1972 - 2012 -- celebrating 40 years


1972 - 2012 -- celebrating 40 years
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
John Ellison, Jr.
March 25
RROC San Diego 40th Anniversary
Rob and Ivonne Webb
April 15
Wine Tour and Luncheon
Harry Clark
May 12
Del Mar Fairgrounds Event
Valerie & Lou Suter
June 9
Palomar Observatory
Tom Wright
July 15
Leo Carillo Ranch & Mascot Competition
Al & Steve Tarkington
Newport Beach Cruise and Lunch
Virginia Foster & Arthur Hammond
North County Drive and Picnic
Tyrone Flower
Brad Zemcik
Calendar of Events
Page 2
Chair’s Corner
Page 3
January 21,2012 Meet -- Symbolic Technical Tour
Page 4
Welcome New Members
Page 6
2014 RROC National Spring Tour - Status Report
Page 6
Share Your Story - “Cousin B”
Page 7
February 11, 2012 Meet -- Chuck Swimmer Collection
Page 8
Vote - Support California -- National RROC Elections
Page 9
Treasurer’s Annual Report
Page 9
www.rroc-sandiego.org -- Update
Page 10
Editor’s Notices
Page 10
Technical Topix - Betsy’s Saga - Part 2
Page 11
Cover Photo:
Terry and Meryl Luallin’s 1979 RR Silver Shadow SRK36753
Pedro Meyer’s 1964 Bentley S3 B16LEC
Photographer: Ted Struck
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
May 2012 be full of blessings for you and each
one of your families. It is a real privilege for
me to be at the helm of our wonderful San
Diego Region of the RROC. “The purpose of
the RROC is to encourage the preservation,
use, and restoration of Rolls- Royce and
Ivonne and Rob Webb
Bentley automobiles.” The essential part of
our hobby are the people that own these remarkable cars. I really look
forward to meeting all of our members during 2012.
chair’s corner
Our Region had a good start this year with the January meet organized
by Frank Hamad and hosted by Symbolic Motors under the direction
of Bill Pierson. The February Meet hosted by Klaus Reichardt visited
Chuck Swimmer’s “The San Diego Collection.” was also well attended.
With unanimous support from the RROC-San Diego Board of
Directors, I appointed Brad Zemcik to be the Historian of our Region.
Brad, together with John Ellison are the two active founding members.
Thanks, Brad, for reminding us that March 30th will mark the 40th
Anniversary of San Diego Region’s Charter by RROC.
Brad Zemcik, John Ellison and I invite YOU ALL to help celebrate the
40th anniversary of our San Diego Region with a reenactment of the
inaugural meet. We thank Symbolic Motors for partially subsidizing this
Event. Since I was Chairlady of our Region the first time in 2007-2008,
I have been dreaming about San Diego Region winning the coveted
National RROC Shoup Award. I am counting on you all to participate
with as many Rolls Royces and Bentleys you may be able to bring, with
the help of your relatives and friends. Pre-WWII cars receive 35 points
and post war cars receive 15 points. Don’t miss this extraordinary
event. Please register early to receive your place numbers for the
We are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, March 25th at 9;00
A.M. at Presidio Park in Old Town San Diego.
Cordially, Ivonne
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
Chair - Ivonne Webb
[email protected]
Vice Chair - Al Whitley
[email protected]
Treasurer - Terry Luallin
[email protected]
Secretary - Harry Clark
[email protected]
Activities - Klaus Reichardt
[email protected]
Co-Chair - Frank Hamad
Awards - Tom Scheil
[email protected]
Co-Chair - Marilyn Mulloy
Historian - Brad Zemcik
[email protected]
Judging - Dan Pattee
[email protected]
Membership - Larry Davis
[email protected]
Photographer - Lou Suter
[email protected]
Pre War - Greg Millard
[email protected]
Public Relations - Tom Wright
[email protected]
Technical - Tyrone Flower
[email protected]
SCN Editor - Ted Struck
[email protected]
Past Chair - Valerie Suter
[email protected]
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
january meet
Story by David Viers
symbolic motors technical tour
Region members and guests attending the event included Rick Rosiejka; Frank
Hamad; Rob & Ivonne Webb, 1988 Bentley Mulsanne “S”; Tom & Carl Nelson; Bob
Nost & Mark Christianson; John Ellison, Jr., 1995 Bentley Flying Spur; Marty Fallor,
2006 RR Phantom; Nick Fintzelberg, 1959 RR Silver Cloud II; Tyrone Flower; Karl
Fackler, 1987 Bentley Eight; Klaus Reichardt, 1980 RR Silver Wraith II Hybrid; Will
Bartfield, 1998 RR Silver Spur II; Paul Katson; Ted Struck & Al Whitley; Lou & Valerie
Suter, 1988 RR Silver Spur; Bill Clarke, 1993 RR Silver Spur II, with guest Gary
VanNorman; Howard & Jodie Arnold, 1992 RR Silver Spur; Tom Wright, and guests
Dave & Lorie Viers, 1996 RR Silver Spur; Lee Cullen; Don Mackay; Mike Grasso &
Steve Warren, Gilbert Gauthier; Alice Keysen; and Raymond Shadwick.
Thanks to our Meet Host, Frank Hamad
Lorie and David Viers
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
Valerie Suter (l) tries to
sneak a donut away from
Klaus Reichardt.
Shop Technician Dan
Collins, with members
John Ellison, Jr., Ted Struck,
Tyrone Flower and Karl
Fackler -- intent on Bill
Pierson’s comments.
Karl Fackler (r) and his
grandson, touring the
shop -- trying to guess
if the stereo system in
that lifted Silver Spur can
access Pandora.
Dan Collins (r) points
out some maintenance
issues to DonMackay
and Will Bartfield.
Marty Fallor (l) tries to
see if there is any dirt
on the underside of his
handsome Phantom.
Bill Pierson has everyone’s
rapt attention as he
discusses Symbolic’s
maintenance and repair
Terry Luallin’s (r) lifts the
car up off the ground !
Photos by: Klaus Reichardt, Ted Struck, Lou Suter and Al Whitley
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
symbolic motors technical tour
After having spent some
time checking out the
cars which were hoisted,
Alice Keyson (l) chooses
this period Rolls as her
preferred Proper Motor
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
welcome new members
Lee Cullen
Larry Ewaska & Gary Naramore
Terrence Gooding
Hayden Lake, ID
Long Beach, CA
San Diego, CA
James Harrison
Hugh & Leslie Heller
Palm Springs, CA
South Orange, NJ
Mark James
George Sanger
Daniel Spinazzola
San Diego, CA
Austin, TX
Rancho Santa Fe, CA
1982 RR Camargue MPW
2001 RR Silver Seraph Limo
1922 RR Silver Ghost
1938 RR 4¼ Liter
1952 Bentley Mark VI
1973 RR Phantom VI MPW
-1954 Bentley R-Type
1957 Bentley S1
1973 RR Corniche MPW DHC
1975 RR Corniche MPW
1975 RR Silver Shadow LWB
1997 Bentley Brooklands
-1958 RR Silver Cloud I
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
The American history of Steve & Nancy Hall’s
1945 Bentley Mark VI Freestone & Webb Top Hat
Saloon, named “Cousin B”.
Steve had long wished to have a garage mate to
our 1934 Rolls Royce, “Aunty Agatha”. We again
contacted our used car dealer in England, and he
sent pictures of what he thought we might be interested in. One particular car took our fancy, and we
then contacted a friend in the RREC to have a look at it and report back to us. After a very short wait, we
received a letter telling us that she was a “good kit of parts”. The price was right, and the deal was done.
After spending years in a shop in Guilford, we got her back just in time for our move to Julian, California.
During our drive west, we found she still had serious overheating issues, and the floor boards had turned
into puff pastry. The manufacturer had not used marine plywood, and the years of English rain had done
a real job on them; you could see daylight underneath! We managed to get her to Julian, although it was a
hot and miserable trip. She sat in the garage until 1989, when I mentioned to Steve that the National Rolls
Royce Pebble Beach meet was going to be in 1991 and we should get her on the road, and go.
Now, a ground-up restoration takes a lot of time, and being the novices that we were, we hopped-to.
Body off and stored in the loft, it was my job to strip her down to bare metal. Steve set to work on
the engine, found the overheating problem was due to a load of core sand in the block, which almost
solved that problem. We found a terrific auto body shop in Borrego that would help us paint and put
her back together, and we volunteered to be
their helpers. Colors were decided on: Rolls
Royce Magnolia and Honey. We found a leather
called Butterscotch. Interior work included
new floorboards, headliner, new wood veneers,
insulation to the firewall, frame powder coated,
all new upholstery complete with down stuffing,
and all her chrome dipped and polished. Basically,
she was a new car on the inside and out.
She was lovely, and a dream to drive.
She is a blonde, and they DO have more fun!
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
share your story -- “Cousin B”
She arrived at the Port of New York in the summer of 1968 as deck cargo. Covered with goop, she was
not impressive. All her small and loose parts had been shipped separately to ensure that the mascot and
wheel covers would not go astray during her transit. Steve drove her home to Connecticut, and upon
close examination, we found that she had a severe case of wood rot; all her running boards and the boot
needed to be repaired. She had engine problems, particularly involving overheating. She, being used to the
English climes, found New England a little too warm.
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
february meet
Story by Ted Struck
We had quite a nice turnout of members attending the February 11th Meet
at The San Diego Collection, despite an early morning drizzle that left hand
railings dripping and area roads damp. Club member Chuck Swimmer
and his staff welcomed us with a delightful assortment of continental
breakfast entrees that included fruit, donuts and muffins, accompanied by an
assortment of coffee, teas, water, and juices.
The San Diego Collection, located on El Cajon Boulevard near 70th Street,
houses an eclectic collection of automobiles from literally all over the world.
“American Iron” is just as well represented in the collection as are cars
from Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and who-knows-how-many other centers
of automotive manufacturing. And the collection is always changing; if you
allow a few weeks to lapse between one visit and the next, you’re not likely
to see any given car more than once! Most of the examples can also be
purchased for a price that would be commensurate with the specimen’s age
and usually-immaculate condition.
Chuck Swimmer briefly related to us the story of his acquisition of one of
the cars on the floor, a 1929 Springfield Rolls Royce Phantom I, Brewsterbodied Ascot Tourer (S364LR), one of only 24 such cars ever built. It is,
indeed, a stunning automobile, with the distinction of having been once
owned by Dave Garroway, the founding host of NBC’s Today Show from
1952 to 1961.
swimmer collection
John Ellison and Chairlady Ivonne Webb related preliminary plans for our
Meet on March 24th which will commemorate the 40th anniversary of
our Region’s charter by the national RROC. We hope that membership
participation in that event will enable our Region to be competitive for the
RROC Shoup Award, and toward that goal, ALL Region member are strongly
encouraged to attend and to bring as many RR/Bentley cars as they can.
Following the Meet, 28 members and guests traveled the half-mile to DZ
Akins restaurant for a generously-proportioned lunch and great comraderie..
Jodi and Sam Arnold
Dave Ely, Will Bartfield & Don MacKay Chuck Swimmer & Ivonne Webb
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
Region members attending the Meet included Frank Hamad, 1989 RR Silver Spur; Ted Struck & Al Whitley,
2006 Bentley Arnage; Robert & Lori Risberg, 1996 Bentley Azure; William Bartfield with guest Don Mackay,
2006 Bentley Arnage; Howard & Jodie Arnold with grandson Sam, 1992 RR Silver Spur II; Paul Katson, 1978
Bentley T2; Terry Luallin, 1979 RR Silver Shadow II; Al Tarkinton, 1960 RR Silver Cloud II; John Ellison, Jr., 2011
RR Phantom DHC; Tom & Renee Scheil; Gordon Wangers, 1936 RR Phantom III Barker Coupe; Dave & Jean
Ely; Francisco Valades, Bentley S3; Tom Wright, 1959 RR Silver Cloud I; Rob & Ivonne Webb, 1958 Bentley S1;
Klaus Reichardt; Chuck Swimmer; Lana Zabolotnaya, 2005 Bentley Continental GT; Pedro Meyer & Mark
James, 1964 Bentley S3; and guests Raymond Shadwick; Bob & Donna Hanselman; Oscar Marcela, 1976 RR
Silver Shadow; Lydia Vera Raynoha, 1983 RR Silver Spur and Alice Keysen.
by Ted Struck
swimmer collection
Thanks to our meet host, Chuck Swimmer
Photos by: Klaus Reichardt, Ted Struck and Al Whitley
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
2011 financials
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
The Silver Coast News is always looking for contributions from our membership. The editor can be
contacted by sending an email to [email protected].
If you have an interesting story or anecdote about your experiences with your PMC, please submit a
paragraph or two and some pictures so we can include them in our newsletter!
All region members in good standing are welcome to attend meetings of the Board of Directors. If you
wish to be noticed of the meeting times and locations, please provide your email address to the Region
Secretary, whose contact information is on page 3.
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
betsy’s saga
Story by Tyrone Flower
Part 2
Being in the loving hands of a trained Rolls Royce mechanic is like being
in the hands of an expert Plastic Surgeon! First, the examination, then the
diagnosis, and finally the Joan Rivers.
Before Lady Betsy could be fired up after all these years, we needed to
examine a few very important, personal systems, starting with the fuel
distribution system which we will discuss in this article.
technical topics
Lady Betsy’s fuel tank, much like our mid sections, needed to be removed,
cleaned, de-rusted, washed and sealed inside (Sounds glorious!). Due to
her age, most of the nuts and bolts were stubborn and rusted into place.
We were able to remove the old rusted bolts in two different ways. The
first way was to spray with a de-rust penetrating oil and when that wasn’t
enough, we carefully heated up the nuts and bolts and slowly worked them
loose with the correct size wrenches. Once we removed her gas tank,
we focused on treating all the fuel lines that flowed from the tank to the
carburetors with a cleaning solution to remove any old debris to keep the
new, updated SU fuel pump from getting clogged. Lady Betsy’s tank was reinstalled in the car and filled with new gas to make sure there were no leaks
in the fuel system.
Now we were able to focus on Betsy’s twin Skinner’s Union (SU)
carburetors. Both were removed along with the air intake manifold, totally
stripped down and cleaned with a carburetor dip cleaner and a specific
brush to assess the condition of the pieces. Whatever you do, never use a
polishing paste or other abrasive compound as this can affect the surface
coatings and leave undetected scratches. We re-assembled the carbs with
new bushings, seals, gaskets and shafts. Lady Betsy also needed a new jet
and needle, as they were old and worn. Her Ladyship is very tender, so
when we installed the new needle we were very careful to make sure
the needle shoulder was flush with the under face of the piston, good as
new! Once this was completed we inspected and replaced the diaphragms
because of wear. It is very important to secure the four bolts on the
diaphragm to stop leaking between the diaphragm casing and the main
jet well. Last but not least, we checked to make sure the hydraulic piston
rod in the top of the suction chamber was not bent, and then re-filled
the damper with an approved oil of viscosity SAE20. Remember, either
controlled or uncontrolled seepage is not good!
We discussed removing her manifold and the reason for this was to inspect
the Automatic Choke Device, which was installed between the two carbs
on the center air tube of the manifold. There
are five main features of the device, after unseizing and resetting internal linkages to Rolls Royce specs
however; the main function is to assist Lady Betsy in starting her engine when she is cold. Wonder if they
will install something like that on me?
Tyrone Flower
Now we are getting to the good part, the recovery! Once all the pieces were re-assembled we lovingly
pushed Lady Betsy outside for her opening number! All of us at Carlsbad British held our breath, as
Richard sat behind the wheel and Tyrone stood and watched with anticipation (hammer and chisel in
hand) as Richard slowly turned the key with wide eyes, and yes, Lady Betsy started to purr!!!! Bloody
Marvelous!! The anticipation had been so intense; it was finally time to walk away for a well-deserved
cup of English tea as Lady Betsy continued to enjoy the first step in a long journey back.
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
For the Record: All trademarks are suject to the trademark rights of Rolls Royce PLC, Rolls Royce Motor Cards Ltd., an affiliate of BMW AG or Bentley Motors, Ltd., an affiliate of Volkswagen AG, including mark, model,
names logos and emblems. All are used by the RROC and the Silver Coast News (SCN) under license.
Legal: The Silver Coast News is published by and for the San Diego Region of the Rolls Royce Owners’ Club, Inc., a non-profit corporation. All information furnished is provided by the membership of the Club for use by
the members only. Articles reflect the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the Region policies, nor do the editors or publishers, who assume no liability for any information contained, imply authentication
or approval. The San Diego Region and its editors seek to publish accurate materials, but neither assumes responsiblity in the event of a claim of loss or damage resulting from publication. Other regions may reproduce
material, provided that credit is given. The editor reserves the right to edit for length or quality.
Private Party Advertising Policy: Advertisements for Rolls-Royce/Bentley vehicles, want ads, parts, lost and found, or information will be published for members at no charge, typically in a business card-sized format.
For car sales include chassis number and asking price. Photos will be published free if supplied in digital JPG, GIF, TGA or Print Quality PDF formats. Film photos will be scanned and published at a nominal charge. Nonmember advertising will be accepted at published rates. Display advertising is accepted, at the discretion of the Editor, for business card, quarter-page, half-page, and full-page insertions in increments of one, three or six
insertions. Please contact the SCN Editor for additional information.
Submitting Infomation to the Editor: The Silver Coast News is published bi-monthly during the last half of the even-numbered months. Meet write-ups and meet photos should be submitted no more than one week
after an event. Other articles and information should be submitted no later than the tenth of every month. Please check with the Editor for specific publication dates. Please submit photos and/or artwork at 300 dpi or
higher. Please identify any people shown in the photograph. and also the year, make, model and VIN number of any car(s) shown.
Published Advertising Rates
Display Ad Dimensions
Display Ad Size
One Year (6 Issues)
Single Issue
30 Word Ad Interior
Business Card Interior
3.5 Inches
2.0 Inches
Quarter Page Interior
3.5 Inches
4.5 Inches
Half Page Interior
7.5 Inches
4.5 Inches
Full Page Interior
7.5 Inches
9.5 Inches
Half Page Back Cover
$500.00 *
7.5 Inches
4.5 Inches
Full Page Back Cover
$750.00 *
7.0 Inches
9.5 Inches
* Limited Availability - First Come, First Served
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
January - February 2012
Volume 40 Issue 1
1972 - 2012 -- CELEBRATING 40 YEARS

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