que SOY YO? - Saint John XXIII
que SOY YO? - Saint John XXIII
June 19, 2016 The Roman Catholic Community of ST. JOHN XXIII PARISH COMMUNITY 7650 Tamarind Ave, Fontana, CA. 92336 222 E. Easton St., Rialto, CA. 92376 Website: http://WWW.STJOHNXXIII.NET CONTACT INFORMATION Fontana Parish Office: (909) 822-4732 Fax: (909) 822-0620 Email: [email protected] ¿Quién dicen que SOY YO? Rialto Parish Office: (909) 421-7030 Fax: (909) 421-1374 ADMINISTRATION Pastor: Rev. Cletus Imo Parochial Vicars: Rev. Carlos Villasano, CS Rev. Tyler Tripp Deacons: Nelson Glass & Abel Zamora PARISH STAFF Office Secretaries: Mayra Tranquilino (Ext. 111)-Fontana Cecilia Ruiz– Rialto Business Manager: Sam Kolendowicz (Ext. 221)- Fontana Office Assistant: Net Jay (Ext. 110)-Fontana SCHEDULE OF MASSES, SACRAMENTS & DEVOTIONS FONTANA CENTER DAILY MASS: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:30AM– English Tuesday 7:30AM– Spanish; Wednesday 7:00PM-Spanish, Friday 8:00AM– English WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday: 5:30PM (English), 7:00PM (Spanish) Sunday: 6:15AM (Español), 8:00AM (English), 9:30AM (English), 11:00AM (English), 1:00PM (Spanish) & 6:00PM (Spanish) RECONCILIATION: Youth & Young Adult Coordinator: Jorge Galvez (Ext. 112)-Fontana Wednesday 6:00PM & Saturday 4:00PM-5:00PM or by appointment Director of Catechetical Ministry: Rose Ladore– Rialto Every Tuesday 8:00AM through 6:45PM with Benediction Coordinator of Catechtical Ministry: Guadalupe Huerta (Ext. 114)- Fontana EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: RIALTO CENTER DAILY MASS: Monday – Saturday 8:00AM– English Catechetical Ministry Assistant: Israel Huerta (Ext. 114)- Fontana WEEKEND MASSES: OFFICE HOURS FONTANA CENTER: Monday-Friday 9:00AM-6:00PM Saturday 9:00AM-2:00PM Closed Sundays and weekly 12:00PM-1:00PM (Lunch) Sunday: 7:30AM (English), 9:00AM (English), 11:00AM (Spanish), 1:00PM (Spanish) RIALTO CENTER: Tuesday-Thursday 9:00AM-6:00PM Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM Sunday 9:00AM-1:00PM Closed Saturdays & Mondays and Weekly 12:00PM-1:00PM (Lunch) Our Lady of Perpetual Help (English) following 8:00AM Mass on Tuesday Our Lady of Fatima (English) Every first Saturday of the month 8:00AM For Emergencies ONLY requiring a priest during non-office hours call Fontana/Rialto (909) 231-5230 Saturday: 4:30PM (English) RECONCILIATION: Friday 8:30AM, Saturday 3:00PM-4:00PM or by appointment DEVOTIONS: EXPOSTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Every Friday 8:00AM through 6:45PM with Benediction RESURRECTION ACADEMY ~ Pre-School thru Grade 8 ~ Ms. Madeleine Thomas, Principal (909) 822-4431 St. Vincent de Paul Helpline (951) 328-3112 FONTANA CENTER MASS INTENTION SCHEDULE Saturday, June 18, 2016 5:30pm– †William Gonzalez, RIP 7:00pm– †Delfino Olascuaga, RIP Sunday, June 19, 2016 6:15am - †Antonia Ortiz , RIP 8:00am -Alfred Alcaraz, S/I 9:30am- † Stanley Mynat, RIP 11:00am-†Abel Vieyra, RIP 1:00pm- Atanacio Barragan, S/I Gonzalo LLamas 6:00pm- †Santiago Velasquez, RIP Monday, June 20, 2016 7:30am– † Federico Barros, RIP Tuesday, June 21, 2016 7:30am- †Robert Ventura, RIP Wednesday, June 22, 2016 7:30am– †Rufina Panting,RIP 7:00pm– †Juan Carbajal Adame,RIP RIALTO CENTER MASS INTENTION SCHEDULE Saturday, June 18, 2016 4:30pm-Chizurum and Chimerenma Agbakwuru,BirthDayBlessings Sunday, June 19, 2016 7:30am- Gabino and Rafael Ruiz,S/I 9:00am-†Art Adame and Negrete family,RIP 11:00am-†Familia Romero, RIP 1:00pm- Juan A.Hernandez, Birthday Blessings Monday, June 20, 2016 8:00am- Nellis Net Thompson, RIP, Wednesday, June 22, 2016 8:00am– Thursday, June 23, 2016 8:00amFriday, June 24, 2016 9:00am-Leoneda Melray,S/I IF YOU WISH TO FOLLOW ME...DENY YOURSELF AND TAKE UP YOUR CROSS. Saturday, June 25, 2016 8:00am- Friday, June 24, 2016 8:00am– Johnny Murillo, Birthday Blessings READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Saturday: Sábado Sunday: Domingo Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 19, 2016 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 Tuesday, June 21, 2016 8:00am– Leoneda Melray,S/I Thursday, June 23, 2016 7:30am– †Angel Barajas , RIP Monday: Lunes Tuesday: Martes Wednesday: Miércoles Thursday: Jueves Friday: Viernes Decimosegundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 19 de junio de 2016 Ya no existe diferencia entre judíos y no judíos, entre esclavos y libres, entre varón y mujer, porque todos ustedes son uno en Cristo Jesús. Gálatas 3:28 2 Kgs/Re 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps/Sal 60:3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 2 Kgs /Re 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps/Sal 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14 2 Kgs/Re 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps/Sal119:33 -37, 40; Mt 7:15-20 2 Kgs/Re 24:8-17; Ps/Sal 106:1b-5; Mt 7:21-29 Vigil/Vigilia: Jer 1:4-10; Ps/Sal 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Pt/1 Pe 1:8-12; Lk/Lc 1:5-17 Day/el Día: Is 49:1-6; Ps/Sal 139:1-3,13 -15; Acts/Hch 13:22-26; Lk/Lc 1:57-66, 80 Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps/Sal 74:1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps/Sal 16:1-2, 5,711; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62 SI ALGUNO QUIERE ACOMPAŇARME… QUE NO SE BUSQUE A SI MÍSMO QUE TOME SU CRUZ PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK RECE POR NUESTROS ENFERMOS Marshal Cayon, Antonio Fisher, Irene, Hernishin, Susana Mora, Antonio Fisher, Fr. Len Krzywda, C.R., Anthony Harold, Yolanda Hernandez, Rosemary Burnach, Eliseo Barajas, Baby Jesus Avalos, Josie Ruiz, Dolores Soto, Robert Santana, Sergio Barriga, Gil Diaz, Enriqueta Briones, Jack Metheny, Cecilia Jimenez, Jose Ramirez, Joyce Walters, Rigoberto Raygoza, Lucia Tranquilino, Ramon Sandoval, Ofelia Ponce, Serafin Mendoza, Margarita Carranza, Roberto Hernandez, Jose Martinez, Luz Maria Arredondo, Javier & Amelia Marquez, Judy Peckinpaugh, ST. JOHN XXIII SUNDAY COLLECTION Fontana $ 6,892.53 Rialto $ 6782.95 $13,675.48 We are so grateful to all of you who give in support of our parish community. We appreciate your ongoing generosity! Estamos muy agradecidos con todos ustedes que apoyan a nuestra comunidad parroquial. Les agradecemos su continua generosidad! FR. IMO’S REFLECTION CORNER REFLEXION DEL PADRE IMO THE FATHER FIGURE IN THE FAMILY LA FIGURA PATERNA EN LA FAMILIA Es difícil hablar del rol de los padres en la familia sin sonar anticuados, en una sociedad donde muchos de nuestros iconos y celebridades son madres solteras, en una sociedad donde cruzando la calle se puede encontrar una clínica de fertilidad y comprar un niño, en donde los padres son condenados por abuso de menores, un padre solo puede sentirse atado. No es sorpresa que el miedo de hoy acentué la personalidad y acciones de los papas.- temor al divorcio en su matrimonio, temor de no ser aceptado por la familia, temor a terminar sin hogar al perder su trabajo, temor a la incertidumbre de perder a su familia. También está el temor del padre de perder el derecho sobre sus hijos y el de ser removido su nombre del certificado de Nacimiento de estos. Mientras algunos padres tienen visitas restringidas a sus hijos, otros tienen el cargo de pagar sostenimiento y algunos otros se encuentran en prisión por abuso familiar y a menores. Nuevamente mientras algunos padres hacen actos relevantes y significativos en sus familias e hijos, otros irresponsables validan las malas críticas hechas hacia ellos. Dado lo que está sucediendo en esto tiempos podríamos preguntarnos, Quien necesita de un padre en estos días? Los niños los necesitan. Ellos necesitan a sus padres como modelos a seguir tanto como a sus madres. Hablar de los niños es hablar de los padres. Todos los niños tienen padre cerca o lejos. A pesar de todos los cambios en la sociedad, la figura paterna sigue siendo esencial e indispensable para ser una familia Católica Ideal. Esto no significa que hay que condenar a las madres solteras ya que hay acontecimientos y circunstancias fuera de su control que las orillan a esta situación ,pero no podemos dejar de lado que la Familia Cristiana Ideal es aquella constituida por Padre, Madre e hijos. Los hijos necesitan el amor de su padre, el amor de padre es distinto al de la madre, y un niño necesita el amor de los 2, así como nuestro cuerpo necesita carbohidratos y proteínas para funcional bien y alcanzar un balance en el crecimiento. El significado de padre no debe basarse solo en los que no lo desempeñan correctamente. No es suficiente para ser un buen padre solo traer el sustento a la casa, si no ser un ejemplo en el caminar de la Fe. Es de un buen padre tomarse el tiempo de enseñar a sus hijos los factores de la vida. Si un padre fracasa en esta responsabilidad, deja expuestos a sus hijos a las influencias destructivas de los drogadictos quienes rondan las escuelas y calles en estos días. Las crisis de los padres en las familias contribuyen a las crisis de fe en nuestra sociedad de hoy. La crisis de Fe en muchos de nuestros jóvenes pueden venir de experiencias vividas anteriormente, en donde se encontraba la falta de una figura paterna amorosa. Los padres deben tratar de pasar tiempo con sus hijos, escucharlos, hablarles aconsejarlos y sembrar la fe en ellos. Deben desafiar a sus hijos afirmándoles la verdad en la palabra de Dios guiándolos con el ejemplo. En un día como hoy, les recordamos a las esposas, hijos e hijas que debemos tratar a nuestros padres con respeto y orar por ellos para que se mantengan fieles a sus deberes dentro de la familia. It is difficult to talk about fathers and their roles in the family nowadays without sounding old fashioned. In a society where many of the icons and celebrities of society are single mothers, in a society where a woman could walk across the block to the fertility clinic and buy herself a child, in a society where fathers are charged and convicted for child abuse, a father cannot but feel incarcerated. Is it any wonder why today fear has punctuated the personality and endeavors of fathers – fear of divorce over marriage, fear of acceptance by family, fear of becoming homeless during unemployment, fear of uncertainty over losing the family? There is also the fear of the father’s rights being terminated and his name removed from his child’s birth certificate. While some fathers are restrained from visiting and seeing their family and children, some are charged with monthly payment of child support and others serve prison terms for abuse of either children or wives. Again, while some fathers make themselves significant and relevant to their family and children, others irresponsibly validate the criticisms that are meted against them. Given what happens around the family today, one can ask “who needs fathers these days?” Children do. They need their fathers as role models as much as they need their mothers. To talk of Children is to talk of fathers. Every child has a father proximate or remote. In spite of all the changes in society, the father remains a very essential and indispensable figure in the ideal Christian family. This is not a global condemnation of single motherhood since we know that many women are forced into single motherhood by circumstances beyond their control. But we would not fail to state the fact that the ideal Christian family remains that of father, mother and child. Children need their father’s love. A father’s love is different from a mother’s love and the child needs both in the same way that our bodies need both proteins and carbohydrates to function well and achieve a balanced growth. The significance of a father, therefore, cannot be ruled out just because some are not playing their roles well. It is not enough for fathers to think that all that is required of them is to bring home a paycheck. Fathers are to be their children’s pace-setters in the ways of the Faith. It takes a good father to make out time to teach his children the facts of life. If a father fails in this responsibility, he exposes his children to the destructive teachings of peer drug addicts who roam about our schools and streets today. The crisis of fatherhood in the family contributes to the crisis of faith in our society today. The crisis of faith in many young people today could be traced to early life experiences in which the experience of a good and loving father figure was missing. Fathers should try to make time for their children, listen and talk with them and in so doing develop a sound philosophy of life and lively faith in them. They should challenge their children by affirming the truth of God’s word as they live it out in front of them through exemplary behaviors. On a day like this, we remind wives, sons and daughters to treat all fathers with respect and pray for them to be more faithful to their duties in the family. It is true that some make mistakes, but we must realize that ‘the abuse of something valuable does not destroy its usefulness.” So, fathers are still relevant. Show your father love. Forgiveness can be a great gift to a failing father this Father’s Day. Appreciate your father’s efforts and sacrifices. “Happy Fathers’ Day” to all Fathers. Es cierto que algunos cometen errores, debemos darnos cuenta que el desgaste de algo valioso no lo hace inservible, los padres son relevantes. Demuéstrale a tu padre amor. En este día del padre el perdón puede ser un gran regalo para un padre que ha fallado .Valora los esfuerzos y sacrificios de tu padre. “FELIZ DIA DEL PADRE PARA TODOS LOS PAPAS” CATECHETICAL MINISTRY-Fontana We are looking for CATECHISTS/ TEACHERS in English and Spanish at all levels. If you would like to help our community in the important ministry please call us at 909-822-4732. MINISTERIO DE CATEQUESIS-Fontana Estamos buscando CATEQUISTAS/ EDUCADORES de Inglés y Español en todos los niveles. Si le gustaría ayudar a nuestra comunidad en este ministerio tan importante, favor de contactarnos al teléfono: 909-822-4732. Good News from the Young Adult Ministry: Mark your calendars for our upcoming One Day Retreat with the theme of Merciful Servant of the Lord, on August 7th. This retreat is for Young Adults 18-35. For more information please call the Parish office and ask for the coordinator Jorge Galvez. You can also come and reserve your spot. INSCRIPCIÓN PARA LA CATEQUESIS SERA EL DOMINGO 10 DE JULIO PARA NIÑOS Y ADULTOS LAS FORMAS DE INSCRIPCIÓN ESTAN DISPONIBLES EN LA ENTRADA DE LA IGLESIA. LA CUOTA TENDRA QUE SER CUBIERTA EN SU TOTALIDAD EL DIA DE LA INSCRIPCION Registrations for Youth Confirmation will be on July 17th, from 10 am—2 pm, for 1st and 2nd years. Inscripciones para preparación a la Confirmación de Jóvenes será el 17 de Julio de 10 am a 2 pm, 1° y 2° año de preparación. REGISTRATION FOR CATECHESIS IS ON SUNDAY JULY 10TH FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS REGISTRATION FORMS ARE AVALIABLE AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE CHURCH WHEN YOU COME TO REGISTER ON JULY 10TH, YOU WILL NEED THE FULL PAYMENT. Happy Father’s Day - Feliz el Día de los Padres FATHERHOOD A father carries pictures where his money used to be. —Anonymous PATERNIDAD Un padre lleva fotos allí donde solía llevar su dinero. —Anónimo MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER MOVEMENT OF CALIFORNIA Your spouse is God’s gift to you. What you make of your marriage is your thanks to God. Find out how to make a good marriage better, and a better marriage great. Discover what a life-changing marriage encounter weekend can do for your marital relationship. NEXT MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND IS JULY 8-10 at the Villa Santa Teresita in Duarte, CA. For more information, please call 323-333-4078 or visit the website at www.memconline.org. El Natividad de San Juan Bautista Friday June 24th El Viernes 24 de junio PATIENCE Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears. —Anonymous JOIN FR. CLETUS IMO & FELLOW PARISHIONERS TO CELEBRATE THE HOLY YEAR On an 11-day pilgrimage to: ERYL BAUN OF EGB TOURS & TRAVEL WILL BE AT FONTANA TODAY AT NOON, INTHE CONFERENCE ROOM TO ANSWER QUESTIONS & MAKE RESERVATIONS. ROME (Italy) WARSAW & KRAKOW (Poland) PRAGUE (Czech Republic) September 13-16, 2016 CZECH REPUBLIC-The Infant of Prague, the Loreto, Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Church of St. Nicholas, St. George Basilica, the Astronomical Clock & Charles Bridge. POLAND-Shrine of the Divine Mercy, St. Faustina’s tomb, St. Mary’s Church, Wawel Royal Castle, Market Church, St. Maximillian Kolbe’s cell, Pope St. John Paul II’s hometown of Wadowice, Kalawaria Zebrzydowska, Wieliczka Salt Mine, Czestochowa, Jasna Gora Shrine (Black Madonna), St. Faustina’s village of Swinice Warackie, Cathedral of St. John and Niepokalanow (Franciscan Friary founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe). ITALY-Papal Audience, entry through the Holy Doors in Rome, the four Basilicas (St. Peter’s, St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, and St. Paul Outside the Walls), the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, the Holy Stairs, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps . . . and many more. ESTE DOMINGO ES EL ULTIMO DIA PARA COMPRAR PRE-VENTA DE BOLETOS PARA LOS JUEGOS MECÁNICOS Ya están disponibles, $2por juego, el día del festival el costo podrá ser entre $5 y $6 por juego. THIS SUNDAY IS THE LAST DAY TO BUY PRE-SALE RIDE TICKETS. $2 per ride, when you buy them in advance. Could be $5 or $6 day of the event! CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. John XXIII Church #513451 7650 Tamarind Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 TELEPHONE 909 822-4732 CONTACT PERSON Sam Kolendowicz EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday, 9:30 PM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION June 19, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Cover page and back (8th) page to be in color. 7th page to be the advertisement page