November Newsletter - South St. Paul Secondary


November Newsletter - South St. Paul Secondary
Secondary Building
Mistletoe Dance 2013
St. Paul
Public Schools
Mistletoe Dance is coming soon! All students in grades nine through twelve are welcome
to attend the annual dance. This year, the senior council has planned a memorable
evening with the theme of “A Whole New World”. Mistletoe will be held on Saturday,
December 14, from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM in the high school cafeteria. Dan Grevas
Photography will be available to take professional pictures of any students attending the
dance. Tickets will be sold for $20 per person or $40 per couple during high school
lunches in the cafeteria, November 25 through December 10.
SSP Students Participate in WE Day
the Future
An important part of the MYP curriculum is Community and Service and ensuring
students have a sense of belonging and purpose. It begins in the classroom and extends
beyond it giving students the chance to make a difference in their community.
Fifty students from South Saint Paul Secondary Building participated in WE Day on
October 8, 2013. This was the first year that WE Day has taken place in Minnesota. WE
Day is an event to make students aware that they can make a difference in this
world. The goal is to “to empower a generation to shift the world from ‘me’ to ‘we’—
through how we act, how we give, the choices we make on what to buy and what to
wear, the media we consume and the experiences with which we choose to engage.” See more at:
The students from South Saint Paul Secondary were part of student organizations that
are dedicated to service. The organizations that participated were SADD, Key Club, and
Peace Jam. By attending WE Day students commit to one local and one global action for
the year. For the local action, students from the Secondary Building have organized a
city wide event on Halloween called WE Scare Hunger. The student organizations will be
trick or treating for canned goods to be donated to Neighbors.
South St. Paul Secondary Building's Annual College Fair
South St. Paul Secondary Building will host the annual college fair on Wednesday,
November 6th from 2:15 PM to 4:00 PM at the high school. At present, close to 40
post-secondary institutions have committed to be in attendance to provide information
about their schools and answer questions parents and prospective students may have.
International BaccalaureContact us at
In addition, branches of the Military will have representatives present to talk with students
and parents about career and educational opportunities available in the military.
In the Classroom
Know the Truth Presenters Speak to PE/Health Classes
Know the Truth is a substance abuse prevention program developed to educate high school and middle
school students on addictions and the consequences of their choices. Every year
these presenters speak to 120 MN high schools and middle schools, more than
38,000 students. SSP PE/health students in 8th and 10th grade were fortunate to get
hear these speakers message.
Toiletry Drive in Language B Classes
The French 2 classes recently completed their annual toiletry drive for Neighbors, Inc. in SSP. The 2
classes donated a total of 200 items! While studying daily routine, students were asked to bring in toiletry
items and label them in French. The students will be delivering the items this week!
Bravo les élèves de français et merci beaucoup!
The Drive Continues in Spanish 2
Spanish 2 is doing a toiletry drive to go along with our health unit. All
items we collect will be donated to Neighbors, an organization in
South St. Paul, that provides resources to our community. If you want
to join in, bring in toiletry items such as shampoo, toothpaste,
deodorant, etc. to Mrs. Nygaard or Mrs. Nugent.
Emergency Closing of Schools
When weather and travel conditions are troublesome or adverse, please check the following for an
announcement being made regarding school closings or delayed openings:
Radio station, WCCO – Channel 830 AM
Television stations:
WCCO - Channel 4
KSTP – Channel 5
KMSP – Channel 9
KARE – Channel 11
All-Night Party Parent Meeting
Attention senior parents:
We will be having an All-Night Party meeting on Thursday, November 7th at 6:15 in the media center.
All are welcome, hope to see you there!
Packer PM 2013-2014
Packer PM is after school programming for students in grades 7 and 8. This program is free of
charge for our students and made possible through the Targeted Services Program.
The following is a list of the opportunities that occur throughout the year:
Packer PM Computer Lab-Students may drop-in the7th grade computer lab (B317) as they need. This
program is for students that need to complete work in the computer lab, finish up homework, or to work on
skills for technology class or individual growth. The lab will be open Monday through Thursday until 4:00. A
staff member will be in the lab to help students with assignments and projects.
Home Base (Targeted Services)- This is for students who would benefit from working with a teacher in a
small group setting after school 3 days per week to address organization, study skills, work completion, and
homework help. Students sign up and are assigned to a class. The classes meet Monday, Tuesday, and
Thursday from 2:45- 4:00. Attendance is taken and the expectation is that the students attend each of the 3
days per week. Registration forms are available in the main office in the secondary building and on line at – secondary building.
Teacher Reteach/Reassess- On designated nights, teachers may run study sessions as it gets closer to
assessments. The staff may also hold sessions to reteach concepts that students seem to struggle with. The
staff will communicate these opportunities with their classes. Students do not need to sign up for these
sessions – they just need to show up!
Short Shots -Students will have opportunities to participate in short sessions with a specific focus designed
to give students exposure to other learning opportunities. These opportunities will be offered throughout the
school year and will be advertised on the daily announcements. Students may sign up in the office or with
the teacher running the class/workshop.
South St. Paul Secondary School Theatre invites you to “Be Our Guest”
South St. Paul Secondary School Theatre invites you to “Be Our Guest” as we present Disney’s Beauty and
the Beast at the High School Auditorium. Performances will be at 7:00 PM on November 7, 8, and 9. This
fantastical musical based on a “Tale as Old as Time” and updated
colorfully and creatively by the magic-makers at Disney will be thrilling
entertainment for the whole family. Advance reserve-seat tickets are $7
for students and seniors, and $9 for adults. Tickets are also
available at the door for $1 more. Tickets can be ordered online at or by phone at 651-457-9430. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact Eric Holsen at [email protected].
November Dates to Remember
Friday, November 8 - No School, Staff Development
Monday, November 25 - Trimester Finals for periods 1, 3, and 5
Tuesday, November 26 - Trimester Finals for periods 2, 4, and 6, Last Day of Trimester 1
Wednesday, November 27 - No School Staff Development
Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29 - No School Holiday
Monday, December 2 - First Day of Trimester 2
Reminder From the Attendance
Absences for family trips need to be pre-approved by written application to the Attendance Office by the parent/guardian.
Families are encouraged to schedule vacations during school breaks and the summer. (Excerpt taken from the Student
Handbook, attendance policy)
If your student will be going out of town on a pre-arranged trip, the following process is to be followed:
The student is to bring a note from a parent/guardian notifying the school of the upcoming absences.
The Attendance Secretary will issue a trip slip to the student that is to be signed by all of the student’s teachers and
returned to the office.
National Honor Society Requirements
National Honor Society, a group founded on the concept of the total education and development of students
in secondary schools, recognizes students who achieve and demonstrate the highest qualities in academics,
leadership, and character. Being selected for membership is indeed an honor.
Who is eligible for NHS and how are members selected?
Students in grades 11 and 12 who are academically eligible (cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
after the first trimester of the school year) are informed of their eligibility and invited to apply.
These letters will be mailed out in early January.
In order to apply for the National Honor Society, the following criteria must be met:
Must be a junior or senior with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.
50 hours of documented community service completed during the year, which does include the summer
prior to the start of the school year.
Documented leadership positions in and/or out of school and a written explanation of what you
accomplished as a leader. Documented means that a boss/supervisor, etc. signs off on your explanation
of what was accomplished.
Three letters of recommendation from non-family members that attest to your character. One letter must
be from a non-school employee.
No chemical violations.
No prior conduct or ethical issues
Homecoming 2013
We kicked off Homecoming Week on Saturday, October 5 at 9 AM. Students came and decorated the Senior
Commons and cafeteria with their class themes for the week. We had Senior Samurai, Junior Jaguars,
Sophomore Surfers and Fatal Freshmen. The decorations set the tone for the Homecoming Dance which
more than 400 Students attended.
Monday was Class Color Day followed by Powder Puff Football. The Seniors took home bragging rights.
Wednesday was coronation during third period. The Homecoming Court is nominated by seniors but voted
on by the entire High School. Homecoming Royalty: King - Marcos Perez, Queen - Alexis Pearson,
Prince-Preston Woods, and Princess-Claire Ravn.
Friday ended with a pep fest celebrating fall activities and the traditional boy girl dance!
Pictured: King - Marcos Perez
Queen Alexis Pearson
Homecoming Candidates
Shelby Brady
Victor Boomgaarden
Cynthia Callais
Billy Brandecker
Kelly Counihan
Hayden Cameron
Brooke Fisher
Gerado Roco Herrera
Brigette Miller
Spenser Hood
Abby Palmquist
Nick Jerhoff
Victoria Poole
Max Oelerking
Alexis Pearson
Marcos Perez
Claire Ravn
Jamar Suggs
Abby Rogish
Colton Weisser
Ryanne Strickland
Preston Woods
Pictured: Princess - Claire Ravn
Prince - Preston Woods
Homecoming Week Activities Sponsored by Student Council!
the Halls
the Walls!
Dance ...
Powder Puff
Pep fest
Dress-up Days
Pictures from our Yearbook Staff - Thank you!
Join the Speech Team!
Parents—Would you like your child to hone his/her writing skills, become more articulate, and gain confidence
when speaking in front of others? If so, please encourage your child to check out the 2013 South St Paul
Speech Team by attending one of the informational meetings we are offering in early November. Students
who participate in competitive speech are rewarded by measurable increases in their poise, confidence, and
speaking ability; skills that I am sure you will agree are more important than ever in today’s world. Our activity
has a wide variety of categories from which to choose. We also have flexible scheduling so that your child
can be active in most other activities and sports while also competing in speech.
For more information, please attend one of these Speech Team kick-off meetings in the High School Lecture
Hall. The meetings are open to students, grades 7-12, and parents, alike.
2:45 on Monday, November 11
6:00 on Monday, November 11
You may also contact coach Ceil McDonald at
[email protected] for further information.
…develops great life-long skills!
Speech Team is a competitive activity in which students learn the attitudes and skills involved in communicating ideas effectively. The activity also provides opportunities for personal and team success—and for
forming friendships with hundreds of talented students from around Minnesota. Even those who do not win
trophies or letters are rewarded by measurable increases in their poise, confidence, and speaking ability;
skills that are more important than ever in today’s world.
… has something for everyone!
There are thirteen categories from which to choose. Some involve writing a speech, while for others
you work on interpreting an already published play, poem, or story—much like participating in theater!
There’s even a category called Discussion in which you work as a member of a group.
… fits in well with other activities!
Speech works well with most other activities because we don’t have daily mandatory group practices.
We will have one all-team meeting/practice each week starting in late January, probably on Thursday evenings from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Each team member also will also sign up for at least one (1) 30 minute practice
session per week. Team members who cannot make the all-team meeting/practice will sign up for two individual practice sessions. Practice times can be before or after school. We have practice times available as
late as 8 p.m., if necessary, so that students can schedule a time that fits around their other activities! Just
sign up for a practice time that fits your schedule with the coach!
… competitions are mostly on SATURDAYS!
Again, unlike other activities, team members are not required to attend every competition, though we
do encourage team members to commit to at least six competitions from the invitationals we offer. All
invitationals are held on Saturdays beginning February 1 and continuing through the end of March. We generally leave around 7 a.m. and return by 4 p.m. Remember, it is not necessary to compete every weekend,
but the more experience you get, the more you learn. The section and state tournaments will be held in April.
One Act Play Auditions!
Auditions for the Winter One Act Plays will be during the week of November 11-15 in the theatre after school
(specifics to be posted on the theatre call board soon). We have lots of great parts for actors and technicians
in grades 7-12. This year’s One Acts Festival is entitled “The Real Inspector Hound” and Other Plays About
Plays. The junior high one act (for students in grades 7-9) will be “How to Survive Acting in a Bad Play
Without Being Traumatized for Life.” The student-directed 10-minutes plays will be: “Starlets in Training”,
“Writer’s Block”, “Chekonstinestanislavemeyerholdski Method”, and two student-written one acts: “The Green
Room” and a spoof on “Romeo and Juliet.” The Competition One Act will be “The Real Inspector
Hound.” Contact Mr. Holsen ([email protected] or 651-457-9430) if you
have any questions.
Great Season for the Cross Country Team
The cross country team had a great season this year. The boys team won the inaugural Polar Invite and the
girls placed second at the same meet. Sarah Conlon finished first at the Hudson Invite in a personal best
time of 15:00 for a 4 K race. There were 5 runners that earned All-Conference honors at the Conference
Championship meet. Those runners were Ethan Hemmelman, Eddie Carlson, Sarah Conlon, Tessa Laska
and Starlynn Costa. The cross country team is very proud of having 5 All-Conference runners. The crowning
achievement of the season was Sarah Conlon qualifying for the State Cross Country Meet. This is the
second year in a row that Sarah has qualified for the state meet. The team is growing and looking for new
runners every year, so if you like to run come out for CC next fall.
Pictured left to right:
Edward Carlson
Ethan Hemmelman
Starlynn Costa
Tessa Laska
Sarah Conlon
Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
The November Special Education Advisory Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 19, at 6:00
PM in the District Office Conference Room.
South St. Paul Educational Foundation Walkathon Winners
From the Health Office
Cold and Flu Season
Whooping Cough Epidemic: Minnesota is on track to have the highest number of cases of whooping
cough since the 1940s. The disease is occurring in all age groups, but the median age of those who
contract the disease is 11 year olds. Parents (and students who haven’t had the shot)
should check with their doctor to see if he/she recommends that you have the Tdap vaccination. The shot protects us against tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping
cough. Website for more information:
Cold and Flu Season
Self-Care Tips for:
Colds: Drink plenty of liquids
Eat chicken soup (helps clear mucous)
Use salt water drops for nasal congestion (Mix ½ tsp. salt in 1 cup warm water. Put 3-4 drops in each nostril several
times a day)
Coughs: Drink plenty of liquids (hot liquids for dry cough)
Use a cool-mist vaporizer or take a shower for coughs that bring up mucous
Gargle with warm salt water (1/4 tsp. salt in ½ cup water)
Drink plenty of liquids
With flu season nearing, we encourage students, especially those with weakened immune systems, certain long-term
health problems, and those on long-term aspirin treatment, to get a flu shot.
Protect yourself and others from the flu:
 Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and dispose of the tissue afterward
 If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve
 Clean your hands after you cough or sneeze with soap and warm water
 Surfaces that are touched or handled frequently can also spread the flu virus (i.e. doorknobs, water faucets,
refrigerator handles, telephones). Clean these surfaces on a regular basis, using a standard household cleaner.
 If you get the flu, or any respiratory illness, avoid exposing others. Stay home from work or school.
 Keep yourself healthy by eating right, getting plenty of rest, and participating in moderate exercise on a regular
Ask your doctor if you should be vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia – a common and potentially serious
complication of the flu. Unlike the flu vaccine, the pneumococcal vaccine does not need to be given every year.
Symptoms of the flu, which tend to come on suddenly, can include a sore throat, coughing, fever, headache, muscle
aches and fatigue. People who become severely ill with flu-like symptoms should see a physician.
College and Career News
Diane Barse, College and Career Advisor
651-306-3654 or [email protected]
College Fair
South St. Paul Secondary Building will host its annual College Fair
on Wednesday, November 6th from 2:15 pm to 4:00 pm at the high school. At
present, close to forty post-secondary institutions have committed to be in attendance to provide information about their schools and answer questions parents and prospective students may have.
In addition, branches of the Military will have representatives present to talk
with students and parents about career and educational opportunities available
in the military.
ACT Information
ACT Information
Next Test Date is December 14th – Regular Registration Deadline; November 8th
Fee: $36.50 w/o writing
$52.50 with writing
Note: ACT recommends that you take the writing portion of the test.
It is recommended that juniors take the ACT next spring. This will allow them the opportunity
to have the benefit of the bulk of the coursework they will take during their junior year.
Seniors who plan on applying to four year Colleges and Universities should already have
taken the ACT. If they need to improve their score for purposes of admission and/or
scholarship opportunities, they should take the test in December in order to get their new score
on their transcripts. If you have questions about the ACT, please feel free to contact me. You
can register on-line at
SSPHS will HOST the ACT Test on the following at dates this school:
December 14, 2013 --- Registration Deadline – November 8th
April 12, 2014-- Registration Deadline – March 7th
Note: You can register after the deadline but a late fee is required.
What should you know about an Educational Institution ????
Questions you might ask school representatives.
What are the admission requirements?
What qualities should prospective students have?
What standardized test scores do you require?
What majors are offered? What’s the most popular?
What are the application deadlines for admission?
Are interviews required? Are there group or individual interviews?
How can I arrange a campus visit?
How long should I expect to wait for an answer once I submit my application?
Financial aid
How much will it cost?
What financial aid options are offered?
When is your financial aid deadline?
Estimate the percentage of work study, loans, grants, and scholarships awarded in your financial aid
What is the average class size?
How accessible are professors outside of class?
Will professors or graduate students teach my courses?
When must I choose a major?
Do I need a computer?
What student services are offered (tutoring, career counseling, study workshops)?
How are the libraries, computer labs?
What type of housing is available?
Is student housing guaranteed for four years?
Would I have a roommate or live alone?
How are roommates selected?
Student life
What special interest groups, activities, fraternities/ sororities are available?
What’s it like on campus on the weekends?
Are any programs offered to help students adjust to the college life?
Are intramural, club, and varsity sports offered?
How are the athletic facilities?
Do students have access to fitness facilities?
What types of meal plans are available?
Just the facts
What is the school known for?
What percentage of students graduate in four years?
What percentage of graduates got jobs in their field of study?
How many freshman return for their sophomore year?
How safe is the campus and its surrounding neighborhoods?