March 2016 - Temple Beth El
March 2016 - Temple Beth El
MEMBER OF THE REFORM MOVEMENT In this issue MITZVAH DAY 2016: SUNDAY MARCH 13TH 9:30am-12:30Pm Administration………………11 Advertising………………21-23 Anniversary/Birthday….......20 Calendar………………...……18 Caring and Sharing….……..15 Contributions…….…….... ...26 Mitzvah day is a long standing tradition for Temple Beth El. It is a day that we all come together, ages 3-103, to stand side by side and perform mitzvot. King David Society….……...9 Learning Tree……………….15 Library/Book Club …….......13 No matter what our differences, on this day, we join as a family and perform mitzvot. We will spruce up the Temple, make lunches for the homeless, cards for the troops, gifts for the Children’s Hospital and much more. Please watch your e-mails for sign ups. As you set up your March calendar for 2016, the social action committee encourages you to reserve Sunday, March 13, for your participation in Mitzvah Day. Laurie Morris, Mitzvah Day chairperson ([email protected]) Membership………….…....…6 Mens Club……………….11-12 President’s Message…….....3 Public Relations……………...7 Purim Celebration……...…..17 Rabbi Ourach………………...2 Rabbi Luna………….……......8 Religious School…..…..….4-5 Ritual…………………………...6 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THE TEMPLE E-MAILS PLEASE e-mail Inna Vasser SO WE CAN MAKE SURE YOU ARE INCLUDED: [email protected]. We send out weekly updates. Second Night Seder…….....14 Shiva Committee………...…19 Sisterhood………………..….10 Temple Directory…………...27 The entire contents of this newsletter and additional photos are available on our website: TBE Cemetery…………….…19 TBE Gift Gallery…….………28 Yahrzeits…………………24-25 Youth Group………..……….13 RABBI’S MESSAGE During March we celebrate one of the most fun-filled Jewish holidays of the year. Purim and its story have delighted the Jewish mind and heart for more than 2000 years. The book of Esther was one of the last chosen to be included in our Bible. There was concern that God was not mentioned in the narrative. Its popularity with the masses may have forced its inclusion. Also, Esther’s message of right over might promoted feelings of hope and commitment. As Jews living in a free country, we can benefit from taking the time and making the effort to really celebrate Purim. As we attend carnivals and wear costumes, we can use these moments to strengthen Jewish identity for ourselves and for our children. As we read the Megillah, we have the opportunity to really listen to the story and remember its message. The Megillah teaches us about choices. Do we step up like Mordecai and ultimately accept responsibility like Esther? How much prodding do we need? The Megillah teaches us that hiding is not an acceptable response. Confronting our fears in a world that challenges us every day is not an easy task. As American Jews today, we are frequently more fearful than we have been in recent decades. There is more anti-Semitism in the world today. People do question whether they should travel to certain destinations. Our brothers and sisters in Israel all too often are faced with threats from their neighbors. Children and adults sometimes have less than a minute to reach a bomb shelter, and yet they face Haman and say “we will survive” and “we will prevail.” In March of 2016, the Hamans of the world are numerous and real, and they are not just there for the Jewish people. We are at times still at the top of their lists, but as we saw in France, it is not just our people who are under attack. Sadly, and far too often today, it is not just our lives that are threatened but also our way of life. The Hamans of today would eliminate us if they could, but their goals are more far-reaching and extend well beyond the Jewish people. The rights and freedoms of Jews, of Americans, of Frenchmen and of other people around the world are constantly being challenged. It is precisely because of these challenges that we must know who we are and what we believe. Our faith demands that we partner with God. Our tradition requires us to engage in repairing the world. We must not forget to teach our children these requirements on a regular basis. On more than one occasion, Western civilization has not been kind to our people. What we value in American life frequently makes us happy, but for many of us today, there is dissatisfaction with the values and needs that our society often ignores. The Torah teaches that those who are neediest are not to be ignored. The Talmud teaches that when we save the life of a single individual, we save an entire world. Purim is a time to reinforce these values and to reteach these lessons. We know the frightening results of what happpens if Haman is not confronted. We must always be present to help our people when and wherever they are in need. And as a people, we must always be ready to stand with others who now face challenges like the ones we have faced throughout our history. We will not turn aside. We will not look the other way. We will continue to join with others who oppose tyranny and oppression. This Purim and in the days ahead which will most certainly challenge us, let us remember our history, and whenever necessary, let us rise us up like Esther and Mordecai. Let us always remember the words of Hillel: If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when? 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Russ Bogen A Look Behind, a Look Ahead Just past the midpoint of this challenging transitional year for TBE I revisit the intention we envision for Temple Beth El. We conceive our synagogue to be a sacred community of people whose lives are enriched with meaning, purpose, connectedness, and a relationship with God through prayer, study, acts of social justice, healing, and loving-kindness. Our goal is to deepen a covenantal bond between each individual member and the spiritual community, to Judaism, and to God. How are we motivated to embrace the changes we are going through as a congregation? Each in our own way contributes to the overall effect. There are members who accept the “Challenge” to improve and excel. Some use their “Creativity” to get involved and to involve others, whether it is event planning or creating a warm and welcoming ambiance. “Fun” and “Excitement” are the keys that open the doors to synagogue life for certain citizens of TBE. “Family” induces many to participate and write their own story through the cycles of life. “Learning” and “Problem Solving” stimulate others to expand their horizons and to get things done. A sense of “Ownership” activates those who want to both preserve and improve our family community. “Service” and “Social Responsibility” inspire members who always represent a good portion of the community. “Teamwork” induces success for those who take up any of the variety of opportunities for association at TBE. “Recognition” ties it all together. My gratitude is spread widely and thickly (like honey) onto everyone in our TBE community who participate at every level. We are in this together. This transitional year has shown us how quickly that which is New becomes Traditional. The blending of new ideas and practices from members who have had synagogue experiences elsewhere reminds us that Judaism is an adaptive religion and culture. Tradition is honored and change embraced. We are looking forward with enthusiastic anticipation for our incoming permanent Rabbi Luna to galvanize and invigorate TBE at an even higher level than we enjoy today. Russell Bogen "Spring - An experience in immortality.” 3 Henry D. Thoreau by Dale Cohen, Religious School Director Dear Parents of the Religious School: I want to wish a happy month of March to all of our Religious School families. I am reflecting back to last month when we had our wonderful PJ Library program at Temple Judea hosted by Leni Sack and Liz Singer. We are living in such a small Jewish Community; how nice it is to be able to get together and work collaboratively while celebrating the holiday of Tu B’shevat. Our next PJ Library program (Passover) will be held here at Temple Beth EL on April 10th as we continue to work and plan with Leni and Liz. All of us here at Temple Beth EL Religious School have thoroughly enjoyed this process! Sunday, March 13, 2016 we will be having Mitzvah Day her e at Temple Beth El at 9:30 AM. This is always a spectacular day of fulfilling mitzvot. As always the Religious School will be assisting in a wide array of projects. Please look for “sign-up genius” for donating opportunities Saturday, March 19, 2016, we will have J unior Congr egation Ser vices fr om 9:00 – 10:15 AM. This is a wonderful way for our pre-Bar/Bat Mitzvah students to become familiar with the Saturday morning liturgy. Sunday, March 20, 2016, we will have a ver y special pr e-Purim Pancake Breakfast. We will be designing our favorite Purim characters on pancakes (during Religious School hours) We will be eating, singing Purim songs with Cantor Victor, and creating a special art project with our own Morah Shirley. We will also be enjoying delicious hamantaschen as well! Wednesday March 30, 2016 Kar en Kagan, and I will be heading to Washington, D.C. to lead our 9th and 10th grade Confirmation students for a five day community Service Trip through the Amizade World organization. We will be taking 11 students, and Mary Gatof has graciously offered to be a chaperone. I will be reporting next month on all of the details. Please note: Ther e will not be Religious School on Sunday, Mar ch 27th or on Wednesday, March 30th and on Sunday, April 3rd due to the Lee County “Spring Break.” B’Ezrat Hashem, Dale M. Cohen, M.A., ED, R.J.E. 4 Religious Education Director DALE COHEN: RELFECTIONS ON HER SHABBAT HONOR, Feb 22nd, 18 YEARS OF SERVICE AT TEMPLE BETH EL Shabbat Shalom, and thank you so much for this most wonderful honor of serving as the Religious School Director of Temple Beth El for the past 18 years. I am so humbled by this honor. Firs, (and in no particular order of importance) I would like to thank the TBE Board of Trustees for sponsoring this evening’s Oneg. Todah Rabah for all of the love, support and commitment to the following people: Vanessa Sax, V.P. Of Education, Karen Kagan (a.K.A. sidekick to the fearless leader), Karen Weiss, Berny and Phyllis Aronson, Russ Bogen, Rabbi Ourach, Cantor Victor,and of course my incredible teaching staff and all of the students of Temple Beth El Religious School. If I had to sum up my 18 years here at Temple Beth El in one word; I would say endurance. For all of you “die hards” out there, Betty, Karen Weiss, Robin Jacobs, Barbara Gribin and so many others, we support and love the institution of Temple Beth El. We have lived through many trials and tribulations, but have persevered through them all. This is our spiritual home. We have experienced many life cycle events together and treasure many memories here. Through the years, we have watched congregants come and go, but we have remained here for the “long haul.” Any relationship, whether it be with people, animals, or an institution will always have its ups and downs. The key to sucess is consistency and loyalty. The perpetuation of Judaism depends on us. The longevity of our commitment and love that we have for our faith will take us well into the next millennium. Allow me to say, that most of my staff have been teaching here for well over 10 years. We are like a big family and our main goal is to imbue our students with the best possible Jewish education, and believe me, we do. I am eternally grateful for our Religious School staff. Their continued loyalty and commitments to our students is incomparable. There really is nothing better than the “team of employees” that I am blessed to work with on a daily basis: Rabbi Ourach, Cantor Victor, Inna Vasser, Karen Kagan, Lydia Rivera, Fabian Ruiz and Jesyca Virnig. We are not just co-workers, but great friends who respect each others’ opinions and are always “bouncing ideas off of each other for the betterment of the Temple. On a personal note, my family is my everything. My daughter Lanie was named here and she celebrated her Bat Mitzvah here as well. I trained her for her Bat Mitzvah! Good Times! Lanie, you have grown up here, and you will be spending a month of your summer in the CIT training program at 6 Points Sports Academy (a URJ camp) in Greensboro, North Carolina Mazel Tov. And to My loving husband Nir, you are my rock, and my best friend. To Bear and Lily, my favorite canines – (but if you really know me , I do love all animals) if you were allowed in here; you would be here, but we understand! To my parents, who couldn’t be here – I love you more than words could ever say. Thank you for putting me on the path of Jewish Education. In conclusion, and as a part of our Prayerbook liturgy, there is a part of the V’ahavta Prayer that reads: V’sheenantaam L’vanecha, which translates to: “you shall diligently teach them to your children. Jewish Education is not merely an option, but a commandment. For me, it is truly “a labor of love.” If we do not invest in the future of Jewish Education, which are our children, then where is the future for Judaism? One place I know that the future will lie will be here at Temple Beth El. Kayn Y’hee Ratzon “So May it be G-d’s Will” Amen You have touched the lives of over 200 Children and their families. CONGRATULATIONS DALE 5 Our sincere Mazel Tovs go out to Jensen Weisenger; Amber Crutchfield, William Goldman and Jarred Olitsky and their respective families for their dedication and learning to reach that special milestone. At this time, Temple has 5 more Bar/Bat Mitzvot between now and the end of the year; it would be a Mitzvah for anyone from our congregation to attend a Bar/Bat Mitzvah service on any Saturday morning. The families would truly appreciate the support of the congregation. Check the monthly calendar in your newsletter for dates. Challah is still being distributed during the Hamotzi by Phyllis and her young Temple members on Friday evenings. This continues our efforts to bring more young people into various activities, where they are always welcome to light Shabbas candles, read from the Siddur, open the Ark, dress and undress the Torah, etc. We are looking forward to Rabbi Luna’s visit to Ft Myers and Temple Beth El on April 9th & 10th and holding a beautiful Havdallah service on Saturday night, with an Oneg afterwards. The Ritual Committee – sponsored Oneg on Feb. 19th. We have heard from several people who have arrived late for Friday evening services and found the doors locked. Services start at 7:30 pm and the doors lock automatically at 8:00 pm. For the security of our worshippers in the Sanctuary. See you all on Friday nights and ”talk” to you next month! MEMBERSHIP by Jeff Avon, VP of Membership The Super Bowl wasn't the only event on Sun 2/7. There was indeed a SUPER lunch that day for new congregants who joined Temple Beth El in 2015. The lunch was hosted at the beautiful home of Karen & Michael Weiss. New TBE congregants mingled with Rabbi Bob and Linda Ourach, Cantor Victor and Shirley Geigner, Dale Cohen, our Religious School Director, the membership committee and board members. The variety of home cooked food from entrees to desserts was delicious and proved once again TBE has many top chefs. The winning team that day was TBE! The membership committee is always looking for new ways to improve the social experience of TBE congregants. Your comments, suggestions and committee membership are always welcome. Please contact me at [email protected] or my cell 239-834-7106. 6 Temple Beth El in The News Karen Weiss, VP of Public Relations I have accepted the position of PR chairman on the TBE board. Several changes will take place and it will be a work in progress. I am requesting that all PR articles, fliers, etc be emailed to me: [email protected]. Please do not ask the office staff to put the info into the email blasts, website, or newsletter. They will only forward the info to me which could possibly delay the information in reaching the appropriate source. All correspondence is to be in email form to me. This process is in an attempt to streamline, and to ensure the information is timely and accurate. The website is a work in progress and I ask for your patience and understanding. My primary goal is to keep the information on the website accurate and up to date but I can only do that if I receive the information this way. I will do my best to get all the information emailed to me into the newsletter and website. Be advised that newsletter articles are proofed ( not by me) and from time to time there may be changes which is the editors choice. Information for the Newsletter must be emailed to me by the 7th for the following months issue and by the 3rd for L'chayim. Email blasts will be sent on Friday and will contain only the information for the next week. Save the date email blasts will be sent out on Monday’s. Again thank you and I look forward to this new endeavor. Temple Beth El and the Synagogues360 Project In 1994, the Temple Beth El family moved into its beautiful new home, designed with love by one of its own members, Bruce Gora. Through his distinctive design, Bruce translated the warmth and spirituality of our congregation into bricks and plaster and stained glass. Late last year, Louis Davidson, photographer for Synagogues 360, recognized the rare beauty of our building and asked to capture it for the Synagogues360 project. As described on their website: “Synagogues360 brings you a unique visual and historical experience of synagogues across North America, Europe and Asia from small, remote villages to cosmopolitan cities. Each is an expression of the culture, artistic values and architectural technology of its era. This website preserves these unique historical legacies and presents them in 360 degree panoramic, interactive photos.” Our temple is included in this wonderful project because of it's national recognition as a unique and important example of synagogue architecture. Go to to see the amazing photos of our building. Linger there to marvel at the other examples of our rich architectural heritage and fully appreciate the importance of Temple Beth El, here in Fort Myers, Florida, being included in such a prestigious group of synagogues. 7 WELCOME RABBI NICOLE LUNA LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING ALL OF YOU IN FORT MYERS APRIL 9-10 8 TEMPLE BETH EL ARTISTS SEND THEIR WORK TO ISRAEL Since September, eight local Jewish artists have been working on a collaborative art project with Israeli artists coordinated by our local Jewish Federation. Five of the artists are members of Temple Beth El. Each artist was paired with an Israeli artist from the Hadera-Eiron region and have been communicating through social media. The project is called “Art Beyond Boundaries.” (There is a Facebook page by the same name which shows the artworks that have been created by all the artists in the United States and Israel.) In total there are fifty-two, or twenty-six pairs, of artists involved with the exhibition. All artists were required to take a course about Psalms and each pair chose a psalm to illustrate. The show will open in Israel in early April and the complete exhibition will be coming to Fort Myers, the Alliance for the Arts, March 2017. Gale Shamblott Carolyn Gora Elise Sewall Juli Bobman Shirley Litman KING DAVID SOCIETY There are many creative ways you can choose to support Temple Beth El; ways which will benefit our temple, you and your loved ones…all at the same time. These acts of giving are called “planned gifts”. You can: * Make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime. * Give stock and realize large tax savings for you. * Receive income for life in return for your gift. * Donate your house, continue to live there and get a tax break, all at the same time. Start a conversation with us about planned giving. Call Doug Gribin at 239-561-2900 or Linda Sweet [email protected] OR go to and download the form 9 SISTERHOOD by Bernice Turner, Sisterhood President "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." --Helen Keller I would like to share some exciting news with you. Through the efforts of many organizations and individuals the Israeli Cabinet has finally decided to create a permanent pluralistic prayer space at the Kotel in Jerusalem. This proves there is power in working together towards a common goal. The great taste of wonderful strudel is still on my palate. I want to thank Sylvia Simko for sharing her fantastic strudel recipe with our members. February’s meeting was delicious. The Board of Directors have been working hard to revise our bylaws. The changes and additions were discussed at our February meeting. If you wish to review the new bylaws a copy is available in the Dubin Center. The bylaws will be voted upon at the March Meeting. Upcoming Events: (PLEASE GO TO WWW.TEMPLEBETHEL.COM, SISTERHOOD FOR DETAILS) March 13th is Mitzvah Day. Sister hood will be collecting clothing for “Dr ess for Success” a non-profit organization that strives to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and to develop the tools to thrive in work and life. Donations of clothing (on hangers only) are gratefully appreciated. We will also be collecting household items and donations to help our local veterans. March 17th is our evening dinner meeting. After our gener al meeting you will be enter tained with Broadway songs by the team of R&B. You will also have the opportunity to be part of the show. Reservations are a must for this meeting. April 3 Sisterhood Quarter Auction 1pm-4pm. Help us raise money to sponsor a confirmation student for their Mission trip at the culmination of their studies. Maj Jongg Tournament: second Wednesday of the month. If you need infor mation r egar ding anything r elated to Sisterhood or you would like to help at an event contact me at [email protected]. 10 ADMINISTRATION by Robin Jacobs & Barbara Gribin VP ‘s of administration We have now completed 2 months as VP of administration. To say that Temple Beth El is a ‘happening place’ would be an understatement!! There is something going on all the time, and the office staff is ready and willing to meet the daily challenges with a smile and great attitude! Let them know that you appreciate the job that they do. You asked, and we listened. We recently changed the phone answering system to have a ‘live person’ greet you when you call. Please understand that since we only have 3 telephone lines coming into the synagogue, there will still be some times that the voice mail may come on. Staff meetings Holidays, Extreme Weather Conditions, and After Hours are some of the instances that you will reach the voice message instead of a live person. Your understanding will be much appreciated. For your safety, the front door automatically locks at 8 pm on Shabbat. We ar e wor king at finding volunteers to stay in lobby from 8:00pm-8:30pm to let in any latecomers to services. We are also in the process of adding additional security to the office, kitchen, religious and preschool in the way of “panic buttons” to be used in extreme circumstances of fear of safety issues. During the turbulent times that we live in, we feel that adding an extra layer of protection is necessary. Shalom, Robin Jacobs and Barbara Gribin MENS CLUB by Richard Chaet, Men’s Club President PLEASE SEE OUR AD ON THE NEXT PAGE FOR OUR MARCH 6TH FUNDRAISER. CALL QUICKLY WE ARE ALMOST SOLD OUT The Men's Club sends a warm welcome to our snow birds and new members. We hope you find that the weather that lives up to your expectation. The only thing we can guarantee you is that you will not have to bring a shovel. As always, the Men's Club of Temple Beth El has some very exciting events planned for this winter. The first is the Super Bowl tailgating party at the Temple, which will be over before this article is printed. If you came, I know you will have enjoyed it, and if you missed it we will have another one next year. Some of the other things that are being planned are as follows: our every other month pool shooting night, complete with pizza and drinks. We are planning pistol training and indoor range target shooting at one of the local firing ranges. For the car enthusiasts, we will have a huge car show at Temple Beth El this summer. Watch for Dates. 11 12 TBE LIBRARY AND BOOK CLUB by Barbara Wasserman Vinson March Book of the Month: The Zookeeper’s Wife by Diane Ackerman will be reviewed at the March 3rd Book Club Meeting. Ackerman writes that after their zoo was bombed, Polish zookeepers Jan and Antonina Zabinski managed to save over three hundred people from the Nazis by hiding refugees in the empty animal cages. With animal names for these “guests,” and human names for the animals, it’s no wonder that the zoo’s code name became “The House Under a Crazy Star.” Best-selling naturalist and acclaimed storyteller Diane Ackerman combines extensive research and an exuberant writing style to re-create this fascinating, true-life story―sharing Antonina’s life as “the zookeeper’s wife,” while examining the disturbing obsessions at the core of Nazism. Winner of the 2008 Orion Award. 8 pages of illustrations. Members and Donations Welcome To join the Library Committee contact Barbara Vinson at [email protected] To join the Machers & Mavens book club we meet the 1st Wednesday of every month at 2:00pm. To donate to the Library Fund designate “Library Fund” on your check, made out to Temple Beth El. We Can Use Children and juvenile books of Jewish content. JR YOUTH GROUP Michelle Schoenfeld & Nadine Goodman co-leaders Jr Youth Group for all Jewish Middle Schoolers, hosted at Temple Beth El Co-Leaders, Nadine Goodman & Michelle Schoenfeld March Newsletter Shalom friends. Do you know that this year is like a Jewish leap year? Because our calendar follows the cycle of the moon, sometimes it works out that we need an extra month, just as the solar calendar sometimes needs to add a day, February 29. This year, is such a year for us. And when the Jewish calendar needs to add a month, it is this month of Adar we add. Adar is the month of happiness, when the flowers start to bloom and the things we have been aspiring for in our lives come to fruition. There is much to celebrate and be joyful about in Adar. Last month, we came together with Temple Judea for a lovely evening of music with a capella music sensation group "Listen Up". Next month on April 16, Jr Youth Group will share a lock-in at Temple Judea. Being together as one community of Jewish students in SWFL brings much nachas to our hearts. Thank you for sharing your heart and friendship as one Jewish community. You all make us so proud. Much love, your happy co-leaders, Michelle & Nadine 13 SECOND NIGHT TEMPLE BETH EL SEDER Open to Family and friends Seating is limited to the first 125 reservations paid in advance. Please mail your reservation to Temple Beth El, 16225 Winkler Road, Ft. Myers, Fl 33908. (239)433-0018 *********************************************************** Name:__________________________________ Phone:_____________ Adult member: $ 30.00 # __________ Adult Non-Member: $ 55.00 #______ College Students: $ 15.00 (w/id) #_____Children 6-12: $ 20.00 #_________ Children under 5 : Free TOTAL DUE $______________ Method of Payment: ____Check _____Credit Card on file OR ______ Credit Card info on form Credit Card # ____________________________Exp date:______ CRV______ I would like to be seated with: (tables of 8-10)________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 14 The Learning Tree by Jesyca Virnig, Director Calling all Bubbes and Zaydes! You have always known that children's sweet little faces and belly laughs were medicine for your soul. Did you also know that recent research indicates time spent with the little ones may improve your memory and brain function? The benefits go both ways--no one is in a better position to provide a listening ear, patience and wisdom, positive storytelling, and more to the children in our classrooms! The Learning Tree preschool would welcome your involvement for 2 hours each week, 9:30-11:30 or 11:00-1:00. Usual volunteer activities include reading books to individual or small groups of children, completing simple puzzles together, building with legos or larger blocks, make believe play with puppets, singing or other musical activities, working with clay or other art materials, and much more! It is also possible to share a special talent such as wood-working or weaving if preferred. After we learn your volunteer interests, and conduct a brief one hour orientation, you will be assigned to a specific classroom so that you may develop a relationship with the children and teachers over your weeks of volunteering. A whole school year commitment is not required and seasonal volunteering is welcomed as well. For more information, please contact preschool director Jesyca Russell Virnig, 239-4335499 Everyone is looking forward to seeing the exciting plans for this summer's fantastic preschool camp. Which week will the fuzzy ducklings visit? Which week will the children build their own catapults? And what projects are planned for Mitzvah week? Keep an eye on our website as the summer camp brochure will become available early in March! Summer camp begins June 20. Jesyca Russell Virnig, M.A.Ed. Director The Learning Tree (239) 433-5499 [email protected] CARING AND SHARING by Dani Weiner MAZEL TOV DANI ON YOUR NEW HIP !!! Know someone in the hospital, rehab or recuperating at home? At Temple Beth El, we like to think of our fellow congregants as family. We often hear many names recited during the Mi Shebeirach (the healing blessing). If you know of a temple member who would appreciate a chat or visit with Rabbi Ourach, please contact the office at 433-0018 x201 or x203. Due to pr ivacy issues, the Rabbi does not know who is in the hospital unless someone provides this information. If you know of one of our fellow congregants who is ill and in the hospital please contact the office at the above number and provide the person’s name, hospital and room number if possible. There are forms available for you to leave this information in the basket provided at the entrance to the Dubin Center. You can fill out the form anytime you’re in the building. 15 The Magic of the Night: Oz Pearlman ‘TEAMWORK divides the task and multiplies the SUCCESS’ Thanks to a wonderful team of volunteers and community support, Temple Beth El’s recent “Oz Pearlman, The Mentalist” event held on February 21st at Pelican Preserve was a huge success. We are fortunate to have a supportive fundraising committee whose core members include Ruth Ehrreich, Barbara Gribin, Carolyn Gora and Pam Arkin. These incredible women continue to astound with their creativity and dedication to TBE. The talented Randy Kashi was responsible for the graphic artwork, from ads, posters and tickets to the event program book. Jewelry designer, Mark Loren, was gracious enough to create a work of art for us to raffle, raising even more money for TBE and the Dubin Alzheimers Resource Center. When we sent out a request for additional committee members to help sell ads for our program book, we were delighted with the response and results from Arlene Foreman, Carol Kann, Irwin Bosworth, Leslie Schoenfeld, Doug Gribin, Bev and Ed Drucker, Mike Kashi, Jeff Avon, Phyllis and Berny Aronson, Judy Zfaz, Betty Massie and Sylvia Simko. And, as always, thank you to Karen Kagan and Inna Vasser for their support and for doing a great job in the arduous task of accounting for the ticket and ad sales. Temple Beth El and the Dubin Alzheimers Resource Center are grateful to our generous sponsors: The Forest Country Club, Galeana Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram , Re/Max Realty Group-Michael J. Frye and Hal Arkin and White Sands Treatment Center. We also thank all those who advertised in our evening’s program book and we encourage you to support them. And, of course, thank you to all who attended….it was wonderful seeing so many people together laughing and enjoying a unique evening of incredible entertainment. The night was magical and the planning was a labor of love. Working as a committee to achieve this success perfectly defines what we mean by community and Temple Beth El has a long and rich history of accomplishing amazing things ….together! Won’t you consider becoming part of our team as we work together toward a greater purpose? Volunteer to divide the task and multiply the will be rewarded with a feeling of accomplishment and pride. Linda Sweet, V.P. Fundraising 16 Join us for the annual Megillah Reading March 23, 2016 @ 5:30 Come shake your groggers and enjoy the traditions of Purim 17 MARCH CALENDAR 3/1 Jewish Issues and Texts Kabbalah level 1 class 4 3/2 Staff Meeting Book Club Religious School Ritual Meeting Noon 5:15 pm 11:00 am 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 3/3 Kabbalah level 2 class 4 BEFTY –Dubin Center 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 3/4 Shabbat Service Community Candle Lighting 7:30pm Torah Study Religious School Men’s Club Comedy Night 9:00 am 9:30 am 5:30 pm 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/10 Sisterhood Bd Mtg Current Events Learning Tree Program Board of Ed Mtg Jewish Issues & Texts Kabbalah Level 1 final class Men’s Club Bd Mtg Maj Jongg Tournament Staff Meeting Religious School 10:00 am 11:00 am 4:00 pm 9:30 am Noon 5:15 pm 7:00 pm 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 3/11 BEFTY led Shabbat Service 7:30 pm 3/12 Torah Study 9:00 am 3/13 Mitzvah Day 9:00 am 3/14 Current Events 3/15 Jewish Issues and Texts 3/16 Learning Tree Bd Mtg Staff Meeting Lunch and Learn Board Meeting 3/17 Sisterhood Dinner/Show 6:30 pm 3/18 Healing Service 7:00 pm 3/19 Torah Study Jr Congregation 9:00 am 9:00 am 3/20 Religious School 9:30am 3/21 Current Events Finance Meeting Executive Bd Mtg 3/22 Jewish Issues and Texts Board Meeting 3/23 Staff Meeting 11:00 am TBE Megillah Reading 5:30 pm 3/26 Torah Study 9:00 am 3/28 Current Events 11:00am 3/29 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm Kabbalah Level 2 final class BEFTY Sanctuary 3/16 3/30 11:00 am Noon 6:30 pm 11:00 am 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Noon 6:30pm Jewish Issue and Texts Noon Sisterhood-Bdwy Palm Lunch Noon Staff Meeting 11:00 am Every Member of our Congregation will be receiving a Purim Basket. Please come by the Temple and pick up your Basket 3/113/22 during Office hours (see page 27) or during Friday night Oneg. 11:00 am Noon 9:15 am 18 TBE SHIVA COMMITTEE by Dottie Ruberto AT YOUR TIME OF LOSS IT IS DIFFICULT TO FOCUS ON shiva FOOD AND Preparations for family and friends, LET US HELP YOU. This committee is available to help anyone who needs assistance in arranging the Shiva meal or memorial during their time of sorrow. Food will be provided after the funeral for the family wherever the Shiva is being held. We will bring the food, set up and clean up, we are very unobtrusive. Three choices will be offered: (1) A sweets table for 50 people consisting of cakes, finger cakes, candy, nuts and fruit. (2) A dairy meal for 50 people consisting of: lox, bagels, cream cheese, tomatoes, onion, whitefish salad, herring, egg salad, cheese platter, vegetable platter, and potato salad. (3) A combination of numbers one and two for 50 people. Cost to the family will be based on which choice is selected. For more information or to volunteer to help, contact Dottie Ruberto, (239) 482-2552 or [email protected] TBE Garden of Memories Cemetery Committee was formed in 1999 with Rules & Regulations adopted by the Temple’s Board of Trustees in 2000. The Cemetery Committee is responsible for all aspects of the cemetery: maintenance and beautification of the grounds; processing the assignment of burial spaces; inscriptions being placed on the Memorial Wall; all financial transactions; and burial services. The Committee has three events at the cemetery each year – Mitzvah Day; Memorial Day Service with Jewish War Vets; and the High Holy Days Special Memorial Service. The Committee meets monthly for breakfast, “meet and eat” with a formal agenda and minutes. The Committee is dedicated to the Mitzvah of taking care of the final resting place of Temple Beth El’s members. We invite members interested in joining our committee to contact Pam Arkin and join us for breakfast. "Have you made Cemetery reservations?" For more information about our Cemetery please contact Pam Arkin by email [email protected]. 19 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Paul & Sylvia Simko Russell and Carolyn Crutchfield Harry and Ellen Greenberg Joel and Nancy Levin Lawrence & Leslie Schoenfeld Rick & Laura Waks Stephen and Vicki Zellner Russel & Nadine Goodman WHY IS MY NAME NOT ON THIS PAGE 3/1 3/3 3/18 3/19 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/24 ? If your name does not appear in our newsletter monthly listing of birthdays and anniversaries, it is usually because we do not have this information. Many members have left blank spaces on their application or sometimes a one (1) looks like a seven (7) and sometimes we type in a four (4) instead of a three (3).... Please e-mail us and let us know if your information is missing or incorrect it is very easy for us to update your records, but we need you to let us know. Please help us update our records. Send your changes to: [email protected] 20 Gloria Whitesman Jacob Rubin Michelle Rosenbaum Harold Schindler Marilyn Tenenbaum Russell Bogen Russell Crutchfield Craig Hersch Karen Weiss Gail Arenstein Deborah Gerson Ellen Greenberg Adam Heller Audrey Brookfield David Goldberg Paul Tritel Martin Zfaz Michael Langberg Irwin Friedman Sidney Harris Sandi Sauls Alan Freeman Eliot Hoffman Robert Luber Barry Blitz Rollie Fischer Evan Rosenbaum Janice Danzig Darlene Duvin Mark Okonski Tom Vinson David Baldinger Betty O Harren Wayne Newman Lori Tritel Stewart Ehrreich Lauretta Hubbard Tirzah Schindler Laurene Baum Kavitha Taschner MichaelWeiss Tara Ziegler Rick Waks Sharon Cohn Michelle Berke Bobbi Goldberg Keith Miller Gina Restivo Charles Weisinger 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/5 3/5 3/6 3/6 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/9 3/10 3/11 3/11 3/12 3/12 3/14 3/15 3/16 3/16 3/19 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/24 3/24 3/24 3/25 3/25 3/25 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/29 3/30 3/30 3/30 3/31 21 KING DAVID SOCIETY LEAVE A LEGACY Add Temple Beth El to your Estate Plan 22 New & Established patients Warmly Welcomed ASK YOUR FRIENDS: ISN’T THIS WHAT YOU EXPECT FROM YOUR DERMATOLOGIST ? SANDY MARTIN, MD, FAAD 13641 Metropolis Ave, Suite 102 239-208-4408 Fort Myers 33912 23 MARCH YAHRZEITS DECEASED 3/1/2015 RELATIONSHIP OBSERVER Eugene Wasserman Frieda Tepper Ida Chiger Solomon Tepper Father Mother Grandmother Father Barbara Vinson Bobbi Goldberg Allison Chiger Bobbi Goldberg Anne Rothstein Carl Sweetland Hilda Stein Sophie Shatz Mother Father Mother Mother Gloria Whitesman Carol Price Leah Warshaw Beverly Drucker Clarence Jackson Hymie Barsel Ricky Tartus Sarah Aronson Father Father Father Mother Margaret Bozof Sonya Lubner Jill Schreidell Bernard Aronson Elcy Poskanzel Fay Kanthor Louis Hochman Aunt Mother Brother Linda Bonito Judith Rosenbaum Freddye Rabinowitz Allan Bralove Rose Frank Father Spiritual Mother Mark Okonski Robert Silver Ann Siegel Dora Patt Esther Schreiber Hinda Zellin Mother Mother in Law Mother Grandmother Bette Batson Milton Rosenberg Sylvia Schreiber Doreen VanderWoude Ethel Roth Howard Stein Mother Loved One Judy Williams Gloria Kummins Mollie Mirowitz Mother Jay Mirowitz Lawrence Litman Father Bernice Turner Murray Blumberg Rosemary Fogle Father Grandmother Phillip Blumberg Craig Hersch Glenn Traiger Louis Friedman Father Father Dean Traiger Audrey Brookfield Alexander Grodsky Flora Goldhagen Rhoda Frazer Samuel Loigman Sol Winer Grandfather Mother Wife Father-in-law Father Rosalyn Shraiar Claire Goldhagen Samuel Frazer Doris Loigman Rollie Fischer 3/2/2015 3/3/2015 3/4/2015 3/5/2015 3/6/2015 3/7/2015 3/8/2015 3/9/2015 3/10/2015 3/12/2015 3/13/2015 24 MARCH YAHRZEITS cont’d DECEASED RELATIONSHIP OBSERVER 3/14/2015 Alter Daven Richard Jacobs Grandfather Father Janice Danzig Bruce Jacobs Edward Kozlowsky Father Joan Davis Louise Rubin Wife Jacob Rubin Rabbi Chaim Herzig Grandfather Lawrence Rosenberg Brenda Marks Joseph Levin Morris Solomon Sylvia Chasens Sister Father Father Grandmother Clive Lubner Joel Levin Pam Arkin Tracie Hurley Ruth Kozlowsky Simon Markovich Mother Father Joan Davis George Markovich Bettie Sweetland Millie Warshaw Mother Mother Carol Price Stan Warshaw Bessie Nadelman Rosalie Goldstein Ruby Williams Sara Klein Grandmother Mother Mother Mother Paul Lewis Burt Goldstein Janice Danzig Louis Klein Benjamin Kaufman Father Beverly Banks David Blum Harry Ain Toby Bordansky Brother Father Sister Randy Kashi Barbara Lieberman Samuel Frazer Ruth Cramer Mother in law Marvin Gilman 3/15/2015 3/16/2015 3/19/2015 3/20/2015 3/21/2015 3/22/2015 3/25/2015 3/26/2015 3/27/2015 3/30/2015 WHEN WILL MY YARHZEIT BE READ DURING SERVICES Our computer system recognizes and prints the Yahrzeit dates from the Saturday prior through the Friday of the service. For example, On Friday, September 18th, we read names from September 12th – 18th. Please double check to make certain you have the correct Friday night service for your Yahrzeit. If you did not receive a Yahrzeit letter, please contact the office. We have many applications that have been left blank, it is important you help us update our records. Many years ago the Temple switched software programs and the new program did not allow us to track Hebrew Yahrzeit dates. We have subsequently purchased the module that will allow us to “sort” by Hebrew OR English date. If you know and would like us to use a Hebrew Date, please e-mail us and let us know, we are here to support you.: [email protected] or [email protected] 25 CONTRIBUTIONS Thank you Sisterhood and Men’s Club for the beautiful Silk flower arrangements on the Bima Thank you to my TBE family for your well wishes and healing prayers: Eva Gordan YAHRZEIT FUND In memory of Jeffrey Fischer From: Rollie Fischer GENERAL FUND (CONT’D) In memory of Jon Davidson From: Jon and Aimee Rubinstein In memory of Stuart Landsman Theodore Siegel From: Robert and Bette Batson In memory of Jon Davidson From: Laura and Rick Waks In memory of Ethel Kulick From: Marvin and Lesley Porter In honor of Michael and Janice Danzig’s Birthday’s From: Rhoda and Ira Silverleib Norine and Meir Kehila Susan and Richard Payne Harriet and Stuart Schweitzer In memory of Gertrude Thomson From: Miles and Joan Thomson In memory of Steven Hersch From: Allen and Elizabeth Shevach In memory of George Satin From: Roger and Judith Satin In honor of Rabbi Ourach From: Susan Ferkel In memory of Sarah Aronson Harry Rosenbaum From: Bernard and Phyllis Aronson LINDA SWEET SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Irene Siegel From: Howard and Verna Siegel GENERAL FUND In honor of Ira and Sue Citrenbaum’s 50th Wedding Anniversary From: Larry and Tobi Morgan In memory of Richard Horenstein From: Linda Sweet In memory of Simcha Zfaz From: Martin and Judy Zfaz Wishing Speedy Recovery Get Well Dani Weiner From: Linda Sweet In memory of Jon Sidney Davidson, brother of Caren Haiken From: Lisa Tolep RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND In memory of Leonard Weinraub, Susan Ferkel’s Father From: Chuck and Betty Massie In memory of Scott Duvin From: Lew and Barbara Schwartz 26 TEMPLE BETH EL DIRECTORY (239) 433-0018 • Fax (239) 433-3235 Religious School (239) 433-9808 The Learning Tree (239) 433-5499 E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: 16225 Winkler Rd, Fort Myers, FL 33908 Office hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. STAFF Rabbi Cantor Office Manager/Bookkeeper Office Assistant Religious Education Director Preschool Director House and Grounds BOARD MEMBERS Robert Ourach [email protected] Victor Geigner [email protected] Inna Vasser [email protected] Karen Kagan [email protected] Dale Cohen [email protected] Jesyca Virnig [email protected] Fabian Ruiz [email protected] BOARD MEMBERS President Immediate Past President Executive Vice President Treasurer Vice President/Administration Vice President/Education Vice President/House & Grounds Vice President/Membership Vice President/Ritual Vice President/Fundraising Secretary Parliamentarian Social Action Public Relations Garden of Memories Cemetery Caring & Sharing TEMPLE ORGANIZATIONS Volunteer Coordinator Sisterhood President Russ Bogen [email protected] Harriet Lipschutz [email protected] Ellis Rabinowitz [email protected] Roger Satin [email protected] Robin Jacobs [email protected] Barbara Gribin [email protected] Vanessa Sax [email protected] Soren Shamblott [email protected] Jeff Avon [email protected] Berny Aronson [email protected] Linda Sweet [email protected] Susan Ferkel [email protected] Lise Plattner [email protected] Harley Greenberg [email protected] Karen Weiss [email protected] Pam Arkin [email protected] Dani Weiner [email protected] Men’s Club President Senior Youth Group Advisor Junior Youth Group Advisor PTO Advisor Learning Tree Representative Gift Gallery Laurie Morris [email protected] Bernice Turner [email protected] Rich Chaet [email protected] Elana Beame [email protected] Michelle Schoenfeld [email protected] Karen Kagan [email protected] Betty Massie [email protected] Louise Weiner [email protected] NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE All news materials must be submitted by the 7th of each month prior. [email protected] (Karen Weiss) Production/Design: Karen Kagan Editors: Judy Williams, Linda Sweet, Louise Weiner Advertising Representative Printing/Mailing: 27 TEMPLE BETH EL STAFF Palm Printing Printer’s Ink 2400 First Street, Suite 102 Fort Myers, FL 33901 28