castel di sangro italy


castel di sangro italy
SITE 1 – Cansiglio (IT)
General area information:
The area is located in the Veneto Region, in Province of Belluno (at the border with the Province of Treviso).
The management is directly carried on by the National Forest Service of Italy. It is included in the Natural
Biogenetic Reserve Pian Parrocchia-Campo di Mezzo (established in 1977).
The total area is 667 ha and the dominant species is the beech. The main management type is high forest
treated with shelterwood cuttings. Generally 700 to 1000 m3 of wood are extracted per intervention, over 10
to 15 ha.
The forest is included in Special Protection Zones (ZPS, 79/409/CEE) and in Sites of Community Importance (SIC,
92/43/CEE). A census of Ungulates (Cervus elaphus) is operated by Province of Belluno and University of
Padova. Since 1996, the forest is also included in the italian network of the forest ecosystem monitoring
(CONECOFOR), part of the of the UN/ECE International Cooperative Programme of Forests (ICP Forests, that, in 2009-2010, was monitored under LIFE+ FutMon (
Factsheet for the selected test area
More specific name: Pian Parrocchia
General features
Management Authority
Italian National Forest Service - CFS
Area (ha)
Geographic Coordinates (UTM-WGS84)
46°03' N, 12°23' E
Altitudinal range (m a.s.l)
Landscape morphology
Gently sloping with valleys
Limestone, Marlstone (Cretaceous Med.-Sup.)
Soil characteristics
Cartographic references
Carta d'Italia IGM 1:50000 F064 Aviano
Carta Geologica d'Italia 1:100000 F023 Belluno
Climatic features
Temp med °C
5.6 (see also figure 1)
Temp max °C (average warmest month)
14.8, August (see also figure 1)
Temp min °C (average coldest month)
- 4, January (see also figure 1)
Rainfalls (mm)
1660 (see also figure 1)
Phytoclimatic region
Availability of local active meteorological station
Yes, at the Intensive Monitoring Plot VEN-1 and at local station of CFS.
Forest Management
Forest type
High forest Beech (Fagus sylvatica), with sporadic silver fir (Abies alba) and
spruce (Picea abies)
Main management type
Shelterwood (moderate interventions) - Mainly even aged
Management plan
In the past 10 years 25 ha/year of surface has been involved in harvesting
and silvicultural operations. In the next future the same intensity is
Present stages
Mature, ultra mature high stand and regeneration stage are present.
Intervention types
Secondary cutting
Cutting – harvesting method
Small group cutting
Machine - Forwarder method
Skidding by tractors and winches
Destination of the harvested material
Firewood, round-wood
Health status
Extreme events
None of relevance in the recent past
Sampling Area selected for the project
Sampling methods
9(10) areas of 2.8 to 3 ha with 3 plots in each area (27 circular plots with r
=20 m) See figure 2
More than 100 years (to be more precisely assessed in the project)
Basal area (average) (m ha )
Stem density (N ha )
Dominant height (m)
Increment (m ha )
Height/diameter curve
Diameter distribution curve
Stem quality
See figure 3
Figure 1. Bagnouls-Gaussen climatic diagram Cansiglio (VEN-1 CONECOFOR Station)(average 5 years)
Figure 2.Layout design of Cansiglio Area
Figure 3. Distribution of tree diameter classes in the selected stand
SITE 2 - Chiarano Sparvera (IT)
General area information:
The area is located in the Abruzzo Region, Province of L’Aquila in a Regional Forest, included in the external
protection zone of the National Park of Abruzzo-Lazio-Molise and partially in Natura 2000 sites.
The total area is 766 ha and the main forest species is beech (95%).
The main historical management type is coppice with standards. The forest area is now under conversion to
high forest. In the last 20 years, the treatments were aimed at converting coppice to high forest and at
thinnings to increase structural diversity (also under LIFE NAT/IT/006244 and LIFE04 NAT/IT/00190).
Studies on Marsicano bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus) and census, studies on avifauna are carried on by the
Local Office for Biodiversity (UTB, Ufficio Territoriale per la Biodiversità) of Castel di Sangro (AQ) of the National
Forest Service (CFS).
The selected stand is not included in Sites of Community Importance (SIC) or Special Protection Zones (ZPS) of
Natura 2000 network.
Factsheet for the selected test area
More specific name: Chiarano-Sparvera regional forest
General features
Management Authority
National Forest Service of Italy (CFS), Local Office of Castel di Sangro
Area (ha)
~ 30 ha, the area consist of 2 parts separated by a stripe of meadow and
rocks (667 ha total area managed by the CFS office)
Geographic Coordinates (UTM-WGS84)
41°51' N, 13°57' E
Altitudinal range (m a.s.l)
1700 - 1800
Landscape morphology
Slope range 22°÷28,5° - Mainly exposure N-NE
Cretaceous limestone
Soil characteristics
Cartographic references
Carta d’Italia IGM F 378-II San Lorenzo (1:25000), F 378 Scanno (1:50000).
Carta Geologica d’Italia F378 (Scanno)
Climatic features
Temp med °C (*)
Temp max °C (average warmest month) (*)
17*, July
Temp min °C (average coldest month) (*)
-0.2*, January
Rainfalls (mm)
Phytoclimatic region
Availability of local active meteorological station
The closest is at Roccaraso (AQ) – 3 km bird distance. Modern weather
station available also at Castel di Sangro (managed by CRA-CMA)
*data from the meteorological station of Roccaraso (AQ) – 3 km bird distance, 1250 m a.s.l. (500 m under the demonstration area. Data can be corrected
by the following factor: 0,6 °C each 100 m altitude variation).
Forest Management
Forest type
Beech forest (Fagus sylvatica)
Main management type
High forest of beech, evenaged, arising from a conversion of a former
coppice with standards stand
Management plan
In the biennium 2011-2012 a 10 ha surface harvesting is foreseen. In the
past, the former coppice was started to be converted to high forest by
releasing of about 1000-2000 individuals/ha. In the last 20 years selective
thinning has been operated in order to increase ecosystem complexity; the
old sprouts were not completely removed to have a high forest with an
irregular structure.
Present stages
In conversion to high forest (close to mature)
Intervention types
Traditionally: thinning from below in order to open small gaps and
sometimes to remove died and withered trees. Intervention to increase
structural complexity, including creating dead material (laying and standing)
were carried out in other part of the forest area. Under ManFor C.BD. mixed
thinning from below and from above will be performed, aiming at leaving,
for the future 40 or 80 candidate trees (opening also small gaps). It is
planned to leave enough deadwood for biodiversity objectives.
Cutting – harvesting method
Small gaps cutting – thinning from below.
Machine - Forwarder method
Because of the topography and the high degree of protection, wood material
will be removed by animals or polyethylene conduits.
Destination of the harvested material
Extreme events
None of particular relevance in the recent past - Late frost in May 2012
Sampling Area selected for the project
Sampling methods
9(10) areas of 2.8 to 3 ha with 3 plots in each area (27 circular plots with r
=13 m)1,3 ha (27 circular plots with r =13 m). See figure 4
Last thinning for the convertion to high stand in the 70s
Basal area (average) (m ha )
Stem density (N ha )
Dominant height (m)
16.44 m (see also figure 5)
Increment (m ha )
Height/diameter curve
See figure 5
Diameter distribution curve
See figure 6
Stem quality
Figure 4. Layout design of Chiarano-Sparvera Area
Figure 5. Ipsometric (height vs. diameter) curve for Chiarano-Sparvera forest
Figure 6. Distribution of tree diameter classes in the selected stand
SITE 3 - Lorenzago di Cadore (IT)
General area information:
The area is located in the territory of the town of Lorenzago di Cadore, province of Belluno and the forest is
owned by the village of Lorenzago di Cadore
The total area is 1100 ha. It is bordering Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
The climate is of Mesalpic type and the altitudinal range is 800 – 1800 m a.s.l.
According to altitude, the forest types are different:
fir forests of carbonatic and siliceous soils (800 – 1300 m);
secondary montane spruce forests (1000 – 1350 m);
spruce forests on carbonatic and siliceous soils (1300 – 1800 m)
The main management type applied is selection cuttings (from single-tree to small groups) and natural
regeneration is present in all treatment variants. Annual cuttings: 1660 m3 (26% of annual increment).
The Lorenzago di Cadore area is included in one of the largest Special Protection Zone of the Alps (ZPS
IT3230089 “Dolomiti of Cadore and Comelico”) and contains two Sites of Community Importance (SIC,
92/43/CEE). Forests of Lorenzago are certified for Sustainable Forest Management by PEFC.
Factsheet for the selected test area
More specific name: Valdescura
General features
Management Authority
Municipality of Lorenzago di Cadore
Area (ha)
~25 (1100 ha total forest area)
Geographic Coordinates (UTM-WGS84)
Altitudinal range (m a.s.l)
46°28’ N, 12°28’ E
Landscape morphology
Aspect N-N/W, slope 20-30°
Marlstone, sandstone, schist and dolomite rock.
Soil characteristics
Brown soils, deep, fresh and very fertile. Humus:moder zoogenic
Cartographic references
Carta d'Italia IGM 1:50.000 F030 Auronzo di Cadore
Carta Geologica d'Italia 1:100.000 F4C-13 Ampezzo
Climatic features
Temp med °C
Temp max °C (mean, max of the warmest month)
20, 30 (July or August)
Temp min °C (mean, min of the coldest month)
-5, -26 (December, January or February)
Rainfalls (mm)
1100 – 1200
Phytoclimatic region
Availability of local active meteorological station
Historically, the closest is at Domegge di Cadore
Forest Management
Forest type
High forest. Mixed wood of spruce (Picea abies), silver fir (Abies alba) and
beech (Fagus sylvatica); presence of larch (Larix decidua)
Main management type
Management plan
Piano economico di riassetto forestale dei beni silvo-pastorali del Comune di
Lorenzago di Cadore – 2002 - 2011
Present stages
Adult and mature high forest. Biplanar structure. Abundant regeneration
Intervention types
Selection cuttings (from single-tree to small groups), tilling and thinning.
Cutting – harvesting method
Chainsaws, interest to use small machines
Machine - Forwarder method
Interest to use small machines to collect harvested wood
Destination of the harvested material
Roundwood (mainly)
Extreme events
None of relevance in the recent past
Sampling Area selected for the project
Sampling methods
3 large areas (6 to 12 ha). 4 sampling plots have been established in areas to
be subjected to different tratments (3 plots with r =30 m). See figure 7
80 (from management plan)
Basal area (average) (m ha )
Stem density (N ha )
427 (from management plan)
Dominant height (m)
30 m (stature)
Increment (m ha )
Height/diameter curve
Diameter distribution curve
Stem quality
See figure 8
Figure 7. Layout design of Lorenzago di Cadore Area
Diametric distribution
diametric class
Figure 8.Distribution of tree diameter classes in the selected stand
SITE 4 – Mongiana (IT)
General area information:
The area is located in the Calabria Region, Province of Vibo Valentia. The management is directly carried on by
the National Forest Service of Italy (CFS).
The selected forest area is included in the Marchesale Biogenetic Reserve, Natura 2000 sites
The total area is 1257 ha and the altitudinal range is 750 ÷ 1170 m (a.s.l.)
The forest types are beech managed as high forest and chestnut stands managed as coppice (a number of
stands are aged coppices. There is a small fraction of mixed beech-fir high forest (5%). From 2000 to 2009,
silvicultural intervention were implemented over 108 ha.
Factsheet for the selected test area
More specific name: Marchesale National forest
General features
Management Authority
National Forest Service of Italy (CFS)
Area (ha)
~30 ha
Geographic Coordinates (UTM-WGS84)
Altitudinal range (m a.s.l)
38° 30’ N, 16° 14’ E
Landscape morphology
Alternation of small hills (slope ~40%), valleys and plateaux.
Granite (“Serra and Sila” formation)
Soil characteristics
Cartographic references
Carta d’Italia IGM 1:25000 F583-I (Serra San Bruno) F583-II (Fabrizia)
1:50000 F 583 (Polistena) Carta Geologica d’Italia 1:100000 F246 (Cittanova).
Climatic features
Temp med °C
10.1 (see also figure 9)
Temp max °C (average warmest month)
18.4, July (see also figure 9)
Temp min °C (average coldest month)
2.2 February(see also figure 9)
Rainfalls (mm)
1880 (see also figure 9)
Phytoclimatic region
Availability of local active meteorological station
Yes, close to the CFS office in Mongiana. The intensive monitoring site CAL-1
is not distant from the selected forest area.
Forest Management
Forest type
High forest of beech
Main management type
Management plan
Present stages
Young and adult high forest
Intervention types
Selection for single plant, removal of some of the dead trees.
The choice of plants to be harvested is generally made by CFS, harvesting is
permormed by specialized companies belonging to third parties under the
control of expert internal staff of the CFS.
Cutting – harvesting method
Machine - Forwarder method
Destination of the harvested material
Industrial use, firewood e biomass for local and national market.
Extreme events
None of relevance in the recent past
Sampling Area selected for the project
Sampling methods
9 areas of 2.8 to 3.5 ha with 3 plots in each area (27 circular plots with r =17
m) See figure 10
75 (according to last intervention)
Basal area (average) (m ha )
Stem density (N ha )
41,76 (see also figure 11)
510 (see also figure 11)
Dominant height (m)
Increment (m ha )
Height/diameter curve
Diameter distribution curve
Stem quality
See figure 12
Figure 9. Bagnouls-Gaussen climatic diagram (CAL-1 CONECOFOR Station)
(average 5 years)
Figure 10. Layout design of Mongiana Area
Figure 11. Ipsometric (height vs.diameter) curve for Mongiana forest
G (m2/ha)
N (p/ha)
Figure 12. Table of Basal area and Stem density of selected nine plots
SITE 5 - Monte di Mezzo-Pennataro (IT)
General area information:
The area is located in the Molise Region, Province of Isernia.
The area is close to or included in:
Montedimezzo Natural State Reserve, established 1971;
MAB-UNESCO Biosphere Reserve;
Natura 2000 SIC and ZPS sites.
The total area is ~400 ha and its altitudinal range is 900 - 1300 m (a.s.l.)
The forest type is:
turkey oak pure or mixed stands (lower elevation)
beech forest, generally mono-layered (higher elevation);
The main management type is high forest.
The future management plan includes measures especially for experimental and educational purpose in four
separate units:
 Coppice: thinning and small cuttings
 High forest above coppice: natural evolution
 Monoplane high forest: interventions only on battered old or sick trees, control of the regeneration,
experimental plantation of yew (Taxus baccata);
 Biplane-Multiplane high forest: small cuttings inside 5 ha management units with the formation of gaps
not exceeding 200-300 m2, experimental plant of yew
Factsheet for the selected test area
More specific name: Bosco Pennataro Regional forest
General features
Management Authority
National Forest Service of Italy (CFS) and Molise Region
Area (ha)
~ 400
Geographic Coordinates
Altitudinal range (m a.s.l)
43°43’ N, 11°3’ E
Landscape morphology
Low mountain – hilly (valleys and hollows)
Limestone and marlstone (Miocene-Pliocene)
900 ÷ 1300
Soil characteristics
Cartographic references
Carta d'Italia IGM 1:50.000 F392 Castel di Sangro
Carta Geologica d'Italia 1:100.000 F153 Agnone
Climatic features
Temp med °C
Temp max °C (average warmest month)
Temp min °C (average coldest month)
Rainfalls (mm)
Phytoclimatic region
Availability of local active meteorological station
Station managed by CRA-SFA at San Pietro Avellana (IS). Basic data from
mobile tower managed by CNR at Feudozzo (AQ).
Forest Management
Forest type
Mixed turkey oak (Quercus cerris) high forest
Main management type
Aged coppice, partly in conversion to high forest; dense structure.
Management plan
Monte di Mezzo: Biplane-Multiplane high forest: small cuttings inside 5 ha
management units with the formation of gaps not exceeding 200-300 m .
Present stages
Adult, aged and over-aged forest (from coppice).
Intervention types
Health interventions, creation of fire-breaks, some thinning and cutting for
the conversion to high stand.
Cutting – harvesting method
Generally using internal CFS or regional staff (over small areas)
Machine - Forwarder method
Frequently with animals or tractors
Destination of the harvested material
Wood for internal use (small saw mill available), firewood
Extreme events
None of relevance in the recent past
Sampling Area selected for the project
Sampling methods
Due to the variability of the selected stand, three areas of ~ 10 ha will be
selected and assigned to the different treatments.
Basal area (average) (m ha )
Stem density (N ha )
Dominant height (m)
Increment (m ha )
Height/diameter curve
Diameter distribution curve
Stem quality
SITE 6 – Tarvisio (IT)
General area information:
The area is located in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, Province of Udine. It is owned by “Fondo Edifici del
Culto” of Ministry of Internal Affairs, under direct management by National Forest Service of Italy, Local Office
for Biodiversity (UTB) of Tarvisio
The total area is 23’362 ha, 15’152 ha with forests. The altitudinal range is 750÷2750 m (a.s.l.).
There are two main forest types: mixed forests of spruce, beech, pine (8’946 ha), subalpine spruce (1’263 ha).
Main management type is high forest with close-to-nature silviculture. Forests are treated with bordershelterwood or group-shelterwood (Femmelschlag) cuttings. Long history of forest management plans (1888) is
present in the area. It is a Mixed forests of spruce (Picea abies) (54%), beech (Fagus sylvatica) (29%), silver fir
(Abies alba) (7%), larch (Larix decidua) (5,5%), black pine (Pinus nigra) and Scot's pine (P. sylvestris) (4,5%). The
average growing stock is 280 m3 ha-1, the increment 4.58 m3 ha-1 yr-1. Annual cuttings is of about 30’000 m3.
The forest is partly included in Special Protection Zones (ZPS, 79/409/CEE) and in Sites of Community
Importance (SIC, 92/43/CEE).
Factsheet for the selected test area
General features
Management Authority
Forest owned by “Fondo Edifici del Culto” of Ministry of Internal Affairs,
under direct management by National Forest Service of Italy (CFS) Tarvisio
Area (ha)
~30 (Total forested area 15’152 ha)
Geographic Coordinates (UTM-WGS84)
46°32’ N,13°20’ E
Altitudinal range (m a.s.l)
1000 ÷ 1100
Landscape morphology
Mountain slopes on a valley side
Limestone, marlstone and sandstone (Paleozoic to Triassic)
Soil characteristics
Cartographic references
Carta d'Italia 1:50.000 F033 Tarvisio
Carta Geologica d'Italia 1:100.000 F14^ Tarvisio
Climatic features
Temp med °C
6.7 (see also figure 13)
Temp max °C (average warmest month)
16.3, August (see also figure 13)
Temp min °C (average coldest month)
3.6, January (see also figure 13)
Rainfalls (mm)
1815 (see also figure 13)
Phytoclimatic region
Availability of local active meteorological station
Yes, at the intensive forest monitoring plot FRI-2 and also in Tarvisio village
Forest Management
Forest type
High forest with close-to nature silviculture
Main management type
Even aged
Management plan
Long history of forest management plans (1888).
Growing stock: 280 m ha , increment 4.58 m3 ha yr
Present stages
High forest. Regeneration presence (10-20 %)
Young forest (diam < 32,5 cm) 30 % < 80 years
Mature forest (diam > 32,5 cm) 38 % 80-120 years
Ultra mature forest (diam > 47,5 cm) 32 % >120 years
Intervention types
Border shelter-wood or group shelter-wood (Femmelschlag) cuttings.
Annual cuttings: 30’000 m (all area)
Cutting – harvesting method
Border shelter-wood (8’000-10’000 m ), group shelter-wood (4’000-6’000
m ). Use of local small companies, sometime directly
Machine - Forwarder method
Cable cranes, tractors and winches. In recent years, trial of totally
mechanized methods (harvester and forwarder)
Destination of the harvested material
Timber for building (Picea abies), firewood (Fagus sylvatica)
Good. Local attacks of wood-boring insects. Attacked plants harvested and
Extreme events
Harvesting in the last decade have increased due to recovering plants
uprooted and crashed by floods, tornadoes and snow storms.
Sampling Area selected for the project
Sampling methods
9 to 12 areas of 1.8 to 2.5 ha with 3 plots in each area (27 circular plots with r
=13 m). Two additional plots for dendrometric biodiversity. One additional
area. approximately 5 ha, selcted for ageing
to be evaluated
Basal area (average) (m ha )
Stem density (N ha )
Dominant height (m)
Increment (m ha )
Height/diameter curve
Diameter distribution curve
Stem quality
Figure 13. Bagnouls-Gaussen climatic diagram (FRI-2 CONECOFOR Station)
(average 6 years)
SITE 7 – Vallombrosa (IT)
General area information:
The area is located in the Toscana Region, Province of Firenze. The management is carried on directly by the
National Forest Service of Italy – Local Office for Biodiversity (UTB) of Vallombrosa. The area is included in a
Biogenetic reserve of Vallombrosa (Natura 2000), established in 1977
The total area is 1279 ha (forest cover: 99%). The altitudinal range is 450 ÷ 1.450 m (a.s.l.) and the forest types
pure fir forests (50%);
beech in higher zones;
calabrian pine (Pinus laricio) in lower areas;
deciduous forests dominated by chestnut (Castanea sativa).
The main management type is high forest. Forest management is carried on following the Management Plan
2006 – 2025 with the main objective of rinaturalise the today simplified forest stands. An area of 100 ha of
pure fir is included in the “Silvomuseo” (silvicultural museum), where the traditional management of clear-cut
and artificial regeneration is carried on. Average annual cuttings performed directly by UTB - Vallombrosa are
1500 m3, mainly of conifers.
UTB - Vallombrosa has a long tradition in dissemination of forest management culture and in raising awareness
on forests among local population and students who come from all the Country.
Factsheet for the selected test area
General features
Management Authority
National Forest Service of Italy (CFS) – Local Office of Vallombrosa
Area (ha)
~30 (1370 ha area UTB - forest cover: 99%)
Geographic Coordinates (UTM-WGS84)
41°44’ N, 14°12 E’
Altitudinal range (m a.s.l)
900 ÷ 1000
Landscape morphology
Mountain slopes (moderate)
Sandstone “Arenarie del Monte Falterona (Membro di Camaldoli)”
Soil characteristics
Cartographic references
Carta d’Italia 1:50000 IGM F276 (Figline Valdarno)
Carta Geologica d’Italia 1:10000 F264 (Borgo S.Lorenzo)
Climatic features
Temp med °C
Temp max °C (average warmest month)
Temp min °C (average coldest month)
Rainfalls (mm)
Phytoclimatic region
Availability of local active meteorological station
Forest Management
Forest type
High forest. Fir, beech, sporadic Spruce.
Main management type
Even aged
Management plan
Forest management is carried on following the Management Plan 2006 –
2025 with the main objective of naturalise the today simplified forest stands.
Present stages
Intervention types
Cutting – harvesting method
Machine - Forwarder method
Destination of the harvested material
Local use
Extreme events
None of relevance in the recent past
Sampling Area selected for the project
Sampling methods
Basal area (average) (m ha )
Stem density (N ha )
Dominant height (m)
Increment (m ha )
Height/diameter curve
Diameter distribution curve
Stem quality