RNC Newsletter February.2016
RNC Newsletter February.2016
Neighborhood Council Newsletter FEBRUARY, 2016 ResedaCouncil.org Facebook.com/RNC.FB RESEDA NC ELECTION IS COMING Attendees chose the styles of features for Sherman Way on these Voting Boards Reseda NC President Fran Piazza and Senior Lead Officer Oscar Bocanegra preparing to go on 3rd Annual Community Bike Ride Ride. We started out behind the Magnolia Science Academy on Sherman Way in Reseda. The weather held out and provided a perfect day to ride. Not to hot, not to cold, not wet... Just Reseda has entered an upward moving phase. Reseda is well on its way to having a "GREAT With the Great Streets Initiative focusing on STREET" of its very own. On Saturday, LANI (Los right. The spirits were high as everyone enSherman Way, between Lindley and Wilbur , Angeles Neighborhood Initiative) and the Rejoyed a leisurely ride throughout Council Disover the next few years Sherman Way, and seda Rising Steering Committee held another t r i c t 3 . surrounding environs, will see some major community workshop to get the community's At the end of the ride, everyone was asked to changes. views on what they would like to see Sherman provide their opinion at the "Reseda Rising" Your Reseda Neighborhood Council will be Way look like in the future. As you know, booth. Their opinions are going to help shape one of the major ways to focus stakeholder Mayor Eric Garcetti named Sherman Way as the "Great Street" project along the Sherman interest to make this happen in the best way one of the "GREAT STREETS" in Los Angeles. W a y c o r r i d o r . possible. The Reseda NC will publicize and The information workshop took place behind Lunch was provided to all who voted. listen to the voice of the community to influ- the Magnolia Science Academy during the 3rd The LA Kings came out and provided a FUN ence what development gets planned for our annual Bob Blumenfield community bike ride. zone for everyone to play some street hockey. community. The community enthusiasm ran strong during Overall... If you were not there... You missed The Reseda Neighborhood Council needs the event. The residents of Reseda told us o u t . members that can listen to the voice of the what they wanted to see Sherman Way look But there is always next year!!! community and work to make it happen. like, while they enjoyed the LA Kings fun zone Are YOU one of those that can step up and work for the community??? Do you wish to and were treated to lunch by LANI. Special thanks to Anna Apostolos for making sure this have YOUR Voice heard??? event was a success. Become a candidate for this election to win a Stay tuned for future workshops. Index s ea t on th e Boa rd. Go to RESEDA NC ELECTION NEEDS COMMUNITY MEETING Fran Piazza CANDIDATES www.resedacouncil.org and click on the icon for candidate registration. Candidate registra- COMMUNITY BIKE RIDE tion closes on February 17. Fran Piazza If you were not there... You missed it!!! The third annual Bob Blumenfield Community Bike Business Announcements Calendar Emergency, Disaster& Community Safety Senior Corner 2 4 3 3 Page 2 COMMUNITY NEWS RESEDA NEEDS VOTERS To vote in the Reseda NC Elections on April 17th you will have to register. Unlike the Regular Elections, Neighborhood Council Elections has less restrictions. Because the Neighborhood Council is here to listen to all who live, work, attend school, go to a religious establishment or otherwise have a vested interest in the community, voting is open to residents (rent or own), property owners, business owners and their employees , students, teachers, members of religious establishments, and members of other organizations which operate within the boundaries of the Reseda Neighborhood Council. IF YOU are in these categories, go to www.resedacouncil.org and click on the Register To Vote icon. Then be sure to cast your vote for the new members of the Reseda Neighborhood Council. Note that if you don’t have computer access you can register on Election Day, April 17 when you come in to cast your ballot. Not only can you register on line, but you can also vote on line from March 27 until April 17, Registration on line closes on April 10. NEW POSITION YOUTH CANDIDATES NEEDS FRIDAY SENIOR MOVIES The Reseda Neighborhood Council has created a new position on its Board for the youth of our Community. This position is open to the youth of our community who are between the ages of 16 and 18. It will have a term of one year. The first occupier of this position will be chosen in the election being held on April 17. The Youth Candidate with the second most votes will take over the seat when the first year term is completed, as long as the candidate remains eligible age-wise. SHOP RESEDA CARDS On Fridays ONEgeneration Senior Center shows FREE movies for seniors at the center located at 18255 Victory Blvd. at 1:30 PM. This follows the senior lunch. $2.00 suggested donation at each event. Here are the movies to be shown in February: DISCOUNT Do You have a SHPRESEDA CARD? If you do it entitles you to a discount or special price at nearly 200 locations throughout Reseda. You can pick up your FREE SHOPRESED Card at the Reseda Neighborhood Council Community Space at any Reseda NC Meeting or event being held at the location. You can also pick it up at many locaTAKE BACK THE SIDEWALKS tions that offer discounts to those that have one. Calling all volunteers! On Saturday February To find these locations go to the Reseda NC 27, Reseda will once again take back its side- website www.resedacouncil.org and look up Discount Directory or Business Directory walks. The Reseda Neighborhood Council and the LAPD’s Community Police Advisory Board (CPAB) will be joining forces to once again do some community clean-up At 8:30 AM, you are asked to meet at the Reseda NC Community Space. Tools and refreshments will be provided, bring your own gloves Feb.. 5 “When the Game Stands Tall” 2014 (PG) (115 min) Jim Caviezel, Michael Chiklis, Alexander Ludwig Feb. 12 “Foxcatcher” 2014 (R) (134 min) Channing Tatum, Steve Carrell, Mark Ruffalo Feb. 19 “The Best of Me” 2014 (PG-13) (118 min) Michelle Monaghan, James Marsden, Liana Liberato Feb. 26 “The Judge” 2014 (R) (141 min) Robert Downey Jr., Leighton Meester, Dax Shepard BUSINESS SECTION WELCOME NEW BUSINESSES RESEDA BUSINESS DIRECTORY Each month, we welcome new businesses to our Reseda business community. They help to provide more jobs and increase our local economic activity. For all your shopping needs, goods or services, go to the on-line Reseda Business Directory at www.resedacouncil.org and check out the more than 2600 listings in the Directory. It goes a couple of steps further than the yelGolden Creations, 18045 Saticoy St. Suite B low pages, listing emails, websites, Facebook La Michoacana All Natural Ice Cream pages and more with active links for websites, 18523 Sherman Way Facebook Pages, emails and other social Lynwood Barber Shop 7537 Reseda Blvd. media. It also lists discounts for Spend $25 Southern California Health Institute,( SOCHI) on the 25th and SHOPRESEDA Cards. 18040 Sherman Way Name Change Body & Brain (Formerly Dawn Yoga) SENIOR SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULED 7049 White Oak Ave. The ONEgeneration will be holding its 8th Annual Senior Symposium on May 14, 2016. If you, your business or organization provides goods or services to the Senior population, you may be interested in a booth to present this to the many Seniors that attend each year. Last year Seniors from 30 San Fernando Valley Communities attended and those that had booths reported great traffic from attendees and caregivers. If you are interested, please contact Jenna Hauss at 818-708-6618 or [email protected] Page 3 COMMUNITY NEWS at 19414 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, near the Tampa exit. Admission is free, a voluntary offering will be taken. For more information Fun-A-Day Reseda is an annual event that en- please call 818-345-2057 or visit our website vourages artists of many genres to work on a http://www.stjamespres.org project each day in January and display the results at an exhibit called Fun-A-Day Reseda RECYCLING NEWS in February.. Los Angeles diverted more than three-quarters At press time the venue was not decided, but of its waste from landfills in 2012, according to the proposed dates are February 19 & 20 and a study published that year by the Bureau of February 26 & 27. Sanitation and the University of California, Los Watch for these dates on the Reseda NC Angeles. That rate has almost certainly climbed Website Calendar and/or the Reseda Weekly since. For one thing, L.A. started phasing in its Newsletter. much-heralded plastic bag ban at the beginning FUN-A DAY RESEDA IS IN PROGRESS of this year, with even disposable paper bags subject to a 10-cent charge. For another, the city has set an aggressive waste reduction goal of 90 NEW PLACE TO SHOP The Thrift Corner opened January 11th in the percent by 2025, with Zero Waste as an ultimate ONEgeneration Senior Enrichment Center, goal. 18255 Victory Blvd. All proceeds support the That may surprise people who’ve been following senior center programming. Clothing, house- environmental news in Southern California for a hold items and more…we hope to see you while. Los Angeles has a long-standing reputation soon. for exporting its solid waste to a network of land- posted or recycled are turned into biofuels for transportation and power generation. Mainly involving anaerobic digestion, fermentation, and similar methods, these waste-to-energy techs are a lot cleaner than old-school, 1990’s-era incinerators and offer a more carbon-neutral source of energy. . fills scattered across California—and it’s deserved: In 2011, Los Angeles sent its trash to 26 SUNDAY CONCERT landfills, ranging from the Bay Area to San Diego. St. James Sunday Concerts is pleased to pre- But Angelenos have been getting on the stick. sent "Spirit of the C e l t s , " From 2005 through 2011, the amount of trash an afternoon of Irish and Scottish music with thrown out per day by the average L.A. resident the Ploughboys on Sunday, February 21 at 4:00 dropped from 5.9 pounds to 4.2 pounds. PM. The program will feature Vito Gutilla on fiddle; Mark Romano on accordion & guitar Los Angeles’ waste reduction strategy dovetails a n d P e t e r R o m a n o o n g u i t a r . with its climate change strategy: The city is aggressively pursuing a number of waste-to-energy St James Presbyterian Church is located projects in which materials that can’t be com- RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT Saturday was a busy day for Reseda Neighborhood Council members Fran Piazza and David Garner, when they joined RNC board member Rebecca Armenta at her "Relay for Life" Cancer awareness fund raiser. Alot of fun for a GREAT cause. Contact Rebecca at one of the RNC board meetings is you would like to support her team and a Great cause. EMERGENCY, DISASTER & COMMUNITY SAFETY Disaster and Community Safety Committee. They meet on the second Tuesday of the month at the American Legion Post #308 at SLO Oscar Bocanegra is the new Senior Lead Offi- 5:00 PM. February 9 will be the next one. cer for South Reseda. He is replacing SLO Isela Parrra. COMMUNITY POLICE ADVIIf you live in Reseda From Sherman Way to the Southern edge of Reseda he will be your new SORY BOARD (CPAB) Senior Lead Officer. To contact him: The West Valley Community Police Advisory 818-731-2572 or [email protected] Board meets on the second Wednesday of the month at the West Valley Police Station Community Room, 19020 Vanowen St. You are invited to RESEDA NC EMERGENCY, join them on February 10, 6:30 PM social time 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM meeting NEW SENIOR LEAD OFFICER FOR RESEDA DISASTER & SAFETY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY RESEDA NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETS MONTHLY If you are interested in making your community a safer place, in case of emergency or dis- Neighborhood Watch is a network of community aster, you may want to join the Enmergency members to watch for possible criminal actions and report them to the Police Department and notify neighbors of a possible problem. Meetings are the 2nd Thursday (of the month at West Valley Police Station, 19020 Vanowen St. The January meeting will be on February 11. Meeting time is 7:00 PM. FORMIDABLE FOOTPRINT EXERCISE FOR FEBRUARY Formidable Footprint is an on-line exercise in evaluating your community’s preparedness for the next disaster to strike. Each month an exercise tests you and your community on how it has prepared to deal with a certain disaster. Each month a different type is explored. In January it was Earthquake, in February it is Pandemic. For more information go to: h t t p : / / w w w . d r c group.com/project/footprint.html CONTACTS, MEETING LOCATIONS, EVENTS Page 4 BUSINESS ANNIVERSARIESI- Reseda NC email Reseda NC Mail Address [email protected] 7449 Reseda Blvd. #118 Reseda, CA. 91335 Register your business with our Outreach Committee and have your yearly anniversary included here. 818-832-7540 Contact [email protected] to be included. Businesses celebrating in February are: 18118 Sherman Way Reseda NC Phone Reseda NC Community Space * American Legion ** West Valley Police Station *** Economic Development Committee * Emergency Disaster Safety Committee ** 7338 Canby Ave. 1999 2002 19020 Vanowen St. 2004 [email protected] 2006 2006 [email protected] 2012 [email protected] 2012 2012 [email protected] 2012 Finance Committee * Health & Wellness Committee * Mobility & Environment Committee * [email protected] Newsletter Committee * [email protected] Outreach/Public Relations Committee * 2013 2014 [email protected] 2014 [email protected] 2014 [email protected] Planning & Land Use Mgmt Committee * Youth & Senior Advocacy Committee * Rainbow Liquor 18033 Saticoy St. Toddler's Club & Preschool 18900 Saticoy St. Hair Design Salon 7550E Tampa Ave. Fabkutz Barber Shop 7325 Reseda Blvd. Layne Clark, Realtor 7358 Yarmouth Ave. Gio's Fresh Mediterranean 19642 Sherman Way Happy House 18845D Sherman Way Saya Non 7215 Reseda Blvd. Victor Victoria's Beauty Salon 18460 Sherman Way AA Reseda Auto Sales & Service 7507 Reseda Blvd. Domestic Household Services 18625#207 Sherman Way Jumping Genius 18327 Sherman Way Morena Hernandez,Mary Kay Independent Beauty 18341#203B Sherman @resedacouncil.org FEBRUARY Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1..*7:00 PM 2. 3. 4. * 6:30 PM 5. 1:30 PM 6. PLUM Committee Free Senior Movie Reseda NC General Meeting 7. 14. 8. *6:30 PM 9. **5:00 PM EmerMobility & Environ- gency and Disaster ment *7:00 PM Finance Committee 10.***7:00 PM 11.*** 7:00 12. 1:30 PM CPAB PM Reseda Neighborhood Watch Free Senior Movie 15 *6:00 PM 17. 18. *7:00 PM 19. 1:30 PM Economic Development Committee Free Senior Movie 25. 26. 1:30 PM 16. Reseda NC General Meeting 21. 22. 23. *6:30 PM Health 24. & Wellness 28. 29. Free Senior Movie Do you have an events coming up in Reseda? Contact Garth Carlson at 818-419-2513 or [email protected] about inclusion in our newsletter. For events address and full details use the Reseda NC online calendar at www.Resedacouncil.org 13. 20. 27.
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