4pm: 1st – 4th Grade Classroom Schedule Worship Only God BIBLE
4pm: 1st – 4th Grade Classroom Schedule Worship Only God BIBLE
4pm:1st–4thGradeClassroomSchedule Worship Only God BIBLE PASSAGE: Deuteronomy 1; 3:23–4:40 MAIN POINT: The Lord alone is God. KEY PASSAGE: Psalm 86:10 3:45 – 4:00…CHECK IN / SNACKS / GAMES: • • One teacher take control of sign-in: Place the Check-In Sticker on Clipboard. If manually sign-in, give the parent a nametag containing their phone number and their child’s name. They will use this for checkout. One teacher lead orderly free play. 4:00 – 4:10…ACTIVITY SHEET / ARRIVING ACTIVITY: • Activity Sheet: Distribute activity pages and instruct the kids to complete the challenge. Arriving ACTIVITY:“Dancing through the Decades” Invite kids to do some older dance moves with you such as the Twist, the Mashed Potato, the Funky Chicken, the Charleston, and the Bunny Hop. Say: Those were some pretty silly dance moves from a long time ago! While dance moves change over time, God’s Word never changes. We should worship only God because the Lord alone is God; there is no other besides Him. 4:10 – 4:15…CLEAN UP / GO OVER RULES & CONSEQUENCES: Rules are on the wall by the door 4:15 – 4:50…KIDS LIVE: Have the kids sit together. Keep an eye on them and the door for more kids. 4:50 – 5:00…CRAFT: • Craft: “Faithful Frame” Items Needed: Popsicle sticks, Construction Paper, Glue. Instructions: (1) Make a square frame with Popsicle sticks and glue on construction paper. (2) Have kids write inside their frame 3 examples of what God has done for them or given them. (3) Cut out frame. Say: Take your beautiful frames home and display it somewhere you will see it every day this week. Each time you look at it, remember how God has been faithful to you. Remember that we worship God because the Lord alone is God; there is no other besides Him. 5:00 – 5:10…BIBLE STORY REVIEW: Story: Read the bible story found in the Teacher Aid section of the bin. Say: Moses commanded the people to obey God so that they would live. He told them to worship only God—the one true God. We receive eternal life from God by trusting in His Son, Jesus, and we obey Him because only He is God. Gospel Project – Unit 6.4 4pm:1st–4thGradeClassroomSchedule 5:10 – 5:20…REVIEW & APPLICATION QUESTIONS: • Review Questions: Family Feud Style Game (Items Needed: Buzzer) Divide the group into two teams and have one person from each team come to Check-In Desk with Buzzer on it. Tell them to put their hands behind their back until you ask the question. The first person to hit the buzzer gets to answer (the) question. Award team 10 points if person answers correctly, if incorrect then the other team can steal the points. Pick new people each question. 1.How many years did the Israelites wander in the desert? (40) 2. Which leader gave the Israelites a message from God before they entered the promised land? (Moses) 3. Could Moses enter the promised land? (No, Moses and Aaron disobeyed God too) 4. What would happen to the people if they did not worship only God and obey His commands? (God would scatter them to other lands) Say: Remember the Main Point: The Lord alone is God. (Have the kids repeat the main Point) • Discussion Questions: Small Group Time – The Goal is to get them talking about the lesson. Split the room up into 2 groups and each leader ask the questions giving time for a few kids to answer. 1. What did you learn about God from today’s story? 2. What did you learn about people/yourself? 3. What is one thing you learned from this lesson that you can apply this week? Say: Remember the Main Point: The Lord alone is God. (Have kids repeat the main point) 5:20 – 5:25…UNIT MEMORY VERSE: Review with the entire group. • Psalm 86:10 Have them repeat after you or play a game to break verse up. *Use the Memory Verse teacher aid. 5:25…ENDING ACTIVITY / PARENT ARRIVAL: As the parents arrive • Ending Activity: “Power, Deeds, and Acts” Explain to the kids that you will call out three words: power, deeds, and acts. When you say power, kids will flex theirbiceps. When you say deeds, kids will pound one fist into their other flat palm. When you say acts, kids will hop in place. Call out the words. Start slowly and then build up speed until kids are switching between motions as quickly as possible. Say: Was remembering the right motion with the right word easy or hard? God performed powerful deeds and acts for the Israelites all the way from Moses’ birth, through the wilderness, right up to leading them to the promise land. God showed His people that the Lord alone is God; there is no other besides Him. God chose to love the nation of Israel and give them His covenant. Through this nation, He would one day send His Son, Jesus, to bless all nations of the world by dying on the cross and rising again to rescue us from sin when we trust in Him. Gospel Project – Unit 6.4 Elem Activity Sheet Password INSTRUCTIONS: Cross out every other letter, beginning with the second letter, to fill in the blanks of the secret message. DO W TGP N L O A FAM D T H E ILY APP KEY PASSAGE: Leviticus 11:45 BIG PICTURE QUESTION: •Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law perfectly except Jesus. BIBLE STORY: WORSHIP ONLY GOD •The Israelites had wandered in the desert for 40 years. They were ready to enter the promised land. •Moses told the people there is no one like God. They must worship only Him. FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS: • What did Moses say about remembering God’s commands? (See Deuteronomy 4:40.) • Who is like God? •H ow can you show God that you love Him? FAMILY ACTIVITY: •Invite family members to talk about a fun memory you shared together. Why do you remember that special moment? •Take it further: Write the key passage on your bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker to help you memorize the key passage as a family this week. Younger Kids Activity Pages Unit 6, Session 4 23 Elem Activity Sheet MAIN POINT: THE LORD ALONE IS GOD; THERE IS NO OTHER BESIDES HIM. Worship Only God Deuteronomy 1; 3:23–4:40 24 Elem Take Home Sheet List two or three things you remember about today’s Bible story. Also write something you can do this week to show God that you love Him. Worship Only God Deuteronomy 1; 3:23–4:40 FOLD MAIN POINT: THE LORD ALONE IS GOD; THERE IS NO OTHER BESIDES HIM. Moses and the Israelites had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Now the Israelites were at the edge of the promised land—the land God had promised to give to His people. But before they entered the land, Moses told the Israelites everything God had commanded him to say. First, Moses reminded the people of why they were in the wilderness. “Many years ago, God told us to enter the promised land,” Moses said. “But the people refused to go in. They were afraid of the people who lived there.” So God said that everyone who chose to disobey Him would not enter the promised land—not even me. Only their children and Joshua and Caleb (who had trusted God completely) would go in. “Now it is time for God’s people to enter the promised land,” he said. Since Moses was old, he wanted to remind the Israelites of God’s commands. “Follow these commands when you live in the promised land,” Moses said. “Don’t forget them, and don’t forget what the Lord has done. Teach these things to your children and grandchildren.” Moses told the people to remember all the things God had done. Moses said, “Know this: The Lord alone is God; there is no other besides Him.” Moses said it again. “The Lord alone is God; there is no other besides Him. Obey His commands so that you may live long in the land the Lord is giving you.” FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS •What did Moses say about remembering God’s commands? (See Deuteronomy 4:40.) Christ Connection: Moses commanded the people to obey God so that they would live. He told them to worship only God—the one true God. We receive eternal life from God by trusting in His Son, Jesus, and we obey Him because only He is God. •Who is like God? •How can you show God that you love Him? 23 Elem Take Home Sheet Trace the main point of today’s Bible story. Put your pencil in the start space and follow these directions. Write down each letter you pass over. Start Who Else? Commandment Confusion 1. Do no have other gods besides the one true God. 2. Brush and floss twice daily. 3. Do not misuse the name of the Lord. 4. Look both ways before crossing the street. Read these commandments. Some of them do not belong. Cross out any commands that are not part of the Ten Commandments. (See Exodus 20:1-17.) 9. Lie when it keeps you out of trouble. 10. Do not want what belongs to someone else. Challenge: Which of the Ten Commandments are missing from this list? 5. Honor your father and mother, if you like what they say. 6. Get 10 hours of sleep every night. 7. Do not kill. 8. Do not steal. 24 The Gospel Project: 6.4 Elementary MC Guide BIBLE PASSAGE: Deuteronomy 1; 3:23–4:40 MAIN POINT: The Lord alone is God KEY PASSAGE: Psalm 86:10 Lesson: Play the Intro-Video Go over Classroom Rules: Timeline View: Just think of how the Israelites memory must have been after traveling in the desert for 40 years. That’s right—40 years! God constantly showed His people mighty deeds to remind them of His faithfulness. Unfortunately, they still forgot about His commands and His love for them. Our Bible story today is a special message Moses gave to the people to remind them about God’s goodness. It’s called “Worship Only God.” Main Point: That leads us to our main point: The Lord alone is God. Show the MainPoint Everyone say that with me… (Have them repeat the MAIN Point) Very interesting! Let’s take a look at how he did this! Bible Story: Play the Bible Story Video: After 40 years of walking in the desert, the Israelites were ready to enter the promised land. The first time they reached the promised land, they didn’t trust God to keep His promise to give them the land! As punishment, God made them walk in the desert for 40 years until all the people who had disobeyed God died. Only Joshua and Caleb—who had trusted God—would be allowed to enter the land with the new generation of Israelites, the children who had been born or grown up in the desert. Moses reminded these children about the wonderful ways God had taken care of His people in the desert. Moses said the Lord alone is God; there is no other besides Him. Moses commanded the people to obey God so that they would live. He told them to worship only God—the one true God. We receive eternal life from God by trusting in His Son, Jesus, and we obey Him because only He is God. Show MainPoint (Have them repeat the MAIN Point!) Application: Let’s watch our discussion starter video and see what it might have to do with our story. Play the Discussion Starter Video: Do you think Zack would have been just as excited about his new shirt if he had known it really wasn’t one of a kind? Unlike that nifty cat T-shirt, God is truly one of a kind. There is no one else like Him! How should that affect our love for Him andhow we worship Him? When you consider people valuable, you talk to them, listen to them, show them love, and so forth. When you consider items valuable, you spend time with them, take care of them, and so forth. How can you show that you value God this week? We are to strive to live holy lives not to earn God’s love and forgiveness but because He gave us His full love and forgiveness when we trusted Jesus. All of the ways that we thought of to show God we value Him should be our natural response to God’s goodness and kindness to us. There is nothing we can do to earn God’s favor and that is a good thing! Unit Memory Verse: God is holy which means He always does what is right, and He is separate from sin. Because He is our God, we are to be separate from sin, just like He commanded the Israelites. We can’t do that on our own. God sent Jesus to rescue us from sin when we trust in Him! Show U6.4_MemoryVerse Repeat after me… Psalm 86:10 Show MainPoint Let’s review our Main Point one more time. (Have them repeat the MAIN Point!) Dismiss kids to class: Bible Story: Video Moses and the Israelites had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Some of the older people remembered every year. They had been children when Moses led the people out of Egypt, away from Pharaoh and slavery. Some of the young people had been born in the wilderness. They heard stories from their parents and grandparents about the things God did to help His people. Now the Israelites were at the edge of the promised land—the land God had promised to give to His people. The promised land would be their new home. But before they entered the land, Moses—who was now very old—gave the people a message. He told the Israelites everything God had commanded him to say. First, Moses reminded the people of why they were in the wilderness. “Many years ago, God told us to enter the promised land,” Moses said. “This is the land God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to us—their future families. Twelve spies went into the land, and they saw that the land was good. But the people refused to go in. They were afraid of the people who lived there.” Moses said, “God had brought us so far, but the people refused to trust Him. So God said that everyone who chose to disobey Him would not enter the promised land—not even me. Only their children and Joshua and Caleb (who had trusted God completely) would go in. “So we wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Babies were born, young children grew into adults, and the people who had chosen to disobey God died. Now it is time for God’s people to enter the promised land.”Moses explained, “I begged God to let me go into the promised land, but He said no. God told me to make Joshua your leader. He will lead you into the land.” Since Moses was old, he wanted to remind the Israelites of God’s commands. “Follow these commands when you live in the promised land,” Moses said. “Don’t forget them, and don’t forget what the Lord has done. Teach these things to your children and grandchildren.” Then Moses warned them, “Be careful! Do not make an idol for yourselves. Do not worship things you created, and do not worship things God has created. Worship only God! “If you do not do what is right, God will scatter you to other lands. But He will not leave you. If you look for God, you will find Him. He will not destroy you. He will not forget His covenant. Your God is a compassionate God.” Moses told the people to remember all the things God had done—all the wonderful things since He created the world! Moses said, “Know this: The Lord alone is God; there is no other besides Him.” Moses said it again. “The Lord is God in heaven above and on earth below. The Lord alone is God; there is no other besides Him. Obey His commands so that you may live long in the land the Lord is giving you.” Christ Connection: Moses commanded the people to obey God so that they would live. He told them to worship only God—the one true God. We receive eternal life from God by trusting in His Son, Jesus, and we obey Him because only He is God.