Untitled - Luxury Glass Doors
Untitled - Luxury Glass Doors
September 17, 2009 I wanted to thank all of you at DIG-MX LLC for an exceptional job!! My clients are thrilled with their new Hurricane Resistant doors. The quality and benefits for us has been far and beyond what we could have expected. The noise reduction is amazing (thankfully, we can’t hear the bar Bang next door anymore). The owners are very pleased that their A/C bills have been drastically reduced (very important when renting). It’s been over one year since your doors have been installed and we have not had one complaint or issue. The low maintenance and fact of never having to put wood up again has saved me a lot of time and worry! None of us are hoping for a hurricane, it’s comforting to know that my clients are protected year round. It has been a pleasure working with such a professional company. I wish you the best in the future! Chris L. Martin Chris L. Martin Caribbean Beach Properties 984.879.3056 970.688.0250 USA 877.45.PLAYA USA [email protected] Luna Encantada Project – August 2008 Playa del Carmen, Q. Roo Mexico 19 de Enero de 2010 A QUIEN CORRESPONDA: Por este conducto le comunico a usted que en el año 2008 y 2009 hemos trabajado con la empresa Luxury Glass Doors (DIG-MX LLC Company), siendo nuestro contacto principal el Arquitecto Georgios Apostolidis. El trabajo se realizo en la CASA CARACOLES, proyecto de una casa-habitacion de 1,500 m2 de construcción, propiedad de los Sres. Fleishmann (Inversiones Grupo Tampico/ Coca-Cola), ubicada frente al mar en el la playa de Miramar, en Tampico, Tam. Nosotros (Holler) representamos la oficina de arquitectura quien tuvo a su cargo el diseño y Dirección de obra de la Casa. Puedo calificar como excelente el trabajo realizado por el Arq. Apostolidis y Luxury Glass Doors: Su gran profesionalismo, sus tiempos de entrega fueron dentro de lo establecido, su gran disposición a recibir las modificaciones por parte de nosotros, la calidad de las ventanas y sobre todo la calidad en la instalación de las mismas. Asimismo quiero hacer referencia en la gran amabilidad y servicio por parte del equipo de trabajo de Luxury Glass Doors, desde la asesoria en proyecto hasta el servicio post-venta. De esta manera le extiendo la presente constancia de recomendación para los fines que a la interesada convengan y quedo a sus ordenes ATENTAMENTE, ARQ. DANIEL HOLGUERA LLERENA DIRECTOR GENERAL HOLLER Desarrollo Integral de Proyectos Holler Desarrollo Integral de Proyectos Camelia No. 110-5 Col. Flores Tampico, Tam. 89220 [email protected] www.holler.com.mx Tel 833.2130321 I have lived in Playa del Carmen since 2000, back when it was still a quiet little town. Playa is becoming more popular every year and in the last 5 years it seems to have exploded. As a property manager and owner of Latido de Mexico, I have heard my fair share of noise complaints, as Playa expands and becomes even more demanding for travelers. This holds true for my home as well. The time came when I could no longer deal with the (mostly) night time noise. After researching several noise reducing options, ranging from putting in new windows and doors to selling my house, I stumbled upon Luxury Glass Doors LLC. I had my new doors and windows installed in November 2011 right before the start of the high season. I chose the hurricane resistant, noise resistant and burglary resistant doors. Since these doors also provide protection against hurricanes, I could also have the ugly hurricane shutters removed from my condo. Now, I’m able to enjoy peace and quiet in my house again. There are no words to describe the relief I feel to be able to simply slide the windows and doors shut whenever it is a noisy night. I couldn’t even tell the (in)famous BPM festival was on, what BPM festival? Dealing with Luxury Glass Doors LLC was also a pleasure. Professional from start to finish, everything as agreed and on time! A rare treat in Mexico. I’m more than happy to recommend the company and its product without any reservation. Monica Hartlief Owner Latido de Mexico Latido de Mexico - 1ra Avenida x Calle 14, Edificio Las Flores, Col. Centro, Playa del Carmen, Solidaridad. Latido de Mexico is operated by The Dive Company SA de CV, constituted and registered in October 2001.