May 8, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral
May 8, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral
St. James Cathedral 215 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32801 Phone: 407-422-2005—Fax: 407-422-2009 May 8, 2016 Rector: Reverend John McCormick Parochial Vicars: Rev. Vilaire Philius Rev. Serge Pardo Deacons: David Gray , Carlos Sola & Patrick McAvoy Pastoral Ministry: Sr. Mary Katherine Palisin, SND School Principal: Dawn Helwig Bishop of Orlando Most Reverend John Noonan I AM GRATEFUL You and I have read it many times, the contemporaries of Our Lord wondered aloud if anything of value could possibly come from Nazareth? The Flyers, the 76 Sixers, the Eagles, anything unto Salvation from Philadelphia? It seems such a long time ago that the Declaration of Independence was signed, and we came to know our nemesis in the NFL as the city of brotherly love. This past Tuesday, April 26, Frank Sevick went home to his heavenly reward. For the purpose of this column, I am obliged to disregard the place of his birth. Yes, you guessed it, Philadelphia! Frank and Mary Jane have been parishioners at St. James from the mid 70’s, and to those of us who have known them here at our cathedral parish for a time far less than that, their ministry among us has been remarkable. At his funeral celebration of Resurrection, I mentioned that he should be known as Mr. Sacrament, not only because he received all seven, but also because he and Mary Jane have labored generously among us in the preparation for generations of us to come to Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. His missionary soul was never limited to parish boundaries, as witnessed by parishioners from Holy Family, Blessed Trinity, St. Charles and St. James, among others, who participated in the celebration of his life. Bible study, sacramental preparation, enrichment of the soul of newcomers to the Faith through our RCIA ministry, the hand of Frank Sevick and his fingerprint is everywhere. Priests like myself, who are assigned to parish ministry of souls, long for disciples who will join us in the spreading of the message of Christ. I have been blessed by God here at the cathedral to have had such an apostle walk with me. He was my parishioner and my friend, and I am grateful. Frank, go now and Rest in Peace. God Bless, Fr. John MARIACHI COBRE Tickets are on sale for this fabulous fiesta with dinner and music on Saturday, May 14 in the Social Hall. Dinner is at 6 PM, show begins at 7 PM. Don't miss this night of fun. Bring the family! Tickets are available in the Parish Office and order forms are available on the website. If you need further assistance, contact Elizabeth at 407-422-2005 ext. 106 or Valerie at [email protected]. Get Your Bottle Today! Grab your empty baby bottles after Mass today to support JMJ Crisis Pregnancy Centers in our area. Take the bottles home, and put your spare change in them and return the filled bottles the weekend of June 4 & 5. If you want to make a donation by check, make it payable to JMJ. Stewardship A Way Of Life For A Grateful Disciple “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelations 22:13 This is a reminder of how we should live our lives 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – putting God first in all that we do. Not only when I am at Mass and Parish activities, but when I am in the world, at work or at school. Living gratefully and generously is a lifestyle; it’s how I make all my decisions. Stewardship April 30 & May 1 $31,672.93 Mother’s Day flowers $1,355 GRADUATION BLESSING We invite all Middle school, high school and college graduates to the 9 AM Mass on May 15, for a special blessing! Join us for coffee and donuts following the Mass. End of Year Pizza Party Pictures and Pizza –a winning combo! Come join PRIME TIMERS on Monday, May 16 at 1 PM in the Social Hall for our annual farewell pizza party! No formal program is planned, just time to enjoy a photo review of our 2015/16 year along with fellowship and fun and saying goodbye until September. This will be the final luncheon for the year. We will resume on Monday, September 1, so mark your calendars now for the first meeting of the 2016/17 year. Luncheon reservations are required no later than MONDAY, May 9 for the luncheon on Monday, May 16. For reservations, call Mary Alice at 407-423-4433 and leave a message. Cash donations for lunch will be accepted at the door. For your convenience, electronic funds transfer and credit card giving is available at Thank you for placing God first! The BBQ was a great success! Thank you to all that helped: our talented chef, Anthony, Knights of Columbus, Young Adults, Cathedral maintenance and our auction prize donors. And of course, our generous parishioners!! We raised nearly $3,000 for our Youth Ministry, SOAR! S O A R Saints On A Road Upcoming SOAR Events Sunday, May 15 - All graduates are invited to the 9 AM Mass for a special blessing. Wednesday, May 18 Senior sendoff. All SOAR alumni are invited as we bid farewell to our seniors. Dinner and cake will be served in the PCR at 6:30 PM. Sunday, May 22 VBS training at 1 PM in the PCR. Sunday, June 5 VBS training at 1 PM in the PCR. July 7-9 All upcoming 6-8 grade students, save the dates for a service retreat- Real Orlando 2016! Email [email protected] for more information. Blessed is the Mother, Who lets the Lord be her guiding hand, Whose faith brings her family courage, Whose wisdom comes from God, And whose children still stand and honor her. The LORD is KING, THE MOST HIGH over All THE EARTH. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 27–July 1 Let’s travel to ancient Egypt! Come explore Pharaoh’s palace, experience thrilling “real-life” dramas, play high-energy games, sample tasty snacks and hear lively music. Plus, you’ll meet lots of new friends! Register your children today. Forms are available online or in the Parish Office. For more information, contact Renee or Nancy at 407-422-2005. Please remember in your prayers our parishioners who are ill, Donna Smithberger, Adriel Nuno, Dan Webb, Kelly Sebold, Consuelo Nagy, Waltar Znosko, Therese Merchant, Helen Gladis, Vicki Beaumont, Maria Alvarez, Rosa Rhodes, Benito Santiago CONGRATULATIONS to our newest Knights of the Altar MASS SCHEDULE Vigil (Saturday) 4 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM (Spanish), 5 PM, 6:30 PM (Kreyole) Weekdays: 7 AM, 12:10 PM Saturdays: 8 AM Confessions: Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM Saturdays: 3 PM, Spanish: Sunday, 11:45 AM Adoration and Exposition: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM-noon Pro-life Holy Hour Wednesday 6 PM Most Reverend John Noonan, Bishop of Orlando, by the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit will ordain to the Order of Priesthood: MASS INTENTIONS Monday, May 9 7:00 AM 12:10 PM Rev. Mr. Luis Salazar Rev. Mr. Martin Nguyen Saturday, May 28 at 10 AM at St. James Cathedral You are cordially invited to join in this joyous occasion. Mass will be live streamed at So...A guy walks into a church office and says, “Can you have a priest to sign this paper that says I am active in the church and would be a good godparent to my nephew, teaching him about his faith?” I say, “Does the priest know who you are?” He replies, “Well, no, but I come here once in a while.” See anything wrong with this story?? Make sure you register in your Parish, get involved, use your envelopes– that way, we can say you are a Catholic. Remember, membership has its benefits... Tuesday, May 10 7:00 AM 12:10 PM Kessete † Wednesday, May 11 7:00 AM 12:10 PM Frank Sevick † Thursday, May 12 7:00 AM Harry & Kay Kokoski † 12:10 PM Roland F. Wiggins † Friday, May 13 7:00 AM Thomas McCrea † 12:10 PM Leora Sawyer Hartman † Saturday, May 14 8:00 AM Ann Rutledge † 12:10 PM John & Ann Seroky † Sunday, May 15 7:30 AM Mr. & Mrs. Epifanio Sanchez 9:00 AM Stephen & Florence Bucki † 10:30 AM James Patrick Moran † 12:15 PM Juan & Rosa Sangroni † 5:00 PM Tom Luposello † CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION Bishop John Noonan invites you to the Diocese of Orlando’s annual Corpus Christi procession on Sunday, May 29, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Join Catholics from across the Diocese of Orlando to publicly express our belief in Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Bishop Noonan will lead the procession at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe (8300 Vineland Ave. in Orlando) as participants pray, sing and reflect on the Mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist. The procession will follow the 6 PM Mass. Bishop Noonan and participants will pray at Eucharistic Altars of Repose, highlighting the music and traditions of various ethnic communities in the Diocese of Orlando. For further information, go to ESTOY AGRADECIDO Usted y yo hemos leído muchas veces que los contemporáneos de Nuestro Señor se preguntaban en voz alta si es que algo bueno pudiese venir de Nazaret. Los Flyers, los 76 Sixers, los Eagles, cualquier cosa por la salvación de Filadelfia. Parece que fue hace mucho tiempo que se firmó la Declaración de Independencia y llegamos a conocer nuestra némesis en la NFL como la ciudad del amor fraternal. Este pasado martes 26 de abril, Frank Sevick partió al hogar de su recompensa celestial. Para el propósito de esta columna me veo obligado a pasar por alto su lugar de nacimiento, sí, adivinaron, ¡Filadelfia! Frank y Mary Jane fueron parroquianos de St. James desde mediados de los 70, y para aquellos de nosotros quienes los conocimos bien por lo menos la mitad de esos años, sabemos que su ministerio ha sido extraordinario. En la celebración de su funeral de resurrección mencioné que se le debería conocer como Sr. Sacramento, no solo por haber recibido los siete, sino también porque él y Mary Jane laboraron generosamente entre nosotros en la preparación de generaciones que recibieron el Bautismo, la Eucaristía y la Confirmación. Su alma misionera nunca estuvo limitada a la frontera de las parroquias como testimonian parroquianos de Holy Family, Blessed Trinity, St. Charles y St. James entre otros quienes participaron en la celebración de su vida. Estudios bíblicos, preparación sacramental, enriquecimiento de las almas de los que recién se unen a la fe por medio de RICA, la mano de Frank Sevick y sus huellas estaban en todos lados. Sacerdotes como yo, que han sido asignados al ministerio parroquial de las almas anhelan discípulos que se unan a nosotros en compartir el mensaje de Cristo. He sido bendecido por Dios en la catedral por haber tenido a un gran apóstol que caminara conmigo. Él era mi parroquiano y mi amigo y estoy agradecido. Frank, ve y descansa en Paz. Dios los bendiga, Padre John Corresponsabilidad una forma de vida para un discípulo agradecido Colecta: 1 de mayo……$1,616.18 ¡Gracias por colocar a Dios primero!
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