point in Black-Jewish relations. Jewish people generally took pride in the Jewish role in the Civil Rights Movement. Jews were involved in the establishment of both the NAACP and the Urban League, and certainly marched alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King understood the value of courting the religious leaders of all religions, and developed close relationships with many rabbis. Yet, since that 1984 moment, it seems that the organized Jewish community has not figured out how to actively engage with the African American Community. In many communities, many Jews and African Americans work hand-in-hand on many causes. We partner on community causes, we support each other’s candidates, and we work together on community-building projects. Yet, we’ve not seen real coalitions at a national level for a while. Recently, a very fine film called Selma was released. The movie tells the story of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the events surrounding the march from Selma to Montgomery. Rather than romanticizing Dr. King, the movie shows this Civil Rights icon as an all-too-human character. The week I saw the movie, the Torah portion reminded us that Moses had trouble convincing the Israelites to follow him, because they were weary from slavery. A few weeks prior to that, the weekly newspaper, The Forward, published Jewish complaints about the film because it neglected to show Dr. Abraham Joshua Heschel and his remarkable friendship with Dr. King. I am sorry, but this is embarrassing to our People. First, a rabbi (kippah-clad older man), was depicted in the front row of the march in which Dr. Heschel participated. Secondly, who cares!! Why did this movie need to be about us. Ferguson happened months ago. Those who are feeling downtrodden and oppressed have a remarkable film to help reset a discussion, and we’re worried about the actor not looking enough like Dr. Heschel? Really? We Jews have an historical kinship with any group emerging from slavery. There is a natural link that we should make with the African American community—even when we feel snubbed. It is one thing to have Reverend Jackson and Mr. Farrakhan espouse hate. It is quite another that a well-made movie chronicling civil rights remain uniquely focused on Dr. King and not worry as much about the “others” of the story. Our Bible reminds us that those weary from an experience may have a harder time than others—and we can offer a little latitude without being so easily insulted. This was not anti-Jewish; it was an artistic choice. We have to recover from being marginalized by the 1980s’ leadership of Reverend Jackson and Mr. Farrakhan, in favor of some new steps forward. I believe it starts with all of us—simply being good and genuine neighbors. And remembering that we don’t define who feels like a stranger—but we are compelled to react with a kinship that remembers we were slaves in the land of Egypt. B’shalom, Sandford R. Kopnick, Rabbi WEEKLY TORAH STUDY WITH RABBI KOPNICK AND BRIAN NELSON EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:30 AM book! Each week’s Torah portion is studied with an eye toward modern relevance and traditional understanding. No prior experience is expected.There’s a reason why we are the people of the NO LUNCH & LEARN IN FEBRUARY What’s happening in MAZAL TOV Kathy and Jeff Schlaeger on their daughter, Alanna becoming a Bat Mitzvah Buzz and Barb Stewart on the engagement of their son, Daniel to Maddy Homper Religious School? Come Learn With Your Children! MISHEBERACH Throughout the Religious School year, you have an opportunity to learn alongside your children. Your children really look forward to this time together and you will have the chance to learn about Jewish holidays, values, mitzvot, Torah, and life cycle events. You will leave with ideas to help you incorporate Jewish stories, holidays, and practices into your home life. OUR SYMPATHY Diane Powers on the death of her Mother, Helen Globe Kesselman BOXES OF MATZAH NEEDED Attending Family Education sessions: • helps your children see that you value Jewish Education • is a fun way to get to know the parents of other children in your child’s RS class • is an opportunity for you to learn something new • gives you an opportunity to see your child in a learning setting very different from that of their everyday school experience • is an opportunity to create wonderful Jewish memories Come learn with us on the following dates: February 8- 9:45-11:15 AM- 6th grade February 22- 11:00 AM- 12 Noon- 1st grade March 1- 10:00-11:15 AM- 3rd grade March 15- 11:00 AM- 12 Noon- 4th grade March 15- 11:20 AM- 12 Noon- PreK March 22- 10:00-11:00 AM- 5th grade March 22- 11:20 AM- 12 Noon- Kindergarten April 12- 11:00 AM- 12 Noon- 2nd grade May 3- 10-11:30 AM at Weil Funeral Home- 5th grade May 3- 10-11:30 AM at Mapping Our Tears- 6th grade See you at Family Ed! B’shalom; Sarah Singer-Nourie Alison Alison Weikel Director of Education Donate boxes of matzah to help families in need celebrate Passover. Bring your boxes to the Jewish Family Service barrel in the front hall by Sunday, March 15. This matzah will be added with other Passover items needed to make a Seder. Help is also needed to deliver Passover boxes on Sunday, March 29 -- pickup times are 10:30, 11:00 or 11:30 am from the Jewish Family Service Barbash Family Vital Support Center at HUC-JIR. For more info call Sandee -- 766-3353 SAVE THE DATE — DENIM & DIAMONDS An Evening of Great Food Trivia Contest and prizes Auction Items Saturday, May 16, 2015 Donations of gifts and gift cards for the auction are welcome Volunteers Needed To Volunteer or for more info, contact KathySchlaeger wednesday, march 4 6:00 pm DINNER 7:00 PM SERVICE AND SCHPIEL $10.00 / adult $5.00/ child (ages 3-12) Bring your friends -- Costumes invited! Send in your reservation for the dinner to the Temple office. Name(s) ............................................................................................................................................. # of Adults @ $10.00 ......................... (Children under 3 free) ........................ # of Children (ages 3-12) @ $5.00 ............... AMT ENCLOSED .............. Please let us know if you need a vegetarian meal PLEASE SEND YOUR RESERVATION FORM & PAYMENT TO THE TEMPLE OFFICE, 145 SPRINGFIELD PIKE, 45215 BY MARCH 2 SUNDAY, MARCH 8 NOON (FOLLOWING RELIGIOUS SCHOOL) To Benefit the Temple Youth Group GAMES PRIZES LUNCH HAMANTASCHEN FUN Youth Group set up will be Saturday, March 7 Donations of new toys, gift cards and other items that can be used for prizes are needed Cakes for the cake walk should be brought to Religious School Please contact Brian Meeron, Youth Group Advisor at the Temple for more information or to make a donation. MAD POTTER EVENT Wednesday, February 18 - 6-9 pm Hope everyone is staying warm! Thank you to all that participated in our gift wrapping fundraiser! It was successful, and everyone that participated had a great time! February 8 will be our annual Book Sale during Religious School. We are taking donations of any type of media (books, videos, DVDs, etc.) and games at the Temple to sell at the Book Sale. Mad Potter 7754 Camargo Road, Madeira Wine/Cheese/Goodies Great Conversation and Pottery Painting $8 per person plus cost of object you paint March 1 is the much anticipated Hamantaschen baking - come to the kitchen during Religious School and then after school for Chai Life baking with your children. - Contact Amanda Stein to sign up! HELP US CREATE A WARM MOMENT AFTER SERVICES Keep the date: May 16 will be Denim & Diamonds, contact Kathy Schlaeger if you would like to help! A reminder - you can choose Valley Temple Sisterhood for the Kroger Rewards program. Just register at krogercommunityrewards.com and help Sisterhood support Valley Temple programming just by doing your shopping! You will see at the bottom of your receipt that you are supporting Sisterhood...this may take a few weeks to show up after registering. Please contact Chrissy Knarr with any questions. Some upcoming meeting dates are February 22, March 22, April 19 and May 17 (last day of Religious School & picnic!). Hope to see you there! Susan Susan Elgowsky Recording Secretary Help us continue our lovely tradition of providing delicious “goodies” at our Oneg Shabbats (the reception following services). These “onegs” are wonderful ways to celebrate the joy of the Sabbath, schmooze with members, meet new people and have a “nosh.” Please help us maintain this tradition by calling Wendy at the Temple office for more information, or to say that you will sponsor an oneg. It can be in honor of a loved one, a special occasion or just because! Our thanks for sponsoring a recent oneg: Barbara and Harvey Katz in honor of their anniversary Dr. Scott and Gail Silverstein in memory of Beverly Shussett Families of our Consecrants Julian and Carol Magnus David and Sharon Feldstein in memory of Gil Fields and Bessie Feldstein Sandy Hatfield in memory of Marcia E. Geltner hamantaschen baking Sunday, MARCH 1 at 10 am Hamantaschen will be used for the Purim dinner and Purim Carnival as well as our members in need of cheer No Experience Necessary ------------------------------------ Noon-2 PM Chai Life Hamantaschen Baking Stay for lunch immediately following RS and bake with your kids -- $5/child $10 max per family VALLEY NIGHT AT CYCLONES HOCKEY Saturday night, March 14 The Valley Temple Men’s Club invites all to the Cincinnati Cyclones at US Bank Arena. Puck drops at 7:30 PM. This is a family event - all are welcome. RSVP to Elliot Spieler at 513-351-9749 or valestrania@ aol.com. FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Marc Deitsch Devon Brandt Harold Blatt Jon Hoffheimer Alanna Schlaeger Stephen Kovacic Richard Gaynor Alice Weitzenkorn Joanne Steinberg Jenny Broh Lois Benjamin Rica Hodesh Joel Davis Rick Michelman Karen Blatt Gil Kaufman Gerald Springer Donald Kaplan Benjamin Zellhuber John Amber Emma Weitzenkorn Betsy Cusack Clare Deutsch Barbara DelMauro Sydney Zwick Jonathan Sass Almog Gal John Rosenthal Isabelle Clark Rebecca Clark Katherine O’Neill Betsy Ach Kean Mervis Donna Goodman Aubrey Yeazell Alicia Stoughton Megan Zellhuber Shayna Codd Sidney Cohen Nancy Magnus Kopnick Jan Rosenbaum Evan Powers We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions: 02/01 02/01 02/02 02/02 02/02 02/03 02/04 02/06 02/06 02/07 02/08 02/10 02/11 02/11 02/12 02/13 02/13 02/14 02/14 02/15 02/17 02/18 02/18 02/19 02/19 02/22 02/22 02/23 02/23 02/23 02/23 02/23 02/24 02/25 02/25 02/26 02/26 02/27 02/28 02/29 02/29 02/29 RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Helen Kramberg; from Carol Kramberg-Walker & Bruce Walker In memory of Edward Doseck; from Sue & Arn Bortz In memory of Fannie Kuhr; from Dick & Marsha Kuhr In memory of Fan Colish; from Lynn & Neil Kravitz In memory of Betty DuCovna; from Herb & Sue DuCovna IRVIN AND JANET MAKRAUER MEMORIAL RITUAL FUND In memory of Gerd Buchheim; from Zola Makrauer ALLEN AND SELMA WIENER BERKMAN SOCIAL ACTION FUND In memory of Dr. Michael Gladsen; from Gail Lewin In memory of Jerry Goldstein; from Gail Lewin In memory of Ida Tamarkin; from Ivan & Kathie Tamarkin CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Meyer Silver; from Sue & Jay Price In memory of Irvin Schwartz; from Gene Smiley & Beth Schwartz The Valley Temple Sisterhood BRYNA SCHWARTZ MEMORIAL ONEG & HOSPITALITY FUND In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rubin’s brother; from Judy & Martin Young In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Marion and Glenn Derringer’s grandson; from Judy & Martin Young In memory of Robert Shore; from John & Ronnie Shore A gift from Dr. Paula Braverman FRANCIE BROWN MEMORIAL OFFICE FUND In memory of Phyllis and Todd Boering; from Jenny Broh L’CHAIM FUND In memory of John Siegel; from Mark & Ellen Kovacic FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES Bill & Betsy Richard & Marsha Carl & Judy Rick & Karen Aubrey & Arlene Michael & Nancy Norman & Wendy Chuck & Ricklie Brian & Mindy Aron & Kara Cusack Kuhr Gehr, Jr. Michelman Herman Shayeson Wasserman Vordenberge Sefferino Schneider Sustaining the Generations ... 02/06/1988 02/14/1982 02/17/1963 02/18/1996 02/20/1972 02/20/1971 02/24/1963 02/25/1984 02/29/1999 02/26/2000 MAZAL TOV OUR GRATEFUL THANKS Honor a special occasion by donating to one of our funds which will suit the donor or honoree. These contributions support special programs and projects not covered by our operating budget. For more info, call the Temple office. 145 Springfield Pike Cincinnati, OH 45215 Sandford R. Kopnick, Rabbi Solomon T. Greenberg, Rabbi Emeritus Brian Nelson, Rabbinic Intern Jessica Wainer, Rabbinic Fellow Wendy Walsh, Temple Administrator Alison Weikel, Director of Education Michael Shayeson, President Laura Lobar, President, Women of Reform Judaism Scott Steinberg, President, Men’s Club 513-761-3555 WEB SITE: www.valleytemple.com E-MAIL: [email protected] or use links at valleytemple.com VALLEY TEMPLE CONSECRATION 2014/5775