Organization Chart (July 2016)
Organization Chart (July 2016)
Organizational Chart China Europe Japan Korea North America Taiwan Last updated: July 6, 2016 Global Technical Committee and TC Chapters Locale Global technical committee China Europe N orth Taiwan America Japan Korea EH&S TCC WG TCC Facilities TCC TCC TCC TCC Gases TCC TCC CFG TCC Liquid Chemicals TCC TCC CFG TCC FPD Materials & Components TCC TCC TCC TCC FPD Metrology TCC TCC TCC TCC MEMS / NEMS TCC Legend: TCC — the Locale has a TC Chapter of the global technical committee. CFG — the Locale has a TC Chapter Formation Group, as defined in PM 6.5, of the global technical committee. Note 1: An underlined Locale has an RSC and may also be referred as a Region (e.g., Europe Region ). Note 2: Some TC Chapters of different global technical committees jointly hold a meeting (indicated in red rectangles). Locale Global technical committee China Europe Traceability Japan Korea TCC N orth Taiwan America TCC Information & Control TCC TCC Metrics TCC TCC TCC Physical Interfaces & Carriers TCC TCC TCC Automation Technology TCC TCC TCC TCC TCC TCC TCC TCC Photovoltaic PV Materials TCC TCC TCC TCC TCC Legend: TCC — the Locale has a TC Chapter of the global technical committee. CFG — the Locale has a TC Chapter Formation Group, as defined in PM 6.5, of the global technical committee. Note 1: An underlined Locale has ab RSC and may also be referred as a Region (e.g., Europe Region ). Note 2: Some TC Chapters of different global technical committees jointly hold a meeting (indicated in red rectangles). Locale Global technical committee China Europe Micropatterning (Microlithography*) Japan Korea N orth Taiwan America TCC TCC Silicon Wafer TCC TCC TCC Compound Semiconductor Materials TCC TCC TCC HB-LED TCC CFG WG 3DS-IC TCC Assembly & Packaging (Packaging**) TCC Automated Test Equipment (Test***) TCC TCC TCC TCC TCC Legend: TCC — the Locale has a TC Chapter of the global technical committee. CFG — the Locale has a TC Chapter Formation Group, as defined in PM 6.5, of the global technical committee. Note 1: An underlined Locale has an RSC and may also be referred as a Region (e.g., Europe Region ). Note 2: Some TC Chapters of different global technical committees jointly hold a meeting (red rectangles). * In NA, Micropatterning is traditionally called Microlithography. ** In Japan, Assembly & Packaging is traditionally called Packaging. *** In Japan, Automated Test Equipment is traditionally called Test. Regional Standards Committee (RSC) Organizations SEMI Europe RSC Organization Co-chairs: Bert Planting - ASML, Werner Bergholz – International Standards Consulting Vice-chair: Frank Petzold - Trustsec Europe Chapter of Automation Technology Global Technical Committee C: Christian Hoffmann - PEER Group Europe Chapter of Compound Semiconductor Materials Global Technical Committee C: Arnd Weber - SiCrystal Europe Chapter of Gases Global Technical Committee C: Jean-Marie Collard - Solvay Chemicals C: Gordon Ferrier – Gordon F Consulting Europe Chapter of Liquid Chemicals Global Technical Committee C: Jean-Marie Collard - Solvay Chemicals C: Gordon Ferrier – Gordon F Consulting Europe Chapter of Information & Control Global Technical Committee C: Alfred Honold - InReCon C: Frank Petzold - Trustsec Europe Chapter of Metrics Global Technical Committee C: Alfred Honold - InReCon C: Lothar Pfitzner - FhG IISB Europe Chapter of Physical Interfaces & Carriers Global Technical Committee C: Alfred Honold - InReCon C: Frank Petzold - Trustsec Europe Chapter of PV Materials Global Technical Committee C: Peter Wagner - Consultant C: Huber Aulich - Solar Valley Europe Chapter of Silicon Wafer Global Technical Committee C: Werner Bergholz – International Standards Consulting C: Peter Wagner - Consultant C: Fritz Passek - Siltronic SEMI Japan RSC Organization Co-Chair: Kenji Yamagata - Daifuku, Naoyuki Kawai - The University of Tokyo Vice Chair: Supika Mashiro - TEL Japan Chapter of 3DS-IC Global Technical Committee C: Masahiro Tsuriya -iNEMI C: Haruo Shimamoto - AIST Japan Chapter of Automation Technology Global Technical Committee C: Terry Asakawa -TEL C: Naoki Ito - Mitsubishi Electric C: Makoto Ishikawa - Nisshinbo Mechatronics Japan Chapter of FPD Metrology Global Technical Committee C: Ryoichi Watanabe - Japan Display C: Akira Kawaguchi - Otsuka Electronics Japan Chapter of Information & Control Global Technical Committee C: Takayuki Nishimura - SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions C: Mitsuhiro Matsuda - Hitachi Kokusai Electric Japan Chapter of PV Global Technical Committee C: Kazuhiko Kashima – Kashima Engineering C: Masaaki Yamamichi - AIST Japan Chapter of PV Materials Global Technical Committee C: Takashi Ishihara - Mitsubishi Electric C: Kazuhiko Kashima – Kashima Engineering C: Tetsuo Fukuda - AIST Special Groups Reporting to the JRSC Standardization Process Improvement (SPI) L: Supika Mahiro -TEL FPD Coordination Group Japan Chapter of Compound Semiconductor Materials Global Technical Committee C: Masayoshi Obara - Shin-Etsu Handotai Japan Chapter of Environmental Health & Safety Global Technical Committee C: Supika Mashiro - TEL C: Hidetoshi Sakura - Intel C: Moray Crawford - Hatsuta Seisakusho Japan Chapter of Gases & Facilities Technical Committee Japan Chapter of Liquid Chemicals Global Technical Committee C: Hiroshi Tomita - Toshiba C: Hiroyuki Araki - SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions Japan Chapter of Metrics Global Technical Committee C: Toshio Murakami – Murakami Corporation Japan Chapter of Micropatterning Global Technical Committee C: Hiromichi Enami - Hitachi High-Technologies C: Isao Suzuki - MKS Japan C: Morihisa Hoga - Dainippon Printing Japan Chapter of FPD Materials & Components Global Technical Committee Japan Chapter of Assembly & Packaging Global Technical Committee C: Tadahiro Furukawa - Yamagata University C: Yoshihiko Shibahara - FUJIFILM C: Kazunori Kato - AiT C: Masahiro Tsuriya - iNEMI Japan Chapter of Physical Interfaces & Carriers Global Technical Committee C: Tsuyoshi Nagashima - Miraial C: Tsutomu Okabe - TDK C: Kenji Yamagata - DAIFUKU Japan Chapter of Silicon Wafer Global Technical Committee C: Naoyuki Kawai - The University of Tokyo C: Tetsuya Nakai - SUMCO Japan Chapter of Traceability Global Technical Committee C: Yoichi Iga - Freelance C: Hirokazu Tsunobuchi - Keyence L: Yoshitada Nogami - SK Electronics L: Makoto Yamamoto - Muratec SEMI North America (NA) RSC Organization - NA Locale Co-Chairs: Steve Lewis – LPCimineli & Chris Evanston – Salus Engineering Vice-Chairs: Brian Rubow – Cimetrix NA Chapter of 3DS-IC Global Technical Committee C: Richard Allen - NIST C: Sesh Ramaswami - Applied Materials C: Chris Moore - BayTech-Resor NA Chapter of Automated Test Equipment Global Technical Committee C: Ajay Khoche - Khoche Consulting NA Chapter of Compound Semiconductor Materials Global Technical Committee C: Russ Kremer - Freiberger Compound Materials C: James Oliver - Northrop Grumman NA Chapter of Environmental Health & Safety Global Technical Committee C: Chris Evanston - Salus Engineering C: Sean Larsen - Lam Research C: Bert Planting - ASML NA Chapter of Facilities Global Technical Committee C: Steve Lewis - LPCiminelli NA Chapter of Gases Global Technical Committee C: Mohamed Saleem - Fujikin NA Chapter of HB-LED Global Technical Committee C: Iain Black - Philips C: Mike Feng - Silian C: Chris Moore - BayTech-Resor NA Chapter of Information & Control Global Technical Committee C: Jack Ghiselli - Ghiselli Consulting C: Brian Rubow - Cimetrix C: Lance Rist - RistTex NA Chapter of Liquid Chemicals Global Technical Committee C: Frank Flowers - PeroxyChem NA Chapter of MEMS/NEMS Global Technical Committee C: Win Baylies - BayTech-Resor C: Steve Martell - Sonoscan NA Chapter of Metrics Global Technical Committee C: David Bouldin - Fab Consulting C: Mark Frankfurth - Cymer NA Chapter of Microlithography Global Technical Committee C: Wes Erck - Wes Erck & Associates C: Bryan Barnes - NIST NA Chapter of Photovoltaic Global Technical Committee C: Win Baylies - BayTech-Resor C: James Moyne - University of Michigan NA Chapter of PV Materials Global Technical Committee C: Lori Nye C: Hugh Gotts - Air Liquide NA Chapter of Physical Interfaces & Carriers Global Technical Committee C: Matt Fuller - Entegris C: Stefan Radloff - Intel NA Chapter of Silicon Wafer Global Technical Committee C: Dinesh Gupta - STA C: Noel Poduje - SMS VC: Mike Goldstein NA Chapter of Traceability Global Technical Committee C: Win Baylies - BayTech-Resor C: Yaw Obeng - NIST NA RSC Technical Architect Board C: James Moyne - University of Michigan C: Yaw Obeng - NIST SEMI North America RSC Organization – China Locale Co-Chairs: Steve Lewis – LPCimineli & Chris Evanston – Salus Engineering Vice-Chairs: Brian Rubow – Cimetrix China Chapter of PV Global Technical Committee C: Guangchun Zhang CanadianSolar C: Jun Liu - China Electronics Standardization Institute China Chapter of HB-LED Global Technical Committee C: Yong Ji - Guizhou Haotian Optoelectronics Technology C: Weizhi Cai - San an Optoelectronic SEMI North America RSC Organization – Korea Locale Co-Chairs: Steve Lewis – LPCimineli & Chris Evanston – Salus Engineering Vice-Chairs: Brian Rubow – Cimetrix Korea HB-LED CFG L: HyeongSoo Park - SEMES L: Jong Hyeob Baek - KOPTI Korea Chapter of FPD Materials & Components Technical Committee C: JongSeo Lee - Samsung Display C: II-Ho (William) Kim - Light Measurement Solution Korea Chapter of FPD Metrology Global Technical Committee C: JongSeo Lee - Samsung Display C: II-Ho (William) Kim - Light Measurement Solution Korea Chapter of Global Facilities Technical Committee C: Kwang Sun Kim - KUT Korea Chapter of Information & Control Global Technical Committee C: Hyungsu Kim - Doople C: Chul Hong Ahn - SK hynix C: Gun Woo Lee - Lam Research SEMI North America RSC Organization – Taiwan Locale Co-Chairs: Steve Lewis – LPCimineli & Chris Evanston – Salus Engineering Vice-Chairs: Brian Rubow – Cimetrix Taiwan Chapter of 3DS-IC Global Technical Committee C: Wendy Chen - King Yuan Electronics C: Chien-Chung Lin – ITRI C: Roger Hwang - ASE Taiwan Chapter of EHS Global Technical Committee C:Shuh-Woei Yu - SAHTECH C: Fang-Ming Hsu - TSMC Taiwan Chapter of Flat Panel Display Global Technical Committee C: Tzeng-Yow Lin - CMS/ITRI C: Jia-Ming Liu - TDMDA Taiwan Chapter of Information and Control Global Technical Committee C:Robert Chien - TSMC Taiwan Chapter of Photovoltaic Global Technical Committee C : B. N. Chuang - CMS/ITRI C : J.S. Chen - TeraSolar C : Ray Sung - UL Taiwan ISC Taiwan Advisor Tzeng-Yow Lin - CMS/ITRI Organization of Each TC Chapter 3DS-IC Global Technical Committee NA TC Chapter of 3DS-IC Global Technical Committee C: Richard Allen - NIST C: Sesh Ramaswami - Applied Materials C: Chris Moore - BayTech-Resor 3DS-IC Bonded Wafer Stack TF L: Richard Allen - NIST Taiwan TC Chapter of 3DS-IC Global Technical Committee C: Chien-Chung Lin - ITRI C: Wendy Chen - King Yuan Electronics C: Roger Hwang - ASE C: Masahiro Tsuriya -iNEMI C: Haruo Shimamoto - AIST Steering Group Testing TF L: Ming-Chin Tsai - KYEC L: Li-Heng Lee - ITRI 3DS-IC Inspection and Metrology TF L: Victor Vartanian SEMATECH L: David Read - NIST JA TC Chapter of 3DS-IC Global Technical Committee Middle End Process TF L: Arthur Chen - NTUST L: PJ Tzeng - ITRI L: Jerry Yang - SEMATECH L: Yoshihiro Tomita - Intel L: Masahiro Tsuriya – iNEMI L: Eiji Yoshino – Hitachi High Technologies Assembly & Packaging Global Technical Committee Japan TC Chapter of Assembly & Packaging Technical Committee C: Kazunori Kato - AiT C: Masahiro Tsuriya - iNEMI JA 450 mm ATDP TF Fiducial Mark Interoperability TF L: Akihito Kawai - Disco L: Sumio Masuchi - Disco L: Sumio Masuchi - Disco 5 Year Review TF Thin Chip Handling TF L: Hideki Suzuki - Shin-Etsu Polymer L: Haruo Shimamoto - AIST L: Masahiro Tsuriya - iNEMI L: Kazunori Kato - AiT Automation Technology Global Technical Committee Europe TC Chapter of Automation Technology Global Technical Committee C: Christian Hoffman - PEER Group Global Equipment Interface Specification (EIS) TF L: Carsten Born - VITRONIC GmbH PV Wafer Traceability TF L: TBD = Global Task Force Japan TC Chapter of Automation Technology Global Technical Committee C: Makoto Ishikawa - Nisshinbo Mechatronics C: Naoki Ito - Mitsubishi Electric C: Terry Asakawa - TEL Global Equipment Interface Specification (EIS) TF L: Makoto Ishikawa - Nisshinbo Mechatronics Automated Test Equipment Global Technical Committee NA TC Chapter of Automated Test Equipment Technical Committee C: Ajay Khoche - Khoche Consulting Standard Test Data Format (STDF) TF L: Ajay Khoche - Khoche Consulting Test Cell Communcations TF L: Len Van Eck - LTXCredence L: Mark Roos - Roos Instruments Compound Semiconductor Materials (CSM) Global Technical Committee Europe TC Chapter of CSM Global Technical Committee C: Arnd Weber - SiCrystal Contactless Resistivity and Mobility Mapping TF L: Wolfgang Jantz - Semimap Japan TC Chapter of CSM Global Technical Committee C: Masayoshi Obara - Shin-Etsu Handotai C: open NA TC Chapter of CSM Global Technical Committee C: Russ Kremer - Freiberger Compound Materials C: James Oliver - Northrop Grumman GaN TF International SiC TF L: Taizo Hoshino - Nippon Steel & Sumikin Materials L: Judy Kronwasser - NOVASiC Silicon Carbide TF Sapphire Substrate TF L: Open SiC TF L: Arnd Weber - SiCrystal L: Toshiro Kotaki - Namiki Precision Jewel 5 Year Review TF L: TBD Global 200 mm GaAs Wafer Specification TF L: TBD = Global Task Force Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Global Technical Committee Japan TC Chapter of EHS Global Technical Committee C: Supika Mashiro - TEL C: Hidetoshi Sakura – Independent C: Moray Crawford - Hatsuta Seisakusho Taiwan TC Chapter of EHS Global Technical Committee C: Shuh-Wei Yu - SAHTECH C: Fang-Ming Hsu - TSMC EHS TC Chapter Advisor Roger Wu - UMC FPD Safety Subcommittee FPD System Safety TF L: Naokatsu Nishiguchi - SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions GHG Emission Characterization TF L: George Hoshi - TEL L: C. C. Huang - SAHTECH Global S23 Revision TF L: George Hoshi - TEL Gas and Chemical Safety TF L: Benny Chen - AUO L: Heng-Li Sue - SAHTECH L: Moony Lee - UMC Seismic Protection TF L: Naokatsu Nishiguchi SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions Environmental Sustainability TF L: Tony C. H. Lu - ITRI L: C Y Huang - TSMC STEP Planning WG L: Kenji Sugihara - Panasonic SDRCM (S Documents REG-PG-SM Conformance Maintenance) TF L: Supika Mashiro - TEL PV Safety TF L: Eddie Wu - Nexpower Seismic TF L: K. C. Tsai - NCREE L: J. S. Hwang - NCREE L: D. W. Sun - TSMC = Global Task Force LED Safety TF L: Eric Lin - Epistar Equipment Safety TF L: Benny Chen - AUO L: Juo Cho - AUO L: Alice Lin – CMO L: Colin Shen – Mxic L: C.C. Huang – SAHTECH L: Eddie Wu – Nexpw L: Eric Lin - Epistar Environmental, Health & Safety Global Technical Committee NA TC Chapter of EHS Global Technical Committee C: Chris Evanston - Salus Engineering C: Sean Larsen - Lam Research C: Bert Planting - ASML Manufacturing Equipment Safety Subcommittee S6 Revision TF L: John Visty - Salus Engineering L: Glenn Holbrook - TUV SUD S10 Revision TF L: Eric Sklar - Safety Guru L: Mark Fessler - Tokyo Electron C: Cliff Greenberg - Nikon Precision C: Andrew Giles - ESTEC C: Lauren Crane - KLA-Tencor S22 Revision TF L: Chris Evanston - Salus Engineering L: Sean Larsen - Lam Research Lifting Equipment TF Ergonomics TF L: Ron Macklin - Macklin & Associates L: Paul Schwab - Texas Instruments Seismic Liaison TF L: Lauren Crane – Tokyo Electron Energetic Materials EHS TF L: Steve Trammell - EORM L: Andy McIntyre – BSI Group Control of Hazardous Energy (CoHE) Task Force L: Andrew Giles - ESTEC L: Sean Larsen - Lam Research L: Mark Fessler - Tokyo Electron L: Ron Macklin - Macklin & Associates Fire Protection TF L: Eric Sklar - Safety Guru L: Matt Wyman - Koetter Fire Device Removal Shipment TF L: Eric Sklar - Safety Guru S2 Ladders & Steps TF L: Ron Macklin - Macklin & Associates L: Carl Wong - AKT L: Lindy Austin - Salus Engineering S2 Interlock Reliability TF S2 Chemical Exposure TF L: Bert Planting - ASML L: Tom Pilz - Pilz GmbH L: John Visty - Salus Engineering S2 Non-Ionizing Radiation TF L: Sean Larsen - Lam Research L: John Visty - Salus Engineering Global S23 TF L: Lauren Crane - KLA-Tencor = Global Task Force Facilities Global Technical Committee Japan TC Chapter of Facilities Global Technical Committee Korea TC Chapter of Facilities Global Technical Committee C: Hiromichi Enami - Hitachi High Technologies C: Isao Suzuki - MKS Japan C: Kwang Sun Kim - KUT NA TC Chapter of Facilities Global Technical Committee C: Steve Lewis - LPCiminelli F51 Revision TF F1 Revision TF L: Shuji Moriya - TEL Yamanashi L: Yoshifumi Machii - Fujikin Equipment Cleanness TF L: Dalia Vernikovsky - Applied Seals North America L: TBD Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Semiconductor Capital Equipment TF L: Ben Bruce - Applied Materials FPD Metrology Global Technical Committee Japan TC Chapter of FPD Metrology Global Technical Committee C: Ryoichi Watanabe - Japan Display C: Akira Kawaguchi - Otsuka Electronics Korea TC Chapter of FPD Metrology Global Technical Committee C: JongSeo Lee - Samsung Display C: II-Ho (William) Kim - Light Measurement Solution C: Tzeng-Yow Lin - CMS/ITRI C: Jia-Ming Liu - TDMDA Flexible Display TF D31 Revision TF L: Keizo Ochi - Konica Minolta Taiwan TC Chapter of FPD Metrology Global Technical Committee Perceptual Viewing Angle TF L: Myongyoung Lee - LG Electronics L: Sheng-Po Wang – ITRI L: Scott Tu – AUO Transparent Display TF Perceptual Image Quality TF L: Jongho Chong - Samsung Display Transparent Display TF L:JongSeo Lee - Samsung Display L: Pei-Li Sun – NTUST FPD Materials & Components Global Technical Committee Japan TC Chapter of FPD Materials & Components Global Technical Committee C: Tadahiro Furukawa - Yamagata University C: Yoshihiko Shibahara - Fujifilm Flexible Display TF L: Haruhiko Itoh - Teijin L: Tadahiro Furukawa Yamagata University FPD Mask TF L: Kazuya Shiojiri - SK Electronics L: Hirofumi Ihara - HOYA FPD Color Filter TF L: Tadahiro Furukawa Yamagata University Polarizing Film TF L: Toshihito Otsuka - Sanritz L: Yoshihiko Shibahara Fujifilm L: Motoshige Tatsumi - Nitto Denko Korea TC Chapter of FPD Materials & Component Technical Committee C: JongSeo Lee - Samsung Display C: II-Ho (William) Kim - Light Measurement Solution Gases Global Technical Committee Europe TC Chapter of Gases Global Technical Committee C: Jean-Marie Collard - Solvay Chemicals C: Gordon Ferrier - Gordon F Consulting Japan TC Chapter of Gases Global Technical Committee C: Hiromichi Enami - Hitachi High Technologies C: Isao Suzuki - MKS Japan Korea Gas & Liquid Chemicals CFG C: Mohamed Saleem - Fujikin L: TBD Filters & Purifiers TF Gas Panel Test Method TF NA TC Chapter of Gases Global Technical Committee L: Mohamed Saleem - Fujikin Materials of Construction Gas Delivery Systems TF L: Bill Kiikvee - AP TECH L: Yoshifumi Machii - Fujikin L: Shuji Moriya - TEL Yamanashi 5 Year Review TF L: Yoshifumi Machii - Fujikin Heater Jacket TF L: David Colquhoun - BriskHeat Pressure Measurement TF L: Joyce Chen - UCT L: Jeff Christian - WIKA Live Gas Flow Rate TF L: Moriya Shuji - TEL Yamanashi L: Shimizu Tetsuo - Horiba STEC L: Ishihara Seiji - Flow Techno Service Mass Flow Controller TF L: Mohamed Saleem - Fujikin Gases Specification TF L: Open Surface Mount Sandwich Component Dimensions TF L: Matt Milburn - UCT HB-LED Global Technical Committee China TC Chapter of HB-LED Global Technical Committee C: Yong Ji - Guizhou Haotian Optoelectronics Technology C: Weizhi Cai - San an Optoelectronic Korea HB-LED CFG NA TC Chapter of HB-LED Global Technical Committee L: HyeongSoo Park - SEMES L: Jong Hyeob Baek - KOPTI C: Iain Black - Philips C: Mike Feng - Silian C: Chris Moore - BayTech-Resor Single Crystal Sapphire TF L: Yong Ji - Guizhou Haotian Optoelectronics Technology L: Xinhong Yang - AURORA Sapphire Single Crystal Ingot TF L: Hongo Zuo – AURORA Patterned Sapphire Substrate (PSS) TF HB-LED Wafer TF L: Win Bayles - BayTech-Resor L: Win Bayles - BayTech-Resor HB-LED Equipment Communication Interfaces TF L: Brian Rubow - Cimetrix GaN based LED Epitaxial Wafer TF L: Jiangobo Wang – HC SEMITEK Sapphire Single Crystal Orientation Task Force L: Songbin Zhao - DDXDF HB-LED Impurities and Defects in Sapphire Wafers TF L: Luke Glinski - GT Advanced Technologies HB-LED Source Materials TF L: Paul Ahn – Veeco L: H.B. Joo -Aixtron L: Sungjin Jun - LG Innotek L: Deok-gil - Samsung Electronics HB-LED Assembly TF L: Paul Reid - Kulicke & Soffa HB-LED Equipment Automation Interfaces TF L: Daniel Babbs - Brooks Automation L: Jeff Felipe - Entegris Test Methods TF L: Peter Wagner - Self Information & Control Global Technical Committee Europe TC Chapter of Information & Control Global Technical Committee C: Alfred Honold - InReCon C: Frank Petzold - Trustsec Korea TC Chapter of Information & Control Global Technical Committee Japan TC Chapter of Information & Control Global Technical Committee C: Takayuki Nishimura - SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions C: Mitsuhiro Matsuda - Hitachi Kokusai Electric Adviser: Mitch Sakamoto - Consultant TA Hiroshi Kondo - Murata Machinery Tadashi Mochizuki - TEL Process Control Systems TF L: Martin Schellenberger - FhG IISB Equipment Information System Security TF L: Mitch Sakamoto - Consultant Japan I&CC Maintenance TF C: Hyungsu Kim - Doople C: Chul Hong Ahn - SK hynix C: Gun Woo Lee - Lam Research GEM300 TF L: Jong Sub Shim - ASM L: Chang Yul Cho - SEMES L: Byoung Min Im - TEL Korea L: Mitsuhiro Matsuda - Hitachi Kokusai Electric DDA TF L: Hyungsu Kim - Doople Fiducial Mark Interoperability TF L: Mitsuhiro Matsuda - Hitachi Kokusai Electric GEM300 TF L: Yoshihisa Takasaki SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions L: Yuko Toyoshima - Hitachi High-Technologies Information & Control Global Technical Committee NA TC Chapter of Information & Control Global Technical Committee C: Brian Rubow - Cimetrix C: Jack Ghiselli - Ghiselli Consulting C: Lance Rist - RistTex Taiwan TC Chapter of Information & Control Global Technical Committee C: Robert Chien - TSMC GEM 300 TF Diagnostic Data Acquisition (DDA) TF L: Brian Rubow - Cimetrix L: Gino Crispieri - Consultant Energy Saving Equipment Communication TF L: Gino Crispieri - Consultant L: Mike Czerniak - Edwards Vacuum Sensor Bus TF L : Robin Liao - TSMC C: James Moyne - University of Michigan Equipment Information TF Process Control System Architecture (PCS) TF L : Robin Liao - TSMC L: James Moyne - University of Michigan L: Chris Maloney - Intel Backend Factory Integration TF GEM300 TF L: Brian Rubow - Cimetrix L: Gino Crispieri - Consultant L: Ivan Chen - TSMC Liquid Chemicals Global Technical Committee Europe TC Chapter of Liquid Chemicals Global Technical Committee C: Jean-Marie Collard - Solvay Chemicals C: Gordon Ferrier - Tiger Optics Japan TC Chapter of Liquid Chemicals Global Technical Committee C: Hiroshi Tomita - Toshiba C: Hiroyuki Araki - SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions Korea Gas & Liquids Chemicals CFG L: TBD NA TC Chapter of Liquid Chemicals Global Technical Committee C: Frank Flowers - PeroxyChem Liquid Filter TF Permeation Tubes for Trace Moisture Calibration TF L: Jean-Marie Collard - Solvay Chemicals L: Jim Mc Kinley - KIN-TEK L: Takuya Nagafuchi - Nihon Entegris L: Takehito Mizuno - Nihon Pall Liquid Chemicals Subcommittee Precursor Specifications TF L: Paul Williams - SAFC Hitech C: open C: Frank Flowers - PeroxyChem Liquid-Borne Particle Counter TF L: Kaoru Kondo - RION L: Kazutoshi Kato - PMS Liquid Chemical Distribution Subcommittee Analytical Methods TF L: Frank Flowers - PeroxyChem High Purity Liquid Assemblies & Systems TF L: David Kandiyeli - Mega Fluid Systems L: Koh Murai - Mega Fluid Systems Diaphragm Valve TF Solvents in Advanced Processes TF L: TBD L: Shigeru Ohsugi - CKD L: Kimihito Sasao - Advance Electric Welding Fitting TF L: Kimihito Sasao - Advance Electric L: Takashi Hasegawa - KITZ SCT SEMI F40 Rewrite TF Determining Roughness of Polymer Surfaces TF UPW Filter Performance TF L: Slava Libman - Air Liquide Ultrapure Liquid Evaluation Study Group L: Kaoru Kondo - Rion L: Hiroshi Sugawara - Organo L: Don Hadder Jr. - Intel L: Gunter Moeller - Arkema Group SEMI IX Resin TF L: Slava Libman - Air Liquide High Polymer Materials & Compnents TF L: James Henry - Arkema Group L: Ian Francisco - Lam Research SEMI F63 Rewrite TF L: Slava Libman - Air Liquide MEMS/NEMS Global Technical Committee NA TC Chapter of MEMS/NEMS Global Technical Committee C: Win Baylies - BayTech-Resor C: Steve Martell - Sonoscan Packaging TF L: Steve Martell - Sonoscan Wafer Bond TF L: Win Baylies - BayTech-Resor L: Richard Allen - NIST International MEMS Terminology TF L: Steven Martell - Sonoscan Material Characterization TF L: Richard Allen - NIST Microfluidics TF L: Mark Tondra - Diagnostic Biosensors Reliability TF L: Open MEMS Substrate TF L: Chris Moore–BayTech-Resor = Global Task Force Metrics Global Technical Committee Europe TC Chapter of Metrics Global Technical Committee C: Alfred Honold - InReCon C: Lothar Pfitzner - FhG IISB NA TC Chapter of Metrics Global Technical Committee Japan TC Chapter of Metrics Global Technical Committee C: David Bouldin - Fab Consulting C: Mark Frankfurth - Cymer TE: Carolyn Busing - Self TE: Chona Shumate - Cymer TA: Greg Francis - Cymer C: Toshio Murakami - Murakami Corporation Int'l Environmental Contamination Control TF L: Mikio Furukawa - Shin-Etsu Polymer Cycle Time Metrics TF L: Kenichiro Mukai - Applied Materials Japan L: Supika Mashiro - TEL Metrics Education & Adoption (MEA) Subc (inactive) ESD/ESC TF C: TBD L: Toshio Murakami Murakumi Corporation EMC Study Group L: Koji Ochi - Noise Laboratory ESD/ESC TF (inactive) L: Arnold Steinman - Electronics Workshop L: Chuck McClain – Micron EMC TF L: Vladimir Kraz - BestESD Technical Services L: Mark Frankfurth - Cymer Equipment RAMP Metrics TF L: David Busing - Consultant L: Steven Meyer - Intel = Global Task Force Equipment Training & Documentation TF L: Mark Cohran - Intel L: Malthi Venkat - Nikon Precision Factory Level Productivity Metrics TF (inactive) L: Ron Billings - Georgia Tech/ FABQ L: Jim Irwin - I/C Irwin Consulting Equipment Cost of Ownership TF (inactive) L: David Jimenez - WWK L: David Bouldin - Fab Consulting Micropatterning Global Technical Committee Japan TC Chapter of Micropatterning Global Technical Committee C: Morihisa Hoga - Dainippon Printing Mask Data Format for Mask Tools TF L: Toshio Suzuki - Dainippon Printing 5 Year Review TF L: Morihisa Hoga - Dainippon Printing NA TC Chapter of Microlithography Global Technical Committee C: Wes Erck - Wes Erck & Associates C: Bryan Barnes - NIST Data Path TF L: Thomas Grebinski - OASIS Tooling L: Kurt Wampler - ASML Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Mask TF L: David Chan - SEMATECH Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Fiducial Mark TF L: Long He - SEMATECH Photovoltaic Global Technical Committee China TC Chapter of PV Global Technical Committee C: Guangchun Zhang CanadianSolar C: Jun Liu - China Electronics Standardization Institute Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell TF L: Dengyuan Song - YingLi Energy L: Rulong Chen - Suntech L: Xianwu Cai - 48th Institute PV Diffusion Furnace Test Methods TF L: Liangyu Liu - CETC-48 L: Xianwu Cai - CETC-48 L: Jianyu Zheng – SevenStar L: Qian Cao – CETC-48 Japan TC Chapter of Global PV Technical Committee C: Kazuhiko Kashima - Kashima Engineering C: Masaaki Yamamichi - AIST PV Silicon Raw Materials TF L: Xiaoxia Liu - GCL L: Dongxu Chu - SINOSICO L: Li He - CPVT L: Wei Zhou - Trina Solar L: Liang Luo - Hunan Red Solar L: Zhen Zhang - Hohai University L: Jingbing Zhu - Suntech C: Win Baylies - BayTech-Resor C: James Moyne - University of Michigan PV Package Performance TF Taiwan TC Chapter of PV Global Technical Committee C : B. N. Chuang - CMS/ITRI C : J.S. Chen - TeraSolar C : Ray Sung - UL Taiwan Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) TF L: C.C.Lin - PV Guider L: T.C. Wu - CMS/ITRI L: Ivan Chou - Hulket L: K.T.Lee - King Design L: C.C.Lin - PV Guider L: D. R. Huang - NDHU L: T.C. Wu - CMS/ITRI L: Ivan Chou - Hulket L: K.T.Lee - King Design L: K. Han Ke - Grain System PV Reliability Test Method TF Organic & Dye Sensitized Solar Cell TF PV Silicon Wafer TF L: Yuepeng Wan - GCL L: Liangping Deng - LONGi L: Jingang Lu – HI-TECH Thin Film PV Module TF PV Module TF NA TC Chapter of Global PV Technical Committee L: Yaohua Mai – Hebei University L: Xinwei Niu - Chint Solar L: Jian Ding - Hanergy L: H.S. Wu – CMS/ITRI CIGS Solar Cell TF Multi-Wire Saws TF L: Jingying Jia - National Engineering Research Center for Photovoltaic Equipment L: Xianwu Cai - CETC 48th Institute L: Zhixin Li – LCT L: Honglin Sui - CETC-48 L: D. R. Huang – NDHU L: T.C. Wu – CMS/ITRI L: Jason Shin – King Design L: William Hou – Sunshine PV L : D. R. Huang - NDHU L: T.C. Wu - CMS/ITRI L: Kevin Chou – Everlight L: Jason Shin – King Design L: Y. M. Yang – NCKU L: H.S. Koo – MUST L: C. G. Wu – NCU L: C. C. Tsao – INER PV Materials Global Technical Committee EU TC Chapter of PV Materials Global Technical Committee JA TC Chapter of PV Materials Global Technical Committee C: Peter Wagner - Consultant C: Huber Aulich - Solar Valley C: Takashi Ishihara - Mitsubishi Electric C: Kazuhiko Kashima – Kashima Engineering C: Tetsuo Fukuda - AIST Int l PV Analytical Test Methods, Metrology, and Inspection TF L: TBD Japan PV Materials TF L: Tetsuo Fukuda - AIST L: Takashi Ishihara - Mitsubishi Electronic PV Silicon Materials TF L: Peter Wagner - Consultant = Global Task Force NA TC Chapter of PV Materials Global Technical Committee C: Lori Nye C: Hugh Gotts - Air Liquide Electronics US Int l PV Analytical Test Methods, Metrology, and Inspection TF L: Hugh Gotts - Air Liquide Electronics US L: Ron Sinton - Sinton Instruments L: Chris Moore - BayTech-Resor Physical Interfaces & Carriers Global Technical Committee Europe TC Chapter of Physical Interfaces & Carriers Global Technical Committee C: Alfred Honold - InReCon C: Frank Petzold - Trustsec International Reticle SMIF Pod & Loadport Interoperability TF L: Jan Rothe - GLOBALFOUNDRIES Japan TC Chapter of Physical Interfaces & Carriers Global Technical Committee C: Tsuyoshi Nagashima - Miraial C: Tsutomu Okabe - TDK C: Kenji Yamagata - DAIFUKU TA: Shoji Komatsu – Acteon NEXT NA TC Chapter of Physical Interfaces & Carriers Global Technical Committee C: Matt Fuller - Entegris C: Stefan Radloff - Intel International Process Module Physical Interface (IPPI) TF International 450 mm PIC TF L: Richard Oechsner - Fraunhofer L: Shoji Komatsu – Acteon NEXT Global PIC Maintenance TF International Reticle SMIF Pod & Loadport Interoperability TF L: Shoji Komatsu – Acteon NEXT L: Jan Rothe - GLOBALFOUNDRIES International 450 mm PIC TF L: Melvin Jung - Intel L: Shoji Komatsu – Acteon NEXT International 450 mm Shipping Box TF L: Tom Quinn - Intel Fiducial Mark Interoperability TF L: Supika Mashiro - TEL Glboal PIC Maintenance TF L: Larry Hartsough - UA Associates NA 450mm Shipping Box TF L: Tom Quinn - Intel EUV Reticle Handling TF 450mm ATDP TF L: Stefan Radloff - Intel = Global Task Force L: Long He - SEMATECH L: David Chan - SEMATECH L: John Zimmerman - ASML L: Kazuya Ota - Nikon Silicon Wafer Global Technical Committee NA TC Chapter of Si Wafer Global Technical Committee Europe TC Chapter of Si Wafer Global Technical Committee C: Dinesh Gupta - STA C: Noel Poduje - SMS VC: Mike Goldstein TE: Murray Bullis - Materials & Metrology C: Werner Bergholz - Jacobs University of Bremen C: Peter Wagner - Consultant C: Fritz Passek - Siltronic International Advanced Surface Inspection TF L: Frank Riedel - Siltronic International Advanced Wafer Geometry TF L: Fritz Passek - Siltronic L: Frank Riedel - Siltronic International Terminology TF L: Peter Wagner - Consultant International Test Methods TF L: Peter Wagner - Consultant International Annealed Wafers TF L: Dinesh Gupta - STA International Epitaxial Wafers TF L: Dinesh Gupta - STA International Polished Wafers TF L: John Valley - SunEdison Semiconductor L: Mike Goldstein International SOI Wafers TF L: Bich-Yen Nguyen - SOITEC International Terminology TF L: TBD International Test Methods TF L: Dinesh Gupta - STA International Advanced Wafer Geometry TF L: Noel Poduje - SMS L: Jaydeep Sinha International Automated Advance Surface Inspection TF L: Kurt Haller – KLA-Tencor International Polished Wafers TF L: Frank Riedel - Siltronic = Global Task Force Silicon Wafer Global Technical Committee Japan TC Chapter of Si Wafer Global Technical Committee C: Naoyuki Kawai - The University of Tokyo C: Tetsuya Nakai - SUMCO International Terminology TF L: Tetsuya Nakai - SUMCO International Annealed Wafers TF L: Koji Araki - GlobalWafers Japan International Test Method TF JA Shipping Box TF L: Ryuji Takeda GlobalWafers Japan L: Shoji Komatsu – Acteon NEXT L: Tsuyoshi Nagashima - Mirial Japan Test Method TF International SOI Wafers TF L: Atsushi Ogura - Meiji University L: Tetsuya Nakai – SUMCO International Epitaxial Wafers TF L: Naohisa Toda - Shin-Etsu Handotai L: Ryuji Takeda - GlobalWafers Japan L: Tsuyoshi Otsuki Shin-Etsu Handotai L: Mikako Omata - SCAS International 450 mm Shipping Box TF L: Shoji Komatsu – Acteon NEXT GOI WG L: Tsuyoshi Otsuki - Shin-Etsu Handotai International Polished Wafers TF L: Yasutoshi Takamoti GlobalWafers Japan Fiducial Mark Interoperability TF L: Tetsuya Nakai - SUMCO Surface Organic Contaminant Analysis WG L: Mikako Omata - Sumika Chemical Analysis Service Surface Metal Chemical Analysis WG L: Ryuji Takeda - GlobalWafers Japan L: Ryo Machida - Sumika Chemical Analysis Service BMD DZ WG L: Satoshi Akiyama – Raytex Optima L: Kazuo Moriya - Raytex = Global Task Force Bulk Heavy Metal Analysis by Electrical Measurement WG L: Shingo Sumie - KOBELCO L: Masaru Akamatsu - KOBELCO International Advanced Wafer Geometry TF L: Satoshi Akiyama – Raytex Optima Japan JWG TF L: Masanori Yoshise Freelance L: Satoshi Akiyama – Raytex Optima International Advanced Surface Inspection TF L: Masami Ikota - Hitachi High Technologies Traceability Global Technical Committee Japan TC Chapter of Traceability Global Technical Committee C: Yoichi Iga - Freelance C: Hirokazu Tsunobuchi - Keyence 5 Year Review TF L: Hirokazu Tsunobuchi Keyence Fiducial Mark Interoperability TF L: Hirokazu Tsunobuchi Keyence NA TC Chapter of Traceability Global Technical Committee C: Win Baylies - BayTech-Resor C: Yaw Obeng - NIST 5 Year Review TF L: Win Baylies - BayTech-Resor
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