CHEETAH CHAT The Cheetah Chat needs reporters; one from each class would be great. These reporters will be responsible for writing a paragraph every month telling us about what is coming up in their classrooms or what they learned this month that was really cool. Sometimes, they will have to do special assignments, like interviewing someone, or taking pictures at an event. I am also looking for some students who are really great at writing and helping friends solve problems. Well, you see, Sometimes I get emails from students who have problems and are asking for advice. The problem is that I would LOVE to help them, but I am just a cheetah! What do I know about real people problems? (Not much!) That is why I need YOU! Any students, who are interested in being a reporter or writing an advice column for the Cheetah Chat, please send me an email at [email protected] (get permission first) or write me a note and put it in the white mailbox in the office by December 20th. Thanks – SPEEDY! GUESS WHO… I will give you 3 clues about a teacher in your school and you have to guess who it is. (HINT: Use the Teacher Spotlight for information.) Put your guesses in the box out front of Mrs. Stevenson’s office by the 20th of each month and there will be a random drawing for a winner. The prize will be a gift certificate to spend at the school store. This teacher’s favorite animal is the polar bear. This teacher has 1 sister. This teacher’s favorite color is blue. WRITING CONTEST Write me a story about your family’s holiday traditions and put it in the box in Mrs. Stevenson’s office by December 20th and the winning stories from each grade will be in the Cheetah Chat next month. CHEETAH CHALLENGE Send me your answers by December 20th and there will be a drawing for a winner. (Don’t forget to put your name and section on your paper.) The prize will be a gift certificate for the school store!! Johnny's mother had four children. The first was April, the second was May, and the third was June. What was the name of her fourth child? SPEEDY’S SECRET Unscramble each of the clue words. Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with the same number. RD 3 GRADE WAS ASKED… “IF YOU WERE A BIRD, WHERE WOULD YOU FLY TO FOR THE WINTER? WHY?” 3A 3B Rajeev Bagaria – Florida because the weather is beautiful Dayna Balasa – California because it is “cool” there. Spencer Beidner – Florida because it is warm in Florida. Micah Bootman – North Pole because it is cold and I can make snow angels. Riley Brady – Hawaii because of all the water. Abbey Broderick – Hawaii because it is hot there. Shannon Clancy – California so I can see all the new movies Emma Dall – Maryland so I can see my cousins more Alyssa Dixon – New York so I can visit my grandma Andrew Molish – southwest because it is hot Sam Moss – Canada because it is a really warm temperature Jewel O’Bott – Hawaii because the temperature is warm Dominic Plano – South Korea because there are a lot of tall buildings Ashton Portnoy – Canada because there are a lot of good site seeing spots Jacob Rossman – Argentina because that is where my mom was born Matthew Sharkey – Virginia because it is warm there Lee Vighetti – China so I can learn Chinese Jazmin Williams – Jamaica because it never rains and I can see my family Eugene - South because if you head south it's warmer Erica Rouse - North Carolina to see my cousins Josh Asaraf - Florida because I want to see my cousins and I want to go on their boat. Alli Rock - Florida because Disney World is there. Brian Hug - California because I would get to see my cousins that I hardly ever see. Rachel Kim - Texas because there is a water park there that I love! Aniya Dennis - Florida because half of my family lives there. Yea-Daam Kim - Korea because that's where my family lives. Jason Paul - Florida becasue my grandparents own a home on a golf course. Kevin Oskowiak - Africa because I would like to see a tiger! Bryn Malizia - Africa so I could see all of the animals Bryan Huynh - Los Angeles because of the good weather. Allison Horn - Idaho because that;s where my baby cousin lives. Jaden Price-Whitehead - California because I would like to go to Disneyland. Nafece Smith - Ocean City because some of my family lives there. Mrs. Tozzi - Alaska so that I could observe its natural resources and wildlife. 3C 3D Sammy Caplan – Jamaica, because it is really good looking and it is warm. Camryn Clifford – Jamaica because it is really warm. Joelle Cohen – Florida because it is hot Noel McKay – Jamaica because it is warm there. Kailee Pileggi – Florida because I want to see the water. Drew Smith - South because that is where all the other birds are going. Seth Faberman –Florida because I would still be in the USA Abigail Michalek – Hawaii because it is very hot. Brianna Doan – Florida so I can see Disney world. James Fitzmaurice – Africa because it is warm there. Christopher Gress – Florida because I have never been there and I would go to the beach. Ashley John – India because it is very hot and because I miss my family and I would get to see them. Mario Pineiros – Galapagos Islands so I could be with the other wildlife and it is hot. Samantha Shaller – Oregon because they have beautiful mountains Kyla Congleton – South because it would be warm and not cold. Seth Miller – Florida because it is mostly hot all the time. Luke Rappaport – California because it is warm and there are famous people there. Jasmine Thek – Florida because it never snows there. Anthony Fatiga - Hawaii because of the beaches. Alfonso Livrieri - Brazil because there are lots of people who could sing songs and there aren't many cars Rachel Bilger - The south because it's really, really warm and I will be safe sleeping in a tree and protected from the snakes on the ground Nicole Lippo - Florida because it is pretty much hot down there Martin Lee - The south because it will be really warm Jack Aronow - The desert because it is really hot and not cold Antonio Tassi - The south because I wouldn't want to be cold so I would be warm Griffin Johnson - Florida because it is warm there Lauren Melick - California because it's warm there and if I stay here my wings could get cold and freeze Benjamin Sirota - Florida because it is really hot there Emma McGinly - California.. I don't really know why Karolina Bocul - Dominican Republic because I have been there before and it is really nice and not cold Caitlin Burmester - Arizona because I can relax on the beach and swim in the water Devon Palmer - South because I heard it’sreally nice there in the winter Matthew Swift - I would fly to Arizona because it is a desert and hot there Maura Bowers - California because it is usually really, really hot there Adam Weiss - Germany because my great grandma is part German and I want to see what it is like Stefano Sciarrino - Texas because it is warm Marissa Bevilacqua - Florida because it is nice and warm there NEXT MONTH’S QUESTION st GOES TO 1 GRADE: “WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION?” CHECK IT OUT… This is our new rock wall in action! Thank You to all the parents, teachers and staff who supported the effort to get this great new PE addition installed in our school! First grade had Justin Drabick from CBS 3 visit and teach them about weather and meteorology! ACTS OF KINDNESS… These were Thomas Fitzwater’s Kindest People in November! KINDERGARTEN – TIMOTHY STANLEY (KB) 1ST GRADE – DREW MALIZIA (1A) 2ND GRADE – EMILY MARSHALL (2D) 3RD GRADE – CAMRYN CLIFFORD (3C) 4TH GRADE – CHARLIE HUG (4A) 5TH GRADE – QUINTON DERR (5A) STAFF MEMBER – MRS. STEVENSON NOVEMBER CONTEST WINNERS Andrew Marcus (4B) won a gift certificate to the school store with his “Guess Who” answer. It was Mrs. Windheim!! Check out the Teacher Spotlight to learn more about her. Emily Marshall (2D) won a gift certificate to the school store for the Cheetah Challenge crossword puzzle! CONTEST REMINDER All contest entries are due by December 20th. Please put them in the special white mailbox in Mrs. Stevenson’s office or email them to me at [email protected] ART CONTEST WINNERS… Natalie Marshall (KC) Ashton Portnoy (3A) Kathryn O’Halloran (2D) Megan O’Halloran (4A) REMINDERS… IF YOUR CHILD IS GOING TO BE LATE OR ABSENT, PLEASE CALL THE CHILDWATCH LINE AT (215) 784-0381. PRESS OPTION #2 FOR ATTENDANCE. REGISTRATION FOR AFTER SCHOOL CLASSES IS DUE BACK BY DECEMBER 15TH. NO EXCEPTIONS. CLASSES ARE FILLED ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS. HOLIDAY SHOP WILL BE DECEMBER 15TH AND 16TH! DECEMBER CALENDAR