31st - St. Mary of Czestochowa
31st - St. Mary of Czestochowa
St. Mary of Czestochowa Parish Iskierki Parafialne 3010 South 48th Ct. Cicero, IL 60804 Tel. 708-652-0948 Fax. 708-652-0646 Website: www.stmaryofczestochowa.org E- Mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday through Thursday - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; Friday - 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 31st, 2014 Masses: Saturday 8.00 AM (English every 1st Saturday only) 5:00 PM (English), 6:30 PM (Polish) Sunday 8:30 AM (English), 10:30 AM (Polish), 12:30 PM & 4:00 PM (Spanish) Weekdays Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday 7:30 AM (English), 8:15 AM (Spanish) Wednesday 8:00 AM (English) (only one mass) First Fridays 7:00 PM (Polish) Fr. Waldemar Wieladek CSsR - Superior & Pastor, Ext. 27 E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Marian Furca CSsR - Associate Pastor, Ext. 29 E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Zbigniew Pienkos CSsR - Resident Priest Ext. 26 E-mail: [email protected] Rosamar Mallari - Receptionist, Ext. 20 E-mail: [email protected] Confessions: Nydia Cano - Receptionist, Ext. 20 E-mail: [email protected] Saturday 4:00 – 4:45 PM (Trilingual) 6:00 — 6:30PM (Polish) Witold Socha - Music Director, Tel. 708-299-8816 E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday 6:00 – 7:40 PM (Trilingual) Sunday 10:00 – 10:30 AM (Polish) First Friday 6:30 – 7:00 PM (Polish) Devotions: Every Wednesday 8:30AM Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM The entire day of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 PM Prayer Group-Adoration (Spanish) 7:45 PM Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Spanish) First Fridays 8:00-8:10 AM Adoration (English) Bulletin Editor, Ext 20 E-mail: [email protected] Alice Krzak - Web Communications, Tel. 708-218-7842 E-Mail: [email protected] Irene Saldaña - CCD E-mail: [email protected] Social Center 5000 W. 31st St. Tel. 708-652-7118 E-mail: [email protected] First Saturdays 8:30-9:00 AM Adoration (English) Every Saturdays 6:30PM Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Polish) Every Fourth Saturday 6:30 PM Novena, Mass & Prayer Vigil (Polish) SICK CALLS - In all cases of serious illness or accidents, a priest should be called at once. Holy Communion will be brought to the sick upon request. MARRIAGES - Should be arranged at least 6 months in advance. NEWCOMERS - All new families / individuals may register by stopping at the rectory or by calling the parish secretary ext. 20. Sunday Iskierki Parafialne †Nilene Kolbuck (Mon and Dad) 6:30 W intencjach próśb i podziękowań do M. B. Nieustającej Pomocy. August 31, Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 Blessings and health of Stella Wanzy on her 95th Birthday (Megan, Carol and Janet) †Mike and Anne Vavrek (family) †Robert Krolak (St. Mary’s Choir) †Marie Magee (Harriet) 10:30 †Kamila Staniszewska w 1-szą rocz. śm. †Jozef Magiera †Stafania Magiera †Zofia Cholewa 12:30 Por los Feligreses 4:00 Por los Feligreses September 7, Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 For the living and deceased members of the Rosary Confraternity †Rita Barnak (Ronald Barnak) †John Kulaga (Pat Porcelli) †Edward Kandl (wife Cecilia) †Robert Krolak (Harriet) 10:30 Za żyjących i zamarłych członków z Bractwa Różańcowego 12:30 Por los feligreses 4:00 Por los feligreses September 1, Monday, Weekday in Ordinary Time 9:00 For the blessing and health of Stella Wazny on her 95th Birthday (Janet-nice) †John and Anna Kempa Lector Schedule September 2, Tuesday, Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:30 †Jean Kraska (family) 8:15 †Por las almas en el libro de la memoria September 3, Wednesday, Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 8:00 †Darlene Burke (mother) 8:30 Eucharistic Adoration until 7 P.M. 7PM Circulo de Oracion 7:45 Novena a Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro September 4, Thursday, Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:30 †Eleanore Warchol 8:15 Por los feligreses September 5, First Friday, BI. Teresa of Calcutta, Religious 7:30 †Holy Souls in the Book of Remembrance 8:15 †Por las almas en el libro de la memoria September 6, First Saturday, Weekday in Ordinary Time 8:00 First Saturday †John Kulaga (Cecilia Kandl) 11:00 Wedding: Kamil Baczynski and Monika Bacxynski 1:00 Wedding: Enrique Ramos and Alma Herrera 5:00 †Casey Homel (friend) †Robert Mejia (Marianne Buckner) †Joseph Kasperski (Marianne Buckner) Saturday, September 6 5:00 Sharon Wente, John Stenson Sunday, September 7 8:30 Michele Cison-Carlson TBA 10:30 Danuta Landt, Krzysztof Zborowski 12:30 Beatriz Ibarra, Roberto Pasillas Linda Ramirez 4:00 Rene Aviña, Mary Rodriguez Enrique Garcia Eucharistic Minister Saturday, September 6 5:00 Jean Yunker, Frances Balla Sunday, September 7 8:30 Christine Zaragoza, Ed Hennessy Maria Carmen Castañeda 10:30 Polish Eucharistic Ministers 12:30 Marisol Ortiz, Olivia Ortiz Javier Hernandez, Juana Salas 4:00 Humberto Tellez, Maria Clara Ibarra TBA WEDDING BANNS There is a promise of marriage between Ill Monika Baczynski & Kamil A. Baczynski Ill Alma Herrera & Enrique Ramos ll. Malgorzata Bator & Lukasz Bator ll. Katarzyna Plewa & Stanislaw Maka l. Yoselin Ceniceros & Jesus Adrian Castillo St. Mary of Czestochowa Sunday Collection, Agosto 23, 2014 Many thanks to Aug. 23 those of you who have contributed to St. Mary of Aug. 24 Czestochowa’s collection this past week. Your gifts are essential to our ministry, and we are grateful. 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize 5th Prize 6th Prize Connie Schafer (1111) Bogumile Roginski (4101) Adriana Rios (7570) Lerma (2448) Stanislaw Olszewski (6504) Dolores Mares (9998) $2,000 $1,000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 250 Afghan Congratulations to all the lucky winners, and thanks to everyone that participated in our 2014 Raffle. Prayer of St. Francis Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. The registrations for CCD 2014-2015 are now open. All returning students must register again for the new year; furthermore, all pending balances should be paid off at the time of registration. All new and returning registrants must bring a copy of their certificate of Baptism, plus initial payment (50% of total tuition). For more information, please contact the rectory.Tuition:: One child $200 per year Two Children $300 per year Three Children $400 per year $288.00 6:30PM $179.00 8:30AM $1,241.00 10:30AM $1,894.00 12:30PM $1,324.00 4:00PM $517.00 TOTAL $5,443.00 Our most sincere thanks to Mr. Wieslaw Perhon for his donation of $100 to help the parish with this past winter Gas Bill. Parking Lot Collection Sunday, Aug 03, 2014…….…………………….$365.00 PARKING LOT CAMPAIGN Goal: $193,596 Deficit: $127,841 O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life. Adult Confirmation Are you an adult who has not celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation? Adult Confirmations will be held during the spring months throughout the. Archdiocese. Preparation groups are forming now. To register or for information please telephone (312) 534-8047 or go to www.catechesis-chicago.org. 5:00PM Donations: $65,755 PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS WHO ARE ILL Please call the rectory office to add or delete names from the list. Julia Adamczyk Helen Cison Grzegorz Czaja Bill Czarnecki Denise Dooley Aniela Gancarczyk Justine Hranicka Cecilia Kandl Harriet Kurcab Rose Luna Diana Madurzak Larry Napoletano Lawrence Natonski Mark F. Rendak Eleanore Skora Ronald Stachowski Marie Wisniesky Frances Wojdula Brenda Wojkovich Antonio Venegas Paul Zaragoza If you would like to add a name to the list, please call the rectory at 708652-0948 Ext. 20. St. Mary’s Parish News Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Matthew 16:21-27 Jesus speaks of his Passion and rebukes Peter for his objection. Background on the Gospel Reading Today's Gospel continues the story that began in last week's Gospel. Simon Peter was called the “rock” upon which Jesus would build his Church, and yet Peter continues to show the limitations of his understanding of Jesus' identity. Now that the disciples have acknowledged that Jesus is the Messiah, Jesus confides in them the outcome of his ministry: he must suffer and die in Jerusalem to be raised on the third day. Peter rejects this prediction, and Jesus rebukes him severely, calling him “Satan.” In opposing this aspect of Jesus' mission, Peter shows that he is no longer speaking based on the revelation from God but as a human being. Jesus then teaches all of the disciples about the difficult path of discipleship: to be Christ's disciple is to follow in his way of the cross. Peter could not yet understand what it meant to call Jesus the Messiah. It is unlikely that the other disciples understood any better. Messianic expectations were a common aspect of firstcentury Judaism. Under Roman occupation, many in Israel hoped and prayed that God would send a Messiah to free the Jews from Roman oppression. The common view was that the Messiah would be a political figure, a king that would free Israel from Roman rule. This is perhaps what Peter envisioned when he was led to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. In this passage, however, Jesus is beginning to teach his disciples that he would be the Messiah in a different way. Jesus would be more like the suffering servant described by the prophet Isaiah than the political liberator. Those who would be Jesus' disciples would be called to a similar life of service. Perhaps this is what Peter feared most in Jesus' prediction of his Passion. He whom Jesus had called “rock” would also be called upon to offer himself in sacrifice and service to others. Christian leaders today are still called to sacrifice and serve others as Jesus did. Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. (www.dol.gov) In observance of Labor Day the rectory will be closed on Monday, September 1st. The Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 A.M. August 31, 2014 Feast of Our Lady of Czestochowa 2014 We wish to thank all our parishioners and friends that attended to the festivities of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Additionally, we are also grateful with all the families that donated items for the festival. We also wish to express our most sincere thanks to all our volunteers, because without your dedication and hard work this would not had been possible. Anuncios Parroquiales 31 de Agosto de 2014 XXII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Fiesta Patronal 2014 En aquel tiempo, empezó Jesús a explicar a sus discípulos que tenía que ir a Jerusalén y padecer allí mucho por parte de los senadores, sumos sacerdotes y letrados, y que tenía que ser ejecutado y resucitar al tercer día. Pedro se lo llevó aparte y Queremos agradecer a todos nuestros feligreses y amigos por haber tomado parte en nuestra fiesta patronal. Especialmente agradecemos a todas las familias que hicieron sus donativos de refrescos , agua embotellada, platos, etc. También nuestras mas sinceras gracias a todos los voluntarios que ayudaron donando su tiempo y trabajo para la realización de esta fiesta. se puso a increparlo: -- ¡No lo permita Dios, Señor! Eso no puede pasarte. Jesús se volvió y dijo a Pedro:-- Quítate de mi vista, Satanás, que me haces tropezar; tú piensas como los hombres, no como Dios. Entonces dijo Jesús a sus discípulos: -- El que quiera venirse conmigo, que se niegue a sí mismo, que cargue con su cruz y me siga. Si uno quiere salvar su vida, la perderá; pero el que la pierda por mí la encontrará. ¿De qué le sirve a un hombre ganar el mundo entero, si arruina su vida? ¿O qué podrá dar para recobrarla? Porque el Hijo del Hombre vendrá entre sus ángeles, con la gloria de su Padre, y entonces pagará a cada uno según su conducta. SAN MATEO 16- 21- 27 El Día del Trabajo, que se celebra en Estados Unidos el primer lunes de septiembre, conmemora oficialmente las contribuciones de los trabajadores a la fortaleza, prosperidad y bienestar del país. También marca para millones de estadounidenses, el fin no oficial del verano, un fin de semana largo para reunirse con familiares o ami- gos. La misa se celebrara a las 9:00 a.m. solamente el día Lunes, 1 de septiembre y en conmemoración a la celebración del Día del Trabajo la rectoría se encontrara cerrada el día 1 de septiembre. Muchas gracias a todos los que participaron en la rifa parroquial 2014. Y muchas felicidades a los afortunados ganadores. 1er Lugar 2º Lugar 3er Lugar 4º Lugar 5º Lugar 6º Lugar Connie Schafer (1111) Bogumile Roginski (4101) Adriana Rios (7570) Lerma (2448) Stanislaw Olszewski (6504) Dolores Mares (9998) $2,000 $1,000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 250 Afghan Feliz Aniversario!! Muchas felicidades al coro del niños “Voces del Alma” en su octavo aniversario. Ya estamos aceptando registraciones para el Nuevo año de Catecismo. Todos los estudiantes deben de registrarse y proveer una copia del certificado de Bautizo. Además, se requerida un pago del 50% del total de la inscripción. Ogłoszenia Parafialne XXII Niedziela Zwykła Jezus zaczął wskazywać swoim uczniom na to, że musi iść do Jerozolimy i wiele cierpieć od starszych i arcykapłanów, i uczonych w Piśmie; że będzie zabity i trzeciego dnia zmartwychwstanie. A Piotr wziął Go na bok i począł robić Mu wyrzuty: Panie, niech Cię Bóg broni! Nie przyjdzie to nigdy na Ciebie. Lecz On odwrócił się i rzekł do Piotra: Zejdź Mi z oczu, szatanie! Jesteś Mi zawadą, bo nie myślisz o tym, co Boże, ale o tym, co ludzkie. Wtedy Jezus rzekł do swoich uczniów: Jeśli kto chce pójść za Mną, niech się zaprze samego siebie, niech weźmie krzyż swój i niech Mnie naśladuje. Bo kto chce zachować swoje życie, straci je; a kto straci swe życie z mego powodu, znajdzie je. Cóż bowiem za korzyść odniesie człowiek, choćby cały świat zyskał, a na swej duszy szkodę poniósł? Albo co da człowiek w zamian za swoją duszę? Albowiem Syn Człowieczy przyjdzie w chwale Ojca swego razem z aniołami swoimi, i wtedy odda każdemu według jego postępowania. Mt 16,21-27 31 sierpnia 2014 r. Nasze Patronalne Święto Serdecznie dziękujemy wszystkim osobom które tak dzielnie pracowały w przygotowaniu uroczystości parafialnych związanych z Odpustem jak i z Festiwalem Parafialnym. Dało się zauważyć wielkie zaangażowanie a także to że wszyscy jesteśmy jedną rodziną która się nazywa Parafia Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej w Cicero. Parafia Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej St. Mary of Czestochowa Parish - Membership Form Forma Przynależności do Parafii M. B. Częstochowskiej Forma de Registro a la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Czestochowa CHECK ONE: New Registration Change of Address Moving out of parish Want Envelopes ZAZNACZ JEDNO: Nowo Zarejestrowany Zmiana Adresu Wyprowadzka z Parafii Proszę o Koperty MARQUE UNO: Primer Registro Cambio de Dirección Cambio de Parroquia Necesito Sobres First & Last Name / Imię i Nazwisko / Nombre y Apellido Address / Adres / Dirección City / Miasto / Ciudad Zip Code / Kod Pocztowy / Zona Postal Phone / Telefon / Teléfono Please drop Membership Form into the offertory basket or mail to Rectory. Proszę wrzucić ta formę do koszyka na tacę lub przesłać na Plebanie. Favor de regresar la Forma Completa en la Canasta de Ofrendas o mandarla por Correo a la Rectoría.