August 3, 2014 - Holy Family Catholic Church


August 3, 2014 - Holy Family Catholic Church
Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
August 3, 2014
Holy Family Catholic Church
Family Prayer
Lord, bless our family, all of us now together,
those far away, all who are gone back to you.
May we know joy. May we bear our sorrows
in paƟence. Let us be grateful to each other.
We have all made each other what we are. O
Family of Jesus, watch over our family.
Mailing Address: P O Box 482
Van Alstyne TX, 75495
Parish Office:
For a Priest:
Fr. Salvador Guzmán, Pastor
Fr. Eugene Azorji, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Patrick A. Hayes
Mass Schedule
Sunday: 9:00 am - English Mass
12:00 pm - Spanish Mass
Thursday: 9:00 am - Daily Mass
Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
August 3, 2014
Baptisms in English: 2nd Sunday of each month
Baptisms in Spanish: 1st Sunday of each month
Anointing of the Sick
Pre Baptismal Class Registration: Registration required by
the Sunday before class begins. Classes are held on the 3rd
Tuesday of each month. Parents: Bring copy of child’s birth
certificate. Both parents must attend class. Godparents:
Must be practicing Catholics. Copy of marriage certificate
through the Catholic church. Both godparents must attend
class. As a courtesy, please do not bring children to class.
First Communion
Both must be free to marry in the Catholic Church.
Arrangements should be made at least 6 months prior to
planned Wedding date.
Talk to your Parish priest or call Father James Swift, C.M.,
Rector of Vocations of the Diocese of Dallas
at 214-379-2860.
2015 to be Scheduled
Arnie Clark
Tommie Rosenthal
Brooklyn Schulze
Rita Turner
Dave Parker
Eddie Parker
Stella West
Jerry Phillips
Johanna Kroeger
Jack Tyler
Barbara Heath
Debbie Hooper
A endance:
Building Fund:
Immediately following the 1st Mass
Holy Orders/Priesthood
2015 to be Scheduled
Courtney Hicks
Rita Christian
Karen Elliott
Toby Mills
Louis Lesmes
Bill Holder
Rosa Turczynski
Soloman High
Jeanie Wood
Don Saunders
Jerrell Jones
Ann Lageose
Please call the Parish.
July 27, 2014
July 27, 2014
July 27, 2014
$ 1,441.45
$ 870.86
Attention Parishioners Prayer Names
Submitted to Request Prayers For
Names submitted will remain for four weeks.
If the individual needs to remain we request that
we receive a call from the person who submitted
the name to request that they remain for another
four weeks, should they remain in need of prayers
for recovery. This is the normal procedure in all
parishes through out the Diocese. We are not
asking you to remove ones name that is still
recovering or perhaps has cancer or other life
threatening diseases. Often we forget to remove
as they have improved or considered well.
Bless you for your cooperation.
Prayer and Humility
Arm yourself with prayer rather than a
sword; wear humility rather than fine
-St. Dominic
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, August 3
8:30 am Rosary
9:00 am Mass
12:00 pm Spanish Mass
Monday, August 4
9:00 am Rosary
Tuesday, August 5
Wednesday August 6
Thursday, August 7
9:00 am Mass Bible Class Following Mass
7:00 pm Talleres De Oracion Y Vida
7:30 pm Adult Bible Class
7:00 pm Spanish Youth Choir
7:30 pm Bible Class
Friday, August 8
7:00 pm Spanish Adult Choir
Saturday, August 9
GėĎĊċ SĚĕĕĔėę GėĔĚĕ
The Holy Family Grief Support Group meets on the
2nd Tuesday of the month from 10:00 AM to 11:30
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 12th
Room 1
Come and meet with two trained grief facilitators
who will listen, pray, and support you during a
difficult time in your life. Lost a loved one? Lost a
job? Lost a relationship? Stressed? Just need to
talk? We are here to listen.
If you would like to attend, please contact:
Susanne Hayes 214-636-1915
Expansion Progress
We anticipate the new restrooms will be
complete by the end of August. HOWEVER You
are needed as a volunteer to help this happen.
Check back page of this bulletin
to find where your Talent can HELP!!!!
Diocesan Information /DCYC /Miscellaneous
All who undertake to teach must be endowed with
deep love, the greatest patience, and most of all,
profound humility. The Lord will find them worthy
to become fellow workers with Him in the cause
of truth.
-St. Joseph Calasanz
Need CatechistCatechist AidesHall MonitorsSundays-2014-2015 Faith Formation
U.S. Shares Responsibility for Border
By Bishop Kevin J. Farrell
Invite From: Bishop Kevin J. Farrell
Diocesan Silver and Gold Mass
The first annual diocesan Silver and Gold Mass is on
Saturday, September 6th at 2:00 p.m. at the
Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, at 2215
Ross Avenue in downtown Dallas. Bishop Farrell will
celebrate this Mass, and couples who have been
married 25, 50 and 50+ years are invited and
encouraged to attend. Families are always welcome
to join their loved ones at this joyous celebration, and
there is a festive reception following. To register,
please visit
Wedding_Anniversary_2014?from=control panel or
call the diocese at 214-379-2896. Registration is
important to help in planning for an accurate number
of participants. Participating couples will receive a
special gift.
Does the fact that we are the largest consumer of drugs and provider of arms play a role in the Unaccompanied Minors
crises on our borders?
It is a natural tendency to blame others for our troubles, as individuals and as a na on. However, occasionally we will take
our self-serving blinders off and look in the mirror to discover the real culprit. I am reminded of Walt Kelly’s play on words
regarding Commodore Perry’s famous quote in his Pogo column, “We have met the Enemy and he is Us.”
Last week President Juan Orlando Hernandez of Honduras was in Washington with the presidents of Guatemala and El
Salvador at the invita on of President Barak Obama. The reported inten on of the mee ng was to ask the Central
American presidents to do more to stop the flow of unaccompanied children from their countries to the United States.
Apparently, the assump on is that our Central American neighbors were encouraging, or at least, not discouraging the
thousands of children seeking refuge in our country.
President Hernandez, in an interview with the Washington Post, reminded North Americans that to a large extent we
share responsibility for the situa on. President Hernandez said, “Your country has enormous responsibility for this. The
problem of narco cs-trafficking generates violence, reduces opportuni es, generates migra on because this [the United
States] is where there’s the largest consump on of drugs.”
He suggested later that American officials believe that drugs “is a health problem. For us, it is a ma er of life and death,
and that’s not fair. What’s fair is that we work together dealing with our own responsibili es.”
We must take ownership of our share of responsibility for the influx of refugees. The violence from which the children are
fleeing is to a large extent of our making because the market for illegal drugs is greatest in the United States. The guns
that are sold to gangs and drug traffickers and the mo va on that are at the root of the violence in Mexico and Central
America come from our country.
The blame game is a dishonest a empt to avoid sharing responsibility for the problem and for our failure to adequately
address the root causes.
Finally we must stop demonizing the vic ms who are seeking refuge in the United Stated. This is a moral problem not just
a poli cal one. We must remember the words of the Holy Father, that “This humanitarian emergency requires, as a first
urgent measure, these children be welcomed and protected.” They are children who need to be treated with mercy and
compassion, not merely a problem to be disposed of.
It is the love of Christ that mo vates us.
Knights of Columbus/ Dignity Memorial/ UDMC/ Shalom Fes val
Attention all Knights of Columbus Members,
active or inactive from any council or anyone
interested in the future of the Knights here at
Holy Family
We are planning a short meeting after the English
mass on Sunday, August 3 for all men of Holy
Family and their families. If you are a current Knights
of Columbus member from any council or are just
interested in the Knights, this is a meeting for you. We
would like to start our very own council here at Holy
Family but we need to see if there is enough interest to
do so. Please join us after mass August 3
(Room # 1 South East Corner). Your family's are
welcome at this meeting in which we will discuss the
requirements for us to start this process, A Knights
Council here at Holy Family would be of great benefit
to our parish in both service, fraternal and social
means. Please come hear what we have to say and
start laying the groundwork for the Knights at Holy
Family. Holy Family has become a vibrant growing
catholic community, and the Knights of Columbus can
offer a great deal to assist in that growth. If you have
any questions or cannot attend the meeting and want
to be counted as supporting our effort, please contact
either Robert Franze, ([email protected], 903-4331389, or Scott Shaw, [email protected],
Thank you and God Bless
On behalf of our Bishop, Kevin Farrell and our pastor,
Fr. Salvador.
Since 1999 Dignity Memorial Network has managed
the Diocesan Cemeteries offering a full range of
funeral an burial services. A Funeral Home and Chapel
is even available at Calvary Hill Cemetery.
A very generous discounted funeral and cemetery
program is being made available through the eighteen
Dignity Memorial Funeral Homes to all Diocesan
employees, school teachers and staff, their families,
deacons and all clergy. Each of you is encouraged to
take advantage of this generosity. This is an
opportunity to receive substan al savings and
experience the peace of mind knowing that your
loved ones who remain have been relived of this
University of Dallas Ministry Conference
The 8th Annual University of Dallas Ministry Conference will
be held from October 23rd – 25th, at the Irving Conven on
Center. Registra on fee is $57.00 per person. Please
consider having someone from your parish sign up all your
par cipants so that everyone can be registered in a mely
manner. More informa on and details are available at
( PLEASE, ) Volunteers NEEDED Check Out Below Where YOU Can Help!!!!!
We need volunteers to help us put up the Stations of the Cross, The Sacred Oil Receptacle,
hang rods for the Seasonal Banners. Also, soon to paint the stripes on the parking lot. Contact
Leighton Hicks at 903-870-6200 or give your name and phone # to Janis Hicks
****Necesitamos volutarios para ayudar a colgar los Via Crucis, el recipiente del Aceite
Sagrado, los cortineros de las banderas de cada temporada. tambien, pronto se estaran
pintando las rallas en el estacionamiento. Habla con el Sr. Hicks al 903-870-6200 o dale tu
nombre y telefono a Janis Hicks.
Who likes Landscaping? Who likes to do Stain Work? Who wants to volunteer for any Ministry in
the Parish? Drop your name, phone #, and Talent you want to share in any collection
basket. OR See Lino Hernandez after Mass.
****A Quien le gusta trabajar en el jardin? A quien le gusta pintar? A wuirn le gustaria ser
voluntario para este ministerio en la iglesia? Deposita en la canasta de la colecta tu nombre,
numero de telefono, y en que te gustaria ayudar. o habla con Lino Hernandez despues de misa.
Our Septic Pump will be installed by our zealous Parish members. If you can help please call
Bob Helmberger 972-342-1376
**** Nuestro tanque sanitario sera instalado por nuestros feligreses entusiastas. Si puedes
ayudar por favor llama a Bob Helmberger 972-342-1376
Estados Unidos Comparte Responsabilidad en la Crisis de la Frontera
¿Que seamos el mayor consumidor de drogas y proveedor de armas está relacionado a la crisis de Menores No Acompañados
en nuestras fronteras?
Como individuos y como nación tenemos la tendencia natural culpar a otros de nuestros problemas. Sin embargo, de vez en
cuando nos despojamos de nuestros anteojos egoístas y, al ver al espejo, descubrimos al verdadero culpable. Esto me recuerda
la rima tantas veces mencionada en la columna de Pogo, “¡Hemos encontrado al enemigo y somos nosotros!”
La semana pasada, el Presidente de Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernandez, estuvo junto a los presidentes de Guatemala y El
Salvador en Washington invitados por el Presidente Barak Obama. El obje vo de la reunión fue pedir a los Presidentes
Centroamericanos a realizar un esfuerzo por detener el flujo de niños no acompañados de sus países hacia los Estados Unidos.
Al parecer, se supone que nuestros vecinos centroamericanos están alentando, o por lo menos, no están desalentando que
miles de niños busquen refugio en nuestro país.
Durante una entrevista con el Washington Post, el Presidente Hernández recordó a los norteamericanos que en gran parte
compar mos responsabilidad en esta situación. El Presidente Hernández expresó, “Su país ene una enorme responsabilidad
en esto. El problema del narcotráfico genera violencia, reduce oportunidades y genera la migración porque aquí [en los Estados
Unidos] es donde existe el mayor consumo de drogas.”
Más adelante sugirió que los funcionarios estadounidenses creen que las drogas “son un problema de salud. Para nosotros, son
una cues ón de vida o muerte, y eso no es justo. Lo que es justo es que realicemos un trabajo conjunto y nos ocupemos de
nuestras propias responsabilidades.”
Debemos reconocer nuestra propia responsabilidad en la afluencia de refugiados. La violencia de la cual huyen los niños es, en
gran parte, generada por el mercado de drogas ilegales, el cual es mayor en los Estados Unidos. Las armas que son vendidas a
las pandillas y traficantes de drogas, junto a la mo vación que cons tuye la violencia en México y América Central, provienen
de nuestro país.
El juego de culpar a otros es un intento deshonesto de evitar compar r responsabilidad por el problema y de nuestra
incapacidad de abordar adecuadamente las causas.
Finalmente, debemos dejar de demonizar a las víc mas que buscan refugio en los Estados Unidos. Este no solo es un problema
polí co, es también un problema moral. Debemos recordar las palabras del Santo Padre, quien nos recuerda que “tal
emergencia humanitaria reclama en primer lugar intervención urgente, que estos menores sean acogidos y protegidos.” Son
niños que necesitan ser tratados con misericordia y compasión, no solamente como un problema que debe ser eliminado.
El amor de Cristo es lo que nos impulsa.
By Bishop Kevin J. Farrell
Informa on Page
Holy Family Quasi-Parish
Date: Sept 18, 2011
Janis Hicks 903-744-7999
Transmission Date / Time Tuesday 12:00pm
Special Instruc ons