Radio Signal Modelers Flying Club July 2012 Newsletter
Radio Signal Modelers Flying Club July 2012 Newsletter
Radio Signal Modelers Flying Club July 2012 Newsletter It's back! Ti's Giant Telemaster flies gracefully over Schiller Woods again at the June Fun Fly. The July 2012 meeting was called to order at the Schiller Park Flying Field at 6:30 p.m. on Monday July 9th by President Les Schier. There were a total of 22 members in attendance. Secretary Ted Noncek read the minutes of the June meeting and the club accepted the minutes as read. President Les welcomed new member Alan Boyle. Les also thanked Scott Thompson and Tibor Galfi for organizing a very enjoyable fun fly. Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Terry Gombert presented the monthly Treasurer’s Report for July 2012. The club began June 2012 with an opening cash balance of $1,380, which included $30 in the club’s Pay Pal account. During June the club collected $256 in dues and $5 from the fun fly. A total of $380 was paid out during June, including $300 for the hat order, and $60 related to the fun fly, and $20 for a first aid kit. As a result the club's ending cash balance was $1,256, including $30 held in Pay Pal. The Treasurer's Report was accepted by the members as presented. A paratrooper floats down after being dropped from Ti's Giant Telemaster at the June Fun Fly. Radio Signal Modelers Flying Club Newsletter, July 2012, Page 2 event of a major accident at the field. Don Zeller noted that he talked to his fireman friends at the Schiller Park F.D. and learned that officially, Chicago F.D. responds to the field, but Schiller F.D. will respond if they are called. Don said we should dial 911 from a cell phone to call an ambulance. Tim Gombert second maiden of his giant Citabria a with its new DLE 55cc engine almost ended in disaster. The plane's new power plant caused a near vertical takeoff which then caused a stall. Tim managed to goose it straight up, and witnesses said it was the best save from sure disaster they had ever seen! Committee Reports Field Maintenance: Don Zeller presented the Field Maintenance Committee report for July. Don reported that there was not much to report as the lack of rain has slowed down the mowing schedule to about every two weeks or so. Don further reported that the mice seem to have been chased out of the shed for now. Field Safety Committee: Field Safety Officer Ted Noncek presented the Field Safety Committee report. Ted asked Sally Gombert to report on her search for a field first aid kit. Sally showed the club the kit she purchased, which came with a larger plastic kit and a smaller portable kit. Sally noted that we can keep the extra supply of first aid items in the smaller case in the shed to replenish the main kit as needed. We intend to fill out the exact location of the field on the kit, as well as the directions to the nearest hospital (Resurrection Hospital at Talcott and Harlem). The new first aid kits. Let's be safe and never use these. President Les finished the safety discussion by again asking club members and other users of the field to stop flying over Irving Park Road on the northwest corner of the field near the water pump. Flight Instruction Committee: Don Zeller presented the Flight Instruction Committee report. Don congratulated new member Joe Manzella for successfully soloing recently. The club gave Joe a round of applause for his accomplishment. Sherlock's ducted fan jet zooms by after the July club meeting. A discussion on first aid continued on the topic of who to call to request paramedic assistance in the Ryan Zoghlin brings his fast Shoestring in for a landing after the July meeting. Radio Signal Modelers Flying Club Newsletter, July 2012, Page 3 website committee to work on alternatives to spread the website duties among more than just one member. President Les thanked Mike Reinhart for his many years as the club webmaster and for offering to help in the transition. Tim's Citabria zooms by on its second maiden. Planning Committee: Tim Gombert presented the Planning Committee report for July. Tim reported on his investigation of purchasing metal signs identifying the flight stands as being provided by RSM. Unfortunately, they would cost about $500 for all the benches. As a result of this price, the club decided to go with a less expensive alternative such as stencils, or as suggested by Don Lamonica, laser printed small cards with plastic holders. Tim Gombert flies the Citabria at the June Fun Fly. The Hats Have Arrived! At long last, the club hat order is finally in! After the bankruptcy of the first vendor, and the dogged collection efforts by our Treasurer Terry "The Enforcer" Gombert, we finally found a new vendor that actually produced the hats. Members were able to pick up their hats at the meeting, and Terry noted that he would be contacting anyone who was not at the meeting to arrange a distribution time. Terry Gombert helps brother Tim with the Citabria. Tim further noted that he is still looking for member YouTube site addresses with videos of RC action at the field. Tim asked that anyone who has not already sent him their address, to please send it to him. A further discussion was held at the meeting regarding the club website. As discussed at previous meetings, we are looking to create a Thanks Terry for administering what you thought was going to be a simple hat order--the club appreciates your hard work on this! And everyone was very happy with the finished product. They looked great. The club had made some extra black and extra blue hats without names which are on sale from the club for $20. Any members wishing to purchase one should contact Terry. Radio Signal Modelers Flying Club Newsletter, July 2012, Page 4 Report on Fun Fly We had a great day for the Fun Fly on Saturday, June 23rd. Seven members competed in three events, plus an ad hoc combat event with three participants at the end of the three contests. Here are the winners of the following contests: Dead Stick Spot Landing (Take off, in 20 seconds kill engine or bring to low idle, and land closest to a line drawn north to south across field.) 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Loop-a-minute (Most loops in minute) 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Ti Galfi/18 loops Terry Gombert/17 loops Scott Thompson/17 loops Jaime Solis 13/loops Terry Gombert/1 ft, 2 inches Tim Gombert/3 ft, 9 inches Ti Galfi/4 ft, 7 inches Luck and go (Start engine, start timer, throw dice until roll a 7, then take off, make a 180 degree turn and land. Winner is lowest time.) 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Terry Gombert/26 seconds Don Zeller/29 seconds Tim Gombert/30 seconds Combat. Participants all had the same combat plane that Ti builds. The three participants were Ti Galfi, Ted Noncek and Scott Thompson. After chasing each other around the sky for a few minutes, Ti dead sticked due to running out of fuel. Scott and Ted continued to fly until Ted chopped Scott's streamer and finished victorious. The fun fly was a great time to spend with fellow RSM members and get some great flying time on a beautiful summer day. Thanks to Scott and Ti for organizing the event and everyone who participated. See the special photo pages from the Fun Fly at the end of this month's newsletter. Radio Signal Modelers Flying Club Newsletter, July 2012, Page 5 Show and Tell Joe Manzella his first major crash repair to the club. Joe has been learning on a Hangar 9 Alpha 40 Trainer. As has happened to all of us when we started, the Alpha hit the ground in an unplanned landing (otherwise known as a crash!). Ti Galfi and Trainer Don Zeller take a closer look at Joe's trainer repairs after the July meeting. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Monday, August 13th at 6:30 p.m. at the Schiller Park Flying Field. In the event of rain, it will be held at the Schiller Park Community Center, 4501 N. 25th Avenue, Schiller Park. By Ted Noncek, Secretary ([email protected]). Joe Manzella shows the hatch he created to access the fuel tank and back of the firewall in his Alpha 40 restoration. Joe did a great job repairing the damage, and recovered the trainer in red and black. We can tell that Joe is going to do just fine in this hobby if he can continue to bounce back from a crash with such a great repair job. Thanks for sharing your work with the club. Tim Gombert, Tony Loquuercio, Don Lamonica and Scott Thompson at the July meeting. Joe Manzella discusses the wing repair and re-covering on his Alpha 40. Radio Signal Modelers Flying Club Newsletter, July 2012, Page 6 June Fun Fly Photos Radio Signal Modelers Flying Club Newsletter, July 2012, Page 7 Radio Signal Modelers Flying Club Newsletter, July 2012, Page 8