Der Zitronenfalter
Der Zitronenfalter
The Brimstone Butterfly by Anna, Emily, Clara, Anna-Maria, Morsal, Nadine und Ellen Does Climate change have an impact on the Brimstone? Methodological approach 1. 2. We selected our topic and searched for information about our butterfly. We formulated the question „Does climate change have an impact on the Brimstone?“ 3. 4. 5. We studied the projections of Brimstone‘s habitat shifts using the educational software „Pronas“. We listed the internet sites where we found information. We drew the conclusions. Agenda Characteristics Source: and Life cycle Source: and Environmental impacts on the development of the Brimstone (3 Scenarios) Source: www.ufz/pronas-lernsoftware -schmetterlingtool/.de Characteristics Class Order Family Subfamily Genus Species Distribution Habitats Life time Insects (Insecta) Butetrflies (Lepidoptera) Pieridae Coliadinae Gonepteryx Brimstone Northwest of Africa, Europe, Central Asia Woodlands, shrubland, and sometimes gardens Up to 12 months Characteristics (Larvae) Appearance Dark green with a half strip at the side for camouflage Time period May – July Food plants Buckthorn and alder buckthorn Characteristics (Butterfly) Size Appearance Male Female 5-6 cm (Wingspread) Lemon-yellow Paly green/white (Can be taken for a Cabbage White) Flying time June-September / Overwintering / March-May Food plants Thistles, Purple loosestrife und Butterfly bush Life cycle Egg deposition = during 1-3 weeks Larva = 4-8 weeks Pupa = 1-4 weeks Butterfly = 2 days – 8 weeks Flying time Summer dormancy Flying time Winter dormancy Flying time Impact of climate change on the distribution of the Brimstone In the year 2000 the Brimstone was common allover Europe. Impact of climate change on the distribution of the Brimstone All of the three scenarios show for the year 2060: Southern Europe= extinct The Butetrflies are more common in the northern parts and may distribute to potential new areas. Impact of climate change on the distribution of the Brimstone Year 2100: Scenario GREEN: in the North might be found more habitats than before Central Europe = some habitats are lost Southern Europe= huge loss of habitats Scenario YELLOW :North= very common Central part= only some areas remaining Southern part= nearly all areas lost Scenario RED : North= nearly everywhere Central part= only some areas remaining Southern part= all habitats lost Conclusion : Butterfly go northwards. They might be rarely found in the South. Does climate change have impacts on the Brimstone? If yes, which ones? Climate change has a significant impact on the Brimstone. The butterflies lose their areas in South and Central Europe, and their populations will decline.