Principles First, Before Methods


Principles First, Before Methods
Science Based vs
Belief Based Coaching
Basadas en la creencia vs.
Capacitación basada en la evidencia
Principles First, Before Methods
Without ambition one starts
nothing. Without work one finishes
nothing. The prize will not be sent
to you. You have to win it. The man
who knows how will always have a
job. The man who also knows why
will always be his boss. As to
methods there may be a million and
then some, but principles are few.
The man who grasps principles can
successfully select his own methods.
The man who tries methods,
ignoring principles, is sure to have
Sin ambición uno comienza nada. Sin
trabajo uno termina nada. El premio
no se enviará a usted. Tienes que
ganar. El hombre que sabe cómo
siempre tendrá un trabajo. El hombre
que también sabe por qué siempre
será su jefe. Métodos puede haber un
millón y, a continuación, algunos,
pero los principios son pocos. El
hombre que agarra principios puede
seleccionar correctamente sus propios
métodos. El hombre que trata de
métodos, haciendo caso omiso de
principios, va a tener problemas.
Principios primero,
antes que los métodos
Sharing Secrets vs. Sharing Apples
Comparte Secretos en vez de Manzanas
That Which You Teach, You Learn
Los Que Ensena, Impara
Information, Not Criticism
Información, no crítica
Facts, not Opinions
Hecho, no Opiniones
Science vs. Traditions
Sciencia vs. Tradicciones
Psuedoteaching vs. TEAL
Reach as High as You Can…
We Learn by Doing
So Make the Kids the Coaches
The Coach and Player who Knows WHY
Beats the Coach/Player who knows HOW
Coaching = Parenting = Teaching
Entrenanemiento = Crianza
de los Hijos = Ensenamento
American HS & College Facts
• 409,000 Girls played High School Volleyball in
• Approximately 12,000 Volleyball Scholarships
are Available, NCAA, NAIA, NJCAA etc.
• Volleyball is the #3 Sport for Girls, Behind only
Track & Field and Basketball – Well Ahead of
Soccer and Softball
• 2008 Silver in Bejing was USA Women’s 3rd
Olympic Medal
Developing IMPLICT Behaviors and Vision
• The neuronal explanation for these effects are perhaps best
exemplified by our own observations Bain and McGown), of
inexperienced coaches training novice players where the
instructor(s) become frustrated by the performance variability and
lack of successful repetitions of new learners. As a consequence,
these inexperienced coaches limit or abandon whole teaching
methods for part, and random practice for blocked. Unfortunately,
this course of action deprives the learner of the environmental
variability and sensory inputs that are essential for the formation of
motor maps and implicit behaviors, which are ultimately reflected
in the acquisition of functional skills and expert performance [13,
18, 19, 29, 65]. In total, the evidence on this topic is clear; drawing
distinctions between training methods based on age or ability is a
coaching practice that has no foundation in either motor learning
science or in the application of motor learning principles.
Motor Learning Principles and the Superiority
of Whole Training in Volleyball
Random vs. Blocked Practice: The random versus blocked practice methods represent a fundamental
paradox regarding athletic performance during training and subsequent performance during
competition [29, 30]. Based on performance measurements during practice, blocked activities, in
which athletes repeatedly rehearse the same task, result in superior performance during the training
session [2, 31]. In comparison, performing tasks and skills in random order decreases skill acquisition
during training. Consequently, based on measurement of performance effects during practice, many
coaches and players believe that blocked practice is superior to random practice [25]. Such a
conclusion however, mistakenly assumes a positive correlation between performance in practice and
long-term skill retention [32]. The paradox arises from the fact that blocked practice is in fact very
ineffective for transfer of learning to competition as performance improvements measured during
practice degrade rapidly, and inefficient because retraining on the same skills will be necessary [29,
31, 33]. Conversely, random practice is both effective, transfer to competition is high, and efficient,
skill acquisition is relatively permanent. Indeed, the superiority of random practice has been
substantiated for a large number of sports skills including volleyball [34, 35], badminton [36, 37],
baseball [38, 39], basketball [40], tennis [41], and soccer [42], and its utility and training applications
thoroughly reviewed by Schmidt and Lee [2]. Finally, scientific research into the neurological reasons
for this superiority have revealed that variable activities increase and strengthen the brain
connections that are responsible for learning motor skills whereas simply repeating the same
activities exerts no measurable effect on these brain connections [43-45]2.
Make Volleyball EASY
Haz Voleibol Facil
How Many Hoops in a
School Gym – and Nets?
Multitudinous Myths
Wrist Snap, Hang Time
Watching the ball
2/3/4 Per Side Focus
MiniVolley Index
Volleyball Coloring Book
Watch Learning VB Thru Games
Give to Get
The MOST Important Skill - Reading
La habilidad más importante –
leyendo con sus ojos
How Did You Learn to Ride a Bike
¿Cómo aprender a andar en bicicleta?
Positive Error to
Perfection Training
These aren’t Your Normal
14 Year Olds –Radar Guns
Relentlessly Positive
Perfect Imperfect VB
Fooled by Randomness
The Drunkard’s Walk
Don’t Say Don’t….or
Try…or But…or Can’t…
It is OK to Fail
We Won’t Let you be a Failure
Está Bien que Falle
No se Permitemos Ser un Fracaso
INTENT over Outcome
Bridges to Build
Increase Your Contacts Per Hour
Augmenta sus contactos por hora
Play on the Beach
Jugar en la playa
Play Special Olympic Volleyball
Juega Voleibol por los
Olympicos Especialies
Play Sitting Volleyball
Jugar Voleibol Sentado
Fathers Day in Vail
• Father’s or Mother’s
Day Doubles
• Nederland Volleyball
Music Parties
• Glow in the Dark
• After School/Pre Club
• All Terrain Tourneys
• Cricket/Baseball/NetBall
and Volleyball
• Padre o día de la madre
torneos de dobles
• música de voleibol
Nederland Fiestas
• oscuridad competicion
• después de escuela/Pre
• todo terreno torneos
• Cricket, béisbol y
voleibol y voleibol
Your Learning Zone
Is not your Comfort Zone
Su zona de aprendizaje
no es tu zona de comodidad
The Lessons of Recess
Primum Non Nocore
Primum Non Nocore
Never be a Child’s Last Coach
Nunca ser entrenador pasado del niño
Give Them a Love of the Game
Darles amor por el juego
Coach for People, Not Points
Entrenar para las personas,
no de puntos
We Teach the Way we were Taught
Nos enseñan el manera que nos enseñaron
Teach Hitting First
Enseña el Remate Primo
What is Truer than Truth?
Why Street Volleyball?
No Specialization
Generalized Specialists
Deliberate Practice
The Talent Code
What do you Coach?
¿Qué Entrena?
Why is Brazil so Good?
¿Por qué es Brazil tan bueno?
Games vs. Drills vs. Grills
Juegos vs. Ejercicios vs. Juegercicios
Gamelike = Controlled Chaos
Entrenamiento como el Juego
= Caos controllado
Teach the Game Between Contacts
Enseñar el juego entre contactos
Be more Specific
and Consistent
Ser Más Específica y Consistente
Who is This?
Quien Es?
Deliberate Acts of Leadership
Develop Amazing Leaders
Actos deliberados de liderazgo
Citius, Altius, Fortius
Citius, Altius, Fortius
The Power of Story
El Poder de la Historia
Specificity in Training
Competitive Cauldron
Cauldrono Competitivo
Mistakes are Simply
Opportunities to Teach
Better the Ball
Deliberate Practice for 10,000 Hours
Get as Good as you can,
As Fast as you can
We are Fooled by Randomness
It’s not how Tall you are
It’s how GOOD you are
Mastery Over Outcome
A Coach Wears Many Hats
Business and Finance
Growth and Development
Long Term Athlete Development
Sports Medicine
Olympic Preparation
Performance Technology
Planning and Periodization
Safety/Risk Management
Strength and Conditioning
Team Management and Administration
How to put research into practice
Competency evaluations
Capturing athlete feedback
The Paralympic piece
Transitioning from playing to coaching
Critical thinking
Culture of coaching in the US
Big Rules & Little Rules
It is What it is…
The authority of those who teach is often
an obstacle to those who wish to
Cicero 75 B.C.
La autoridad de los que enseñan es a
menudo un obstáculo para aquellos que
deseen aprender. Cicerón 75 a.c.
I see no hope for the future of our people
if they are dependent on frivolous
youth of today, for certainly all youth
are reckless beyond words... When I
was young, we were taught to be
discreet and respectful of elders, but
the present youth are exceedingly
wise [disrespectful] and impatient of
Hesiod, 8th century BC
Veo que hay esperanza para el futuro de
nuestro pueblo si son dependientes de
frívolos jóvenes de hoy, desde luego,
todos los jóvenes son temerarias más
allá de palabras... Cuando era joven, nos
enseñaron a ser discreto y respetuoso de
los ancianos, pero los jóvenes presentes
son extremadamente prudentes
[irrespetuoso] y impaciente de
moderación. -Hesíodo, del siglo VIII a. C.
Use Pattern Interruption
We Will Lose the Warm up
But Win the Match
Vamos a perder el calentamiento
pero ganar el Match
If you only have one ball
in the air, SCRIMMAGE
Si sólo tiene una bola en
el aire, SCRIMMAGE
Coaches Set Limits on their Players
Entrenadores establecer límites
a sus jugadores
He Tries Stuff…
Winning and Losing are Temporary
Friendships Last Forever
Growing the Game Together