CRF Newsletter June 2016 - The Christchurch Radio Fliers Club
CRF Newsletter June 2016 - The Christchurch Radio Fliers Club
Tail feathers Official newsletter of the Christchurch Radio Fliers Club June, 2016 Craig and Dennis working together rolling the strip now that the wetter weather is here Winter’s here. Bugger. Oh well they say it might warm up again in November which is really just around the corner (yeah right...). However the fact we’ve now had some rain has meant we managed to get the runway fertilised last week (thanks Roger!), and rolled yesterday (Sunday 29 May), so given some time and a few more rolling sessions we might be a bit closer to the bowling green end of the runway smoothness scale than we are now. I’ll do some more in late June and I suspect after that the main runway area will be quite good, however the extension at the southwest end is a rough paddock surface so while it will improve over time it will take a lot more work! If anybody happens to have a nice big roller at home that we could beg/borrow/steal/buy/hire etc please let me or one of the committee know as running over it with something heavier would be a good thing. Lastly I’ll have another bit on safety, very quickly: Please don’t taxi in the pits: If you don’t wish to carry your model to the taxiway maybe hold it by the tail end or have someone help you, or putting it another way please make sure your model is restrained at all times in the pits, both on the way to the runway, and on the way back. We’ve had 1 runaway model in the pits a while ago, let’s not make it 2. Neck straps: These are wonderful for saving your arms while you are flying. They are probably equally wonderful at dragging your spinning prop towards your face if you lean over the prop with the strap dangling under your neck. Take them off before you do any engine starting or tuning. You don’t want a faceful of prop and we all want a nice Sunday morning flying, not driving you to A and E. Happy flying! Craig Owen flying his quad at Burnham last month PLEASE NO TAXYING IN THE PITS Wait till you get to the taxiways at our field. Thanks to Roger, Dave and others for the photos Peter Hewson’s new Carbon Z Cub on test flight Geoff Tie’s Beagle 121 making a lovely low pass in the sun 2 The inside story Getting into the guts of modelling can mean hours spent building a model in the workshop. For some this involves building a model from scratch or from plans and having the satisfaction of building and flying your own model. For others there is no time for this sort of thing, and a quick trip to the local model shop or searching online can provide an ARF which can also be rewarding to fly ASAP. Dave Bately is one of the former types of modellers, but he likes seeing a good scale model flying whatever the case. His Hawker Hurricane is a lovely warbird. Not many get to see the inside quite from the point of view captured in the photo on the right. 3 Washout - why, how much, and where? courtesy of David Anderson full article on ( washout.pdf) Washout is a twist in a wing that causes the wingtip to meet the airflow at a lower angle than the root in normal upright flight. Some planes don’t need it; some planes can’t fly without it. It’s not just to prevent tip stalls! Why? Washout causes the root of the wing to stall before the wingtips stall. The subsequent loss of lift in the root area gently lowers the nose or prevents it from rising further, preventing the entire wing from stalling suddenly and provoking an unwanted snap roll. Stalls do not alweays occur at low airspeeds. Pylon racers, for example, can stall in high-G turns, sometimes with disastrous results. At high angles of attack ailerons become less effective because they are both lifting, and the difference in lift becomes less with increasing angle of attack. Washout causes the ailerons to meet the air at a lower angle. This improves aileron effectiveness at all attitudes, especially at low airspeeds. In a banked turn the down aileron increases lift and drag while the up aileron reduces lift and drag. The difference in wingtip drag tends to yaw the aeroplane in a direction opposite to the turn - “adverse yaw.” (the rest of the article is well worth a look on website) Ray Homan finally gets certificate The club’s oldest Life Member, Ray Homan, finally got his certificate of life membership from Treasurer, John Isitt, at the flying field last month. Mark and Peter were awarded theirs at the AGM, but Ray’s one was held up at the printers. All good! 4 Free plans available for club members Club Patron, Des Lines, has kindly offered some plans for any of us to have if we want. He has them on a disc and they are free, so let the Secretary know if you are keen Apart from the ones above, there is also an extensive list of others, including: AC-15 Guapo Aeronica 7-AC Albatros DIII Alcor Sportplane Argo 2 Asso V Baby Bullet Biplane RAcer Bowers Fly Baby Brtistol Scout Bucker Jungman Chilton Church Mid-Wing Corben Baby Ace Corby Starlet Cri Cri Davis DA-2 Demoseille DH-60 Gypsy Moth DH*@ Tiger Moth Driggs Dart EAA Biplane Fokker DR1 Triplane Fokker DVII Georgia Special Gere Biplane Gardan GY-20 Minicab Gardan GY-30 Supercab Heath Parasol Henderson Longster 5 J-1B Don Quixote Isaacs Fury 2 J-3 Kitten Jodel D112 Karatoo J-6 Lazair Lincoln Sport Nesmith Cougar Nieuport XI P-50 Bouvreuil Peris JN-1 Pfeifer Biplane Piper Cub ... many more on disc. Let Peter Hewson know if you are interested ... 0220884766 [email protected] INVITATION TO ASHBURTON MAC MID WINTER FLYIN 25-26 th JUNE (9am to 4pm each day) The Ashburton MAC would like to invite all clubs and flyers in the area to our mid winter flyin at our field on Lovetts Rd Moronan Ashburton on the above dates , Any type of aircraft is welcome A cost of $10 per person for the whole weekend, which will go towards a barbecue sausage lunch each day ,and supplying hot drinks , and other related costs in running the field will be gratefully accepted at registration time. Flying will be conducted in a safe manner in line with the NZMAA guidelines The Flyin will be named” THE RODGER WITHELL MEMORIAL FLYIN “ as a acknowledgement of Rodgers contribution to our club , Rodger sadly passed away about the same time last year as we held our midwinter event . To find our field, at the south end of Tinwald on SH1 turn up Moronan Rd past the Tinwald Domain , appox 6 km from SH1 Lovetts Rd is on your left ,signs will be at this corner, 300m down Lovetts on you right is the field , in the past some Flyers have stayed on the site over night . It is planned to have a midwinter Xmas Dinner at the Tinwald Taven on the Saturday night. If possible email or ring me with a appox number of your members that would like to attend , just to assist with catering. My Email is –bk.mitch Ph 033083207---0274511995 Brian Mitchell Secretary Ashburton Model Aero Club SPECIAL DEAL We have just had a generous offer for those that may be thinking of staying over night at our Fly-in , the owners of the Bella Vista Motel have offered rooms at $115 per night, if you would like to take up this offer , Contact Paul Clyne At the Bella Vista Motel Ashburton. Ph 0800666716 6 Burnham Observer Sunday 8th May Yes well the perfect Sundays continue, sunny, warm and pretty good number of fliers and helpers had the car park very full. Peter was busy attaching door handles to the new cupboards in the Porta Com, in between flying and obtaining news and views for the newsletter. Jeremy, John, Mike and myself crowded into the far end corner of the pits while the majority filled up the main pits area. Plenty of aircraft and Victor had his grandson in tow. Alex was persevering with his large petrol powered aircraft still causing some grief with the motor. Joseph, Owen and Keith kept the quadcopter/ chopper flight box busy. And plenty of powered gliders ‘Radians’ and the like. Alex and Mel had a 25 minute flight with Johns, Radian, well done. Victor with grandson out for a look at the crazy aeroplanes. The Canovan Mosquito Sunday 15th May Bad weather stayed home. Sunday 22nd May Bad weather stayed home Sunday 29th May Bad weather stayed home. Off on holiday - be back middle of June. Hope weather is kinder by them, frost with sunny light conditions. Have a good Queens Birthday. Father and son - Anthony & Luke Canovan 7 Committee Corner MINUTES of the Christchurch Radio Fliers Club Inc. Committee Meeting, 24 May, 2016 7:30pm, John’s place 8. Newsletter. Peter reported that he was looking for material for the newsletter and that he would run it until someone else offered to do so. Present: Craig Clapham, John Isitt, Peter Hewson, Roger Atkinson, Chris Hellyar, Dave Bately, Jeremy McLean 9. Webmaster. Chris Hellyar said that he was working on a new template for the website as well as seeking to change the domain. 1. Apologies: Nigel Phillips, Keith Reid 10. Safety & Noise. NIL issues 2. Health: NIL 11. New members. John reported that John Goddard from Leeston had signed up to become a member and the committee were happy to have him join. Jason Day and Murray Fowler were also showing some interest to rejoin the club. 3. Minutes of the previous meeting were emailed and read. Approved (JOHN/ROGER) 4. Matters Arising: a. Craig reported that he had received $143 for the sale of the two water cylinders from the portacom advertised on TradeMe. b. Peter said that he had installed the cupboard handles supplied by Nigel in the portacom. c. Chris said he would talk with Mark Halliday about transfering the domain of our website from the one hosted by Mark in the past 5. Correspondence a. John had sent a letter to Des Richards at MFNZ for memberships for this year. John also reported that, for various reasons, 9 members were not re-joining. b. Peter had sent an email to MFNZ thanking them for their offer of financial support for the Lake Forsyth fly-in and suggesting items which could be purchased for the event. c. MFNZ replied asking if we could wait until their next Council meeting in July before considering our proposal and offering the financial support . 6. Bills to agree for payment were presented by John, including stationery for members subs etc. 7. Club Captain’s report. As Keith was absent, John commented on the state of the field and he felt that with the rain and softening of the ground, soon would be a good time to roll the strip and taxiways. 8 12. Forsyth sub-committee. Roger reported on the sub-committee’s first meeting and that all appeared to be in hand. New regulations about health and safety will have to put into operation, but all should be well for a 27-28 August fly-in. 13. General Business: a. The memorial board in the caravan is being remodelled and engraved by Chris. b. There is a need for Hazard Boards for Lake Forsyth and perhaps for the club. Jeremy thought that we could replace the club rules board on the side of the caravan too. c. There is a need to clean out and reorganise the container before Lake Forsyth. d. Roger offered to look into fertilising the runway which he said would greatly improve the grass cover and quality of the strip. e. There was general agreement that the club should look into having a Facebook page. This would certainly appeal to younger members and prospective members. Meeting closed at 8:45pm A new lease of life for a Squert Chris Hellyar still flies a model he built nearly 23 years ago. His Squert is built with foam and covered in brown paper and was put together in 1993. The electric model used a direct drive 5400 and seven SCR-C cells. It flew like a pair ofpliers, says Chris. Now it sports a brushless motor and a 3S Lipo which gives the model a new lease of life of lazy flight at full throttle for approximately 15 minutes. Chris Hellyar with his 23 year old little Squert New plans for CRFC field at Burnham unveilled New plans for the club field at Burnham were shown to the committee over the last month by club member, Mark Brown. Mark has long been an advocate for a longer runway and better facilities for larger models. He also has access to large machinery and landscaping knowledge and has friends in the design and earth-moving industries. Mark has had an artist’s impression sketch done to show how the new facilities could look at Burnham even during the driest months of the year. The sketch shows a tarseal runway, tarseal pits and taxiways, irrigation and pumping sheds as well as accommodation for models and clubhouse accommodation for members and visitors. The committee are really excited about the project, especially considering its reasonable cost, and are now in negotiation with the Selwyn Council. The plans were unveilled on April 1. 9 C8B<=FIJPK?=CF8K=@<C;=CP$@E C8B<=FIJPK?=CF8K=@<C;=CP$@E )O\LQJ:LQ `i\[ ^ji\hl D=EQN`e ).$)/8l^ljk#)'().$)/8l^ljk#)'(- JFRPEDW Jgfejfi\[YpGcXpZfeZ\gkj%;\kX`cjXknnn%iX[`f]c`\ij%fi^%eq ͚͚̻͘͘͜͟͠͠͞͞Ǥ Ǥ Flying wings for combat It is that time of year again to check out your batteries, see that they are mounted properly so that they can put up with your model flying inverted, and also to install some floats on the old Piper Cub in the shed. Don’t forget to sort your flying wing! We plan to have some flying wing combat at Lake Forsyth again this year. It was a great crowd pleaser two years ago and so bring the wing and some streamers for others to have a go at. See you there. Committee, 2016 /17 President: Vice Pres. Secretary: Treasurer: CRAIG CLAPHAM JEREMY McLEAN PETER HEWSON JOHN ISITT Club Captain: KEITH REID Committee: NIGEL PHILLIPS, CHRIS HELLYAR, ROGER ATKINSON, DAVE BATELY 10