Kindergarten Catalog
Kindergarten Catalog
Starfall Kindergarten Catalog A complete Reading & Language Arts program for Kindergarten, incorporating Social Studies, Science, and Technology. Developed over 5 years in 30 school districts across the country, including CA, FL, NY, and TX. Teacher-tested Research-based Meets state Reading and Language Arts Standards Follow Starfall on Facebook & YouTube! Phone: 1-888-857-8990 or 303-417-6414 Includes English Language Development (ELD) teacher notes Easy to adapt to Homeschool! ® Fax: 1-800-943-6666 or 303-417-6434 Email: [email protected] Motivation Kindergarten, the Starfall Way A Reading/Language Arts curriculum that is magical, creative, sequential, integrated, and that combines content area instruction in Social Studies and Science, all supported with online stories and activities at — that’s Kindergarten, the Starfall Way. Starfall is a dynamic balance between teacherdirected instruction and child-directed learning. Teachers guide children as they explore their interests, contribute their insights, and encounter new information. Children are invested because they own these learning experiences. We believe children learn best when instruction connects to what they already know, and then expands that knowledge through new and meaningful experiences. Starfall teachers preview skills, formally introduce them, then create opportunities for children to apply, integrate, and practice these skills repeatedly toward mastery by year’s end. In a Starfall Kindergarten Classroom, English Language Learners and Struggling Readers successfully participate and progress alongside their peers. The Starfall Kindergarten program includes specific teacher information and suggestions for working with English Language Development. Starfall Kindergarten’s cooperative classroom environment features imaginative plush characters, stimulating interactive online activities, engaging content-driven instruction, and hands-on experiences. Our interactive website creates an enthusiasm for learning that pervades the classroom and provides opportunities for children to interact with Backpack Bear and enjoy the animated stories introduced in class. For parents who have access to the Internet, it provides a “window” to their child’s learning. Children own their practice materials, and can practice skills at home. Phonemic Awareness Children identify, think about, and manipulate individual phonemes (speech sounds) through: •• rhyming. •• discriminating phonemes. •• blending phonemes to form words. •• deleting, adding, and substituting phonemes to form new words. •• short, daily phonemic awareness exercises that lay the foundation for effective phonics instruction. Phonics Starfall Kindergarten approaches phonics (sound and spelling relationships) systematically, sequentially, and explicitly. Children: •• identify and discriminate speech sounds. •• connect the sound to the grapheme. •• apply this knowledge to read and write words and sentences. •• practice in print and online. Starfall teaches high-frequency reading vocabulary with the same care. With our Starfall Dictionary and Writing Journal, predecodable texts, and decodable texts, children read and write high-frequency and decodable words daily. Starfall Education P.O. Box 359, Boulder, CO 80306 U.S.A. Phone: 1-888-857-8990 or 303-417-6414 Fax: 1-800-943-6666 or 303-417-6434 Email: [email protected] Copyright © 2010 by Starfall Education. All rights reserved. Starfall is a registered trademark in the U.S., the European Community and various other countries. Printed in U.S.A. Vocabulary Writing Direct instruction of the oral and reading vocabulary children encounter in quality literature and spoken communication ensures that they will become inquisitive readers and imaginative writers. Explicit vocabulary instruction: Starfall Kindergarten regularly uses the writing process as a means of teaching and integrating skills, as well as demonstrating progress in all of these instructional areas. Comprehension •• broadens knowledge. The grand purpose of reading and listening is to understand. Starfall lessons deliver comprehension skills and strategies throughout the day through direct instruction, teacher modeling or “think aloud,” and guided practice. Children work cooperatively to apply these strategies and skills to the texts and discussions they encounter. •• instills curiosity about words and their meanings. •• emphasizes that different words can have the same or similar meanings. •• heightens awareness of rich vocabulary. Our Starword Wall is a hub of language opportunities that enhance the ability to recall known words, recognize unknown words, and monitor understanding of what is read and heard. Starfall employs symposium-style discussion to encourage higher-level thinking skills. Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, questions move from literal to more abstract. Fluency Starfall teachers model fluency when reading aloud to children. Teachers read and reread text to demonstrate that by revisiting selections, children gain greater facility in both fluency and comprehension. Our website offers audio examples of fluent reading with a simple click. A B C D E G H F I 3 Teachers and Schools: Homeschoolers: Our Complete Teacher Kit (TKIT01) includes everything listed on pages 4, 5, & 6, plus a FREE one-year classroom membership to! You will also need to order Children’s Consumable Books and Required items (pages 7, 8). Our Complete Homeschool Kit (HKIT01) includes everything in the Complete Teacher Kit, except: FREE one-year Home membership to instead of a classroom membership, and Downloadable Teacher’s Guide instead of printed Teacher’s Guide. You will also need at least one each of the Children’s Consumable Books and Required items (pages 7, 8). Less than $800 for a class of 20! Everything you need for less than $325! Starfall Kindergarten Teacher’s Guide NKL01 Instruction for children — professional development for teachers! 180 days of instruction, with tips for English Language Development (ELD) Assessment tools Supporting blacklines, reading lists, holiday lesson plans, and more! Backpack Bear’s Predecodable Phonics Kit KIT56 Plush Backpack Bear You can put special messages in his backpack! Sound-Spelling Wall Cards ! WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs. (Block print on one side, Starfall ManuscriptTM on reverse) Letter-Formation Wall Cards (Block print on one side, Starfall ManuscriptTM on reverse) Sentence Strips, Word Cards, and Cover Cards for 12 Predecodable Books Sound-Spelling Poster (Block print on one side, Starfall ManuscriptTM on reverse) Backpack Bear’s ASL Alphabet Poster (Days of the week, seasons, and colors on reverse) ABC Rhyme Book 4 A rhyme for each letter of the alphabet! Sound-Spelling Instructional Cards Block print only KIT57 Starfall Instructional Cards Kindergarten Boxed Set of Word and Picture Cards 96 High-Frequency Word Cards (2 sets) 223 Picture Cards 156 Word Cards 75 organizational dividers in a sturdy box Story Element Cards Deck of 14 full-color cards Great for reading comprehension! KIT58 Zac and Friends Decodable Phonics Kit ! WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs. Plush Zac the Rat Plush Peg the Hen Plush Tin Man Plush Mox the Fox Plush Gus the Duck Sentence Strips, Word Cards, and Story Sequence Cards for Short-Vowel Learn-to-Read Books Zac the Rat, Peg the Hen, The Big Hit, Mox’s Shop, Gus the Duck Boxed Set of Learn-to-Read Books Boxed Set of Decodable Short Vowel Pals Books Softcover editions (6” x 8”) of our 5 short-vowel Learnto-Read books found in the Level-K Cut-Up/Take Home Books, plus 10 bonus stories! (16 books - 6” x 8”) These larger, sturdier versions of the Decodable Level-K Cut-Up/Take-Home Books provide valuable short-vowel practice. This is a companion to our original Learn-to-Read boxed set. 5 Starfall Books and Other Media Kindergarten KIT59 Other literature books suggested in the Starfall Kindergarten curriculum are available in your school library, or for purchase elsewhere. Backpack Bear’s Backpack Bear’s Plant Book Backpack Bear’s Invertebrates Book Backpack Bear’s Mammal Book Bird Book Backpack Bear’s Reptiles, Amphibians, & Fish Book How I Know My World A book about the senses Backpack Bear Learns the Rules Charles Darwin Prepares children for the first day of school How He Discovered Evolution Precipitation Where do rain, snow, and hail come from? Backpack Bear’s Animal Kingdom Poster Set 3 posters and 5 overlay cards - Fun facts on reverse! America the Beautiful Landscapes, symbols, and citizens of our nation I Am Your Flag The flag’s history, what it stands for, and how we use it A Young Hero The story of Ruby Bridges Historical Figures Posters Set of 24 posters (8.5” x 11”) includes 12 famous Americans, with biographical information Starfall Sing-Along Star Writer Melodies Audio CD and Lyric Book 49 great songs! CD of instrumental selections sure to inspire 6 Classic Installation CD-ROM for offline use Annual Membership to For Students: For Teachers: New interactive content, featuring Backpack Bear! Including: National Holiday Lesson Plans Downloadable Lesson Plans Motion Songs Newsletter Template Math Songs Progress Monitoring Package Numbers Colors Backpack Bear’s ABC Rhymes Nursery Rhyme Videos Historical Folk Songs Word Machines Backpack Bear’s Books Short Vowel Pals Starfall Songs Practice Page Generators and more! Plus, all the content from classic! Starfall Kindergarten teachers can access this website in their classrooms and their computer labs. Required - Level-K Children’s Consumable Book Kit Journals available in a Block Print or Starfall Manuscript (Compare with D’Nealian) a TM Level-K Book 2 Level-K Book 1 Listening and Writing Journal Reading and Writing Journal Starfall Writing Journal Level-K Predecodable and Decodable Cut-Up / Take-Home Book Set Starfall Dictionary Lined - Blank Lined - Blank 7 Starfall Required - Children’s Reading Books Kindergarten “I’m Reading!” Books by Margaret Hillert Set 1 The No-Tail Cat Happy Mother’s Day, Dear Dragon Penguin, Penguin Three Little Plays Not Too Little to Help Set 2 Pumpkin, Pumpkin I Can Do It It’s Earth Day, Dear Dragon Dragon Goes to the Farm Wolves Set 3 Rainbow, Rainbow Things That Can Go Come Play with Me At the Beach A House in a Tree We recommend 1 of each Margaret Hillert book per child, but 1 set per 2 children is minimum required for program Required - Variable Quantity Items The Little Red Hen and other Folk Tales We recommend at least 1 per class, and more for classroom library Starfall Speedway / Alphabet Avenue Game We recommend 1 for class of 20, 2 for class of 30 Set of 5 Sturdy Short-Vowel Puzzles We recommend 2 sets for class of 20, 3 sets for class of 30 Teaching Tools and Incentives Level-K Stickers We recommend 2 packs per class ! WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs. Magnetic Dry Erase Board (Reverse side blank) We recommend 1 per child Magnetic Letter Set (Lower-case; 2 of each letter) We recommend 6-8 sets per class Backpack Bear’s Paw-Print Stamp 0210 8 Optional, but fun! Starfall Pencils 100 Pencils - free with large orders
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