PDF - Asbury United Methodist Church
PDF - Asbury United Methodist Church
January 31, 2016 Our Mission To bring others into Asbury UMC to experience a difference, so they make a difference for Jesus Christ and others. Our Invitation To all who need Comfort, Friendship and the Love of God through our Savior Jesus Christ. This church opens wide its doors in the name of our Lord and says, “Welcome.” A United Methodist Church 1700 Napa Valley Drive · Little Rock, AR 72212 225-9231 · www.asbury-lr.org Asbury UMC Little Rock Welcome to Asbury. We are glad you are here at Asbury today, and hope you will feel God’s love in your worship experience. We invite you to note the Asbury Calendar on the back page of the bulletin, and print your information on the pads and return them to the end of the pew. If you desire to join Asbury UMC, come forward during the last song, and our pastors will greet you. Please take a few moments to silence your phone. For the most meaningful worship, we encourage you to take advantage of our nursery available for infants through 2 years old. Divine Worship Sanctuary January 31, 2016 8:30 & 10:45 A.M. Gathering in God’s Presence Welcome and Announcements Prelude *Call to Worship Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Your counsel stands forever. O taste and see the Lord is good. His faithfulness is for all eternity! *Hymn of Praise There’s Within My Heart a Melody Sacrament of Holy Baptism Finley Virginia Moore 380 (8:30) 44 Daughter of Matthew and Madeline Moore Preparing Our Hearts *Affirmation of Faith from Romans 887 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress, or persecution or famine, or nakedness or peril or sword? NO! In all things we are more than conquerors through the One who loved us. We are sure that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thanks be to God! Amen. *Gloria Patri 70 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end. Amen. Amen. Children’s Moments (8:30) Laura Stinnett (10:45) Chase Green Children 3 years to 6th grade are invited to attend their own special worship service, called Kids’ Club. Please meet at the back of the worship area to attend. Act of Praise One Day We’ll Stand Chancel Choir Jon Paige Lifting Our Lives and Prayers to God Prayer for the People Lord’s Prayer 895 *Please stand as you are able. The Giving of Our Tithes and Offerings Offertory Amazing Grace Stephen Edds Arr. William Cutter *Doxology 95 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *Hymn of Meditation Go Down, Moses 448 Hearing God’s Word Scripture Lesson The Message Deuteronomy 34:4-6, 10 “Holy Moses!” Exodus 34:4-10 “It’s Official!” (NLT, Pew Bible) 167 (8:30) Rev. Mary Hilliard (NLT, Pew Bible) 784 (10:45) Rev. Chase Green Responding to God With Our Lives *Hymn of Commitment Heralds of Christ *Blessing of God’s People *Choral Benediction There’s Within My Heart a Melody Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know, fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go. You are encouraged to go forth and serve Christ after the singing of the Benediction. Postlude Assisting in Worship: 8:30 - Joe Waldrum / 10:45 - Rick Shelton Acolytes: 8:30 - Aaron Stumhofer / 10:45 - Lilly & Melissa Hutchinson Sound/Video Operator: 8:30 - Jason Stumhofer, Joe Hof / 10:45 - Mazhil, Sharath Message Notes Message outline for Rev. Hilliard “Holy Moses!” Deuteronomy 34:4-6, 10 I. Moses A. God Does Not Always Choose the Likely Candidate B. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses! II. Leadership Qualities A. Courage B. Commitment C. Use of Resources Available - Ability to Develop More D. Expect the Unexpected! III. Real Change in Christ A. Also Takes Courage and Commitment B. To Promote and Implement Change for Christ is a Privilege C. Obey God’s Instructions; Place Him First; Trust in Him Alone. 567 380 Celebration Worship January 31, 2016 Wilson Activity Center 10:45 A.M. Please take a few moments to silence your phone. For the most meaningful worship, we encourage you to take advantage of our nursery available for infants through 2 years old. Please complete the information requested in the friendship pads and return to the end of the row. Come, Now is the Time to Worship Welcome and Announcements Let the Rivers Flow 10,000 Reasons Children’s Moments Laura Stinnett Children 3 years to 6th grade are invited to attend Kids’ Club, a special worship service. Please meet at the back of the worship area to attend. Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Sharing of Our Gifts It Is Well The Message “Holy Moses!” Deuteronomy 34:4-6, 10 Rev. Mary Hilliard The Invitation Forever The Blessing Assisting in Worship: Mike DuPas Sound Operator: Randy Dennis Video Operator: Tony Hilliard Celebration Band Lisa Burgess Dusty Jones Jay McDaniel Celebration Singers Alan Gwin Valera McDaniel Mary Ross Terry South Asbury Staff Rev. Mary Hilliard, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Chase Green, Pastor of Discipleship/Congregational Care [email protected] Rev. Tom Weir, Pastor Emeritus [email protected] Stephen Edds, Minister of Music [email protected] Anguel Kehayov, Organist [email protected] Mike DuPas, Interim Part-Time Praise & Worship Leader [email protected] Laura Stinnett, Minister of Children [email protected] Kayla Stout, Nursery Director [email protected] Amy Bennett, Minister of Youth [email protected] Cheryl Cate, Finance Manager [email protected] Ora Bunton, Child Development Ctr., Director [email protected] Judith Hill, Child Development Ctr., Asst. Director [email protected] Special Events Tuesday, February 2nd..............................................................................Keenagers 12 pm (Warehouse) Sunday, February 7th......................................................................................Ministry Fair 9:30 am (WAC) Wednesday, February 10th............................................Ash Wednesday Service 6:30 pm (Sanctuary) Prayers: NOTE: Sunday, January 24, 2016 Dottie Mosley The doors by the Sunday School: 227 Guests: sanctuary and the 8:30 (D): 107 21 including Charlie Ward 10:45 (D): 69 3 first time Marilyn Thompson doors by the office will now lock at 12:20 10:45 (C): 136 pm on Sundays. Total Worship Attendance: 312 ACCDC FALL REGISTRATION Registration for non-Asbury members starts on February 1. Call Ora Bunton at 225-1511, or email [email protected] for more information. KEENAGERS • TUESDAY, FEB. 2ND • NOON • $7 • WAREHOUSE Menu: Meatloaf, Roasted Potatoes, Green Beans and Apple Cobbler. Program: Linda Southern. Come enjoy the music of Linda Southern. Call 225-9231 by 10 am on Monday, February 1, if you want to make reservations for lunch. 75 DAYS OF PRAYER Our 75 days of prayer continues! If you have not heard, prayers have been written by the pastors and staff at Asbury for the whole church to connect with one another to God in prayer. You are encouraged to pray along with us each day through Good Friday. You may download a copy of the prayer booklet at www.asbury-lr.org, or pick up a copy in the Narthex or the missions table in the WAC. Let’s pray together for the revival of our faith in Christ! MINISTRY FAIR On Sunday, February 7th, there will be a Ministry Fair from 9:30 am-10:30 am. This is an opportunity to refocus our commitments and contemplate other ways we might grow in our discipleship leading into Lent. In the Wilson Activity Center, we will have banners and displays to highlight and promote Sunday School Classes, various volunteer opportunities and missions to serve, as well as mid-week classes and small groups to join. There will be plenty of refreshments, time for conversation and fellowship, and a wonderful chance to discern what Lent might hold for you. CHILDREN’S NEWS: Questions? Contact Laura Stinnett, Minister of Children Sunday, January 31st: Confirmation Class, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Wednesday, February 3rd: Wild Wednesdays, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm, The Edge, 5:45 pm-7:30 pm Sunday, February 7th: NO Confirmation Class YOUTH NEWS: TODAY is the deadline to sign up for Veritas (March 4-6)! Cost is $105 (down from last year), plus you’ll need money for 3 meals. Scholarships are also available...talk to Amy to get signed up! Tonight, Lance Dixon will be teaching on the fruit of Patience! We’ll have games and food! Bring a friend! It will be a great night! 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm in the Warehouse! We are still looking for a few people to sign up to provide Snack Suppers for this semester! If you can help, please talk to Amy! NEXT SUNDAY, February 7, we’ll be having our Super Bowl party! We’re going to meet at Garrett Pritchard’s house, from 5:30 pm - 9 pm. Everyone bring a snack to share! This Wednesday will be a free/game night! Come hang out with us in the Warehouse from 6 pm - 7:30 pm...snacks will be provided! The Asbury Youth will be hosting a Valentine’s Day Banquet on Sunday night, February 14! This is a church-wide event, for singles and couples! We’re serving a spaghetti dinner with cheesecake for dessert, and the entertainment includes games, a “love songs through the ages” medley by Stephen Edds, and much more! We’ll even have a photo backdrop set up, with a photographer! Tickets are $10 per adult, and $5 per child (which includes dinner for them, and childcare!) This is going to be a fun night in the life of the church...you won’t want to miss it! Tickets are on sale NOW! Open Dates for Sacred Grounds: You can sponsor a week, several weeks or a month ($100 per week). Open dates are Feb. 7, 21 & 28. Today’s flowers: In honor of Finley Virginia Moore’s baptism by grandparents, Baker & Ginny Kurrus. Open dates are Feb. 7, 21 & 28. Call the office to order. Pastor on Call: Feb. 5, 6, 7 Feb. 12, 13, 14 Preaching Schedule 8:30 Divine Worship 10:45 Divine Worship 10:45 Celebration Service January Drivers Van Tim Wall Rev. Mary Hilliard Rev. Chase Green Sunday, Jan. 31st Rev. Mary Hilliard Rev. Chase Green Rev. Mary Hilliard Sunday, Feb. 7th Rev. Mary Hilliard Rev. Chase Green Rev. Mary Hilliard Car Ron Paulson Asbury Weekly Calendar Opportunities to Grow in Faith and Share Christ. Sunday, January 31st 8:00 am Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Room 200) 8:00 am Coffee & Donuts (WAC) 8:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal (WAC) 8:30 am Divine Worship (Sanctuary) 9:30 am Children’s Choir for 3 yrs to 2nd grade (Room 215) 9:30 am Children’s Choir for 3rd - 6th grade (Room 204) 9:45 am Sunday School 10:40 am Praise Band Pre-Service Music 10:45 am Celebration Worship (WAC) 10:45 am Divine Worship (Sanctuary) 3:00 pm Basketball Practice - Youth (WAC) 5:30 pm 2016 6th Grade Confirmation Class (Warehouse) 5:30 pm Sunday Night Student Ministries (Warehouse) 5:30 pm Women’s Bible Study (Room 123) Monday, February 1st 7:30 am ACCDC 6:00 pm Men’s Basketball (WAC) 7:00 pm AA Meeting (Room 103) Tuesday, February 2nd 7:30 am ACCDC 12:00 pm Keenagers (Warehouse) 7:00 pm Boy Scouts (Room 105) 7:00 pm Cub Scouts (Room 101) Wednesday, February 3rd 7:30 am ACCDC 5:45 pm The Edge (Room 204) 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Student Ministries (Warehouse) 6:30 pm Wild Wednesdays (Room 210) 6:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Room 200) Thursday, February 4th 7:30 am ACCDC 6:15 pm Handbell Rehearsal (Room 201) 6:30 pm Praise Team Rehearsal (WAC) Friday, February 5th 7:30 am ACCDC 6:00 pm Scout Mohawk District Banquet (WAC) Saturday, February 6th Sunday, February 7th 8:00 am Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Room 200) 8:00 am Coffee & Donuts (WAC) 8:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal (WAC) 8:30 am Divine Worship (Sanctuary) 9:30 am Children’s Choir for 3 yrs to 2nd grade (Room 215) 9:30 am Children’s Choir for 3rd - 6th grade (Room 204) 9:45 am Sunday School 10:40 am Praise Band Pre-Service Music 10:45 am Celebration Worship (WAC) 10:45 am Divine Worship (Sanctuary) 3:00 pm Basketball Practice - Youth (WAC) 5:30 pm Sunday Night Student Ministries (Offsite) * WAC - Wilson Activity Center Daily devotionals from Pastor Mary are available on the website, www.asbury-lr.org. Click on “Blogs.”
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