GeoSAR Radar Mapping
GeoSAR Radar Mapping
GeoSAR Radar Mapping Turning Geospatial Data Into Knowledge An Introduction to GeoSAR Fugro is the exclusive provider of GeoSAR, the only commercial dual-sided, dual-frequency, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IFSAR) mapping system. • GeoSAR is integrated onto a Gulfstream-II jet • The IFSAR operates at 2 frequencies simultaneously – X-Band, producing first surface elevation models – P-Band, used for foliage penetration and contour generation • The system produces accurate DEMs and SAR orthophoto mosaics 2 Benefits of IFSAR Technology 3 • Active system and the angle of illumination can be controlled. • Microwave energy penetrates clouds and rain and work at night. • Sensing outside the visible and infrared spectrum provides different information on surface. Some surface features can be seen better in radar images. • Radar may penetrate vegetation, sand, and surface layers of snow, sea ice, and glacial ice. Benefits of the GeoSAR System • GeoSAR platform – – – • Simultaneous X and P radar band acquisition – – – – • temporal decorrelation (wind movement of vegetation, different moisture, between passes) atmospheric distortion introducing height errors (wavelength independent) extremely difficult motion compensation and calibration issues Collects at 12,000 m – – 4 Additional independent ground control Strengthens vertical solution Single-pass IFSAR avoids problems of repeat pass IFSAR – – – • All points on ground imaged multiple times (viewed between 4 to 8 times) Images are more complete viewed from both sides (better radiometrics) Integrated LiDAR profiler – – • More data for solution (better geometric solutions) Less voids (data gaps due to difficult terrain) Reduced acquisition risk (no missing data) More thematic information, hence broader range of applications Multiple look data – – • Only radar platform collecting 2 radar frequencies and LiDAR Eight radars (4 x-band, 4 p-band, acquiring simultaneously) Collection on both sides of aircraft (more data acquired) Therefore there are no issues in hostile areas Other commercial systems fly within 5000-9,000 m The GeoSAR System X-band antennas Antenna positioning measurement unit P-band antennas GeoSAR is an Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar System (IFSAR) that operates in two frequency bands. Employed from Fugro’s Gulfstream G-II aircraft, it is a one-of-a-kind system, operational since 2003. 5 GeoSAR’s collection profile Collection Height: 10 to 12.5 km MSL X-Band (3 cm wavelength) P-Band (85 cm wavelength) LIDAR 13k m 12.5km 13 km GeoSAR operates day or night through most weather conditions looking through cloud cover and dense vegetation. The system simultaneously collects high accuracy elevation and image data at more than 288 km2/minute. 6 GeoSAR Data Products Orthorectified Radar Imagery (ORI) • Radar surface reflectance • Visualization, mapping, Digital Surface Model (DSM) X-band • Orthorectified intensity model • Surface reflectance elevation • Detailed visualization and analysis 7 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) P-band • Represents near bare-earth • Derived layers (e.g., slope, contours) Digital Terrain Model (DTM) X/P Hybrid • Represents bare-earth GeoSAR Product Accuracy GeoSAR is a guaranteed mapping solution for: 1:25,000 - 50,000 scales and lower. The following tables illustrate the horizontal and vertical accuracies of GeoSAR products. GeoSAR Vertical Accuracy Terrain slope 1‐sigma (LE69) LE90 0°‐ 10° 1.8 m 3 m 10°‐ 20° 3.6 m 6 m 20°‐ 30° 5.5 m 9 m 30°‐ 40° 7.3 m 12 m GeoSAR Horizontal Accuracy 8 Pixel spacing RMSEx, RMSEy RMSEr CE90 X‐band 1‐5 m 5.682 m 8.035 m 12.2 m P‐band 1‐5 m 5.682 m 8.035 m 12.2 m Profiling Lidar GeoSAR utilizes an additional method of ground control with our profiling lidar system. Emiting three ground distance and intensity measurements per pulse eliminates the necessity for additional control in remote areas, increasing the precision of DEM’s and mosaic products. Our Leica ALS system emits an ~3 m diameter point every 36cm on the ground for control purposes. x, y, z GCP x, y, z GCP 9 GeoSAR Foliage Penetration Gardens Huts Subsistence farming village P-Band 10 X-Band Power of P-band - Drainage Networks Revealed DSM 11 Power of P-band - Drainage Networks Covered By Canopy DTM 12 GeoSAR Thematic Information Extraction of Hydrographic Network Existing hydrographic network (from 1982) 13 New hydrographic network established using GeoSAR data Topographic Line Maps GeoSAR data is also used to create NSDI-standard TLM products from 1;50,000 to 1;10,000. Fugro manages all phases of TLM development – including fieldwork, cartography and post-production management. 14 Geologic and Hydrologic Applications GeoSAR supports geologic applications with features from crisp shaded relief models. This is the Los Coconucos Volcano and uses only GeoSAR X- and P-band data for the all fine elevation and surface details. 15 GeoSAR Geological Applications GeoSAR facilitates the mapping of geologic structure in areas where forest canopy obscures the terrain. • P-Band data has the utility in defining geologic structure in forested regions 1m X-band Image 1m P-band Image Geologic Structures Geologic Structures 16 Land Management Applications GeoSAR products can be excellent tools for land management, forestry and agricultural applications. Tree height and crop volumes can be estimated and individual tree stems are visible in the 1m P-band image. 17 Land-Use Classification GeoSAR data can also be used to derive reliable land-use and land-cover classification products. These can be integrated with in a geodatabase framework as raster layers for 3D display and analysis. 18 Land Cover Classification 19 Biomass Applications 0 500 ton/ha This GeoSAR image shows a quantitative biomass estimate at high resolution for carbon accounting or forestry applications. The RGB image on the right shows an X- and P-band multichannel image (R:X, G:hint, B:P). 20 Defense and Intelligence Applications GeoSAR is an excellent platform for the collection, interpretation and display natural environments and infrastructure such as the airfields, buildings and lines of communication visible in this in P-band image. 21 X-band minus P-band Petermann Glacier Height Differences in Meters Initial X-P Subtraction Map 22 Elevation Profile from X/P DEMS Petermann Glacier Elevation Profile Location. Profile View of XBand and PBand Heights. 23 Sea Ice Classification Using X-band and P-band Mag Imagery X-Band P-Band 24 Past and Present Projects 25 National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (2003 – 2010) – Colombia, South America – 650,000km² Australian Defense Intelligence Agency (2005 – 2007) – Papua New Guinea – 330,000km² United States Geological Society (2010 – Present) – Alaska – 450,000km² Oil and Gas Commercial Partnerships (2012 – Present) – Multiple sea ice acquisitions in the Arctic Other government and private entities throughout the world – Peru, Papua New Guinea, Colombia, Canada Thank You Joe Jones GeoSAR Program Manager [email protected] 26
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