The Episcopal Church serving Hancock County, Ohio…and beyond
The Episcopal Church serving Hancock County, Ohio…and beyond
The Episcopal Church serving Hancock County, Ohio…and beyond 2016 Trinity Episcopal Church 128 West Hardin Street Findlay, Ohio 45840 2 OUTREACH GREETINGS. WE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND GENERIOSITY IN CONTRIBUTING TO OUR OUTREACH PROGRAMS. THE NEEDS DO CONTINUE…FOOD, CLOTHES, SHOES, PERSONAL CARE ITEMS, ETC., ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS FOR THE BACK-YARD MISSION TRIP HAVE BEEN HELD. THE EVENT IS SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, APRIL 23 & 24. SIGN-UP SHEETS AND APPLICATIONS ARE POSTED ON THE BULLETIN BOARD. WE HOPE TRINITY WILL, ONCE AGAIN, SHARE THEIR TIME AND TALENTS WITH OUR COMMUNITY! ALL YOUR CARING HELP IS SO GREATLY APPRECIATED. GOD BLESS AND THANK YOU AGAIN! NANCY AND PAUL O'SULLIVAN. th TAIZÉ PRAYER by Kim Grove Sunday, March 20 is our next Taizé Prayer service here at Trinity. Please join us at 5 p.m. for a service of prayer, song, and contemplation. This service has developed into an important outreach ministry for our parish to the community at large. Taizé Prayer is based on an ancient Christian principle expressed by Brother Roger, a founding member of the Taizé community in France: “Nothing is more conducive to a communion with the living God than a meditative common prayer with, at its high point, singing that never ends and that continues in the silence of one’s heart when one is alone again.” The focal point of this communion is the cross - the symbol of God’s saving presence in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our season of Taizé Prayer runs from October through April and is held the 3rd Sunday of each month at 5 p.m. We can always use more help with setting up, decorating, and clean up; musicians; and hosting or helping to host the reception which follows each service. If you would like to help in decorating, just join us after church as we setup on the 3rd Sunday of the month. If you are a musician and want to join our ensemble, we meet at 3:45 p.m. before the service to rehearse - you are most welcome. If you wish to host a reception or help with same, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the parish hall. If you have been with us in the past, we encourage you to come again; if you have never attended Taizé Prayer, please join us on March 20th and give it a try - we hope you will find the experience most worthwhile. You never know when you might meet… CSG will next meet on Sunday, March 6th to make plans for our annual Easter events. We will have the children’s flower processional on Easter morning, our Easter Brunch following worship, and the children’s Easter Egg Hunt after the meal. Anyone interested in getting involved with any or all of these events, please join us during the coffee hour! Ginny Lee Pilstl …Christ in a stranger’s guise 3 As many of you recall, on January 17th, Elizabeth Kelly presided at both our 8:30 and 9:30 services. Her homily that Sunday addressed the recent action taken by the Primates of the Anglican Communion. Such action was taken following the Episcopal Church decision at General Conference to change the canonical language that defined marriage as being [only] between a man and a woman. All this was addressed by our Presiding Bishop Curry at a conference in Texas late in February. A summary of his remarks (as printed in ENS) follow for those who may have missed the service on January 17th and/or those who want more detail about the decision of the Anglican Communion and the response by Bishop Curry. “The Episcopal Church is still part of the Anglican Communion, despite actions taken by the primates in January”, Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry said February 26, adding he hopes the church “will be able to bear witness” to the entire communion. “At this point in time, we’re part of the Anglican Communion and my prayer is that we will always be a house of prayer for all people and that we will be able to bear witness to what Jesus taught us about that in the Anglican Community,” the presiding bishop said. “And that we’ll do so with love and charity, and we will show the same love and charity and honor that we do for all of our people – gay and lesbian and bisexual and transgender – that same love and honor and respect to our brothers and sisters who are part of the communion.” If the church can take “that gospel high ground,” the Episcopal Church, in time, may be an example for the rest of the communion, he said. A majority of Anglican primates on January 14 asked that the Episcopal Church, for a period of three years, no longer serve on ecumenical and interfaith bodies, should not be appointed or elected to an internal standing committee “and that while participating in the internal bodies of the Anglican Communion, they will not take part in decision-making on any issues pertaining to doctrine or policy.” Curry said the primates took that stance because a majority of them see the Episcopal Church as “having deviated from the doctrinal tradition of Anglicanism” when General Convention last July changed the canonical language that defines marriage as being between a man and a woman and authorized two new marriage rites with language allowing them to be used by same-sex or opposite-sex couples. In many of the discussions among the primates, Curry said that the Episcopal Church’s relationships with provinces, dioceses, and congregations across the communion were mentioned positively. Eventually, however, the gathering came to a ‘critical moment’ when the primates were asked “whether we were committed as primates present to walking together” before any other decisions were made. “And that body said yes,” Curry said, calling that agreement “not an insignificant statement.” The perspective that the Episcopal Church ought to be punished for its actions “didn’t dominate the meeting,” he said, but the resolution that was eventually passed “reflected grave disagreement – profound disagreement – with our action and yet it did not sever relationship.” The majority of the primates argued that the Episcopal Church “had changed doctrine and therefore something had to be done,” Curry said. “So, given that, action had to be taken, but the primates did not take action that severed our relationship,” he said. “Their action was surgical, specific, and, one might argue that given where people were when they came to the meeting, mediating.” Curry suggested that the primates’ decision might represent maturity in the sense of family systems theorist Rabbi Edwin Friedman and others who “taught us that when you’re in deep conflict, don’t try to find deep fixes because they don’t work. They’re Band-Aids and are temporary…that what you must do is find the points of clarity.” Finding such points of clarity in the disagreement and staying in connection and relationship with each other can bode well for eventually finding a way forward, Curry said. “It may be that we did find a mutual place (in which) to disagree.” he said. Ginny Lee Pilstl Senior Warden 4 Music Notes from Parker Maas The choir practices in the parish hall at 8:30 on Sunday mornings. We are hoping to gain new members. If you enjoy singing, we welcome you. Come join us! Thank you for all of your continued support in this ministry. NEW - KROGER REWARDS!! Kroger shoppers of Trinity earned $151.02 from the efforts of 16 households during the past quarter through the Community Rewards Program! Please consider signing-up for it. This program in no way affects your personal Kroger Rewards – sales, fuel points, etc. If you would like assistance, to sign up or renew, please contact Deborah. TRINITY SEARCH COMMITTEE The Search Committee continues its regular meetings. If you have any questions or comments, please contact one of us. Members of the search committee are Deb Bartlett, Julie Boucher, Peg Dailey, Jim Ellerbe, Kim Grove, Warren Kahn, and Chair, Marjorie Weaver. …DO NOT NEGLECT TO SHOW HOSPITALITY TO STRANGERS, FOR THEREBY SOME HAVE ENTERTAINED ANGELS UNAWARE. Trinity has guest pastors scheduled to celebrate with us for the coming months and we would like to show our hospitality by inviting them to a meal following worship each Sunday morning. If you would like to host a visiting minister one or more Sundays, please sign up on the bulletin board. This does not have to be an elaborate event…a meal at home or at a nearby eatery for the pastor and possibly a spouse/guest will be fine. And…you don’t have to do it alone. One person or several who would enjoy the guest and each other’s company might dine together. If you have any questions, please speak with Jim or Karen. THANK YOU! Trinity Episcopal Church is . . . a welcoming community that is accepting of others who are different. …a place to experience genuine relationships that help us grow. …people who volunteer to reach out into the community. …people who value tradition, music, and prayer in their worship. Hop on over for the parish breakfast at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 12th. Join the Trudeau’s and your Trinity family for great food and warm conversation. There are openings for helpers and hosts for Trinity’s parish breakfasts at 8:30 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month. If you are able to cook or to help clean up at any of these, THE SIGN-UP SHEET is on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall. Thank you. COFFEE CORNER MARCH coffee hour hosts… 6th – Lisa Robeson & Dave Unkefer th 13 – 20th – Christophe & Sue 27th – Easter Brunch THE SIGN-UP SHEET FOR 2016 IS ON THE BULLETIN BOARD. 5 ON FRIDAY, MARCH 11, COME TO HUNAN GARDENS, 1949 Tiffin Ave., at 11:30 a.m. to enjoy Chinese cuisine with the Lunch Bunch. For reservations, please call Joanne McPherson or Ginny Lee Pilstl by Wednesday, March 9th. OUR RANKS ARE DOWN… Would you like to be on a team serving Trinity? Greeters, Gift Bearers, Acolytes, Readers, Ushers, and Commentators are always welcome at both services each Sunday. PLEASE CONSIDER helping in one or more of these positions. Let Deborah know if you are interested. THANKS TO THOSE WHO SERVE EACH WEEK! HOSTS ARE NEEDED! If no one offers, there may be no coffee hour - or even coffee - on Sunday mornings! Please consider adding your name to the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. You don’t have to do it alone – several families or a group may host together. THANK YOU for the donations of coffee and decaf! WHERE DO YOU FIT?? Everyone has special gifts – share yours with your church! Please consider lending your skills and talents to a committee in an area of interest or skill. Just contact a committee or vestry member to join. 6 Trinity Thank Offering (TTO) The TRINITY THANK OFFERING is a way in which our parish recognizes the importance of thanking God for its many blessings. Those in need locally benefit as Thank offerings are directed to the Rector's Discretionary Fund. Please continue to give thanks with offerings in the green TTO box. Youth Sunday School News Do you need help with yard clean up or outside work? The youth Sunday School class is available to serve those in our church. We hope to do yard projects, etc. This work will be supervised (and assisted) by the parents of the children. We are not seeking payment for our work, but are hoping to show God's love through acts of service. This is our version of the Backyard Mission Trip on a smaller scale. The children are eager to help. Please consider allowing them to serve you. You may sign up in the Parish Hall or contact Emily Boerger at 419.425.5105. Thanks! TRINITY 2016 VESTRY Ginny Lee Pilstl, Senior Warden Karen Eubanks, Junior Warden Mark Creighton, Clerk Jim Miller Paul O’Sullivan Rita Roberts Lisa Robeson Sue Sandusky Bill Trudeau Peg Daily Treasurer ITEMS FOR APRIL TIdings should be submitted By FRIDAY, MARCH 18th tHANKS! The sign-up sheet for 2016 altar flowers is on the bulletin board in the parish hall. Trinity on Facebook. Find our page by searching for Trinity Episcopal Church, Findlay, Ohio. Be sure to ‘like’ the page to get posts delivered to your News Feed. If you're not on Facebook and you want to know more about it, please call Ben Dolan or Emily Boerger at 419-425-5105. Your talents are God’s gift to you…what you do with them is your gift to God. WEB SITE Our new web-site is up and running. The goal was to up-grade Trinity’s on-line presence and provide timely information in a user-friendly format. Please check it out and let us know what you think! Ben Dolan is our web master. OFFERING ENVELOPES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE PARISH HALL. IF YOU DIDN’T REQUEST ENVELOPES AND WOULD LIKE THEM, THERE ARE EXTRA SETS WITH NUMBERS (just let Deborah know) OR YOU MAY USE THE UN-NUMBERED SET ON THE TABLE. 7 KEEPING IN TOUCH MARCH BIRTHDAYS 2 - Ray Hall 9 - Mary Parks 18 - Phyllis Watkins 19 - Brad Gabel 20 - Kathy Creighton 23 - Erica Arthur 25 - Sam Dolan PERSONAL NOTES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR AND ABOUT THE TRINITY FAMILY. IF YOU HAVE ITEMS OF INTEREST TO SHARE, (BIRTHS, ENGAGEMENTS, GRADUATIONS, HONORS, AWARDS, WEDDINGS, PERFORMANCES, ACHIEVEMENTS, ACTIVITIES, ETC.) PLEASE SUBMIT THEM BY THE 3RD WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH FOR THE NEXT PUBLICATION. Thanks If ever there is a name omitted from one of these lists, or a date is incorrect, please contact the church office with the information. Thanks! COMMUNICATIONS CENTER There is a central area where Trinitarians can exchange information, paperwork, mail, etc. It is located in the yellow room under the bulletin board. There are cubbies for the (future) Rector, Treasurer, Secretary, Vestry, Stewardship committee, Property committee, CSG/social committee, Outreach committee, and Worship committee so far. The Choir/Choir director has a basket as does the Altar Guild. If a committee/group would like to have a mailbox, please let Deborah know. The bulletin board may also have information posted – please feel free to use it and to check it. TRULY KEEPING IN TOUCH… Some parishioners not able to attend services, or attend regularly, would enjoy calls or cards from the rest of us, and visits especially from people who know them. Others have moved – so this is an update on their contact information: Betty Berlekamp – 15100 Birchaven Road, Findlay, 45840. Marilyn Russell - P.O. Box 061600, Palm Bay, FL 32906-1600 Sarah Worthington – 172 Legacy Lane, Heritage House, 2820 Greenacre Drive, Findlay, 45840 Romelle Aldrich - 83 Harwood Road, Monroe, NJ 08831 John and Paula Wolper - 1026 Altavia Ave, Park Hills, KY 41011 Caroline Dunham – Sunrise, 401 Lake Cascades Parkway, Findlay, 45840 Dave & Peg Bell – 779 Tupper Street, Brockville, Ontario, Canada K6V6A1 Jean Bolmer – 401 Hancock Street, Findlay, 45840 Gordon & Florence Mills – 4618 Arlington Park Dr., Lakeland, FL 33801 Barb Richardson – Sterling House, 725 Fox Run Road, Findlay 45840 Eleanor Speck, Birchaven, 15100 Birchaven Road, Findlay 45840 Chris’s information is posted on the bulletin board in the parish hall. 8 TRINITY KNITTING CIRCLE The Trinity Knitting Circle will meet on Monday, March 14th. We meet the second Monday of the month (except December) at 1:00 p.m. at 129 Second St. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please call 419-424-9786. Purls, Pat Fox ALTAR FLOWERS Please let Deborah know by noon on Wednesday of that week what you would like printed in the bulletin for your gift of flowers. E-mail to [email protected] or call 419-422-3214. REMEMBER - When providing altar flowers from a florist they should be delivered to the church between 9 a.m. and noon on Friday. Altar guild members may no longer be at the church on Saturdays. Thanks! WEEKLY PRAYER LIST We all need a little prayer and Trinity provides a prayer list each week in the bulletin for those who could use some extra. Would you please take a moment to review that prayer list and help us keep it up-to-date? If there are names which should be removed, let Deborah know. If there is someone on your heart, we can add that person. Thank you! CHURCH CALENDAR As a central area of communication, there is a monthly Trinity scheduling calendar on the bulletin board in the parish hall. It includes all events, activities, and facility usage. THIS IS YOUR CALENDAR…IF SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE ADDED, DO SO. IF THERE IS AN ERROR, PLEASE CORRECT IT! You may submit items to Deborah anytime for the upcoming calendar, but please feel free to make this an interactive tool for the parish! A PRAYER FOR MARCH Lord of Love, remind me to be a miracle this day. Nudge me, Lord, as I begin to pass by a person who needs a smile. Direct my attention to an elderly person who is struggling as he or she is going through a door. Make sure I notice the tired mother with a fussy child who would be thankful if I let her go ahead of me in the grocery line. Bring to my mind a relative who would delight to receive a phone call from me. Give me creative thoughts of things I can do for the children of my church to make an ordinary worship day a day of celebration. Lord, teach me how to be a walking miracle. In Jesus' name, Amen EASTER AT TRINITY There will be one service, at 9:30 a.m., on Easter Sunday, March 27th, with the Children’s Flower Processional. All children and youth are invited to participate. Trinity’s annual Easter Brunch will follow worship. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board. The children’s Easter Egg Hunt takes place after brunch. 9 EVENT CALENDAR MARCH 2016 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY MAR 1 WEDNESDAY MAR 2 THURSDAY MAR 3 FRIDAY MAR 4 MAR 10 MAR 11 SATURDAY MAR 5 11:30 Bible Study 12:05 Holy Eucharist 12:30 Lunch (optional) 6:30 p.m. Brown Bag 7 p.m. Stations of the Cross MAR 6 MAR 7 4th Sunday in Lent 8:30 Holy Eucharist 9:30 Holy Eucharist Coffee hour CSG Worship Committee MAR 13 5th Sunday in Lent 8:30 Holy Eucharist 9:30 Holy Eucharist Coffee hour Sunday School MAR 8 MAR 9 MAR 12 8:30 a.m. Parish Breakfast NO Wednesday Worship Church unavailable Church closed evening MAR 14 MAR 15 11:30 a.m. @ Hunan Gardens 6:30 p.m. Brown Bag 7 p.m. Stations of the Cross MAR 16 MAR 17 NO Wednesday Worship 1 p.m. Knitting Circle MAR 18 MAR 19 Tidings items due 6:30 p.m. Brown Bag 7 p.m. Stations of the Cross MAR 20 MAR 21 MAR 22 PALM SUNDAY NO 8:30 Eucharist 9:30 Holy Eucharist Coffee hour Sunday School MAR 27 MAR 24 MAR 25 6:30 p.m. Brown Bag 7 p.m. Stations of the Cross 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist 12 noon Holy Eucharist 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist MAR 30 MAR 31 NO Wednesday Worship 5 p.m. Taizé EASTER NO 8:30 service 9:30 Holy Eucharist w/ Children’s Flower Processional Easter Brunch Easter Egg Hunt MAR 23 MAR 28 MAR 29 Offices closed NO Wednesday Worship 6:30 Vestry Flower of the month – Daffodil Birthstone – Aquamarine MAR 26
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The Episcopal Church serving Hancock County, Ohio…and beyond
Some parishioners not able to attend services, or attend regularly, would enjoy calls or cards from the rest of us, and visits especially from people who know them. Others have moved – so this is a...
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