Fiesta de la Dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán 16 de noviembre de
Fiesta de la Dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán 16 de noviembre de
Fiesta de la Dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán 16 de noviembre de 2014 Todo lo puedo unido a aquél me da fuerza. — Filipenses 4:13 SUNDAY COLLECTION / COLECTA DOMINICAL November 08th & 9th Plate: $1,777.50 Building Maintenance: 883.00 Food Sale November 09 140.00 Noche de Alabanza Sale income / Ingreso por las Ventas: Expenses / Gastos Net Income / Ingreso Neto $9,300.14 1,402.00 $7,897.58 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! ¡GRACIAS POR SU GENEROSIDAD! LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA 16 al 23 de noviembre del 2014 Domingo: Prov 31, 10-13. 19-20. 30-31/1 Tes 5, 1-6/Mt 25, 14-30 o 25, 14-15. 19-21 Lunes: Ap 1, 1-4; 2, 1-5/Lc 18, 35-43 Martes: Ap 3, 1-6. 14-22/Lc 19, 1-10 JAMAICA 2014 IGLESIA SAN ANTONIO EL SABADO 22 Y DOMINGO 23 DE NOVIEMBER Les recordamos que la Jamaica ya estará aquí la próxima semana. Tendremos entretenimiento en vivo, deliciosa comida Americana y Mexicana, rifas, actividades para toda la familia y mucho más. ¡GRACIAS! Agradecemos a Anita Valenzuela por su donación al proyecto del cerco alrededor del estacionamiento de nuestra parroquia. La encomendamos a nuestras oraciones. Que Dios la bendiga. GRACIAS VOLUNTARIOS Agradecemos a los voluntarios que han cubierto la oficina en este ultimo mes que la secretaria ha estado recuperándose de su operación: Lilly Cooper-Chavez Chelo Ceandarilla María Cruz Araiza 33ER DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO El año litúrgico está llegando a su fin, el próximo domingo celebraremos la solemnidad de Nuestro Ap 5, 1-10/Lc 19, 41-44 Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo. Por esta razón se nota el tono escatológico de las lecturas de los últimos Ap 10, 8-11/Lc 19, 45-48 Viernes: domingos del tiempo ordinario. El Evangelio de este domingo nos narra la parábola de los talentos, se nos Ap 11, 4-12/Lc 20, 27-40 Sábado: indica que hay que fructificar, hay que aprovechar el tiempo. De un momento a otro el Señor estará con Ez 34, 11-12. 15-17/1 Cor 15, 20-26. 28/Mt Domingo: 25, 31-46 nosotros como juez universal. En la parábola vemos como un hombre se va a tierras lejanas y reúne a tres de sus empleados para confiarles sus pertenencias. IN NEED OF PRAYER / Reparte talentos, cinco y dos. Estos trabajan y OREMOS POR NUESTROS HERMANOS entregan bien las cuentas. Sin embargo, el de un Stephanie Alazzawi Canada, Pedro Mora, Jose Salguero, talento no trabaja y es reprendido y echado fuera por Mary Wehrenberg, Familia Roman Rodarte, RohnLee no sacar provecho de lo que se le había confiado. La Lucero, Familia Rosas, Otilia Hernandez, Jose Luis Nuno plegaria eucarística IV nos habla de cuidar lo que Dios Gutierrez, Hermina Gutierrez, Rose Lopez, Anthony & nos ha encomendado, los bienes de este mundo, es Juan, Theresa Bustamante, Dora Madril, Baby Nakay y decir, la creación entera, además de los bienes de Fmilia, Andrea Diaz, Abel Munguia, Rebecca Pantoja, nuestras propias cualidades de nuestros dones. "A Carlos Robles, Jessica Bañuelos, Ramon Borboa, Elvira imagen tuya creaste al hombre y le encomendaste el Luisa Valdez, Mike Serpa, Jorge Ortiz, Ruby Cruz & universo entero, para que, sirviéndote sólo a ti, su Family , Valentin Gomez, Aron Haring. Creador, dominara todo lo creado". La parábola nos llama a reflexionar en: nuestros talentos, la vida LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD VIVIDA AHORA familiar y la espera de la venida del Señor. Ojalá que Dedica un lugar y un tiempo de silencio para escuchar a al participar en la Eucaristía el Señor nos dé la gracia Dios que te habla en tu corazón. Empieza despacio: que necesitamos para vivir con seguridad y confianza quince minutos dos veces a la semana, luego aumenta a en el Señor. ¿Dónde están trabajando nuestros quince minutos al día. No permitas que nada interrumpa talentos? ¿Están escondidos por vergüenza o por o importune ese tiempo especial. flojera? Al usarlos creativamente somos fieles a Dios —Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. y a la creación que nos rodea. Miércoles: Jueves: Ap 4, 1-11/Lc 19, 11-28 ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 16, 2014 I can do all things in him who strengthens me. — Philippians 4:13 MASS INTENTIONS / MISAS DE INTENCION Fecha Hora Intención De parte de: Sab. 15 6 p.m. ………………………………………………. Dom. 16 7 a.m. Por la salud de Nakqi, Brian, Antonio, Jones 9 a.m. + Virginia O’Grady…...……...Emilia O’Grady 11 a.m. + Ángel de Leon…………………..Su Familia 1 p.m. + Salvador, +Cosme, +Carmen Mar. 18 Mie. 19 Jue. 20 Vie. 21 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. Escodedo…………...Bertha Escodedo + Beatrice y Rayo Ramírez…..Familia Flores + Josefina Bastidas……….….Laura Bastidas + Aurelio Fuentes……...Su Esposa y Familia Por los Difuntos del Instituto de las Servidoras………………………….SSVM LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW Make room for a silent time and place in your life for God to speak to your heart. Start slowly—say fifteen minutes twice a week, then increase to fifteen minutes once a day. Let nothing else intrude on this special time. —Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. PARISH MEMBER REGISTRATION FORMS We invite all of you to register in our parish. If you have been attending mass and haven’t registered as an active member in our church community, please do so. If you are registered and have a change of address, stopped receiving envelopes or any other change in you household, please contact the parish office to update your records. Please fill out an application and make sure to provide us your phone number. Here are some examples of the benefits you have as a registered and active church member: if your child is attending a Catholic School, tuition reduction, discounts on Quinceañera and Wedding celebrations and the rental of the Parish Reception Hall. One of the most common one is a reference letter of good standing in our church for immigration, court, etc. TAKE AN APPLICATION FROM THE CHURCH ENTRANCE AND RETURN IT TO THE OFFICE OR TO ONE OF THE USHERS AFTER MASS. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS We thank the volunteers who dedicated their time to our parish and have covered theparish office this past month that the secretary has been recovering from her operation: Lilly Cooper-Chavez Chelo Gandarilla María Cruz Araiza 2014 ST. ANTHONY PARISH JAMAICA SAT. NOV. 22ND & SUN. NOV. 23RD We would like to remind you that the grand Jamaica festival will be next week. We’ll have live entertainment, delicious food, raffle prizes, fun activities for the whole family & much more. Raffle tickets will be on sale soon! THANK YOU! We would like to thank Anita Valenzuela for her donation toward the fence project around our parish parking lot. We will keep you in our prayers. God Bless. 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "A man going on a journey called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them." In today's Gospel parable, this man represents God, and the servants represent us. The story makes a clear point about the importance of putting the gifts God has given us to good use. Unlike the first two servants, the third servant chose not to make a return on his "talent." Thus we can understand the frustration of the master. He trusted this servant, and the fellow let him down. Remember, this all began with an act of trust when the master handed over care of his things. The fact is that the third servant did not take good care of what he was given. What have we been given? Some gifts from God we all share in common: life and salvation. But others differ from person to person. We each have our own set of "talents": our personal skills, our material blessings, our education, family background, and so on. Some have more, and some have fewer. But the point is that we are called to make the most of what we have, whatever that may be. Perhaps the starting point for making a return on God's investment in us is to recognize that what we have is really his! In a sense, our gifts and skills, even our lives, are all "on loan" from God. He is generous in sharing his life and his blessings with us. And, like the parable's master, he is quick to praise and reward our efforts. But when we choose to be "wicked, lazy" servants, taking everything for granted and not using our gifts for God's glory, then "even what [we have] will be taken away." ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc