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"Here in our future energies city, every person that
joins the team is a joy to us - whether up-andcoming young talents, or experienced first-eleven
players. In Gelsenkirchen, we look back on a long
tradition in the energy industry. In the past ten
years, however, we have consciously started out
on our path from "City of the 1000 Fires" to becoming the "City of the 1000 Suns", as is impressively illustrated by the numerous projects and
diverse participants involved. I sincerely wish our
readers many interesting insights into our future
energies city while reading the pages that follow."
Coucillor Joachim Hampe,
Chairman of the City of Gelsenkirchen
economic development council
Vast quantities of glass, power supplied by the sun, and both heat and refrigeration from 150 meters
below the earth's surface have enabled GELSENWASSER AG to transform its headquarters into one
of Germany's ecologically leading office buildings. Two thirds of the building's needs are met from
regenerable energy sources. Germany's largest water supply utility has thus made an excellent start
on the road to becoming a new energy giant. The company's activities include operation of piping
systems that supply more than forty towns and cities with natural gas and heat, and the planning
of municipal energy concepts.
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Seite 3
THE TEAM Comprehensive strengths in the energies of the future
THE STRATEGY From coal to the sun
IN THE FIELD Pioneers in the solar industry
ON THE ATTACK In the solar premier league
THE FANS Mass support
IN TRAINING Opportunities for personnel recruitment
OUR GUESTS Platform for international contacts
THE GYRO Wind power and new mobility concepts
OUR REGION Solar thermics, heat pumps and biogas
IN THE NET Industrial development and economic promotion
IN THE GOAL Facts for your location decision
Comprehensive strengths in the energies of the future
The efficient and effective use of water, combined with intelligent integrated energy concepts for the VELTINS
Arena stadium, the SPORT PARADIES sport and recreation complex, the Berger Feld comprehensive school,
the Medicos.AufSchalke sport and preventative therapy center and the Hotel Courtyard by Marriott Gelsenkirchen also enabled Gelsenkirchen to score in Green Goal, the environmental program operated by 2006
FIFA World Cup Germany™.
Team play is a tradition in Gelsenkirchen –
so please accept a sincere "Welcome" if you,
as a team player in the broad field of future
energies, enjoy playing on our turf. The
transition from a coal and steel to a solar
city would be inconceivable without carefully
positioned passes over the heads of all industries and sectors. A large range of players
with the most diverse strengths, extending
from the energy industry itself, via science,
Research & Development, on to manufacturing and up to and including commerce,
skilled crafts and trades, marketing, finance
and personnel recruitment have now been
jointly exploiting the city's excellent potentials for more than a decade. Gelsenkirchen in
fact long ago grew beyond the simply solar
city and into the fields of alternative energies
and energy-efficiency. Smoothly functioning
local networks combined with rapid communication with specialists and high-ranking
decision-makers on all continents have thus
again and again provided high and accurate
passes for ever new successes. This brochure
shows you the best excerpts and the most
elegant goals.
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E.ON Engineering GmbH has decades of experience in the planning,
construction and operation of power and gas plants and systems. The
company provides top-quality engineering services for power-plant, gas
and pipeline projects. Tight integration into group processes assures
intimate knowledge of operating needs and practice, as well as combined
operating, research and development capabilities. The company has its
headquarters in Gelsenkirchen, where more than seven hundred persons are
employed, and a branch in Ratcliffe (UK), with a workforce of around
four hundred.
Cogeneration of heat + power has
a long history in the Ruhr, and
Evonik Fernwärme GmbH already
supplies more than 300,000 residential units in the south of Gelsenkirchen, and in the neighbouring cities of Essen and Bottrop,
with 2.1 billion kWh of heat annually. E.ON Fernwärme GmbH
operates a community heating network with a total transmission
capacity of 900 MW in the north
of the city.
Gelsenkirchen, once the city of a thousand fires, looks back on a long tradition and comprehensive experience in the use of energy. E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH operates Germany's largest coal-fired
power-generating plant in our city. Up to three percent of the country's power needs are produced and distributed here. And, as at many other locations in our region, this plant also generates environmentally friendly community heating for supply of heat to commercial, industrial, resi-
Materials and components for future coal-fired power plants that
will achieve efficiencies of above
50 percent undergo testing at
E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH, with additional input from renowned
power-plant operators such as
Evonik STEAG GmbH, in the context
of the EU-sponsored COMTES700
research project.
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"The Wissenschaftspark, or Science
Park, is the cradle of Solar City Gelsenkirchen. The metamorphosis from a
coal and steel to a future energies city
has made us an internationally known
symbol of the Ruhr as a new-energies
Dr. Heinz-Peter Schmitz-Borchert,
Chief Executive Officer of
Wissenschaftspark Gelsenkirchen GmbH
From coal to the sun
A brief review of Solar City Gelsenkirchen's
recent history quickly illustrates the tight
links with industry; RWE Energie AG, for
example, mobilized with its own investment
of 1.2 million DM the fourfold amount in
subsidies for a solar demonstration project
of previously unimagined proportions - the
solar power plant in the Science Park.
Thanks to this – for its time – highly significant order, Flachglas AG specially constructed a solar-module plant in Gelsenkirchen,
one of the first automated solar production
facilities in Germany. And the opening of
the world's largest solar power plant at the
Science Park was a world sensation, astounding both architects and energy experts. The
city's second solar factory, a solar-cell
production plant operated by multinational
oil group Shell, was commissioned in 1999.
The publicity generated by the EXPO 2000
world fair, reference installations "Made in
Gelsenkirchen" on all continents, and the
city's admission to the global league of
Solar Cities, were the guarantee that the
city had, at the start of this millenium, as
the real "solar boom" started after the
introduction of the Renewable Energy Act
(Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz), already
achieved a prominent ranking in the Solar
Cities league table. Since then, the onetime
coal and steel town in the Ruhr has been a
confident and capable player in the export
World Cup for future-orientated energy technologies.
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Impressive solar architecture from Gelsenkirchen in Berlin: both the photovoltaic installation at Berlin's "Hauptbahnhof" central station and the
roof of Germany's Reichstag parliament building bear the "Made in
Gelsenkirchen" stamp, originating from Scheuten Solar Technology
GmbH's giant solar module production plant in the Ruhr city.
And our neighbours in the Ruhr are also getting involved: in Herne,
Scheuten Technology GmbH and abakus solar AG constructed the spectacular glass shell of the Akademie Mont?Cenis, inside which the shadows
of the photovoltaic cells generate the impression of a natural cloud formation. The gallery of the Messe Essen exhibition center, and the futuristic shell of the Gelsenkirchen solar-cell plant have a similar pedigree.
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"In 2005, when it became clear
that we would be leaving our old
plant site, the Scheuten Glas
Group in Venlo could, of course,
very easily have relocated the
entire company. Instead, however,
we built the new plant only a few
kilometers away, on the site of a
former colliery, in the Schalke district of Gelsenkirchen. The reason?
Here in Gelsenkirchen, we have
everything we need: skilled labour, excellent logistics and the
flexible motivation and commitment of the people of a city
which, not least of all, genuinely appreciates us as employers."
Frans van den Heuvel, CEO of
Scheuten Solar Technology
Pioneers in the solar industry
Scheuten Solar Cells GmbH (formerly Shell Solar Deutschland GmbH), located in Gelsenkirchen's Rotthausen district, manufactures the polycrystalline solar cells that are used for module production in the module plant.
First-squad regulars that know each other's
strengths assure the continuum of success.
Elegant, glass-on-glass translucent solar
modules from Gelsenkirchen have made solar
technology respectable for top-line architectural projects. Well-known examples include,
for instance, the Akademie Mont-Cenis, in
Herne, the gallery of the Messe Essen exhibition center, Berlin's "Hauptbahnhof" central station and the roof of the Reichstag
parliament building in the same capital city.
All these modules are products of the topgrade manufacturing facilities at Scheuten
Solar Technology GmbH in Gelsenkirchen.
abakus solar AG, another Gelsenkirchen
company, is just one of many globally active engineering and planning consultancies
that select the modules assembled in this
plant for sophisticated solar architecture.
abakus solar supplied, for example, the
engineering services for the Akademie MontCenis and for the Messe Essen, earning a
European and world reputation for turnkey
construction in the high-value segment of
building-integrated photovoltaics, and playing an important role, as a wholesaler and
trade supplier, in the implementation of
more than 1,000 solar projects of all magnitudes. Scheuten Solar Group also has an
outstanding presence in the mass-production side of this business - some three hundred staff in Gelsenkirchen turn out over
130 MW of solar modules and 35 MW of
solar cells annually.
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Logistics enterprise LOXX GmbH used the expansion of its logistics center
in Gelsenkirchen to a total of 10,000 square meters as an opportunity to
install comprehensive environmental protection - and installed a solarpowered system with a 360 kWp output.
And probably the most unusual
solar installation in the entire Ruhr
was implemented by abakus solar
AG on the ore and coal bunker of
the former Schalker Verein steel
works, with a 355 kWp rating.
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In 2008, THS Wohnen GmbH completed
Germany's largest project for conversion
of a residential estate to solar power,
with a peak rating of 795 kWp, in
Schaffrath, Gelsenkirchen. This estate,
originally constructed in 1960, offered
ideal preconditions for generation of
solar power, with 422 residential units in
seventy-one energy-modernized buildings, a community heating connection
and unused lofts with a southerly orientation and a 30% roof slope. The company, managing some 70,000 rented residential properties, is one of the largest
companies in the property field in the
Ruhr and the Rhineland.
"Our certificated environmental
management, applied in numerous projects aimed at enhancing
energy-efficiency, also achieves
out-of-the-ordinary synergies at
our Gelsenkirchen location. A particular beneficiary is the scienti-
fic and economic Cluster for
Energy-Efficiency and
Regenerative Energies."
Prof. Dipl. Ing. Karl-Heinz
Petzinka, Chairman of the Board
of THS Wohnen GmbH
In the solar premier league
Solar power plants in Gelsenkirchen – the Top Ten:
1. THS Schaffrath estate
795,00 kWp
2. LOXX logistics center
360,00 kWp
3. abakus Schalker Verein solar bunker
355,00 kWp
4. BOGESTRA tram depot
250,00 kWp
4. Scheuten solar-module plant Schalke
250,00 kWp
6. The science park (Wissenschaftspark)
210,00 kWp
7. GELSENDIENSTE fleet depot
200,00 kWp
8. Scheuten Solarzellenfabrik
119,90 kWp
9. Bismarck solar estate
88,00 kWp
10. ARENA PARK solar sail
87,00 kWp
Not only in the VELTINS Arena, but also in the
solar national league (, Solar City Gelsenkirchen is progressing consistently up the table thanks to well
targeted passes and support on the wings
from all sectors of industry. Major solarenergy projects are being implemented with
great commitment and enthusiasm all
around us. In Summer 2008, alone, logistics
firm LOXX, abakus solar AG, city-owned GELSENDIENSTE GmbH and THS Wohnen GmbH
all scored with solar power plants on logi-
stics centers, on the roof of a vehicle-fleet
depot, on a former coal and ore bunker and on
the roofs of a residential estate originally
laid out in the sixties – jointly ensuring that
Gelsenkirchen, whatever the case, remains
ahead of rival Dortmund in the solar national
league – and that, in this city, at least in
sporting terms, is of the very greatest
importance! In all fairness, Gelsenkirchen and
Dortmund were in fact joint winners of the
silver medal in the 2008 European Energy
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Seite 10
The first residents moved into the first solar residential estate in the
Ruhr, the "Sonnenhof Housing Estate", in 1999. Seventy-two owneroccupied units were constructed here, featuring two designs with differing plot orientations and roof types; the illustration shows terraced
gable-roofed houses with photovoltaic installations
Solar marathon in Gelsenkirchen: around 5,000 children and young
persons, supported by over 10,000 sponsors, have repeatedly "run up"
record sums, permitting construction of a number of solar installations,
including one on the youth welfare office in Gelsenkirchen, and others
in remote villages in the Andes.
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"Demand for our eco-power also
demonstrates that commitment
to protection of the climate and
to regenerable energy sources is
growing constantly in the Solar
City of Gelsenkirchen."
Dr. Rainer von Courbière, CEO of
Emscher Lippe Energie GmbH
The energy-efficiency of buildings is
an important topic at Gelsenkirchen's
"GE|WOHNT|GUT" residential property
fair held in the Science Park.
Mass support
Popular with both pupils and their
teachers: the SolarExpo in the Science
Park is a hands-on exhibition providing
information on all aspects of photovoltaics.
In our Solar City of Gelsenkirchen, enthusiastic fans support all who are active in protecting our climate. Commitment starts in
the schools: around 5,000 pupils, both girls
and boys, achieved a record total of more
than 45,000 euro with their grandiose
sponsored run. This sum made it possible to
install, inter alia, two solar-energy systems
effectively simultaneously – one on the roof
of the city's youth welfare office, and another virtually on the other side of the globe,
in the Andes mountains of Argentina. It
was, in any case, more than "just a good
deed" - behind these school pupils are convinced and committed parents. It was truly
no coincidence that the Ruhr's first solar
residential estate was constructed in
Gelsenkirchen. Solar circles, solar clubs and
solar initiatives meet regularly in several
districts of the city and there is, in addition, a whole series of events, spread across
the year, at which citizens can obtain information on climate-preserving energy technologies, the most prominent among them
being the GE|WOHNT|GUT residential property fair, where energy topics are a fixed feature. Campaigns such as the "Sun Week" and
the "Renewable Energies Day", along with
numerous lesser events, are very well received and patronized by Gelsenkirchen's
highly motivated population, as is demonstrated, not least of all, on a new City of
Gelsenkirchen internet feature: a solar roof
survey which determines from aerial photographs the suitability of local roofs for
installation of solar facilities (
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The Chamber of Craft Trades of the City of Münster modernized this old
(1913) villa in Gelsenkirchen's Buer district as a "Building Modernization
Demonstration Center" in order to illustrate energy-saving technologies
applied to existing buildings to craftsmen, architects and engineers, and
also to specialized lawyers and building-industry clients. The center
makes it possible to demonstrate various energy-efficient designs for
walls, ceilings, roofs and ventilation systems.
Energy technology is also a central
focus at Gelsenkirchen's University
of Applied Sciences, which is cooperating with enterprises in the
region on a range of related projects.
In addition, the nation-wide "Regenerable Energies Jobs Fair" has also
become firmly established as the industry's largest careers forum, and is
held in Solar City Gelsenkirchen.
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The trade of "solarteur", or solar technician - the first successful trainees are shown in our illustration - has been developed by the Chamber
of Craft Trades Training Center in Münster in close cooperation with the
Science Park Gelsenkirchen, and is established as a European standard.
Opportunities for personnel recruitment
The Fraunhofer ISE Labor- und
Servicecenter Gelsenkirchen laboratory and service center started operations in 2000 with support from
the state government of North
Rhine-Westphalia, with the aim of
creating in exemplary form the
boundary conditions necessary for
the interaction of industry-orientated research, commercial enterprises and users.
Even if the strategy and tactics are fixed, it
is, ultimately, the skill of individual players
that are decisive on the park. In Gelsenkirchen, training facilities and sponsors up to
and including the Chamber of Craft Trades
are committed to ensuring the training of
highly qualified specialists in every conceivable discipline. Modern, future-orientated
energy technology is a central focus of both
research and teaching at the Gelsenkirchen
University of Applied Sciences. In the Energieinstitut, ten professors are working on a
supradisciplinary basis to improve existing and
future energy-supply systems, exploring in
depth topics such as fuel cells, photovoltaics
and solar thermics, in addition to low-pollution combustion, cogeneration of heat and
power, and the development of modern gasand steam-turbines. The Fraunhofer ISE Laborund Servicecenter Gelsenkirchen has been set
up in close cooperation with industry, conducting research under conditions close to those
encountered in industrial practice, with
laboratory results that can be directly
implemented in commercial applications.
Gelsenkirchen's own laboratory and service
center is equipped with the most modern
technology and has at its disposal the more
than twenty-five years of expertise and experience possessed by Europe's largest solar
research institute, the Fraunhofer ISE, in
Freiburg. And the Science Park Gelsenkirchen, the Ruhr's information hub on all
matters concerned with energy, is on hand to
assure translation of knowledge into practice,
organizing a powerful current of interchange between all universities, colleges and
relevant faculties, Research & Development
institutions, and commercial enterprises.
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Seite 14
High-ranking delegations from around the globe visit the Science Park
Gelsenkirchen to see future energies in action - including, for example,
this party headed by Shri Vinay Vialsrao Kore (Minister of NonConventional Energies of the Indian province of Maharashtra), which
accompanied the Indian energy minister at the 4th international "New
Energy Markets 2006 - Focus on India" symposium.
The symbol of structural change in the Ruhr: the Science Park Gelsenkirchen.
This long, glass-fronted building, recipient of multiple architectural awards,
is an established international meeting point for the energy industry.
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"International contacts are of
extreme importance in our industry.
Subsidiaries represent us in Spain
and South Korea, and we have a
branch and a production Joint
Venture in Taiwan. Solar City
Gelsenkirchen is the ideal starting
point for our activities."
Thomas Sandner,
Chairman of abakus solar AG
Platform for international contacts
Solar City Gelsenkirchen occupied an important place in the international limelight and
competition from the very start. The Science
Park plays an active role in supporting the
internationalization of regional energy companies, performing location-marketing functions for the Ruhr, as a leading energy region
within Europe, for example and, in addition,
providing an ideal platform for exportorientated companies, as both an agency and
a center for top-line events. This is the venue
for international symposia, export platforms,
employment, technical and consumer fairs and
exhibitions, along with corporate events
focusing on future energies. Important decision-makers use the Science Park as a showpiece venue. It was therefore no coincidence
that the envoy from the Chinese embassy
selected precisely this location to announce
to the western world the basic principles of
China's own Renewable Energies Act which,
incidentally, also contains numerous elements
originating from its German counterpart.
The VisitorCentre RuhrEnergy, which organizes
excursions through the "EnergyRegion Ruhr"
for specialist delegations from both home
and abroad, has also enjoyed lively interest
for many years.
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Pioneer in environmentally safe fuels: Ruhr Oel GmbH, a Joint Venture
between Deutsche BP AG and Venezuela's state-owned oil corporation,
The know-how of medium-sized consulting firm BBB Umwelttechnik GmbH
(Photo: directors G. and J. Binotsch) is now in great demand around the
world for the construction of wind-farms. These specialists in the management of regenerative energy technologies provide a comprehensive range
of services, including project studies and analyses for international investors, appraisals, all-in approval planning, up to and including site
management, commissioning and technical operational management.
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"The enormous structural transformation achieved in Gelsenkirchen is reflected in our company
history. When my grandfather
founded the company nearly
125 years ago, he knew, of course, about windmills - but the
Masterflex AG's Cargobike, seen here in use with Germany's Telekom telecommunications corporation, is propelled by fuel cells.
"new" energy then was coal!
Now, as so often, the tables are
turning again!"
Dipl.-Oec. Ingrid BrandFriedberg, CEO, August
Friedberg GmbH
Wind power and new mobility concepts
Fastening and connecting systems for wind-energy installations, including
tower and rotor-blade fixings, are produced in Gelsenkirchen by August
Friedberg GmbH.
A whole lot of things are also rotating around
the subjects of wind energy and mobility in our
city of the legendary "Schalke Gyro" soccer tactic. BBB Umwelttechnik GmbH, for instance,
has implemented its own project developments
throughout Europe since 1996, and has, in
addition, analyzed for various investors more
than 16,000 MW of planned or already completed wind-farms around the globe, a cumulative
output equivalent to the capacity of five coalfired power plants. August Friedberg GmbH, a
long-established company with more than 125
years of corporate history, and origins in the
production of bolts for the mining industry, has
also benefited from the wind-power boom - the
company is now the world leader in fastening
and connecting components for wind-energy
installations, which have to withstand enormous natural forces.
And in the field of mobility, various Gelsenkirchen
companies have acquired world-leading expertise
in alternative fuels and energy sources:
Emscher Lippe Energie GmbH, for example, not
only powers its own vehicle fleet with natural gas,
it also operates one solar and two natural gas
filling stations in its territory. Masterflex AG has
opened new perspectives for hydrogen-fueled
vehicles with the development of fuel-cell
powered bicycles at its subsidiary in neighbouring
Herten. And Deutsche BP AG, jointly with its
partner Petroleos de Venezuela (PdVSA), is ensuring the ever more energy-efficient refining of
environmentally safe hydrocarbon products at
the consortium's two refineries in the Gelsenkirchen suburbs of Horst and Scholven; the
fuels manufactured at these locations have
been sulfur-free since 2002, with the addition
of biocomponents since 2004.
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Seite 18
The Vaillant Group manufactures some 100,000 solar collectors annually,
equivalent to a total collector surface area of more than 250,000 m2,
on its production line opened in Gelsenkirchen in mid-2008.
Highly automated production at the Vaillant plant in Gelsenkirchen:
the collectors made here are marketed not only in Germany, but also in
Spain, France, Italy, Austria and the Netherlands.
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Seite 19
"Within the globally active
Vaillant Group, Gelsenkirchen is
the most important manufacturing location for products based
on regenerable energies. Production of environmentally friendly
and energy-saving heat pumps
started here in 2006, and was
joined in June, 2008, by the
manufacture of solar collectors
for efficient utilization of heat
from the sun."
Franz Kleinschnittger,
Plant Manager, Vaillant Group
Solar thermics, heat pumps and biogas
Hese Biogas GmbH designs and constructs turnkey biogas systems for
diverse applications and feedstocks. Thirty-five skilled employees design
biogas installations to international industrial standards in Gelsenkirchen, while a comprehensive range of services, extending from
commissioning through to optimization of yield and the processing of
fermentation residues, ensures that the energy contained, for example,
in liquid manure, organic byproducts and residues, and in waste and
regenerable raw materials is optimally utilized.
The times when local miners heated their
cottages to room temperature and above with
their free coal allowances have long since
receded into history in Gelsenkirchen –
instead, you will nowadays find solar-thermal
installations for preparation of hot water
and for booster heating on numerous roofs
in all parts of the city. And more and more
of these systems originate from Gelsenkichen
– the Vaillant Group, a long-established
family-owned local company from Remscheid,
has produced around 100,000 solar collectors
annually, with a total collector surface area
of 250,000m2, at its Gelsenkirchen plant
since 2008. Production of energy-saving
heat pumps, which obtain 75 percent of the
energy required for heating and for hot water
from the environment, had already started
two years previously. The Vaillant Group also
manufactures modern ventilation equipment
with integrated heat recovery for use in lowenergy houses, energy-efficient gas-fired
condensing-type heating systems, and spares
for both ranges, in Gelsenkirchen. And success
stories are also being written in Gelsenkirchen
with the use of biogas for heat generation.
Hese Biogas GmbH plans and constructs
turnkey installations for precisely this purpose, while Gelsenwasser AG also feeds biogas
into the natural gas distribution network,
enabling its use as a fuel in domestic households.
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Seite 20
Solarstadt Gelsenkirchen e. V.
Craft enterprises in Gelsenkirchen have above-average experience in using
and handling new energy technologies; the district crafts and trades guild
participates in projects ranging from modernization of existing properties
up to and including the "solar-roof" survey.
A sunny reception for football fans from around the world: the solar roof
mounted on Gelsenkirchen's central station has been the trademark of
Solar City Gelsenkirchen since the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany™. This
installation was sponsored, among other contributors, by the Sparkasse
Gelsenkirchen savings bank and Emscher Lippe Energie GmbH.
Many of the focused meetings and events held in Gelsenkirchen are addressed to entrepreneurs, including, for example, the reception held by the Wirtschaftsinitiative economic initiative, which is open to all
enterprises. In addition, leading companies covering all aspects of the regenerable energies sector focus
and concentrate their commitment in the Förderverein Solarstadt Gelsenkirchen e.V. promotion initiative.
Setting-up of the Förderverein Solarstadt Gelsenkirchen e.V.
(2004) promotion initiative.
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"We are aware of the importance of
solar projects for our city; we provide
our customers with individual financing concepts, including subsidies,
and this is a well-received formula:
in fact, we were involved in the
implementation of the three largest
solar installations in Gelsenkirchen."
Eberhard Bresslein,
Chairman of the Sparkasse
Gelsenkirchen savings bank.
Industrial development and economic promotion
In the run-up to the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany™, our solar city began to search for its soccer stars:
More than 6,000 people, including numerous companies and corporate networks, featured the solar goal wall
in their events and on their sites. A total of over 20,000 euro was scored for solar and educational projects
as the benefit of this SolarCup.
Whether it's the physiotherapist, the treasurer
on the board, or the kit boy - every team's success depends on a whole range of specialists,
and Solar City Gelsenkirchen has one of the
world's best back-up organizations at its disposal. A large range of craft enterprises in
Gelsenkirchen has acquired experience well
above the average in the handling and use of
new energy technologies. The district crafts
and trades guild is involved in projects ranging from the modernization of existing properties up to and including the "solar-roof"
survey, and the various trade and commerce
chambers, the Wirtschaftsinitiative Gelsenkirchen economic initiative, and the representative bodies of many industries are also
supporting and sponsoring development. In
addition, the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
has consistently promoted the Solar City
within its Clusters policy, and the EnergyAgency.NRW, for example, has its headquarters
in the Gelsenkirchen Science Park. Numerous
specialist congresses and marketing platforms,
including the "International VisitorCentre
RuhrEnergy", for example, have also received
financial support as a component of state policy. And - ultimately, of course, finance is
always vital - the banks also play an important
role in the implementation of these projects;
with their membership of the Solarförderverein Solarstadt Gelsenkirchen e.V. solar
promotion initiative for Gelsenkirchen, the
city's two leading lending institutions – the
Sparkasse Gelsenkirchen savings bank and
Volksbank Ruhr Mitte - clearly demonstrate
their receptiveness to the utilization of
regenerable energies. Not a few projects, in
fact, owe their implementation to the farreaching commitment of the city's economic
promotion organization and the environmental and urban planning departments.
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Facts for your location decision
Central location
Four autobahns (freeways), with ten access points
Two federal highways, and seven hundred kilometers of urban roads
Germany's busiest canal-located harbour, on the Rhine-Herne Canal
Direct ICE high-speed rail link to Düsseldorf International Airport
Intensive and efficient local and regional transportation in the
Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr local and regional transport alliance
265,870 persons (June 30, 2008)
Land utilization
Total urban area of which
· Transportation infrastructure
· Supply and disposal
· Water
Built-up area of which
· Residential
· Commercial and industrial
· Trade and services
10,486 ha
1,630 ha
252 ha
315 ha
4.363 ha
928 ha
1,219 ha
125 ha
Attractive sites for service-sector,
residential and commercial developments
Graf Bismarck district
Future Schalker Verein location
14.1 ha
22.9 ha
18.0 ha
13:16 Uhr
Seite 23
Published by:
City of Gelsenkirchen
Economic Development Department
Munscheidstraße 14
45886 Gelsenkirchen
Conception and implementation:
Werbeagentur F.A.C.E. GmbH
Editor: Sabine von der Beck
English: Malcolm Eley, Duisburg
Kerstin Neumann, Cornelia Fischer and
Inka Vogel kindly supplied photographic work for this brochure
Our sincere thanks for support and
photos go to: abakus solar AG, August
Friedberg GmbH, BBB Umwelttechnik GmbH,
Courtyard by Marriott Gelsenkirchen,
Deutsche BP AG, E.ON Engeneering GmbH,
E.ON Fernwärme GmbH, Emscher Lippe
Energie GmbH, Evonik STEAG GmbH,
Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen, FraunhoferInstitut für Solare Energiesysteme,
GELSENWASSER AG, Handwerkskammer
Bildungszentrum Münster, Hans Jürgen
Schmidt, Hese Biogas GmbH, LOXX Logistikzentrum, Manfred Vollmer, Masterflex GmbH,
Stadt Gelsenkirchen, Stadtmarketing Gelsenkirchen, Thomas Gödtner, THS Wohnen
GmbH, Vaillant Group, Vestas Wind Systems
A/S, Wirtschaftsinitiative Gelsenkirchen,
Wissenschaftspark Gelsenkirchen
Printed by:
Makossa Druck und Medien GmbH
City of Gelsenkirchen
economic development council
Councillor Joachim Hampe
45875 Gelsenkirchen
Tel. +49 209 169-2204
E-Mail: [email protected]
13:16 Uhr
Seite 24