High Road High Points
High Road High Points
HIGH ROAD SCHOOL 17 NORTH AVENUE NORWALK CT 203-840-1030 High Road High Points V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 2 N O V E M B E R , 2 0 1 3 Autumnal Fun! Tyllis brings his grim reaper to class, while Ms. Zeilski is a black, but friendly cat, and Sal scares everyone as a dead pirate! Lollipop ghosts were made by the students in Ms. Leary’s class. Here Clayton and Michael display them– quickly– before they are eaten! Caption describing picture or graphic. According to the Huffington Post, Americans spend over $5 billion a year celebrating this holiday that has been called strange by our friends in Europe and around the world. And yet, Halloween, or as it was originally called, Samhain (pronounced sow-in) began in the European area. Samhain (Halloween) is an ancient festival held at the end of the Celtic year and marked a time when the days were getting shorter and darker. Over hundreds of years many different societies exerted their influence over this holiday. Some believed that Halloween was the eve of the Day of the Dead, where the ‘curtain’ between the world of the living and the world of the dead opened just enough to have some connection between the two. Trick or treating is thought by many to have come about because the ghosts liked to play tricks on the living at this time of year- in asking for treats, the sweetness of them is thought to ward off any ghosts who may be up to mischief! At High Road School, many students came in the most creative costumes and a happy day was had by all. PAGE 2 Autumn is Football! Keeping a healthy body as well as a healthy mind is an important part of the High Road School experience. Here, Freshman Tyrique, is captured in a photo after his freshman football game for Brian McMahon. The Senators played Ludlow High School from Fairfield. Tyrique impressed his teachers, Mr. Schonberg, Ms. Zeilski, and Ms. Jay with his ability on the field as both safety and running back. CHEERS FOR TYRIQUE! High Road is proud of Tyrique! Inside St ory Hea dline This story can fit 100-150 words. “The best The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on current technologies or innovations in your field. motivation comes from within.” You may also want to note business or economic trends, or make predictions for your customers or clients. Michael Johnson Gold Medal Olympian If the newsletter is distributed internally, you might comment upon new procedures or improvements to the business. Sales figures or earnings will show how your business is growing. employees or top customers or vendors. Some newsletters include a column that is updated every issue, for instance, an advice column, a book review, a letter from the president, or an editorial. You can also profile new Is Chess a Game or a Sport? Chess is considered both a game and a sport— and a challenge as both game and sport. Mr. Harris has been teaching his students chess and his students are proving that they can learn quickly! Mr. Harris and Mr. Cook have to use all of their strategies and critical Mr. Harris and student Tyler are involved in a competitive game of chess. HIGH ROAD HIGH POINTS thinking skills to be worthy opponents to their students! Have you played chess today? VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 PAGE Fun Friday….Fun Friday….Fun Friday...Fun Friday Clayton & Andres are deep in concentra- “To ca tch the rea der's a tte nti on, place an in te res ting s en tence or qu ote fr om the s t ory her e.” A happy group heads to Sports Center for an afternoon of games. Fun Friday is a day to celebrate and assimilate all the hard work students have done during the week. For all students who are on Level Blue or Level Gold, there are field trips, luncheons, or pizza at school. Students on other levels work to earn the privileges of blue. Fun Friday trips have included sculling on the Norwalk River, trips to the Westport Theater for a matinee, visits to our local Maritime Museum, a day at the cinema and more. One trip in the planning is a visit to the many beautiful WPA murals– painted during the depression– and hanging now in various municipal buildings around Norwalk. Norwalk is proud to display these historical treasures and we at the High Road School are looking forward to viewing them all. What is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday like here at High Road? They too are fun as students explore academic challenges, practice academic skills, and push themselves to move even further forward on their path to- Transition News Getting students ready for life after high school is an exciting adventure that is always in process at High Road School. Whether it is etiquette classes, visiting colleges, interning at jobs, learning study skills, or exploring options, High Road students graduate ready to face the challenges that post school in a difficult economy can bring. wards scholarship. Each day begins with a journal followed by four 20 minute rotations in Language Arts and then four rotations in Math. Students then study their particular science or social studies’ curriculum. Then there are projects, culinary, greenhouse, pet center– and lots of laughter and love. Tyler & Deziree listen as Mr. Chagnon talks about the courses that interest them. Recently, Tyler and Deziree visited Norwalk Community College in order to explore their criminal justice and accounting programs. Both students were impressed with the educational opportunities available to them at NCC. Caption describing picture or graphic. 3 High Road School of Norwalk Page 4 More on Transition…. Jakari has just completed his cashier training for Goodwill industries and will begin his paying job next week. Though Deziree’s long term goals include a career in criminal justice; for now we congratulate her for earning a paying position at one of the most popular shoe stores in Bridgeport! Our transition students know the discipline and learning it takes to impress employers and to find jobs that they love. Part of the transition program is our etiquette Peter has been doing another internship with his beloved animals. He has been working weekly with “Dog Gone Smart” in Norwalk, CT. Peter hopes to work eventually with large zoo animals. His training with the smaller animals has been helpful in getting successfully to his goal. More on Anny and Ms. Zeilski, our culinary teacher, show the High Road simple but elegant culinary motto: Love People, Cook Yummy Food Sal seems to agree with the culinary motto! Have You Met All of Us? Here is the BEST education team in the state. High Road School teachers are devoted to their work and to your children. Mr. Cruz Mr. Harris Mr. Cook Mr. Henriquez Mr. M oore Ms. Thompson Ms. Grace Mr. Healy Ms. Cole man Ms. Zeilski Ms. Bonini Mr. Rivera Ms. Leary Ms. Jay Mr. Barrett High Road School of Norwalk is a small, thera- HighHigh Road School of Norwalk Road peutic program This would be a with goodstate-approved place to insert acurricushort lums that meet of the Common Core Stanparagraph aboutall your organization. It might dards. aligned district requireincludeWe theare purpose of with the organization, its misments for nationwide testing. success sion, founding date, and a briefOur history. Youis a result of aninclude extraordinary staff could also a brief list of and the types of High Road School 17 North Avenue Norwalk CT High Road School 17Contact: NorthPamela Avenue Thompson Norwalk CT 203-840-1030 203-840-1030 Phone: 203-840-1030 Fax: 203-840-1240 E-mail: [email protected] products, services, or programs your organiza• Safe, secure, & structured environment condution offers, the geographic area covered (for cive to learning example, western U.S. or European markets), •and Clear guidelines & expectations in the a profile of the types of customers or classroom served. members •It would Rewards incentive program also based be useful to include a contact name for readers who want more information • Emphasis on personal accountability & reabout the organization. sponsibility Building Student Confidence & Competence Building Student Confidence & Competence We’re on the Web! example.microsoft.com We’re on the web! Highroadschool.com NOTE: Unfortunately 3 teachers were left off of our team page. Sadly, no photos were available at time of printing. Ms. Evans, Mr. Schonberg, and Ms. Plumber. We’ll met them next month. Anny, Ms. Thompson, Ernie Tree Frog, Dior, Daniel, Victor all work and learn in the High Road School Pet Center.