no spots! - Scholastic
no spots! - Scholastic
AIR! DO NO T CUT HAIR! DO NOT CUT HAIR! have/get something done; talking about looks and image HAIR! DO NOT CUT HAIR! DO NOT CU T HAIR! Y ou’re not allowed to kiss your girlfriend.” “You can’t have your hair cut.” “You mustn’t get your ears pierced!” Says who? Strict* parents? No, Hollywood studios! Read about the secret rules that some teen stars have to live by... “ Have you ever felt jealous of Miley Cyrus? Or wanted to swap* lives with Zac Efron? Well, think again. It’s not all about parties and free clothes – for these big teen Hollywood stars, life is also about curfews* and controls. The film studios say they don’t have special rules for their teen stars, but celebrity watchers tell a different story. ‘’It’s almost like the studios own* the stars,’’ says Cindy Osbrink, who is Dakota Fanning’s agent*. “But,” she adds, ‘’it’s not a bad thing. They take care of the kids very well.’’ American employment lawyer Kelly Scott says the stars have to promise to be ‘perfect people’. “Their contracts contain strict rules about on drinking and partying,” she says. She thinks the stars probably have to get good grades at school too! THE RULES: You mustn’t get a haircut without permission! When star Robert Pattinson had his hair cut just before filming started on New Moon, his Twilight bosses were not very happy. According to co-star Ashley Greene, “I heard he got in trouble for cutting his hair.” You can’t have spots! According to Sugar magazine, one teen star was offered a great part in a film, but he suffered from spots. The good news: the studio paid for him to have his skin treated. The bad news: if his skin didn’t clear up, he would lose the part! How cruel! O SPOTS! NO SPOTS! NO S POTS! NO SP O DI SCUS S IT! You can’t kiss your girl/boyfriend! Zac Efron had a strict no kissing and no partying contract when he was at Disney. The studio wanted to keep his image squeaky-clean*. Zac has left Disney now, so he doesn’t have to follow their rules anymore. But don’t expect Zac to change! “There’s a time for parties,” he says. “But, I think the rebellious* thing to do would be successful.” You can’t go to all the parties! Emma Watson, who plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, wasn’t allowed to go to a party on her 18th birthday! Luckily, Emma said she didn’t mind. She says the party lifestyle is not for her. “I’m not tempted by* parties or drugs. Daniel (Radcliffe), Rupert (Grint) and I share the same view. None of us wants to be part of the celebrity game.” O KISSING! NO KISSING! NO KISSING! Which Hollywood rule would you find the most difficult to accept? Why? What are your rules at home? Think about: Time you must be at home by Boyfriends and girlfriends Clothes (Is there anything you are not allowed to wear?) Looks and style (make-up or piercings?) NO PARTIES! NO PARTIES! NO PARTIES! N • S T O P S O N ! NO SPOTS • • • 4 MARCH / APRIL 2010 CD 2 Track 3 DO NOT CUT SCREEN Online activity at HAIR! DO1 N OT CUT Tick the sentences that are most true for you. a. You don’t tell your parents when you’re getting your hair cut. b. Your mum comes with you to the hairdresser. 2 a. If you want to get a tattoo, that’s your decision. b. If you got a tattoo, your parents ! DO NOT CUT HAI 3 R! DO NOT CUT would never speak to you again. a. You’ve got several body piercings. b. You’re not allowed to get your ears pierced. 4 5 a. You can wear whatever you like when you go out with your friends. b. Your dad says “You’re not going out in that!” and he means it. a. You get a monthly clothes allowance*. b. Your mum buys your clothes for you. Get it done! Finish these sentences: 1. I need to get my hair... 2. I want to have my ears... 3. I need to get my laptop... 4. I’m going to get my bedroom... a. decorated. b. repaired. c. pierced. OTS! NO SPO TS! NO SPOT S! NO SPOTS ! NO KISSING! NO KISSING! NO KISSING N N ! S IE RT PA O N ! S IE RT PA O N ! S IE RT PA O N S! d. cut. ✱ strict (adjective) – serious and having a lot of rules ✱ to swap (verb) – to change around ✱ curfew (noun) – the time when someone must be at home in the evening ✱ to own (verb) – something belongs to you ✱ agent (noun) – the person who manages a star’s money, job offers, etc ✱ squeaky clean (adj phrase) – someone who behaves perfectly ✱ rebellious (adj) – to disobey rules ✱ to be tempted by something (phrase) – to look at something and want it ✱ allowance (noun) – pocket money (a fixed amount of money that your parents give you every week or month). WORDWISE ANSWERS ON PAGE 15 ➧ MARCH / APRIL 2010 5