RNC News 2016-08
Neighborhood Council Newsletter AUGUST, 2016 ResedaCouncil.org Facebook.com/RNC.FB WEST NILE VIRUS IN RESEDA Kathleen Quinn from EmpowerLA administers the oath of office to newly elected Board Member Yassmin Florez WEST NILE VIRUS IN RESEDA Public Information Officer Levy Sun from Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District released the following statement via NextDoor.com Hello neighbors, Recently, we confirmed West Nile virus in mosquitoes in the Reseda area. This is the first indication of the virus in the area for 2016. If you're experiencing mosquito issues/bites -even after removing all standing water around your home -- you can submit a service request at www.ReportMosquitoes.org or give us a call at 818-364-9589. As usual, our staff will continue to reduce the standing water sources in public areas, such as the Aliso Canyon Wash and LA River. We will also continue monitoring the spread of the virus. Protect yourself, family and friends by removing any standing water around your home at least once a week. Mosquitoes can lay their eggs in containers as small as a bottle cap, and can complete their life cycle in less than 7 days! Also, if you're outdoors, please use insect repellent to prevent bites. Our services are at no extra charge to residents. Stay hydrated and cool, everyone. And have a bite-free summer! NEW RESEDA NC BOARD MEMBER NATIONAL NIGHT OUT On the first Tuesday of August each year, communities across the USA and at government establishments around the world, Neighborhood Watch and law enforcement celebrate together the great work that we each do in making our neighborhoods safer for our families and neighbors. This years celebration, in the area covered by West Valley Community Police Station, will be held at Randall Simmons Park on the corner of Vanowen St. & Wilbur Ave., next to the West Valley Station. Come out, bring your kids, chairs or blanket some snacks or a picnic basket, meet the Officers that work for you here in the West Valley and watch the movie with us. For those that are unable to attend, follow the examples of other neighborhoods, block groups and or individuals. Have a neighborhood Block party or BBQ, or at least leave your porch lights on. It’s a great time to meet your neighbors. At the July 18tth General Meeting, Yassmin Flores was elected to the Reseda NC Board to fill the vacancy left when Secretary Bridget Smith resigned to move to another state when her husband got a better position there. Index Business Announcements 2 Calendar 4 Emergency, Disaster& Community Safety 3 Senior Corner 2 Page 2 COMMUNITY NEWS SQUATTERS ON VICTORY BLVD. day, August 13 date Looking forward to completing the office space, which we now call the Reseda NC Community Space. Come and join us in this adventure. Note that the Take Back The Side- On Fridays ONEgeneration Senior Center shows City Attorney William Larson asks that if you walks Volunteer Group will be there for their FREE movies for seniors at the center located at 18255 Victory Blvd. at 1:30 PM. This follows the are in the area of 19644 Victory Blvd., be on August Clean-Up. Senior Lunch. the look out for activities in and around this house as the owner does not wish to have anything to do with it. Although fenced off, squatters have been living in the house after cutting holes in the fence. Reporting them will allow the authorities to once again remove them. Drugs and criminal activities have been found there although it should be empty. Call City Attorney Bill Larson at 213-393-5561to report any activity or call the LAPD. HELP WANTED -OFFICE REMODEL FRIDAY SENIOR MOVIES HELP WANTEDTRANSLATORS Neighborhood Councils are charged with reaching out to the community, keeping them informed, feeling the pulse of what the community wants and passing this information to the appropriate branches of City Government. This is what the voters wanted in 1999 when they voted to create the Neighborhood Council System. Reseda is a community where a great many languages and dialects are spoken. Currently the Reseda Neighborhood Council publishes its newsletter in English and Spanish. Wherever possible we would like to reach out in other languages to encompass the thousands of Resedans that are unable to understand the 2 languages that we currently publish in, If YOUR language is different and you would like to help us reach out to your linguistic community, give us a call at 818-419-2513 or email [email protected]. By Rob Vogel When the Reseda Neighborhood Council leased the new office space, it was decided to remodel it. The first steps were to make the main hall cleaner and neater to make our stakeholders feel more comfortable. Future plans are to make meeting areas in more than one section, create a space with copy machines and others to print, fold and count out for distribution the Monthly Newsletter. Also to prepare an area for kitchen and janitorial equipment. We have purchased most of the supplies neces- It also means that lots of kids will be on the sary to start to paint, and cleanup the back office streets and motorists should exercise caution space. We will need as many willing hands on to prevent accidents involving our youngsters. deck to clean, and help with the repairs. So the Obey the traffic laws. first date to begin the make-over will be on Satur- $2.00 suggested donation at each event. Here are the movies to be shown in August: Aug. 5 “Hello, My Name Is Doris” 2016 (R) (1hr 30min) Sally Field, Max Greenfield, Beth Behrs Aug. 12 “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” 2016 (R) (1hr 51min) Tina Fey, Margot Robbie, Martin Freeman Aug. 19 “The Revenant” 2015 (R) (2hr 36min) Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Domhnall Gleeson Aug. 26 NO MOVIE DUE TO MAINTE- BUSINESS SECTION WELCOME NEW BUSINESSES RESEDA DISCOUNT DIRECTORY Each month, we welcome new businesses to our Reseda business community. They help to The latest Reseda Discount Directory has been provide more jobs and increase our local ecoprinted. Currently available at the Reseda nomic activity. In JULY: Neighborhood Council Community Space, at the RNC Outreach Booths and will be distribChildren’s Dental Fun Zone uted to many of the nearly 200 stores that 6946C Reseda Blvd. offer discounts for the SHOPRESEDA Card and Spend $25 on the 25th in Reseda. Coming Soon: Any Skin & Beauty Supply 6946B Reseda Blvd. DD’s Discount 18360 Vanowen St. Golden Panda Massage 7550 Tampa Ave. SZ Mattreesses 19385 Victory Blvd. SHOPRESEDA CARD DISCOUNTS AT MANY RESEDA BUSINESSES Do YOU have the SHOPRESEDA Card? If you do, showing it at about 200 Reseda Businesses will get you a discount or special price. Where do you find these discounts? Go on-Line to www.resedacouncil.org and click on the button for Business Directory or the one for Discount Directory and you can check them out by category of merchandise or goods that they offer. Many of them also offer the discount for Spend $25 on the 25th in Reseda also. Page 3 COMMUNITY NEWS PLUM COMMITTEE ACTIONS The PLUM (Planning & Land Use Management Committee) Committee recommended that the Reseda NC support their recommendation to accept the latest presentation for the 18341 Sherman Way Property. They heard concession revisions from the developer over 3 PLUM Meetings. There were about 6 speakers from the community against the project. The vote of the Reseda Board on July 18 was 6 for, 2 against and 2 abstentions.. Letters on these decisions will be forwarded to Councilmeber Bob Blumenfield’s Council District 3 Office and the South Valley Planning Commission. The next Reseda NC PLUM will be held on Thursday, August 4. At this time 2 projects are scheduled to be heard. 6834-6840 Baird. Change of zone from R2 to RAS3, construction of apartment building. 7105-7123 Tampa. Demolition of 3 existing houses and construction of 22 new single family homes.. You have the opportunity to hear from the developer what they are planning, to ask questions, and make suggestions to change the plans to make it more acceptable to you and your neighbors. THE MARINE TEACHER Submitted by Larry Bowman A former Sergeant in the Marine Corps took a new job as a high school teacher. Just before the school year started, he injured his back. He was required to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body. Fortunately, the cast fit under his shirt and wasn't noticeable. On the first day of class, he found himself assigned to the toughest students in the school. The smart-aleck punks, having already heard the new teacher was a former Marine, were leery of him and he knew they would be testing his discipline in the classroom. Walking confidently into the rowdy classroom, the new teacher opened the window wide and sat down at his desk. When a strong breeze made his tie flap, he picked up a stapler and stapled the tie to his chest. Dead silence. The rest of the year went very smoothly. 12 MILES OF BIKE TRAIL IN OUR FUTURE Last month, the Mayor announced that they have chosen an organization to design the last 12 miles of the L.A. River bike and walking trail, from in the San Fernando Valley. This section would be from Vanalden Ave. to Griffith Park. With the opening of the Confluence Park at the Junction of the L.A. River and Aliso Creek, this will add recreation facilities in Reseda. It will allow bike riders to travel off-road from the headwaters of the Los Angeles River in Canoga Park to Griffith Park. This would include passing through the Sepulveda basin and enjoying the wildlife that reside there. EMERGENCY, DISASTER & COMMUNITY SAFETY PREPARE IN 2016 9th ANNAUAL VALLEY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS FAIR Online Registration for the Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair at www.valleydisasterfair.com. Join us for the latest info on preparing to deal with the next major disaster to strike our San Fernando Valley. This event will be held on Saturday, October1, 10:00 A to 2:00 PM at the Fire Station 87, 10124 Balboa Blvd. , Granhada Hills. HAM Radio station K6D with ARES, ACS, DCS, NTS LADWP Electric Diorama and Safety Demonstration American Red Cross Information & Children's Safety Puppet Show Southern California Gas Company Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) information Dutch oven cooking Solar oven cooking Cedars-Sinai Bloodmobile Special events and demonstrations Drawings for EP items And so much more! What to expect at the 9th Annual Fair: Family friendly Free Family Emergency Preparedness Starter Kits (1 per family)* Free lunch* Speaker series Free parking ADA accessible Exhibits Pet preparedness and safety Free Child ID by Granada Hills Masons, F&AM #378 Disaster response agencies (FEMA, LAEMD, etc.) Neighborhood Council representatives Yogi Bear Shakey-Quakey Schoolhouse RESEDA NC EMERGENCY, DISASTER & COMMUNITY SAFETY COMMITTEE RESEDA NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETS MONTHLY Neighborhood Watch is a network of community members to watch for possible criminal actions and report them to the Police Department and notify neighbors of a possible problem. Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of the month at West Valley Police Station, 19020 Vanowen St. The August meeting will be on August 11. This meeting will be a Pot Luck, asking you to share your favorites with those that attend. Meeting time is 7:00 PM. COMMUNITY POLICE ADVISORY BOARD (CPAB) The West Valley Community Police Advisory Board meets on the second Wednesday of the month at the West Valley Police Station CommuIf you are interested in making your commu- nity Room, 19020 Vanowen St. You are invited to nity a safer place, in case of emergency or dis- join them on Wednesday. August 10, 6:30 PM aster, you may want to join the Emergency social time 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM meeting. Disaster and Community Safety Committee. They normally meet on the second Tuesday of the month at the American Legion Post #308 at 5:30 PM. The next will be on Monday, August 8. Page 4 COMMUNITY NEWS Page 5 COMMUNITY NEWS GRAND OPENING OF THE LA RIVER AND ALISO CREEK CONFLUENCE PARK Come celebrate, refreshments will be served. The long awaited opening of the first stage of the Confluence Park at the junction of the L.A. River and Aliso Creek here in Reseda will be celebrated on Thursday, August 11 at 5:30 PM. For those of you that attended the many workshops and provided your input as to what you wanted to see, this is the initial phase of this project that will eventually link the bike path that ends at Vanalden to Reseda Park on the East side, and provide a walking trail along the L.A. River from Reseda Park to the Confluence park. HOLIDAY DECORATIONS Retailers across the country will begin putting out displays for the holiday season any day now. Why they think that August is the beginning of holiday sales is beyond me. That being said, it is time to start thinking about Holiday Decorations along Reseda Blvd. and the Great Street of Sherman Way. A few years back at the behest of Harold Longanecker the Reseda Neighborhood Council purchased the holiday decorations that have beautified our 2 main streets ever since. Unfortunately, installing them and removing them costs dollars. Last year it cost more than $9000 to accomplish this. Revitalize Reseda reached out to the community and they dug into their pockets and contributed to the cause. Once again Revitalize Reseda will be asking all that think it is good for our community to have this display to make a contribution to fund this community event. If you would like to help, please send in a check to Revitalize Reseda P.O. Box 370304 Reseda, Ca. 91337-0304 RESEDA NC BOARD VACANCIES Anna Avila resigned as Treasurer as of June 30, 2016, due to increased work load and family. Atefeh Rajaei resigned as Board Member because she received a scholarship to the University of Maine to pursue her doctorate degree. Anna’s Residential Seat and Atefeh’s At-Large seat will be up for election at the first Reseda NC meeting in September. KEEP UP WITH WHAT’S HAPPENING IN AND AROUND RESEDA There is something happening in and around Reseda each and every day. The only publication that provides information about most of them is the Weekly Newsletter of the Reseda Neighborhood Council. Included are items about what will be happening in the next week or so, plus a calendar section that includes all the information that we can gather about meetings and events that are open to the public, in and around Reseda. Subscribe now to be kept up to date at [email protected]. If your school, religious establishment, nonprofit, or other organization is having an event or meeting let us know when, what where and who and we can help you reach out to the community. SCHOOL STARTS AUGUST 16 School starts up for the fall semester at LAUSD Schools on August 16. This means that for many last minute shopping will be a reason to rush through your day. It is also an opportunity to avoid the crowds at the mall and check out many of our Reseda Merchants. BACK TO SCHOOL YOUTH BASH The fledgling Youth Empowerment Center invites the youth of Encino and surrounding communities to its Back To School Youth Bash. The kids will be making vision boards and interacting with one another. These days kids need to understand how time flies and if they have a plan it will be much better. This event will be held on August 6th at 7:00 PM. The address is 5913 Cahill Ave. in Tarzana. MEMORY AND AGING: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Learn about the way the brain changes with age, what is normal, what is not and what you can do about it. The latest research surrounding brain health will be discussed as well as practical tips to stay focused and mentally sharp. Presented by the Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research at UCLA. Tuesday August 23, 2016, from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the One Genration Senior Center, 18255 Victory Blvd. Reseda. LOW COST PET VACCINES Every Sunday from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM low cost pet vaccines are available, 1 block east of the Sepulveda Basin Off-Leash Dog Park in the ONEgeneration Parking Lot, 17400 Victory Blvd. No appointment necessary, just drop by with your pet. Low Cost Pet Vaccines is available to answer questions and supply low cost vaccines. Dr. Isaacs has been providing low cost pet vaccines to the community since 1984. They use the highest quality vaccines that are 100% guaranteed by the manufacturer. IDLE HANDS Many of us were told as we were growing up, that idle hands were the Devil’s workplace. The Reseda Neighborhood Council is always looking for idle hands that can be put to work in improving the quality of life in Reseda. The Reseda NC has its hands in many areas of interest. We need to put those hands, and minds to work in our community. If you or a group that you are involved in is interested in one of these committees, please contact us at [email protected]: Economic Development Emergency, Disaster & Community Safety Finance Healthy & Wellness Mobility & Environment Newsletter Planning & Land Use Management Youth & Senior FREE FLU SHOTS FOR SENIORS Your local Walgren’s is providing free flu shots for Seniors at the ONEgeneration Senior Center, 18255 Victory Blvd. on Wednesday, August 31 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Call 818-705-2345 or come by the office to sign up today. CONTACTS, MEETING LOCATIONS, EVENTS Page 4 BUSINESS ANNIVERSARIESI- Reseda NC email Reseda NC Mail Address [email protected] 7449 Reseda Blvd. #118 Reseda, CA. 91335 Register your business with our Outreach Committee and have your yearly anniversary included here. Contact [email protected] to be included. Reseda NC Phone Reseda NC Community Space * 18118 Sherman Way Businesses celebrating in August are: 7338 Canby Ave. American Legion ** 1948 19020 Vanowen St. 1970 West Valley Police Station *** 1983 Economic Development Committee * [email protected] 1990 [email protected] 1998 Emergency Disaster Safety Committee ** 1998 2001 [email protected] 2004 2004 [email protected] 2005 Finance Committee * Health & Wellness Committee * Mobility & Environment Committee * [email protected] 2011 [email protected] 2013 Newsletter Committee * Outreach/Public Relations Committee * [email protected] Planning & Land Use Mgmt Committee * 2013 Central Valley Building Supply 7030 Canby Ave. Kaye's Music Scene 19369 Victory Blvd Center Valley Automotive 18425 Vanowen St. Cash It Quick 18503 Victory Blvd. Domino's Pizza 6846A Reseda Blvd. G & M Auto Body & Paint 6723D Reseda Blvd. Best 4 less Muffler Shop 6723#I Reseda Blvd. CVS 7400 Reseda Blvd. West Tool & Repair 18045 Saticoy St. Rafael's Watch,Clock & Jewelry Repair & Sales 7129 Lindley Ave. S. Gyros & Kabobs 7221 Tampa Ave. China Star 6900H Reseda Blvd. Shave It 19343 Victory Blvd [email protected] Youth & Senior Advocacy Committee * [email protected] @resedacouncil.org AUGUST Sun Mon Tue 1. *7:00 PM Re- 2. Wed Thu Fri Sat 3. 4.* 6:00 PM 5. 1:30 PM 6. PLUM Committee Free Senior Movie 11.*** 7:00 12. 1:30 PM PM Reseda Neighborhood Watch Free Senior Movie 17. *7:00 PM 18.*7:00 PM 19. 1:30 PM Health & Wellness Committee Economic Development Committee Free Senior Movie 24. 25. 26. 1:30 PM No 27. seda NC General Meeting 7. 14. 21. 8.*6:30 PM Mo- 9. **5:30 PM bility & Environment Emergency and Disaster *7:00 PM Finance 15. *7:00 PM 16. *7:00 PM Reseda NC General Meeting Sierra Club 22. *6:00 PM 23. 10. *** 7:00 PM CPAB NAACP 13. 20. Movie Due To Maintenance 28. 29. 30. 31. Do you have an events coming up in Reseda? Contact Garth Carlson at 818-419-2513 or [email protected] about inclusion in our newsletter. For events address and full details use the Reseda NC online calendar at www.Resedacouncil.org
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