St. Therese -


St. Therese -
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral
Reverend William Hoffman - Pastor
Reverend Mister Tony Abts - Deacon
Sr. Gemma Harvey, SSND - Faith Formation
Sr. Mary Jane Knitter, SSJ-TOSF - Musician
Carlos Herrera - Hispanic Ministry
Parish Office Staff / Personal de Oficina
213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911 -4875
Barbara Miller -Business Administrator
Chrissy Armstrong -Receptionist / Secretary
June 20, 2010
Telephone / Teléfono
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Office / Oficina .......................................733-8568
Carlos Herrera ......................................... 739-0794
Fax.............................................................. 954-5727
Email.................. [email protected]
Office Hours / Horas de Oficina
Mon - Thur / lunes a jueves 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Fri / viernes ..........................8:00 am-12:30 pm
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Sat - sáb / Confessions /Confesiones 3:15-3:45 pm
Saturday ..................................................... 4:00 pm
sábado .......................................................... 5:30 pm
Sunday ......................................................... 9:00 am
domingo ................................ 11:00 am y 7:00 pm
Tue - Fri / martes a viernes .................. 8:00 am
1st Thu * Adoration............. 8:30 am -7:00 pm
1° jueves * Hora Santa & Misa ......... 6:00 pm
Felicidades en
celebrar su
Primera Comunion!
Ana Abella
Brenda Abella
Guillermo Castro
Javier Castro
Veronica Castro
Jorge Martinez
Noemi Ortega
Jasmin Salinas
Lizbeth Solis
Ruben Solis
Luis Soto
Sunday, June 20th
Come and meet our new DeaconReverend MisterTony Abts.
Reception & Fellowship in the Family Room
to follow after the 9 am Mass
Welcome to St. Therese Parish · Appleton, WI
“Notes from Fr. Bill”
Feliz Día de los Padres
Happy Father’s Day
The last sentence of today’s Gospel can be
applied to parents: “For whoever wishes to save
his life will lost it, but whoever loses his life for
my sake will save it.” Parents know that once
children are born, they surrender their own lives
to them in many ways. It’s a quick journey to maturity as generosity replaces selfishness.
I share with you this prayer of Blessed Pope John
XXIII for fathers; he reflects upon the strength and
courage of a model father, Saint Joseph.
“For Fathers: Saint Joseph, guardian of Jesus
and chaste husband of Mary, you passed your life
in loving fulfillment of duty. You supported the
holy family of Nazareth with the work of your
Kindly protect those who trustingly come to you.
You know their aspirations, their hardships, their
hopes. They look to you because they know you will
understand and protect them. You too know trial,
labor, and weariness. But amid the worries of material life, your soul was full of deep peace and sang
out in true joy through intimacy with God’s Son entrusted to you and with Mary, his tender Mother.
Assure those you protect that they do not labor
alone. Teach them to find Jesus near them and to
watch over him faithfully as you have done.
What if a father should ask his children: “Who do
you say that I am?” How well do we know our fathers? One man speaking of his father’s death said
that he learned more about his father in the days surrounding his father’s funeral than he had learned in a
lifetime. The son knew his father from his own experience …what he could not know or appreciate is
who his father was in the eyes of other family members and his many friends.
Who is Jesus? He is the one whom we should long
to know more closely.
Uno puede aplicar las últimas palabras
del evangelio de hoy a los padres: “Pues el
que quiera conservar para sí mismo su vida,
la perderá; pero el que pierda su vida por mi
cause, ése la encontrará.” Los padres saben
que una vez nazcan los hijos tienen que dar sus
vidas a ellos en muchas maneras. Rápidamente
maduran sus vidas, desde el pensar en sí hace la
generosidad. Comparto esta oración del Beato
Juan XXIII para padres; una reflexión sobre San
José, modelo de padre.
“Para padres: San José, guardián de Jesús y
casto esposo de María, pasó su vida en cumplir
con sus responsabilidades. Mantuvo la familia
de Nazaret con el trabajo de sus manos. Protége
a los encomendados a ti. Conoces sus deseos,
sus dificultades, sus esperanzas. Acuden a ti
porque saben que vas a entender y protegerles.
Tú también conociste pruebas, trabajo y
cansancios. Pero en medio de las
preocupaciones materiales, tu alma estaba llena
de paz profunda y alegría por la cercanía al Hijo
de Dios encomendado a ti, y con María, la
madre tierna de Jesús. Asegure con tu
protección a los que acuden a ti, de que no están
solos. Enséñelos a encontrar a Jesús a su lado y
atenderlo con fe como tu lo hiciste. Amén.”
¿Qué le parece si un padre pregunte a sus hijos:
“Quién dicen que soy yo?” ¿Conocemos bien a
nuestros papás? Un hombre comentó de la muerte
de su papá que aprendió más de su papá en esos
días que en toda lo resto de su vida. El hijo
conoció su papá por su propia experiencia ..lo que
no pudo saber o apreciar fue su papá era en los
ojos de otros familiares y amigos.
¿Quién es Jesús? El es a quien debemos desear
conocer mucho más de cerca.
"Who do the crowds say that I am?" They said in reply,
"John the Baptist; others, Elijah; still others, 'One of the
ancient prophets has arisen.'" Then he said to them, "But
who do you say that I am?" Peter said in reply, "The
Christ of God." - Lk 9:18b-20
"¿Quién dice la gente que soy yo?" Ellos contestaron:
"Unos dicen que eres Juan el Bautista; otros, que Elías,
y otros, que alguno de los antiguos profetas que ha
resucitado". El les dijo: "Y ustedes, ¿quién dicen que
soy yo?" Respondió Pedro: "El Mesías de Dios".
- Lc 9, 18-20
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time ·● June 20, 2010
Actividades Ministerio Hispano
ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA en el salón de la familia,
impartido por el Padre Bill a las 8 am.
Rosario por la Paz y Justicia a los inmigrantes.
Sábados a las 5 pm. Y Sábados a las 6:30 pm. se reúne el
Grupo de Oración en el templo.
Inscripciones 1ras Comuniones, Curso 2010-11. Tome por
favor la aplicación en la entrada de la iglesia. $20 de
Inscripción y actas de bautismo.
Peregrinación al Santuario de la Virgen de Guadalupe.
Acompañe al padre Bill a LaCrosse, WI a visitar este
hermoso santuario, el domingo 25 de Julio. Tome la
aplicación de la entrada, entréguela antes del 25 de Junio.
Cupo limitado.
Convivio de la Parroquia. TODOS INVITADOS. 11 de
Julio. Comida, piñatas y Voli-bol. En el Centro de
Actividades, atrás de la escuela. de 12 a 4 pm.
Clases de Guitarra. Todos los Domingos después de Misa.
Manuel González. 1-414-739-4886
BIBLE STUDY. Family Room at 8 am in Spanish.
ROSARY FOR PEACE & JUSTICE FOR IMMIGRANTS. Every Saturday at 5 pm. And Charismatic
Group Saturdays at 6:30 pm.
REP Hispanic Enrollment 2010-11. Take the application at
back of Church.
Pilgrimage to La Crosse, WI. Sanctuary of Our Lady of
Guadalupe, July 25th, 7am departure-7pm return, $40 per
person, if interested please contact Carlos @ 739-0794
PARISH PICNIC. July 11th. Activity Center, next to the
school. Food, piñata, Volley ball. 12 pm thru 4 pm. See
you there!!!
Guitar Classes. Every Sunday after 11 am. mass. Contact
Manuel González at 1-414-739-4886
Life Fest 2010
Christian Music Festival
JULY 7-11, 2010
Catholic Diocese of Green Bay
Line-up Includes:
-Nightly Campfires from Dusk til ?? at Family Farm camp area.
Come for food, fellowship and fire.
-Mass, Confession and Rosary held at campsite daily.
-Lifest speaker Julianne Donlon, diocesean Adult Faith
Formation Director
-FREE counseling services available through Catholic Charities
-FREE spiritual walks with a certified Catholic Spiritual Director
-MASS on Sun., July 11 at 9:30 am, with music by
Building Permit
-For more information on Lifest visit the website at
www.lifest.comMore than 150 acts: Music. Comedy. Speakers.
KidZone. Food. Marketplace. Cybercafe. Camel Rides. Camping.
Baptism / Bautizo
Congratulations /Bautizados:
Eric Fernandez-Castro
Angelyne Olivio
Vicente Martinez
Yuridia Zepagua
Banns of Marriage /Amonestaciones Matrimoniales
Bann I-Erick Rangel & Luz Corrarubio
Bann III-Jose Murillo & Stephanie Garcia
Bann III-Fermin Patiño & Ana Cecilia Avella
2011 Mission Trip
The dates are set for our next mission trip to
the Dominican Republic and a number of folks
are already signed-on … January 10 - 22.
If interested contact Karen Rickert,
4500 N. French Road, Appleton, 54913.
“Prayer Chain”
Please contact Claire Fineran, 739-7258 for
prayer request for military, peace, cancer patients,
poor souls, healing, nursing home/homebound parishioners, surgeries, those who have lost jobs, etc.
Trustee Secretary
At our annual parish meeting on August 19th we will
be electing a parishioner to fill this position, presently
held by Ernesto Gonzalez. Do you have someone in
mind for parish trustee? Please let Fr. Bill know …
all nominations are to be made and announced at least
two weeks before the election.
Fiduciario - Secretario
En nuestra reunión anual de la parroquia, este 19
de agosto, elegiremos alguien para este puesto;
Ernesto González tiene este puesto en este momento.
¿Conoces alguien? Favor dejar al Padre Bill saber …
hay que hacer y anunciar las nominaciones, por lo
menos, dos semanas antes de la elección.
St. Therese offers automatic payment of Church
Dues. We are set up with our financial
institution, Fox Community Credit Union.
The forms for sign up are in the Parish Office
with Barb, our Business Administrator.
For all families, and most especially, fathers:
that through the intercession of St. Joseph and
the Holy Family they will remain centered on
Christ and find in his love their source of joy and
peace; We pray to the Lord:
St. Therese Parish
Stewardship / Colecta
Collection / Colecta Date ............................... $6,341.82
YTD / Año ....................................................... $299,016.59
Budgeted / Presupuestado......................... $324,280.16
Bishop’s Appeal ................................................ $19,190.15
Take a drive to the country for a relaxing
encounter with beauty!
See our ponds, landscaping plans and gardens.
Get ideas for your own yards…
July 31, 2010
10:00 a – 3:00 p
$12 in advance, $15 at the door.
Tickets available July 31 at each site.
Tickets are available at Gary’s Flowerland, Lang’s
Landscape, Lowney’s Landscaping, Plant Station,
Tri-City Glass, VandeHey’s Landscape and Garden or
by calling St. Edward Parish at 920-733-9266. All proceeds will benefit St. Edward Youth Programming.
Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros
June / Junio 26 & 27, 2010
4:00 pm
9:00 am
5:30 pm
11:00 am
L Dennis Davey / Jeff Steward
C Rose Ahrens / Lorraine Markowski
Anne Luedtke
S Ava Sommers / Fiona Sommers
U David Vissers / James Richter
Bill Kime / James Cihak
L Joe Neilitz / Mary Wiegand
C Tom Kohlmann / Donnis Van Domelan
Joni & Bob Vanden Heuvel
S Vinnie Biskupic / Molly Biskupic
U Richard Huelsbeck / Robert Hietpas
John Weber / Ron Van Handel
L Martha F. / Maribel S. / Carmen L.
C Veronica B. / Carmen / Miguel M.
Miguel V. / Gloria F.
S Alejandro F. / Daniel F.
U Pedro / Macario / Gisel / Cruz
Juana V. / Lucero F. / Maricela L.
Juan / Juana / Gloria /Albina / Ramona
Monica A. / David A. / Tania H.
Appleton, WI
The Week Ahead / Esta Semana
Monday, 6/21
Tuesday, 6/22
8:00 am NO Mass ................................................................
8:30-10 am ........................................ Genesee Diary / CR
Wednesday, 6/23
8:00 am Mass ..................... Martha & Barney Pasholk
Thursday, 6/24
8:00 am Mass ......................................Dorothy Hoffman
Friday, 6/25
8:00 am NO Mass ................................................................
Saturday, 6/26
4:00 pm Mass ...................................Susan Marie Brock
5:30 pm Misa ....... w/ Primera Comunión & Bautizo
6:30 pm ........ Hispanic Charismatic Group / Church
Sunday, 6/27
9:00 am Mass ................. Ellen & Tom Hoover Family
................................ (spiritual & physical well being)
11:00 am Misa........ w/ Primera Comunión & Bautizo
7:00 pm Misa .........La Comunidad de Santa Teresita
A few seats still remaining – hurry time is limited
The Passion Play of Oberammergau
Hosted by Rev. Msgr. John B. Dewane
September 9 to 19, 2010
Visit Heidelberg, the Rhine Valley, Munich,
Lake Lucerne, Geneva and Paris
For a brochure & more information contact Deacon Rick
Simon at:(920) 733-0575 Ext. 302 (Day)
or 920-739-0636 (Eve)
or Email: [email protected]
Summer Picnic Potluck
w/ the “Pound Sale”, Piñata, Volleyball
Brats & Burgers
Sunday, July 11th
12 pm –4 pm
Activity Center & Parish Grounds.
Convivio de la Parroquia
Comida, piñatas y Voli-bol. En el Centro de
Actividades, atrás de la escuela. de 12 a 4 pm.