hms daedalus lee-on-the-solent hampshire policy


hms daedalus lee-on-the-solent hampshire policy
L E E - O N -T H E - S O L E N T
P o li c y
Gosport Local Plan Review (2006)
The site is located within the defined urban area
boundary, as identified in the adopted Gosport
Borough Local Plan Review 2006.
The wider HMS Daedalus site (including this site) is
located within the Daedalus mixed-use development
Policy (Policy R/DP4) for the development of a
mix of employment uses (Classes B1, B2 and, to a
lesser extent, B8) through the combination of new
development and conversion of existing development,
up to 200 dwellings (in addition to the married quarters
consent), as well as opportunities for a hotel and
other leisure facilities.
Mix of Uses
Daedalus will be an employment-led mixed use site. It will be important to provide a mix of
uses to create a vibrant and diverse community, which is active beyond the working day
and therefore creates a greater feeling of safety and sense of place.
Plan 6 below highlights how a mix of uses can be potentially accommodated on the site.
This plan is included for illustrative purposes only and acknowledges the need for some
flexibility however it is clear that the following principles will need to be incorporated:
employment is the dominant land use and opportunities are maximised throughout the
residential uses are suited to the historic core and in close proximity to existing
residential areas; and
leisure uses are most suited to the areas fronting Marine Parade.
It is accepted that there will be a variety of possible mixes of uses and the Borough Council
will consider alternatives to those outlined in Plan 6 31 . The detailed design elements will
need to accord with the design principles set out in the Design Section (Section 7) which
includes suggested uses for key buildings.
Plan 6: Potential mix of uses to be accommodated at the Daedalus site within Gosport
© Gosport Borough Council
Local Plan Extract
The Council has adopted policies which seek to:
• Provide housing at a density between 30-50
dwellings per hectare, with a mix of housing size
and types to meet local needs.
• Provide 40% affordable housing.
• Encourage the provision of Lifetime Homes, with
a 15% guideline provided for market housing.
• Promote the creation or improvement of open
space and associated sports and recreation
Document (adopted September 2011)
Emerging Local Planning Policy: Gosport
Borough Local Plan 2011- 2029 – Consultation
Draft (December 2012)
The Council has adopted a Supplementary Planning
Document (SPD) to inform and guide the preparation of
detailed proposals for the site. The SPD has identified
that the site would be suitable to accommodate
residential uses.
The Council is currently preparing a revised Local
Plan to replace the policies in the current adoption
version. This however seeks to replicate the aims of
the current Plan and retain the site within the urban
area and as a regeneration area for employment-led
regeneration, including up to 350 dwellings.
The SPD has split the site into various character areas,
with the application site identified as the North of
Manor Way Character Area, with the key principle to
retain the soft southern boundary to Manor Way to
act as a screen to the site as well as enhancing the
character of the area.
In terms of design, development in the vicinity of
Manor Way should be discreet in design and low in
design and density, with development to the north
and north east following the general pattern of the
adjacent MoD housing.
SPD Extract
© Gosport Borough Council
As well as Plan 1 (Gosport part) and Plan 2
The character should be permeable for cyclists and
pedestrians and well connected with the surrounding
area, including Milvil Road and the main access should
be from the north and east, although some limited
access from Milvil Road may be appropriate.
Daedalus Regeneration Area Plan
© Gosport Borough Council