santabanana_press_EN copy - Macina Dischi
santabanana_press_EN copy - Macina Dischi
band: SANTA BANANA title: LA VITA AGRA SANTA BANANA was born during the 2008 in Bologna with Luca "Mastroragno" (ex ABELARDO VIOLENCE) on drums, Duccio (ex 400 COLPI) on bass, Michele "Scrutinio" (DANNY TREJO, ex GONNA FALL HARD) on guitar, and Oscar "Ozzy" (ex ABELARDO VIOLENCE) on vocals. After few months Stefano (ex ED) entered the band in place of band without a singer.So, Luca "Hot one" (MARNERO, SI NON SEDES IS, ex LAGHETTO) recorded and produced by SB and italian labels DONT NEED, TORNADO RIDE and ALL'ARREMBAGGIO, with graphic and artwork looked after by Ratigher. After some months, Stefano leaves the chair to Maria Franca (ex AUTISTIC FRONT, ex CRUSHED UP). In 2012, SB records, mixes and masters an one side 12" called "LA VITA Artwork by: Paper Resistance ( paper resistance The release of this record, by MACINADISCHI, is then delayed to the end of 2014. In the meanwhile, with such a formation the band continues to do shows.SB's songs remind to MINUTEMEN, SURF NAZIS MUST DIE, I QUIT!, DEAD KENNEDYS, ADOLESCENTS, AGENT ORANGE, but the band's mixing reaches a particular alchemy which produces delirious sonorous torrents where the voice sings intense and pithy italian lyrics. The tracks are characterized by high-speed, short durations and neurotic structures. HOT ONE - voice MASTRORAGNO - drum XMARYFUX - bass SCRUTINIO - guitar SANTA BANANA s/t Ottobre 2010 "All'arrembaggio records" "Don't need records" "Tornado ride records" Santa Banana. CONTACT: [email protected] [email protected] DISCOGRAPHY SANTA BANANA - LA VITA AGRA TRACKLIST 1. 10100011010 - 00:48 2. PETRALIA WAS RIGHT - 00:37 3. MAMMA ROMA - 00:58 4. URLA DI DOLORE DAL RADIATORE - 00:45 5. VALANGA - 00:55 6. MEMBRI DI GOVERNO - 00:19 7. DISFUNZIONI - 00:31 8. PANE E MERDA - 02:13 9. IL DIAVOLO E IL TELECOMANDO - 00:56 12’’ one side 200 copies black vinyl RELEASED 01.01.2015 MacinaDischi MD 09 Recorded , mixed and mastered at Inferno Studio, Artwork: paper resistance ( ‘La vita agra’ all music written and performed by Santa Banana Produced by Santa Banana and MacinaDischi